HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-28, Page 1nier HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT Murry -Firm YR/tit-No 1781 EXETER, 3NT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 28th 1907, $1.00 per year in advance. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• o•••••••♦♦••••••••••••••••.••••f •••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. The Store of Good Quality "Good quality is our motto." We find it pays to keep the best that can be precured. Our cus- tomers are wide awake to t11e fact that they get the best bere for their money. Here are a few items of interest for the cold weather. MEP Bear Cloth In white or grey, 53 in. wide, just the thing for Babys Coats and Bonnets plain or curled at 2 tc $3 per yard Mantles Another shipment of New Coats just to hand. We are keeping up our stock, so you are sure to get the right style. Tartan Ties Boys have you one of our New Tartan Ties, they are real swell and all the rage. A big range of all the newest things in Neckwear. Blanket Cloth Navy blue or red. 5o in. wide, very suitable for Childs or Misses Winter Coats or Warm Kimonas. For $1.25 per yard Furs Dont forget us if you need a Fur of any kind. You can find . everything in the Fur line here. Coats Caps, Ruffs, Muffs, etc. Gents Gloves We are in first class shape in this line, have everything needful in Gloves, Mocha, lCid,Silk Lined, Wool, ,$uckskin, Pinto and Mule.. Millinery We are making big reductions in all our Mil- linery. A nice stock of Trimmed Hats to choose from at greatly reduced prices. Come right along for a cheap hat. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••4/•••••••••••♦♦ •••••••••• 11 1 it WANTED -AT THE- Hensall Evaporator 35c. to 75c. paid for Suitable Peeling Apples CEO. JOYNT, Prom. The Up -To -Date Store Again appears on the scene. We wish to draw your attention to a few of our • GREAT BARGAINS Those GKO('F-itiES cannot he excelled. \ve certainly have the best -Everything to make those Christmas goodies. Yon win Kenn begin.' to think of Christmas aq it s not live weeks off, and the Goodies mast he had. Lots of .fruit to snake thet great big (eke. We also have the warmest and the best of goods to keep Jack Frost away 'He is sere to come. Fleece Tined and woollen underclothing for men, women and children. Alen the softest flennels for children's dresses and undercloth- ing. Don't forget to see those Plaids for %Valeta and dresses. The F annel- ett.e goods cannot be bought now at our Melling price.. We also want to draw your attention to the Fancy Goods, Doy• lies and Centre Pieces, Silkine, Silk and Kloster Silk to work them with. Slipper Soles, all Prices and all Sizes Zephyr and Saxony Wools, Double and Single Berlin Wool at .Si X CENTS per 0,.. Shetland Floss SEVEN CENTS per oz Cushion Cords and Fancy Cushion Tops. Don't forget to view our steady -Made Clothing. D. COBBLEDICK Council Proceedings The Council of the Villa 40 of Exe- ter ule1 iu the Town hall oil Mwtdiy Nov. 25th 1907 a.t 8.30 p. tn. Absent Councillor llcam:tn. The minutes of the meeting held Nov. 13th were read and approves. Solicitor L. 11. Dickson was prey• ent with the By-law as drafted by him also the luoposed agree --Int be- tween the Gibbs Evaporator Co'y. and the snunicipality. A copy of which had {leen forwarded to the Company. Ilut 'rot having received Huron Mr. R. G. Coldwell, of ,llrandoll who has become the successor to the lata Hen. W. 8. Diclnuit. in the Manitoba Govornment and has been sworn in as Provincial Secretary and Minnieter of Agriculture, it au old Huron boy. being ;t native of Hut - let t. 1101T Constance. The Huron County Council meets in G.odorich ;n xt Tuesday. -Mian Ida Twitchell, daughter of air. and ,Mrs. Jane Twitchell. of tvord from the Gibbs Co'y., the mat-ICliuton, i{ reported to bo Practically ter was deferred `until n•'xt or cured of hip diaea.:(., after havin; special mec+titl3. been compelled to keep her bed for over ton , ears. Miss pvitclii at- tributes her ,cure to the use of blue clay, which, it is claimed had pro- duced such excellent results that she is now able to be out on crutches and hopes in tiom to be completely cured. !Per W. Johns sec. by A, E. puke That the contmiaijoner beeure new burner for the tea3oline rneine alio to properly bank up the pipes leading to :nal from water tanks •-C,er reed. !'ha Ily-law Gallie; for a public rueetine of the electors and for the appointment of Deputy '1tetturning Officers and Poll Clerks was read the first time and laid over until t tie next regular misting. The following accounts were read and orders drawn on the Treasurer for the *tame. Peter Bawden balance leas 10 .per cent. of contract on Cement walk, ;'rice 'being $320.15 10 per cent. off, $32.111, `,^296.24 ; Fre' Kerr tile $63.25 ; Thos. t;. !Creech gravel $69.00; Silas Handford labor $1.50; Jtd. Quance labor $1.88; Frank Malt:at labor $1.13; Mrs. White, scrubbing $1.00; Geo. Ford, gravel for cemetery $6.60; William Russell wood $35.00; yhos. Ilartnoll avood $5.00; amounting in all to $280.60. Ykaxsed on motion of J J Knizht When the stomach, heart or Kid- ney nerves get weak. plum those or- gans altvaya fail. Don't drug the Stomach nor stimulate the •heart or kidneys. That is simply a make- shift. Get a prescription known to druggiste everywhetne a3 Dr. Shoop'3 Restorative. The Ret.torative i3 pre- pared expressly for 'those weak in- side nerves. 8trengthen these nerve3 build them up with 1)r. Shoop's Iter' torative-ltablets or liquid -and are how quickly help will come. Free sample testa lent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. Your health i3 surely worth this test. W. 8. Howey Dru,;ist. Mr. Noble W. 'Holland. of the Hu- ron road. west. Seaforth hal in• sec. by A. E. Fake. -Carried. vented and has just hal patented an Adjournment by J. 3. liniget. I ingenious and useful contrivance for facilitating the working of incu- bators for hatching- cgas. This in- vention consists of an automatic thermometer lifter. As every person know3 a thermometer i3 an indes- pensible attachment to an incubator. It has to be Laid on or clo'e to the eggs o the exact temperature can bo nacertained. The removal of the hhermometer is now attended by considerable trouble and frequently danger of breaking the eggs. Mr. Holland's attachment enables the thermometer to be r<thtovcd and re- placed automatically. simply by the opening and .closing of the incubator door . Goderich, Nov. 25. -Smallpox is (i- dentic here, And between 40 and 50 cast; have .been quarantined. The 301100ls have been closed and a gett- ers! vaccination of citizens and chil- dren has been orde.ra:l. The churches held 'so :ter viceq,ycstorday on account of the outbreak. Service was held in the Roman Catholic Church, but an announcement tails made that no further services would bo hold until the spread of the di,eas:: had been checked. This 1s Abe story in con- densed - densed form that has created a feel- ing of in/ense anxiety here, anti busi- ness has suffered in conselucnce. The very •lar;,• number of cases. and the number of people who have brit ei- poscd to these etimer has created .t condition that is not at all realized. Every step that can be taken lo • +-- eradicate and check the dis.'n-e has been taken. Dr. •Charies A. allod- eotti, of the Irovinei.11 heiltth -de- partment. has arrived here, ,and is (loin; all that can be done with the local doctors. llo-petal accommoda- tion is comparatively eme11, and most of the cases nre be'44n; •tr.ated in private residence_. Ube cause of such a treat number of cases is due to the fact that uthase who scou- t ratted the dtwease laborci under ;elm impreseiem that it twos chickenpox and miutled with their friends with- out any hesitation or fear. One or two cases of a more serious nature developed, the Ontario gtuthoriti were communicated with, and quar- antine establii4hed. The board of education has i�sued an or ler clo9- in3 all the schools, and the council has passed a by-law that every per. son in town musts be wart -Rioted; within `.even .(lay`. Hicks Forcasts A Re,tetiotlary Storni Period is cen- tral on the last three days in the inmate This period will reach its cries, on the 30th, the data upon which the Moon crosses the cel%:. tial e.luatdr, going 'southward. Ate mo3phere tides like :ocean tides, fol- low the sale 11 in its declination' North and Svuih. Hence the storm periods in which the Moon is moving south, of the equator, are much more liable to be followed by ohan;ej to cold, boreal conditions us the atmos- pheric currents tend front North to South, brinsitrx tho "cold out of the notrth."As a rule the temperature of stern' periods .'(''9 not change to colder with the Ahem on the clue- tdr. 'Electrical storms, eves in svinter, are much more li Ille in storm Periods at such tem• . Hence November; will go out with rain, and possibly li;lttnirt; and thunder in many placca •outhtvard, with rising barometer and .rapid change to numb colder heading down front thn'tartil- e-est with the interning of December. Wil 1 b e found an excellent re- medy for sick headache, Carter's Little Liver fills. Thousands of letters from people who have used them prove this fact. Try them; Farqnhar The Bert Lara Minstrel Co. Opera House, Exeter. Thursday Dec. 13th 11907. Seats on sale at llrow'nin;':! t)rug Store. Rev. McLaren, of (:oderich, preach- ed in Thames (toad church, on Sun- day. Air. Greenwood engaged with Mr. \V. 11. Stewart. air. Arebie Ward in ha viol; a sale of some 80 sheep at his brother's, Won. %Ya rd's, on Friday of this week Ur. Carr, of Kirkton, was in the tilla4e on Monday treating a horse of Mr. Jai,. llallantyne's for spavin. 1)r. Carr is pad icuIarly 3ucccssful ill t tea tin; this kind of ,growth. Mr. W. J. ;toy, of \Voadhan,, call- ed Isere 911 'Tuesday. Mr. John 'fucker. who has hall an oitra fine flock of about one hun- dred turkeys disposed of them this week. We notice hast, week', Timis gave to very fair report of the Conserva- tive meeting in Exeter last Wednes- day nixie. ;'his paper is to ba cone mende(l for its fairne's in dcalinx with all public meetings. You can have your sub-cription renewed by ratline on youf local 9ovtma,(kr. If you once try Carter's Little Liver ;'ills for sick headache. bil- iousness, or constipation, you will never he without thorn. They are purely vegetable, eunall and easy to take. Don't forget this. i Hensall. The Vert La to, Min -tied Co. Op: r.: linusc, Exeter. Thursday Dec. 12th 11107. Seats on sale at 11rowninz's Drug Store. MIA. 1:. Sheffer, of Toronto it re• nee het acluaintances in the. villa se Air. Alex. Sinit't, at ho event t.he past month vi-it1114 friends in Mi^h• Lent. returned borne Ia't wc'k. The Mites Carrie and Anna Mc• Arthur were in Stratford iast week aa -it s. friends. Itev .\V. .1. and Mr.. Doherty t:'rc in 1.07).1011 114 week atlendin; the tved.lin; of Mr. Dolterty's brother. -The Annivera.try-crvicta (( t h • ;.(ain;81rot M.•lbo(list church wife lea held .next Sunday. bot Het 'met at 11 .t. in. and 7 P. m. will be siren' by lite Rev. M•irtnadnke Pearson, of gt•rntliroy, cx-1'r,';idenl of the Tor- nr.to Conference. Appropriate music i' bring *1rran;(ed for this occasion by the Omar of the eburelr, who eel be a eiMle,l le Mr. E. Beech. loans ie!ei•t cf the first Methodist rhureh Lon'loI. A ma AA nleetint of the chtldren. extents and 'friends of Il.o tiund.t,l• :•choul %till h:' held in .iteli••nce toren at 2.45 p. °fn. r!,c t r will be addrn•+x• thy Rev. M:ar- nlaituke Pearson and others. Air. E. (leech will sing in the allotnoon. A STRONG FAVORITE. \Pith all clas'vs of people. P' ofcs. I t 1 Annual Bazar -Annual Ilazar.-The 'Annual ba- zar at t he Trivitt Memorial church will be held in the Town hall. Fri- day, Dec. 6th. Afternoon tea, 3 to 6, admit�egeion 10 cents. In the even- in:e; coMert from 8 to 10. admission 10 cents, +refro3htucnIs extra. For Quality :111d Quantity ask your dealer for the mete bit plugs • of •hobs,' 'Stn,;,' end 'Currcll•cy' elver -- Jae tobacco's. -Mr. Nicholas heaver, of Stephen Township this week purchased tho Box Farm. The purchase price be, its; $1,!;50, -Owing to the- nnfavol'able weath- er last Thursday and Friday, the at- tendance at the Gun Shoot was moo as lame as expected. ILowever some ;oat scores were made. Kirkton The Bert Lane Minstrel Co. Opera House, Exeter, Thursday Det. 12th 1907. Scala on Dale at Brownin;'s Drug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Idazlewood were in London last friday on a visit. Mies Annie Roadhouse of llamiott arrived Saturday and will visit rela- tives here for a time. Since Mr. `Win. Moore (returned from his 'shooting trip up north, sev- eral of his friends have been enjoy- ing luxuries ut the shape of rabbit and partridge hies. During the week ;twenty-five 'rabbits and several of the birds were ba,eetid the .result of Billy's unorrin-t aim. "Mrs. ;loon Moore was with him and spent the time visitiu3. Mies Effie; Cornish. who was work- ing at 'Moncton, it home for a v ,ca- t ion. Mr. Wm. Balfour's sale last Fri- day wag largely attended. Meacrs. Norman and itobt. Elliott telt Monday imorfling having secur- ed positions es steamfitters with a Toronto firm. A few from here went to Mitchell ou Wednesday evening of lase week to attend the presentation of the "Bonnie Briar hush" at the Opera House there, but ow•ie"g to the email attendance, the ;company .recused to put on the play. Trial Catarnh treatments are bc- iu; mailed out free, on request by Dr. Shoop. Racine, \VL9. These teats are proviti; to the Qeople - without a penny's cot- the .great value of this scientific prescription known to dru;•;sate everywhca'e 33 Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by W. S. liog'ey. ASK US TO I'lt1NT. To relieve the \stomp loral, ,/f Itheumatisut, take a spoonful 'of the following mixture :After each ureal and at bedtime; 1'lui 1 'Ex- tract Dandelion, lone -half ounce; Compound- Kar4011. one ounce Cont-. pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, threw ounces. These harmless ingredients can be obtained from our home drue- ists. and are easily mixed by shak'- in; well in to bottle. Relief it , euerally felt from the, first few (10304. This prescription, states a well known authority in a Cleve- land morning 1):)901• forces 'the clogged -up inactive kidneys to filter and strain from the blood the poi - 30.110U,,. waste matter and uric acid, which causes rheumatism. As rheu- matism is ,trot only the moat painful and torturous disease, but d.nserous to life, this simple recipe %will no doubt be greatly valued by many, who should at once prepare the nlix• 'lure to ,Let this relief. It is said a eerson tvho would take this pre- scription reaularly, ,a do -e. or two daily, or even a few times 1 week would never have serious Kidney or Urinary disorders or •Rheuutatism. Cut this out and preserve it. Gal flliel ulati?ul t'rc:criptions which really relieve, are scarce, indeed aha when you need it,you wint it badly. Our dru` zest+ here say they will MORA' men. lousiness men, mei lank:+ either supply 1y (hese imeredients or farmers etc., 4h0 Family Herald and nl'ake tIt.' mixture i-tenctloypytooil tk', 'd eckly Star, of Montreal, is the if any of our reades prefer. popul.i paver of ('an3da. 11 s inc. •.� -_ ee-t is well (beerved, too for certain_:Illy Per+on the IY no paper iu Canada gives such Tinter o,f Jan. 3rd. 19071 If so by would apnreciale the favor very big value. How ruck n Paper can r y be supplied to subscribers i1 one dollar per year is a mystery. Few tittles in Canada will b� found to- dty without the big Montreal paver. We learn there ii a .3 miter de.• eland than ever 'this 3easen and Be" tw. those that want to receive the paper Bigastare reatearly Burin.; 1908 should reel in of their elders at `moss much 'f you will hand it into the office. We wisp( it to complete our file. CltAIt5TCDR. IA. the kird You Hare Always Bough If sick heartache is misery, what is Carter's Little Liver ;'ills if they will t ositively cure itl People who have used them speak frankly of their worth. They are small and easy to take. ••••••♦•♦•♦•♦•4/••♦•♦••••♦• • TO COltlti':SPONi)ENTS. We would ask our corres- pondents to send in their bu( • gets each week whether they are Iittic or big. %Ve are look- ing to the interests of our subscribers in their partic- ular locality, (and want the news %%!!ether it is little or much. Sometimes you may rut have much news to send but don't keep that little until 1•nu have more. When news is scarce thar is the time your two cr three little items, or even one, is specially ap• prcciated by the reader in your section. Send a t.ie bud- get every week if you can, if t.o1, t he small one a ill be wel- comed. Any cf oar rorrs.spon- dcnt s w ho are in peed of the required station( ry, kindly let us know. %1)1: Y'114 ;HAI118 1S1'MIIERE1)1 11 they n re and thee't number Meh- r Than this mart's you had b'1t)ar see us .11 once. DISCARD TIiAT OLI1 I11tu811 ANI) COMB. and zet a new set from us. They 'gill Ir` (ere from dise.rst •germs t1.1 t •seer' sour scalp in a rood healthy r •.n+titio' . O01 new Meek of ttru+l.••s and combs are ju-t the thine ,t' heal' hair from faltin; out. I W. S. Howey Ph m. B. Chemist and Optician ••••••••••♦•••••••••♦••N EXETER ONTARIO. Yes! We are Still Talking Stoves and Ranges Just received another shipment of 10 Garlands and Moffats Nationals Garlands With Reservoir and High Shelf from 38.00 to $46.00. Extra Large Ovens. Moffats Nationals - From $32.00 to $5o.00. 1 only extra good vatic at $32.00 with Reservoir. This is a Snap, Souvenir Ranges • From 37.00 to $5o.00 Heaters of all Kinds From 4.50 to $43 00 Stove Pipes 10 to 15e; Elbows 20c: Stove Boards 85c to $1.25. Stove Mats 50c to $1.75. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE i•i•i•i•-F++++4.9•}•fr!••t•}d4•1.4i•i•3••t-d•i••l ++++++++++++++,116+++.14++++ 4 +++++++++++++++4++++.14+-1++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +-13••l•-F•P•1••:'1••i••!'}•iit-•h't••1'i•-i••1••1'•4-•I••!++ •1�+ 'P} } If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & SON The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Alwayr3 in Stock at Lowest Prices, T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. * e • }•F i•1•'1"ii"} •t••f } -: 1. ;•g• ;••:..; ... ++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ f+++#.1.1'.ii-+i•-1•+++4+++++++++•I-++++++++++++++++++++,1,+ ONO Owe If You Want Good Goods Cheap Come to Winchelsea We are Offering Bargains in all Lines. Mens' and bays' socks and heavy rubbers in all sizes at the old prices. A good line of Overshoes and Light Rubbers, also Ladies' Rubbers, Conte and see our Shoes. We know we can save you money in these lin Our fancy Flannelettes which have been reduced to Sc are going fast. b there is still a good choice. DRESS GOODS! We have some new lines in. Just the right thing f this season. Remember we are selling the old stock 4 greatly reduced pet. There are some excellent bargains in this line, READY-MADE CLOTHING! We still have a good ass/talent. Pric right. g Remember our Overcoats, Special Bargains. GROCERIES1 New RaisiNs and Currants, 3 lbs. for 25c. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Poultry. Produce and Dried Apples. COWARD 4 CO. ruumnsanguuuutiuvuumnfun OUR IDEAS of /what constitutes good clothing differ from the ideas. of most other firms. Wo de- mand and use in all our Snits and Overcoats only the best material and the highest class. of workmanship Give us a call. W. J'0II11?S Mcrchant Tailor The Biggest Offer Yet 1 .rust think of it'. I[xctcr --AND- Toronto Weekly (globe and Canada Farmer • The To any point in Canada from • 1 i 1 tot• now until 'Tanury 0 .35 y Two papers for the price of one for 14 months ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••