HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-28, Page 8J ti. t h; X E R '4e 1 M h .S NOVEMBER :Nth 1907, ++•: ++++++++♦+++++++++++++++++;+++++++44+444+4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ STEWART'3 CHRISTMAS WILL SOON BE HERE. Are you ready? WE Altl: \\ e .ue prepared with an imweaee stock of good, useful Crura mob presents. Come in and take your time looking through the best isFso4 t ed and most natty stock in Exeter. Conte bring your frit ods a it li you. You are always welcome. 25:•, ,e. 50; for three lovely pure silk handkerchief plain cent t es with bilk embroid- ered verges *well presents. 45e. the waist end. Very prel t y American opera flan- ne)f; creast grounds with fancy floral and polk effects and dark grounds with dr t sdeu patterns. $2 2.5 each, Ladies Silkett t'n- derskirte, beautifully made trimmed with narrow frills and knife pleating, Hear them rustle. $7.111) Ladies Isabella neck Riffs full length trimmed nisi ural heads and tails. $10.1:o Ladies natural Grey squirrel Ruff and muff, the 1,i ett iest set we have seen this season. $;,t► 00 Ladies navy fur lined , oat. lined with choke ► g11ii rel and collars and re- t. re+ of choicest natural r:1 e•y squirrel with muff to inatoh $50.00 buys the out- fit. It's a Beauty. $1 (:(1, $1.25 for two sample lines of Ladies pure linen lawn handkerchiefs with hand made Battenburg lace trimmings, the finest we have ever shown. TI5 00 Ladies finest Electric ht nl jacket with American *ab'e collar and reveres, hest satin lining and silk g idle, $50.00 Mens natural coon coat the best we have seen this season only 0 to sell come quick. 1 $10.50 A lovely full sewi•por- celeau china dinner set pure white body decorated with wild roses and traced with gold. $12 50 A swell 108 ;piece din- ner set pure white body de- corated with dainty pink roses rand stippled and traced with gold. $15.00 For the swellest 108 peice dinner set you'll see this season called the Cor- inth It's a Beauty. $15.00 and $10.00 For two new Crown Derby dinner sets 108 pieces to the set the sweetest decorations we have ever shown, See them. $3.75 A lovely 10 piece toilet set decorated with wild roses and traced with gold. $1.50 and $5.00 For two lovely new toilet sats in every shades pink and brown ef- fects they corse to ue direct from Great Britain. 30c to $2.75 For twelve new fern pots and Jardiners you must see them to under- stand their real beauty splendid presents. 25c to $1.50 For the lovely range of fancy China cake plates useful and beautiful. S5c and $1.25 For two new Mojelica china vases lovely shaded body with natural rose decorations. If you want to see the finest and choicest lot of Chinaware: in \\ est ern Ontario at prices that are easy to reach then we are ioo;.ing for you. We believe we are the only }muse in Exeter handling only Redpath Sugar. It costs its a lot more than the other brands. But then duality is what tells, don't he jollied d.)n't take any old sugar because you are told that it is just as good because you kUOW it isn't. The chance of the season. The last call on trimmed Millinery (1.50 trimmed pattern hats for 3.50; 4.00 trimmed pattern hats for 2.50; 3.00 trimmed pattern hats for 1 98; Nothing wrong but the price the Hats are all new the trimmings are new the styles are new, but the season is getting late and we won't car- ry any hats over. Come and get a nol:by new hat for a very small price. We want a big lot of Dried Apples. J A. STEW ART +++++++++++++++++.++++++++14+++++.1.414+++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++. i+++++++++++++++++ II 111 111 I; tl�� tslt st$lkltll.l IrtiekilltHhli Tea Spoon::, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks Soup Spoonr, Pie Knives, Pearl -bandied Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings 13ig Stock to choose from A, MARCHAND NEW fall Suitingsl AND fashion Plate Just flrrlvc� tall Ind Make tl St''(hction be- e ; he rush. Breaking the Social Ice Just try giving a party some time with the aid of an Edison Phonograph It is the hest thing in the world to get over the first half hour before people littt.ber up and use their own wits. The Edison Phonograph introduces the wits of others at the right time to snake people talk and be sociable, but even for the gathering where all are congenial and well acquainted, the Phonograph with its variety of enter- tainment introduces a new note of antttsenent. It will cheer the churlish enliven the most dull and amuse the most unresponsive. It is irresistible because Edison made it. An ideal -Paras gift is a PHONOGRAPH OUTFIT All prices. Discs and Needier, in stock THE PURITY J. Wti.t.is YoWEL., Mgr. Watch our window. Can. Express I31d r ', STOP .\ N i) REFLECT. 1 tt: iy save you Soni' money and .�lIke someone +11.,0 happy. Our ex- t remely low prices i►n HAIR, CLOTHES Al)NHAT BRUSHES AN1) MIRRORS. %till save 3 -on many :1 zoo(( penny if you'll only examine them and buy of ua. 1t'` ,north while ref lee tin - when you consider our larze (+tock and how ,e real► ate )►irz.lit,ed for it W. S. 11OWEY, Ph m. B. nbetniat and Optician. -- ONTARIO I EXETER, Big Show at Exeter Opera House, Dec. 12 W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. Seats on sale at Browning's EXETER, - ONTARIO. DrugStore. See Leonora, • see the Count, Sentry,Servant and Soldiers. The 3 pretty ERNEST ELLIOT maidens in the Big Sextette. Conveyancer Accounts Collected Jokes that, will drive away Mo.r.v "1 'nail at lowest rates. the blues. All this at the North twat. Lando for Sole. Office, Maln Streit, Exeter Bort Lams linstrsl So. Market Report.-Tbs fol►owing is the report of Exeter markets, cor- rected up 10 Noveiub_'.r 28th.. 1907. Wheat t:2 r.•itls per hushed. Oa'js 4'2 een.i per hu.•eh.'I Rarity, 50 to 55 c;'pts. per bushel. 75 cents to 80 ceints. i/r.:n S20 per e,t'.t. Sheri s, 822. Feed Fleur, S1.II1, to 1 135. Feed Flour. 51.40. Ilegs livewei.;l►t S5.25 per cwt. tloi►s, dr.::sed $7.00 11 I". 14 .1►t;l 815 per ton. Clover seed. $8 to $10 per Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per Mutter. ;;Si cent:•. Eees. 24 Cetlt, p :' dozen- !), i.•d Appl.et 6 ,1 . pCX 110111141. Coal. $7.25 a ton. • bushel. I bag. .••••••••••••••••••••..... •• • • LOCALS i •••••••• 5•*••••• Big ReductionSale -Four we,'ks tto Xmas. -iris, F. Roulston, of Listowel, is the :nest of Ur. and :t11•;. ltoulaton. 11i&. 8,idic Walker, Exeter North, left Monday to visit friends in Sar- ni.(. 'Mrs. J. Miller 14 visitin4 at Ow ::one of t11. .Io;.�i►b II:t%vkin•Oilitu'- t it le. -Ars. harry Isaac, c.f Grand Betel, is visiting .her daughter firs. "Will Sweet. -lir. Janees Itouthroti. of Toren - to, :,pent ra=t week the eutst of Lk t -i -lets To economize at this big store for the next thirty- day's. We want to raise $5,000 in Cash and in order to do so we will offer our entire stock of up-to-date goods at greatly reduced prices. An opportunity you cannot afford to miss. We suggest early actions on the part of intending purchasers in this great sale. Remember this includes every depart- ment cf ourbig store. This is a genuine sale as we must have the money. hare. SoIeoOId OppottonItIGs --Mrs. Vowel' returned Lest 1'ritiay ui�ht front ,1 ei,ett11's visit with Wends in \\ i:td=or. Mts.Mts. 1'.t t ters:on, 'of Medicine Hat. tet:, the guest last week of - ter, Mr.. (Irev.) fear. -The Ai►niv .rsar•y -ervicos of the James Street !11et,hodiit church •viii be held on Dec. 15th. - ,1isi Gv.or;ia •11onthrojl, of Tor- onto. is the igu0,4,t of her aunt;. Mrre Collins :ind 'Mise Itottthro.tt. -l1 r. There Harvey- was 00nfitl.-t1 1') his •h')tt-e a few days last week, srysip'1aa on the f.tce twin; the cause. GIANT . TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in big plug's. Quality always :the same. The llisetet Lavine .tori Amelia l:och. of .Exeter, ,:pent Sunday a: 11‘1(11).0(1 R. lie olof their parent:• i11 Dash- -Low clubbing rates for tine Time.. and other papers for the balance of lihc year, or from now until January 1909. -Mr. Louis Taylor, of 1'orc4, w.is ;t !nest.' at the home of Mr. D. Cob- teelick, Exeter North from Satur- d : v till Monday. -lir. Geo. Powell returned 1'ri• .say night [tont attending rho funer- al of his 'g t':tndfather, G. \V. }Iotv.11, at Thedfoocll. -8. S. No. 5, L'sborne his engaged `)r. A. W. lin actor. of Hamilton teach, -r for the corning year at a . a l :try of 84 50. 5 it ROWE The l.oiutoit hotels are thinkii►_; of abolishing the American :plan of serving meals .and substituting tho European plan. -For Quality and Quantity /ask your dealer for the new big p1ugt of "hob;." "Sta3' and iCu'rre:icy chewing tobaccoes. -We were last weak shot n sam- ples of Manitoba wheat that had :cone t11rou7,h the ravages of the frost in the early fill before it could be .h;trveated. It 'vas (such poor stuff, that making flour from it' was out of the quessiiou :Lntl would ue of very lit tlo use it1.4 feted. -Word w,tH :received her,: list Fri- cl:ly that =malll+ox was prevalent its Go(lerich, and that betweerL two and three hundred It'crti clown with the disease. TF. report was rec. ivied with much apprehension by many here ns iteyeral Exetarite:e sir.: at t►t•eSent attettditt,. the i,todtsl. The report w,is ' probably exaggerated, hut it hats -been stated thatt ,chat church services were dispensed with last Sunday ..Ind the public ischotols have been closed oil account of the COLE'S DRUG STORE alleged epidemic. -The Iter( ,Lane Dliuslrel Co'y. Exeter. composed of 130 white people in burnt cork as follows :-our own orchestra. full stage. Choretie. -The Big Sex- tette, The Greo't Laugh Producer - 30 minutes of the great El Trova- 'Lore. New clean jokes and lit t•'s t New York songs, that have the election of the cIi'P y : the most up - to I te. 1 t I b' t 'Iin�'t rel DO YOU WANT 5 etter Biscuits etter Cakes etter Pies Than you have bad ? Then use Cole's Baking Powder It is a very simple matter to make delicious, wholesome and nourishing food when you have the best BAKING POWDER to bake with. Once used always in favor 25c a Pound -(a c t•iZ ►t '• an :l Xe -Mrs. Fred liawkshaw, tato was Co. touring Canada. Don't forget :-sting- her parent.: ill Toronto tite .+ho': Tl:urel33 rti;ht Dec. 12th ,or several month;, returned hotne at the Exeter Opera Hou 40. Ire.;erv- '.-t.t,turday evenitt,. (ed ,ceatts on staler at Browning's Drug -Mr. Geo. Ruby and family, .of .'store. Ste Lew 1)ocstadtr the 111; I).1iltw•ocd, were vi -iters :tt the home interlocutor. of Isaiah ![all, on their stay to their The hi}►h Co. in utrutli ..colutntt new Leine i:► N4 %t Ifambur;. ( adverti3e that they have cls-continua3 -lir. 110101es, son of the New Er•t buying apples tor 1)04 w.•.tso!I. 5inc.e Proprietor and Shorty Can(t'lon, of the (;ibli Co. erected their plant .a Clintiee were in Exeter last. Friday few months a;3o they have taken in t:11111t in the' =11co(iug snatch. :thousands of bushels e.f apples for -Aleut one hundred Ex'.turit'a ,It,- which they have paid rile _Itis;hest tended the foal ',upper in 00011.'Ctiort ttrev.eilin.; pries•. [lux reason for with the 1'.110)Ville lc•thodi4( church discontinuing the purchase Of apples Anniversary, cin Tut-;d:ay 4•'.''11in.. is this, owing to the rush in tdt'((In; --Mrs. William Wil -on, (,f SIIIIC xl up their .huildin={ 111,')• were 1111.11)1,1 Street who was eon fitu'd to her to erect .I suitable 11)111(1.111; for the belt on account of alit:•-•.-, is :tbie storing Of 8lrple.4 in the cold wea- tin zet out of die house a short dims tiler. Next )eat l bulldtn ► trill be lance each day. - erected for this purpCi'.t .1.nd ss.veral more kiln= 'till b• ::ihI; 1 1:3 the main -1.'ite fax Collect or ell! be at the IA/HHelin/. Tot'. n 11311 on each Friday from 9 to 12 and 1 to 5 o'clock for tho col- lection of taxes, olio o:, 1)viceunivr 12th., 13th., and 14th. 1)11. BUTLER WILL its. AT CEN• tt nl Hotel. Saturday Novienle,r 10th 19ii7. Orders for Al.a's, erect' d by Tait Brown Op. Uotnpatly, 237 Dundas Street, London or local dialers. -111-8. W. .1. White Ind (lau;titer, i11rs. it. A, 'fibhitt, of Ottawa, are the attests of \1rs. .'olttt White. \V. .1. carne hitt, thein Saturday nizl►t arid returned Smithy afternoon. --in the 1', S. coinage the wl►t d; "In God We Tru+t," have been omit- ted. in the present n(lnditio11 of Owh money market many 1'. S. fis.lncier= ;ire unable to 1 ht.ti11 (rUit in 11:.. heaven, above or the Ir ,11�•.tlh. 1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAI( SUR - goon, will be at the Commercial Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. pi. to 4.30 p. rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated Next visit Saturday Nov. 301h. 1907. -The rues hers of tho J.,mr+ St. ;,n(1 Main St. Elie c►rl)t 1.0a4t1,ra )14'1(1 .t 0111011 1licetlin= of (he Main ,8r, Church Tuesday ev01110;. The pro- zrain mita furni:lhed by the Jarne9 St. 1.4•., rue .11(1 w:19 11141111' appr0Ci4)i(sit by t 1.ce'o :pre,,eut. Just closed n d.'a1 for :t sot of 11 .1 veller'4 samples, ladies fur ling d .i,lckett•, the finest lot we bar., Z'ver i,•; t la: w tlolr.enleri, the: cull: I► ani slats. Slide Collars and Itevet(•4, lett on the hands of the merchants lined with Etat, German Mink. M 1r• f to di1po-c of at a considerihle los; tinct and li'stnester. '1'hi+ t. ill It,,' to theta. Although the nterch.intt the seat) of thv',evon.- '8(rtt art's." :(Bert i 1 13:•t 31141 EC tiled -THREE BARGAIN DAYS TI118 poultry %till not be taken, cori+ider• - \\'e are r.hlized 1:► apologize t'► 'sur litany .-ul,-erihcrs who are accus- tomed to ,:.avis,, the Times at ill 114v41.01. f ice on Wednesday ('vetti'1 _ 4 ant! al -•II to 11:041 w)(1) ,.'t 1htnt .1l t t.e rural no+toffiec's early Thursday rno!'nin z for not ,getting tits paper out early last week as we a r.' in :rte habit ,of doily!. 1t was n(► fault c.f our 111"c,.1111ra1 dep.trt moot-, hot we considered the I1i•'e'titl,g ort \We.l- ncid.ey evening of .sufficir'nt impor- tance to held the puh!iea(it►11 of tho 3•:.c1' over inti! :►f t1'' 41-1'N•tin; in order 11. ;i%•'• (air- 1r'a(lers a full report. Ti,.- (+ontplent(,ttl+ ''•xt,•1141.'11 11,4 for q►u1►Iivttlit_ such .1 full aril :1nhiased r01.0rl of the its" tit•', h:t%e 111,•.3'e f11III fully 1.paid 11. for the effort. Mr. 11. II. Gunn 3%1- 41 pleas- ed tr it l t h a t h.' 1ib3k tw- i.i'%n to call the ilex: me: sir►, and rnntplim('nt up, and to renew 1,14 -tthsnript ion tor .1 nt>t her year. - The merchant 1.1 :111 p 1 r'14 of the ('00111ty ttr:' experieri('itli Con• 'idet'abl.. trouble on account oI the manner in which fowl 1; d•'livered to theta. The pout(ry th - t.er;e wholeale houses, who iti turn ?upply the market: in the lariec n- :e's, 1041des 1411ippin: large luanti- t ie, to the old count ry rli 1 rket. 'l he poult t y t h'1+-Iiippoel i+ ,subject to rlo,u' curbs., I;.lh before being .hipped by the local merchant, and 1\1;1•:1: :1t the Exeter 1t'1r;:tin Store, Thurpd ty, Friday :in.l tilt urdiy. All the .t-rrk 4011-1 Ir• cl4'toed otlt, lo nt.ik(' room for .t stock of hoots an.] r'hex..s. Cracking iti 41largail,'c for three days -.1. W. Broderick. Rev. John W. Graham, form.•r• pas- tor of the First lleti!r►tli-t church, i,c►ndn:', and w(•11 known in h.x,•ter, will ill 3111 pr(►h1l►llity he the next Secretary of E.luc Minn 10 csucc(.c•O the late .1)r. Potts. 'leu. Graham 14 at present 'actin : in that curses (1'. -The voters It 3',o Contin; slur:i• eiii.11 elections w ill ne'ad to hava their nlin(14 pretty well 0):1(11• up before they -liter the pollin; broth+. In all fi re ballot + w111 he WWII. nnC for 3 Le office of rrev,', one for no coun- rillori, one for the Evaporator i;v- 13w•, ow. for the school trust! 8:1:1 one fcir the plebicite vobe 4he cow t►y-l-tw. 81'ItSCRIAE': FOR TIIE: TIMES. An' of t ). it ci:l+4 is Iasi lir doily 1►rou4ht in :1::t1 offer.;d for =roe, an 1 tleslrina to retain the patronagc of 3110 C 51,0 r:11:.' 1.01111 ry, the Inc'r- c.l►anl reluctantly take, the produce knowiit,; that it will entail A 1044 to Mtn. Merchant+ like ever% other ch is of 1,11ci4t?511 1114'11. •krcr subject 10 keen c0111p?(1(1011 :111d are 1111111,, to nt:lke an axreement that %%11 I h.' lived tip to by 'ill member; of the :rade-ire rezartl to the ?ttlyin, of poultry. 8cveral merchant* have X• pre{;t•d t110111sely .1t 10 ua 1111! there 1+ no Illntley in buying seine of I he poultry that i+ forced upon them while 111,' cu=t(►inc'rs, who 1Ike good. in e'X11)t311/0. and hpeomc' dis..ati.fi 1 with their puteltt5, 4, have no com- punction 1:1 returning them. The raiser+ of point ry should accent the .situation it: the proper lit111 :1111 ;ire f he merchants w bat tte.y :1•k Outs koeMn; 'up the ()rites of 11: • product& THERE'S nothing so ac- ceptable for a wedding gift as a piece of silverware. Of course, you must be sure that it will wear well. The absolute cer- tainty of long wear is as- sured when you see this trade -mark. That means the best silver- ware made. Rich in design, perfect in workmanship, end plated to last a lifetime. Call in and we 11 show Jou some of the latest de- signs in Standard Silver. S. FITTON Full the Wedding Pings issuer of M.t, ria;e Licenses \Vo 11.10 ready with a hti_Itt, r;�•an stock of Novelty and Sou- venir .roods. >;ouvet.ir, stn 1 •, New '1,.11-, Scenery and ('emit; i'ost Card•. Souvenir Pito Trays with good view of Canniltz Vac - tory. alio '1'(otlt Crea1134 .1113 1%o%%dVs, Sh,lmlloo. chapped It in ('leap's and Skin Forel+, G:eta r•1 h and Cold Remedies, 11 ;lir Tonic-, and swell i'et 111111( . (':111 and ret: before ma kin, your pure 1,•1:,. You can save 1111)1:•')' l: 'r('. THE PURITY J. %Vet i.rs Pnws:ir., Mgr. Watch the Window. -.� very pretty wedeli11 11•,19 sol • enlnized .It the (kattril Dfc('h(rljit Church, corner of \We45/1war(1 an i Adam's ,v;1 ntl0 Detroit, o't d 1y evenin r, November :2(t h., 1.) Rev. Frederick, .1►. S. 1,oa.14', D. 1). %. hen 1.1111 in Maude 131atchfor.(1, for. 111 011)- a M:xrl•'r, '. 1++ married to Mr. James Henry hoist Ito, .1 pronAteett young 1,1w yet of ►)et r(yt. They le ide was 1,0ct►ltiintly attired in a suit of n ivy blue jadi.'.. cloth lravellirr7 +nit, ‘31t11,3 %' 1;.t r•f %%hot/.• net over pile blue silk and hal to match. Mr. real Mr.. flolitl►o will rt' iriA iti r oat fur a short time after whirl; the) "11) move to Dimes York. THE OLD RELIABLE ;CLOTHING CLOTHING CLOTHING Thirty Days Special Sale of Ready Made Clothing in Mens, Youths, Boys and Childs. 75 Suits of Mens 65 Suits of Youths 50 Suits of Boys 40 Suits of Childs Also a number of Mens and Boys pants in all sizes. tr_ . A choice line of overcoats ranging frons $5.00 to $15.00. We are bound to sell the above at a sacrifice price in order to make room for other goods. Come quick if you want a bargain. CARLINC BROS. 4 DON'T MONKEY \VITH THAT COUGH use I -IO W EY'S SYRUP WHITE PINE & TAR Sold only at Howey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. SUBSCRIBE FOlt THE TIMES. GRAND TRUNK SY'SE� CALIFORNIA MEXICO FLORIDA nee the favorito Winter .resorts. Hound trip ticket; are is, - sued by the Grund Trunk Railway System 5ivin. choice of all the best routem in; alts way and returniri.3 aftwt1icr. For tickets and ftffl information call o J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, or write J. D. MCDONALD, Union Depot. Toronto, Ont. HON Do6ordor Plumber (iiot and Coldwater) HF Sovcr6lall BaIIK of' 6dDa&t Notice is hereby given that a tIlvid- end at the rate of 0 per cent. (6%) per annum on the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the period of four (4) months ending Nov, 30th, 1907, and that the same will be pay- able at the Hexad Office and at Bran- ches on and after Monday, the 16th day of December next. The transfer books will be closed from the lst t•) the loth day of Decem- ber, both days inclusive. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, F. G. JEMMETT General Manager. Toronto October Lod, 19(7. Give the Cook a Chance to prove her skill in baking by providing Star Flour "Star Brand" Sian Writing and Grainlun It is the one Flour that has the With R. Dinne IasiatParion. ata- quality to assure the best results mates furnished on applicin baking. "Star" always yields the lightest, whitest, sweetest and most nutritious bread and rolls and the choicest cake and pastry. A trial will prove this. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner Jazres and An drew Street. THE BEST FLOUR We have on hand a supply of the best (lour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer Tiros of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. Grain Wantod Give us a Call HARVEY BROS. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ♦♦♦♦♦♦N♦♦N♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.. Best Situations Write for particulars. ale available with reniwal of indu+t.rial activities In early li1'ItING. if you desire one, you must enter NO\V. Short, slrtrp, snappy curses for those t1 h(1•`�t rim0 or 10013('y is limited, and tl.e broadest and fne>.il. comprehentit's curriculum. for tho..e• who would attain m010 than (ordit►a ry (success. '.1A11, CO1�11$E8 in Commer.. ri •I, Stcno'r:tphy Telegraphy Remember we pay highest civil service, Matriculation + 1'•Ynrnaivllip, etc. Write for particulars. prices for all kinds of grain. 1 1 R. G SEL DON I BUSINE,ss COLLEGE Exeter, Centralia DANIEL. E. EBV, Vice Prins s GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. and Clandeboye •••N•••••H•••••••••NH• NOTICE We wish to inform the Farmers and others that we have stopped buying apples for this season. THE OIBB CO. Evaporator on Station "treet, Exeter J. G. EARL, Manager.