HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-12, Page 1seta HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE • THIRTY-FIFTIi YEAR -NO 1783 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 12th 1907, $1.00 per year in advance. tt•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* 1 JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Xmas. Store News This Store has been headquarters for many years, and its popularity increases with each succeeding year. A vast amount of beautiful things at low prices. Christmas preparations this year are on a larger scale than ever. If you want most for your money in useful Gifts, then make this store your shopping headquarters. This Christmas time we will show you the largest range of holiday novelties we have ever shown before. Every piece new, bright and useful. No time like the present for Christmas shop- ping. Christmas Handkerchiefs l(y) doz. of plain and fancy Handkerchiefs. Bought spec- ially rot our Christmas trade, Some of the nicest we have ever shown. Our fancy ones are sure to please you as they surpass all previous efforts. Xmas. Gloves Our Glove stock contains all the new and correct thing in Gloves. Black and colored kid, undressed kid, silk -lined Mocha, Swedes in all colors, Cashmere and Ringwood in all shades. Xmas. Linens Doyhes,Tray ('loth.. Centre Tfeces, Sideboard Scarfs and ea cloth. They come in plain fancy or hemstitched and are a beautiful collection, Also a full line of Table Linens and Napkins. Silk Waists for Xmas. This is something you must not forget. For $1 or $5 we can give you some of the nic- est Silk or Net waists you have ever bought, in cream, white or black, Also a full line of black or cream Lustre Waists. Ladies' Xmas. Neckwear Our selections are solarlarge and so nice we simply cannot describe them. You must come and see them and be convinced that they are the most beautiful goods ever shown in Exeter. We have them from 15e to $1.50 and every one is a bargain. Xmas. Belts Have you seen the new Belts. We have theta. Just tine for Xmas. Wide and narrow leather. Elastic with cut steel trimming; Leather with cut steel trimming, Silk belts in all colors and the new Metallic belts and belting. Xmas. Furs Any one of our nice furs will make a very useful Xmas, gift. A nice Fur -lined or Fur Coat. Ruff, Muff, or Cap would be very nice. You will find us fully prepared tor all demands in finer urs, 1 S 2� 22 22 22 2 11 Xmas. Silks �£ Suitable for Dresses,Waists or Fancy work. All colors in Japs. Taffetas, Tamalins and others, You cannot do better than buy our silks as they are thoroughly reliable, DON'T FORGET THE MEN (They are handy about Xmas.) e a full We have looked after the Gent's want list, and have stock of the Newest Neckwear, Neckscarfs, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Do not fail to see the new Ties. 50 dozen for the Xmas. trade in nothing but the newest colors and designs. Don't -forget them. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. •♦++N+N+N+++•N•NN••• +NN++MNNNN+• •••,•+•••N•••••••• ++NN++NHNNNNN+N+ Only Eleven more Shopping Days Till Xmas Make use of those days and spend them at D Store TpsToshe ` U ate See our Lovely China, better and cheaper than ever was seen before, it is worth coining to see, We have China of every description, size and shape at almost half what it call he bought for elsewhere, We have everything in the line of Fancy Goods, Fancy Cases, Hat Pin Holders, Pin Cushions, Books of Poems 75c to $1, Fancy Bound Read- ing Books 22c each. Lots of Toys and Dolls for the Children. • See the Table and Counters. laden with the good things for evervbndy. I)on't forget our Candies and Fruit for the great Christmas trade. Our Groceries are perfection. Everything to in tke the gond things Any thing you want and dont see ask for it. We have the goods to please the most tfaetidioits. Give ns a call, we will suit von. D. COBBLEDICK DEERING'S BAZAAR B. B. GUNN DEAD South Huron's Member Expires at Ottawa After a Short Illness B. B. Gunn, Conservative member The news of his death was received of the Ominous for South Huron, in Exeter with feelings of deepest soy - died at 0:45 Monday night at St. Luke row, citizens feeling that in his death hospital, Ottawa, after an illness of they have sustained a personal loss. about one week. His death was not He was so charitable and good natur- unexpected, as it nes known since ed that it was a pleasure to know and Friday night that his coudition was meet hirn. most serious. He was one of Seaforth's foremost Mr. Gunn's health had not been the men, t'oth socially and politically, hav- best for some weeks, and while he was tg townsand in countyny councils,pociiincluding in the addressingthe Conservative meeting and o that of mayor of Seaforth, held here thtee weeks ago, he stated Early in 1904 Mr. Gunn was nomin that he had gotten out of a sick bed to; ated by the Conservatives of South attend, but the presence of Dr. Chis- Huron to contest the riding against holm and Mr. Broder had made bins Mr. Thomas Frazer at the general el - feel much better. ections and at the election in Novem- Shortly after his arrival at Ottawa l ber of the same year, was successful he complained of stomach trouble ; winning by 111 votes. and on the advice of his phyeician, he He was an active member of the entered the hospital, where for the { Seaforth Methodist church and was a first few days he seemed to improve. member of the trustee board. The late Mr, Gunn was horn near Wallacetown. Elgin County, where he spent 'he early part of his life. He moved to Seaforth many years ago and engaged as a general merchant, .q1,,.4.4,4.4•4.4.•i-,.•t.-F.t..;•.l..t.•f••!-+ which business he conducted until about a year ago when he disposed of Kirkt o n it, Deceased is survived by a widow '- and two sons, Gordon, a medical stud- ent at Toronto and John, a lad of 12 years. His mother also survives, liv- ing at the homestead in Elgin County The remains were taken to Seaforth Tuesday and the funeral will be held there t his afternoon. Friday night, however, he because worse and gradually sank. The late Mr. Gunn was one of the most popular men that ever sat in the Dominion parliament and In this rid- ing was beloved by Liberals as well as by the members of his own party. He was a man of good nature and was considered a roan of good busi- ness ability, was above the average as a debater, and among his fellows he was respected for his ideals of lift, being a man of inost exemplary habits He was of picturesque appearance, being over six feet in height and was a conspicuous figure in any gathering Zurich Mr. Fred llabeter was laid up II-, week on :account of illness. The regular meeting of the W. \I. C. 'r. 1'. was hell Wednesday after- noon at the residence of Mrs. 1'. !Ben- der. Ilesve 41 uont returned Friday front attending the County Council meeting at \Vingham. Mr. Joe Dirstein, who sold his bar- ber business to Fred Nt:nuts, of Hen- sal1, left town last week. ♦Irs. Henry \Vurnt .and family have moved into the dwelling recently purchased from Fred Ilea. sr. That tired languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little Liver fills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. U. S. Subscribers Will please note that we have to pay one cent postage on each paper going to the United States. This means that your subscription trust be paid in advance. \Vhen you see your subscription ex- piring reinit $1.50 for another' year so that you will not miss any copies of The Times. Locals Exeter Council -The retrains of Adam _ Whiteford, The Council met in Town Hall on who died at Virden, Man. on Deem- Monday Dec. 0th., 1907, at 5.20 p. tn. ber 1st, arrived in Exeter last Friday All members present. evening end were taken to the homeThe minutes o[ the Inst meeting held Nov. 25th were read of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Hawk- :and npprov- ins. The funeral was held Saturday ed. afternoon, interment being in the Mr. Jno. Mitchell asked for a re- fund plot in the Rogerville cemc- fund of $1.00 dog tax, not owning a tery.dog. The Reeve explained to Mr. • -The Provincial License Inspector Jno. Mitchell that the Council had no while here paid the Inspector for power to refund taxes after the South Huron and the License Cont Court of Revision had closed. missioners a very high compliment Mr. 11. E. Huston appeared on be - on their work by stating that he halt of the Public Library I#ioard,j Officers of L. 0. L. Kirkton are 4. had found the hotTls of bout la Huron, asking a grant of $35.00. Granted Shier. \V. M. V. tlollingslie•(d D. M. cleaner and better kept than those of 011 motion of J. I. ,Knight sec. by It. Robinson. Treas. ; Cap. I5,sey any riding he had visited. W. J. Ileautan.-Carried. Chap. ; A. Doupr, H. S.: S. Switzer - At the Annual Election of Offi- Solicitor L. 11. Dickson reported F. S.: ,A. Shier I). of C'.: 11. Shier Lec. ; E. Shier, Tyler. S. Brown. E. Kennedy, I. Jlollingshead, -Win. Rob- inson. W111. Manna. Coin. Times Christmas Calendars - \1'e have this year issued a very hand- some calendar, at a considerable ex- pense atMI which eve aro giving to subscribers paid up to January 1909. Those wishing calendars mailed send 5 cents for postage. \Ve have tubes for each calendar. Renew at once as they are going fast. An open meeting of the Orangemen will be held in Aberdeen Hall this evening to which everyone is invited. Robert Birmingham. of Toronto. Grand Organizer. %t ill 1.r pre<ent and give an address. The Telephone Company has com- pleted the installing of the: phones on the Elintville line and :Ire 110w• busily engaged in lyildieg from Ittisseldale to Henry Italfour's on the Thames Road. Mr. John Sutherland stet with a painful accident on Monday of Inst week. 4c which will necessitate ht., re- inaitling in for some time. ile was engaged in drawing straw and when The Choir of the Methodist church provided the music for the services at. Anderson appointment on Sabbath last and certainly did themselves cre- dit especially in the evening when they rendered two beautiful selec- tions. Mr. Edgar R. 'Brown arrived house from the Pharmacy College. Toronto on Monday and will sp' nd tin• vara- tion at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Hobs. Whaley for- merly of Usborne arrived down from the West. on Saturday and will visit friends for some months 1st and around their old homes in Usborne and Blanshard. The uppermost topic for conversa- tion these clays among our citizens is, where .will the C. I'. It. cross .through the village and vicinity. The minister of the Anglican chu- can church, Exeter, directed worship in the Presbyterian church last Sab- bath. cers of the JaInes St. Epworth League held Tuesday evening. the fol- lowing were elected, W. S. Cole, Martin Salter 1st Vice -Pres.; Cora Prior. 2nd. Vice -Pres.; Dr. Itoulston, 3rd. Vice -Pres.; 'Miss Gerrie Ilarvey, 4th. Vice-i'res. ; J. M. Southcott Sec.- Treas.; J1iss Brown. Organist. Evaporator Company as now read be -Dr. }Tarry 91rotvniing, of Exeter, accepted by the Council and that a has proved -himself to be all excellent 1 vote of the electors be taken there- on in "the small pox scare" and oi► at the coining Municipal election. the people of Goderich with whom he -Carried. came in contact -not very many - have fortned a high opinion of the medical gentleman. Ile will not, however, be very much ahead titian- Board in payment for the construc- cially, and the reports to the con- tion of wvenlent along Victoria Ht. Crary are without the slightest foul- Carried. +lotion.-Goderich St a r. Bet. W. .1. Heitman seconded by A. -The annual Christmas entertain- E. Fuke the Council grant charity ment under the auspices of the Trivitt to Mrs. Sutton. Memorial Church, will be held in the The Icy -La w as read at the last Opera House on Monday evening, meeting for the purpose of calling a Dec. 23rdat 8 o'clock, The program consists of driI!s, dialogues, recitations etc. The mad ilitary n physical exer- cise drill by twenty boys under the instruction of Sergt.-Major Hector, will be well worth seeing. Admission Adults, 15 cents; _Children, 10 cents; S, S. scholars admitted free, having received the agreement as prepared by line and forwarded to the Gibbs Evaporator Co'y.. Hamilton for signature the same having been properly signed and witnessed. On motion of A. E. Fuke sec. by W. Johns that the By-law re Gibbs I'er W. Johns. seconded by \V. J. lle:unan the Council accept *40.U0 from Jlaiti street Methodist church The Santa Claus Headquarters for Christmas, Toys, Dolls, Fancy China, Candy, Etc. Goods all new and the best that can be secured for Xmas. Gifts. As we intend closing out our stock of Toilet Articles such as Perfumes, Talcum Powders, etc. these goods are being offered at half price. Gall carlu and inspect our stock. No trouble to show uoods DEERING'S BAZAAR public meeting to nominate peeve. Councillors and Public School Trus- tees and th.• appointment of Deputy It ni officers and Poll Clerk etur nq o i t 1 was read a second lime, and on 111e motion of A. E. Fuke sec. by •\17. .1. 'Leaman t I1.• same Ire now read a third time .utd finally passed. the - Aunivereary .ervices will be heldeld Verve and Clerk signing the sane( in the .lane's litre+< \lclbo and the seal of the Corporation being Church on December 15111 :and 16th, affixed thereto. Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of the Metropolitan Methodist Church, Toronto, on Sun. Sunday will preach ,at 10.30 a. tn. :and 7 p. tn., and on Monday c1,nier at 8 o'clock will ,_ive his fainoui story of ",lean Val Jean." Special mesio music by the choir. Special collec- tions at both services Ott behalf of the trustee board. Adnti18tnn on for printing up-to-date. $9.20; The Monday evenln;, .adults 25 emits. hell Telephone Co., half yearly rani children 15 c.•nt+, Tickets for sato at S. Martin .and Son's. -A roan who is on the "Indian list" cannot loiter around an hotel. This was established in a conviction at London recently. A policeman no- ticed n man who is "on the list" Ioi- rering around the Grand Central plies for engine. .$1.9i; ,I:int(•s Ache - hotel. Ile risked the bartender if le., ,on. high, watch, Thea. Cor - did not know this .:as against 1h•.'11is11. labor, ` 1.25; Jerry Knott night law. and the bartender stated this w;41ch. Sial; Thos. (:rerch. 131x00, he had warned the ut411 to keep ,1l%•;I,50; ,lances (reach, labor. $1.5e; several times. Finally the proprietor \e,11,,,. eee8icot1. labor. 51.:17: carne along and ordered the '•Indian"I Bissett. pl. salary. Ka:t.On; C. W. to keep away from th• place. The .Cross. cemetery. *27.110 1Ir. 11104411- eand h t • was summoned. (NI n r • way♦ •(" r• Officer. r. 1110e11 - lit tn .It Ileal Health )fft $ fined ten dollars by Magistrate hot e.!.1. Senior. Sects Board of Health *5: The following :accounts were rend and mitered to be paid:James Weekes Fire chief, salaries etc., $2 10 15; C. II. Snell, street lighting, *11x,'.81. C. II. Snell. Town hall lighting. *3.60; James Murray. act. less what was chargeable to the cemetery Hoard. $4.70 ; Sane'I Sweet. labor and cement $36.09 ; The Times Printing Co. acct. A Store Brimful of Xmas Gifts r=---' At Holiday Prices Childrens Sleds 75c to $1,35. Pocket Knives Spring Skates . , .. , floc to $I.00 I I ockey Sticks.. $ i .00 to $ 5.00 I Jockey Sticks ... • 10c to 45C hockey fucks .... IOC to 25C Straps, Screws, etc. For boys and girls, 5c to 7i5c Razors 73c, $1.011, $1.2, and $1.51) Safety Razors *1.111) Copperware Carpet Sweepers $'2.W to $3.25 Pen and Jack Knives 15c to $1.0e Scissors 15c to 50c. Shears 15c Carvers N. P. Tea Pots $1.00 to $1.15 In pre 50e to $1.75. N. P. Tea Kettle $1,00 to $2.00 Bread Knives in Sets 25c to $1.25 Cases ::.25 to $4.50 Stain A 15c tin of Campbell Varnish Stain will brighten up everything for Xmas • HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE +++++++++i-44-1-++++•F+++-F+++•i••-F+++++++•S-d•+•i•+•F•F+++•'<++-I-•I"F•f3' ++++++++i -+++++++1 -+4 -+•t•+ -l.4 ++++++++++++++++++++++'F'b+ irk If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & SON The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, + T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. + 4-++++l-+4 ++++++-t-++i- : +++++++++-t Christmas Goods at Coward & Co's Come see our China Hall. No need to go to the city to see it, we have it right here, Chinaware and Glassware in abundance. The very latest novel- ties and prices most reasonable. See our 5. 11) and 15c counter. Nothing could be better value than all the articles here. It will cost you nothing to have a look, and we know you will be delighted. Toys, Fancv Xmas Post Cards and Calendars, Fancy Handker cGauntlets ..adie s For ' rs and Mens Fur Gloves, Ladies bier. Kid Topped Felt Slippers, also Childrens nice red Felt Slippers. Just the thing for Christmas presents, turning into his place, 1 he load upset. We are also offering special bargains in every line for Christwas 'Trade. throwing him to the ground. Ila: Come and see us and be cont ineed. s.:.('hristii as Groceries, fresh first-class struck on the side of his foot. caul- stock. Also full line of Oranges, Candies and Nuts. nig a severe sprain of the ankle. lir. Fred Austin, who has been Be sure to visit our store during the next two weeks. Highest prices paid working for Adam Sweitzer, accent- for all produce. ponied by ttvo friends. left Inst COWARD Thursday for their homes in England. They expect to return in the spring. Ed. Nlorfitt heft yesterday for the 010 ('ountry to visit relatives during the winter. Cur genital V. 1. is gmen'g n beard. Can it lse that one of our young men. who toils daily Saturdays excepted. leaching the youthful mind, has been found to be useful with the cemetery phone $12.59; 'I h:• Que:-n razor. City Oil Co., gasoline *7.94 ; ('onnor Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tufts enter - Bros., repairs and supplies. *5.65: Mined a number of friends Thursday Ed. Treble. repairs and supplies. $1.73 evening. A. F. Pyle. repairs and supplies. $1.30 1(r. Hugh Kirk. teacher of the 111i. Ilueh 8tnekeon. supplies North End Pleasant school. gave 11 C:hristolas Fire hall. :`5._'0; \V, .I. Ifissett. sup- tree entertainment to his scholars and their friends at the school one evening last week. Mr. Jack O'llrien has been engaged for the %%inter to look after Thos. live 's large herd of cat Ile. Mr. \\'m. '.1oore. who had the con- tract for the tinslniihing and furnace work of the Whalen church. has finished his work. \l Moore r. .1 r to an expert in his work anal nn doubt .his This is the first conviction registered .p. Senior. b/1. salary. 194)7. $36.90; job will give the lest of sntisfaction. 4', e f ut('� r o against a than for loitering 1'red Gillespie freight and cartage Mr. and Mrs. �m , barroom when be is "on the 1 *11.52 ; 11. E. 1111'ton for Public Lib- Tuckersrnith. were the guests of -The annual bazaar given by t hr l rare (:rant $3-tti0 ; W. .1. Bisset) r4:• Mr. and Mrs. 8am1. Tufts last week. Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Mentor -fund of fine, smut,: Mrs. Sutton, Mr. John Williams has the mater- ial church in the Town 11a11 Inst Fri- Charity $10.49 Sana') Buckingham int on hand for the erection of Nle (1Iy evening. was so highly- successful caring nt Leeches hi l'atk $1.99; A. 110w• stab►• which he intends building. that the ladies are greatly. plea'r41 6. Davis repairing Town 11,111 win- Barry ,Innes has (ttgnged with Mr. i.h their undertaking. The ('ouneil does 50c.. :mounting in all to *626- Thos. Poadh°uee ns asaistant hlack- eleimber WAS artistically decorated 97. Passed °t► 111011011 of W. Johns smith. with bunting which had leen 41rrang- Ser. by A. E. Fuke and carried. Mr. .iohta Moffatt is moving his ed ender the direction of the ladies The offer of T. Hattkins & Son for g00118 to the fartn which lie recently and Mr. Thos. Boyle. Resides the n 2'2 -in. fire Lel) for S125.00 4148 purchased irnt:t W. G. Balfour. thins beautiful things which were filed on motion of NV. J. Heiman see. offered for sale an excellent program by W. .lohns.-('arrietl. -Mr. Karry Smith left Tue,da: hid been prepared for the nceasion. Adjourned to Dec. 111111. a1 Q n, night to attend the Whiter Fair at Rev. f). W. Collins. vv ho made nn et- in. by A. E. Puke. Gnrinh. fici(chairmenvtt chairmen recited "Eogene , -�-- Arun." N. 0. noniron told a few- Will po'it ively cure Fick headaol n shoe( stories. Win. Berry gave a (tor- snit prevent its return. Carter's net sol° an,1 Mr. Waller Harding nett Little Liver rine. 'lies is not fink M188 Anna 1tar,ie pleased Die aud- but truth. One pall a dose. See not- -II lecture "Jean Val Jean" to be delivered by. Ret. 1)r. C)enver, on Monday night next. at the Jr.dlea St. M.',1.r,list church, has teen given by him 62 ;lines in Toronto and eneh ienc0 with their singing. The re- verlikemen). Small ;01. Sinal) time he hes been gre-t:4'i ith cro4rd- seipls amounted 10 altouf SOS. doll Small price. ed houses. . CO. Winchelsea OUR IDEAS of what constitutes good cluthing differ froin the ideas of most other firms. We de- mand and use in all our Snits and Overcoats only the hest material and the highest class of workmanship (.rive 110 a call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor COLUMBIA iDIS)N CR ('TIE 1tEV. 1Rf. It. II1CK9 1908 AL• IONNI A NAC. 'i ready for delivery an 1 excels al) 1 fartner editions in beauty and value. I The cover is a beautiful dcii;n in ' colors, the ;mire book i• (ill of fino half tones, nitro:Iomie.11 . 11;rtvin;;$ '.and interestin4 matter. ft conlaini Ute luck's Weather Forccaits com- p1e1' for tlxe whole year. finely illus- trated. The price by mail is 35 ceryls on New...Stand.; 30 rents. WORD ANI) WORKS, The Rev. Irl It. dicks° fine monthly (na;exile, 0)003ini al` !:ii weather fnreca'ta (rain most to month. 10.lcther itith •t vats amount of the best family rcadi,+: The pa ice is $1 a year and oras` a pt.,nae .4004 with 0:101 ettbseript1 Addre41 Wood ,nd 11'a ks Plain,' in; co. 2201 Locust 8tree), Al. 1.o MislduI1. ',Vrite far rata on elm. .('.s Iu *11litlities. Aicntss Yean'ted We have all kinds in stock but we dote nn the Edison. See our No. 2 outfit with its newCopper diaphragm Repro - 'lacer, the high speed Gold Moulded Records, with large Edison Specially constructed horn and crane with 12 itecords at $3 7.50. We have Phonograph., at all prices either for cash ..r on t' a easy pa meat plan. Just c,!me in and hear them, THE PURITY J. Wrt.t.rn Pott•ELI., Mgr.