HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-12-05, Page 6YOUNG
Titl'.1R (:ANDY 1'1'I.I..
'Tlte last dress, mother:
"The very lint, n:y deur.'
'But. mother, aut•i o:`ing the dries
a `cot spoiled?'
"Thai's ai's just it, tittle girl; you iiiUstiet
t it."
Tt:e last sentence was all grace cho: e
te remember, and w Ile a hound bile
treloincd ht•r ey(,trf[,ur:iorh., Bogor and
113'iby Marion.
Graeme; lived in the \V st, and her
T,sil with her, cx)u-pits was to end on
the :ol'cw ing day.
r. Ti .• trunk, had been sent, the day
1 '...•, N.,w what could the children
tie •:uh this thc•r list day tog ether? Boger
•;p)t)ke of candy. Gandy --the wood
IJ•av)ppcd ele•arly on Ile.: air and seemed
L, echo. It eeenied an inspiration, and
for the smallest part of a second Ilei•
;ther was alto to speak. Roger turner)
nJ glans: d wistfully ('ow n the long,
usty road. a whole halt hours trudge
Ilse nearest Gundy-shop--ana (here
•its Ole necessary penny to Le thought
1 "f ! s make some!" cried Grace.
lo e (f the kine) that is brown and
' , at first; then you pull it like
Ohio and it gets while rind good to
c•:.1." Anil she moved her arms in ra-
g.41 rrotiors,
This seemed a good plan, and they
Felt at once nil begged Nora to hell)
ta':tt make sont.r ..iotal molasses candy,'
'c i.• t the canny )' iilingr vas the work
f only a few moments, and what fun
ley had watching; it boil and splutter,
)!1 stirring it by turns! Soon it was
hhe, and in a large platter to cool.
'ti began the interesting work of
fling the great randy rope bark and
th. N 4t i toil just sucre'eded in get -
g one plateful cut when she was
led away fcr a few moments.
IL! children were very careful at
t, but .i(X)11 the longing came to
e the randy, and very quietly Grace
vial a stool near the shelf, climbed
to where the still warn) kettle sal,
quiclity plied the s! 0, Ai, while
if and dfaps of the sticky suh-
ti .. fell upon her "past dress.' Once
1o ought she heard a noise, and in
baste to replace the spoon, over•
ncl1 the molasses- can. and the dart:
i subslrince ooze'rl over the shelf.
• wly found its way I) tlx edge, then
pled straight dost," on little Mari -
's head, and sore ad oat over the
11 floor. Marion laughe.l aril daubed
. %,ul►by hand first into the sticks
000e, then again: -°t tier face. itcg.: r
1 the unfinished candy that Nora
left, end pulled it with all his
I strength.
,Nora hurried back, she pause(] nal
o,teln w:iidow. Yost may imagine
slrrpris(' at what was taking place
1i. But Nora diel not s:sild-Nora
ci- s olded, She changed Hog; -r s
14 •-• sled suit and ligate \lat•ioii
itis, Grad', site said, must lie
1114• 1:ed and wait for her dress to
(i(0 n se(1.
,(flim she was sorry Ifs. dress
sei!ed, rater what mamma had
, hut thea it was not so (hard to
n the bed rind look all you w i=':. d
lig picture -book.
I,' .;,01111(1 of carriage -wheels under
window caused Grace to (flop her
And Eaten.. She heard ultnt,,'s
tolling the children, and then
remembered that they here to go
a drive that day. She thought •r,r
own sailed ores'. I low she wish-
t1-' had been r nrefull She heard
r ars he climbed into the earring;;,
little Marion as she called.
►y, d'ap, homy': and big tear
Lig rye-. Just then her mother
in leo. doer, looking a lithe sorry.
I:se s grown-ups know best. lifter
s•:,.i 4: ;,• e. • .rowhlliy.
..,;0:0. si..d ['mother, sin:i:ng.-
i1es Com panion.
• -. a}r —
'I'itIkI Sl .diol ta) ftl" , tirrolK .
other Trail-, shim \iiu.•r• Ste
Biebl:tri;; Affected.
t' a nl(.nit .tl (,t %r'iling, all Iles
it1teg►' ! Ablmoz coal -pit
e. in Belgium. are on strike. the
e of their cessation of work hying
appnrilion of a female iigure draped
es, Of i 4)1r1'se, is 11(1 11ew fili11g. re I.
eis are proverbially 5up•erslitioa'.
141, it is only a few years snit..
i.ely similar occurrence took pia,
Ills liiyn•'orrw•g Colliery in Glamor -
stn. r'. lit Ibis case the "woman i14
le." as she got to he callid, wa. the
r ^! a i(.' - 10 the height,: rh+t :,I
s„• 't i1 is is even now hardly en-
\\ ;,1 w i, �.�it rt'. rigida. t,t Ir;.'..
sh(d hl +`tiffs; w'lli,'th ihi,14441 1,.'• 1 !1• al
Ir. Attu • • 1 over $I:aeli !el lel of age's
ill . the :, 1 cause t,1-)i)g; ;t "lulnin-
t I;e►v, I 44 apparilktn haunted, it
said. a • :: ;lin disused drift. into
s ,hill om•' ,lay. n miner, bolder than
f4.11,•w�. 1+'11itlt't'(1 to ple'nctr:ste, with
rtst111 that the "luminous bv'• was
)til 1.1 i.e nothing mote fertility than
to -i • lothe(1 in dtenying fongi.
E rnu,l 114)1 tee' supe ose41, huwel er, that
!►e ap►e)ok•inhlred strike: are en!tisey
'fined In miner, On the c••nntrai'�
itriliAt blue books 4'11 strilreA. A•h1• la
g.ut►li•he'd nnnunlls . ecattallh Turn}
!aneeo . f other trarde-, Echo! SII,( lo11y
ti td ti.
hos. in North Ione n i. not long
•e. a niimbef' of builder-= 41e'r•litled to
tinea sir(ark In a "haunted house.”
ft similar o.',-urene0 was, about the
le lune, reported from Glasgow.
re lona even been rc^orded a strike of
r(1(tres due to an alleged ghost in the
I 0 a verse) they were unloading.
'Antler; of air castles do not have
Worry about labor strikes.
nitat got you another chair for
kitchen. Katie. 1 see you have only
".-!ape, you needn't mind. ma'am.
re now:: bill h:itternnn callers." l
That Is What Ur. %filial -its' ['ink Pills
Du Thad is Why They Cure
i.,o Many Diseases.
When periods have not enough
Llood, or when their blood is weak
and watery, the doctors name the
trouble anucmia. Ukx:dles.'ness is the
direst cause of many common discus -
such as indigestion, palpitation of
the plc -sit, debility. decline, neuralgia,
1:ervoushtess, ret ulnalisni and consump-
tion. The surest .Signs of poor blood
aro paleness, bluish lips, 'cold hands
end feet, g t neral weakness, low spfl•its
and ticudauihes and backaches. It
anaemia is not c'her:ked in lime it will
p►rvi'ably develop into consutnt! t 44n.
There is one certain cure for anaemia
-Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. '!'he.,e pills
a.:lually make new, rich, rid blood,
which filia the veins and brings new
life, new energy aid good health to
bloodless people. In proof of this Miss
\lutea Clcndenning, Niagara Fells..
Ont., says: "For two years i suffered
from anaouria. I was weak, thin. had
no appetite. I sometimes hall distress-
ing hc•adnehes and felt low spirited.
My heart would palpitate violently; 1
•gourd d:1 110 work orotund the house;
1 became very pale and my nerves got
unstrung. The efforts of two good
doctors failed to help ate, I was in
such a pitiful state. One day a fr:eml
urged me to try 1)r. \Villianis' ('ink
Pil:s and I did so. Son I snw the
pills were helping Inc and by the time
had taken nine loxes I was com-
pletely cured. I had a goad appetite;
trained in weight, 1. hadn't nn n(:hn or -Bombay or Bagdad -it was all the
pain. could sleep well and 1 am in far Hanle to this g;eni r,: for making; motley.
belt" ite:Illh now 11°1,1, I ever wc• 1 The Parsees--refuges, .es, too. originally
cannot Spcni: 1e o "rigy of Wig" fir. II ,
e\ imams. pink Piles have done for hll'.' fro11) Mohammedan persecution in i er
sa-11a4i, even at that time. cornered
most of the lucrative businesses in
Bombay. They resented Abdallah's in-
. But you must trusion on their pet preserve. They
? get the genuine tried to crowd hilt out. But :\141allah
wilt the full name, "Dr. \\t..11ianl�'
itL it . LIkt: .a TALI: FRO't1 •rHti-:
Alt Atil AN \(1,111 S.
['rout India They Vett to England,
toil rola are .tnu4IiJ the liel-
iiiaes of kinl1 1:d11. rd.
The la 1' of how the Sat:oons tonne
to ',ask 111 the sunshine of royal favor
u� Englan 1 Ls as romantic as a chapter
ft..ul the Ai-al.irin Nights, writes n
1.111idOn ei.rre=pomdrnt. Out ntcwber
Of the family, Arthur Sassoon, has
just enjoyed the honor of entertaining
his majesty at 'Tulchan Lodge in Scot-
land --and 1:ot for the first time, either.
There is 11•) more striking example of
the pxlwer of wealth to carry one to
the pinnacle of social cnsineiioe than
that banished by the Sassoons.
At'la1Iah Sussoon, the father of Ar-
thur S,l.soc.n; was a Bagdad Jew. Pa
ages the family had been Settled al
Bagdad. 'they had the Semitic intent
for making money and keeping it and
11ansnlitteJ the gift to (their posterity.
As merchants, hankers and financiers
they vaxeel rich, generation after gen-
eration. The size of ALdallall s pili
aroused Ihc• envy of itis \lohaitnledan
neighbors. 'Ihly fur:11cd a plot to mur-
der him and loot his properly. ALclal-
lah got wind of it. hastily gathering
legetiler what valetalile1 Ile could carry,
he fled' 1vilti his fancily to Bombay.
abandoning perforce much of his pos-
\\hat Dr. \\'illianls' ('ink Pills have
dent: for Miss Glendenning they have
dome for thousands -they will do for
Pink Pills for pale People," on the
lvrapper around every lox. if your
deule• has not got the gl.nuine pills
you can get them rot 50 cents a Lox
or six foxes fr r 82.50 front The 1)r.
Williams' Mediate (o.. Crochvilie, Ont.
FATAL Si.t•:1•j'lNt: SICKNESS.
Prot. Koch finds That crocodile, are
the Cause.
Professor Koch has given a most
interest. ns account of his re'ge'nt as-
perimeuls in East Africa to a special
correspondent of the i.okalanzeiger, of
Berlin, Germany.
Th„ pmfessnr, who is in the Lest of
health, said that he had been living
foe the last eighteen nh•nlhs on n de-
sc,late island belonging to the Besse
group, in the middle of \'ictoria Nyan-
za. with an army medical sergeant as
1►i•: sole white connpaniot)' soon, was married. When one of her
They ((well in a strawbut similar nephews was married later on: King
!•) th(xse occupied by (he ialive; and Edward. then- Prince of Wales, attend
'-iw• o111y three 1'1111.peans through- ed the wedding. The description, gtiv-
4.111 their sing. Iwo of thein 1-•eing en by an eyewitness, of Aziza's mar -
Viennese do•"ors and the third a Ger- nage reception is 'worth recalling!.
man otli.:11. Their only means of "The girl -she was only sOxteen
comnnmtication with the world wns n years ohl--was seated on a kind of
primcaval native Loot reshience"' out
of a tree trunk, w•hlclt conveyed them to
throne, in the upper end of the room,
the mondani].- railed off from the part where we un-
Slcci;irrg,► sic k11ess is particularly pre- believer; 11 ere permitted to conte in
order to view her. She was 'shrouded
valent in the Scsse islands, the inhabi-
tants of which are gradually dying off
through the ravages of the disease.
professor Koch has ascertained that -
wherever crocodilN are found the dis-
ease may be discovered, but only m
places near the banks. The blood (5f
e•recediles terms the -chief I:our•ishmr'mt
4,f the glocs:na paipalis, the insect. whish
conveys Ole germs of the (Ii -ease. The
insects stick the bloom between the
palates of the animal's (fide.
The exterminatinn of the g !os•ina
is impossible, but the same end ;l a;
be reached by destroying the crocodiles
of by the removal <.f the bushes and
undergrowth where tit•' anilmat, I11r1:,
Professor Koch nrn(le alt.11nl►1s to
poison crocodiles with preparA1 infest.
but hats, great (iifriciely in preventing
the iiatives from seizing and .:sting
proved tore than a watch f< r thein.
ile stuck and was soon instals money
FA''f't;ll '1'll:\N ANY OF THEM.
But though lie had changed his hab-
itat tie :lilt clung obstinately to his
patriarchal epode of life; and iltsisted
that all the members of his famia;
Should retain the ancient (Hebrew cos-
tume. Not until the breaking out of
the mutiny did he consent to let them
wear European clothes. "Let them see
what side you are on," he remerke(l, as
he gave thele leave to adopt the sombre
garb of Western civilization. Ile used
to sit on a dais in the spacious hall
where his business was transacted.
With his flowing beard, turban and
robes he was an imposing sight. No one
ventured to speak to him unnecessarily
In his own house he exacted all the
deference that is usually accorded cols
14: royally.
At Abdallah's house in Bombay-, one
of Arthnt' SOSs•Xon's sisters, Aziza Sas
The princiital outcome of 1'r(.;ecsc•r
Kerb's investigntions is that there is
p es•ilelily now of making a certain
diagnosis of Face in + ,i' knesc
gi p g,-•- _ and or
u tlopting methods to eo meat it.
Suhcutan(nus injcctiMIc of ars:air
earl'.• pteive'd eflicriciems. blit the chief
l• (gain' of fighting the disease lie in con-
stant medical attendance and in pre -
1c Repel patients fr••)!n going into • ['Mill -
c: to uninfc'tcd rairia,
in a veil. of oliptee muslin, rowdered
with gold. anti literally loaded with
jewels. Le:ng necklaces of pearls,
strung; and uncut jewels, nn.t gold
coins were piled • t;foil err shoulders.
Gratup•ed stout her were a minder of
Old w'c.ulen 1%110 Sprinkled her with
rose wager and chanted continually
in a sort of mournful recitative-pre-
stlninhly )iecsings and wishes for the
future j' y. The wedding breakfast
was conducted on original lines. We
sal 11147.111 the room in groups, and the
servants (111114? in with dishes of sav-
ory Meats and sweetmeats. We had
no platy's. and it was n trifle enibarrass-
ing io alio a bit of hlglhly spied chick-
en off the end el a fork with your fin-
ger.. and eat it as if it were a wafer
es bread aen4l huller at afternoon ten."
ARi).\I.f.AII WAS A PItOLI) \I:\N.
Ile hall a high apprecialien 4 f his
(',1,11 lineage. 114' wrnild (lo )1Othimg 10
curry favor with the Gentiles. Like a.
Ileneew pra1ritrell of old he abided by
Ih,• tray, 4,f his forefalh''r;, Bid it
was different will) his three sons, Ab-
dallsh. itt'nben and Arthur. 'fo Eng-
land they .'hhn)e. Ahdalleh had his
name chan_ed to Aihert solkt'aft r they
'mired in 1:ug;land---ALdallnit being loo
suggestivei3 Oriental --and bought an
iinIlse home in Que'en's Gale ever -
Maga MOMay, 1i'Is a id tilde, selling Wig
Peas, writes 1u01 words without dipping 1n Int
$arepl•s 10 cents (.elver). big profits. \'stoat.:•
plretua::,:.ihoe. S3.MPMMil 61116., utieurly M.Y.
Special Notice.
1186 o0 cash will buy new upright piaaras,
fu wa•rsute•l. Write flail Order Department
Tat-: !ARCO PIANO CO. Ltd., Montreal, for
Il uetrat, I catalogue.
Dyeing II Cleaning !
toe Ito facer Caels tN kora wort W the
"11111TIOi3 AMERICAN !DYEING 00.1.
Lmt sae ,ttsss: ri i, us taws, es wa euros
dtleetirsal,Tsreitu, Ottawa. Qualms.
CAPAC COLO F!iti=b Ct��1 LTO.
Capltat fto,000,00`. .,tare. bto.
?nye t' .1;% Wend. i00.1'•...ha:ec loft to Lw not
oA t::• following terms :
5o'; upun subscription.
g't F*b. ,, 1908.
26% flay 1, 19 )8.
3. 3. VAN NOT(:, Treas.,
161 Summer St., fQ--►tom,::.
There 4:; one roof 'hat .anew money
because it will last 1(r) years.
Guaranteed in writing for 25 years.
This roof Raves you work b.•cvuse its
ao easy to put on (uo it yourself with a
hammer and snips), and save you worry
because they fireproof windproof and
weathe.-proof the budding they cover.
Write us about it and hear all about
207 ROOFING RIGHT. A.ldret,a
The PEDLAR People (PStd
Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Tomtit.) London WhacileC
Aldallah's pilo Melte have sufficed,
But it is equally true that had he not
leen a very riot elan, he would never
have got the chance to make goad with
his majesty. Ile died a year or two age:.
Albert, the eldest brother and Arthur
the youngest, were only a degree or
two less intimate with King Edward
while he was still Prince of \Vales than
was Reuben. It was an unprecedented
thing for the prince to show such strong
partiality for three members of the
sante family. Albert, the former Ab-
dallah, was made a baronet through
the influence of the prince. lie died in
1S96 and his son Edward succeeded to
the title and the royal favor.
Sir Edward added considerably to his
inheritance 1►y marrying the enorm3us-
ly rich daughter of
It was a very different sort of wedding
from that of his aunt in Bombay, whish
has been described. it was Ilse society
event of the season. The King, then
Mill fit ince of \Vales, was present.
N(,lhilir showed more strikingly Low
far the "wily had cdvanced since its
flight from Bagdad some 60 years ear -
After his father's 'death Sir Edwnrl
sold the Queen s (;ate mansion and
bought the showy house 411 Park i.nne
-i.ondolf's millionaire's new -which
has been built by Barney Barnate.
Barney committed suicide before it
was ready for his occupancy. He had
mastkeed the art of malting money,
but not of gelling enjoyment out of
it Isis Park i.nate house was a mon-
strosity of ostentatious bad taste. Sir
Edward wrought a great trarisfornin-
tion in its interior and wade it a til-
ling place for the entertainment of
__Sir Edward has leen n member (,f
Parliament since 1900--a Conservative,
of course. He goes In for inrper•ialisni
and painting -Ms iuiuch of the trap of
the world red as possil,le. There isn't
much of the old Bagdad patriar:h
about hire. 1f lie puts enough money.
into his party's war chest, say any-
th:ng frena $200.000 to $300.000, he will
no doubt obtain a peerage some tiny.
Arthur Sassoon, now haat Reuben is
dead, is Ilte prime favorite of the King
anrolhg the family. And Arthur studies
t., please the King. It was dent which
led "him some year: ago to lease Tut -
chart Ledge of I1u' 1)owsgcr f:oun!ecs
o' Seafield. '1'111' berm Lodge nffords Ilse
finest geetise sli oting in Snot:anti. The
King can't cat Indian curry as the used
le dry. bet he is still
VEi3Y FOND OF :II()(11
":very fall he gees k; i ulchan I • ,lge
1<,c,king Kensington Gardens. Reuben to get the pick of it. i'4rt'ons of the
it.\..\ SMILES.Icok a Lig; house in aristocratic Bet. ?stale. are specially presa'rced for hire.
fore mother ltapI'ite expressed her grave Square. Arthur took n nlnnsion The K.11g;'; heir. the present Pm-irtce of
• ,ul on of Bab .5 Own Tablets p`1 Alher! Gate. Society sniffed at Mem \\'ale,, els••) pays nn anneal vi'it to
a t s when at fiat. but society could not resist
'fuichan Lodge for the sport tie gels
. h•' said. "There's a mile. in every
d •. Irl it'i,ne, where the Tr(blrl4 their dinners.Society really end no Were'
et,lrs(' 1.1 snit( at "lent at ell. ['rote it has been n u re point with Arthur
stn.• ti -e.1 flare are n, cross. fretful,
.4'i,!v t'llildren. The Tablets make
11IIfrell Weil and keep theta well.
'l h• 4 111 ? in:tigt'st on. colic, conalipa-
dinto hoca, teething troubles and
all the other minor ailments of chil.l-
:\til:cl'nh they end inherited keen inlet• bassoon that he hoes I►een unabl t to in-
li' ence as wen as wealth: and as far lucre the (k,w•age►• c(i+teres to s?it, hien
a, g;enllemniily behaviorwent old Ab- the property outright. But she has an
della!' had Mug!), them more to that
nristoerati. ,prejudice acainst parting
line than most c.f the scions /r,f the With any 01 her family's ancrstrael
Iwo!. They can be given with a) .. 1't, itish aristocracy ever learn. 1t was acre. Ile•,wever, the fact that he only
lute safety to the Lew I urn child. for
the mother tins the guarantee of n
goverment analyst $tial the 'Pallets do
not oonlai11 eat' particle Of optote • 4!'
poisonous ecolhing scull. Isn't seeh
g!u a ra 1'.',' avo r't• iresoi a : at *. g to you.
moth( r? The Tak;itts d . r! $(1'(t by e l l
'lie(Lrita(' el•'i:ir = rf! ' ,!• be had helm
The Pr. \\'e'1tltr.••' \t.• divine Co., Brock-
vlllt'. tin!.. nt :a cents a hos.
I'eeause Ihey were .1:•wz and Orientals leases the properly has net prevented
that s.),°iety did not at first weil'onle hien fermi spending a k,t of nu,nc) in
thein with cordiality.enlarging the house and fixing rtl upto
'flint did not w•rrry the Sues oon,. "n't the somewhat exticling taste of Thr
'They put their hi ads together. made 1` i'i'' 1
their pions and waite,.l.:'teal they hntln't 11 , Tulchan \la'•
hong In wail. either. Just (low they
►nnnaged it nobody. knowis. but it was
not long hefnre the King. then Prince
o: \\ alee. ihad taken dinner will! cash
one of them in turn. gncicly gasped.
tout sniffed no more.
"If n num lo'ea his pocketbook," said
the moralizer, "ha thinks the chap who
finds It is no better than a thief if he
(doesn't return it."
"Yes." rejoined Pie demoralizer, "hilt
11 110 finds some other fellow's pocket-
book -well. it Conies like pulling teeth to
give it up."
He la Indeed a rare youth who never
sent his bast girl something soft -
fruit, Candy or letters.
Clerk: "This letter t8 too her ; you
must stick another stamp on." tl
"But you'll only make It heavier It you
(,l: tt'.••.1.5
1t Was Reuben Sassoon to whom the
prince was most rubel. Reuben lrscd
to get tip big luncheon parties for trine.
At (hose entertainments the talents of
one chef to particular were always
brought into proiniienee. 31e hail been
imported from indin IA*031154, he could
compound more deliei.,us India!) cur-
ries than any other man in the lan,l (4
their origin. Arid in those days the
prtn.'e of Wales w•a_s very fond e f In-
(lien curries. As time went on Reuben
Sassoon became one of the most inti-
mate of his majesty's friends. lndtan
curries would never have carried him
that far. Nor would his share ct old
c ;•. moms at
h -I I \O. {e E;
Lodge, eo far as privacy is concerned.
are quite apart from the reel of house.
lhey constitute a spacious, eluloruteiy
equipped flat with u private hall. Over
Ina' entrance is the inscription, "King
Edward Ole Seventh." The color scheme
of the interior decorations was select-
ed by the King himself al the request
of Mrs. Sassoon. Tulchan Lodge is
really as much at the dss;losal of the
King as if he °WIWI' it, and the ar-
rangement involves the substantial nd-
van'age that it cos's hint frith:ng. When
he goes there, the tt:,uso party, of
course, is of his own choosing rind in-
cludes his particular friends of both
The Sa,s.3-.nc have left Bagdad and
Bombay far behind thein, but they have
always s'uck to the faith of their an-
cestors. Even if the King was their
guest ati the time, his entertainers
faithfully observed the Jewish Day of
Atonement in silence and fasting. And
0:11 of respect for 11!0'1, feelings, his
Majesty's gun was silent that day and
there was no slaughtering of grouser.
"Seeet th--01 a men diligent in busi-
ness," says the Tntmud, "he shall stand
before kings.' To suit these modern
days it (night be rendered; Seest thou
ra man diligent In spending honey; hr
shall sit down with kings.
1f1:IlltlN(;o :13 A PIANY.
' isR Million (ferrite's Land •d at Yar-
mouth One 1)ay Recently.
'there were remarkable scenes at Yrnr-
mouth, England, the other clay. '1 ho
town was (1111 of h01 rings. It i.s
ntated (hal C,O,OOO,tYIO ti.at were landed
from the boats, and prices dropped to
a; low as 2s. ed. per crag! of 1,000 her-
rings -thirty-three for a penny.
The work of unloading pi% ceetted that
night along a stretch of nearly three
miles with the aid of flare lamps. Hun -
(loafs of horses and carts were occupied
till past midnight carting away fish to
ti•e curing houses, 011(1 the Highland her-
ring girls, pursuing their work with the
ale of naphtha torches, lightened their
tutors by singing choruses.
Some fiats were diverted to Grimsby
to ease off the pressure. Hundreds of
loskets and barrels tilled- with her -
r ':gs had to remain all night on the
gl.ays. Every 1111131 in lvrint. of a job was
able to find ou. lit:rng; the (lay.
One firm report that the average catch
of their fleet of a hundred boats was
130,000 fish. The sea under the influence
of a good tide and a full atom seemed
treating; with herrings.
-- .�
A Succes-'ul Medicine. - Everyone
wishes to 114' successful in any under-
taking in which he may eng egt'. It is
therefore, extremely gratifying to the
pi'opITelors of 1'arnie.,:e's Vegetable
hills to lin-,w that their efforts to com-
pound a medicine which w•)ukl prove
.1 bI•:ssiig to mankind have Leen suc-
cessful beyond expectations. The en-
dot•sat on of these fills by the public is
a guarantee that a pill has been pito-
iteced which will fulfil every'ihiilg
claimed for eft.
"Halton, Jack, old boy. writing home
fe,r money?" "No." "\that are yott
taking ' so much Iroulae ever, then?
you've hcen fussing and funning over it
(or the last two !pairs." "1'►n trying to
write home without asking for stoney. A professor was reproving n studr'I:t
hr his idleness, when the latter said:
AN t'rILY 1'.AM11.Y .•1 skin .11.oale.I• the one "it's no 11Se finding fault; i wilts ci,t out
(( e:ioraity de•ctibe.1 by the word I.0 : - n:i. in all ter a loafer." "Well," replied the pro -
it; furu, it resist{ ••nainary tleahnent but is ftsior surveying 111111 critically fromfromcompletely vire,' by w'eaver's Costate used in con. +
necti..0 with weavers Syrup Bead lo too, "11 h`)e\'er cut 1.,11 out
----_ •.� understood his bus`.me's thoroughly."
It's simply irrOostible the way a —�
pucker roosts on a pretty girl's lips.
.. Ei
rtc•tlova.ei the t ntire sjstt:tll.
Is palatable and can be east;y aso:.t !:.:L 1.
Cod liver oil is nauseous —
'Clock, out the stomach,
So that %soy few gelatin can : ike
Take a do:e of " I3rcl:'s 'I'a•telcss'�
And noir: how peasant it is —
Starts you _mini at once — rel eves
That tired feeling which
Every 4n•' speaks 01 won time to Cole, and .13
Laleru:d teelin.; dist/Tens :111114) ately.
Every tout e taken is guar.urt cd to show i.u1)rov. nlct:t;
So why should you hos;tate to ta:kc it?
See your dru;gist today about "Brick's Tastesless."
Two Sizes ---8 ounce baste 5Cc; 20 our.ce bntttc $ 1.00
Power, Heat, Electric LigL t,
to Lease for a Terra of Years.
Central location- About ten thouea'ld square foot in
four floors and basemont. Excellent ahI? ti facilitios
Standard Fire Sprinkler Systom. Lo; i insuranoa mite.
MURRAY F. WILSON, 81 Ado'aido St. Wo. -A, Toros }o
tom" -------__. - -- - -- -
"Haven't you "arty milk that is more
cheerful than this?" queried the new
boarder as he poured some of the
1i4111id into his coffee.
"Why, w1:nt 410 yc.0 mean by that?"
(welled the landlady.
"Oh, nothing," rejoined the n. h.;
"only this milk seems to have the
The efficacy of Rickle's Anti-Consump-
nti-Consu mplive Syrup in curings coughs and colds
end arresting 11111111111111 011 of the
longs, can be established 1►y huixlreds
of testimonials from all sorts and con-
ditions of men. It is a standard rem-
(dly in these ailments and all affec-
t:ons of thethroat 011(1 lunga. It is
j1,ig;e;y rec'oinrnendca by nlecticitie ven-
ders, because they know and appreciate
its value as a curative. Tiy it,
A %Nonfa,' detests n Mull who flutters
almost as touch DS 011e W'110 dee jt'1.
These Iwo desti'.1ble qualiflcatl•ons.
;•:ea111111 1,► the Taste and al the sante
titan cif. ltd:►l. ::e to le found in
Mother Groves' Wolin Exterminator.
4laldren tike it.
Gathering cabbage is one kind of head
work. •
people's charity consists in giv-
ing odvi1e. w -_
t fC.11, Mange Prairie Scratches nett
el cry form of c:1n'aginus Itch on human
vi 8ni1m115 oiled in 30 minutes by Wei.
ford's d's Sanitary Lotion. it never fulls.
Sold by all druggists.
Many an inn seems all right until it
1:• found out.
women are naturally •open -
f o C('(1.
:\ Carefully Prepared Pill.- Much
lime cod sltention were expended in
the exp erLnenting with the ingrn'di-
c nts that enter int) the composition
of Parn►etees Vegetable Pitts 1 efore
'they were brought to the state in
wh1'h they were first offered to the
pub'p'•, \\'eittev. i• other pills may be.
i'armel,e's Vcgetabie fills fire the re-
"'line feathers," remnrke'd the rent/
WCLCOMF.. AS SCN5111X1t after .t4,rtn in the
relief when an ob+tliate, vitttei. c.•ti hi 11.1 boa.)
driven au :ay by Alien's Ltut,; ltatt�an,. 1 opium
Li it. '1'11', good effect Last I.
1f yell feel like sh:tt,intr a friend whin
1:e is (icon, shake his hand.
Many a man's_l;clicf in his superior
\vision) makes a foal Of prim. '
Cheapest of All \ieeiicFnes.-Considtr-
ing the curative qualities - of Dr.
'i'hr.mis' Eclectric Oil IL is the cheap-
est medicine now offered to the pub-
lic. The dose required in any ailment
is .small and n hoots •o .i.ains ninny
doses. If it were valued 81 the bandit
it confers it could not he purchased
for 'rnany limits .the prise nskixl !I,r
it, but increase] coesurniitien 11,1;
simplified and cheapened its rntr11uat
\honey makes the, mare go and mar-
riage makes the money go.
Fear of alimony is one rens• n why
s+•111.' men are shy about mnrr in;e.
MAK(: A NO'1'R OF 1'I`, "The h & 1." AM•ntb'l
I'14e,ter in gu at t.tee 1 t • ••u a the wort r.(.e 01
backsc!le. hea•1a,•he, .4tit,•hu1. At' ►id st:batitntes.
(Jet the genuine nt.ape Ly I)avi..k Lawrence Cu.
w'�h ` NEW YQ RK OP
TtI6 NEW F1k1:PRt•U-
7th Ave. and 88•h St.
'.tlat.itnuru of Luxury at ?linintum C,e1
1-s� f d
A •ee.-ihte. ( i'et and Elegant. Within Fite
ilinulor' Wa'k •,f Theatres. Shops and Clubs.
Now Dutch (trill It•u•ntn Largest in City.
l':alhle cars roan 11.,tei t , all Ira tr.utds
1:ur.gean r l.an. 01.41 per day w ith..tat bath,
1i':.ti, por .'ay with bath. Mutes $3.4.
npw:ard... Ser;.i for Il.•. k et.
STI 5 $ "� t: i)' 1 , l't.•rs
EVE 111! !- .11
it lr t rr , • .f sad shot:4 1 mm
six 'et the woo:.k . cul
The new Taals•.l +•yrlrge.
Nest -1.1-•a. rnt•.•n-
tent. It c:...s,.)
.1t:atanU 7.
Antt roardrot/1st for 11.
t b• r:nnn,t •,re,r use
11 A ft V 1, 1. ar,et4t DO
Mh�e t••it s • •,1 sten,' fur
Ill; ..rat•.i t.. •,'a -sea e.1. it,givo1
(4, 1 pante.r.'.t, *Pi directly.:4a Ito
Wa1:,a„I. 1 ..' 1tM
I11)3011 :It f t'r.1' <(7.. At•tert►.,r. (1p
(i„t,e:aal Agents, for Ca.,u.ta-
An An..rkaf luoTeinC.e %Vett:. teal•
Iewid 1'tat.d ('ase, ‘6.1r-,.nt&•i 10
keep .-3treet time. ti'n!. `r tot a; P••ar.
4;, a Solid lie:: 1': at.'h r•r:-
.ated for 25
ea. ale) a Dead
1;11. rho. cot
t. tri a Spar/ill:,
. Lnt1, g '. u
free for s•.!f.nir
o,.ly RI Jewelry
Il.wc:Dos, et lac. each, feral nor
Popular music is pn 1 ohly so enlleri rR•ne,tn,t ie t ir..■ t•,r JewHrT �h•n
s.•td (e..4 ,.e tt.e• k: a :and wr rr•.A y,nt
••• ,r a1rS en•r r: •. t 1-' It i t : V D
•vi•a•f.Y «o , fleet. 618 Ih(,etr.u. !fust►
because it soon becomes unpopular.
ignorance may not be 1-llss. but 11
generates a t oftonsilicer .
�...�.._, Goa ,.........._ . ---
t. to ! t N('1 l:'lrn'IONAI..
elf snitch t!cl►cel 51011), and ell per- Slaying 41N144:114
11 am Inn In Scotlanel, n slt(ot-
u.l.s st;uegng frr,m dyspe1 sin or dis-
When all other , corn )►reparatt•in9 tog porly fours•! theirs :ort 4,,1;et4 1' ' -
orde.red liver and kidneys army con11.f i4 tar
r',rnliy 0•�c,�pt them tis being; what they tail, try Holloway's Cont cure. �� t• reel wi:e t.y 4ain. �lfll, 1• tot .:r fine,
t;:e• c ld-fostii •rt' -t 1•s1:4n)elr:'. 1 ►'h.g; In
are represented to be. Ih`+ hall. Iu'rsisi fitly 1 ..' i , "�r+t
Fair." At length one of '1' it:lr.y deco
q ",14. A leacher Who asked n girl to purchase 11 landlord's attention t•; a,i, glass, say•
w llh the � quotation habit, 11)1 snake a grammar. received the. following note
fine hints. \o," raj(►in(eel the father of perm the little girl's mother :-"I (do not "Don't you drink now, I) 4141 Ili•re'.t
ct't•e11 gr•�,wn da)lptl e'rc. "fait they snake desire That Marty ingnge in grnmmnr, sr,nlelhing; the nudfrr with y 2114' girt.; 2'
fine fortune; for milliners." and 1 (10 prefer her to ingnge in here "No sir," replied hugald, with dignity;
t!seful s=;tidies. and can I(wrn her to "she's a gond glass end a p.-,wr•rful glass,
FRRi1Ovl5i, WHAT 18 1T' it 1• the name r,t ., rile and speak proper myself. I went 1.111141 she'. no moved wp trifi s."
the brst tonfr. it build. up the �y:•torn, give+
new life, m arae• !►e pie well and .cr •,4n lie cure 11►rog;h two grammars olid can't say ns
pin get the gonni,ie " yorrovitn. • tLey did the no (rood. I prefer Malty tel is pn sil,lc to (1r.•i1v (•141 8 reran .•end
t1)g;ngo In German and drawing. and rinke hien peke•s'ihlg - but. it's tli'fess
:\ ('.\pltltac)U API'f:'fl'li:. vekal 11111510 on (1►e peano." (►sat wi!11 a s rrrion.
pain whnlevcr, and no imcvnvcniencc
in using it.
"11.4 all fl,lty trying. this entering to a
si^k girt." Mr-. Ik.uglnss confessed to
t',.' friendly visitor who had called lo in.
quire for Arty.
"I believe this convalescent husineM
comes harder oil me Ihnn her ren: 4ick-
"less." conl1rtuef Mr'. Douglass, with a
deep sigh. "I'm that put In it to get
something that she'll eat with a relish,
1 get all rind up sometimes trying to
tempt her."
The visitor murmured something sym-
jj Itic):c, and thus encouraged, Mrs.
1)eug.htss went (11.
"only yester••lny' site aald. "1 got her n •W I I I
perk chop nm.I five (•eels' worth of
llar)1nr011ows for her (dinner, and if
V•e.ft ll 1 e'lieve the she turned tip her nose
fait) s:.ill ilii Guuuln t 551 a mite 1'
eat It. Learn It. Know It.
Shiloh's Curc
Cure MY CoId