Exeter Times, 1907-12-05, Page 8E X ET 'h '1.154 8 DECEMBER 5th 1807, ++++++++++++++++++.1.4444+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S 1 CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE. Are you ready? WE A111: \\'e are prepared with an immense stock ‘of good, useful Chi i:;t Inas prebents. Come in and take your time looking through the bat aesot ted and most natty stock in Exeter. Come bring your friends tt ith you. You are always welcome. 25e, 35t•. 50.! for three lovely purr silk handkerchief plain rendes with bilk embroid- ered edges swell prebents. 45e. the waist end. Very pret i y American opera flan- nels; cream grounds with fancy floral and polk effects anti dark grounds with dreasdeu patterns. $2 25 each, Ladies Silkelt i'n- deibkirte, beautifully trade trimmed with narrow frills and knife pleating, Hear them 1 ulstle. $7.041 Ladies Isabella neck Huffs full length trimmed nat ural heads and tails. $141.41) Ladies natural Grey squii rel Ruff and muti', the pl et t lest set we have seen this season. $50 uO Ladies navy fur lined t oat. lined with choice t qui) rel and collars and re- \ e les of choicest natural gi t•y squirrel with Muff to •tuittah $50.01 buys the out- fit It's a Beauty. $1 0), $1.25 for two sample lines of Ladies pure linen lawn handkerchiefs with hand made Battenburg Iace trimmings, the flnest we have ever shown. $15 (14) Ladies • finest Electric seal jacket with American .:able collar and reveres, hest satin lining and silk girdle. 154).(X) Mena statural coon coat the best we have seen this season only i1 to sell come quick. $10.50 A lovely full Feu,i•por- celean china dinner set pure white body decorated with wild roses and traced ;with gold. $12 50 A swell 10$ ;piece din- ner set pure white body de- corated with dainty pink roses and stippled and traced with gold. $15.00 For the swellest 108 peice dinner set you'll see this season called the Cor- inth It's a Veaaty. $15.00 and $l0.00 For two new Crown Derby dinner secs 10$ pieces to the set the sweetest decorations we have ever shown, See then). $3.75 A lovely 10 piece toilet. set decorated with wild roses and traced with gold. $1.50 and $5.09 For two lovely new toilet eats in lovely shades pink and brown ef- fects they conte to us direct from Great Britain. 30c to $2.75 For twelve new fern pots and Jardiners you must see them to under- stand their real beauty splendid presents. • 25c to $1.50 For the lovely range of fancy China cake plates useful and beautiful. 85c and $1.25 For two new Mojelica china vases lovely shaded body with natural rose decorations. If you want to see the finest and choicest lot of Chinaware; in \Vestern Ontat io at prices that are easy to reach then we are 'e► Acing for you. We believe we are the only house in Exeter handling only It'Aprtth Sugar. It costs tis a lot more than the other brands. But then quality is what tells, don't, be jollied don't take any old sugar because you are told that it is just as good because you know it isn't. The chance of the season. The last call on trimmed Millinery 0.50 trimmed pattern hats for 3.50; 4.00 trimmed pattern hats for 2.50; 3.00 trimmed pattern hats for 1 98; Nothing wrong but the price the Hats are all new the trimmings are new the styles are new. but the season is getting late and we won't car- ry any hats oyer, Conte and get a not:by new hat for a very small price. We want a big lot of Dried Apples. J A. STEWART + ++++++++++++++++.4+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ + ++++++++++++++++++++++++9 '+++++++++++++f+. ` 1 1 Il >Ie►1I+0>11I1 N 1) !rl ' i l►,_,1 l 181,.1&i1111u,L s iiir'\ Al�1�H ►• jft1i1JII Ell-. Amturt1111 Stria Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons•, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fiah Servers, Carving Sete, Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from A, MARCHAND NEW fall Suitings Breaking the Social Ice Just try giving a party some time with the aid of an Edison Phonograph It is the hest thing in the world to get over the first half hour before people litt,ber up and use their own wits. The Edison Phonograph introduces the wits of others at the right time to make people talk and be sociable, hut even for the gathering where all are congenial and well acquainted, the Phonograph with its variety of enter- tainment introduces a new note of amusement. it will cheer the churlish enliven the most dull and anrthse the most unresponsive. It is irresistible because Edison tuade it. An ideal Xmas gift is a PHONOGRAPH OUTFIT All prices. Discs and Needles in stock THE PURITY J. Wrr.r.ia Pott'f:LI., Mgr. Watch our window. Can. Express 131d 4. • fashion Plates1 Just ftrrlvcU , Call and Make a Se:ection be- fote the rush. STO1 ..•moo........- - AND REFLECT. ;nay Fl VC you:some money and harpy. Our ex - make someone else t rumely low ibises on HAIR, CLOTHES ANI) IIAT BRUSHES AND M1RitO11S. till sate cou 1j111 1 go;tel penny if you'll only ex imine them and buy of ua. Tt' worth while ref lectin; when you snider our l.irze stock and how cheat, we barz:li!Eed for it. W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER, ONTARIO Auction Sale W. W. TAMAN Farm Stock and Implements Merchant Tailor. Iti Mr. C. E, Hackney intends EXETER, --- ONTARIO. holding an Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements on SATURDAY, DEC. 14th Collected For further particulars see bills and advertisement in next week's paper. ERNEST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts MONEY to loan at !could, rotes. North Weat Lands for Sale. Office, MaIn Street. Exeter ( Market ltcport.-Tho followleg to the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to 1a et•tuber 5th.. 1"07. Wheat. 'ill cents per bu-shel. Oats, :0 cents per uu,hel. Nar',ey. .:'J cents to 60 ceriis. Peers. 75 cents to K0 cents. llra11 t20 ln•r cwt. Shorts, S22. Feed Flour, $1.30 to $1.35. Blended Flour (STAR). $2.25. hogs. tivewei.►ht 01.65. hogs, dressed :►6.50 to $7.00. lI:iv, S1 4 ant S15 ler ton. Clover seed. $tt to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Nutter. 25 rent::. Eees, 24 rents per dozen. Dritei Apply + 6 c.•:it., per round. Coal, 67.25 a ton. • LOCALS � ♦♦.♦♦... ,..♦♦... - Xmas o)• --tees at IHardy's. --'I'llte,: 'S4'.ik4 to (.'hriStinas. -holly for Xmas :it 1•'ollick'4. -lion 110u4 at Follick's for Xtnas- --\lr. Eli Snell visited in Th:u1e3- ford list week. BEAGLE HOUND 1''OIt SALE- Ap- ply at Time.; Pristine Office. - Winter tva3 uAtered in last Sat- urday with a heavy full of snow --\1r3. (Ur.) Malloy entertained a number of friends last Friday even- Pe ih;4lr, a former resident, ii spendiug a few da3 s visiting friends in town, -.itis; lila Armstrong has been ap- pointed teacher et the Sodom school for next Near. - \lie -r 114)t t Anderson. of Lon_ don, is '1411th.' her parents. MI•. .111d Mrs. (co.:E. :\ndereon. Big Red uction Sa1eTHE OLD RELIABLE endId O000r%unitics To economize at this Liig store for the next thirty days We want to raise $3,000 in Cash and in order to do so we will offer our entire stock of up-to-date goods at greatly reduced prices. An opportunity you cannot afford to miss. We suggest early actions on the part. of intending purchasers in this great sale. Remember this includes every depart- ment cf our big store. This is a genuine sale as we must have the money. SNELL & ROUTE -For nice box of bort bout call al E. E. llard)''i one door north Sover- eign Bank. -Thr Gibb Evaporator finished up their busine's sten for this season last lfonday night. -Oran,,{ '.aIle 30c. 40c. 50c. 60r. .t-Mii4 .1. .1. Allan, Eye t�i.gli1 Spec - dozen tit E. E. nerdy's, pee door ialist and Refractory Optician, %till noel h Sovereign Bank. bt, at 111.' t?onl,nercial Hotel, Friday Dec. 14th. Hours !I a. u1. to 9 t►. -Ot4in to the prevalence of small n,. pox in (:oderich, the County Council 'rhe Presbyterian church '4' Ld is meeting :it \Vin tl1'1n. - closed last Sunday evening an nc- -J. G. 4tnnbury \t•,13 •in bot rc4t const of the Anniversary �ervice•_s of this \trek in connection with the the linin Sir. -et llethodisl church. lindit!g up largetiit:41(' in Sec." -}rev. \V. M. Martin assisted ,:it ilio laird, evening service in the latter church. GIANT '1'Ittl �b1�T8 "Currency'' Winding up sale this week at the • I3ohs"fled 'Stn, Chewing Tobaccoes Exeter Bargain Store. Rattling big ill big plugs. Quality always :the Bargains in Dry Goods and .Ready,- .same. -Lots.- dubbin e rates for tire. Times Made Clothing &c, &c. &c. 2men O Overcoats?, 40 pairs mens Trousers, :roc[ other papers far the balance of men's Vests and all the Drygoods at a rhe year or from Ivory until January 1909. big snap, also a lot of flats and Cars at '• 5c each . This sale will he a crack- -1)r. Harry I1roe nine is in (:oder• er. A word to the wise is sufficient, rich, assisting the :physicians 0The store is for sale or to rent. -J. W. lhatesu440 its looking after the 4411;171f pox cases. -Mrs. W. J. White and Mrs. R. A. Sibbit1, of Ottawa, who were The guests of Mrs. John White rt.(urfled of the Asylum at Or'illi.l, to takeef- fect in the very sear future. Since Exeter. -Rev. A. 11. Going was in London disposing of his practice in Exeter, Fist 'd•,:ur;day :it tendin:; 0 ineetin2 the 1)r. has been eel tell at Raymond ,f the +special ('orun111(3.f of the Lon- Alta. There i4 110 doubt ai to his +ion Conference. ability to fill the new 110(1(ion •ind -The Iiachelor,•+ and Ue'n•diets will the now of his appointment 11.151 1• •!d :heir second ass{.rnbly of the been received leer.' with considerable r -on 1n \tcIitoitnell'3 hall this 4ati;f tcl(ion. The Dr, is 4•xr►r'cted t i 1101 d;►y1 er0niug. here some 'time this month to make -;•tr.+. (Rev.) .7. N. Perkins, of a short vi=it before',oin; to Orilli,l. Ingersoll, Will b.' t }u, zue.;l of Dr.; -A dispatch from St. Mary; to the llyntdmarl for the 'I'rivitt \letnorihl1 London Free 'Pre;:; states that the Church Bazaar next Friday. t Canadian Pacific ,Itail4i•ay has asked 5tanhury, of Toronto, bio-' the St. 'Mary3 and \V,.itern Ontario 11:e•r• of .1. G. S1:utburv, of Exeter, Railway 10 ;go ahead with the survey hr.; bei•I, elected Treasurer of the of the railway which is to run Irony Iluron Old iloys' Association, of Tors St. Marys to Sarnia. via 1'.xetele onto. Ne lotiat.ion4 have beam under way -Wm.'1111finer, ,ort of \t r. :tail het t4, en the two Cornpanies for some `Ire. Frank Treilmer, of. Stephen time :411(1 under the agreement reach - has been engaged to teach S. S. eel the 5t. Marys and Wester►. Orr - No. 3 Stephen, next year, the salary n Railway will construct the line to be $310, t c,erd by the (-. I It. 11 is Irx'iectr t l:r, tvork 44 ill commence early in e' �tirin.•. -Anniverteiry-etviecs 4'. ill be held Broderick. -The many friends here of Dr. Rollins will he pleased to bears that he has been appointed held physician LIDAY =C�OOD� -AT- Coles's Drug Store Comprising a complete assortinent of Suitable Xmas Gifts such as Ebony Goods in Toilet sets, Hair Brushes, Mirrors &c. Choice Perfumery and Fine Stationery. On every hand you will see timely and valuable suggestions that will help you greatly in solving that im- portant problem. What to get for Xmas COLE'S DRUG STORE -The curlers at a meeting list Friday night accepted Mr. Ilatv.leett'3 terms for the rink for the (-online seaeon, and te•ill commence pr tc- in lire .1011103 ,5l react Mot)i s1. ft Lice as -,o.,n os the ice Kilt condition ('hunch 011 1)vremher 15th and 161 h. 'I'orrrrlly ilures, (Nath 18r•u,_so), of WY. I)t. Cleaver, of the Melr•opolitJii (1ln(0rio 4:1.-t Mond ty night defe;tte:i Methodist Church, Toronto, on Sun - Gunner Moir, the English champion, S11rtelay will preach .,t 10.:30:4. tel. a1(1 (or the championship of the world. 7 1'• M., :1 Ili! 011 M0111.1,13( rv,'nin.1 .1t ;Voir teas knocked out i:1 the tenth 8 o'1'to k gill saws 11(44 fanl04 story round. of ".lean 1'.11 Jean.'' Spec' uc' i l music -\1 r. John 14ellett, of 1. --born:, lee tuts-ic by the chndr. 5r,eci•11 collec- `.liss 1':Iizabe th Gould, td.luzhter of li'►ns ret hath ,ery{ces ort 1►111atf of '1r. .urges ()'mild were the I ru4toe hoard. Adtnis:si(n 0(1 :luirtty mar- \Tondny 0venin„ .tdults ;'- cents. reed at the' James Street parsonage children 15 crnls. Tickets for sato 4'hen esday evening of last tvot•k• at 5. Mar11n :i1e1 5011'3. They wilt reside in Exeter. -The Anniver$ar•y of the Main St. {)It. OVENS E,YE ANi) EA It 8(111- Methodist church last Sunday was geon, will be at the Commercial the stoat successful held iu the his - hotel. (lours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p. tory of the Church, 1 he collections in. Glasses properly fitted and di!)- 1 anlounlileg to about 5375. The :,•r- easeal of rye ear and tins° treated. 1 mons we're de•litery•d by lt..v. 11:trtn 1,- 54 x t vial4 nn 8:1111141:1y, 1).•.e. .28t11 duke Pear 40n, of 51 rat h ros, .11 11 -Annual i1;rzar.-'['h0 ',mime, b:t -' n• rn. .1n+1 7 le nn., and were li4telt. Z:1t of the Truitt ,lie'ntori,t4 church cd to attentively by the large con- eiI1 be held in the Town hall. 1'ri- . regati0ns. Iii the evening the d,ty. Dec. 6111- Afternoon tea, :3 to audience ea4 ,-o large that chairs (i, .1,111114 -ion 10 cents. 111 the even- had to he (,i',• (p44 into :,ert•ide nn i iii.: concert from 8 to 10, admission 'even then rn'in)• hill to nand. Mr. 10 rent P4, a e'f re4hrnell1S extra. E. Meech. 1►a 44 soloist of the First -.11 r. Lot ne fear, :on of the• iter. I Me4.hodi44 Church, London. •t exist, . NII. and \i 1 .4. Fear. of town, lees just 4d the ,choir. Mr. !leech PO4's ss4•.t '('441red a400(1 position in t be:1r.4ft_ an excellent voice' and his renditiort4 ing and enzineeriter department of were highly nr,preci•eled. A ma is- ---_- the 1)ttnbti & tiullivlri Dredging Co. meeting of title1'1ildre.n, parents and - - - - -- now :1t '1ork 1n 111iff.it, •Irl Detroit. frie1nd4 0f the Su,lday school w,1:1 The Bert Lane Minstrel M r. Fen commenced his now Mork held in t ho au,li'nce roost in the .tf this weal;. ternoott atter 14•.14 cidrires,•seel ti)• ltev. Company --Rev. D. N. \1cC;lntus, H. .1., of Pee r son .111(1 other4. 1:.•s .been in' .((444 by lhnDEATH OI' Al):\\1 1\'1114'!:1'044i)-:37 LCWhltWhitePeople in 1311t'nt ')fiie•i.4l 440.1(41 of the ,5t. .11.1 r)4 Mrs. Thom.]: IIakins received the ' e \Ie ihodi+l (;hutch 14) heernne the slay- Cork (. oniedy for of dint church .it the end of Pati tlrt14 list ,5n11d,1y of the :loath or. the r►r, se nt .Conference verse in Jure her fat h, r Ad gni \\'}rift ford at \'ir• Opera house, Exeter cn \T:l n., esu rin g t ir.• day. The ere. next, .�ucc,'edirt, Rev. 11. A. Graham, se 1 I • 1 ;c f T THERE'S nothing so ac- ceptable for a wedding gift as a piece of silverware. Of course, you must be sure that it will wear well. The absolute cer- tainty of long wear is as- sured when you see this trade -mark. That means the best silver- ware made. Rich in design, perfect in workmanship, and plated to last a lifetime. Call in and we'll show you some of the latest de- signs in Standard Silver. S• FITTON Trull line Wedding Pings Issuer of Marriage Licenses ceased r►► leen 11r eels' for OL0TmNQ CLOTHING CLOTHING Thirty Days Special Sale of Ready Made Clothing in Mens, Youths, Boys and Childs. 75 Suits of Mens 65 Suits of Youths 50 Suits of Boys 40 Suits of Childs Also a number of Mens and Boys pants in all sizes. A choice line of overcoats ranging from $5.00 to $15.00. We are bound to sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make room for other goods. Come quick if you want a bargain. CARLINC BROS. DON'T MONKEY WITH THAT COUGH use HOWEY'S SYRUP WHITE PINE & TAR Sold only at Howey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. HON D66ordtor Plumber (IIot and ColdWater) THE Sovcr6IOo BUk 01 6dudli Notice is hereby given that a divid- end at the rate of (1 per cent. (CO per annum on the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the period of four (4) months ending Nov, 30tb, 1907, and that the same will be pay- able at the Head Office and at Bran- ches on and after Monday, the pith Sign writing and Graining day Dnest. Thea transfer• books will be closed With R. Dinney last year. Esti- from the 1st t•t the 14th day of Decent- With furnished on application. her, both days inclusive. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, F. G. JEMMETT General Manager. 'Toronto October 22nd, 19(7. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner James and An drew Street, cr„n^ hursd'y, Dec. 12 who zr►e'4 10 1,01)4(011, a4 .111stor t`f time with e:lncer of lh0 ()melt., :reel .lie \1',.Ilin ?I nl Avenue •oi'.th0dist Tickets on sale at Br.itvnin s Drug word b:r,l been received here from ! Store, Come earl doors open at 7.3.) church. y, pe r t lime to timeth:i4• Wu* a.;ed gentle,' Curtain rises at 5 p. ni. sharp. -Messes.deed, \ltt'loy, O'Gorman I star %v.144 very low, AO t ht the news and Wiley were found .guilts of cent- relthough sad w•:is not eunexp.•cted., Rig 1.9w Docstader *piracy in connectc0n wit ii the else The 1.11.' :11 r. Whi! .'ford 14-:14 born 1 Hi Henry Geo. Primrose lion 1rands by .Judge \Vinehedfer 0t in Srelland 140 sc.ira leo and 4- one toiGeo. Weber Al. Fields 7•4•1.411(0 134t friday. ('oneervativ.•s (Canada 60 tve.irs age. 1I,• livicel for All star Comedians in songs and jokes eei0 :rends eirI►rised :1t tit' d••ri-1, tunny years nit the London 1161(1. =ion. the T.iberal friends of the ac- 1 near iLerzeerv{Ilee, where, t ►e. a•.t?A a See the Original Dumont Comedian in co -KA teen feel doene1st, while frit• 'ueceesfu1 farmer, :end eominandee.1 chitt, and ('oIm{ns tic eVietenlly trio liirh tepee( of 4444 many acgUairtt- jII4ted with 1hem ,..•lyes. ince•.' Mrs. Whiteford diel 36 y r•.i r8 --A very 9101ty w,'elding w•ns =ol- a10. )liter ziVitt z 1)9 f.trn'i life Mr. e'nlnized at t4::. Ironer' of the hrido' s Whiteford lived \'.illi his ' hil.lren, 1 Parent +I at Grand 1tip,i,13, Ohio, on ' lent (ion of the time Twine 1101,11 ab Well n0'day N-0 t•. 27)11. when \lies the• home of Mr. 11 11 81 lir+. Tho>t.1 Mary \1cGinr►i+r)►t, 11.14 married to hawking and i he remainder with 11141 Mr. Frank W. 1e. Tout, of Toledo.. sen 4. \\' illi 1111 ,Toll, and Aft 1M. 4411+•► formerly of t,x.•ler, and son of Mr. reside at \-irdrn. in rcli.tiol) he and Mrs. .I1nle4 'Tom, of to'',,. \1r. was a 1're,hyt,'ri't0 and in politic+, awl Mrs. Torn came here )-►.t Fri. a stanch 1.i1►c'ral. The rem lint were The 1.1.►rt Lane \fin'trc'1 (',o.:tt the day to sepe'nd a tiny eit1' th,. former's' 9hi1'p'eei fn.rn Virden last Tn-,.ley .i•;xet.it Opirvra llouso, 'fhursdtrt• night parents, after which they let 1)4 and will arrive here the latter 'vitt Dec. 12th. (let your meet+ 11 Ilrown• Toledo, 44 here Mfr. Torn is ens3;rd of the week for interment. No4icAin3'+ Drug Store. Come and hive a In the triilot irrr t►usitie.ks. of theifunern) till b., given later. 1 ,roust time. 'The flaunted House' Watch for the Big Dog. The great laugh makers in III -Treated Trovatore M r. 13. Lane, Mgr. THE BEST FLOtJR We have on hand a supply of the best Hour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer taros. of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware-- hc,use. erdlu Waotca. Remember we pay highest prices for all kinds of grain. You Can't Keep a Good �. G SELOON Flour Down Exeter, - - Centralia A baker was heard to say the and Clandeboye other day that the wind nearly Y blew his shop over but his spunge came up and his bread turned out ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦M fine in spite of fate. The reason for his success: he i Best used Star Flour, and if you too : Situations would have good bread use the s ate available with renewal of Flour that has been Tested. Z industrial activities In early SP1RING., if you desire One, you must enter NOW. Short. The memory of quality iingers long sharp, snappy courses for thole after prices are forgotten; & 14.1►o..se time. or money is limited, and the broadest and tno;t, HARVEY ERS.Ocoulrir0hrn+irurriculu1n for h t ie) ttho tteuticl+i attain sloes EXETER, - ONTARIO. ♦ than ordinary:success. STAR FLOUR Wood \ Wood CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE WoodZ DANIEL.. E. EBY, Vice Prin.( OEO. SPOTTON, Principal. • 120) cord of hard wood. Best coal- •♦♦♦+♦♦♦NN♦♦♦♦♦••••••♦♦♦ ity. Prices according to grade. Wood cut to suit customers, coal or Klock. Orders left at Times Office or MAiL ('OT•104ES in Com►ner_ Zcitl, Strnc.:rat►hy Telc•zraphy ('it'll Service. 141atriculatiou l"(1011):4117411) . etc. ♦ Write for particulars. Thos. Hartnoll SOON LIMAS. We are read)' with .t l►r i.l►t , revat1 stock of Novelty and Sore -f venir goods. Souvenir, X111' 1•1 New Yetr, Scenery and ('orris Post Card.. Sous'enir t'in Trays! with ',00el view cif Cant►inX Fac r►ry, alio Tenth CI Pains and Powder". Shampoo. chapped hatt_1 Creams and Skin fore,., Catarrh •:ind Cold Menne Ties, flair 'Tonics, and 3we•ll i'eifnrnet4. Call and see before tnakin_ tour You cm c 11) save nlo ey l:cre. THE PURITY J. S%4it f.fs I'owrLr., Mgr. Watah the Window. -The Tax Collector will be at the Town Hill on each Flidly from !1 to 12 and 1 to 5 o'clock for the col- lection 4,f taxes, els() (4:1 11+•ccnthl'r 12th.. 13th., and 111)1. GRAND TRUNK SYS EM CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA :ire the favorite Winter Resort 4. Round trip tickets meet �ue'd by the Grand Tr unit Railway 8yetern vi t) choice of all the best rnutoi. go- inz one way rind returning •enoUte'r. For t ickets and full information call o .1 J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.. or • rite .1. D. MCDO,NALI), Union Depot, Toronto, Ont. \ it 1 b r' found an excellent re- in for sick headache, Carter's Lit 1e Liver tills. Thousands of tet • • rs from people who have used tht t prove this fact. Try therm ;