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Exeter Times, 1907-12-05, Page 1
seta HURON & MIDDLESEX SEX GAZETT +' THIRTY-FIFTH Yens -No 1782 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5th 1907, $1.00 per year in advance. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• JONES dc. CLARKS' Phone No. 32. '( Xmas. Store News This Store has been headquarters for many years, and its popularity increases with each succeeding year. A vast amount of beautiful things at low prices. Christmas preparations this year are on a Larger scale than ever. 1f you want most for your money in useful Gifts, then make this store, your shopping headquarters. This Christmas time we will show you the largest range of holiday novelties we have ever shown before. Every piece new, bright and useful. No time like the present for Christmas shop- ping. Christmas Handkerchiefs 100 doz. of plain and fancy Handkerchiefs. Bought spec- ially for our Christmas trade, Some of the nicest we have ever shown. Our fancy ones are sure to please you as they surpass all previous efforts. Xmas. Gloves Our Glove stock containb all the new and correct thing in Gloves. Black and colored kid, undressed kid, silk -lined Mocha, Swedes in all colors, Cashmere and Ringwood in all shades. Xmas. Linens Doylies,Tray Cloths. Centre pieces, Sideboard Scarfs and Tea cloth. They conie in plain fancy or hemstitched and are a beautiful collection, Also a full line of Table Linens and Napkins. Silk Waists for Xmas. This is something you must not forget. For $-1 or fly `we can give you some of the nic est Silk or Net Waists you have ever bought, in cream, white or black, Also a full line of black or cream Lustre Waists Ladies' Xmas. Neckwear Our selections are so large and so nice we simply cannot describe them. You must come and see them and be convinced that they are the most beautiful goods ever shown in Exeter. We have them from 15c to $1.50 and every one is a bargain. Xmas. Belts Pave you seen the new Belts. Vire have them. Just tine for Xmas. Wide and narrow leather, Elastic with cut steel trimming; Leather with cut steel trimming, Silk belts in all colors and the new Metallic belts and belting. Xmas. Furs Any one of our nice furs will make a very useful Xmas. gift. A nice Furlined or Fur Coat. Ruff, Mutt, or Cap would be very nide. You will find us fully prepared for all demands In fine furs, Xmas. Silks ignitable for Dresses, Waists or Fancy work. All colors in Japs, Taffetas, Tamalins and others, You cannot do better than buy our silks as they are thoroughly reliable, DON'T FOI OBT THE MEN (They are handy about Xmas.) We bave looked after the Gent's want list, and have a full stock of the Newest Neckwear, Neckscarfs, Suspenders, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Do not fail to see the new Ties. 50 dozen for the Xmas. trade in nothing but the newest colors and designs. Don't forget them. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. N•+•N•N•NNHM ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Up -To -Date Store Again appears on the scene. We wish to draw your attention to a few of our GREAT BARGAINS Those GROCERIES cannot be excelled. We certainly have the hest Everything to make those Christmas goodies. Yon will soon begin to think of Christmas as it, a not five weeks oft, and the Goodies roust he had. Lots of fruit to snake that great big cake. We also have the warmest and the beat of goods to keep Jack Frost away He le sure to come. Fleece lined and woollen underclothing for men, women and children. Also the softest flannels for children's dresses and undercloth- ing. Don't forget to see those Plaids for Waists and Drenee. The F annel- ette goods cannot be Nought now at our selling prices. We also want to draw your attention to the Fancy Goods, Doy- lies and Centre Pieces, Silkine, Silk and Kloster Silk to work them with. Slipper Soles, all Prices and all Sizes Zephyr and Saxony Wools, Double and Single Berlin Wool at SIX CENTS per oz. Shetland Floss SEVEN CENTS per oz Cashion Cords and Fancy Cushion Tops. Don't forget to view our Ready -Made Clothing. D. COBBLEDICK DEERING'S BAZAAR The Santa Claus Headquarters for Christmas, Toys, Dolls, Fancy China, Candy, Etc. Goods all new and the best that can be secured for Xmas. Gifts. As we intend closing out our stock of Toilet Articles such as Perfumes, Talcum Powders, etc. these goods are being offered at half price. Gall earlu and Inspest our stock. No trouble to show goods DEERING'S BAZAAR Exeter School Report. FORM 111 Jr Teaclu•ri.-F. Clegg 71, NI. Johns 70, M. Platt 68, E. \\'ill?3 61 11. Workman 61. - Jr. Matriculation. - E. Going, 57, M. Moble'. 57, '1'. Sanders 55. F. Foy ,1s. No. on roll 20 daily average 19, Larry Writes About a Wedding. I wuz tbinkin' what au enjoyable loife it wud be to be runtain' a nous - paper, an' begoory some Ov thesto foine days whin 1 hay.'nt anythia; L. C. FLE MING, 'Teacher. ('t4 to occupy me n►oind, I'll take •t , hOltll` lI. band at th job, providlrt 1 m allow. cd th' ) •v' '. e , rt II +, iv lookire 1 1 .i S •,1 r t atlhcr ,8. a 1' KatieCO11ll l birth, marriage and death collum, all John Oestrcicher 73, Eddie Jones 67, Lillian Amos 61, Irene Ilandford G1. Jr.- llonors, Alva MoMahoa 83. I'ass-lda Marchand 63. No. on roll MI; average attendance 28.4. H. 1,. GREGORY, 'Teacher. FOItM I llonors-Alvin Surcrus 79. Pass - Victor Sweet 72: Edna Luxton 68; Garvey Acheson 66; Lillie Ehlers 66: Gladys Kest1e 65 ; harry Carlin.; 61: Norman Kellerman 63; .Roland 13int- nell 61: 1[ubcrt Jones 60. Commercial Claaa. Sr. Honors - Ezra Oestrcicher 78. Pass - Clark Fisher 71: Harold Duplan 71. Jr. Honors -L. Ilirncy 87 ; 11. Mack 86: G. Bissett 75. Numbs% .00 roll 44; average daily attendance 4:3. A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. ROOM IV Sr. IV, 11onortt-Lal inter Grieve 75 IIarry Fuke 75; Elmo Dowey 73: 11 Sweet 72. Pass -Annie Jackson 68: Lloyd Rivers 67 ; Chester Harvey 62; Earle Southcolt 12 ; Lillie Rowe 61. Jr. IV. Honors - Clair Wood 82 ; Lillian lloy le 74 ; Raymond Dearing 73; Wilfrid Stewart 73; Lily '_!fay Frayne 73. Pass -Reginald Bissett 67 ; Cecil Pickard 67 ; Clarence Hey- wood 66; Vella licKay 63. I'll write up accounts iv these fuac• tion; to ,suit me own taste. Now th' first thin.; 1'II do twill be to attind .I wed 1j,', partake av Ch' igood things what iz served, kiss tlf bride a couple iv toimes, look ez though Oi injoyc(1 it an' then Wroite th' thin, up to suit 'l h' occasion. Ez I ha vent nttinded ,t we idin' fer more nor f t%ir-ty year+. I'll have have to describe the wan 1 wuz at, an' which cost inc sivinty-noine cints fer n pickle ;slated crewel ihtand fer th' cinlre table. but it; wuz on inthere+lin' affair an it wU55Cnt nic- 154ary to carry a cudgel nor tunny it her insthrumitt for -sill al[ pratecYiortl, ez th' only wails what wuz invoit.d could be thrusted ez far ez ye4 cu3 t prune a bull by th' tail, an' only tbirn ez cud afford to bring prisints rccaved !heir dociments through th' mail. 'There wuz a few ntnre pr•is- int than there wuz invita-shions, butt that tvuz hccau;e th' =room twus overlooked whin they were slat out. an' he wlist out, hunted up a fow en' iant. thim out aggro. it ez unnecessary to ablate 11i. ib' i_room an' bride looked charmin' but. he+gorry I must confias !they looked scart all through tet' perfor- No. on roll 31: average .39.6. ruance .air' ivery wan seemed plated Q. VOSPER, Teacher. I whin 1 h' ceremony wuz inded. ItOObi ulu Snell I wuz 1owld that th' bride w•uz Sr. IiI, Itonpra-L1)4.9; rlhresstid witcralpe da shame but fpe- lfarY Acheson 94: Ruby Wood 92; -^arra I couldn't Lill th' diff'renca Willie Heideman 89; Irene Riversntwixt it an' a front windy curtain 85: Irene Hardy 86; Madeleine Carl c('pt that `l h' deers had a few moi'o ins 83; Stella Snuthcott 81 ; Nellyfrills nn' wuz !lately tucked around ;T;Onc3 79 : Jean Beldon 78 ; Russett th bo(Iy. 'Twos freported that (eh' Iialktvill 76: itobhic Flem1.n; 75. bride wuz .carryin' a bokay iv show• Pass -Viola Rowe 74 ; Florence Din er rows, but. begorry whin they wuz ney 70 ; teivor llodgert 70; Sydney Placed on 1 h' melodian. there tvus Hector 69: Ai1- 1 Beverly 66: Marry a shtron7 Iesimhlancr: to th' jsic. Spall 6:i; Abs Jackson 62; Leon Tre- tures on th' %vafl paper tateri- fused lo floti loike tie rale article. bee 60. Annyway 11 wuz in lh'"winther, an' Jr. Ilf. Honors- Imo Sweet 81: ez roger don't grow on shnowbanky. Blanche Quance E0 ; A sues MacKay 76; Muriel Jones 76; Ethel nalktvill that parrt iv Ile dl:rens wuz over• 75. Pass -Beta )town 69: 1lfarion looked• Blatchford 68: Oscar Anderson 67: Th' parson dida(nt. kap,' tie ring Mary Houlden 01. No. on roll 48 ; averaige attendance 42. EtI,SII; A. McCALLIIM, Teacher. ROOM VI Sr. 11 Honors -Florence !'owe 85 Jo3. Follick 82: \Vm. Mas., on 82; Ethel Day 79. Pass -Alberta Knight 74; Violet Knott 71; harper Rivers 71: elector Rowecliffe -69 ; Edith 1)a - vii 68: Wilfred Mack 60; Annie Day 63 ; J,, Ford 6.2. Jr. 11. Honors -Maggie Case 87; Mildred Heywood 83: Josie Brick - wood 82; Maurice Senior 81; Beatrice Hodzert 77; .Maud (licks 7l: Attila Bell 76; La Belle Ilandford 75, Pass Gordon itichardsntl 74; May Smal- Locals 'Yes! We are Still Talking - Will bake or utak; your Xmas Cake. -E. A. Follick. - ;►fieri Annie Lang, of St. Marys, is the guest of her sister Vene4'8a. - Miss Mary Gidley is in Parkhill attending the funeral of Wm. J. Bee. -Mrs. Janes Willis, of London, visited friends in town during the week, - Remember this is the store to set your Xmas candies, orange. and nutts.-E. A. Follick. Mr. and Mrs, Blaney, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs/ Alex. 1 Taylor, Exeter North. - Mr, and Mrs. B. W. F, Beavers,of Farquhar, were the guests of Mrs. Simon Campbell on Sunday, -Miss Laura Gregory has returned home after a month's visit with her sister Mrs. Miller, of Woodstock. --Sc,' the Original Dumont Comed- ian from 1'Idladelphia in his Comic i Sayings and Comic Songs on Dec.. 12. ' - l left on Mon- dayiata Maud Campbell M p for Regina, where she will visit her sister Mrs. D. Hackney for some time. -Mr. James Handford and family wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them during their bereavement. - For Quality and Quantity cask your dealer for the new big plugs of ••13ob3," "Stag' and iCurrency chewing tobaccoes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher re- turned home Tuesday night after a month's vjpit with friends at Crosswell Mich, antlotlaer points, -Mr. .Lancs Nonthron and dau3h- ter Georlgia, of London. who tvero visiting Mrs. Collins, returned to their' bouts Saturday 'est. A report from Ottawa states that B. B. Gunn, M, P., for South Huron was on Monday taken to St, Luke's hospi• Lal in that city, suffering form stom- ach trouble, --For any defects of Vision or head- aches consult with Miss J. J. Allan, Eve Sight Specialist and Refactory Optician at the Commercial Hotel, Friday. Dec, lith. -Mr. Wm. White who recently dis- posed of his farm stock on the Thames Road, has purchased fron. Mr. R. Ter- ry tea dwelling on Station Street and very long. in fact he wuz ;lad to will move into town. to zit rid iv it, -it lift+ c1 izrane -The Ladies Aid of Caven Preaby- nnarruk on hez fingers wheriver he ferias church announce their annual torched it. Bazaar to be held on Dec. 13th in Sen - But 111' ,71 0001, th' way he wuz ior's hall. Tea will be served from 8 •drest, Would anak.+ piz kick th' foot to 8 o'clock. Admission lOc. boarrd nu 1- is th' Iwd ivory timet yez dhramed av him. In th' first place he had on a sltand up collar, htit ycz rudd,-nt tell if it had iver niched th' washtub, _ z yiz could only -Mrs. Chas. Tom, one day last week, slipped on a banana peeling' which sonic per -on had carelessly thrown on the sidewalk. Althou=h ,cr th' front e e th 1fez shwallow not badly injured, Mrs. Tom was tail coal w1/, one that hr, bed horr(ed badly shaken up. front me, an' that wuz another ray- -The regular meeting of the Wo - son I had bane invoiter1. It '.vuldent have looked so bad, but it didn't fit 'ltt•aa•nu t iv dale, :111' had nicer banes _ prissed out. Lacombe 71 ; \Vm. Kidd 69: }Larry 1'laerr's an null soy'irs' whin w n ez I t m r t l a hat ir. n L ��• ar Parsons 68; Wilbur Mitchell/ve 61. hotite1hite old toe=ont.'.lhin' new Number enrolled 39 ; Average 36. somclhin' horiadz and =omethin' blue. !HANNAH M. 1:INSlfAN, Teacher. \\'(Il b.',orry'r, ieI did k nt have ,us ROOM ViI Y• 00 Mar- jorie thin' new, I lint him 111 blue tock-, ;ti a th' poetry ttudd,'n1 •et buett3 an' hrjapera outside av 11(.7 Qtizlri' water', they were lei' moil admired ',aril iv hez tru.s-o. 11.•% trousers1, borried also: the wuz shtrong on lh' burry part iv th' peotsy), tvuz a pair 'that tie owner didn't uok,-' off nightts 83; Amy John; 89; Allen Carter v0, to kape from .ttr.trin' fthitn ol1t. !'aver -Gordon Ford 63. They were well vintilated in shpots, olidPl1L 11onnr:-\\'illie Davi+ There wuz +omethin' net%, ho'.'.iver, 7811,..1 R • i . hn T)a. ha\y 76 • Alice Mlitch,•ll about hez makeup alt' th t Wuz th' Mid. i1 -Pearl Jackson Seldon 90; Florence \Vood 89; Ina Delve 89 ; George Ortwcin 82; Dora 1Iou1dcn 80. 1'asi-Stanley Mc - Falls 71. ,1r. I[. Honors -Gordon Wells 91: Bertha Horne), 88; .Dorothy Kunz 81; herald -Fitt.on 83; Archin Davie 711; Mervin Rus: -'ll 70; Frank F,in- dickey he %tore to 'dyer up tie front eon 68: Irene Eaitcrbrook 60. iv hez hickory 'Siert, an' that %cul Jr. 1't. 11. Ilonora-Mary Morlock sins him ez a psi.+int. 78; Millie \\'alk^r 77; Willie Jacobi Aft her lh' ceremony. 11t' happy 75. Paas- Lillie Walker 74; George young couple. fitoti.st th' wurrud Kelly 72: Willie drown fib. young, naylher iv thin wuz under l't. 1. ilorors-Clifford llallott 87 forty-foive), were th' recipic.nls iv 1.^•nn Dearin.z 86: Czar harness 80; th' r.onzratulalion+ iv all iho-e prim - Vera Sweet 78. l':144 -Gladys Carter int, even if they slid lake a Ion; 74: Alvin Cornish 68; Milton Bedford 65. Number on roll 19;Average attett- 1oimo about ,71(iin' 111,•d up. 1 di3- Nen( Ms(' annytyan what wuz sorry ez nobody else wanted ayther wan iv dance 44. thine :111110071t th' bride fer wan, iv M. V. !MARTIN. Teacher, a' forty, wuz braked 0pon ez ItOOM VII[. nfel harnrud worker an' rnuld shtarrt .lr, 11 -Marjorie Huston 92; Flo+- over a i%aslttuh two day, at a lick sic Neil 92 : Elva Itotvecliffe 87: Joey tiidnul 7illiu' lirrd. Fer'mean 86: Maud Elliott 81. Aflher th' bride had kis +l ivory- Hr. I't. iL-Marvin Vincent 93; Ivan pri'int. (1 had found another in. Dorothy While 92: Lila Zuefle :12: 'za7euiinl .al lh' l[im-' itn' mis•yd Melville (Badman 92; ,lack linrdnn fes' n;cilliatory ixcrcoi-es pury►oely) (10; May Harness 87; ,lanet Ford 71; an' 1h' I,rnatu had rubbed h'ila uioute- Russell Marshall 69. laeke :Ind whisk.+rs on thfaces iv No on roll 11: average allendeoce tit' yimrnin folks, th' dinner men's Institute will be held in Senior's Hall, Friday, December nth at 2.3(1 o'clock sharp. Members having lib- raries please return them, -Mrs. (Dr.) Amo Pres.; ca.• 111 re A R Secy. s Sec . -- Why do. so many farmers read Tho Weekly E:unf Because it so per, sistently advocates their cause. It faithfully supplies the practical far- mer ttit!t valuable information on all agricultural topic;, and is the 010.'t reliable barometer of t lea mar- ket conditions to be found in Can- ada. What the Weekly Srin ]las (lone for otters it .will do for you. In- clude n- t , eyour reading for cl i 1 The Sun -in yo i i(. +n, next year. -Jusft a few stay; now :and th..! ili:' blinst set Show 1%111 show, al. the Opera Douse, Exeter. Get your seats at BBrowning's Drug Store and avoid 1114- crush at the floors, Ito - member 2 hours and 30 minu1t't'of continuous 100zinc r. See Big ,Leto I)oestader and )t .t four funny nNni:s- lants. See and heir the hi; chorus and Ne'v York's 1:11,•.1 songs. Stu: the alto funny omen in the lint Dian Logue, also a 11.• haunted i[ouste. See the Ghosts \\alk and Little \Willies 1117 1117 Do. All this and more in• eluding the Great Laugh Producer, IIi-Treated Trova1nre. Sec 3'retly Leonora and (lie fount and ho still pursue! It her. Mrs. Ilarry Howe, of London Road, South. sustained a painful accident on Friday of bast week. -t few weeks ago a furnace hid been placed in the house, and the cellar which had been used for years was closed and the door leading to it locked on that account and; a new one conetructed. Mrs. Rowe had occasion to go to the cellar Stoves and Ranges Just received another shipment of 10 Garlands and Moffats Nationals Garlands With Reservoir and High Shelf from 38.0o to $46.00. Extra Large Ovens, Moffats Nationals Froin $32.00 to $50.00. f only extra good value at $32.00 - with Reservoir. This is a Snap. Souvenir Ranges From 37,00 to $50.oO Heaters of all Kinds From 4.5o to $43 00 Stove Pipes 10 to 15c; Elbows 20c; Stove Boards s 1. 5. rto 7 • StoveMats 50c too � 85c�1... HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE • teeWeiele1+444.}4•F+F3••h'F'i•i++i'++•t••F3•+++++•i•l►4'F•f•i•t'bd••i••t•+•l'4'1•'!"flt '1• +++++++++++++++4++++.14+4 ++++++++++++++++++44++++++ +++++++++*++•1-'I'++d#++"1"1"k+ If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & SON * The ;/ *+ + Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, T. HAWKINS & SON Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. + 4. Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. + -1, +++++++++++++++.:-:•-:.4-:-. +++•1'++++++,l4++++++'F 144+++ ++++++++++++++++l-+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If You Want Good Goods Chea Come to Winchelsea We are Offering Bargains in all Lines. Mens' and boys' socks and heavy rubbers in all sizes at the old prices. 4 I A good line of Overshoes and Light Rubbers, also Ladies' Rubber:, Come and see our Shoes. We know we can save you mouey in these 1i Our tancy Flannelettes which have been reduced to Sc are going fast. there is still a good choice. DRESS GOODS! We have some new lines in. Just the right thing this season. Remember we are selling the old stock at greatly reduced pri There are some excellent bargains in this line. READY-MADE CLOTHING! We still have a good assortment. Pr right Retr.ember our Overcoats, Special Bargains. GROCERIES! New Raisins and Currants, :1 lbs. for 25c. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Poultry, Produce and Dried Apples. COWARD da CO. rwwwwinruvmAnnnAnnui OUR IDEAS of what constitutes go cluthing differ from the ids of most other firms. We d mand and use in all our Sui and Overcoats only the be material and the highest el of workmanship Give us a call. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor 31. announced I lt last call for :upper in and forgetting about the change, un- _ _ - - - - F. W. It0\VAItD. '1'e teller. Ih' kitrhen. 1 iejuv. ,1 (1' :-upper locked the door of the old passageway more not -let' w,•,lditi', .:n' there wer,' intending to descend. As the steps I A■■e1� PA■ ■'tMi►/ Prsicesother;. \\ 0 had 1very thint from had been taken away she was precipi- fried cake, 131114011 - tt'dwichr s. to fated headlong to the floor below, a It:,rrud boiled ezzn slices on chloro distance et seven or eight fret, and lettuc, • and striking on her shoulder bully 1 had intinde.l Lakin' m.• Piece'iv fractured that portion of her !fly. t%edilin' rak,• tie •rola' home .to _Death of Wm. Bee. -A veru and shordiii t ie on it, bur they ty(+Ip' a lisle death took place at Parkhill Sunda short handed fur mtlsici,lns, .tn' .•7. 1 y t1.' melcdia11 ttuz p lee( le tth'•ezy an' night, when 1Villiant, the -only sou of nailed some fen 711 ntix111ie my •gar• Mr.and Mrs.tri l3 formerly f A1tE: YOUR HAIRS ,NI'SIBEIIEDI 11 they ;are .and don't nuanler h}�h- r than this man's you had b:+t9 r see 114 at once. DISCARDTiiAT OLD BRUSH Alin COIF B. and get a new getf rom us. They trill b(% .free from diseasts germs and keep your Rea111 1n .t good be•a11hy �. c1 tit•io•1. our new Flock of brushes and combs ate j11.1 the thin; 1►, keep hair from falling out. tire; wuz. ;laded 10 pl Iv let' fi idle. That 1) 117 Ile 1:1,4111 10irne t)i iv -'r played 11. Th:,t' esus -clot 'Bough pla•111-r Iefl ,nn (11.,. alis t%Lin rte Turkeys alive 'Sc Cash, 9c Trade . Loc Cash, tic Trade Turkeys dressed Chickens alive 6c Cash, 7c Trade Chickens dressed .. • 3c Cash;.9c Trade rant r(', ornter y o Hens alive . , , . 3c Cash, 4c Trade Exeter, passed away after a lingering Hens dressed 5c Cash, 6c Trade illness. The deceased was a voting man of al years of age, had been mar- Geese and Ducks, heads off Cash, 8c Trade ried only a few years and is survived zot i hrnn zh to fill up a k nil hole, I by his wife and little daughter of three The above is for A i poultry-5caldcd price an' it tock 111P three wakes to zit the years. He had been until a short time Poor, skinny poultry not wanted at any price dust out iv me hair. ago agent for the Canadian Northern Th' ;roam only lived .ix mount,, Railway at Woodridge, Man., and it is Prices subject to change a ithout notie he didn'I brow w4tnt thruhbl,' ha I believed that his death was largely wuz rennin' alp a,zin.1 whin he zit due to overwork. which brought on a married. ::n' ;pa=s.+d •,'y,•y io 1h.at complication of internal troubles. Ile 4h, -•rt toin,(•. ilea woo. t\ ui ho,• came home ,a few months since to re - from d ' - th' minethey 4h1•,t4't'd hon..,(operate, hist gradually grew worse, - - - -�----- kapin'. ile tt 'ix lazy' an' 'liver dirt his illness culminating in this regret- -Mr \Willi _ am Taylor, of Toronto, VOGELGE.SAN(35 bw ike nrru ugood table manner. His sorrowing parents i'' %rilink, hot he had wan g, Ila parentta at the North A porn Doctor. feat ii 11(. knew how to berry and wife have the t profound) Eitd• i Will be in xeter nthe veni. mnnev \tidn)l liayin' it hack. It.' iyrnp,athy of their large citele of -Mr. Ed. \Weatrott, wh W11.4.a out ;of 114' 10 and E11th of I)n.'r. ylrKtciali 111171(1 Saye 111,4).' a man iv h'.mailf friends, Willie. as he USN pnptilarly in the Northwest rine© het ' vest, re- • on chronic troubles, Jtheunlatis hot he +eta rte,' Inn lath, an' whin known, .pent his bovhoo•t �it �and school turned home last Thursday. t A't lima, Fit 4. 1''1(•1[11010 t 'Milli h.•r he did euninaince h:, il(t:itt^.I wren:. daysin Exeter and Perk' dl and was - --- Heart, Kidney. Stomach 'slid Ner hez 44)11111 ry \t nz nice[ writ. -at always well respected as a boy and MARRIED Troubles, Despondency. if it) W. S. Howcy Phm. B. seen on o tombstone, hot thM oa hirer young ln, his quiet. ways and thor• '1(l't1-MelINNISON--At Grand Hap. there should be :t raise of typhoid Iloilo -red him mush. alfhnuZh hes. MlRhly manly qualities endearing him 1,1', Ohio. on \\'eda,•alay Nov. 27th. Sri Het F.' Vet \t hilt' the 'il- L r Chemist and OpticianIl ,z 6,10111makin' hits will th' to all, Mi•1 Mary MrGinnison, to Sir. F. Sera he '.till pet form i cure in IEXF,TF,It O\TAHiU.\\'. K. Topa, o! Toledo, Ohio and few l'""" "i" 1 chart. to . washtub an' ronin' pin. his rem.'dy for further par I formerly of Exeter, 1 you tart apply to Nip Ji. Illatchfor. JONES t CLARK: