HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-21, Page 8Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks
Soup Spoonr, Pie Knives,
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Fish Servers, Carving Sete,
Wedding Rings
Big Stock to choose from
++++++ + +++++++
A lc I•; Wt are prepared with an immense stock of good, useful
('ht -1 alas presents. Corse in and take your time looking through
,the nest abborled and most natty stock in Exeter. Come bring
)nuc fi;reds wall you. You are always welcome.
25c, 35e, Sit, for three lovely
pine silk handkerchief plain
cep, cess n ith silk eulbroid-
et t d edges swell presents.
15e. the waist end. Very
weir y American opera flan-
nels; c•team grounds with
fancy floral and pork effects
grad dark grounds with
di(sden patterns.
$2 25 each, Ladies Silkett t'n-
detskirte, beautifully made
ti intrned with narrow frills
and knife pleating, Hear
theta t ustle.
$7.tit Ladies Isabella neck
Beats full length trimmed
:(t ural heads and tails.
$111(0 Ladies natural Grey
(entitle! Ruff and muff, the
',ugliest set we have seen
this season.
t) CO Ladies navy fur lined
( oat. lined with choice
4latirrel and collars and re-
'.tt of choicest natural
grey s=quirrel with stuff to
metal) $50.0( buys the out-
fit. It's a Beauty.
$l 10, $1.25 for two sample
lines of Ladies pure linen
lawn handkerchiefs with
Hand made Battenburg lace
trimmings, the finest we
have ever shown.
$I5 00 Ladies finest Electric
4'b s(:11 jacket with American
,.able collar and reveres,
best, satin lining aid silk
50.0( Men natural coon
coat the best we have seen
this season only 11 to sell
come quick.
$10 50 A lovely full setui•por-
c•elean china dinner set pure
white body decorated with
wild roses; and traced with
$12 50 A swell WS :piece din-
ner set pure white body de-
corated with dainty pink
roses and stippled and
traced with gold.
$15.00 For the swellest 108
peice dinner set you'll see
this season called the Cor-
inth It's a Beauty.
$15.00 and $16.00 For 1 wo
new Crown Derby dinner
sets 108 pieces to the set the
sweetest decorations we
have ever shown, See them.
$3.75 A lovely 10 piece toilet
set decorated with wild
roses and traced with gold.
$4.50 and $5.00 For two lovely
new toilet eats in lovely
shades pink and brown ef-
fects they come to us direct
from Great Britain.
:Mc to $2.75 For twelve new
fern pots and Jar•diners
you must see them to under-
stand their real beauty
splendid presents. ,
25c to $1.50 For the lovely
range of fancy China cake
plates useful and beautiful.
S5c and $1.2.5 For two new
Mojeliea china vases lovely
shaded body with natural
rose decorations.
.t. If you want to see the finest and choicest lot of Chinaware in
4+ Western Ontario at prices that are easy to reach then we are
to ►icing for you. C3
The chance of the season. The
last call on trimmed Millinery
(1.50 trimmed pattern hats
for 3 50; 4.00 trimmed pattern
hats for 2 50; 3.00 trimmed
pattern hats for 1 08;
Nothing wrong but the
price the Hats are all new the
trimmings are new the styles
are new, but the season is
getting late and we won't car-
ry any hats oyer. /Come and
get a nobby new bat for a
very small price.
We want a big lot of Dried Apples.
NVe believe we are the only
bnuse in Exeter handling
only Reipath Sugar. It costs
1114 a lot more than the other
brands. But then quality is
what tells, don't be jollied
don't take any ora sugar
because you are told that it is
just as good because you
know it isn't.
++++++++++++++++++++-1-+++++ »I-++++++++++++++++
fall Sailings
Fashion PIate'
Just flrrlvcd
Call and Make
1t Selection be-
fog a the rush.
Melt. pant Tailor.
THE --
Edison Phonograph
\olhin;g can equal the satisfaction
;.hc+try: is in offering to your guests a
.sats±.factory form of en t,•rtaintneett,
one ti':i.l takes care of it,r31f, which
does not interfere with (Alt's- forms -
of amusetn(•nt, but rather 'halpi
lb( m. Such an entortainer i3 till
Edison Phonograph. It van amuse
the ►ue,t •t by renderinie music, popu-
l:l.r er cla:t:icL or it can ai.i .them
by furnishing dance music, marches
and other things allayed by the hest
orchcst ra'.1 and brass bands. It
costs 11.14 411;111 thu 1111'1114 of event a
small orche,;t. ra Sor a Ain ale even-
ing's entertainment.
Don't be twit!lout an Edison I'hono -
.raph if only for the •sake of your
friends. Bear the •net,,• tnodol tti:t,
the Li:• horn at the Purity or write
for a booklet +describing it.
Grit Ma phone record: and
:1111ay1 on hand at
J. %Vtr.t.ts PowELL, Mgr.
510I)1•:It\ 11F:TIIODS
of caring for the eyes are a treat
improvement over those of former
days, For instance, instead of the
great clumsy horn frarr;ci sp-'ct.t-
c!e.(, we :su1411)
in „Told '1rattles 'or a1ithout any frim
at all. SIlectacic.4 aro made to im-
prove your appearance as well ..,
your ai4h1. They snake handyotne
.and useful presienty for anybody, in-
cluding yourself.
Ask to t=ee -our reading .1.4.s•-•'.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B.
Chemist and Optician.
-On Tuc4day afternoon Mrs. T. 11.
McCallum met with 'an accident
while platin; a wringer on .t shelf.
ne lmrachine slil►1,ed from her grasp
and falling struck her 011 the head
inflict in; several rzasheo, which nee -
Accounts Collected essitated the serciceus of a physician
�(t�)a' to loan at lowest ate.. 111 to close. Miss 11cCallurn's rcom at
North west Lands for Sale. • the seism►) %: , 4, rinsed An Wednesday
Office, Main Streit. Exeter on account of her being unable to
at tend.
i' 11. E T It K T 1 M S NOVEMBER Mit 1907 ,
Market Report. -The following ul L
the report of Exeter market/, eor.
rected up to November 2141.. 1007.
11 (rley, 55 cents to GO cents
Oats.45 !lU cents to 05 cer►t+. ' r
Oat s. cunt; to 4F cents.OWeathe
Pvas, 73 cents to 80 dents.
Wan, *22 per cwt.
Shorts *24 to tit25 Indications are colder, prepare. Nothing like Furs for Warmth
• Flour, *2.75 per cast.
Feed Flour. $1.40.
Hopi. dressed $'i.00
1I(►z1. livewei_1tt S5.40,
Illy, S15. Beautiful rich cloth, Hemster lining, 48 inches long, neatly strap -
Clover seed, $8 to 810 per bushel. ped, sable collar and lapels ....... • • . $50
Potatoes. 75o. to 90c. per bag.
Ilut.ter, 25 cents. Excellent quality cloth, I lemster lining, .t8 inches long, neatly
24 cents per dozen.
1)ricd apples 6 1-2 c:.rlt 4 a pound. trimmed, collar and lapels of Isabella Fox, a swell garment
Coal. $7.25 a ton. worth $75, price $69
•••••••••••••••••••••••••; Womens Fur Jackets
• 4 Electric Seal, Collar and Lapels of choice Sable, satin lined, silk
•••••o•e �•`••••• girdle, 24 inch, long sizes 34 and 36, Price $50
Astrachan Jackets 27 inch long, beautiful fine glassy curl, satin
Hued, guaranteed to give satisfaction
ovely Warm Furs dor
Womens Fur Lined Coats
-Live :weeks until
X ma;
--111. Louis hero is visitirrz rot I.
'1'oronta .t 110 1'ort 1'crry. (
-\1r. i'erc,' Browning returned to
Toronto 11(,td•ty (morning. 3 special qualities of high class Neck Ruff, 70 inch long, choice
-Mrs. E. J. Spacknian, of Torort- Alaska sable, Muffs to match, the finest we have ever
to, is :t vi,itor in town.
Price *35
Sable Ruffs
shown .... ...... Price of Ruff 25.00 Price of Muff $15
-11r. 11. •E, Pickard returned Sat
mislay night Trent the West. ' Grey Squirrel Scarfs, the most popular fur of the season,in very
-Mian Dot S Istnitl►, of Woodstock fine quality, also fancy shape Muff to match, makes a swell
!s the ,�•uatt of Miss Amy Johns. set .... - ..... Price $30 set
-51r. \\'illi.sn► lleant,10, of London
, pent Sund t he ,.up:t of Illy ECM. : Grey Lamb Collars. 2 only choice grey latah collars with tong front. large
W. .1. cape and high collar, beautiful curl Price $10
Mist kaiser, of torouto, is vi itiu.; Isabella Sable Ruff 5U inch long, a lovely fur, in pretty dark shades, Muffs
,1r -i-ler 111 t. John Taylor, Exeter to tastes Price of Ruff $12. Price of Muff $8.75
xorti:. \Ve also have a fine showing of small Neck Scarfs in different styles and
-.Mrs. John Vale, of Exeter North
Price 82.50 to $(1.00.
14 confined to her bed on account of ( Bring along your trade. Highest prices laid for Butter, Eggs,
-Miss-Miss Edith Sanders returll.e:l
'�' Dried Apples. Potatoes and Poultry.
'Tuesday overlie. after visiting In
'Toronto. Menu'', -Mi:; Flossie Mer, of Zurich
visited over Sunday with Mr. ant
Mrs. E. A. Follick.
-The Anniv'rsary ,(ivies+ of the
James 8heist Methodist. church will
be held (:n Dec. 15th.
-11i.'4 i').)ncis Davis, returned to
Witt:It-ant friday, after it pleasant
visit with her parents here. -Mrs. E. Sheffer, of Toronto and
Mrs. C. .Solid. are ;ue.�tts of Mrs. i
,)o}tn .4.,rrott, Exeter North.
-The Anniversary Service(; of the(
MainStreet Methodist Church wi11) Our Xmas stock is at hand and is the most complete in all lines
he held Sunday Decor -labor 1st. we have ever had the pleasure to offer to ycu to choose from. Drop
i11ne '
The Xmas Season
is Jiose t at Hand
-Lee Wilson and Earl Ilrickw:›nl in and examine it and anything you may wish to have kept for
spent Sunday at the borne of Mr. Xmasgifts we will bepleased toput awa ► foryou.
and Mrs. Andy Dunkin, Varna. Z
-Low clubbing rates for the 'timos
and other papers for the balance of
lite year or from !bow until January
"Hobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes
in bis plugs. Quality always :the
-Mr. Lou Clark and two children
and Miss Parish, of Chiselhurst spent
Sunday :title .M1. and Mr.:. Edwin
'!'11e. 11i•,- s ltowe 4'11l.:rtailtc:i
another of you!) :t people it their•
:101110 on Huron Street last friday
-Egmondville 11:1.4 exteed(•.I an in-
vitation to the Presbyterian \V. F.
M. 8., and the invitation has been
-The ice on the river last Satur-
d ty 4''.I4 in excellent condition au] 't
numhlr of the boys enjoyed tit:•. first
skate r;f (13. :>r avr►rn. COLE'S DRUG STORE
-lir:. .io.ellh �nc'll :1nd dao;hoer
1' to= -ie, at hu spent five we,aks visit.
ink 114111ve: in ilcl,1-en, 10111rned
home Siturd:ly 111zht.
:tad Mrs. h. I':u' lob„,. re_ -Mr. 'Phos. 'Russell returned
turu(•(1 hone. 41014 week after *spends ' 11ce k front •1144 4111) It`14iou411
'north ttith Mr. 311(1 Mr+. .lout \;,rtltwcsl.
.1. C. Cochrane, I1 I1.4,reen. -.'1'11e anniversary=Crvices of tie.:
-Mr. Lorne Scott left Siturday ' Bethany Church being held last Sun-+
ntornin,g 'for Tee iwa(;,i' 11 1110 1744 (I.►y. Ilia•. Fait', the pastor occupied
dulie4 14 nI :i 11:) .r' 1 of 1)n Sorer 411 the pulpit 01 the .11111,73 811.e.'t
bink branch at that pl ►ce, church in tate morning and the Main
-••111. John itcndle this �t�-c.k nrov- Street in the ev•�tun.(. 1'Jte )l,r.,tor;
0(1 the bt,rn ho recontly purchased of the two F.x(+t4•r churches took
char;3c of lin' Bethany services, Rev.
from 511)4. James Pickard to the r/'1C (;sin; in the morning and iter. Fear
oC his I►rtc>dtr.rty 04) Andre‘v Str-tet• in the afternoon.
-511...4. .1;1 1111:4 'font, It Ito for some -A scientist says if the earth »e:
tveek.4 %%34 confined t,. 'ser h 0 pith
;► ('4','rc ill))( .v, 1•+ innl,rovi1)' 11ic.'ly I:1(te1eept1141 •1 heove4(':1 41rOot(1 IJ t 44 Aft1) 11il1'8
and 44 now :11)4(7 to h.• 11.01100 t ht.,;
house. 3)40(1) (:4(10)4 :t K1411sa4 editor 3ivcs
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Prdtt' ftO V66r1fldrV Iwii&1I6s
We are special selling agents for these well known prepara-
tions of merit; and are now prepared to supply the demand for
Exeter and district.
Pratt: Poultry Feed Pratt: Food for Norse: and Cattle
ratts Annual Regulator Pratte Neave and Cough Cure
Are only a few leaders', together with a complete assort-
ment of Veterinary remedies. Get the hest at
Ask for Booklet.
last 1
the I
out the following- "If any ratan i3
--The choir of tl: • James Street cau311t flat letting out the ca rt b. "FOR ALL EYES"
Church '1j -is led with th,• pro.4ra07 in shoot hint on the sprit and don't btu
cnneection 44 it h 1 h,• kirkIon Meth - ! it requires experience in the optical
Lon 10:11114.41 particular "hilt 411)ot• line to knew how to fit thein. That's
()dig Church annual (0411 supper 0n '1'h(•re'14 :1 whole lot of 114 in t :::'.- an easy Itropasition ti' r:q11, with its.
'1'u1.e1 ty evening. •11l that c' in'i 1"ir11. ''Fitting eye3" is our business.
-The 14.,(11440) incl Benedict., of ['.114)414:; 11e(11 .lot t:tkr, blind ch tn- ,.EYES PERFECTLY FI'CrED"
Exeter :c:rue 311 aA:1110 0y hi SIrI)on.
11(114' hall Fait (\\'4.dnead.)y) ev,'ninz.
The. ))117' 1t:1: furnished by 'Tony
Vita's London Orrft(':l tet
C4.4 un nl 1 1 k1t r(+urliti►►nj Tho will be the exclamation of you and
\\'4.k1 51111 lives to ..(ry . Lis) it;- our friends after
leresl s of 111e 14racti,ral fat u(�r in y visiting us. �Ve
every 1,:lrliulcar. Its column's offer times
"guess" what to do, like some-
-Another stork r f Dry(;01(1+, the fullest, first to hand 4)4101 )11:11 In times happens. have sty take care of
1:uots and Shoe's, 11:14 j1)44 ariiv,'d at a+ to how, when and ►:1i here to t►+ty your eyes and they will he properly
the Exot er '11rrJain Store. '1'111.4 and 4,04 :rl the 13 -r ::dvant1get No looked after at a minimum price.
r.r%see kincheap rat(' ick. helm this farmer can Afford Lo be tvith041 w
sscek. .1. W. Broderick. The Weekly Sun. Start 1908 ri.;1►t
-Mk., Daisy i1o(1;son, 44 ho is a t- { by 4ub,crihi,n, fur The Weekly Sun. Chemist and U ►titian
tendirt, the 'Model Scha01 at (;c, I- -The Ilert Lane Minstrel Coutpay 1 EXONTARIO,
erich, lia 4 been en344.(0(I to trach, thy' trill _-)lo►�• :1t the Op:'ra Ilc•u+e thnee FTER 1
Uri ►den 4choal, ]nni-lcdion for the
next yeir at a salary of ti 4(40.00.
1)11. ltt'TLEIt \VILL i1E AT CEN.
trat !Iwo, Saturday November :',Oth
pm /. (1• ders for ;glasses exec (141'0 by
Tait llrr►1rn ()p. (totrtpany, 2:17 Dundas up-to•date in clog's jokes ind 1:11. (sit
Street, London or loct'4 dealers. , New York :4)1,4. They. 111 v(± 5 cotn-
-Ile(h,'rt Southcott spent Sund,tyiedi.tns, 25 in .chdrtta tuarl.ette and
in Hippy,' 31 the, home of Mr. 1, their own (►rcheot1,,. Not ice 01 -:rJe
Dinsdale. 114 +_ art' solos ,t t bot h
the tlornin:, and evenin.4 '(rvicz s
in tl:e r•tl►odist Church it brim
t11ei: anr;1iiveryary 01;1.111t
, v.
. S. ilowcy Phm. B.
night of Decembor 1.2th. Mr. Bert
Lan(•, late int01']ocutor of 1)u1)1071 s
Mins(1(•4 Theater, Philadelphia 1'a.
has put hi+ best efforts forward in
Makin., 414' as Perfortn.1nce th'tt is
of ev.:I t:+ in next wec'k'4 ir.il1'. \Vagi'
for the Ili.; lithn,rat)hy :toil se,. the
FIoradora Sextette. also 1l,"
ofterpiece, El Trovatore .It,•trlenl'rr"•r
1)11. OVENS EYE ANI) EAR 51111- tite date i ecenlb..r 12th.
geon, will be at the Commercial -Thr 11inisteri3I A4aocietion, of
Hotel, hours 9,30 a. rn. to 1.30 i,. South Iluron stet 4.► Carmel Church,
tn. (;lasses properly' fitted and dis- liens 111 on tl:,• litittr=t. The 'fol-
eA914 of eye car and nose treated. low i►►.; dere ;'resent : McVsrs. 110371,
Next visit Saturday Nov. 30th. 1907. Fear, Goinz, I•letehe'r llart gaols
I'rrluh art, N1:111411 and \Vilyoll. 1'he
-The London bribery c3 440 corn- subject for discussion, viz : The 111gh-
in(nced at Tdrtr)nt0 Monday morula, er or lli9toric.►1 critics -nn of the Old
before .1nd;i. 1\5'inrlle4t,'r It wa 3 Tes( "mew. will int endured by the
evident !kit the ca.,' i4 1105V to b' a Rev. 1►. •\V. I'rquh it t, of I:i1(pett, in
ea 4e (►f (ulls. 44.0141 •,111e8 are c luip- ;an 311dr4'.,, 1)1 whirl) he defend (4 the
pe(1 alts h141 array of 113x1 talent. )94117, airs (1 n(1 111C1 110(14 of 11i;her
and the i,i'etrI))1) (•4 1r(` .plrit.'d at (;,it',ri»tn. The di:4,11.040n was reset -
ed by Rev. C. IFIritchee. :1n(1 nartakeo
-A ('on:ervtive 1111.a meetin.4 i') 10 :114 the rn4n11,e1 s present. 1'he
a:1+ held in 14;• Op(•':1 Ilou 4147 prey 'Hinz 4.•0011e1( 10•11z thilt most
evenly) 7 :1l 1% h1(1) t Irk) public -fur;- 01 111(• roof 1 14i11.4 of t Liv crit ttisin of
We:err ready mith .► i,ri:{il,l.
glean stogy: of Novelty and Soo-
vcltir goods, .Souvenir. N►:n t
New Year, Scenery 'rnd ('anti(.
Post Cards. Souvenir Pio Tray y
at'ith goo(1 ‘seta cf t'1nnin. 1':lc-
(ory, also Tooth Creams and
'40wdcrs• 811,1111110,,, chapped ban
Creams 1)IWI 81:111 i'r•4d•. ('ata rt h
and Cold Iten)••:lie.s. (lair 'follies,
and swell I'or (01)104. (.'all .117d
M'e 1►(•tote maks,,, your punch:.,
ran save 11101„•y 1::1rc.
J. «'lI LIR Pot‘ I':t.t., Mgr.
-jltr, Thos. StIdon, of Ingot -still,
‘ 1ri d ids t e•IV 14 on Monday.
-Tue-,i.t1a:t .51r. Tltas. ili.seJt
sr., accompanied by Lin roc.:) W. J.
Ment tc► 1.onrl(11 for 117 la111110Ft. of
u)dcr,;oi),g .1)1 0111.1":1 1t011 for till re.
hen ni 1 h 07y «c r0 awe11s54, l 10 the authenticity and historicity of t►lova4 of cataract 4 from Vii* eyes.
Andrew ilroder, 11. 1'. Duni la : $)r. the sre i1,t )re+ score built (Pn very A4 the sthysiri in advised flirt it is
Chi(1:olm M. 1'., \\'in.h.1rn : 11. 11. slim found Ricca •. The next meeting too seem to ieiuove them, 51 r. 114•. -
Gunn M. I'., Seaforth and Henry Eil. w.is appointed for Jame. St. Church, sett returned Enloe, 4014 44144 zt) tr.
her M. P. 1'. A 'unit )r Bastin. twit1 Exeter on Dee. 97 h. T11- subj'ct for 1.ondon .al tom,' limo ill i114' n< rr fa -
he held in Zurich to. '.'hl. study will be Comparative ltcli7ion. lure lo undorgo the eperalis,i.
Thirty Days Special Sale of Ready Made
Clothing in Mens, Youths, Boys and Childs.
75 Suits of Mens
65 Suits of Youths
50 Suits of Boys
40 Suits of Childs
Also a number of Men, and Boys pants in all sizes.
A choice line of overcoats ranging from $5.00 to $13.00.
We are bound co sell the above at a sacrifice price ill
order to make room for other goods. Come quick if you
want a bargain.
Sold only at Howey's Drug
Stclse. Big bottle for 25c. Notice is hereby given that a divid-
end at the rate of 6 per cent. (0%) per
annuli' on the capital stock of this
Bank has been declared for the period
of four (4) months ending Nov, 3otb,
1007, and that, the same will be pay-
able at the Heid Office and at Bran-
ches on and after Monday, the 16th
day of December next.
The transfer books will be closed
I from the 1st to the 14th day of Deem -
her, both da) s inclusive. BY ORDEIR OF THE BOARD,
Sovcrc1n Bauk
01 idlldOd
:are the favorite
Winter .ltesoxt.±.
Round trip tickets' 'arcs i -,-
sued by (140 Grand Trunk
Railway System giving choice
of all the best rDtltellt go-
in3 one way and returning
n4no?thc r .
For tickets and full information call 0
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent.
or write J. D. MCDONAL'P, Union
Depot, Toronto, Ont.
House D66ordtor
Plumber (foot and ColdWater)
Sian Writing and Graining
With R. Dinney last year. Esti-
mates furnished on application.
A Trial Solicited.
Exeter, Ontario
Residence, corner James and An
drew Street.
We have on hand a supply of
the best (lour made from No. i
Manitoba hard wheat manufact-
ured by Pfeffer Bros. of Milverton
you can get it at the Exeter ware-
Ordlll Wdotod
Remember we pay highest
prices for all kinds of grain.
General Manager.
October 22nd, 19(`7.
Give the Cook
a Chance
to prove her skill in baking by
Star Flour -
"Star Brand"
It is the one Flour that has the
quality to assure the best results
in baking. "Star" always yields
the lightest, whitest, sweetest and
most nutritious bread and rolls
and the choicest cake and pastry.
A trial will prove this,
(Give us a Call
are available with rencw.tl e'
industrial activities in early
al'ItING'. 1f you desire One,
you must center NOW. Short.
sharp, sna11)3' courses for tho=e,
'4 hose time or looney is limited,
and the broadest and most.
comprehensive curriculum for
those who would :attain mars
t 141 n Ordinary ruccc.s~s.
MAiI. C(OI iNES in Con -inlet.
rill, Stenography Telegraphy
Civil Service, 5tatriculatio't
1' %nnta111411i)1, err.
Write for particnlats.
Exeter, Centralia Z DANIEL.
OEO. SPOTTON, Principal. Vice
and Clandeboye :•••••••••••••••••••••••••
We are paying for apples delivered at
the Evaporator on Station street,
40 cts per cwt.
For good Pealing Apples.
EvaNratol' on 5tatiot r Street, Exeter.
J. 0. EARL, %tanager.