HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-21, Page 34,00446.44040 LIIEALTII COPPER POISONING. Workers in ooppere--miners, smelters, feetildens and eopp4.ESnlitlt"---aro mini fortunate Ulan those who have to do with other metals, 'cad, f(rr example, ill that of pptr--metallic clipper•, that is to say --is net a very drungenius metal. Instances of poisoning by it are (11111- ,wrativcly rare. 'There have indeed ►xcn cases (if copper -poisoning, loll acute and chronic, but they are infrequent, end the syulptonls are mild 1:N compared with tir:.se of teehontng by lead, zinc: or arsenic. The symptoms of acute copper-poLst;n- Itg, by sulphate of copper are those of al irritant of the digestive tract -a metallic taste in the mouth, nau,'n and vomiting. attic end purging, fetkowed by fainting spells, perb'Ips delirium and ct,livulsions. The tet rintidctes ier copper-poiion- int' are Milk and egg; -s, either separately or beaten up together. If these cannot he of tanned at once, soup may bo given. 1! should ts, dissolved in water, but not given in the form of frothy suds, the ne- in which would unduly inflate the sto- mach. In chronic poisoning occurring as an Industrial dyteas2, the symptoms are nidi.!_, consisting chiefly in a metalt'e taste in tette motif)), a blue lino on the edge of the gums, sometimes ulceration and reveos:m1 of the gums. leading to ex- gxsure and decay of the teeth. 'rho teeth are often of a green cok,r. "Besse -founders' ague' Is probably due more to the pnr-onees ec:ion of the zinc alien to the rapper. The symptoms consist of a chill, with clammy sweat- ing, fello ed by nausea and vomiting. The workers also suffer from ►noro or lees bronchitis and 'Whine. Milk is the accepted remedy for this ccnddion; hat the we of inspirators by tee worl.nte;:, ventilation of the shops, and eericl attention lo personal cletunli- nese are imperative in the prevention of further attacks and of chronic poison- inf. oison- i nf. The fumes in smelling -works and ema- nations feem the ashes removed from the furnaces aro dangerot':, as they are charged with oxid of copper, and may in time cause symplcros of chronic pc isoning,-Youtti s Companion. Alis FOR SLIGHT HURTS. Instant Relief from Burn. --Grate n rnvv polo:o rind nppfy to a burn; will give instant relief. Relief for Neuralgia -Ginger poul- tices, prepsred in sante manner as mus- tard, will relieve neuralgia and will not blister. Cure Baby's Chafed Skin. -Rub on veeeline and pnveler well with Fl,lterr; earth, one of the Inst healing powders, and cheep. Prevent Burn Blistering. -To keep a burn from blistering put plenty of butler on end then saleralus or baking soda. in an hour the pain, too, will be all gene. To Cure Autumn Cold.--Itcmnedy for oohd cin legs : Cover a cap of flaxseed well with water, and into this slice one !relief . Lct simmer for len ininules. nisei sweeten to liege. This token hot ntiout cvety halt hour will relieve the mesh se- vere cold on the lungs. FRESH AIR FACTS. Oxygen is absolutely necessary to the e,.isleece of animal life. Men gets oxy- gr:uhem air breathed into his lungs. Resided introducing oxygen into the blood, the lungs act ars excretory or- gans, removing undesirable elements front the system of each expiration. In ordinery or unconscious breathing, only len to thirteen per cent. et the sir In the lungs is changed fit each breath, leaving eighty to ninety per cent. of the lung eapneily filled with slate air. r Forced or consCi',,tous brcathln{, of pure nlr ventilates the lilies, driving out the elgttty In ninety per cent. of the'slation- er; or stale air. All bedroom wince ins and doors should be wide open dt,ring :.deep. thus connecting the lungs directly with the pure air of Ihe cupid. world. 4. TIIF: R1,SSiAN REVOLUTION. Terrible Toll of Lives 'That Has Been ExnrlAL 1),144 Killed In a fear, The Russian revolution gees en with all its Inge', terrible accompaniments. Jia al present the Rcactienarics seem to he in complete ascendancy. The new hournu, prcliiniiary elections for which were held early ilt September, will Inert tee middle of this month. II will be an uI qa-conservnlive ho.Iy if the election lee is carried out errs its framers intended It to te. The pensnnls will have but small representation; the landlenls al. r.;(,,t etre-ell-emit. It is trite That among there inndfords there are many perigees - sive, liberal -minded inert. but the iia,ur- Ily of them are opposed to anything but (1 e most gradual change of the existing regime. Mcnnwhile lite "pacification" of tee empire gaxr, on. Report: cf Jewish massacres continue to come 'vitt' start- ling frequency. OITieIn1 stalktics re- garding the r.'volotkinary movement in 13 progress during the pial year sh(.w Ihnt the Blit number of vktilns of min• knee has Wen 47,0:0, of whom 10.141 were killed. There were 7.962 mild' Jewish re t$, 4,510 anti-.Ar►nen:nn riots, :lee 'metiers, and 5:13 agrarinn up- s ire.. The revolutionists assassinated c" • .Iy-three generals or governors, -Ale p.rrfeck, ail 8.079 ollieiol-s of v a1,, ether ranee. 'Tate fovernmcnl, 1 i:: eart, tarried out sentences of h mein :? leL peranns, and. since J :miry 1 of the present year sent nacre 1! e &teen "poet:eels" to Siberia. Such 1 • I .t•rt the met in human life of the • Mal impression of itir•sia's latest 1, • i•d'onary movement. The Finns wingd se. et to be able to retain (heir 'v•teelithl Iiher•tir•e. TI!e present • lei: seen nes: gronte merle to the , •'t n et, inchMing the control of end other expenditures. 1 1 unr sir :eon*, also, have now the t !e1 toss tlpen the ainslitillinnnlily the inep.'rel dee'rtes, while the viewed jndese in the duchy r tin dlsrni-eed w intim( the ern• t tete Ds t. 'fttis :e Ihe oho bright ' ' 'olu'kinary eihlnli(on, e' ,t e . e . every ( t''... -.^ cf lie• v • ,. A FARMER'S TRIALS, Weak and Worn Out Through Over- vvork and Long !lours. The farmers life is always a hard one, but if he is 'veal; or suffet:ng it is almost unbearable. The hours are long and the work so hued that n;ne but the sir ngest can stand it. An iiiustratien of the fact of hard work on the system is given by Mr. Geo. tlunlsber g, a farmer of Spry, Ont. Ile says. -"1 have lived nearly all toy life in the Bruce peninsula. 1 am farmer and have always had my Shur cif herd work unit like n good mane oll:rr ilea 1 thought there was no wear - tail to my system. In this 1 was ails - 1411.1 11, ut , for taxon a year and a -half ago 1 began to go gradually down hill. I r.ould tire tit the least exertion, my ap- )elite failed me; 1 had a severe haul in id toy se and amulet toy heart. The di -Je- er. lied me I was suffering from perni- cious anaemia; that 1 was almost hleod- tees. 1 doctored for see months, but in- stead of improving I grew so weak Hutt I could hardly trove without as- sistance. 1 lost Ileal till 1 was almost a skeleton. A friend Pruni Stokes Bay told Ine 4-,f the great benefit she had de - it *s1 from the use of Ur. \\'illia►ns' Pink Pills and adsi_ed me to try them. My sister-in-law had also received great benefit from their use, so 1 decided to give them a trial. After using the pills about a month 1 legan to gain strength end front that on I improved rapidly. New blond seemed to course throughthrough.' my veins; my appetite improved, i' pain left my side and heart and 1 gain- ed in weight. .Anter using about a doe - en bexee of the pills 1 was again en- jcying the best of health. I have no- thing but praise for Dr. Williams' Pink ('ills as they cured me after medical treatment had failed - 1 really believe they savc:l my life." Good !died is the secret of health. Ki ep the blood pure and such diseases as anaemia, rheumatism, sciatica, in- digestion, heart palpitation, eczema arid the secret ills of woolen will not exit. The most !effect blood tonic ani nerve restorer in the w'nrld is Dr. Williams's' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50 from The par. withal -es' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. COMOImcmco LINE Darns!: D1tEADNOI'GIIT.MaslenRslen Admiralty Ilas Plans fur In- crease in Na%y. 'Tile annntureement at St. Petersburg 11191 the ilus,ion Admiralty hnd ordered a battleship of 2e,see tons to te.con• strutled et the Baltic iron works (;here. appears to be premature. A'Inlirat Restrem, the Assistant \Heister of Ma- rine. says that the order has not yet teen placed, as the plans for the war- ' ship are not yet ready. The Admiralty, a he added, was in no hurry, and would wait unlit the entire 4on•gramnie httJ ' been approved, and the plans of war- ships heed been finished, eveu to the smallest detail. The Admiralty, ficwever, has decided !) build hnmegeneous squndt' ns, cnn- sisling of 'four battleships, eight crisis. ere and the requisite number of torpedo heels and other craft. The plans for the (lied squadron are being prepared by the Admiralty. It is known that the British battleship Dreadnought has been celablished as a standard front which 1Le Mission designers cannot deviate very much. The tonnage of the Rus- sian Dreadnoughts will be somewhat iess than 21.000. All orders for the week of reconstructing the Russian fleet will be executed in Musser), bar- ring an occasional order, judicinusly apportioned between the foreign build - t:. in order to keep up ocnucction w1h them, Ti►e Admiralty Is aware that the re- ec.nstructinn of the fleet at lutrne neces- silatas radical reforms in Russian ship- building, nut all the rumors to the ef- fect that Ihe Government intends to sell Us shipyards to foreigners ere denied. On the other hand, it Is staled on re- huhle authorI;y that the new Admiralty shipyard and the immense Izhor steel +armor works, which hitherto have sheen {rarely Governmental instittlliens, con- ducted on the bureaucratic principle, will from the beginning of October be- come cborlered onntpanics, to be run on a strictly commercial basis in regard to profits and kisses. The Admiralty will (,w•n the stock of these o.nupert- ifs, as (I now Ow119 the stock of tate Baltic works and that of the Obuchovo gun dnundrv. Admiral Destro!) also said that the latest trial of the. Iturik, the first-class armored cruiser of 15,000 tens, buiil in Eilglruid for Russia, had Neel catisfartcry, she having attained her contract speed of 21 knots per hour. ._ N•,thing lo. ks more ugly lean to se- t, t .meson whose hands are covered over with warts. Why have these disfigure- ments on your person when a sure re- mover of all warts, corns, ere„ can Lc found in Holloway's Corn Curs. KING AND SCHOOLBOY. ittd Who Wrote to itis Majesty About Attendance Medal: A touching little incident about a L, ndon schoolboy who vv role to the Ping regarding his sehool attendance n edit] was related tit a recent meeting el the London County Cluneil. -pie Education Committee had pro- peeed that the prnetice of awarding meea1., for regal ar and punctual attend- ance should be discontinued, but the Progressives were successful in moving that the proposal should be sent hack, need further, that the committee should consider the possibility of extending the medal system. During the debate It was pointed out that these medals are an exceedingly popular institution in London schools. Queen Victoria allowed her effigy to ap- pear upon them, and quite recently King Edward gave a special silting fir n like purpose. Cnn"'gaently the owned of medal: has the very highest appro- val. 'rhe, system wns startee in 18S8, and In that year 1.000 medals were distribut- ed. Lost year no fewer than 57;142 scholars earned Ihen1, 'l his refers, r,re,ial system muse exercise a marked influence upon the attendance returns. Mr. ilastings Jay mentioned a boy win wa i ..;nip^ling for his seventh Me- dal. but lost it through falling in the plr.y'ggrnund and br,'aeinrt his leg. The Ind felt it so keenly that he acluaily wrole to the King that he had lost his medal. Mr. Jay, apprehensive least other !t 1 Ileloo- ►• s might do the same things. ap- pealed to the Geuncil to slop the system. A WARNING '1'O \(OTHERS. There are uusernpulc•trs dealers who for the sake of trilling gain are willing lu )acrilice Ilse health -perhaps the Iters ---,f litre ones. This is proved by the eel dial there are a number of t:nt- totems of Baby's Own Tablets offered. The n:olher can prote:'t tier child by seeing that the full name Baby's own Tablets ord the four-leaf clover vitit child's head on each leaf, is found on the outside wrapper nr.eund every Lox. 1).1 not Ince anything else, as you may endanger ynnr ehtlds life. 1f you can- not get lee genuine 'Tablets from your dealer send 25 cents to The Dr. \\'il- itams' Medicine Co., liro:kvilte, Ont., and get a box by mail post paid. • - :'•GGfiAVATIXG M.N.\ "1 don't see hone you can have any tion fo find with him." "Why not:''' "Because he appears to he n men who is absolutely without faults of Wily sort," "-That's just ft. That's his worst Inuit." 4- tit: WAS IN'TIiIl1:1Tfa), l.nndlady (reading): "I sec that Skin- ner, the grocer, is advertising sometlting new in coffee -pole." Old 'harder: "What is It -good col - [1)0' — -4.-- -- 'A SPLENDID PRESCRIPTION. An eminent physician informs us That he has used the following pre- scription in his practice for a number e( years, and found it very successful in the treatment of Kinney, i.iver, Bladder. and all Urinary affections. Ile claims that a very few doses will re. !leve the ismst severe pains In the hark, arising from disordered kidneys and inmpure IAs-d: One ounce of sweet merits of nitre, one ounce of Virrn'a Compeer -1. and pater ounces of eyrun of rhub,uh. These Ingredients cin he obinilned et any reliable drug store. It :!noted be taken In desserlspoonlnl doses after items and at bedtime in water. It is unsurpassed for the cure r' rheumatism. driving the uric acid entirely from the system. The ingredi- ents ere taexpen'tre rine harmless, and can be given to children with ashy. NO CAUSE FOR COMi'1-AINT. "My good man," said the philosopher to the !adorer who was mowing weeds en a vacant piece of real estate, "do you ever have occasion to complain cf your lot?" "No, sir," answered the honest son of toil, "I don't own this lot." NO SUBSTITUTE for "The D & L Menthol Plaster, although same unscrupulous dealers may ray therein. Reoosatended by doctors, hospital., clergy stat everybody, for stiffness, piuertsy, ere, HIS iiIGHNESS THE BMW. Heir to Spanish Throne will the Enter- tained in Kensington Palace. I:ensington Palace, the birthplace of Queen Victoria, has been chosen as the residence of the King end (Queen cit Spain and their s'n while :n London, three rooms of the double -uite ee.i.g ret apart for the baby. eine. r' Inde is n day nursery, and to This awry conceivable forth of indam!(te atimee- ment is being gradually imported. "Teddy" bears, soft fleecy lambs. cosl- 1; rattling articles, such as till ::trails love, rubber toys, thick era .line rues ref spotless while, the latest :r cots and infantile chairs -all these o r -.".I, s4 far, a eonfu,ed but lnterestine Irmo lc be by-and-by placed in ord'r tied at- tractive form in readiness ler the dis- Ungt1'shed small occupant. Sanitation in fillings rind r1'cortiti).13 hat ben made a subject for rel.'ch nt.v• ious care, and all has been done to ensure perfe tion. 'rhe 'name! of tee walls is of spotless while end soft green, harboring no suspicion el niicrebit while the hanging and rugs aro Wise• lutely new. Special provision Ls else ti n.g merle fel baby's Spanish nurse --en f'l::wrl. ed member of hLs small Il jl,ness' suite. The children cif the Prin'e end I'rin• tees of \\voles etre most in;^rt sled in the vesilore and a grand rimunaging cf trensjtres for the baby to ;raw with Les been taking place. Princess Mary. who :a, spl.'netl.l i t - Ile motherly ways with her br,by I lher. is wondering .ether amps will he ellrnved to nurse her new rcintive, and all the children want to cetee lc Leh - d _ n to see him. 4- TIIE (:L'fi'I'OJIKI' FLED. A gentleman in a restaurant the other dry Ihelight he would have a jeke with tee wailer, and asked him if he had ever seen n sntasnge roll. "Yes;' replier! Ihe waiter. "1 have not only seen n sausage 1.011, hal 1 hnvoactn n his;u.it lox, u table spxlon. a hlcycle pump, a penny stump, a chimney sweep, a chain link, a nose {,any, a camera slide, a garden fence. a sword fish, a spoke shave, a wall flower—" diol were he gni to "o fire escape" the gen'iern:nt thought it innS time he es- caped. lar;. 11' vvng i;n'ne the waiter- went en w th-"n tilt, tern. a cnke walk, a moon• lain climb. a 'try lar, a honey Comb—by" But this time the customer wag hurrying down the street in 'i dazed cc itch: inn. JUDICIAL. Towne: "Yon leek rather weary, old nln n." Browne: "Yews; i've had a trying time this pest week." Towne: "1117" Browne: "No; en a jt,ry." Of emerge this world may rte gmwinj' bettor, but a Ict of new jails are erected Very year. BEER'MAKES BLOOD MALT has certain food - elements which the bodycan transform t n t o healthy blood quicklyand with the least digest- ive effort. H OPS contain a medi- cal principle which tones the nerves without reaction, and so suppliesnervous cnergyandsaves it as well. BEER° as brewed in Ontario is made from choicest Ontario barley malt, selected hops, and the pur- est of water, dealt with under condi- tions which insure purityand quality. TI`IE TMILE OF Sr.AIt1 r MIatrutn,nial '1'rnubles of \ars, Florence THE better the blood the sounder the health, a a • the surer the bogy to combat disease effective- Iy. Beer, by some counted an into: leant, is not so - it is a b:mod-maker with barely enough alcohol In it to help rho stomach do its work far better. Beer with meals is good for 4)07 people out of every thousand —and is specially good for women. Ask your own doctor about it— beer is probably good for you. VDUS Y•arm wbtcb eosin lerr,aL..v.1^,. au4 H•.rtI M`. sal to 1.. pasal.. of th�uAo +'.. �ay'1-a beeenNa naps mods mast Al41.. wad... from taLtarlo wino towboats W. amid) malt, bops, act porn -.:.r. 11 a11111M111. •aeraa11,U11011115111111111 TAUGHT 11111 A l.r«OV. A young chemist's assistunt, who had hearth the story of the negro wile risked for flesh -colored court -plusher and was given black by the observant shopntan, placed the Incident away in his mental storehouse and decided to use it at tete first opportun. After many itymonths of wailing, his cp- purttality tante when a young ncgress tele day walked into the shop where he was employed. "Ali wails some said, "What color?" inquired the youth, "Flesh total, tsah." He handed the woman a packet of Mack court -plaster. She opened the packet with a delibera- tion that was on►inous, but she was un- ruffled tl when she noted lire color of the contents. "Ah guess yo' mus' a misunderstood mah ordah- Ah asked foil flesh cutal' ase' yot.-ve given me akin cutch." The young man is still a little daze(. front the enccunler, and lie has firmly resnlved to suhjeet every joke to a rigid lnixi-atory test hereafter before using. cou't-plastah," she They are Carefully Prepared. --Pills which dtss pate themselves in the sto- mach cannot be expected to have much effect uron the intestines, end to over- come costiveness the medicine admin- istered must influence the action cf hese cutlets. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are so made, under the s.tperviston of ex- perts. that the substance in them in- tended to operate on the intestines is relardci in relent until they pass through the stomach to the bowels. ",.\'hut is the most aggravating lhring ie married life?" asked Dorothy, "Seine - limes," salol the bachelor friend, "it's the husband, and sometimes it's the wife." A Pine Ni`BNAER in dry grass, so does an InPamm thou In tl., throat grow .lows Int , the lents. beaI promptly with a coId as a ith a fire, ar,i ween you begin to cough use Allen's t.unr Balsam. "11 t newer see you again," a teacher said, with much earnestness, to a girl whose scholastic career had come to n close, "1 hope that you will never forget do your best wherever or ou may be. and that you will always be an honest. in:rigl►t woman -truthful and leave." "Thank you," said the girl, "and i hope you'll be the sumer' ITC/1, Menge Prairie Scratches and overy form of contagious lith on human ..r animals cured in 3:) minutes by Wel- ford's Sanitary Lotion, it never folts, Sold by all druggists. 'legless: "Anel f suppose yen wen( up the Rhine?" Affected youth (who has been pothering the company with Itis travelling experiel1^rsl: "Oh, yes, and ninny ether mountains." .. Small Pill. but Powerful. - They that judge of the powers of a pill by 'le size, wetted consider Par•melee's W.'gclable Pills to be lacking. It is n lit - lie wonder among pills. What it lacks in size i1 stakes up in potency. The remedies which it carries are put up in (hese small doses, because they are so powerful that only smell doses are re- quired. The full strength of the ex- tracts Ls secured in this form and do their work thoroughly, WISE. "Stung exclaimed the stranger, "Mosquito or Inning stock?: queried th • man who had experienced both. Merchant: "Yes, we are in need of a peeler. Where were you employee' last?" Applicant: "in a honk, sir." Merchant: "Did you clean it owl.?" Applicant: "No, sir. Tho cashier did that." ISSUE NO. 46-47. Clements Carefully Scheduled. The matrimonial troubles of Mrs, Fierence Clement,, who summoned her husband et Stratford Police Court, bon - (:en, Ettg!and, for persistent cruelty, may hest le «•deed from the following hoe 1,',I .: '1. i::$1 h'.t•it,.:•(l.'s doings 41: >• ;.1. : s related by the wife:- Li:. ife:l.ei:. • .,'t.- Caught her by the neck and flung tier to the floor. lit a.m.-Thumped her on the heat! vv illi his lists unit threatened her with 1t saucepan. 11 a.m.-Scratched her and said, "\:tw 111 do you in." !toil -1L50- Sheu't interval for sleep. 12 moon -'Threw her down again and again; threatened her with u knife and again said, "1'11 do yeti tis." Previous to (his the %eeein had had the fotkiwing articles thrown at her: - Pail of water. Chopper. Jig ditto, Stones Leaves of bread. Continuing her story, Mrs. Clements said she bad been assaulted fifty times et the last six month.. She had gone neer from her husband once, but he Legged her to return. She did so, mid within !wilily -four hours he had fell- ed her to t'te ground. The husband then gave has version ..f the flamtly disagreement. Ile said he and his w•le got on very well until others came between (hem. It was his wire's neither and a young woman who can:c there as a servant. '('here bad been no creeltse whatever; it was all a pack e4 Fes. Ho was quite willing to he bound over for her. The bench odtouroed the ease for a week to hear other witnesses, MEDICAi. AtTTIORITIFS Slay that eight persons out of ten sut- tee at some lime or other from Hiles. Whether the piles are bleeding or pro- tru•.ling, or itching er "blind," Zarn- Iluk gives immediate esse. Mr. Neil Devon, Welevenil, Ont., suf= fer('d with piles right year:. A few boxes el Z: ireBrat cured him. 1(e since say's: "1 have had no return of the lrou- Gk, so that 1 know 1 nm permanently ctire•L" Zam-Bok cures Cuts, Chapped (lands, Ulcers, Berns, Sore Legs, Abscesses, Poisoned \W''unds, Bois, Fczenit► and all skin troubles, flubbed well in it is a splendid emhr•)catinn for ithetre atism, Neuralgia and St'iai'ce, ete. 50 cents a box of all druggists and sores ('r post-paid on receipt of price from the Zahn -Bok Go. 3 boxes for 81.25. d• 'font: "i don't see why you should feel insulted just because he said yobr eros were like stars." Belle: "You don't? Why stars keep winking al you ami the time." if your children moan and aro rest- less during steep, coupled, when awake, with n loss of appetite, pole countenance, • picking of tee nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the pri- mary cause of the Il\rab:c is worms. Mother Graves' Wenn Exterminator ef- fectually retnnves these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. "1 didn't krovv the Bar.'ons kept n . rikcy. Bow kung have they had one " "Oh, eversince 1 have been slaying with titin 1" A LI'I I$.E re' f ET I. Ihe best of all .fist ytt'.1 all not su ilea b.,,:o to,l mu.cle bent " ie,,, r,:. •• will. 1 r it. An drug and goueral it• lei, 1. bottles. "\tar}• :•" yelled the pnet, "why do'l'l yeti keep that kid quiet 7 \What's fhe molter with him, anyway 2'' "1'in sure i dctt'1 0: new," replied his nnt:ent wife; "Int singing one of your luilalees to the lilllo darling." Ilio! Ir's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is agree able to the taste, and Le a eertairt relief for irritation of the throat That causes hacking coughs. If used ac- cording to erreeltons it will break the Most persistent cold, and re -store the air passages to their rrortnal healthy c'nditinn. '('here Is nn need to rcco►n- nsend it to those familiar with it, but t, Rous who seek a sure remedy and are In doubt what to use, the advice is -try Rickles Syrup. we -Add -he Tenant: "Rut there are holes in the roof T' Landlord: "\\','ll• 1 can't help that. if you can't afford a few urnhrcilas, don't lake the house." ovg OF THE BEAT old thee remedies fir all skin affectlnnss,, such as Fermat', Ringworm, Scald. head and sitni/ar allertt+ua 1. Weaver's (;orate. 11 is an otaleent that has brought relief to th,,uaaads. — 4 - - _ NEW W'1•:st'VINsTliil AfIItF:V. Radical Changes Bring Made InAetc Old Structure. Visitors to London next year w"I fit;.l that n change has cotne over We dein. ster Abbey. It is now being restore (t. a process of which it skeet in great meet; fon 1nndon's srnnke•Indcn atmosphere Wel played havoc with the stonework, which was scaling rapidly inti falling away. The restoration work has been going on for sine lime, but it only now Is apparent whit the real character of rho work is . Instead of merely repairing the neo ornamental stone parapets which, nithou t' of comparatively recent date, had begun to assume the appearance of age, new parapets of the lattlen,eld type are being erected by the cathedral authorities. A geed deal of criticism is being hurled at the heeds of those responsible for this chnntte, though it is declared noel -in erecting the l.altlement style of parapets they aro simply following the engine' design. Proof of Ibis IQ sltnwn in an engraving (feted 1710, which deplete the Altey without Its lowers, but with 'Attlee ;.arnpels. Tho Secretary cel the Se ,t Ihe l'mteelion of Ancient Melding; complains that when the reetoration is completo people will say: 'Thio: is not Westminster Abbey, but a new build- ing." _4.-, . — Robbs: "Weir hreelier le very verse - sive. He threatens to kick Ire. \\ hat a•nuld you ndvisc Inc to (lo 7'' "Sit down %benover he appears." Memel What it is L. -aim It goes 1 1 (tat we do "BRICK'S TASTELESS " RtE4111 E D It is an extract of fresh cod livers, containing all the virtues of pure Cod Liver Oil without the nauseous gtease, combined with Phosphorus in the foi in of the Compound Syrup of liypophos- phites, nutritious Extract of Malt and Lite Fluid Extrect of Wild Cherry Bark. It will promptly relieve, and if its use is con- tinued, permanently cure chronic bronchitis, all pulmonary affections, croup, hoarseness, nervous disorders due to an exhausted condition of the system, prostration follt.wing fevers, debility at dungy of life, or constitutional weakness itt any age, and all blood disorders. We positively guarantee "Rricl:'s Tasteless" to do exactly what we claim it will do as printed on the label of the bottle, or any advertising miner, and every druggist who sells "Brick's Tasteless" is authorized to refund to his cust(em- er the full nurchaee price .1 er hottle doe not show a tit reit-. n tntp. itea..vut, witch improve- ment will result in a complete cure if additional bottles are taken. We therefore request you to try a bottle of "Brick's Tasteless" on our recommendation, and if no improvement is shown alter taking it, return the empty bottle to the druggist from whom you purchased it and he will refund your money. Can we be fairer l Two Sizes —8 ounce bottle 50c; 20 ounce bottle 31.00 Male WITH Power, beat, Electric to Lease for a Term of Light, Years. Central location. About ten thousa'ld square foot In four tlooi's an9 bass:tent. Exoolient shlpp n g facilities Standard Fire Sprinkler System. Low Insuranoa rate. El ,RAY F. WiLSON, El Af 3'aide St. %Yost, Toronto l . rte• -32 =,.at9e AG NTS WANTED. MANE MO,.e Y. Boy. and (Mels, sa'li,r, alta Pe.writ., .Gno w ,rets without di -•pint to Ink. Namplss IC cents ( •mer)- Bps p' At. wa'u(hto prulaiurt:trio. O..MP11LL 10)5., Auburn, M.Y. E o y Wc i lt3a ts 11 :ate tsalad a"d a:"na', ;knew & W U ( 'trial MARVEL\'iairlingS fray The v new v ...lest .r..co- 1ttRL—!tcalconren- teu•r. 11 eiw..ta iwtnnay. ties your d'ng►Ist ter It. t be eau snap:- the A 1t Y r: 1.1 street aro erase, hent mod et :n.•, for Vasboot -misted. It givee del art! n'.r. aad dttt,,tI e. in. L ..1n.) ,• , • WIND( R Ar'Pf•1.Y (Yl., R'Indr..r. Oats tiaat.tal Agent,. ter Canasta. tit l 'CLEANING LADIES' NALKIRS OR 01!1E �tiiF OUTING e • e SUITa tlaa be Aoa• peri..ttr by oar tr.seb Pr.c.,. Try M BRITISH AWaioAM arsine CO. K011'rlWUs T000NTO, LUTA WA a (lUEaxe MACHIHERC FOR MALE. DYNAMO 500 lights, first-ciass order. Will be sold cheap and meet be gotten out el the way owing to 600 -light machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER Buffalo "I was going to ask per for a new tical discharge, 24 benne', deur," said the 1, cirig wife, "but condition. Sag,: rintt. 1 won't because 1 se. you can't efford trig, 73 Adelaide 1t " "1 low diel you find out Ihul, dear?" naked her husband. "Well," the lady re- plied, "1 talk a look into y(ur cheque- ',trek heYque- r ix.k ill'. o• IS morning. ( itis mei 1 sow•ou had only 0110 cheque left." y A Time for Everything. --The line for fir. Thomas' 1?electric Oil Is when cr(:upy syrnrtnrns appear itt the chil- d(( n; -e'en rheumatic pains beset the eld; . lumbago, asthma, coughs, colds, cniurrh c:' earache attack either young or okl; w;len burns, scan's, fibro- slons, contusions or sprains come In any member of the fannily, in any t f these ailments it will give relief and work a cure. mike, number four, 9 -inch vete int hes high; reefed relent, '1 multi Ihtild• SI, V. est, Turouto. "i,tsten to this. Marin," said Mr. f`lubb, ns he unfolded his scientific pa- per. "'('his article slates that in race. old Roman prisons that hate teen t,n- earthed they found the petrified remains of the prisoner'," "(;rnoinus. John," re- plied Mrs. Shahhs, with n smile, "I sup - peso you would call them hardened et iminals." "Tommy," saki the young roan to his respective 1 r" Ili r•in-Inw, aged flee, "will you he sorry when 1 marry y(:ur sister?" "1'es," ailments' the little fee lo••v--"I'll bo sorry for you r r We Guarantee to cure your cough or cold No "ifs" or "huts" —just a straight seitement-Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough or cold and do it quicker than anything you ever tried, or y••ur druggi ;t will return the purchase price. Get a hot' ice to -day, and cure that cough or cold. woccmccrcinemelleinICCIIIMINNIONIO and coughs Shiloh's Shiloh's Cure is a safe and sure cough and cold medicine for Ci:ii,tren. Ii has been effecting Cures for 34 years. All drug. gists -sic., sec., and $t.00, tie/ ,7 rjcr • r lac ' _ i =✓'�+r .A;r4..3Jt ( �• • i w n •1' 1 FOR ANY STOKE 11 .;l. .1 e. tp I,..,. s, rick le,s01,1 e ar interio,, is chesty ani Isla alis ,ct Such ..e.l r. 11 e.,: yput .?, set,! , as n. mar: the the carmen ►ta.i.. lawn *Lai PEDLAR &TLE1. CEILING Mote 1h.. 2,00o dear.., s,:•able 1 r rrr•y Sid,•wsJain equal rareto ma -h. Let us .er:d rru w tc h 11 at lees the vet -e a .lot/ of d a teams that slawil lin rem.. Adle-w - 714 The PEDLAR People trr,''t;i (a►awa Montoni (11.111•111,1,11.11.11:140 Win, Ip-. W 111) IN NEW YORK inc. .t:W 1 i i:PRGo,' 51 OP AT HOTEL NiVARRE 7th Ave. "fid 3e•1t t't. 300 FEET WEST OF ett0fUWAY, 1laxaruum d I.u<<,ty at 1hi:,itu:, e'".t • Accle.lb!e (l•rrt 4.1,1 r'e;srt within Fire Minute i 11 s11, or '1 h041re,, ,-h..pr and (• uhw. New Datclt (1,111 Rnotar Lar/e.t 'b 1'117. (*able car. 1•a3, Hotel t' all niitr•,ada Eur„pete 1'I�.t, tr.to per .1 of n th,,,t hath, "La) per ,try alit. 11945 'o tee O.t•;e upward,. semi f.,e e .,k qt. St ill 41. •' . h 1l'. .1'. t•e, p. ��„►lau.tew a/ar. — • a--- r —