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Exeter Times, 1907-11-28, Page 5
TELE EXETER 'I'IIAES, NOVEMBER 28tli1907 The BROWN'S OREDITON ,Busy Store Dress Goods and Silks We have been known to carry a large and full range of Dress Goods and at present show a larger variety of all the latest goods that ever were shown here before. When about to purchase, see Our goods before buying elsewhere. We have also a big range of Silks in all the latest styles. Announcement OnI O The Corner Ladies' Misses' and Children's Coats. The season up to the present time has been the banner one in the history of our business and is due to having the right styles and qualities at the right prices. We show many ranges of mantles in Blacks and Fancy Tweeds. In Children's and Misses our stock is complete. FURS Our stock in this line is a full one and we find the more we carry, the More we sell and that is why we bought heavy. Showing great variety of Ruffs and Muffs to match. See our special 80.50 Muffs, also Sables. Ruffs and Scarfs in all lines of furs. Prices $1.50 to 515.00. Also showing full range of Ladies Astrachan and Furlined Coats. Poultry and Seeds Wanted. We are paying highest market prices for all kinds of Produce. A Call Solicited. S. BROWN +++++++++++++t++++++++++++ •h4+•! +++++++•1•4•444-1-1•+++4•9.+++ Staple &Faney Groceries A Large Stock. A Great Variety. The best Quality . • Our Policy -Low prices, quick turnovers, big business ,I Remember we are giving;26c for butter in pound prints. See our pretty and varied line of X Xmas Post Cards. 4. ' B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar 4. w+++++4+++++++++++++1+++:++d••r•++44+•i•4,1.4•r•++•P•+•1-•r••1••i••1••1•i•3• Heating Stores and Ranges The Pandora, Peninsular, Happy Home and Kitchen Always lead the market and always will.. They are in a class by themselves and hav©: no equal. This is the verdict of all who use them �_ 'rney will do the most heating and cooking on less fuel than all stoves jn the market, Eavetroughing and Tinsmithing Promptly attended to W. MOORE - KIRKTON Fall and Winter Overcoats More For Your Money You get up-to-date styles, best materials, better satisfaction, more value for your money. when you buy an overcoat from Grafton & Co. The largest clothing concern in Canada owes its success to giving unbeatable values, and upright business methods. The Dressy .Semi -Forret Filling models, handsome New Fox Bark styles for '07 and '08, popular Single Breasted coats, are here in every size. Materials arc Black and Gray Vicunas, Cheviots and Cashmeres, pre- shrunk before making by our special process which makes them retain their shape until worn out. Collars and lapels are hand stoatcd. Lined with extra quality all wool serge, with good mohair and satin sleeve linings. On request we will MAIL YOU SAMPLES of cloths, with instructions of how to order by mail. Perfect fit, com- plete satisfaction, guaranteed, or • money refunded. Prices, $8.50 to $25 EXPRESS tPREPAID. t • Operating factories asd J. M. IFCHEY, Maaaser C?:i '1£It • 7 :sees to Canada London, Ontario MARItiED lit'PI ITI1O--11I.\Tcill'oitll --- in t nit. al Wed. Nov-. 2111 11.. Lalli in Alende fllatciford vt 1: milli. 1 tai efr. ,TJt:tes 10111 110. of D•Iro;t. 1)11•:1) ll:\\DFn1:U--ln ('.setae, 0:1 \rt. :_n.i. it irgare'. Il,'.unish. beloved w ifc ,•f .1nm.'a ilandlord ,t te..i 51 years, 10 months. MEETiN(; OF Q'i8E Ill'RON COi-N- TY COI•NCIL. The ,council of the corporation of the County of Huron will meet in Council chamber in the town of Got!. erieh. on Tuesday the 'trd. day of December *text, at 3 o'clock p. m. All accounts azainv; the County. tcquiriug settlement, moat be placed (vita tits, Clerk. by December the and \V. LANE, Clerk. Gnderich, Nov. 13th., t1107. Jf BOVRIL added to any 1 sere11 ulru:bur was :given w all deaerv- cd applause. Rev. Goin; of Eaetea'. m: tte :w excalwit chairman. r. createslees.., the at.ai�tant pastor, ;.tlo a .short addresses, atter which the appetitectnt rale.( choir, wbieh had oh tr •of tit tau -ace part of rho program. 'crave a selection. blies Lillie El.aot dish yeses it the delightful o.1.i/ of I of Cent caliJ. As dc. :ruin, of sl'. tial roasting beef. mention for Ler sin of the .ia• Make, your in euth water -puts your appetite eel edge. its rich, beefy flavor, starts the gastric juices flawing. Ieelpiag the digestive organs extract more nutrition front the food you cat. BOVRIL is not a mere extract. It contains in concentrated form all the essence, substance and flavor or prime beef. \chen tired out, try a little BOVRIL in a cup of boiling water, with a soda biscuit. Twill refresh and strengthen you. All good cooks keep BOVRIL always on hand. There's not a day passes that it cannot help make some dish more palatable -more nourishing. theme in the chorus. Miss E.liot Its>ssesses ,t very s0 t, cl•' tr v -vice, veil tete-feet onwtelttiou. The eirtiiu_; of Mr. and airs. 1J.ike: were bi;hly appreciated U3 stat the read- ing of Mia; Butt. Short addresses were eject' by heves. Mutt and Veale. The receipts for ti • two days ware most ,;ratifying to eie Board, over $200 bciva (realised. The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. Opera (rousts, Exeter, Thursday. Dec. 12th ' 1007. Seats on ,ale at lir ownin • 1)ru; Store. All good grocers sell BOVRIL. 13 • COULDN'T \1'I:Alt BOOTS. ,>_ If you ,suffered with :t had area Crediton DR. P. J. MDCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC!. ens alar surgeons. Successor to Dr. E A. : eat. tee esditon, Ont. The Bert ,•at Mitislr:a Co. Oper.l (louse. Exeter, Thursday Dec. 12th 11907. Seats on rale at lirowt:in;'s Drug Store. 31r. David Baker, who has been in ale employ of Mr. 11. Brown as ap- prentice learnin_z 'the :shoemaking it. rade, severed hie oonn ction with Mr. Brown the past week. Some of our merchantea window; 1 '•ave put on •t .Ntnae appearance. Islr. John Appleton moved into the dtvellin; recently vacated iby his brother John. Mrs. I. Corni,h is at present on the .ick oat_ Mr. and .Mrs: Ed. Lawson, of the Goshen line tient Sunday with Mr. and lir;. John T. Bedfori. Mr. !'rank Sane iii having a cut - tin; box added to his threehit!; out- fit which will enable him to cut `the straw next Fear. ltev. L. K. Eidt, of Dashwood ex- chan;ed pulpits 'here with the Rev. E. 11. Bean. Rev. Mr. Eidt preached two excellent sermons. Th.: church wee crowded at both services. A number of our youIt, 'people spent a plea_ant emirate; at the: home of Mr. and Mrs. John Switzer one nicht last week. Mr. D. McIaaac, of shurich his been engaged as 'blacksmith with' Alonzo plod;ins- Mr. Bert Clark has been awarded -the contract of painting the new school at Centralia. Miss May Cou;hli.n, of St. Joseph hospital London. spent Sunday at her home. here. Mr.. Daniel Couelain and daugh- ter Miss Etta, of London wore the guests of Dr. and Mrs. 1'. .1. McCue over Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Cornidlt, who was ser- iously' ill la.ttt week is loin; nicely. • Dashwood The pert Lane Minstrel Ca., Opera, House, Exeter, Thursday Dec. 12th • .1907. Scats on sale at lirovrniu;'s• Dru.; Store. Mr. D. Ilartleib, of Exeter is •spcnd- in; .t few days at his (tome here. Rev. Bean, i•f Crediton occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church Isere on Sunday last. Rev. L. K. Eidt taking his work in Crediton. Mr. ant? D1ra. Penn, of .Parkhill vter,, the 1;ucste of Mr. and Mrs. J. l:ellermann over Sunday. Mr. Bennett Eidt visited his bro• cher John in Parkhill on Sunday. Mr. Geo. .Ruby this week auoved r tree his familyll:unhure, where tut has ,.cured a good position. Mr.1 Ituby leas :sold his house and luta to Mrs. Burk. On • Saturday evening some of their friends presented lbem with a center table and an easy chair. Plaintere are ,busy this vv'uck put• tin; 011 the finishing touch,•. to all.. Geo. i tli_hoffer'e Jtow `steers. Mr. (lire Rinker was taken to the Iitdnon •lu epilal last week to undergo len •apcrat icn. ,\Vo are pleased to learn that the operation w.e5 successful and that Ito is now duan; nicely. The Rev. •\lr. Tulin is till week i vi-itinz friends in Elmira. The Misses Cook of Exote.r, vi•tit-' ed at their home etre over Sund:eye I a------ Mr. lfichael Fenn. of Parkhill to visiting friends in town. `1r. and Mrs. John Hoffman. of Parkhill, visited friends iu tetvn I over Sumliv. A number from tiers attc:ndNd the Conservative tnass .tnectiti; field in Exeter on Wednesday evening ani in Zurich on Thursday .venin.. alt. W. L. Siebert. of 1'Ltttsville 1134 leased 4 h corner store in the Il rtleib block for a turn of years and intend,' optnin; a general store about the finest of the year. Miss Mary Wolfe, of Credito:t, was the /teed of C. 1 tnklytiryter a few thy. het week, rettirninz Ito her .borne oh Saturday evcnin 4. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, int Zurich„ acconip.ueicd 1tv their dela /late*. spent Sunday eat It the• form,•r'n sister Mrs. .1. Ks. ller main,. Mr. Ni irk Ilroketisbire has n+;ain opened up 1 1 eilor shop '{t► 10.4 old state! and will be zlett to see all his old customers hick a;:tin- Elimville The new Telephou•' lane from the village south 3 toils is rouipleted and in first class working order. The phones etre of the, bast quality and guaranteed to talk for 500 miles. Thera aro ;ten ;ubecribers on the Zine and,it is kept quito busy. Mrs. 11. ICoultii. who has Ibeen very „ick, de we aro .pleased to say. improving nicely and is able to _it up a few hours oach day. Mrs. Millar, of Exeter. spent a few days the past week the ;;uesa of Mr. nd Mrs. .1. IIw•kins. Mr. id Mrs. J. hunter; of Exeter, spent Sunday the tguetts of .relatives and friends. Mr. Wm. Miners and d.tu;hrcr, Mabe1sxeter, visited hist st l, ofaler Mrs. 5. Jol[n.s, and . !brother, J. Minora, on Sunday 1aat. The Anniversary cervices in Can- nectiort with the Elimville Methodist church 1•tst Sunday were very large- ly Attended, the congregations beim; 30 large that the capacity 'of the church was taxed to the limit. Es- pecially range •w•as• the eon;re;atyon at the evenitt'; service that many - had to stand. Two :.pleased and elo- ;uent sermons were pre-at/led by Rev. Smith Baker, of Ailsa Craig. who is fart gaining a reputation as one of thue ablest young men in the London conference. Mrs..Baker da. server special mention Bind praise for her assistance at the services, =inaitig four beautiful solos. She has it clear 13weet voice and many comments were hoard of her ranging. The }'owl Supper on Monday even- ts; was •the best ever bive,n by the ladies of 'the church, and ,aro large vt•J4 the crowd tbat it was nearly nine o'clock when .sipper was fen - kited. It looked ne though everyone 1 within a radius of ten miles ,was present to enjoy the t;sod thitres provided by tits ladies of the Elim• vine church. The program which followed w•a_ exceptionally- fine and <•••••••••••••••• WORTH TAKING ' One our co Fluid `extract Dandelion; One ounce Compound Salatono ; Fuer rl:nces Compound Syrup sarsaparilla ; iMixed awl taken in teaspoonful ...se .h set after each meal and at(,1Mrdtime, • i p.,i:iotiiiri d by a prominent physi- .•i.ut to be the heat mixture for the cure of the kidney, bladder, and all it na•y 11oulacs. This ails the doctor, is the most -i•o;''C though rtmarkable prescrip- • :1 It seer written to cleanse the • • -v: tem 1.1 inipuritit s amt waste :meter. It ac; P. as a iiowerful tonic O •.,the kelt'•t s, feeein: theta to filter 4 set t' a a::.is Anti poisons, overcon, i .e their, ate et.. lame hack, seiatira oltt ...h.,- ,it::ietitnts arising from s ur. impute 1.iood. The iu_re• ioi,ts can h, procured at .thy good date store, and being purely veeetahie and entirely harmless, can easily be mixed et home. If yon hale a setTe•1ng friend show 'hav to h rt, as he will tindou)itedly lie r''•'t el 'o Bern of so simple and Ili :1t• '.•, ornnicnded a remedy. f v! : a0407 To check t1 cold quickly, get from spur druxgist some little Candy Coli 'tablets allied Preventics. Dru;ii3t3 everywhere are now dispetesin; Pre- ventics for they are not only safe. but decidedly certain and prompt. l'rnventics contain no quinine, no laxative, uothinz harsh vor sicken• in;. Taken at the "'sneezestage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, 1)ronchitis, La Grippe, ete. (fence the name, l'reve•ntics. Good for feverish children. 48 Preventive a5 cents. Trill boxes 5c. Sold by W. S. llow•ey. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. TNS MA You (lana Always bright Bean the Signature of so bad that you could not hear any - elan; to touch it. and t lien some lone a..nt you •l. small sample box of 'Zanv•ltuk, half ruf which healed you • after 12 months' suffering, what would you says \\'ley, exactly what llr=. Ba tiete Jeanlouis, of \'anleek hell, said, when finiehin; her letter , viz.: THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES. There are crowds of others in the ! Dominion who write nice! things to i us, and they are all anxious that you ehoula know about Zain-Ituk, the Ma'rv'ellous healer. We pees their txlh•riauce cin from time to time for the help of other sufferers. Zana-lluk is the ;real aliracle.- \Vorkcr. Ik+al t where all else alibi. All skin trouble;, such as boils, ul_ !curt eczema, pimple., running sores chapped hand;, scalp irritation, I•'es- tcrin; sores, ipoisoned wounds, etc. field to ?am-Buk. For pile:, 'rheumatism etc_ it can- not hes equalled. Alt druggists sell at 50 cents a box, or from the Zaw- Buk OD.. postpaid for price, 3 boxes for 41.25. Send tor afree sample box enolosirr; lc. 'to pees po-i:r;e. Zurich The Bert Lane Minestrel Co. Opera House, Exeter, Thursday Dec. 12(It 1510. Seats on sale at Browning% Drug Store. Mr. E. Zeller has di±pose=d of bas interest in the ltunimel farm in Messrs. F. Iles.; Sr., and John F. Rickbeil. Air, B. S. Phillips of the _'nd. Con. lia.e drt,jcsed of his farm .(reel inters retiring front :farm life. (lis sale of stock took place on Wedee:eday. Mr. Charles llartleib purcha-ad a sudden; ht from Mr. F. C. KaIb- fleitch, and intends movie; the dwel- ling house on the 11. Well stand, to the new Joaation on Centre Street. Mr. llartleib ;meek the space where the house. now `stands fear his busi- neaj block, which he itrtends erect - in; in the .glaring. Mr. Charles Witmer had a nar- row escape from bein; seriously in- jured last week at the faros of '1r.• Ii. \'rollarid. 31r. \\'inner assailed threshing and in -ofess-co-11 way 'v1 cane on the over -lay became di,letl;- ed and in ;3ettirt; out of the way Charlie bumped the top of his head against a rest and received a scalp wound. Mr. John C. Jeffrey, of 1lryethle, bas leased IND. Jacob IW. \\''Dottie C.trm on The Lake Road for a term of five .)'egret, 31r. and airs. Ed Seim std llrs. Ilartuu;. have .moved to Mrs. 11. \\'alper's dwelling, west of the school anti the vacant house will shortly be occupied by a young couple from t Ow'll, =0 it i4 said. ShiP ka Mrs. 51. Finkbeiner and Iter daugh- ter Luella, aro in London, atte)ujin.; Ute forw.r',t pick Elan;bier, 'Mrs. Ainee. 81r. and Mrs. 1)r. A►nov, of Exeter spent Sunday :it 81 r'. ant( 81rs. Sweit- zcr's as did also Messrs. holt the I Murch, of Parkhill. Mr. John Geiser and wit. of Credi- ton. spent Sundt,• at air. iI. Wing's home. Mr. Chess. Finkteiner, of \Voodhag► spent Sunday with has parents (of t his place. Misses Emma and Kati. 'McCor- mick are vacating their 311,91 in Lon - TWENTY -FIVE YEARS' SUCCESSFUL RECORD ) Mf1NEY can bnv a,lvera:ing space, but it can't buy a gn:.rter e' etitry}'s Inererafni record of wonderful and ifn, at :tiraculous cures of the most difficult and intrir•ata• c1' s of thrr'.''. ':'ng pad rtennaeh trouble•. Such it! 1'Aychine'r record. '1a• , nde of rases given up by leading M`etors seli')pelrti rn.1 i• • ' l'',' 101 l! leen quickly stet ler. ninne'ettly eared by 1• It ie an infallible mitedy for coughs, colds, bronrliiti+. 1• :.1110(.16;1, ennsurnption, indigestion, loos of appe'ite am] a:l wast:ng diseases. "1h won hada tern.... for • sad wits motet l•_' a .had,'w. 1sM,nnt aid hr coul•l not I,r-e. Ile nsrrt Nn • chine, ttcured hltn'--Yr'. J k:ng- er. Brockville. • After taking is GO worth of 1'•v cline my matt are sell and me is again worth living.' -Nn► 1. Rich - snit,. Marriottet•ove, N.B. M y longs are 14.1* srietnd as s bell seer 1,ing Ike `Muse" -It. Ko►b1n 1 rl.le,I 1r4. e.1.1. i.ych,rr errs -I fry llfe-A.wal- dtn, 7 Cu r 1, .. r 1 i . ' , Ton,u t„ Psychine Never !''ails Psychine :: _ ;i.o Substitute • AT All OF, t: 'Rts. goer dna $1.00 A 6611TLtI DR. T.A. SLOCUM. Lime:ed.179 king St. W.. Torost• ZWIOKER'S, CREDITON For B8t_Goods at lowest r16cs Special Bargains for this month in Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits, Etc. See our stock of Underwear which is complete, all sizes and good qualities represented; bot before the advance; our prices are right. We offer the largest selection we have ever shown in Ladies Mantles, Fru- and Fur Lined Coats, Sable and Fox Setts, Throw Scarfs, etc, made up in the latest styles of the different furs. Special values in SVrapperettes, regular 121c line for 71e. We are clearing out many lines of Deess Goods less than cost. POULTRY The highest market prices will be paid for choice poultry. Skinny Poultry not wanted at any Price, Scalded Poultry half price. Drizd Apples 61ac; Butter 24c; Eggs 24c, A (;all Solicited. CHAS. ZWICKER Resolved e That most of the pleasure of going an where is in being dressed for the occasion, whether it is skating or on a visit, to church or work. People DO notice what you have on; besides one feels more comfort- able and confident in the right clothes. eta DiNs Examine our attractive line of goods for 1't►ll and Win- ter; and for a Natty, Stylish, Up•to-Date Snit place you order with. J. 1I.. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Crediton's Harness Sho piste slit essooYIIM seer. $ees. Gloves and MItts This is our first season for handling the above line of goods and as we advertised we bought the best to be had, and as a result they have been going fast. You can sec the style as shown by the cuts, They arc warm and guar- anteed to'wear well. Come in and get a Pair when in the village. F. W. CLARK, - Crediton e•••••NNN••NN••NNN •N•NNN••••N f MILLS, - WOODHIiM haveWe q C t l large c to k of frieze 011ercoets In boys' and Ment('. We are rrunnin; off .heap regular *6.00 coats for $4.00 and boys' regular ¢5.00 for $3.50. Underwear all wool per suit ti 1.00. Fleece lined heavy, - weight $1.20 a suit, we have all (encs of underwear at the right prices. Now is the time for rubbers. We have all kind.; of 11ubber'is, in oveit•rubbers and Heavy lumberman's ltubbere toys and mens. In Groceries Inc have a full stock all nice and fresh. Rat. sins :t lbs. .for 25c. Sulphur 10 lbs. fdr 25c. Salts 10 lbs. for 25r. Oil Cake 12 lbs. far 25c. • And we want your trade- Butter. 24c. 25c. a lb. -Eggs E;re 23c. earth, 24c. trade -Dried Apiplee, trtado 7c. pee Ib. A. MILLS, - Woodham: •N••••••••N•NN••NN•• ••••••N••••••NN•••N••. don. The Messrs. J. D. Mannon and E. Brenner attended tit' sltootln; nit 'ch of Dan Hartleib in Exeter. The plowing bee held by .f, 1). liana non proved to be a be; tsucceess, Mr. .Iohn Mclthe.•, who avert in Albe•rt•e for the past few months has te•tin tied home. Mr. S. 1. Swcil zer in lite Jior,43 dieter. Give 111 III a trial. 8..1. Streit zer and E. Breen •r in Parkhill on Monday. J. D. Mannon shipped a larre load (>f dried tipples on Monday. Don't for;et the enielthinment. in Shape' Church on Dec. 23. John Gower is ,i professional at poultry dressing. Ile dressed 125 chickens one day last %seek for J. 1). ilannon. The Bert Lane Minstrel 0o. Opera Howie, Exeter. Thin -why 1)cc. 12th V107. Setts en ?ale at Browning.); Druz Store. vv -re Help for Weak Eyes The wonderful new methods of eye - examining used by the Tait- Brown Optical Co.. of London,. ars relieving the eye troubles of hundreds of people. in some cases of long standing that base serer been successfully corrected, the resells are nerveless. Our missal is Unpractical demonstra- tion of the wonderful discoveries made at the world's optical centres of Berlin, Paris, London and New York. ' THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. MAIM $rZCIAWST$ 137 Deeds* St. Leedom. OM, SALE REGISTER \\'ednesdy, Dec. 11th, farm etlaCld Ind implements, the property of WO.. F. Case, ILot 132. Con. 1 1'Abornal Thos. lutes., Auction( ,•`, G!T THE BEST . S , "' 1) PRI/_I 1.�' 1r♦r►tl(tti( Awsrtf RLD:S FAiR i:Lotf1S. r EBSTLR'S IONA!. NARY -v. r•� Recent!; Enlarged 0 if 25,000 i'..:w Words New Ga:ettecp of the World e 11 it wan t hen ti,( ) tltl_a, blue] on the latest tt•r,:ci It:u:•:..• NowDiogra.'-1ca1 Dictionary rt.ntltning 11,u n•i,n, sof over 10,000130W i'rwtw, tette of Ln t It, death. ore. Edited by V.',,11AitRN. Ph.D.,LI. 19., tniteelat,.te;C'o:us.issionero[ 1}lueatiO$. 2380 Qt.-..rto Pages vtw TLI,. 1. ,: . •:arks.. irks radios& Needed f - .: every Home Alec Wehstcr'r:.SNi;Iat. iNetlonory I1 , 1',, •,. 1440 IIIe.traein.a Regular Eat:, . .3ae1(IrMa $Arsdtetx. De Luxe £..Leat 0011µ1% la. Print. 4 rr,w, M m,►r•'•., . a , , .owl. l bantrol 6:, ris1, FRIE L'•Iaalow,V. .ilea" LlesriAk4pr.apklef% O. to C. res :;. RIIAM CO,- ,`rust..,,. t prtagftetd. Moss.