Navigation Will Bo Kept Open As Long
As Possible.
A dispatch fixen Ottew& says: There' ^P"'t ie' 4►,i: 1•'wn. Thee ere Ile Bank of
is consider able speeedalion as to the (,e:nlnie'ree. t!w Imperial Hank, tiro 1)o-
tnannw• in which Use Government will
ce-operate with the ranks in assisting to
market the AVetetern wheat crop. Mr.
Fielding is Milltz
on t1K! sub;esea,
t►resinc(Ihly heeln..s lie has not yet defi-
nitely ferinult ld his filmes. One sug-
gestion b ter the Government to utilize
wine of tiro gold reserve which is de
gxsited with the Finance Department as
eecurity against tho net° circulation.
11ic' k1ei is put forth le pleee, Bury. ten
minion dollars at they credit of those
barks that are recognized In the Weed
as t•eilig grain banks, Utat is, loaning
inorker to stove tiro crap. Seale.' four
banks aro mentioned as likely to get
o: 11141111114111.
The '11ra
Z rlway e,
mpurt.es have aysur.Yl the
parties cunoer•ne'd that they will do all
tnry tun to facilitate the inevt ta.eit of
the crena). The principal dit1teulty ix wttli
1140 knver• gr ucla>,+ of grail that have to
e moved t,e'fc;re navigation ("loses, Ottier-
wisa they sissy bo damaged, if not de-
'too Mat• it. 1)epartmett has arranged
to keep nnvig;uttu:1 on Lake Superior -
open until Dec. 10. A telegrrnt %1ss sent
les \\ stoltiugiort asking that the light. -
house at Passage Island, !tear Purl Ar-
thur, bo kept going until that. date. The
Ds -minion will pay the extra exp►yrsu.
This has been aglr c d to.
JAI'.%NPtiE: 18111' IN .MIMIC. WAR.
4t,998 Troops of Ali Branches to En-
gage in Man(rrrtres.
A despatch from Tokio says: The Fon-
p n,r !eft on Wednesday to attend the
army lintliu•uvres, which w ill be oil an
unusually large stale. 41,000 troops, of
di branches- of the service, participat-
ing, with pontoons and the commis-
sary corps. They \vitt be employed as
in aenni! war operation-. The ruiuus'-
uvres will be directed through the bat-
l:aln and electric light corps. The line
will extend for 35 miles along the Kine
River, near Nikko, a noted resort. Gen-
eral Prince Fushima and General Vis-
eoiitit Karnninura \vitt command the re-
epectise forces.
Two Men Killed and One Fatally In-
jured at Bradner, Ohio.
A despatch front Columbus, Ohio,
Fat's: Two men were killed ant three or
four persons injured on \\'ednesd ly in
an explosion in the ilercules nitro-g;ly-
cx rine factory at Hradner. The factory
was demolished and a number of hous-
es shattered in the town. W. (ase'o
and John Washburn. both employees
of the Inctory, were killed. Harry Bos-
t4,n, the Superintendent, was probably
retail!: injured. (:Isco was blown to
pieces, not even a shred of his body be-
ing; found. Washburn died a horrible
death. lying; screaming on the ground
among the debris, and burning to
1•:x -President of Kruckerbocker Tnrst
Shot Himself.
A dispatch from New York saw:
Chas. T. Barney, for many years one
.s►f • til ' most prominent fli;anciers of
New York city, oommittaid suicide at
hie rie'si.iennv, 38th street and fail;
avenue on Thursday. Mr. Barney stat
himself in the `!lead and lived four and
a half ours. fits death was reported
to the Coroner's office shortly after 3
p. 111., first as a case of sudden death
and later as one of suicide. Mr. liar -
trey was President of the Knic•lierboclier
Trust company up to a day or two be-
fore That institution closed its doors,
with liabilities amounting to from $(10,-
0(e(),000 to $70,000.000. It was under-
stood at the time the company closed
that Mr. Barney had Leen heavily in-
v,.lved by this summer's sharp decline
sit the prices of all securities. Ile had
not been seen at his office for severn1
days, and it is known to his friends
that he was in a state of physical and
lliental c•)llap e, so that his friends
were pre -wired for the anneun(Lment
el his tragic death. It is reported that
for some time he had not been on
speaking terms with his wife. The
run ort the Knickerbocker Trust Com-
pany was precipitated by the announce-
ment of Ihn National Bank of ('.elm-
nierce that it would no longer clear the
acevlunls of the trust rnmpa►y through
the New fork clearing -house. Mr. Bar-
ney's resignation as President followed.
Old Man Died While Watching Roys
Farmers are Loading Grain Direct on Scrarirble for a Quarter.
to the Cars.
A despatch from New York says : :\
.A de,patch from \Vinnipeg says: Rail• fri of laugh, due to the offuiLs
road !Iwo claim there Ls no car gong's crtiowd of txtyters leo rcYove'r a 21 cert pi e o
tion in the West and that they nava which ho had leaS d 11110 tip) fountain
morn cars in service than can sit illridi9 11 Square Park, cause(! file
be tilled
at this moment. A leading death of Cornelius Keenan on Tucs+day.
be14•tl the C. t ii says that ing Mr. Keenan, who was 83 years olcl, was
a frequenter of the park, feeding the
squirrels and the birds and occasionally
tossing a quarter into the basin 10 ;•'e
the boys s-ra110)1(. When he laughed
011 Tuteday the Wood ruertiwl to his
head. Ile fell. striking iris bawd. ilo was
(lead when an auibulluice surgeon Carle.
Horn Than Double Thal of Other Races
in Montreal.
A despatch from Mnner'n1 say,: Tho
emote] report of Ur. i.. i.aherge, M43dieal
1t'alttl O1licer for the city, was issued
I1,•• •,'tier- day. He state that in the year
1906 the death rate of the city was 19.28
per 1,000 ',f population, being 1.32 less
tenni that of tho previous yenr. 'i'he birth
rat-, of the 1a.,1 year is returned ill 37.35
per 1.01x1 of population. or 1.54 per 1,000
ninny tthon in 1905. 'I'll.' birth wiping
I'reneh•(:anadians was 47.66 per 1,0(10 ;
among other (;a11101i4-s 21.63 per 1,000;
and among Protectants 21.20 per 1,(X00.
:\m.►ng the French-Canadians the preo-
pr,rtie,ns of marriages was 10.43 per
fer•mecers are this year loading their
groin in rimneey cases direct to the curs
•wi1ti 111 gassing it 11,rongh the ('leva-
k4ra. tiles securing. as they suppose.
better terms and saving elevator chaos -
es. but it tie, up ninny ent•s. 0a 1'
londing is very slow. \\*!sat is wort',
tirany grain sten me purposely hold-
ing grails for Metier prices end thus
aatwetiI iii the movement of the crop
before 1►avignt:•en cleoee
The Montreal P.►liee Place a Guard nn
A despateli from \(•shires! says: 1:bier
Delective Carpenter has received a w'nrn-
ing fr•en1 en 1ti1I ,in (,f ,r.nsitioral.le
sr.e•ia1 standing in the cit) That nit effort
1. to to nettle t•, rescue Alsl•,ni•► (car-
Ixonnt 01141 1•'40timele i'lutine,, wh•. ha
tis•u.nde'c1 in the Notre' Dame and the
General Hospitals, respectively. 't'he'se
•weir two of the I1l'1ck Ilanel Italians
mho t• r,t part in 0 light on \I• endny
night. 41►d pectis ssitl be tried fer at-
ttn1g,t451 111uitler. (thief Carpenter had
g;l:aeds placed at the' hospitals le. pre-
vent 111ey tie- ne.
S1101 THROUGH IIU)1'1:11 T11E: 111:11!"1-.
It:trr', Mender Kills himself 11 hilt' Hunt -
hop Near Pembroke.
A despatch (rein I't'nihrt,k.' R:0,: A
Vt. 1 aeci•l••iit ew'e)lrre.t in :Mice •t'•e\t n,hii4.
s:'. miles fr• 4111 1'.IId'roke. •,n \\ 1nts•
whet' itnrrs 13eualer, ngisi 22 years.
0erele'ntntly slot Idenelf through the
heart while out hunting. Deader was
an enlpl4.ye of the Stearns Electrical
Equipment Company of Buffalo, N.Y.,
we: !iconie nn his holidays.
(:hies Tttunder•er of the Chippc as
Nearly Killed.
A despatch from Winnipeg saga
Chief Thunderer of the (:hippcwa; nar•-
newly es•'ape.1 being devoured by \•01vt
near \War rend, \l.nn., acmes: from Fort
I'ri:ic s. The pack attaektxd him in the
svc.ods. hill he 1Ik're'(de(i in standing
them elf with en n\e, with which ho
killed 0rle0 and maimed another until
help ar'rive'd from his camp. Tho Indiana
teclievo tgsia early fury of Ihe wolves in -
ft Severe winter .
One Woman Is Dead, and Two Others
Are I1L
A despta"h from iAndon, Ont.. says:
Mrs. Addie Robinson. of 424 Ontario
Street, w i(kew of th. tate John Robin-
son, fireman, who died of injuries sus-
talnnl In the recent )o On'otive Mt:er
ex.pl,4at•,rl at Newbury. s11ccumt'ed on
Thursday night to apparent ptomaine
Fet'ttoning. She hall eaten s!uue potted
Chicken at sit o'clock. and inuneediate-
iy nfterward-s wwas taken with violet
convulsions. Medical assistance was
tiumnwne:l, bat death resulted at seven
olcloch. ('•.rs•ner Mct.aren could not
say whether a paws-t1eort(+rn examination
Wi ilei be conducted o1 not.
A dcspntch from Hamilton says: Chris -
line Dickie. 904 Ghbeon :Avenue. and
Maud Parrett. 49 West Avenue north,
employes .4f the INnninbm Belting Co.,
were taken seri•.,rs!y 111 while at xtrork
en Thurktsy aternoon as Iles r:asutt
cf estln4 canr:ed eriinx)n. Tbev swerve
taken to the City lieepital and is thought
they will re'. over.
11,171':111:4 FROM THE LEADING
Prkes of Cattle, Grain, (-i eeeese and
Olker Dalry Produce al Home
and Abroad.
'/'cream, Nov. 1^. - Flour - Ontario
wheat 90 per ce'11t. pUklLls act) g15.,tcd at CANADA. R. F. Mosley, a 1►artner in the
5:3.li(1 to $3.90 in buyers' sacks outside The nese wireless station at Three ander Clary Nunufacturing 01111111111Y. a
for export. :\taIII:Ola pitel4nto, $:),811; liivrrs, Que.,suns opened 4►II "1'tnir.+ttay. sal:•;h�rate jessc!rry IU u1, 4).f acne!:urch
patents, $5.20, and strung
baliem', $5.10. night train uui bt tstee n (llixs\•a and
Wheat --Manitoba grades w•'vO quiet Toronto.
to -day and firmer. No. 1 hard quetei A buikling fund of $111(),i"00 i.s to 1.0
at +1.15 lakepurls;
No. 1 \
orticil ri,i-rend in '1'urutrto for a new K110:(
quoted at $1.13, lake ports, and No. 2 leg i'.
Nerthern at $1.10, lake ports. Dr. Ii. Elliott, de ctist, of Cobden, was
Outerio Wheat. ---No. 2 red winter and drowned while canoeing at Renfrew, on
Ni). 2 white aro quoted at 98 to 99c out- 1'hutseday.
side, and N.;. 2 mixed al 91k- ou:dide. One man was fatally hurt and all-
Barley- No. 2 quoted ai 79 to ts0c out- other seriously injured in an Italia row
Wile, and No. 3 oxtra at 77e oaleide, and :n Ment'•. al.
No. 3 at 75e outside. The Lurninio►i Government now has
Oats -No. 2 Ontario white aro 53e out- charge of tho adnlinisiratiou of all 'e p -
side west. Manitoba Nc. 3 while ate resy lazarettos,
nominal. A franchise has been granted by the
(urn ---No. 2 American yellow Ls quoted ne niclpaliti.ls f•;r an electric railway
at 69yc, Toronto freights, and No. 3 at finis Cobalt to Ilaileybury.
69c Thomas Aughton. while working on ticket troth lA,udou t<,
HEto11,e, in (,r ► r
eenewl:wherit--Sales are reported out• the new confederation life )1nilding ,
(side .at 63c. '1'cronto, h11 fourstent and was killed. to take a ispeinal selection of e tine'.
Bran -Dull at $21 to $21.50 in bu:k Tho first. ear el wheel has been slop- Jewell)"Outside, from Ulrgald to \Witutil►eg►, fur lite K ng,� •,5 Stthe.
insgx ••
outside. Shorts are quoted at 323 to $2: ped oyer the new trat:suonli !ental title 114)11. I lett Charing Cross by i1,.'
tt'avelling by ttte way*�tt-lit trouut 1'�iris
COUNTIIY PRODUCE. Mr. George R. Caldwell, K.(:., has been to itouse'. On n1y arrival 1 fou 1 he'
sworn its as Provincial `eeretary in the lead left an hour before ifor tiirai.:s. I
Telegraph Oriels From Our Ona and
Other Countries el Recent
E% eats.
Parcel of Diamonds Valued at 11.060
Destined for Siam's king
The C.P.R. will ahortly put on a new
and Oxtford Streets, Lundell, has been
r•,bbo.i, \vlti.le travelling (none Ronk: to
Naples, of a parcel of diamonds valued
at $1,(:0U, destined fur the King; ul Slum.
The lilies es a Iso took $3,5O !torus of
E1,glish and foreign notes, but over-
1•-oked ether parcels ,01 jewelry value.'
a! $50,6e0. svhiclt Mr. Mosley had with
Mr. Mosley. who returned to Iron len
(n lllond:iy morning, gave the follow-
"Our first has done a large business
with the King of Siam. bath here and
in his own country," he said.
"On Friday, Oct. 4, 1 took a rel,! •'1
Apples -Winter apples, 13 t4 $3.50 per
Bra11s---$1.$() to 81.90 for prima's, and
at $1.110 to 32 for hand-picked.
tloney-113 to 12c per ib for strained,
and at $1.75 to $2.50 for combs.
Ilay-No. 1 timothy quoted at 418 to
Co h(1\) in car lots.
Straw -$l0 to $11 a ton on track here.
I'otatott.--tier lots are quoted at. 75 to
80e per bag ,011 track.
Poultry -I i.i 1 eys, drecsod, 13 to 14c
les 113 for ch )icts; chickens, alive, 7 to
73,1^; dressed, 9e; ducks, alive, 7 to 7;c;
do, dressed. 9 to 10c.
Butter -Pound prints, 25 to 26c, and
large rolls, 22 to 23e. Creanti<•ry rules at
28 to 29e, and solids at 26 to 28c.
Eggs ---Now laid, 29 to 30c per dozen,
anti cold storage. 21 to 25c per (101e1.
Chec,e fhe market is weaker, with
offerings of October stake more liberal.
September quoted at 13,14 to 13%c.
Dressed hog.3 its car lots aro quoted at
$6.20 to $8.40. Bacon, long clear, 1o%
k 11 ryc per ib in cage lots; mess pork,
WI to $20.50, and short cut, 122.50.
Ilants---Light to inedtum, 155; do,
_heavy, 14e; rolls, 11 to 11';c; shoulder;,
16%c; backs, 16% to 17c; breakfast ba-
con, 15 to 15%c.
I.ai•d Ticroells, 12%c; tubs, 12%c; pails,
Montreal, Nov. 19. -Grain ---Sales of GREAT BRITAIN.
car kits of Manitoba No. 2 white cats The British Parliament will re-
were ntlad44 at 60c: Ontario and Quebec
N .. 2 at 59 to 59xe; No. 3 at 58 lo as.':emble on January 29,
5;tj�c, and No. 4 at 56% to 57c perll is reported that the Dublin Lastle
buLshel ex store. Flour --Choke spring
jewels have (beenreturned rnyster-
wheut pa teent'i, $6.10; s.'conds, $.`,.50 ; sou ly asthey disappeared.
'Che► German Kaiser has leased Col.
winter• wheat patents, $5.75; straight
relic's, $5.50; eke, in hags, 52.60 toStuart-W+:rtley's castle on the coast of It Is Great Paul, Which hangs in St.
$1.115; extra, 52.05 to $2.10. Foal -Mani- Ilr:mpstnre for three weeks. Paul's Cathedral.
sir HenryCampbell-Bannerman, the
total bran at $2:3; shorts at 825; Ontario In the course of the hearing; of a case
bran in 3.3.50 to $21; middlings at $27 E� r, li3h Premier, Was seixeel with a wcl- that was being tried in site English High
t. $29 per ton. in 'It,cling baps; milletii e,c., and severe stiles after delivering; (:•,url of Justice the oilier day. it was
rsa.uillie at 835 to 137 per ton. Pont- an address nt on Thimalay, stated by an eminent King's Counsel that
At a meeting of (:►It.,ervntivo Assoeia-
tiit.iss Halrrls short cut tutees, $_2.51) lo At Ben is the big;gfest bell in the British
$2:1, half -barrels do, $11.75 to 812.25; ti•,ns in Landon on '1'hs,rslay n platform 1st"'rte
(-liar fat. backs, 823.50 to 821.50; long was adopted advocating f►rr!( relic,', pro- The statement was apparently acqui-
c,11 heavy uses, $21 to 823; half -barrels lection and a broadening of taxation. eseecl in alike by judge, jury, rind spee-
d:. $10.5:t t.1 811.25; dry salt loeg clear UNITED ST,ITF.S. tutors. At all events, it pass• -el unrhal-
I►acen, 103, to 11',c; barrels plata beef. During; the last year deposits of banks tinged. And nc, wonder. silv.e most
113.5(1 to $15; half -barrels c1•,, 87.25 to standard books of reference assert the
in Kansas City have Incit tise�d by 82,r;ltti -
8;.75; gamete heavy tees beef. 810 in ' some thing.
811; half -barrels do, 85.54 to St;; cont- 'They are, however, all wrong. Bri-
%fure than 2.1100 brewry ionone new
fK.utxd land, 10 ter. llr; pure lard, 12% to
loin's biggest hell is not Big rte's, Int
13c; kettle rendered. 13l. to lie; Mulls, in exisluhe a in Indiana will ch►se a; Great Paul. which !tangs its St. Peel's
fresh kitle'•E abattoir clrescvl hogs. S9;soon as the 1,citlse expire'. Cathedral.
g The' %ionists are on trial al \\'nuke -
alive, $6.10 to 86.25. Ratter-Septe m 11 is 0 wiry hermit amongst bells. I!s
t.er, 2$ to 28%c; fresh r•rripls, 26=, to 1►'n'� for causing tho death of a woman abiding place is situated far away in the
27c. Cheese -Western. September, 13e;
whit() trying, to cast out devils- from , . .
pher innermost recesses of the kidding. in a
tete October, 12%c. Eggs --No. 1 can rl.nnlhe1' f•,rbield•'n t.► fhe iiiil a", and t.)
tieeraska shell who attempted to
died and straight receipts, 23 to 24e pre- i 1 P rearheei only atter much ^lan,l e'ring'
dozen; sele•cle, 26 to 27e; new lad, 32 to li' ( E» eating( no 11111, girt p,< -asset• b('- or I..rtu•,114 stairs and trnvcr,:ng of
!tic cerise insane in fo.Ir clay . rinc
dic(1 in •3 III1IO: elewlf.II4 pas<ag;(n.
\tans• school 0r nns in she'countryP'e'rhaps it is for this urns• ren•a,n that
of Connecticut were.destroyedits claims to suileri•)r;ty 0f• l,ig;ness over
nil its Britistr rivals h:tv.• brrn, ut4 lits
1 v licld mice during the sununer vilea- n4i, nearly ignored. "131st its tc.4und.
IloTN).a1v15.000complaints of theft from 1y1c' u soyind"we'edill , ssouresely ►b1celtyraiys
the neons
Iho' 11)ails "aye !,culla rere'ived bs the (:hi- tie buried in its aerial mausoleum of
c1+g,<.o g►.,.;l-(aline dui in r ilii' pea y( sir. solid innsenre. That, th Lii.,h rung every
Or. It. F:. Ferne,w e,( Toronto Untver- clay, London i• totally unaware of the
s'ly, speaking rtt Sagginnw, \fich., adv°- Erect. Just a V. hisp,er of it you n10' hear
cat(41 the eiol�i
innt of private it }'„sI chancre to le standing in the
ownership of !singern'w•a,ter..
John Roberts. e. 1)yie•t('al of �hirken- ct:urchyard 1.elw•cen one o'clock�lnd size
stealing nt Port Huron. 1)n: ireh,'rittri n,inut� vv.!.Ihe ghost of the h,e •,fe n
811"11° from the estates of 34)110 Linv cif distant tintln ve tlatist so 1.4 speak;
n„ ,
Sirener.1, (int. bs,t yet, Will buys to listen intently.
\\'illinnt Je nttingXla Rrynn has i.:et,eei a Yet Great Paul weighs nearly seven -
statement saying that tie will wept• these't'a ions, andis rang- by the
.- r4,rhl,inevi
Democratic nomination for President if labor of four men, who sawing, it to and
it is .,ffercd hire, but will not fight for it.
John 11. Walsh. formerly President ('f
1!,•- Chicago \ali44ne1 Brink. is on trial at
Chi4'ngo. charged With defrauding his
brink and other oontpanie,s; out of $11,-
Rev. 11. Allen Tupper, pastor of the
Fifteenth Street Baphat Church. Brook -
It ii, who in the peat six years has built
1). up wvond•'rfully. Irks de, . led to ao-
eept no salary in future.
Ntanitoba Cabinet, succeeding the late
Mr 'McInnis.
Contracts have been awarded for part
et the work on the new normal eii eats
at Ilainilt.m, Stratford, Peterbcro and
N4 rill (say.
Tho Di titnn:on(1 Mining (.ompnny of
Montreal hies eieured it lease of tiro
Ctleuceste r, N.I3., iron mines, surd to 1>e
very rich.
Five moulders who sheat. rt 'tight in
Lc.ndon Police Station say Canada is tc
Le invaded by an army of unc"rmp'uyeil
started from Et file to Naples itt 12.('5
on Sunday ttigr,t, travelling again in a
"1 a: ke 1 for it lottle of soda wt.l(:r
soon after starting. and as 1 star+ no
small change, g rik•'ci out it bundle t l
note's --$225 Engine and $1.25 Italian nr:d
French. The attendant gave change
for one of the notes, and 1 put flee
ousels back in 1110 inside poekei • f my
coat, where 1 had also $1,000 wor t't of
loose diamonds.
from the United States. "I'eki•e going to sleep I hung up 14 w
:1larlitet,a farmers suffer severe las..-ea co -al, waistcoat and tr•,uscr.s un 3 ►:•sok,
?the thieves. who had evidently Been
me put away the notes, stole the coat
and waistcoat during the night, but for•
tunntely, diet not touch 1!;e hollers in
the hip pocket of whi A were ',1,(11X;
worth of kx►se jewels, mostly
roan hail• and the four insurance cont -
partiec9,:30.tid.oing business will have to pay
iL II. Gurney is under artist at Handl-
ten, charged with stealing 815 (ism] his
I),:ulls'dy and Iden paying his ars-earls of
144 cut of it.
O. S. Finnie, chief clerk in the (',old
Commissioner's oflleo at Dawson, has
l;een.louud innocent of the charges pre-
ferred against turn.
Mr. M.ackenziee King announces that
ht' tins adjiistecd all the Japanese claims
arising out of the riots at. Vancouver,
rind the total amount to be paid is
He -'rause her master was in n hurry
t'1 reach \'anoc.uvet• and did not stop at
Victoria to pick up a pilot, the big
steamship Indroville. formerly on the
Portland Oriental route, lies a wreck at
the end of henry island, in Ihe centro
cf the Gulf of G mrgia.
in my suit case 1 had from $6.'1(Xi 10
8(0,000 worth of ntoteuted gems.
"Itnniediately on reaching Naples 1
reported the robbery to the police, who
Lave already arrested one of the :at-
tendants on the train on susprcieu.
They informed ale that, owing to the
t:ecul:ar variety of the stolen diamonds,
ttrey have great topes of reco -ying
"I also lost my gold cigtrrette crane
nn(1 my return ticket from Naples to
"Since arriving in London 1 1'av-i
been told that all my movements hove
been watched by a gang of internatlo s-
al thieves since i went to Ber:in v•ith
parcels of jewels for the King of Sian!;
UNi'I'ED S1'.ATr:i M:\RKi'IS.
Duluth, Nov. 13.-- Wheat -- No. 1 hard,
81.08%; No. 1 N* rthern, 81.07; No. 2
Ncrthern. $I.44y ; Deeeuiber, $1.0514;
\Iny, $1.11';.
Milwaukee', Nov. 10.--Wheal-Ne. 1
N. rlhern, $1.06 to 81.07; N:.. 2 Northern,
$1.02 to 81.(1.1; 1k'eetrnber. 143%c asked.
Itye--No. 1, 81 to 82e. Itarley--No. 2,
95c, sample. 611 le 911('. Ca.rn--No. 3,
cash. 59.0: May, 56%c bid.
Minneapolis, Nov. 19.---\Wheat.--Deecrn-
t4'r, $1.04%; May. $1.07%: No. I !tarsi,
$1.(17!;; No. 1 Norlher•n. 81.06%,; iNo. 2
Nerlllern. $1.04• No. 3 Northern, 98e to
SIAM. Flour -first patents, 35.10 10
35.60: serx►nd patents, $5.30 to 85.40;
first clears. $4.30 to 81.40; second clears,
$3.5+1 to $3.70. Bran ---In bulk, $20.75 to
Tomnto, Nov. 19. ---The irnprrlvem'nt
in lIlo demand for stocker and feeder
cattle was one of the feahlre+s of the
market. Qnnlatlons tiro at $3 to $3.10 f••r
steers and $2 to 8210 for hulls..
Mitch cows were in ! risk demand.
Prices ranged trim 81) to 850 for good
quality up to 170, the high-water mark
to -day.
Calvi were quiet. Choice, 4 to 6e per
th' common, 2 to 3o.
Export ewe% eckl about 25e k,wer at
$3.75 to $4, with hunks and culls at 82.50
to 13.25. iambs were Inc to 54h'e lower.
tit 84.75 to $5.35 for choice and $3.50 t )
$4.50 for comnxln and nl.'ds,un.
Hoge were quoted unchnrag;e•.1
went decline. Selects. $5.75 to
rough thin hogs about 41 less.
* -- -
at the
1011 ST. 1.1WRENCII: mit:111'll F•.
'Whit' Star Line Will Place 7'st(► steam-
er, on Neeil
\k.ntre'al, Nev. 13.-R4'alizlnz that the
ien`st'rigt'r t'isin(ess to Canada will in-
crease rapidly in then (basalt yenrs. the
White Star Linc' will try fund cnphtr' 3
portion of it. 'They will place two
11,0u1) -ton lords on 11)4' St. i•awr'nce c. -r.
vice next `urnmer, k. snit 11n414'r the ling
of the thnninlon Line. '11,0 names of the
swats ate lbo Alberta and the .Alt•,anta.
A wir'l,ss telephone is now being
operated 111 (:►•rn.nny.
The Nnlien.al I:xi►r.:ttinn will is' held
a' Tokio t'etween April 1 and Oct.,ber 31,
ee j4`
GI101'I.S R1'S1' IN Gi.1:N(:111111'.
Scleral Grates 19 Kirkhill 1'r, n1eetery
Iline Bern itehlie 1.
A (k;irtich firm I:urnw'sll, Ont.,
says: It Is reported here 'het several
graves in the cemclry al Kirkhill,
Glengarry. have leen ek•seernted lately
and the bodies carried off. The blame
is mill to nie•li(al students of various
1111iVcr silica. TWO men while hunting
1 .
tho r'•nr of bailie, Township (oi,ud
part (If n cY'f1i:1 in !tie wissI sihIeb look.
lei ns it it had been recently di-Linle'r-
t d. These grave robberies have teen
reported to the nuthoritiea t+nd an ef-
fort w ill he made 141 Iraeo the guilty
1r,, for the regulation five minute,: lentil
te,wnrd: the enol it is swinging! 1hr.iugh
ne•nrly two-thirds of a 11141x, and te,th
sides are thundering with the clashing
b!rwe; of a clapper wt,i h dart( a'. eeigh,
n !hint e,f n ton.
Big Ben. on the other hand. weighs
only 13 ions 11 cwt., and is, moreover.
incapable of being rung,•,-Peor9on's
Furl lAiltInm Fireman Victim of Gang
Emperor Makes a Happy Speech at tho
A despatch swag 1..n,k►n eays e A
s&-10i-411t.'iat t lc
1 . u1k < ►:se•1ti 1.\- tit:. I )r-
rign MOO du:111MYS the 0e'4111.'tp•Jo that
lh� Kaiser•': visit syitt nue le rirttly i111l,r1,ve
the r'Iati4ma belev.s'n 118► tis•) nation:,
'lite editorials in the n(swspuper:;, which
!save often been flee) Kaiser's 19051, cap -
Gins critics, admit tlo' truth of his claiiii
that tie has pursued u ;K,licy of I►e'aco.
'I ha Enlgaeti.r laude a spc(v•tl on Wed-
nesday ut Ilk, Guildhall, •vht•i•e: Ile was
entertained by the t:i:.y .,f i.undon. 11:'
urged the stn•' ttgtl►eiling of the Anglo -
German t•elulwris uiid ernpliasizial It:s
l,,.iilteral►lo deeir(1 to foster the iketeo of
the world. The clay passed off ss Illsvut
lite expected Socialistic demonstration,
moos less any disorder or rk11t11g.
The vt aplic.n given Emperor \\'ilti(tru
by the people of London was 0 very Cor-
dial one,
Tho Emperor and Eniprees dr+nvo sev-
eral stiles, through . tioete terilliantly
41t•corat(d with huntilig usd limed ley
troops from Paddington railroad sta-
tion, where they nrrivtel frost! \\tinds4.r,
1; the city's historic, hall, wia re an as-
eemblago •:f some eight ht,tacirecl per-
sons, including memb'iks of the Royal
faintly, gx.rrS. (11Ill111011ers and naval and
utiliLars- officers, mostly in uniform, anti
with their breasts gtitterieg; with (a lets,
formed a brilliant picture. A11 address
of welcome was presented f4. the Emper-
or in a magnificent gold casket. hi re-
ply, hi.- Niaje.sly recalled his ler:•vu4etes re-
ception at the Guildhall in 1891, ar,:l em-
phasized his unalterable de,ire k) foster
the petite of the !world. itis Majesty,
during his wineries. said :
I'EA1:1: Ills AIM,
"I said !hen, on Ulisx►;. that
env Ni
i; 11I1,,t4J all 1he usailltt•nance of jieaco,
li+story, 1 vcrtlur►► 10 hope, will de 1:,e
j14,ti0'1 111 lila! 1 11a1'e1 I1111'"1,e'J llt!s aim
unswervingly ever since. "1 he moots
pt4.p and base for the peace of tee
world is Um n►uintenauco of the good iae
!aliens between our tw'e:, Ominirtes. and l
will ftu•ihrr strengthen (twill in so fur
0s lies iii My IH,w0r.
"T1 t0 German Indian's a: i,lies COilleida
witti aline. The future will then show 8
bright prospect aad wail r:•.• ',ley c!e-
vc-lop amens; tho11:1(14.11., whe -have
!Chilled to 111:.1 one another."
'filo I:rul,e're e and Empires, rifler
Iun•:h, retuned to Paddington Stat:•,n
on tia'ir svay i,ack to \\linedetr by a dif-
f, riot. 14)111.'.
F:tnlx't'(l1 %Vihanti 8ppru1111 to 1e in
splendid spirit,. tht•ougheitt. Ile laughed
and inked writ' his immediate nciga-
1,or`, but lie k,ok:'d haggard. Ills late
was pale, thin and drawn.
I'IIESS IS Glt:Wl'1:F1.1..
'There is a chorus of gratilicatinn
among oflicials and the ileas+l►opera nt
1 endon's reception of the 1(iiieer and
his Majesty's happy speech.
Prime Minieter SuHenry (:anlpbell-
Bennernt:ul, in a spt*x•h at 111i -tel. re-
j4,154I at the popular es, ressions of
!Neild'llip and sympathy \v'ith the Kai-
ser and Kai Orin, bailing them a, an in-
dscet.ion of the cementing of peace.
POLL T.1\ HOLDS TUEJ1. desertion was brought under the noli••o
of the Windsor Sta;ie,11 send charity
of (:hula Would Crone 1\'cre it Not authorities ,ens Werlieeslay, 'There ar-
Collected. riv'ri by 1110 Boston & Maine train a
married WOMan, a Fl•encll-(:arlad:an.
A despatch from Vancouver, 13.(, still young I:,(:king( and attraenee', svi!h
sseys; Y111 Sung, Vancouver: we :111111(51 a f0n,ily of eif.ts� c11i1;Iron, wire had been
(:f.,nantan, told Immigration Commis- deserted by It i' husband and left at
stater King on '1'uc;Jlty 1111* 41101)11 that •1\oonseiket, Weide Island, wit limit
ieved half (:1111)0 ss'•►ut,i (•01110 unor e'nkof b isnc•le had,
'iebelhere if it \vetofx► not fir the Inacli- sfhsIds sat(1,1l!skir'pet:cl ttwsu•aykat:e'.nitIltiI1•e�
sally prohibitive head tux. 1ip cumin- W('•':.% ago and left her with a family of
;eight on 1141' hands. Ile had peel 4 111-
; pleyed as a kibere'r. unci she believed he
;had re'.terned to 111.1n11•e•ul. They had
formerly lived in this city, ail 1 had only
been in the States it year. lice flue hero
was paid by the Woonsocket authorities.
ued: "1f the head tux wcro removed, I
s'.ould import Chinese laborers just as
did Onderdonk twenty-five years ago,
when the fare was only thirty-five dol-
lars. But they companies here cania,t
effc:nl importations at five hundredeach."
Commissioner -There's no lax on Jup,s.
Are the Companies bringing then) over?
"I not tell too fast that I think," re-
plied the witness, sharply, and the ex- Dramatic
amination ended.
Earlier in the Inquiry Yip said:"Wages
are loo high herr. 'Thiess what brings A despatch from "I'c.ronto says : On
thein. Chines() laborers .-sew want 82.50 t►(r deathbed in a ward al (race Merl -
pet day. when we get them a fess years tat on Tuesday Lydia M(•1,:•an L4(•auto
ago for half that. All over China they the wife of William McArthur. When
know of gold wages and would told that she was dying she: cxpiisse'd a
coine if they eot,ld afford it." wish that she should be united 14/ he •
The rresult of th.► examinat1011 went to) laver, and the Rev. C. Elisio. Sharpe el
show that if the (:Iaineee tax weir. rem- St. Thomas' (at):rch periorm(vl the coli''•
moved there weeukl lee it Ire'i140ne1-,114 rnony. CuII sa. ria through the w',
influx of Chinese that would grit in the eerelslnny. the girl passed away only •
shade the laps and Nis►(k:u, Cernbirud, fess Hours after Ile -r inerriage. 1101 1147 he •
3111 (4:5 Miss McLean wins ernpk►y(•d
the Keen 'Manufacturing (itnhl•any. I
tart• relaUva; wrens at 1'o1('r1► a ). t‘\
nc=duy 014011 1 Ilse r1enwin •were tat-
ty i Smuggling ng ssengerrs t., St. (.ailsuriness, ar(•ntnp,tnie(I by 1
Acrosre► the Oscan. ht►sband, 0n(1 !here •vera• Last) pr'sen!
Ceremony Perforated at a
Toronto Hospital.
- 4,-
Charged11" 1 S 11 Pa
A despatch rosin Montreal says: .Ai- the hment' s.'r t ice als.►,i Iwo Ii:rttdrt.-
tcr•t Korif and Samuel Davis. lac' stew. girls 111)111 the Keen factory.
aids on the Empress of Britain, were
arrested on 'fue.ulny (,n the charge of
defrauding 1he ate.1111shill Ci,ntpany. F•.r
quite a long lane tire smuggling of p'::a-
s4'ngre't:; was carried •,til, r:o•. Indy on
C.P.R. liners, but, it is believed. 011 VOS-
^V 4,f other tint_, a:s Well. it w•:as c•lnl-
I►arntively ;.inlple f4):' the stewards on A despatch floe! \\'.1(ulslecll: says 1
these, :easels to srnt.ggle people a1►e,ard hest ne'w•spnper tells a story of a case1n
al Liverpool, (hide them 111 certain par:., wheel it wenso:i e conscience itw.ekc'1ef t
r.1 the vcsset where They knew !ley ardor lhirlc years and -.h.' pia:el into 1a.1
c.euld not be f-,u11e1, surd iust lis easy a cr,slorns (dile, the duty .111 11 dress w11:':
matter to provide then: with food. Sus- sit' brought int" ih.• 11r11 e•1
p)i,:i0It fell on Keil( and Davis, on:l ;Jury carne li re 4'.l:e•i1 a piling 4.0lian. 'lee
desserted s1144.' time ago, but were ;it.- (lit') was worth 830. n4141 the
rested here. '1'110y will be taken hack to of deft audiig the custom:. lay Tres its • a
Liverpool to stand their trial. the v:4'0100'., • all ;hese
-_-..I. 511 told lite clslotns otlic ,:el sU she de-
WUKING 1'(Nt HEil 111 :till.)\i1. 01414:(1 144 make ree:a1n; 4 14,4', She 10-
si .14-'41 11)01 she b(' rt1k. ti 1<. pill• * .0,
Deserted 111te ail!! Eight Children :1r t•et (sill valine (,f ItK, dre,.:, I:t.! 1.1.' cu:•
rites in llnntrrctl, 14.114.4 01110er \0 .1)1 1 ',nly creep:. C;•e ' 1
\stli(•h is th•' nn:401111 of ill' (tutu :,.,•
.1 d('spat. h frnn M•4nlre01 say. A big to pr• s- n1 rates. The 4t: , t
remarkable and distressing carr of wife ' 1 out:gill Isere foal) Cie old e : e .
AFTER 'l111i1iT1' YEARS.
.t 11'oodsinel. Woman Psis' IM:Iy e n 11e-
Daring Robbery of La Banque de St. Jeai
Napierville, Quebec.
01 Footpads.
A dispatch from Mo.itrr'al says: Early brought Nlr. it:,lull 1,-, binistif. an t
Thursday In' rel:ng.' 1.0 Banque de' \1, 111(' 104,1114 )11 ': 4' wi;' dfe '.:1(.144.1_. 11.....m.::..:.;4:1
A desp: ich froom Fort \\ ►ili:snl says: J, nn' nt N'npiers ille. Que.. - was rob. ' ut at the nt'nr^sf her lar 441)41 r,e
Anller •--r Kelly, a fireman. is lying in�(: hint 1-. Ihe g;r•ltrn 1.
the \! client' r Hospital in an uncen•ci- heti. \fr. Paul Brant!, manager, wee
Z Ihe g;::ng; 4.ir,utcd 1-, hire i „ )1 r• ,t,
4:1114 e' n litl• n with concussion of the sound asleep strive the bank. when he 1.; shoot or 115.y w•-,Ild 1.:'1 1111) 1::1.1
train enol aeve'tal severe forst-lines. Ile stns awakened and ordered to come syro11 it:e gnash..', a; 1lr,'y e. fps ir, el 1°1(3
was f„end 00 Wednesday nt4,ln;ngr. •,n ('own sli,iri, He awoke to find three rn;,nagrrs ;1-si,lnnrr, \Ir. !'r:1,s;1 gees
Alberta Street by several 1'inl:lnu•_r(, masked men and one ltrunesk.d faring up a brave fight ur:lit n ti.1.• , ; -11 411
who we'rl' 0n their way to work. ile him with leaden) revolvers. Al fir 1 the hind s•-rit tem recline t.. the 1!•' ers
r-:ti•.l that he had t•. n sandbagged and the manager thnue:ht 11 roust it van(! They carried 11111 ‘1.,w 11 •14111'4 n•,d
r. bbed by a gang of five or six ni'n nightmare•, bud the shrinks of lila wife, gave 'hint three isiiiettcs 1.1 0 ('•; 1lse
at'out 12 ,)'cluck (hc Previous night. \\i:4) was itlso aw14k4-11re1. nssur4•41 him i(i . \tr. Brows furl! l:e1 r.1 the ('e,l:r•
Il;s \vatch and ch que for ninety dol. i! was ro dream. \\ ith oaths theruf birsnlson. Tt,•':1, n:ak rill 1!r(' r .cut
tars Is raisin•:. and it is slid heat he fling bode the woman cease htr s( ream- II►at the loss of 1144041 ;•r(t,'nted t►'.t.r
lied a large aura of money 1n Por t _Ar- ing car they ,\ onhi let dceY lig:hl 7)1) t(►I3'ring;' saI,t:c•rk►'e1 (1( n
thur on 'Tuesday, i.er, and, covering; Ntr, itrauit with and carriedeni+l u.r►hstaiyrsx tlglnhl. (?ne' re :,44n
4, _-. Their ret•'lve:A. ordered hint to doss tits left to genr.l him. white 11', Let
Re( u�e a nllr5t' girl nli'.wr'et t.►- , !silt! n' elttiehiv "bank.
�ssihh' ai.(1 lead the threw blow cep's the enfe •bath r ,lr ,-
'.► /all. 1renl:inC iia r1(►eit', Ilrnry !�. Isar• itay to the bank. The ul►f erlunnte glycerine and decamprl •1111 'jury) in
rill of Fort i) , lt,r •. lo..:►1(.'r sti-ke.g' lt,O manna!!•': wins 14) taken by s1.rr,riee bilis rand oVt r scot) 111 g.•',i,t, \rite?er\ :!•e
girt in the f,•l^.' w;th hire Ital. seirr.i n that he ('flh1Il ecnreely re'( 11110 his :11,- , nlietw•ny h••fa•(,'r. \l.•ntrc1' 0711 t',.•
('awing knife ;,.id v •atal Itrlye ctrl her p rire•1. aert 1411,.' of 1- ; 04 -:oil 'lIs is rue•k 1 n!eJ S'itk' fer.r'ter..�t„1 it ,
t . 1
WWI' hail Ilei a el (Jed preve.ile.t . Lin a Heat; b10 s' in the jaw. 'i'tite Ihe robbers g;•it aeras fh•: 1 ,t(._:.