HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-28, Page 4JUST ARRIVED
A very choice assortment of
'fair Brushes, -Combs
Cloth Brushes, -Whisks
Toth and Nail Brushes
Shaving Brushes
Pocket .Mirrors
Fine Soaps and Perfume
Talcum and Face Powder
For the Best
and Newest
Call at
Drug Store
Smoke Doctors Prescription
Best :lc. cigar in town
The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
year in advance. 31.50 may be
Charged if not t:o paid. To United
Stated subscribers. $1.50 strictly in
advance. .No. paper discontinued
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
amid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
The so-called currency .scarcity jn
he United States cantitue.s almost
Raba ted, a1thone h the (premiums
hick axe .being paid appear to have
Hen from tour per cent. to one and
•half. the plain fact which can no
in, disguised is that the bank -
eys.lem of the United States has
oken down. Not one Or two banks
t practically all of them
e in the position of bovine un'sale.-
ble uccuritica and no ready mon".
tspite of the {tnormou4 rcredlis
hich they have been able to secure
louden, they1 :r meet
c unable to me
it en,gal;ementes. The 'effect upon
duatry in the United States must
vary e:erious unless by some utear.s
dit is restored.
oJitle who have been able to ob-
mwley have .simply hoarded it,
refuse to trust it to the banks
. Cortclyou, the Secretary of the
Bury, appeals to the people to
at the •banks, but so far without
blc resylt. 'Meanwhile the cur=
condition i; observable that cre-
ss n.a it were enforcin; itself by
mere absence of confidence.
o;ole are accepting che;ues for
•ythin; because they must. The
tomary 'fabric of credit hat been
shed by various influences, [tot-
al and economic, and a new fa_
c la :1a it were spontaneously or-
jzin; itself.
Le situation is almost unthrallel-
Il resentbles a state of siege in
telt all payment. are suspended.
people accept premises t0 pay
au.ae they have no choses. Thi'i
ditinn has spread over the court -
Not merely in New York, but
I'ittsbur,3 and in San F'ran.ciico
payment's fare for 'she time
Ply eus'pended. The country has
d into a condition of what may
.scribed 114 conditional solvency.
banks are tsolvent if they could
lee their 'securities. Meanwhile
y cannot do '-o on :any (ernes.
lie hoardinx ,of money to the ex-
t as al Ie;ed, of t1i500000U0 ha 4
ply absorbed 'the whole of elle
ds received from Europe at :ar:at
t. by the bulks. 11 is Antill wost-
li at. rloubt should exist about
e'xpl•dit•ncy of mak in_ furl hot
'intent, of gold. as they illi. ht
•e 111 • '4t4111e dct4tjua1ion. '111' .rjl-
tlon toe treally only b• par,tlleied
htol.ltnruednn 'couttlil s like 1,;ypt
Indj t, ,t I•ere •h xlydin'a is n prao-
eneOuI , ped by t•lie Koran. and
re. oein: to 1h:tdit ere .'eel proe-
ity of 1 It 1s(•s>p1e under Ilrjl ish
(Idti''n, enorntons aunt,
f Tate -years millions+ telve poured
to I?zypt .Ind have not reappeared.
rl e v(i Crow r, in �t . r ech the 0111.1e
y. utentioneil the aitgr '>f An is;yp
11 4% h0 left a tart 114) • e lu tl Le
00.0110 in 'told coin. 'I'Ite New fork
at not ,nun thrall)' rem Irk4 norm
atr.inrdinary rjrcunl•t lite° tail
sit tli'nil, I State;
not be 11 t IIr11ed erc.•ptin r in 1 h.•
The pretniUm+ will I.1'010111y
asw out the beards, anal r im'-
Weak Lungs
For over sixty years doctors
have endorsed Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for coughs, colds,
eak lungs, bronchitis, con-
umption. You can trust a
medicine the best doctors ap-
prove. Then trust this the next
time you have a hard cough.
The beat kind of a testimonial--
"5o1d for over sixty years."
Ysds Vet' 0uAy.A- Cr,•Loell, rias,
We aa.• as *serene I Ws *realign
aM terilantws of sol else ssdiof.M.
/AIR bloat.
'0 Pills keep th• bowels rogutnl).
vegetable and gently tatativ3
2v._ :,,,trlottr-'77"7177011,7,7119r171711zwIrr
probably wibhin a new daya there
will be a rush of hoarded money for
iuvegtutent and deposit. Meanwhile
the inconvcnioriCv Muhl 1'owi to corn=
mere. .utd industry must be enon,
Inoue tviajle ..•tail Blade I)tust he
very 4xeliou,Jy effected.
J. 11. hunter. private eeolx.tary to
the honorable 11 m. 1'11;sJey. 4 to
be appointed aesietau1 deputy min,
inter of public' n•ork4 Mr. hunter
was private seeretaty 'tothe late
lion. .1 Ines Sutherland. .wind also
private :.•creturw 'to '11csn. Clettles S.
tlynt tri.
it j4 0c1d4>m that the farmer .1l'
lows himself to be carried a'tlay by
panic. itis cu,•t.omary hard common
sense Lund ' oonsasrvative :Methods
u,ually protect him from this evil
but, when we bear of young Pigs be.
hie; •old ut fifty cent' each at ww-ean•
iris time; or elau_htcred 'to stop
their demands for food, it would
seem as thou;eh somethirt.4 closely
n'iproaciljua a panic must be abro.td
in the land.
There probably clever was a Panic
which did mot aggravate the evil
which set sit in motion. and the •de.•
moralizing effects of the present
panic among 'farmers must be ap•
parent to every eye. Doubtleas there
are notate lfurm, rs who aro Iorcwd to
bell t'.u'ir i,i.3.i through sheer ,in cess-
• ,ty, but such unfortunate cases aro
nut sufficiently nurnc•rous to account
for all the yours„ pigs and breeding
.tows which etre being dumped upon
doubly glutted market et present
The farmer with feed in his bine has
need to !do ,some careful calculating
before deciding to throw away hie
pig s• Selling .tock on a poor mar-
, ket in.order to -4ll strain upon t
hies': market is not always a profs
habit! enterprise, and the number of
dollars comin:z into the treasury dur-
Ines the year may be considerably less
under this anethod, than hal the
,grain been ,marketed in the form of
ins•tt. Farm animals and especially
ho;:, con.iume anti turn into valuable
meat, many products, which other-
wise, would have been waited. ani
'though the 1farroer may -not always
'realize lire highest market prices
Ior the 'grain fed to his hogs the
otherwise unsalable products from
which the hogs •Lava provided a mar-
ket will :;cnorallye under a careful
System of feeding, much more than
make up ,the deficiency.
W'ha't docs the farmer gain by
sacrificing his begs and telling; his
:eraitlif In the first place he obtains
prevailing; market prices dor his
grain, which sni, ht. or might not
Irate, been obtained had the ;
been fed to hogs. Secondly. ha saves
the labor -of feeding the Inq;s.
Thirdly, he has less risk and capi-
tal invested. A;aint.t this be has
Incurred a heavy 1033 by disposing
of his Mock at a 13lutied ,market.
llr still lta:a the labor of cleaning the
grain and teaming it to market. Ile
hie 1:att the sate of a number 'of
products which the Lova could pro-
fitably utilize. Ile Ilan 1;o1d a lot of
valuable fcrtitjty, the tabsence of
ww•hich will lessen Iia next crop, and
hence increase th.w calf of produc-
tion. Ile has placed himself in a
knead+hill where he cannot take ad•
vantage of the •lij3L prices for fill •
fished 'togs which seem certain to
prevail when the presauA excitement
has burned itself out : and, after all,
he 14 not absolutely certain that he
Trot any more for hies rain than if
he had fed it to his hogs. This last
point calla for further consideration.
To .curve the financial stringency
the united Staten+ Goveremerit tttok
advantage of its power to issue one-
year $50 certificates at. 3 per cant.
intertest, the main object brie; to
pull out of hidin;•places money (hit
is urgently needed in circulation.
111 tsetse stays the application Tor
the+e ce4rtificalcts in Chicago alone
retched a total sof $1,300,000 the
great bulk being from people who
I,ad t few hundred dollars which
thus s. i-hc•d to invest securely.
Thi; t+•sl.onse to 111e Government's
plan ',boleti a deep-seated lack of
ronfidenee in the banishes ln4titu-
tjune of the ltr►j19(1 States. a coo•
dition of lhiuu;s which 111,1, J'appily,
no counterpart in this country. The
Canadian wive hoards his cash be-
cause he is afraid (o trust the
s.tvinigs banks is 11 Tare specimen,
and a likely ,candidate for the ass. -
nen. If
If there were t Zack of con-
fidence in 'theme/folk u'tions, .ills
a t n ai1 depositor wu1d have the Cain
ads ut I'ostofficc 1',avin;s `sank to
fall beck upon. There i1 no postal
or Government Savings bank in the
United States. but `uch. an ostab•
IishntenI is needed, and is .strenuous-
ly .tdwa>oatcd by many public jour •
nib*. 11s 11 protection tcainst a rick-
e w• �.
1 f'r � •c'
tl t
t l l t•t. The t•sl! ,.
y3,tI1 (. 1 1 L
t he present Government 14suv, jn
brinritg 1,s light :0 touch money
111.11 js t,•oreIy required, is .1 potent
nr.;►Intent for such an institution.
In C'auad•t the trust repesell in Cho.
charteredb• k4
andd loin
rill knit.
Is seldom mieplteed lhat th r
Ps a teener; of Jeltedut:. scut its
'the high 1eputatien of even In
banks extend: aerates the I).,:,1, r, :If.1
tingle avt ,.
c, 1) t hC,I
1 int elide
deposit ('1 eil11 thrill he .\nn st11i.
Note and Comment
Friday December t ' j+ tit •
1•' t pronti:c.1 wi,:i of Ilon.
\lel: , tbo Popular leader se
Oppoation in the Ontario LeRiseett,
to the Wast rjdjnz of Huron. '1'1,
Ineetint "111 be held in tb: Tenn
11:;:1. llrus.els, ecornmencine at 1.30
o'clock. when the nuptial election of
effirers and other /tatters of bust•
nr44 AI 111 b•' dela tw'jth. Ad.lress"
ww ill follow by Hon. A. G. Mcl: t r, Ir.
G. ietwwcsel, General Secretary of lbs
Ont tai a Reform A+'caiatio;l. Arch.
llidtsp. M. P. i'.. Dr. McDonald es•
M. P. end of (ter
It I 1, r 1,4 f tcilitate tike ,+lrippi
t nment lolls (41I lnwsrtls pay..
in: 11.1outh the coital+ 11.ivo b•'e:r
'i.i•i:' 1. Th(, o -ns 1 .mal i' •„e '•e
('til adj,in -hippinz 10(014 s: •, • I '1'I
jud;in.e by re4ult.s. j. app ,a 4 to
1I14e In`4,11 jnsl What %t 14 I. i•••ete:ir4
to turn the tide of the 'trait* carry,.
in; trade throe';h Canadian channeia.
The W. Lawrence route is patronized
to a much greater extent than ever
before. Canada jai more and more
It tudlin; %American export I;rain,
there belts; u diffe?e',ltre itt '3 rain
rates of I-ev ral cents a .buslrat in
favor of the Canadian tike and ven-
al route.
The great Government work ,ors
o't apace. An .unbroken .stretch of
430 utiles of !grading on the Grand
Trunk ,I'acific from Potta;c 4a
Il4.rajtfje (s) tia.katWtt ie 110W COM•
pleted. l'brtq•stuarter3 of this dis'
tanks is traversed by the steel, and
the track laying gangs arc rushin;
the work on the last hundred miles,
and by the new year this Whole di-
vision will practically be ready for
the traffic. Three hundred ani
fifty miles yet remain before Edmon•
ten is .cached and 60 per tent. eel
this is graded, and half of the fro-
nt tinder is the ttisicdt work Mon;
the whole 'route, and it trill be cote•
plc 1ad early in the now year.
A tickling cough front any cause,
is quickly 'shopped by Dr. Shoop''
Cough Cure. It is so harmless and
safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers
everywhere to igive it without hesi-
tation even to very youn; babes.
The wholesome green loaves an ten-
der stems of a lung healing moun-
tainous shrub furni.di the curative
.properties to Dr. &hoop's Cough Cure
It calms OLe cough, and heap the.
sore and 'sensitive .bronohial mem-
branes. No opium, no chloroform,
notynin; harsh used to injure or sup-
press. Simply a resinous plant ex-
tract, that helps 'lo heal aching
Ionas. The Spaniards call 'Ibis
shrub which the Doctor use, "The
Sacred Iferb." Demand Dr. Shoop's
Take no other. Sold by W. S. lioww•-
Bears the Nits Kind You Hate Always Bought
Nelson E. Hicks, aw°i.•end 'Sin*,gi'bnrg.it°°
Pupil of London ('o°ser%story Music, 11. ttnthveo
McDonald, Charles White, London Eng.. Ernest 41.
Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils
will l,, accepted.
The Bert Lute 3linstrel Co. O;,, rt
House, Exeter, Thursday Dee. 12th
1007. Scats on sale at Browvninz's
Drug Store.
Work was commenced on Monday
on the new •achoolhoum. Some 10 or
13 mason:; have been onga`ged and the
work is being rushed.
Alias Etta Coughlin, ,of London is
visiting at her home hear.
-Tote death occurred at. the fam-
ily.residence, London Rata, near Gen-
tralia, on friday Nov. 221td,, of Mar-
garet Beamisle beloved wife of James
ltandford, axed t,t years nand 10
months. Tho dee eseetd had been a
sufferer for folne time from asthma
and bronchitis. She was .born at
Maple Grove, London Township and
in 1876 was married 'to her now nor-
rowin,; husband. She is survived by
six children, Airs. Foster of Toronto ;
Annie Itattie end Lydia. at home .
Alitegie of Stratford and Frank at
home. alto s3 el.^so Aurvived by her
aged mother, who lives at Granton
and the folioww'iui3 brothers and sis-
ters: George, Episcopal Clergyman
Belleville; Richard, of Ilartney, Alan.
Mrs. Ferzuseon, Strtthroy ; Mrs. Weir
Granton: and Mrs. Ketchum, Galt.
The funeral took place Tuesday -af-
ternoon interment bele; in the. r•.xe-
Ceumelery. Tho" corh'I;e was one of
the lar ;eat roen in Exeter for some
years, being fully a mile in- length.
Rev. D. W. Collins, o? the 'lrivitt
Memorial Church of n'hioh the de-
ceased woo n member. officiated.
Wlnalow'm Soothing Byrn") has been natal f o
over sixty years t y mll!Ionl of mother's for tnei
children while teething. with perfect ar.ccea4
it. seethes the child '•often• rho iron's. allay; n'l
pato cares wind collo. and is the beet remedy
for Diarrhrro.. ft is pleasant to the tA,:1e, bold
cents' • bottlelie vPalue 1a inn lrnlanle
•are and take Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing
ayrupand sale far no other kind.
Guaranteed under the Food and
Drugs Aat, June 30th. 1000. Serial
Number 1098.
-The clolinz examinations of the
County Motel School wwill begin on
Tuesday Dec. 10th. The exarninatioe
in practical tcachituz and in reading
will be held after the cloy' of Oise
writ ten examine lions t+ontmencin.►, on
Fr'iilty at 9 a. tn. The faltowinz is
the (huggable which has i,o;n placed
iet 1 he Jo tide of the inspector. This
ww ill be rf int(re'4t to the tetchere
of the county who may hates to write
r>ff 1 hese oast -nine tioa4 for tell +teals :
Tuesday December 101 h.
A. M.
e.15-9-i;cailinz r•e%uinlions.
9,00-11.30 - Met hods, Literature
and Spelling.
3.40-1.10- r
Nclnla>1 law and repel t•
1Vednesday, Deccmbsr I11h.
A. M.
9.00 -.:1.30 -Science of i?rills +' i .
P. M.
i.0e-3.30-\Tet hots hist ora Intl
of .
I .
Thursday, December 12111.
A. M.
9.90-11.•)0 - Met hest Gra ennmar
and Composition.
.P. M.
eta-- : •30 .-. Schnnl Mann ;emenl.
Is a Constitutional 'Disease
Whatever organ or passage of the
betty it affects, and requires a consti-
tutional remedy for its permanent cure.
It depends on an impure, impover-
ished, devitalizedi condition of the
blared, which keeps the mucous mein-
hrnne in n state of inflammation, 011(1
c:1i14e5 adebilitnting and generally offen-
sive diechnrge ; also headaches, ringing
nitre, partial deafness, steak eves.
110.>l , Sarsaparilla by purifying, en-
iic11ing hind revitalizing die blood, re-
moves the cause and r'ffeets permanent
cub's of all forme of catarrh.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is a Oonstttutiornt Remedy
Kot,( by drigglstt everywhere.
100 Dotes Oae f)oUar.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been blade under his per. ,
conal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trite with and endanger the health of
.Infants and Children -Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless snbstltute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorit', Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves rl'eething. Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use . For Over 30 Years.
Irma CINYAUC eoMr aNV, 7r Mnaaav , nano voila airy. •
Whalen 1 Sexsmith.
The Congregation of tho Sexsmith
Have you so neww'ed your subs,rrill- Methodist Church ;gave u pleasant
tion yet? surprise party 'one tight last 'week
Some of the people of Whalersat-
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aldworth.
The members of the church prep-ent-
tended the 'services; at Elimville Sun• w.
day last. Where went to Granton
to the ire -opening of the "English
Mr. Ilarvcy Su(herby had the nljs-
fortune to get iwwti of his fin'gerd
injured white •cutting; straw at Mr.
Robert Spence's last Saturday.
Mr. William 'Telfour and bis 'son
Alex, are ,kept busy cutting /straw
in our neighborhood.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Parkinson,
of Bryanston, visited nt Alrs. Joseph
Morley's Sunday last.
re. A dswarth of
tth a dozen cact▪ i
of silver knives and forks 'nil spoon;
1! as a token of their appreciation of
( her services as on;anist. After the
presentation, addresses were ,riven.
1 Mr. Aldsworth ;replying for Mre.
iAldsworh thanked them on her be-
half, and 'thou;h taken by surprise
1 •;ave a nice address. The Sexsmith
I choir was Iireeent and rendotvi eev•
eral selections. The ladies brought
well filled ltasketst and after lunch
an enjoyable evening was brough
to a close.
Keep It In The House
Coughs end cold! develop like wild -fire. At night
there may be a aneeze-a slight tickling in the throat
Next morning -a 'rid cold. At the first signs, take
Bole's Preparation of
Friar's Cough Balsam
It breaks up colds -stops the cough -heats the throat and lungs, hetet•fa11s to Core
chronic bronchitis. Largest and beat 33 cent cough remedy in the world Used in Canada
for over too years. Prepared, recommended and guaranteed by a.
Auction Sale
James Jones has :received ins' rue •
f inns to ste11 by public auction on
Lot 9, CON. 14, TI'. }IIB1IER'r.
,It Wm. Ward's near Fara tsar
1'RIUAY NOV E\il3EII 29111, 1907.
rhe I' o1lo4t jn t -h(1 Breeding Ewe -
and a few 411114. All of the best
Igo -either or ij'n. Sale at 1 o'clock,
TERMS -All tuns of 510 and t!t.,-
der cash : over t teat amount 0 months
credit will 1*. ;ivon on furni411jn_
Approved joint notes. Six per cent.
por annum off for coal' on credit
amounts'. No reserve.
JA.T' .t:I.S 10
Perth end apron. -ARCHIE WARD
On Andrew Street, slor'y ,rnd a
litif Mirk itee.t•, • t:•1 stab) • hard
d r. r
.til eft. wwa (
awl r: a
l 1 I.3 t acre
cf Lund. Per pa r4jcul11-4 apply •lo
I)1vI l Itewcliffe, owwnrr.
in your 1 •,are t::.e nt home, or
Take a Personal Course at School.
To enable all t ole. rn •
a we trach on
cash or instalment plan. lVe also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class c mil.ene'n
ti last
month. 'Theis lessons Ie:r:hes how to cat,
fit and put together any garment from the
plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elal>or,
ate dress. The trhole family can learn from
one course. lVe have taught over seven
thousand dress -making, and guarantee to
give five hundred deters to any one that
cannot learn between the age of 14 and
40. Vol. cannot learn dress -making as
thorough as this course teaches if you
work in shops for years. Beware of imita-
tions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
none in any other country. Write at once
for particulars, 148 we have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Address: -
81 Erie St., 3traUnr d, Ont ,Canada,
WANTED AT ONCE. -We 1414, de-
rided to hist net and enlnley a num-
ber of tirnart youn; ladies to teach
our coarse in Dresanakit:., L•avittz
one teacher for the six t>tnrcr:l
(awlta whore they Bee -.1;1• 20 to
35. Those 44.140 have Worked !tt
dressmaking, or like drawing pre-
ferred. Pl.t;to, do no: npply ant'sa
Vat can devote your whole titer.
AtitIlr'esi-Ti1E SCHOOL.. .
Christmas 1
It is not to early to think
about a Christmas Gift, and Jew -
eh y is appreciated by every
Home folks think Jewelry is to
expensive -it is if you do not
buy frons a firm like outs that
buys such large quantities twe
get the vety closeat price and
sell to you ho cheap it will sur-
prise you. -we tem easily save
j vour railroad fare.
C. H. WARD & CO.
TDiamond Specialists
::1;1 ilichtsi"nil St. LONDON 001
'.all at,ouri
ant stole and are the
exceptional values irt-
l .)t3 tl:l
t� LAS
Er10NY IHAllt lJItU'SH
11 A LE ING ;cricks
PAM in the brad -pain anywhere, has Its taints
rain larnngeation, D41111 Is Hood pressure -nothing
elle usually. At len. so says >r. Shoop, end tt
prove it 11. hitt treab•,I n Ilttio Dink tablet. Tllst
tablet -called Dr. Slump's H,adatho Tbk$-I
Coaxes blood pressure away from pain contort
ItseRect 1. charming, pleasingly delightful. fleetly,
though safely, it surely equalizes tho blood theta
If 300 hare a headache. it's blon,1 pressure.
It It's painful period+ with women, same casco,
II y..n am sl••••t•le,4. restive., Tier%auk it's bi000
aonp,•tlnn--bh>n.l pr•"sure. That surely 11 a
eerhluty. for 11r. Sh..np's headache Tablets stet
It In eo minutes. and the tablets simply distrtbiW
the unnatural blool pn s+are.
Bruise your finger. and doesn't It get red, ani
pt/ell, and pain you? 01 course it does. It's con-
rMtlon, blood pressure. 3'nu'II find it where pain
!was. 1t s simply Common Sense.
Wesel' at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommend
Dr. Shoop'.
Headache ,
The Molsons Bank
Established 1855.
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • 53,000,000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• •••• S3.000.000.00
Assets Over $33000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted,
Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson do Carling, Solicitors.N. D. HURDON, ),tanager
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone a boats, boule-
vsr(iing, iron posts.
Sell -or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Ja61S011&SOD
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
By giving a better course of
4,4.trainiltl3 than that given by
I. any, other similar ilnstituttou in
Oftrinrios we have become one
of the leading business train-
in; schools in Canada. Our
1;raduates are in domani by
office assiiatanls and bu3ines,
college teachers. Dur cours,ea
twin; the best our graduatee
succeed. If intereeitcd In your
own wvelfaro ,write now for
our catalogue ; it is free. We
lt*ve three departments. Com-
mercial, Shorthand end Tele-
Winter term opens'January
We have in stock some of the
most beautiful Pianos we have
ever shown. Also some slight-
ly used Pianos at greatly re-
duced prices.
If you think of buying step
in and see them. You can pay
for them in weekly, monthly
or yearly payments, which
ever suits you best.
Also Sewing Machines, Organs,
Stationery and small goods in variety
and prices to suit all classes of buyers.
Store Property for Sale
In the village of Exeter, composed
of the North part of Lot 11 on the
West side of Main Street, consisting
of one i;oxed store and the building
now used for a postoffice, knben as
The John, Block.
For terms and particulars stpply
to Thom. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far-
quhar. 51.19.47.
Real Estate For Sale
Part lot No. 4 containin; ten
:terra of land good brick house, !ar, o
orchard with all kinds of fruit, nn(1
rteverfailin; bell of hard water. This
beautiful propertylies immediately
of Railroad n the Lake Ren
contain, thousands of dollars worth
of ;ravel and is convenient to Exe•
ter. This property roust tre Hold eta
, >srtC t'
John Northcott, the to ,
health itas failed. Easy germs of
payment. A big 'nap. For 'terms
i and particulars apply to Thos. Cam-
eron,Auctioneer Farquhar.
-FARM FOR SALE -50 ernes on
Thames !toad adjoinin; corporation.
All in ,;ra 44, also fine brick Hous,'
011 Andrew 4(reet with .ill modern
improvement.. Apply to Thos. Itis•
sell, Exeter.
Pasture Farm for Sale
Fast half lot• 8, South f(onndary,
Ilay, 50 acres. Good pasture farm ;
river touottes! corner a00' orsa •hale.
Sale sty auction we ill take place at
Commercial hotel, Exeter, nn 811 •
urday Nov. 23r'I at 2 o'clock. John
(:ill. Aunt. Chas. Box, Prop. Glad•
man & 81nnbury, nolinitor4.
House and Lot for Sale
t 110)110 •nd lot for ,:eke I't. lot 156
Con. 12 Usbornc, 1-2 acre land •;sod
briek cottage and stable. Must ie
AD'.d,. .Apply Thos. Cameron. Amities.
eor Fargminr.
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8„D.
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
Main street-ExETEit.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
(Graduate of Toronto University.
Comm -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
'irony. oMoe and residenence. DomlaIOb
Laboratory, Exeter,
Associate Coroner of Huron.
• Civil Engineer& Architect
(LMe Department of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer tor Municipal and County
'Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waters OHO
S*stem Wharves, Bridges and Ite•entorced Concrete.
.'hone 22.20 London OutarlS
We have unlimited private funds tor invest
sot *left por village troperty at: lowestas
arrlstere Solicitors Notaries Conve) aaosre
mm�toners. Solicitors Notaries,
the mown*
Mossy toLoaa at lowest rates of laberesb.
a. OARLINe n. A. L. H. °ICOOIR
We have a Ian amonnb of private funds
don an farm and village propertlee at lowrate
Barristers 801101torLIMatn SL!Exeter
Lioenaed auotironeer for Cost's!
of Huron and Perth.
Special attention given to tam
stock sales. Town and village pros
perty sold by_ auction on moderate
Orders may be left at the ?iafi4
office or at residence. Elistiv fe,
Cbarizee moderate.
The Usborae and filbbert
Farmer's Mptual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont
Pres. W. II. PASSMORE. Farquhar/
Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RUSSELL,
Wm. BRocl: WiNCHELSEA P. 0.
JOHN EMERY, Exeter, agent foe
Ueborne and J3iddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. assent;
for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan.
Seoy.Treas. Farquhar.
00 S 01 me COOd
goo Nom
1 even numbered s(r tint of Dominion harms in
wani*nb 'sake r w
the an and Alberta. excepting
S and not reserved. rrl, reser r I, slay he homesteaded by
any person who is the sole head of • family, or any
reale oxer ISyetn of age, to Uie extent of one -qui•
ter section of 160 acres, more or less.
Application for entry must be made in Person by
the applicant at a Dominion Innets Agency or Sub.
age0cy 1', the dietnct 1n whirh the land Is situate.
n h ,n
htn w rt Nu hwr•
t o etrhe
made al an a en•
.I ) g
cy en eertaincondieions by the father. mother, want,
daughter, b n
g r t6er or sister of an intending home.
ate hnmr.teader is required to perform the
hnn,e•.tead dmica under one of the following plans:
(II At hast •iw monthsres'
residence upon and cult'.
cation of the had in ear h year for three )can.
(2) A homesteader may, if be so desire a, perfoma
the rcgnind residence distils l.* living en farming(
land owned solely by bim, riot leas than right) ISO)
a'•rca In extent, is the %Minify of him hcmestearf.
,joint ownership in land will not meet this require•
(:s) If the father ler mother, if the father Is de•
ceased) of the homesteader hag permanent reaidrnee
on farming land ow nevi solely L) hint, not less thou
elaht) (111) acres in extent, t, 4I iicinitt of rho
homestead. or upon a heanestead r r.tere.l for by him
in the liciaity,snrh homesteader may pe 'form bin-
ino rn rraidenre',roles by lit ing s. iIh Mit father or
t The tern, "titian)" in the Ian prerreding
paragraphs is detlned as meaning riot more that.
nine .bikes in a'6nt lint, ctiIu.i,c of road .1nw-
anrca rrr.a.(d in thv meaavrn.e+,t.
4 A homesteader intending to reef/ion him resi-
dence duties in aeennlanrr with the Orme while
liking with hi. parent. or 0n fanning land r.,.1 b
himself mast nolky the +grin of she ti.trict of awls
811 months' notice im teritira should be Kit en t0
the Cononttntoner of IMminion (An.4, et Ottawa of
intention to apply for patten?.
w. w•. mitt,
Deputy of the Nini,ter of the Interior
Y. ft -Unauthorized pnbikrtlnn of this ethernet
meat wig not he pail for
a. Tl»RTei.
e•.re the _A TM lad 'fa hitt