Exeter Times, 1907-11-28, Page 2- !,SF-7.P:�F✓
�• sky
* 6et•O• 0 I• + a.•0•64.0+0+0+411+ -c+0-10+43+0+0+0.0. OI*O4
CIIAP'I'Eli itVI1.-eConIinued). idly to her daughter's mother-iu-law!
"Ik)w !nue!' dad you lend my mother, '
she in. -piked.
"Forty narks --of er,urse in the eyes
of people who do not know how hard
it L'+ to earn u penny, thut is nothing
at all--nothingl" she cried.
Lora went to ttte broken table. drew
cut a drawer, and came back with four
ten -stark p eioe .
'!fere is the amount you lent my
mother,' r,' she said, putting it down be-
f•,r. Frau Becher on a mesal) table.
'I ate starry I did not know the full
extent of my mothers needs.'
Frau Ellr.eda's angry face put an It
ea:undid 5►nile, "11 is charming whet►
one is fried in one's own fut!" she
screamed, and began to laugh as hy-
sterically as she had cried befo}'e.
"You .are mistaken," said I.nra cold.
ly, "it Ls the last money that 1 earned
by my work. i have never yet token
anyllt ng from hint \whoso mune I bear.'
She %veerlt past the hysterical tw45n:;+n
unto her hedt>t►.,1n, and shut the door
tent, when you Conllort^+Lle behind her. Then she cent to the
home as well ahs the gratitude- you owe w`ndow and l' okcd out into the wintry
park. A heavy ),lack cloud hung ever
Lora remained per.'ectly calm, '}'hese 1!:e tree's; on a tall poplar u the fore-
atigry worth Ito longer ef‘e';ted her. !<' '►und sut a row of melancholy crews
e' g - otherwise there was le; lite in the
f have never 1111.•;4(1 outward splen- gray lau4i9cane that stretched out h0•
der in my honk." site replied, "and fere her as sad and desolate as he+.
Iher'efore I do not look on it as a great fere own Pxi;!(s
savant:tge. I should have been content "Onlyxt4, sf►e him once more, and
with se, tnur•11 fess." then ---and then---"
Frau }:lfrieda \s as furiously atl�ery; She was conscloels- that. she Was dee
this wroth w•as the 4)111)' ;;eta+lee tl►inti inti wreeng, nec\ording to tho laws of
about her, and savored strongly of the
bar at the "Three Eilver Swans." She tem and ratan: but deep es were her
51! uck out at the ole} table in the midst i•e11mrs fre1a►11fs, she ce)uhd linger
of a perfect lklod of ee are( abuse; the endure the (duties that her tnarriaire nu-
ke; that she ha!nlern'e1 to hit, being pose 1 Iipon her. She conside reel that !here
w4'rtk, hrnke off, rend Rte tut le tweeted
;were rights. sacred rights. whit)) :dotal
over, scattering the little knick p,-nacks 1i'gtier than those which bound her to
teem it fur and w`de. end they were the man whom she comet n',t love'.
thrust in' , remote centers of the r<x)rlI And as she no longer J4)sw'ssed These
by 5 i(;4;:ons kicks front the art ea rights she had firmly decided to call
Frau lah'ieda tossed her head angrily,
and ru,11. d ba=•k to her daughter-ut-taw.
"Yen have, tut rexin here for your
htlsbanQ's picture, I suppose she in-
quired sl,t+rply.
Ldt'a tug:lcd a shado paler. "No,'
she said (Minty, "there! is absolutely no
room dere," ane! situ 'sainted t() the
thou.�-rin(' things that fll:ed every cur-
"Then -move out tbut old rubbish --
that is a splwldi;i Oleo for the easel
and the pleture," 1�oi 11Lii (4)ntentplu-
cttsly to t:•e w rill;'g-ial►le.
"No,' r, piitid Lora. still calmly, "I
beg you will leave the tabic: dere; it is
a eouvehi/' of guy home."
"Of your borne..," cried the old lady,
even her diamond bedecked ears turn-
ing crimson with anger. "It nuty be
u ve:y ge.)eJ thing, to he Sure:, to have
constantly belbre' eein• oyes a renienl-
branf4 01 ...het li►=)verly ;tel:kev place
you have leen eo lucky as to escape
from. But it is cu.y enough to forget
min. !e' hereel a power he'fore which al?
mu. -4 give way -right. dirty. font' -
Lora was stan4ti'►g in the window, everything. "And then --then ' she
14iestie fg out; she pressed her t eth tight rnurmur'd again.
fol tier, ane) did not !eok round. Sh'' She could no longer pray, her mina
had no -fell) even to Mame he.r mother 'was ftll'd with one 1(1011. She had
fu -law; .she was a loving -mother. an -
,,got Slf'L4t well for a long time: as u'on
Flu welt her ter element! SO p.(atny are hiy down she heard the Left
her dislike to her son, who was her rinple of the quiet little river behind
ow11 husband. Ttie off4 llsive wor'c1=
buue�d aT►►all her cal.. like a swarth o''AT parents' house. And in the day -
b4 e . umd now and then on. hurt
time, when -she was condemned- to In-
kecnlr -+f:tivity. and sat flTOtle at her fire ,ijle.
she pf^lore•1 to 'herself how it would
e when the announcement was made
that young Frau Becher was dead --
drowned? She thought out every de-
tail. She knew exaelly what people
w �u141 say of her, h•)w each one of her
brothers and sister.; would judge her .
She could see the p •nopftIs funeral her
!-usban:l would have ter her. and Frau
EIfr'Iecht among the rtt•:,tlrners; how she
\would lament in her shrill voice over
the i isf• •-lune that had befall(--' iter
}tut she .lid not flinch. it was a mat.
ter of such indifference 4) her; it would
pass, 11n.1 Ihe'n would dome quiet, eter-
nal quiet. She dial not turn 1\)und fill
her mother-in-law broke into nervous
sales. and dropped Into a chair.
"1 b4'ge your pardon,' said Lora; •'it
1'' hard kr me to pretend to w teat I d.►
not feel."
"But flint is o7ttratee•►ttio!• sole'nmeel
Frau 1teJlier, breaking out afresh: "and
y�,ll say it so 11:1 11 ;lifer of course.
\\'h1►t! Ne might fool! got. u,rnchftdy
)►(atter than such a poverly-stricken
y!irl \vh. sA t):4)(l:era: haivt' !n have their
((ebbs paid to keep the family from dis.
grata! That Ls alt 11..• thanks we get
for paying out Ihnler after Butler. so
the high-born Frito s• 11 'Pollen can pay
her butcher an.' herr shoemaker."
"My tnother' ' irulu:re•,1 Nara. grasping
al the arm of a chair. "you have given
Irlvney to rill' mother!"
"What can 1 do, 1 should like 14'
know, wlu'n she legs of !lie?" cried the'
eh i11 voice; "here is the third letter
within a few days -there, Ir,ok at it.
yor (ton t believe it." And she felt
in h4 r i o: ken and look out n card with
tMeeh br,rdeL, 1.11(1 threw It down on
he flexr in fmnt of L4;r.i. `"''bore's u
11,xury for people ode) have to be nl-
meys begging for r11eney-where must
be black edges on the cards --but it's
all of n pie 0 \yilh t!:4\ whole establish-
Lore )►ieked up the card and Mad:
"Dearest Frau Beeler:
"Gould yell leiter me twenty marks
more. till the Is1 4+f January? 1 Moo
had s4) welly expend tinee 011 ace, ernl
1 sly hii.hand's death end I.ora's 1na1-
riage, \s h:'h took out 5e, runny lithe
sums, that 1 Iln.1 myself in some dilfl-
tii lv. Frey excuse pie ter 1rouhl1ng
I•o:i again.
"\1:1 ME \"ON TOLi.EN."
Lora was crimson with shame. stn.
bad refused 1.) risk for money for her
mother. en,1 now see, !,rto1 '„rine see:.
house. She would even fancy that he
'Mph! walk in the bittern) procession:
only ore thing made her hesitate, while
ehielde'r ran over her -when elle
though! of lir mother! She saw again
(111f1 again t114' rigid, drespairint; face
•.t the unhappy tv4nl11n as it was on
the night when Rudolph was going to
America. She wished she could 1aue
her with her.
'rho gardener was coining tip the
hrnd \\alk whicJi cut Ihninigh t.1)
1,11!k: he feel a lerge evergreen tree on
his shoulder. Ali. wee; it tv')11141 soon
be Christmas, and Frau (:!:ri1'da hard
spoke-, of a tree and a little gathering
ie liar salon.
\\'hat as farce it would be! Ah. and
I:ow C4esey and pleasant the Christmas
owes had been at hemp. poor in gift-,
Me ugh they weir! Last (;hrls.ln)as'.
her father hnd given her Ir„lnermanne.
"Obeeeted," and a pair of gkeves for her
next hall; and iter 111ether had had
rreck-cllnins Inside for her and for
Katie, girt of a long gold chain of l:(•r
grandmother's; Lora \yore on hers the
thiel gond locket given her by h11r
god mother at her eo;nlirlufltion, and
irrsa4l4' 1w11 . 11 forget -1111` -not, 11111 he ha,:
'deiced !'Jr tet .ince at a picnic. '1'h4
p••)verly of her tether's house .'conned to
her n golden lreesure. which wee ir-
recoverably 1.1.( to her. Ah, if she
count only ter-, time L ictovard once
more. for . fight week;!
Al 11+15 ntonlent Frau 1:lfr:eda knock -
et loudly on the door.
"Corrie out, lora; we will -lot rluarr•el
with each ether." .he cried.
The young wife opened the door.
Iter rrnthe)r in-)a\w nestled In.
Girlhood and Scoff.- Enol slon are
linked together.
The girl who takes Scott'.- Etrnul.
,s to n has plenty of rich, red blood; she Is
plump, active and energetic.
The reason is that at • period when w girl's
digestion is weak, Scott's Etmule,slon
provides her with powerful nourishment in
easily digested form.
it is a food that builds and keeps up
girl's strength.
"Don t write about It to Adalbert, 1
log of you, child," bile said g'eutty.
"it is true I was rather violent welt.
we can't always be angels, and when
two people live together, ef caursc
there will soinetuues Le a difference of
Lora enado no reply.
"And this afternoon you will go with
me to buy the last things for Christ-
mas; and then we will tlrtpaeli that
box from liertwg's, from Berlin; the
Frrvants' presents are in it."
"I am sorry," replied Lora, "1 8111
going to mamma.'
"Quite right. 1
"Mam'•ei and 1 wish to speak to
getlr. r at4.ene; yeti cannot refuse hie the
priwilap;e cf l►ns.sil:g a few hours in my
11►olhet's house;"
"Oh, heavens, hoc; you misunder-
stand me," complained Frau Elfrteda.
"1 elnly meant to go to the .Jour with
"Thanks; 1 can find the way alone."
She tent her (olden head slightly. rine
reeng into her slttiug-r(x)rn, began to
pick up the things which had been
se attC1'ed about tho room, in the fell
of the Itlue•h-abtLed table.
In the afte'rneoil she was not pre-
vented from leaving the house, and she
v eat on exit to her mothers house.
The streets seemed so strange to hely, 55 ith the thick, low -hanging cloud,;.
as if she hall leen ahsest for years.
'I he pe ij la looked at her so curiously. The '111uw 4)11 !he fields 1iac1 almost lnelt-
c [ away; only small dirty palettes 4,1
and S:'.eral ;windows were thrown ,
+ een behind her. This slender black
• i` file 16)' in file 4111: h •1
4:; 'y the ;idyl
t4 f ole road, and the w il.ws Poked dark
figure seemed like lite ghost of the
ed beside them, The Nein(' s'.rit>i blow
lovely, blooming girl. She returned ;ng hone Ihe3 west, and whenever Up:
the greetings of these he 074'1, though tt,gil S'o) ,(', i 1 )n t' h vet' t) e'
she soiree' bent her head. lie fore 1 l 1 is r ht u un US
had always had a pleasant .:hila ill herr '"ul l be heard,
114 auli(ul cy(:,, and now. they thought,
1 11 Indy, in the other corner of the
.he 5w:,: "mud sill Prise." 111. she c;:r, la -be, -at nwli•enless, Opposite her
had a full purser behind her now!child lay nSle'ep, wrapped in
Iler mother had u fire 111 111+' dining -shawl, anal furs. Nothing tiv:xs vi,ibk
rooiii, and had the lamlp air( f,dy 111th;- ' ! the litllt) creature lilt a head o'
e4}, she was making up 1101' accounts. golden hair. (-Top ped like a Luys. The
and had tone money beside her. !aril), who wore 14 ereipl,. travelling
"Is it you. Lora`?' she asked.
cloak. raid al little cap 411 very cheap
At the ststi•sn of Uelien, a gentle
nlan got into Hamburg (‘press train.
lie had Jun bret,tIilese across the ottier
aide of the st.,tton where the Hanover
traorLe canto{ in, ut1J looked '.kith an
air cf vexation at the lady who already
4cccupiel the coupe that the guard Nuel
opened kr him, at his request. ('e,n-
t .alt 1 11! A roan coul•Jll t evert eei11--+k_7.:
Iic leaned out of the sviut1 ow and called
to the guard, with ,t p.m. -dui \oiee, '•1
want a smoking carriage."
"Excuse inc sir, feet the train i4 1111 -
usually full." wa i the reply. "It is just
Lhis,tului lime."
The gentleman muttered something,
and, after he had shut the window.
sal down in the ee,rner. Ile was a
loan of middle size. nearly seventy
years old, with rattler grim soldiers
face, out of w'h:cli e1 pair et w•onderftil-
ly clear eyes looked feral front under
bushy white eyebrows. 1}e) ware 1►
s ►Mier'; cap and u fur coat, and around
the left arm a Meek woollen band, as
.1 Fif�n of mourning.
Ai! •r he )111(1 eercflhlly )spread out
Ids fur coat over his knee's, he took out
.1 rinw i )al.er met began to read, while
the train sped on through the wintry
!lln•tseapo. It was gltx)rny, foggy w(le-
tt.c'r; the sun seemed Leath to battle
"Yes, mamtrla. Don't 1""; 1 will fur. 14h
eked s:ell.;fly' o1111 of the win '�,5v.
sit here. ('lease, mamma, 11I.5ci liar sand the gid 1;enlleaiun, whose Lllrtnee,
row ittuney again of thy' neelhet'-In- `'cru.; •,natty Iw 110(1 in her direclu,n.
hl5v,., f.,uud I:oltl:ng about her worthy of ul--
hati von 'Felten started. "O11, hci `ervation except a knot of !beautiful
von,. if I only knew of rely outer way hair, of a nut -brown shade.
Wet 11," she etamnier. 1. 11 was re's:11rk(tWe how the carriage'
145)'11 w!►111 you h11ve', but do not fol' shays',' and 11arched. iteading wars; iitt-
1>,t-,itele. The e,ld g o'leman flung bis
1(, V anything of 110r."
"1 :est 10 Lr11r. to �•;nlP and h".`.1'1'\"P:11,(r on the opposite sent.. anti
your miner's wardrol,e, but he win nut se)))ed hing%If for t* nap. It is nelell-
ishing how a 111a11 mase.'; his cigar.
give anything for it."
\\'.r Have ;11-11- ,fluor still, mamma." when nils) goon)' Lave slept a little,
"\roar I part with that, heti?'�� as when It:4� sound of a chile); voice re-
c:gilled hint to Ile' pret(nt.
Ili' i►luintivf' 1oralP. "Shall we soon be with papa, dear
"1'e's, ralhf 1• than heg of -of -" manure?" the child asked, in the Eng-
lier voice choked over the rest. lien language.
'Did she say arry'thing 014 111 it?" Hi.; mother replied in a ti his),('- that'.
"Yes: ole) neat a,k me, mamma, only he ll)tuet loop still. for the old gentle -
grant toy request." 7411121 4)VO 1114-re5w:1s asleep. And there-
"Vcry well, i.urn. . only tllougtit-- upon 11 4•hiirn►ing little f4114-,',5'. (thou!
but 1 ('87101 pay it hack row.' four ye(11.' 4id. t 11111).•4:1 un iuf•, the lap
"Don't disturb yourself about that. ,,( the lady. who earefelly \vranpe4l hely
In/1141111a: 1 have already paid it. Where (214'11k around the dainty littler figure.
,a Katie?" and then a 14)5\' Conversatirtn 1rn•ur1
Frain ve•n 'I'e,llen dad not know; she btiwe0'i neither end son, not a syllable
had nal (time beet: trurn ) .'r (!x1y• l• o' r\•;hh escaped the listener in tri!
The little' e.ffee-Jx►t, wit'' the55 !blit c4I)er.ic
4Y,fi*e in it. tears standing on tlhr St)we• 11 seemed as sweet lo the old baehe-
waiting for 111e young girl. and on the ike- to hear as the twittering of the
fettle was bread and butter. swallows ill the. sunny May-tiere. 1l,s
1.4)1.8 had thrown off her c.ortk, and thong its went- back, sixty years and
leaned back in the corner of the sofa.
She did not speak. She only looker
atx)ut her, and Then she cut Off 11 pie'''' late,. and was carte:oaf and pelted ill
of bread and began 1.) earl it. She had the sante a:'y. And-4'onfound it --
1111c1 n4) dinner at home. this was Christina -3 live!
"Is the carriage 14) conic leer you?" "And twill Itertie gel a hone from
aeskect tI4'r mother at length. g papa? inquired the :Sweet, childish
"i dont know. 1)o,n't sneak of my
going away; let me slay here now..'
"1 ata very glad to have you, f:'ra--
i only thought- -(k,li't 111l 1nalei',terl4t
'0'e---" little toy '0 )mach!'' and the boy ree'Ciw-
They retrained townie!. till the clock col a kiss 115 a fot•ettiele of the many
struck six. Scarcely epeal:in(.'• thine; that were to follow.
''Yattt are ski Sl/r'1nefe no\v, Lora.•' "\tanl,88, Berlie is so tired." eeri'-
sighed Frau von '1'+,111.11. as her dangle t•18i►led 1he child, 'and this rfl,J ea.r•ria'•e
ler rose and pre),ared to go. shnke, so; it was better on the ste'ar i-
Itut ieeta, made sec reply. She kissed ,.1••''
her tn•_)ti►(r and left the house. Katie "Yes, (darling; but now sso shall :gen
had not 0124114 her n),pearahce• !ee )with papa.'
Lora went slowly through lite streets "\1i111111(1, 5wi11 papa 'member Ise?"
and breathed in the heavy. fogey air "Oh, of course he will. Don't you
i 1 deep (draughts, She .v,uni dream re•n)emlber paha?''
Il,at she was free at lids moment. iter' The chi;d tv:a�: silent. "1•e', " he said
husband's coupe rolled by her, going length. "papa bout. Rertie."
1r) Ink( her helm': elle Inrrii•d quirt;!5 "Then t,.•n my (1nrling must have been
into n m8714)55 11)111) '!h1 )tIgh a+lt a naauglllv." was the reply, in a rather
embarrassed lone.
1).11111 L:' ,E IteNs.
years ago. That no doubt is due to the
systetn of plowing and cultivate'''. \.0
tat► WO much spring pk)wuIg, with the
result that the seed -bed .s spotty, or
soggy all through the summer. 1 urn
under the sed th s fall, and then de
next spring. 'Toot's the place to expect
(Lo bumper yield of oats.
A el:.Altl:l't'I. %AI!}:.
.An incident al the Nuptial Ball of the
I, Nave the herd e�xurnitied frequently
l'i'en of & :t'oy."
by a skilled veterinarian. Promptly re'- It•�yallics aro much like other folk, The Government ��! Indio u seriously
r11o:ve any anilual> au�p)t�•t4J of being ill after all. A pretty lithe story i; 1:;1 i in a.aru,, the post live s years thy
lad hearth. Newer add an enin.ai 1:; uta j \lr. \V. 114fitly litngston's "men, Cllit'�
lord wild (2-1144111 11 i, tree hum d' ea:,e', and Events," nts," which •ghvtts a ploas,int 1 ►°bac t,,i, lice" siuyrli(; 1 C 11,1 15t:S ut
e.�brcially iutler:t1losis. ! picture of the present Kai.;i•:r's fnlh r. u 1u.4u 111 014)1 .t,(►,xt a d,ty, 1•:vt)rylhtng
2. NPvttl• e11k)'.\' a ec,w to lx' excited be then f'rowit Prince of 1'ru_sitt, and l i'`:'•' t1I' i� )444.,,(1 done t►; nubet 1
I►ard driving, abuse, bull tullcilig 4,r 1111 :)Rotes- l llie, la21p)erur l'rl'ckr:ck Irl. UVCs :tui 111,, Clkul, t►l.(I £Ct.te 4 of sc he
i,e,1. ssar • (1att:r•ban c�' I h• u.riei1'ltt te)Jk )lu �' ul Ili«• nti ,t alt t.s.st ate•If
y C du nal 1111dttly t
�'\)k.s'E► her tel cold or Slo1•nl;, I 1 -alt of tlx' ")'lent 4f Sitv.oy," rt+►w tlr( the
3 (:lent) the emir(+ body of the t�\o. (i14.'n (k►wllgc'r of Italy. the Sw4'II-he!')vc><1
deity. Hair• 111 the region of the raid.'- Marghei'ite. Sho wds dancing when t
dl•- -a caught in the stow of ft e•8V.4 ,
oligo-, unci \'. as so 1 a:Jly tern the 11
wisp of gauze trailed (tutu the Skirl
alt ng t)te 1:45)I'.
(,)darkly the Pres. -dim heir a►)naren!
canto up, pr4durt)ei at dandy 11,114) rlioroe-
co case, tex)k thin) i! u 1111)' p1111 4,f .t i,
X►1'�, and hncee•111tg (14)'.vn, dealt)' CU'
away the wre'.,knge. \\ licit her rc►t•1c'
highness had re -uncal her (11111.2', Fred -
Mork William went tit; 141 I'1•illce 111rn1-
l'ert and craved pernussion t4) ke''p the
%%'11' 011. tit:1.1.1rede+ D!)NT ge/NifitAGj
'1111: 1'1.41:1;4
Printers Hate Advantages -'fan Vaud
teurkers are u t+er) Il:althy
should lei kelt shor. \\'iJ4k' t!;) udder
and surrounding parts with :h clean,
dump Troth before. milking.
4. i o not allow any stleong-Ilavor(rd
feed, eueh as garlic, cabbage or tuenl}...,
'4' be eaten except immediately after
5. Salt should always t9 acce .sable.
O. ttadicn1 changes in freed. should be
rnadu gradually.
7 have (re'•sh, pure w'a'e'r in abun-
dance, easy of acre", 4471(1 sol Sola e.ald.
S. Dairy' cattle shou141 i'' kept in a
;tfable, whoa' no other' lttrirnals r11'e
housed, preferably' Sw:th',ut cellar' or
storage Tuft. Stabhu .'iivuld 1.0 light e.1
square feet. of glnss per '•o.'.). and dry,
r: ith at Ir'it- 1 500 cable• feet cif air to each
aeiinal. It sl,otild have, air inlets and
•►lith:t3, su arranged as Li (tire goo'
ventilation witheul. 41,1115 of air 01► the
cow. Tho f,reo,nee� of flies luny le.• t• ►
d4:.:.!,1 by dot keniug the settee and re-
moving the manure as (lirer!es41 1mtuw.
9. The floors, walls 112141 ceilings of
tele) stable should Le tight, anti ceilings
Rept free frill' e4)b'.5eh-, and wuitc-
w.vasheft twice a year. There f,h4;uld is'
es few d1,st-stetting ledges and pence -
liens as (w)s31►.►e.
10. Allow no musty 4er dirty Iitter or
etr.rrigstn•,lling material ill the stable.
Store -11:111117•)) ur)d.'t' rover at leas!. 40
foot from the stable, 111 (4 dark lrlllc.r.
Use land pla.,ter daily in gutter and un
11. Gans should not. remain in the
,tele!.) whit.' being lilted. Bowe... 1he,
milk of each cos% Kt unee' front 1314'
stable to clean room; strain ilnn7ediab'ly
Ilfrough cotton 11e11itet 4,r absorbent 0•)1-
!4rn; cool to 5) of'gre_es h. as soon as
sirain(',l; sore, at .:r) degrees or !ower.
:\4: --milk houses should 1 t' sf:reenf'd.
12. ,Milk utensils sitiuId he elude of
rm'it11. with all joints smoothly soldered,
o4', when possible, should be 171ade (1
stamped metal. N+'ver niiow tIl)1)3ik; til
become rusty or ruteg'• inside. Use milk
utensils for nothing but handling, slot --
Mg or delivering nlil4c.
Soiling is that system of feeding cattle
11 whi,•h the anilua4l-5 are deprived of
pliSturai f�ee and kept in a small in(.lo,wre.
f•..51 of every kind being brought to
theree it. e•.speeially u'p 1:e s t•) the sys-
tem of rattling and Hinging to cn:tie
1••,111;)1:11;e in rt green ih state. 'F!rc• 'truces.::
began in Europe, and very naturally
d. velop('d. Firs!, the eattl4� were tethered
nay re. to 11!c tune \\item rte- was juxt and a11o554 to pasture within a certain
such a boy, silting on his mothers ''it'ele Jndicateed by the rote tial held
As they devoured the green herbage
growing within this circle the herbsln;ir1
ott and l►r.night to them grass and ether.
Plod plant frons fields in w tr:eh th4' caat-
110 \wo111(1 1101 be all4,we'd 1'► go. 'Ilre
lrr(.l)ei1ll5 a:,1'ly O01100lwtd the idea, that
•1('s, my pct.' :'n the recently tilled 54)4!, producing
"And a tree with loll of randy?" grass and heavy growth of it 111•' fr:cm)►
"Yes, oil, yeas: a1)e1 11111)1* 55 111 1.4v0 hit in,' of tips cantle w•01111 001111,1441 Ilse .•Nit
rind make it unproductive by coveting
:0 carriage could drive.
She walked on through the streets
:11 un
aimless nluruier. and at Inst
.TOSsed over to the Neustadt. She fen
:1.; if she (ogle no)t wails ereeigh, th4.
I'.uked up at all the window.: \iter'
her acquaintances lived. and Oven
;)upped in trent of It 11o11,-' Where a
married friend of hers lived; upstairs
there was a light in the simple lender
or the young 00(t4,r•'e wife; she sew
the 'hanging lame 5554) 111► to and fro.
end rt woman'. figure. with n 0111141 On
Ill, arra. pass thi•h'►gh th.' room.
'1 hon a elan ,yarn;'' rapidly up tie'
sticet: he ran yui4.ldy up the steps and
Into the h,,41 0. A few 111inut0.4 later,
the Iri,ltand and wife wore standing
together. caressing the little one, who
Lew we.; In his n1.1ns.
1t \5;:: half -past eight whet' f.orrte
turned iter steps at length heme'.warfl.
nut (lest she stoed awhile before the
Schont erg.i heuSe. end looked up fo
the ge,le window. She owed hive
stayed on, forgetting the lithe. had not
11 e light upstatrs tnuldenly leen put
out, and the hall door opened shortly
atter. She walked quickly across tfife
brie1I e, and there she looked round.
Ire the faint moonlight she recognized
Ernst. who w•as taking 1114' way to the
city. 1lor *yes brightened; her f4'fit
started forward; her fiat impute(' wets
le follow him. to talk.• his hand, to
say "Forgive!" But the old maidenly
sllyne;s, bitter shame and tear. seem-
ed to paralyze her limbs. She only
gaze,l after him with eyr'c in which
Iher' was the eoncenlraterl longing of
n whole lifetime. At length she went
back to her own house and up to her
morn. with a feeling of helpl.ssne.ss
and (Icspnir.
She looked so pale nn -1 sh:ih••n thnt
Frail Elfriedrte felt the angry words
v•ith w•hi'h ':he had meant to roe eive
tier die (,n )ler 11)►s.
Upstnlr.e, lora sat. elewn .,n her ''ed,
and Alt there until tier 'w(',arinees over-
powered her. When the meet crime in
the next morning to make the fire,
she waked her with the Dry, "Good
he event! ma41atrn has not taken off her
cloak and hall'
"Iter•tie (lord t knew," replied the
"you shouldn't think a1' n1 that. my
dei ling, but oeily how good papa 5was to
1I2241111118. Mal -11111a. are you
r•yitlg? \laamina. shall 1 sink something
to you? Shall 1 .oiig 'Onward, Chris-
tinri genitors'?"
"No, } am not crying. But )4:11 lied
teeter net sin;; now; yell can repeat
the (1lrien,a5 hymn you are going to
say to ),spa to -night."
end the clear, childish voice began
n r once:
"While shepherds watched their flocks
by night,
seated on lho ground,
The angel of the lord eerie down,
And glory shone around."
It sounded very sweet from the lips
el the little foreigner.
(To be Continued,)
They say n woman can't keep 8 sec -
lel. Ask one her ake.
A wemaf1 can like eny kind of hat,
Unless it looks like one.
Don't von believe that all who dis-
egne, with you are. wrong?
many n man who merely passes the
1 at got-; a reputation for philanthropy.
People ftlweys remember where they
got a favor when they want nnolher.
The people who believe most strongly
+r. luck are Ih':5e who 'have never had
I'olltenese is gradually becoming con-
fined le) the people who went to bor-
or -
r•,w -honey.
'i'here Are rill kine. of venmen, except
the one who (ie ecsn't become enthusias-
tie over a heby.
"Laugh. and the world laughs with
you.' isn't true when you're laugtling at
your own jokes.
If n man finis fault with Ian dinner,
nnel h's wife doesn't get angry, it's a
sign they're dining away from home.
ti,soil Partielee to pack so cl',sel\ 14t-
eelher 1ha1 no air eaglet be admitted.
1110 land had by 'list tint' 144'c0111e :4,
valuable and the holdings of the farm-
ers so sn1a11) that they c4111,1 not 3411. i.'
t., luso ttic use of n single; foot of it.
'tin! European he•rbstnrin in the hest
tided portions of 1'.uro))' learned (teen
,'k per'ieneo that ho 0,4.4,141 rai.,4+ more'
grass on a piece of land by keeping it in
a meadow then by (allowing 1t t) 114' uw'd
a.s pasture. This was in pyirt due to the
fat! that 111' wo►tld not cut the grass mi-
ld it '.sats at a► height where it \\•11111(1 ))l.►-
duer• the beet weight an acre. The ro►o_Js
rn such grass struck deeply and dr'•w
no ulahulemt !ruin a thicker 18y'•r of sell
than 1.114' paetrire grasses than wore kept
fol eloso to the gr4eunll. It will thus he
sleet that the soiling; system has desel-
e ped 11.; a natured result of the increased
value of land.
The damage done by clit. worms hes
beenine so illumining in s'•mf' seetinns
Haat 1h4' rine ;tion has arisen whether the
proelie' 4)1 turning over the sod in the
spring flue -101 something to du with it.
Slime figure out that by allowing their
sod ground 10 stand ever- they get the
full Value of the bate pasture. Sod
grnlrn(1 should he turned in the fa1).
\'tike it 114 late as you want. but gel it
Itlrns'd before the gr)tmd freezas up.
This late plowing will enable one to ).'t
MA frill worth of tho late, fall growth,
anti the ground is in just the 04lndit4on
to weather till spring. If there was r1(►
latter as a suovenir of the que•t'n-!o-rue.
The request was cut'd!n1!)' wattled, timet
prince carah,liy folded tit, 111e hit o:.
(ouzo and put it 111 Ili, pygikethoek.
Ding \'ictur l:Inn:argue faF.,:nl)lirnentc'ec
the young Man 4,11 carrying ,uch 1111 4,111-
111 (well 111 Ifle• ball-ro.0111.
"1 he 10 2111 ts'kn.gs to my wife, sire.'
answered the crown prince. "Long, age,
she gave mea p)_ket neeess,tiro• will.
ail Or , of uS1::nl things, nee:l:0s
thread, buttons, hooks, scissors, t1,1(1 1e
forth, and made the pr4)n►iue to lie,",
2115'.'uv. uis int 111e. What its klilac•& lie
now only l,r'uve, that 1 811 n !ti; ky fe
t< w to 11av0 such a cleeer wife lo.
out for 1110."
TELLS now TO meter. T11iS S+IMPi.E'
tills•:1'111TlsM Cl' Rh
Prescription Given Which Sufferers of
Dread i)isease. Can !hake Up and Try
nl Home at Small Cost.
To relieve the worst forms of 1th01►rnn-
licnl, lake a teas)xeo,nful of the to:towing
tmixture after each meal and at bed -
Fluid Exhale! Dandelion, one-half
'tlrlce; Compound Nnrg•)n, one ounce:
_o,npotlnd Syrup Srirseparilla. three
Tthese harmless ingredients carr he ob-
l(eit1efl from any druggist in the stied-
:• t towns, and are easily mixed) t y
shaking them well in a bottle. Belief
1s generally felt from the first kw
This prescription, stales a well-hnov.n
Authority in a Montreal morning paper,
'e,rces the clogged -up, ina4:th•e kidneys
,1 filler and strain torn the 141-,(x1 the
misonous tva.Ste matter and uric acid,
eltich causer; Rheumnlism.
As Rheumatism is not only the west
)sinful and tortuous disease, but (Irm-
o -rims to life. -.ILs simple recipe, wt:1 n•)
1t)uht be greatly valued by 111811\• suf-
ferers here at hone, who Should at once
,repave the mixture to get this relief.
1t is said that a person Mei would
eke thl-s prescription regularly, a dose
Iwo daily, or even a few limes n
week, would never have serious Kidney
'r Urinary dis0r4lers or• itheetnalisnl.
Cut this out and preserve it. Gond
eliellniatesni prescriptions which really
•e'liev0 tyre scarce, indeed, and when
tau naiad it you want it badly.
A St'l:\II `"TICK.
"•144, you ever drink to excess?" risk.
4 e1 the girl's father.
"I never touch ',quer of any ktnel,
"((4)w alaelrt toba"co?"
"1 de 1:4,t smoke. i hey,. never hnt!
a► (ago' or a (''garc'tte 111 my mouth.
"l:'. er kantb:e:"'
"Never! 14k) not 1(11(w• one curd
teem another."
"1 r+up)v►.,e y4+u s5w4'arsometimes?"
"No, sir. An 03111 has hewer passe.(
11)) lips."
"IJtn. All right. 0,111(' out andel
have a slick of candy with 710."
Mr. Albert Shaw, the well-known
!dtlor of the Review of iteviews and
president of 4he jury of awards of the
Irmels'owu Exposition. has notified the
Neyt•oombe Piano Company, of Toronto,
'het a silver medal has been nwerded
Other r'as41n, fall plowing is better. as it them on their pew patent piano equip-
wil: help to get rid of the cut worms and toed with the 'Inward Patent Tension
other insects which have been hurling !Rods, which they are exhibiting at the
cern (curing the Inst four or live year=s. rx llition. The Newcombe's auc' eas
Many complain that their soils ere not 19 another tribute to the skin of Ca-
ne nice 10 w(.rk as they were several radian manufacturers.
arr Skates
For Ladies
"Ladies' Flanged Beaver" is only
one of a dozen styles, we make
especially for Ladies' use.
You will $pd just the Spates you want—
for fancy )sial mo, hockey and
racing --in Starr Mc
Writ? Reps t� �g M etlt e/ lid s
Stator Skates and ' Res
The Starr Maass t Os 1,111111.1
aunt wM•
=ANON come ,, • • • ' i a'm ea►
One olid fuel wiecti thee.- geu(ieitien
have dhscove e•,1 in the 0,.,i:,0 of their
te.eStlg,:tions is halt Oil trailers are
iera:Alia:ly immune trout plague. Now,
;aarallin, as we all klluw, is del. --•reel
Ly 111.i.C145. l:cmi.;4•4)1I.'11tl%', .11) a ite'ri,
1010)1. 0 ceittles 1et'k of t1:e:t• Il,era'ltan-
e.. e, are completely free fa' 111 parasites
<.t all holds, snit espeu:;i!{y in►ru that
I.•est of Be: I1uf,ics, the: flea.
'fiat flea, it has been t:i5.'t,vercd, is (111
turd:uta '.5)12)) coliweys the plague germ
10)111 Elf: cat, which Ls then chief calmer
('1 inf.ctiO114 to ill( hu=hurt being. and
,+o it domes about that 1►11I V*)k IS of
'ilre(:fi11 sari! Safe :roe, plague.
Petroleum has other virtues. In tie)
1:,riled :1111tes (ke11.r,4 \ow '3!b11 1(e11 a
► t'Icrttam wig) i.; Ihreattenee wee lung
%se\a50 1~, (,' 1 111)4 finer 111 poll in 8 reti4t•
;•1'y or in 11:0 evil fields of 1'cnn�yl52411111.
1! Pm disease has not l►r..greest•ct (04)
fir the elan nearly always recovers
,:s health.
it it -,,ed to be supposed that 1110 plan-
ers' l;'cdc was not ra particularly 114'11l-
hy one. 'There is, 4,f (-cunei to certain
mount of dust arising from type not -
HI. rir►d printers must sto(y► 10 some
x'en' ov_'r their work. Yet the printers'
.' irk has its advantages,
1'Et.LO\V Fl•:\'Ell PASSES irY
PitIN'1 Elts.
During the yellow fever epidemic of
1 r.S; in Loci sial,ia, Texas. and Florida,
'Jere was no case on record of a Niro
:eu• goii:g under swill) the likcnse, 'Phil
1 lit:ie la. t. r. when cholera killed thou-
•arrds in (:h 11, not one single member
,t the '1'yp (graph cal Union of \';tlitarai•
•e' ucx'lirnbed.
Next 10 a lone rnnnlrre factory, tin re
, 110 industry where the odor- are,
•►e,llf a Vi,lt.)r-i !merit of view, mere
than in a tars yard. and Thee
1011rigPr• wonders how on earn: the
Noorkmen manage to live iii such 11)1 lit-
n4)s•)hcr', Yet. in spite of the smells,
an yard w•erke•r•-s are a very healthy lot.
adds and coughs are rare 74444 ig them
111.1 cenotei)pli',n is pl'aeli••nlly 1111
'mown. Thr 14'.Iriuc;.rnt properties it
'he tan burl, probably account for this
'oarium immunity.
The 4)\wr14'r of al large seting xvalx
-actor-' in Birmingham. England. tins
'en 1)11105 2.5 11111111• applicail'nt1e for situ -
items in Ih0 -Main ('0:':.r•inier!t of his
factor;' as he can l,r,s'ibly deal , Int
11,*' irt� who write 11 tualiv
,fear to work for nothing. 'The reqs' n
is that the Illedival qualities :.1 resin
are rye, \well known that the part of the
'ortory where 1h.' resin is prepaerfxl ..114
teeor114' f'?1nntis as a 51K'('ific for anaemia
'41(1 cr nsuatptiott.
After !gree -months retie, thin. i,ollow.
•peeked girls regain their Appetite and
'111 out in a way 5v holt is :imply enlaz-
SI:\Vrt1s AS A t}1:11: T11 ItEf:ORT.
Only second In f'tlir•ac). es n cure for
tneernta is tlw1 purl of a sweet factory
where chmcolate cream is made. This
may sound liter n juke, but it is not so.
\ mere (diet of elitt.'o,late (•►•01111) wound
not have at, all the 881e(5 effect.
Another e trernely valuable brat)!'
r,o;ort is a space factory. One (1 the
largest In I•:ng:and is to le' found at
(.seeds, and visitotts to it ore pleasantly
as'on?shed at the delightful rrn'rist
which is a:npl:gees offer when cone
!►tu1, 4 with '.5urke'rs in other near -by
fuek)rie s. Even that )cart <if 1''e► c -tab•
l:,hnlent a tu're garlic is (:ruslt.•d. 1)74,1
where the ()dor is purger)! etr'u1!1l t(t
bake eme weep, is t.•!iilrted by 1114-,51
ttearlthy- look ing 111'n anal women.
Of all unpleasant pieces to visit, n
gas works is one of the worst, and '1
relight well be stip)ese,41 that the men
employed would suffer fnY)nl 1,r•ea'hin2
the gas -laden air. Perhaps they
but it is worth doling than! they have
escaped very lightly i1► every erre (,t
the epidemic.; 411 inlltiemzal which tin
swept Great 1'ritnin,
Still more startling is the \vell•es'a►,.
I'lhed fact that 5e1ver 554)1k r, fa:r from
unwholesome. The nir in 11 Newer. eon -
teary G, general itmpr.'bion. i5 ac11►a11-
!.' purer than that Irl 1110 street above,
end hos the achantage of being entire.
ly free from dust.
Take then) all round. and Nett wiil
not find in 1.011(1011 a more sl,er,fy and 0
healthy-k.',king set of wee thea 11i4ogs
s'. he, work far beleaw the light o,f (ley let
the sc\'.ers of the great city, ---foots ie►',
ATTENDED 12,000 %Vt:1,01We
Parish Clerk 01 Great ti'at-mom•h. nee.
Intel Had .Amu'ine i:xpericnr '4,
E. J. lege4,11, palish 'ierls .'f (.r. al
Y1;rrn(ttltt). England, who has Pe 1 , • ut-
plebs' fel ty•four years' service. 1,. 111.
tended 12.(00 weddings et the perish
church. end Iran twee nleent froth
.hilre14 only three lime's out of nearly
:.31M1 Sundays.
lin heti given away memo than Lztlrl
brides., 81141 h8.. Inlely unfolded n sI.,ry
e,l amusing experiences in a look eh eh
t'e 118! written, entitled "1:tlpid's 1'11),I1,."
It seems that couples who have galled
011 Mr. Laps• n to errnnge for the pulite
'ation of the halms. experienced 40010
e1if11ct.1ly rtt lines in staling the object
of their cell. "S'p410' you can 1,110:•4; what X
we ar• come rater?" ecotone/wreed eta
young fellow: while mother snot his
bride -to -he was "coming to dot Witt) her
ton�g�ue what she couldn't undo with her
teeth." "That young Indy w entes 14. 4 into
for better or for wore(. 1f if eked,'
prove for worse. I'II brim,► 11,1• brick
again," promleel nnother.
Jealousy is a wino w?ifkli ) :.,dil.ya •
amp of ser, or grapy*. ti.