HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-21, Page 1--ter Afa....,• tier H URON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR -No 1780 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 218t 1907, $I.00 per year in advance. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••* JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. The Store •ef Good Quality "Good quality is our motto." We find it pays to keep the best that can be procured. Our cus- tomers are wide awake to the fact that they get the best here for their money. Here are a few items of interest for the cold weather. IMP Bear Cloth It white or grey, 53 in. wide, just the thing for Babys Coats and Bonnets plain or curled at 2 tc $3 per yard Mantles Another shipment of New Coats just to hand. We are keeping up our stock, so you are sure to get the right style. Tartan Ties Boys have you one of our New Tartan Ties, they are real swell and all the rage. A big range of all the newest things in Neckwear. Blanket Cloth Navy blue or red. 50 in. wide, very suitable for Childs or Misses Winter Coats or Warm Kimonas. For $ r .25 per yard Furs Dont forget us if you need a Fur of any kind, ' You can find everything in the Fur line here. Coats Caps, Ruff's, Muffs, etc. Gents Gloves We are in first class shape in this line, have everything needful in Gloves, Mocha, Kid,Silk Lined, Wool, Buckskin, Pinto and Mule. Millinery We are making big reductions i S all our Mil- linery. A nice stock of Trimmed Hats to choose from at greatly reduced prices. Come right along for a cheap hat. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. It Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wap papers. •N•N•N• ' •NNN •••NN4•NN•N•N 1 If if 1 APPLES WANTED -AT THE- flensall Evaporator 35c. to 75c. paid for Suitable Peeling Apples CEO. JOYNT Proo. The Up -To -Date Store Again appears on the scene. We wish to (craw your attention to a few of our GREAT BARGAINS Tit 'se GROCERIES cannot he excelled. %Ve certainly have Everything to stake those Christmas goodies. Yon will soon begtnl of Christmas as it s not five weeks ofT, and the Goodies must he had fruit to snake that great big cake. We also have the warmest and the best of goods to keep Jack Frost tiway He is sure to come. Fleece lined and woollen underclothing for men, women and children. Also the softest flannels fo,' children's dresses and undercloth- ing. Don't forget to see those Plaids for Waists and Dresses. The F annel- ette goods cannot be bought now at our selling prices. We also want to draw your attention to the Fancy Goods, Doy- lies and Centre I'ieces, Silkine, Silk and Kloster Silk to work them with. Conservative Mass Meeting i Nee with-t.tndin; that the weather of last evening was the nicest dis• aerecable experienced so 'far tide fall there was a ,good -sized auiiencs of both Conet.rvatdvc and Liberal el.ie- lo:.e at the Opera Howse to listen to the speeches lit the i,Uerlests of Con.:erVt%tram. '?iauy feo14 the Ile also ,,poke of the s:hool legis- lation which made it cowpulsury to pay teachers certain aalarita, but [was repealed Cowin.; to the strenu- ous objectiwte against it. However the government ,was 3iviuJ tarter -emote to the schools, the .money beim; taken from the revenue re• ccipt3 front the taxation on the twines, etc. The question of 5ebool bunks win also token up by the local member. Ifs Said the publishers haviu, the nontracti for (triutiu; the %text books ked made imutense suits of money. Mr, Andrew l reser. M. 1'., vt country had ,braved the ,form to be Dundas, was the [text speaker, and kept the audience in , tauebter theogshout his address. He hal begin alluded to by one of the forev- er speakers as the Abraham Lincoln of the-Idouse, but the only similar.- Ity Mr. Border could see watt, that Lincoln we: tall and homely and =o was he. !n referring to the promise., of the Liberal (government, he Said it wee u good thin; they diin't keep their promises. 11e said they lice licved in tiltowing franchises, %when they served their purposes and re• (erred to the bill allowing the peo- ple of •Manitoba, who were unable to read or write. to vote. He referred to Sir Richard Cart- wright ae t Le apothecary of the "In 1904 when 1 first asked the , overttmei,t. Sir Richard, he said% suffrage of the Exeter 'lectoree" had stated Canada vhould b: a cheap .aid Mr. Gunn, "1 promised to come place to live in and cheap to produce over gees -signally, but being a busy in told in order to •do this shoals ratan 1 could not fulfil lay promise'‘'. have :t U. S. tuarkct, but %vheu the Now that Dir. Gunn has .;old hie time came to put in effect his poli- o u b mut ey he promises to be here cine, he used the Conaa►•vatitro uied- ofteuer. icinee but .tot the !;rafting wax Alt. Gunn stilted that, %viten he from his own apothecary r;hop, that solicited the teuffra;;o in 1903 he he had esimplyeclimbed on the roof promised to vote conscientiously for that Jack built. "It is tete energy ',lettere pertaining rtaining to the ,good of of the Canadian people" said .1r the country quid had rlottc ace and if 1 he Conservatives of South tlluron wished to t'clect another ca,tdiitto in itis -Aced, he would be Its utast loyal supporter. Continuin:z, Mr. Gunn .said that in 1891 the Liberal leaders ware for unrestricted reciprocity. 'then itt 1893 11 ey :were for tariff [reform, but when i n the came to power • y t, ut I o to 1896 they .:tictplfed the ,principles which John A. McDonald had carries out from 1879, that of the National Holley. Mr. Guru[ freeuently accused the Liberals of colt living up to their promisee. He referred to the ;great iesuo of their campaign before elec- tion that ot: Fare Trade, and the promises which wet most important to the 'terming element, that of the removal of the tariff on agricultural implements. Tbje they had promis- ed to wipe out but until r ,vofyeatie atgo the duty was 20 per cent and was then traduced to 17 1.2 per cent or in other words the Liberal party took nitre years to make a reduction of 2 1-2 ,pier cent. Mr. UMW+aid Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier is a nice gentleman of whom he could say nothing but what wee ;lice. Mr. Gunn co:nit:trcd the expendi• lure of 1895-6 which he eel imited at forty two million dollars to the expenditure of 19116.7 ealimat.'d at ono hundred ani twenty-six million, tot incrca3e of nearly thrice in twelve years and tlrtt scarcely a Liberal candidate wou11 he return- ed if people k new how the money wa.e expended. lie referred to the amount of money collected 1 rout excises ahs cuslou1-. tchich he said wa� ►aid by the people end had increasa3 fret: sixty millions to two hundred :'n I seventy million:. Reference was made to the North- west lands, especially those lands sold present. . Mr. T. 1;. Carlin; w33 the time- ratan of -the evottine. and while ha had hoped tor a crowded hall, the ueather had kept a number away, but he was plea -2d to sea so sntny preeetet. Mr. 11. 1!. Gunn, M. 1'. for South Huron, was she first speaker called on :titd was ,greeted with eotteider- .tble applause. Mr. Gunn ,cast hie eyes around the audience to ee' if any 'ladies were present. Rte .lie explained he at- tributed a oonsiderable amount of his success to the ladies• to the Saskatchewan Valley Land in population he said the increase was Cotnpany which he said had been sold made up from a veky undesirable class 10 the Company at one :lo!- such as Doukahhora and Galactans. lar per acre ins by i1, m He said that the Government had at. trent $(3.50 to *12 per acre. The little to show as a result of their Iona Northwest lands he said, shoals he terns in office. The speaker spoke of kept for the settler and the Ontario the big expenditure of ntr.nev and steafaind ere should have the preference t is said that if every member of Perlis - foreigners, that the Government was money to one dollar bills it would be people a mistake in bringing these impossible to pay expellees of the people into the country. Mr. Gunn confessed to the distinc- tion of being looked upon as the beat looking man in the Cornntons, that he had at onetime been a Liberal and had voted the Liberal ticket once, but ate considered the Liberals did not inatig• urate the policies that they laid down and consequently switched to the Con- servative party, hut. notwithstanding the fact that he is a Conservative. if his patty advocated things he felt were wrong, he would vote against then[. Mr, 11. Either, member of the Loral Legislature welts the next speaker. He was always pleased to meet the elec• tore of Exeter, because of the confi• dente they placed in him. Ile meta- phorically compared the Government that had hven in power for over thirty years with a scare crow that he had seen covered with crows. The Attorney General's Department he said. should be conducted irrespec- tive of party, but for the people, and th think that the Attorney General of the far- to kf mer Government had violated Itis die ties. The New G. T. R. Station Examine Our Stove 'O''81uc3 -The nee Grand ,Trutt]: Station �.p uliielt le rapidly 'nearing completion Our prices must be right. We're sellidg a lot and, which will be ready for uccupan- p in u yore :few [till 11 it 1,t'- of Ranges and Heaters posing edifice crud will +itoty oft the grounds 01 the eotttpa►1) to lt'elt an HEATS and the;u that both the company RANGES RS and Clic tatwai will fool proud of 1t. The new building bee burnt built on the ground evhere the .storehou; y SOUVENIRS 2 Coal or Wood formerly stood enidwas between \Vel- $IO pole_ taut and Victoria St recta on tho 4 and 6 holt; s '0 _ _ east side of idle track, :inti kl Of ne: A IIRt\TER sante* architecture as ail the stations 137 to 50 Ei CI bent; erected by the Grand Trunk --- --- Liege size Railway. The new ,structure Cott- GARLANDS ti) $15 tains a baggage doom, ladies' wait- and 6 hole i in; robin, emoking room and general `I O O u•aititi ronin, bestdesr o handsome $38 to 46 ._G .d 0 unclosed office for the ticket agent. (',ett.0 The [woodwork is of Duartered oak mahitt,, Dille a centra•st to true fur- .- O ten niahinrei of the told building. The to i '� ART HURON whole buildittf ;will have ars abut'- 4 and 6 hole '� _O O ,.r dance of light, the whtdows beim; $37 to �O O to C .""I. Large size arranged itt ouch a manner that every ...Ti (y $32.50 roam will be properly lighted. And . y O in the entailer of u.rtificial liibt the �.., i Q Pal company to •not itittitini themselves. HAPAY "THOUGHT O (y .=I 'There will be three chajidoliere ill Large size with oven fho genet:tl waiting room and one in 6 hole, slightly used V d� and double heater eacl( of Ute Lothar waiting rooms and $40 $43 ba;'gaee 'room, while (electric bulbi have been placed around the lasso of the ceiling of the general evRetine: room - and slung lite: este of 'the avtrtuu,3in- verandah on Lite' out- side. Th, new builditi:; is directly++++++++++++++++++++++'d'd't-p•t••i+•1-1-1-+•i•S+++++++•f'9'•F+++ alougsidc the main track thus, cnab- ,•t,'+•i'.t••i••1.5.•i••f•i.•i,++•:-+-:--1.14.l••t••p•f••t•9.i••t•.l••t••l••t••r,{••F•r••f••f-1-1•+.1-1-1•i•4-4-+•}144! lilt; pa„onters to reach traitts with- •t' out havin; to craws a switch as was i' formerly the case. The handling of baggage will be more examined. Two •1• trucks will be used for this purpooei ++ Instead of the leni►us having to stop I et the tank for water aH has! bt it '� Iinoder, "that made Canada prospier. the cane her years, a stand pipe will 0114." . be c.rerctted at ouch end of the tet:ttion. He referred to this oppeeiti0n hits from which water can be alratv►t i'' party had in conetructin; the C. 1'. while piaetstat;ors are alighting from It., a ,great (ask to perform, •and and getting an the trains. Another how the +Liberals +stru,3rsled against atlwaula,e will be in tt;ettim_; to the ..pp.. the proposition. �:,itttay f;►ounds. Thu -gown has 4'(' He alio hook up the anattcr of opened up Victoria street and graded *4. the &t.tkatchewan Valley Land Cont- it up to ;the property line of the + t parry as mentioned in hie. Gunn's ad. Company, while the company is hay- 4 T. drone, also of the ,;razin„ leases, ing the land from \Vcllin•;tort to •t'�. and how inane men who when the Victetirya Streets levelled an(! .;rallesta ,I'°, Liberals carne into power were poor The newstation its painted -a drab men and are nowrated as million- color with the roof and triptmitt;s wires. in green. Beside.. tha'se improve - The election corruption wits taken menti the old relation has under,one .F up at Horne length by Mr. Broder. a complete change and will he.r:af- 4 j. Dr. Chisholm, M. 1'., of Wingbam tees' be .used 1) 4 a freight shed. The wee the last speaker. Ifo eulo;ize.d front of 'the building. used as a . ,1, Mr. Gun' in 'glowing; terns, of his waiting eotont, will befitted up for * .t. careful representation and of hie the freight office. [while the rear 'f' good work in commIttee S. part will ,be used for storing freight. i' lie .spoke of the imuti;rants which '!he old platform has been torn away 4 aro being; brought to Canada and and in ties iitead a new 50 foktt plat - for which _rants are beirt3 paid of form erected, alopin.; Flt the .-south $5 per head, are of the undesirable so t}iat ulach'usery nttd large irci;ht1.3iDealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. class, and not fit for the occupa• can be easily ,handled. The ,ware- 4 • tion for which they are brought !rouses which Ftlways obstructed the 1'1"I"I'•F';t'i':••t-f-;•S-•l••:-•::•-::--:--:••t-I•4-1--1'•14t'•t••i•'ki•'F4'I•i•i••1••;.'t•:-'t'¢}•p here. Many of them are from the view of the town have been moved to +++++++++++4.4 4+++++++++++++++++++++4-444-44++++++4. 31unis of t he cities and know troth. the west ride of the tracks north of nee of tf arrt life. Ile would recons- the old station. The new state of trend that the oouittry be diviied affairs will be greatly, appt•e'cietcd into sections a rad men elected to not only by our townspeople, Ann go Go .the Old Country and 10 the those who have occasion iO !visit relectit1f of those who should be !tore. The way matters were Tor sent to Canada. years, ;ave wi hors the impression The people are the jurors and if that we were in the backwoods, hot they find the government acononr- with the new st:tl(ion erected end sell keep .then% in power, lent if not the :good view of the town that. fs (eject them. .secured, t)t;i mind will he immediate. Continuing the Dr.said that the one ly impressed with the fief that Exe. great work of national importance ter is :t hu4t1in; place. \Wo miter was that of the G. T. Pacific and in add that Station Agent 1 1 Knight this case it was their Bret work since who is Iii.chly elated over the clean;., taking office. The cost of the road on intend., 11 •.iutifyiit z 1 he •rounds the praries they were told would not n round the new building wit h floral exceed *15000 a mile., but it has cost desi_n,t, which he promises tvill $lO0()0,notcounting the $70f1(11K1)spent -tree tly surpaw .tfie tbine alone the on the Quebec bridge which tumbled lines nt the Gt hill Trunk Railwy. down recently. Touching the increase Thu furniture for tit:, ,r+tw build tia; arrived this week and ie all eu:trtcre ed (kik to conform with the interior deceralinns. The building ilta4 I,,,rtt piped for I.et water heatinr and the furnace is expected to Ira placcel i.t next w•ttnk. Council Proceedings NATI ONA LS JEWEL HEATER With nvcn $32 ART SOUVENIR HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STOIC If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To a T. HAWKINS & SON The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you wie find a full stock of Buildin(Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, T. HAWKINS & SON Slipper Soles, all Prices and all Sizes Zephyr and Saxony Wools, Double and Single Berlin Wool at .SiX CENTS per oz. Shetland Floss SEVEN CENTS per oz Cushion Cords and Fancy Cashion Topa. Don't forget to view our Heady -Made Clothing. D. COBBLEDICK Mr. Either id ,',1ed to some of the things the Whitney Government is doing. The railways he said, had not been paving theta just taxes, and that the L. It. & ii. bad not been paying taxes on the homilies granted it hythe different municipalities but were as- sessed so much I`er acre as farm land. is a Meaning second to none on eatth, Noe they oro as-t.swed $60 pet mile and every person should take the very tot their lines and where there aro best possible care of it. When glasses 1 toss ,lauble tracks $20 per mile it ad-, are necessary get the best you can ai- ded. Thiv tnnney which IS not de;ot • ford. hut he sure They ate expert), eel to charities', etc., is given to tit' fitted to your eyee, ,nuuicipalitte3 who ;ave grants, ,ii- WE 1)0 THAT Government as fast as they were con- tracted. The Dr. closets his address by stating that it would do the Liber• a1 party good to give them a rest as they needed it. and hoped that both parties would join forces in the cone tug election, At the close of Dr. Chisholm's nd- dress it was proved by Mr. Gunn and Mr. Eilher that a vote of thanks be given Mr. '1'. 13. Carling f9r the able manner in which he acted as chair- man. The meeting closed by singing God save the King. GOOD SiGHT tiled .irerr,lin; to population, bat whe.ro niunicipalitit he we indizt i( or inane )'e'r=one in csylunIQ, 144: int ..f Ion rents per day or $16.50 per year ie taken out of the motel' ter each indigent or insane, and tits !rtlanee to lie‘ municipality. Mr• 1:i111•`r 11 94) di elf on the last• riga (f mince• •lapin; that a lax of 3 per cent. is Ieviol nn 11'011 011 div• in; a revenue of *10.000 a yeti.. work with especial care and charge nothing for the ?service. And the glasses you huv from tis will not can• twin a large hi:lden profit to make up for our liberality either. W. S. HOWEY, Phm, B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER - ONTARIO. The ('owned of the Village <if Exc. ter tort in 11at Town flail (1{••a,1- iu; 1100rn) r,n Wednesday, Nov. 11t11. 1907. A petition from Meseta. Hazelwood llandford and teewill :tektite for an electtic tight to be placed on lea corner of North and Senior Strict+. The Petition filed otwaili ; .t sea arras;entt•'et of the etre t ii;ht- in; •t•tetn. ' 1'e r \V. .1. 1 f e:tta;us ev. by .1. •1. Kni;ltd 111,1. tee reeve' with Coun- cillor John. look into the rontpleint re parties peddling frc.jh maIs around the town and if fount nor- tes•try hate a new I)y,-I:ttv prep.[trd platin; It license on all meat pwdi ire the sine. to be submitted to this Counril ,11 its next reetllar tue'•t- itt,. C.t'ttied. 'fhe follow in; accounts were real 'ural orders :1r:iwit tit the 'treasurer fee iteyntent <1 the same. .Ino. \V. Welsh, rt Al for Tow,. IL;iI $11.25: itr11 Telephone (',iv. mese:. so 23 rents; .1. (;t1,1',1:, stntiee.- se w $1.11 ; Nt. J:tck+on. iron titin t Steel: The Queen City 011 CI'v., ;in Hee $?.12; T. Itattkln+ & Son. ha,,I• ware nrrnttrtt $11.11 ; ('. 11. Steel. Street li:Mine $In4.1li; C. 11. Snll. Teen Mee li;hlitr, 11.O0; Site + Ilan1fot.1. Libor $3.511; I). Gillis l i. Gni, 5.00; (;co. I:iho,• `4.00 1 ltne. Reeks' Usher 11.00; \\•. \V. N,i' •.ttcet watering and Iabntin: $7.75: `'•'. .1. iii+ -eft pt. salary ~3:3.00; C. \\. Crtoe pt. selaly cemetery $27.no \V. .1. Ili+.eft, It. 11. ticket to (ales. ;tot poi E. 11:,11 rill cents; Harry 1'.,r - ties 1.1e f't rents. :trli•111otin: in tit I„ ' .'i.i.11O. 11:--e1 un r'e`ps• n of .1. l', i slit ter, by A. E. 1.'0i 1. ,..11",1. No one knows better than those stho have nerd Carter's Little Liver fIlls 'that relief they have Riven {• Iland(ord serasel $10.;u; W. J. sthoe '-krn for dyspepsia. diazines,' 11' .man account F1.3.75; subject to pain in t he nide. constipation, and further indor+snit' tt, Advocate Prin'e II•tr ('ompote•. ,spurt., A51.31; i'nited the le nn h r ty hest oflip ' rite; ('o. +ltd 1.-i. J;1/.. Cre ech. Jr.. house oil Mill MI.i Per W. f. ('tirlinz a lid 1' \Wtvgi the prnporty 35:14 pnrcha+erd h)' 11r.!the r+ a ieri tl en irk of Alfred Taylor. tion of 11 'et, iter flit hint ,. ; vices If You Want Good Goods Che Come to Winchelsea We are Offering Bargains in all Lines. Mens' and ploys' socks and heavy rubbers in all sizes at`the old prices. A good line of Overshoes and Light Rubbers. also Ladies' Rubber's, Conte and see our Shoes. We know we can save you stoney in these Our tancy Flannelettes which have been reduced to tic are going fast. there in still a good choice. DRESS GOODS! We have some new lines in. Just, the right thin. this season. Remember we are Belling the old stock at greatly reduced There are some excellent bargains in this line. READY-MADE CLOTHING! We still have a goollkssorhnent. right llett:ember our Overcoats, Special B3rgaine. GROCERIES! New Raisins and Currants, 3 ibe. for 25e. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Poultry. Produce and Dried Appl CO'iiiTA RD & CO. OUR IDEAS of what constitutes g clothing difTer•froul the is of most other firms. Wo (nand and use in all our S anti Overcoats only the material and the highest of of workmanship Give us a call. W. JOHN - Merchant Tailor EXE7•I:It SC11001, IIOA1(1) 'the reenter :meeting of t lfoare twits held in the t h • Toe it Hall on Monday year:in_, abient 8. Martin. 'the ft•1hotit,: j( tit.• erdta' of bu;- ine. i dy submitted an 1 :tpprovetl. I'e r rulh.tii ntinutea td previous uteet irt.;. Report of ,Coutruit tet wood, 01.11 40 or 50 nerds :,'i Ovoid let 1 lleett proffered a1 i 1.50 tier crud. 1'er It. N. Rave .i u4 1'. 11'o3,l that 111e r<,tnmuniciliopt (rr,nt tit• ':i1ion - a1 Oil Co. bit fil.•t! ..object :,os'iv. t to a oidia .front lite s;•crelary dr.ttt- tne (heir tttt.tlili0n CO tits. s.l,e'crtl d tl ill.; of the r•ontrnci. K. (.'arid•[; arra 1'. \V 10l 1)111 the fullowin.1 aceoutit b•• ep- t.rnwe.l: .1. (:rdtz ..,e)1001nppli a, eepr1 is. 1.•tephatw. 131.75 : .Totters and l'I t, k blinds ee.00; 11(1. & Taylor !uninlrrt -1.71); Pet ubbittz 43.50; G, !':,..1, ztavel :•I.50; \V. S. ( te, drugs el.95 ; Time, Print i ►; (k„ my $2.00 of t1n• I..te mrntbr'•r of urn 4taft, 11. 1•:. \\'alrond that the de•iroi l tl,oni11 be forearde.l with the conal +denature of e.tril tnernl)er 1 110 Hui rel •tib+crII,t ,l 1'••r W. J. ('arline, adjnurnme -,1 1uiet but 1.1, try wedding l place at 31,,e etridenri of Bev. 1111vey, of the Main Street Me• dist Church. Brantford, on Th ,I ry November 14; It at 6.:30 p. twhett Miss Gert r uric '.1.,y Ander .1,u;hter of Mr. and Mt.. Geo. Anacreon, of 1':xeter, was manic.t Mr. E. II, V rootlla tt, 0. 3'. I1• rap ter rel Ilarri.tleir;. The hfid•. alt ired in a kite silk, artd retried bun duet of 'chile Tose. The t el lin; ,;own twits of t;men [vel The youn; couple accompanied the Itridn'e mother left for Lon where Mr. and MI Vrct)matt t .rte Lain for 'Toronto it 1111 1' i'eints. They will :. •ids .,f its bur;. Do not despair of curing your headache when you ran no rnsil tain Carter's Little Liter rills. will effect a prompt and per ent cure. Their action in mild natural.