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Exeter Times, 1907-12-12, Page 6
YOUNd FOLKS THE GIPSY PARTY. 9 wish there was sontelthing acv 1c play when lege consuls Dome," c•)ru planned Molly-, sitting down b(•fore open llro for her little good -night !al with Must Mary. "After the dinner over, all the grown-ups s,t don an talk about family things. and !her will be four of us—wil!i nothing to dol "1 hato been thinking about that too," 611d Aunt Mary, who alway know Just what was right in tttc t.ot loin of your heart and ►nand. "Las year you had the Runes in the nur eery, and the year Wore the game w the barn. Now tt by don't you lav u gipsy party?" Malty was iso Impre.seed with ll Idea that she nearly burned her roes In the lire. "And we could ask soul of the girls that. aren't cousins, coutdn' we?" Melly had lived 1:1 her grandmothe" house ever since sole could remember and so there was nothing new to loo forward to in time way of a viral; bi it was the time of year when her epi cousins carne down, and she wattle( to do something different trent wha they did at tome. There was much planning and whis 'wring during the week following, ant Molly counted ,he days to Thanksgiv Ing. After dinner was over on Than!csgiv Ing day. the children spent some ihn with books and play, but when it be- gan to be a little gray, and the shn dews wene creeping down the field there was a tap at the door, and .Mol ly opened it, to greet lour more bitl girls and thrx'p boys who lived near. She called the cousins, ad amid man questions and much laughter, she tol them to put on their thickest wraps end then site tied over the chnulder o each a bright scarf of Turkey red and each a brilliant head-dress. \Vit lanterns 4hey set off across the field headed by Aunt Molly and Uncle Jack Over the fence they climbed, and made_ their way to the edge of th wood, and when they came to a craggy knoll, they saw a fine of logs blazing on a great flat reek, and all about i were little stools and crickets fashion( !roam stumps. A sort of tent, with an opening to allow the smoke and blitz l) rise safely, was placed over thei hearts, and it was as cozy as could be A big pot was hung over the blaze from which Uncle Jack brought mugs el hat chocolate. The Anst thing on the progrmmne was n gipxsy song, sung by Aunt Mary and UMW Jack. on:I then a basket was trrought out, and each one was given n long, p-otnte1 stick, on which was a little apple. The nppbr.s were set down near the blaze to mast, and when done were to be speared with the stick. While these were rollsting. Aunt Molly passed from ono to the other, and looking at each palm, told a very hap•,)} fortune. Next, Uncle Jack brought out the corn -popper, and down in the 'bed of coals ho popped the flaky white Remoi&; and quite fest he had to work, for the keen air made hearty appetite,. There were guessing gam(ts and gallle5 of skill, and riddles and con- undrunLI, and for the one who guess- ed one --and for those who did not— there were pretty little strings of beads le wear hetet. And then, as the flre grew tower and the night came, They all joined hands and danced about the fire. "That was just the best piney of the Thanksgiving," they declared, when they came Into the Cause. "Wo think 11 Ls much nicer to alt on sturnps than en \'hairs." Rut 1 rather think grandma's beds will he mere e.mlfertable than a cara- van," neighed grenelpa, as he made room for them by the Are. --Youth's Companion. TIHEJ;n IIY A TIGRESS. Unexpected %feelin(p on it Jungle Path- way In India. 1 was patrolling the jungle paths he - 4t '011 Iter., .,! my ehowkies, accompanied by my jerna•tar, and of approaching an e e i x tu' le(tnallly prick patch wo were i,tratled by hearing a tiger roar alnost at our feet, saps a writer in the Ma- dras Mail. 1 coughed pretty loudly to Ir t hint knew that we were near, but judging by the growls he was dLspos-• ed to dispute the tight of way. .\s we) wen) unarmed swift retreat was Um only way In escape the dan- ger. 1 soon found a Tree. up which 1 "athitetwei' till forme Twenty feet from the gmund. but on looking rotund for my jernadar 1 found he was milking iranhc effOrte !n climb one, but slipped to the bottom after each endeavor. So 1 railed Mal to any perch, and had just hauled hint up when a fine Ifgrecs emerged from the Jungle, followed by qi Iwo small cups. she passed under our tree and saun- tered Into the thicket. but reappeared a 10w minutes later. without time cubs, and remained watching tm:e for some Lnle. apparently considering if It was worth while to claw tis off our perch- e-. After some embarrassing moments ditelive of the bJueL1. "1 r,,,_ks he .t -appeared, 01111 my jeltitu,ir, olio harp been dumb while the interview lasted, found lbs voice and gave longue 111 the most agonizing yell to the rest of our party. who were close behind, to come to our assistance. y, :eno, however, eppeare.i. and it L- well they dm not, en the tigress %oul.l prob:.41y have attacked them. Aller r5inalnllig in the tree for en hour or so we de)sc'nded and saw no 1H(r• of mar unttelMme visitor, "l.eur daugh'er tz a skillful performer On the piano, Is sh.) not Y' asked the tamlly friend. "hes," answered Mr. Chnningham. "The way she can play lo. hours without getting an earache or e sprained wrist ptoses to me that she's Stf&.rlinonly 651.002• MISS HARRINGTON OF DETROIT SAYS: "I Caught a Severe Cold Which Settled in Catarrh. I Began Taking Pc-ru-na And Found it a Faithful Helper''. I Heartily Recommend Pe-ru-na." MISS CELIA HARRINGTON. rj ISS CELIA HARRINGTON, 203 Second Ave., Detroit, Mich., tori:es: 1 l "Weakness has filled many months of my life with suffering. "Through carelessness I caught a severe cold two years ago which set- tled in catarrh and seriously interfered wiblt the regular functions of the body and made me nervous and irritable. "I began taking Peruna and fund in it a faithful helper, as it enriched my blood and invigorated the whole system. "1 have no pains now, and am always well. "1 heartily recommend Peruna as a reliable medicine." Health and Strength Restored. Mrs. A. E. Stouffer, Capioma, Kansas, writes: "Peruna hits given n10 beulih and strength; it is the best medicine that was ever made for worsen. My friends say they never saw such a change in n w•onian. 1 talk to every ono about Peruna. 1 cannot say too much for it." 1'e-ru-na in Tablet Form.—For two years Dr. Ilnrinnan and his assistants have Incessantly labored to crea.to Pe- runa in tablet form. and their strenu- ous .labors have just been crowned with success. People who object to liquid medicines can now secure Pe- runa Tablets, which represent the me- dicinal ingredients of Peruna. Each tablet is equivalent to ono average dose of Peruna. Fur Years an invalid. Mrs. Charles Gros Louis, Ind:an Lorette, Quebec, Canada, writes: "For years I suffered from a disease that the doctors did not understand. "Ono day I read in lite paper about your excellent remedy, Peruna. I pro- cured a bottle of it and took it accord- ing to directions. It was not long un- til 1 observed a -change for the better. "1 can say that Peruna has cured me. 1 could not lake any nourishment ex- cept milk. "1 tient at all timesold for Peruna. I hit in the highest esteem." Catarrh of Head and Throat. Mrs. William 11. Ilinchliffe, 20 Myrtle St., Beverly, Mass., writes that Peruna has (lone her a great dent of good for catarrh of head and throat. say a good word ROBBBED 1:NCi.E rl' S\IAi1T TRICK. His Nephew Impersonated ppm to Ills Notary. Marcel Laurent, aged 17, was sen- tenced at Nancy, France, to eighteen months' hard labor, and a feltuw-sta- dent, Emile Vincent, to three years' penal servitude, for defdrnudiug Lau - rent's uncle, who land promised to keep a sharp eye on his wayward nephew. Marcel, after a few weeks al Imps uncle's house, discovered that lit had 1400 worth of stock ell a certain bank. Knowing That every afternoon the uncle went to a cafe, the two youths bought n while beard and wig, and Vincent succeeded in milking himself up to look like M. Laurent. '111en Jhlrcel went le his uncle's notary and said, "My uncle kte very 111, end requires your presence this afternoon." • The notary arrived. The (icor was pinned to him by Marcel, who eon - ducted him lo the supposed sick mania bedroom. The windows were closed and the curtains drawn, derkness be- ing relieved only Uy n night light. in the bed lay \'intent, who, in a feeble voice, broken with terrible fits of coughing, explained That he wished the Notary lo 'Prepare a power of attorney lo enable his nephew to drew time tet. - 000 worth of securities from the bank. ;The notary, who snid he ons c(nt- plelely deceived, and feared 'that his client might expire al any moment, drew up the document. The nephew ohloined the securities, and decided to e .go to Paris to negotiate them, when the nretnry accidentally exposed Pie ,plot by meeting one of M. Laur.'nts frlendi, and asking him if he were still alive. The youths were erre.te d at the siafion. t DOCTORS T11O11:11T HARI' WAS CONSUMPTIVE:. A i.ErrEn TO ANXIOUS MOTIIERS is written by Mrs. F. W. Kittie, of i !rkdole, 1'. 0., who says: "My little t-yearold boy suffered since he was 18 'mina's old from n bad Icg. I tried many salves and had doctors attend him, 'but none did him any good. Tho doctors told me It was in the blood. and 1►e was in consumption. I only •;• '' rent/ 1 hm;(j had more faith in %arm -link, for it immediately iscate(1 the boys leg. Ile is now nearly 1 years old and lrtoks far from being censurer). live. Ile is now n strong, healthy boy, thanks 10 7.am-B1►k. 1 hope Ihls letter will help many anxious mothers." Mothers Take Heart. Don't be dis- couraged because everything hes failed in heal your child until you hove tried Lam-Ruk. 'last -Bok is N'atere's Heel - ng Balm. and quickly overcomes and removes all dell' diseases. 11 is eel - all), good ter young and old. For all skin dbcs,s . 7,am-Buk Ls without equal. it cures ulcers, fester- ing motet ringworm, cuts, briiLees, chapped hands, bolls, ecs►ms, ,to. All seem aid druggists seal 7.am- Ruk at SO oasts a box, or least -paid from ale L4.m0811)t Co., Toronto. f A PAUPER STILL SUING STORY OF AN OLD MANS STRUGGLE FOR JUSTICE. In Courts 19 fears, and the Litigation Was all Due to a Watch That Slopped Running. Al the crown o01ce of the law courts in London, England, a few days ago, a little; while -haired okl man, still spry en his pins despite his 87 years, walked into one of the departnnenLs and de- posited a bulky document which proved is be an nfliduvit, writes a London currespenIenl. "1t relates to an action which 1 am taking against the crown and Porlianlent for £20,000 damages, • he told the clerk, "and 1 wont to sue in forma pauper's." '1'hcrely hangs one of the most amaz- ing stories of n struggle for justice against legal barricades, cirrunntocu- tion, red tape and olitcfal apathy that 1:as ever emerged from the law courts. John William Burt is the name of the octogennrian litigant. His stilt for $ 1 I r' .. 10 leN owes - es iLs origin to the purchase of a' watch one November dny nineteen years ago. Burt was then a farmer in far (listen! Tasmania. Ile paid $25 fur the watch, which he bought of a watch- maker in Fingal, gelling with it a gu- aranty u- ara Ir mt e , of Iwo year.s. Time watch steepp ed after running setenloen hours. With the &topping of that cheap gold watch Hurt's troubles started, and they have kept going ever since. ihrrt a'nl the watch hack to the wnteh►nake►' to .bo sot slrafght. 'flue wntoli that was returned I( hhn was net the watch he had paid $:5 for, he snys, but one of inferior quality. Hurt thereupon brought an action against the watchmaker. The magistrate be - fere than the case carne advised Burt b' accept a judgment of non -suit and, in Rte presence of a witness, return the wal''h lo the watchmaker and then sue again to remver Ills own timepiece. BURT ACTED ON THIS ADVICE„ The watchmaker acknowledged the re- ceipt of the wan.:l► by wiping up the fl. or with Burt. Ile had to lay up for repairs for several weeks after that. As soon as he was able to leave his bed he sued the watoluraker for as- sault and battery. When the case camp up for Trial It turned out That, instead of t, judgment of non -suit In the thst pmceedings, a verdict ngalnst Burt had been entered. in effect that was n legal derision that the welch - maker was the aggrieved part!• and that Burt had falsely orcuseel trim of swindling. In view of tile. the court dismissed the action against the watch- maker and saddled the whole cost on poor Burl. Since then his lite has teen ono continuous &Tuggle to obtain a rehearing of his Arlt suit. That a wrong verdict lied been en. t‘re4 waa admitted, but as the law wilt interpreted by the legal authorities of Tasmania, there was no method by which the wheels of justice could be made to revolve Wvkwerd and substi- tute a right verdict for the wrung one. The watchmaker had a lig political gull and that was exerted against Burt to the utmost. Burt epea!•ed to the to::ul courts for redre.es half a dozen times. with no other result than to get himself 1m - preened for contempt. ',sally, the in ,13.1 t:a; hLUu,:lt t•a!er„ lie Tas- inan:an d'arliau;.'i t .\ sc•le,t c�uuniticc teas ul,i i inted, which REPt)R'1'Et) IN BURT FAVOR. But that did not sullice to give hint a fresh start in the litigation, with the wrong verdict erased A.surdinel to tliv opinion of the chief justice of the colony, Sir \Villiant Dobson, he could obtain a legal clean state only through a special act of the imperial Parlia- ment In London and the royal assent threreto. It had taken Burt eleven years of continuous lighting to find out that. In tate tive mthih , the lawyers had gobbled up his farm and his means were utterly exhrusted. Public feeling or, 1pehulf of the old man arils had been beggared in hLs efforts to obtain justice was strongly aroused in Tas- mania. A fund was raised to enable hum to Mile to England and renew the fight there. Ito arrived LI► 1899. Ile appealed to the privy ce-euncil, to Queen Victoria and later to King Edwerd. The only result thus fur has been lite accumulation of a mass of oflicial oor- respondeuce thatwould fill a furniture van. Time wrong verdict still stands against him. No compensation for all lie has lost in striving to set it right bus ever been awarded hire. Thnt he will succeed In his present endeavor when he is seeking to sue as a pauper Is extremely irnpnobable. Ofiicinldnm regards hint as that worst of all nuisances --a crank with n genu- ine grievance. The tragedy and pa- tties of his struggle make no appeal to it. That sort of thing cannot be docketed and pigeonholed. Nearly a sconce of years of his life have been de- voted to A FUTILE STRUGGLE up get something done for him which nobody disputes ,Ile Ls justly entitled to And it is such a simple thing. Merely the drawing of a line through an official record that is acknowledged to bo false and the substitution of an- other entry for it. Of course, the old man long ago ex- huusted the money that was subscribed for hien in Tasmania. For several years he supported -himself by peddling matches and shoe laces in the streets. Then lie met with time one stroke of good fortune that he has encountered since that unlucky watch Mopped run- ning. He ran across Dick Seddon, the late famous premier of New Zealand, when Inc latter was over here on some effete of state. Ile and Seddon had been partners for some six months in the early days of the Australian nold tlelds. Because of that the warm- hearted Seddon mode eine provision fr,'• him which relieved him of the ne- cessity of earning a precarious live: - hood as a Licensed hawker. eke__ Holloway's Corn Cure Ls the ntedIcine tel remove nit kinds of corns and warts end only ousts the small sum of twen- ty-five cents. "Have yon broken off your engage- ment, old man? What's the nutter?" "Well, 1 tvas hard Hp, you see, so 1 quarrelled and had ell my presents re- turned, and was able to retain, hpon them. Couldn't possibly have raised the money hay (Aber way." fleece!) AT MK RACK OP THS HMS, ' The D A L " Menthol Plaster allays nervous ex - ells meat. They are equally as efficacious is sen ralgia, backache and muscular pains. An old gentleman finding a ceuple of his nieces fencing the other day with hrocinsticks, sa(d•—"(:orae, come, my dears; that kind of accomplishment tvill not help you to get husbands." "I know it, uncle," responded ono of the girls, "but it will help us to keep our husbands f.. order when we hnvo !hent." in Nalnrr's Storehouse 'there are Cures. — Medical experiments have shown conclusively lint there are me- dicine' virtues in even ordinary plants growing up around us w'it'h give (hent a value that cannot he esllmnf- ed. It is held by some that Nature provides a euro for every disease whiten neglect and ignorance have visited up- on man. however, this may be, it is well known that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. distilled from roots and tierl.s, are n sovereign remedy In curing all disorders of the digestion. A striking example of pr(:<enee of mind had ju5.t occurred i11 the hislf ry lesson, and the Ieneher considered It an opportune moment for lnculcating upon her class the ninny ndvnnlages of resourcefulness. "Now, childr• 1,•' site said, "supposing n tiger were to seize one of you to its hungry jaws 011(1 carry you off info the jungle, what tvoull you to?' No reply. "leat tell me, Tommy," she continued, point- ing to one of 'he brightest youngsters. Tommy hesitated. "Cane, 'Tommy.' she said. "Would you cry for help?" "No, ma'am," tcnid he; "mother ..ads little boy shouldn't speak at men! links,'' ISSUE O. GL't'rING RIGIR'. Possible &order: "Ah, tltet was a rip- punat dinner. and if that was a fair sample of your meals t should like to come le terns.,' Scotch Fanner: "13,fure wo gang any further, was that a fair sauiple 0' yc•r appetite?'' A cure for Costiveness.- Costiveness ooutes teem the refusal of the excre- tory organs to perform their dunes regulurly from contributing causes usually ditordcred digesteen. Panne - lee's to I'ilis, prepared on sci- entific principles, ere is) ooumpounered that CC) tail' ingredients itt them pens through Lite slw11ucb and act upon the bowels 60 88 to t,•euiove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thousands aro prepared to bear tsstilromy to their power in this re- spect. "Dees your tiusl.and sleep sound?" asked Mrs. Coble, in the course of n call upon Mite. Dobbs, "Sound?" re- sponded Mrs. Dabbs. "Well, 1 should say se! 1 don't believe you or any - betty else ever heard such sound. It's enough to stop an alarm clock!" MARK THIS DISTINCTION : A purely local dtsea:e of the akin, like hsrber's !lob, is atreit 1, Wur er,s Cerate &Idn& nut where the blood [a le>tulid with Impurity, such ae Halt Rheum, Wearer's Syrup also should be used. Ile: "Mabel, you grow more bea,atiful evevy dny 1" She (pleased): "Oh, Jack; you do exaggerate!" lie: "Web, hien, every ether day I" There is nothing equal to Mother Gravies' Worm I xtern,ina13r for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfa..tion, Mrs. Fondma--'i here) Isn't baby the Image of his father?" Oldatnum—"Ab- solutelyl Same lack of expression, same red nose, no teeth to speak of— and, by George, prematurely bald, tco I" ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagion; Itch In hurnan or animals cared in 30 nioute.s by Wol- fcrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. FINGERPO.S'TS TO FORTUNE. Create a personality. This is perhaps r• .le of the greatest secrets which lead to uccess. Amongst your o•nt little circle let your influence be felt, gradually the circle will bo widened, and you will have a larger field to exert that influence. Never neglect an opportunity. There are many people to -day who know that they have not tvon either wealth or fame because they were afraid to venture, afraid to take the path which suddenly cloned out to them. To succeed wants courage. If an opportunity suddenly Iocros before you, (here is no time to ponder as to whether you have the necessary qualifications to undertake it. The place is there ready to be filled; it roust be taken, and yon trust nt once resolve to All it. :Nuke no enemies. 'this nt fleet, may sent impossible, but nothing is impossible to him who wills. "1f you have friends. you have enemies," is the popular belief, but that is not so. WfAT DO PROPER NERD wheat* run down anomie. pale listless? "Perrovim," tlta bes, Ionic. 1t bundle, makes strong it gives new lila There are many tonins but only one " Frerovla. Iic—"Tell me, confidentially, how much did that bonnet oast you?" She --"C"mrgc, (here is but one way in which you can obtain the right to in- spect my millinery bills.' He popped. Olsen what appear to be the most trivial occurrences of life prove to be the most noinentous. Many are dis- posed to regard n cold as a slight thing. deserving of little consideration, and Ibis neglect often results in most seri- cus ailments enlniting years of suf- fering. Drive out colds and coughs with !tickle's Anti-Consunmptite Syrup, the recognized remedy for all affec- tions ffepions of the throat and lungs. 0- A MURDERER S PARAfISR. Switzerland Is the murderer's para- dise, 1f the story told of Lucchesi. the Italian Anarchist and assassin of the Empress Eltsabeth of Austria, Le true. Lucchesi did not act wllh.)ut reason when rte chose Genet a for the scene o1 tits clime. According to a well -inform - e.1 correspondent the assassin enjoys Gen* meals a day, plenty of fresh air, exercise and permission to smoke his pipe at the expense of the Government. He listens le lectures dclitered by u pr)fessor of languages, engages •n fight %%silk, for which he is pukl, and reads the besb classical end cunteni- 'emery authors. it is IA( surprising to hear that his health is excellent, and that after studying Voltaire, %Ion- tesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau he is now preparing to write his own memoirs. She: "I'm surprised at your kissing rue in the C4nlservalsWy just now i' l le: "My dear Miss l'eachlcigh, it's u failing of mine. I'm a chronic osculatory klep- tomaniac !" Trial Pelves Its Excellence.—The Rest testimonial one can have of the virtue of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the treatment of bodily pains, coughs, colts and affections of lite respiratory organs, is a trial of it. If not found the r(vereign remedy it Ls reputed to be, then it they be rejected as useless, and all that has been said in lis praise denounced as untruthful. Teacher --"The trunk Ls the middle part of the body. Fr(ddio—"1 say, teacher, I think you'd better go to the circus and see the elephant!" 17 Q EASY TO LET a cold hang as Kaci night and dal we are sure 1t will be gope, but it stays with n+. Allen's Lang H.alsam will shook its ad. vane* and restore benIth. SILENCE IS GOLDEN. Joakley: '"There's a fellow who Oyes himself dead away every time he starLs talking." Coakley: "You don't say? What's the trouble?" Joakley: "Ito makes his living by pos- Ing as a (leaf and dumb beggur." "Do you know, my husland had a ter- rible habit of sleeping in church, but he broke himself of lt." "How?" "Gave ur going." Shiloh ' Use Shiloh's Cure 5for the worst cold, thesharpest cough —try it on aguar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE a nicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take,—nothing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 26c., trot., al. SO Cure Cures Coughs �'b and Colds QUICKLY THE VAUJE Or COD UVC11 011. No physician would dispute the value of CUL TJv►K ('.1. In Danns, and 41111111101111111111111.1101111111191 puluouar dt.o.ie . it Wo nauseous watts di wt so dentias •1itestign as Gs wore ►tial oenuterwct the goad done br We thetsp:uue principles ut the ell in "SNICK'S TASTKI.Y+`3" utero is o, grew* It ineroWe the appetite, etlniulats• the dt4es`ive, h.r'murales the eetrev by nu cis tee the a. and CURL$ Coughs. Cnhis end Hrun.bltts. sr!iour aonarquen.es. as lite weakened 16• Lilno.y use is an Inrnrnnco aa�getnst sy stent la a rey to germd..e lee., such as 1'utterculo.tt4 'ryphuld and 140w hover.', and 1 iph.hen•(. Bel. k's guarantee sr:Ih ever y bo; i to is iv, evidence of our (aim In this tuateh:e.s Prrpesraaun. •'nlill'K'N 'fA2irlil,Er� ' Is put up to eight (S. ()mice ,aired, retail pre.' fifty 001 encu. •..,1 11 twee, ells sauce bottles, rt•:* pc to bre epi dut,"r. •Nae••-•-•-••eevseeosocss••... REA[. STICKERS. The teacher had been reading to the class about the great (crests of America. "And now, boys," she announced afterward, "wh'Lch one of you can telt ate the pine that has the longer t and sharp. est needles?" Up went a hand in the front row. "Tote porehpine, nul'ant." 'there Ls something wrong with ttii !ride who doesn't select a homelier girl than herself for her bridesnma:J. Spo�ial Notice, 1815.00 rank will 1,11y new upriei t pies,., u y warranted. Write ?'all e:.ror pep t,1 nn n!, HN t.t•:Atli NANO CO. Ltd., Montreal, 1.1 llustrated catalugua. FIATHER DYEING Cl.snlug and l uriing and Yid (:loves s;r.r:e1 1 t.aJ eaa tw sent by post, le per or.. U,• lest erste is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINC CO. MONTREAL very W01118111W0111811111114I& 1$1dut k.ow ARVELNt+tirCee i .ray, 'Me sew!74-34 er•t t r �ppWi fills per its E Yl I.s`�r'rr (ha tto .but e.•td stristy for lastsasefl ok—stand. re vH tall para a Gadd direcu s le- 4��raammer��l�.ttr_�o ` iy 1.M t 6 T'' ,Y CO.. tl•Ind•nr, Out. lel gene for ('e, r.da. OLD WATCH FREE AND RING An Amert:an jlerr'seet Wane. .-fry eliued )'lata,? C.N, wsrranta.l is sM1 1k.ep corn actpinielold r I ar3..r. -"3 .) an a to a tr IQ Ilold W..tch oar. 1-ult� IIi,ajj(l�gtdt . 1 �i wiW a Spatial• stem, both, gain Cf relttes, at lee. eafreeeb. fan endr7lnoagqyronly 24 J.e 2enessead n5i4l1.1-40f►nJ.wwlerser7 FWlbouen .e water 1.4 nus. IrItl`Dtt aurrl.Z CO.. Dept. 618 11u.tetrs, Mu. FACTORY WITH Power, Heat, Electric Light, to Lease for a Terrn of Years. Central location. About ten thousand square feet In fcur floors and basement. Exoellent ahlpp n,, facilities Standard fire Sprinkler System. Low Insurance rate. MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Ado!aldo St. Welt, Toronto Eoofin, Is Ek y Right '%\� "05NAVth i/A' GSTEE � SHINGLES Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears, ---can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides are self=draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least in the long run. Made of 28- gaug© toughened sheet steel—only one quality used and that the best— bent cold and double -galvanized. Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily - The Padia People painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long nm. Oshawa Galyanized Steel Shin- gles cost only 414.60 a a q u a r e, 10 ft, x 10 ft, Tell us t h e area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with the cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. L e t us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question—tells some things you may not know. Send for TRIM Book -"Roofing Right" Get Our Offer Before You Roof a Thing Address our Nearest Warehotlrc : MONTREAL Pell ere a s • w. TORONiTO 11 Cblberree 9t. OTTAWA OD Rheims Pt. LONDON Dundas fit. 101 Ill hauw$ Canada. WINNIPEG ya r,umbanl ML Oshawa Galvanized S t e e l Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century Send for TRIM Book -"Roofing Right" Get Our Offer Before You Roof a Thing Address our Nearest Warehotlrc : MONTREAL Pell ere a s • w. TORONiTO 11 Cblberree 9t. OTTAWA OD Rheims Pt. LONDON Dundas fit. 101 Ill hauw$ Canada. WINNIPEG ya r,umbanl ML