HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-07, Page 9+4-e+++++++++++++++++++++++
+i• -I +++++++++++++++- -;-•i -1 ++++414++++++
You Rea
ror Wiotor?
If you have delayed
buying your new Jack-
et you can get a bar-
gain from us.
We are snowing a new
Tweed Coat 50 inches long in
"Cobalt Brown" mixtures,
Velvet collar, Military patch
pockEts, Military cuff and
new sleeves. For a medium
priced coat it will be a winner
Our new Black Jacket with over strapping and cut velvet
collar, full skirt. fifty inches long, trade of pure wool Vicunna
cloth. ie a sure money saver. $12.00.
Our New Market Jacket is a Beauty; fifty inches long; tight
fitting, made of finest Kersey, strap seams, pleated back, body
and sleeyes lined. A perfect tailor made garment, "Royt.l Navy"
"Cobalt Brown" and Black. $15.00, $1(3 00.
Do You Know a Bargain?
We have about fifty odd Jackets from last season
and some two seasons back in Womens, Girls and Child -
rens in Tweeds, Beavers, Kerseys and Neb cloth. Prices
were $.i.5o to $12.50. They are now on sale at $1.25
and $2.5o. (wick if you want one.
e just closed a great deal on Men's TWEED
PANTS. We believe the best deal,. we ever made. Two
lines in fancy stripes, good hard twisted yarn, woven
through and through. Well made, $1.50 and $2.00.
A snap in Soya' Ktxlck Pants, stripe and fancy tweeds.
great wearers, lined throughout, 75c. 85c, $1,00.
We want all kinds of Farm Produce,
Use our Sailor Boy Tea, 25c. It's lovely.
+++++ +++++++++++4- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '+++++++++++++++++
mi .�>�r 4�111mr!‘r
�1r�/� lc e" ot`: lil, a'& alma
-. It,t.a
Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks. take Forks
Soup Spoonr, Pie Knives.
Pearl -dandled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Fish Servers, Carving Sets,
Wedding Rings
Big Stock to choose from
Fall Suitings
Fashion Plate
Just flrrlv6U
Call and Make
a Selection be-
foi a the rush.
Teachers Wanted.
-TEACHER \\'ANTED -- Teacher
wanted for School Section No. 2, i
borne. First or eeecond class
c 2r tiff -
Cal . Male
Teacheracher preferred. fe
ary five hundred (lollar3. Apl)li^a-
tion.a rcoeivtid till Nov. 15th. Apply
to \\'ill. Monteith, Sec'y.. ;Thames
Road. Ontario.
Sold only at Iicwey's Drug
Store. Big bottle for 25c.
-Mr. John Wood last Saturday
shiiped a carload of fine cattle to
-lir. Thomas Handford t,hip11cd a
carload of nineteen fine h'cirses to
Winnipeg on Monday.
-WANTED-About 500 pigeons by
November Dib . Highest price,;.
Iirin, them along. I). Ha r drib.
-Many of 'the Exeter Students.
w•lto aro attending schools at other
Places wero home for Thanksgiving.
-Low clubbing rates for the time.;
and other papers .Lor Cho balance of
else year or from nenv until January
"Bobs" and 'St.az' Chewing Tobaccoes
in hi; t►lu;v. Quality always :the
-Mr. Alex. Dyer was ouey at, tl►cv
Town hell '071 Monday paying the
prizewinners at Chet Tecont Exeter
Fall Fair.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
d(alcr• for the new b:g pings of
"Ilobq." "Stas," and Cur renry chew-
ing toba(•voes.
-:\ m('etin . of the curlers will be
held in the town hall P ritioy even -
inz for the purpose of organizing
for the coming seeeon.
-Meq+r3. 8. Martin & Soti have
the new plate glees front placed in
their More. The altt:retiree( rnaka
decidua inrprovenlent.
-The Exeter Lodze I. 0. fl, 1'.
I iaat week, through Snell & Rowe,
added ei beautiful rue to the fur•
II!lighter es of the 1o(1'ze roots.
-1). 1l irt1eib, I'. Kerr, J. 'Trish•
l ner. F. Triehnehr and W. E. Sanders
represented the Huron Indian,' at
Clinton tournament Oct. 31st :ind
Merchant Tailor. Nov. let.
-Rev. 5. (Thaw• M. A., n. 1)., ,w•�lt
prcaah at the A. •,ivoreiry service§
of the James Ste 1 Churob Sunday
Der. 15th. On Mol„Iiy, Der. 16th ho
mill deliver a lecture.
-Mr. incline! Snell intend.. build.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected inz on the lot he recently purchase
to te►An At fewest stet, ed from Mrs. (:has. Snell on Andrew
soca west !Ands for SAle. Street. The propc\rty has been stak•
Office. Main Street, Exeter cd out for the di;gine of the excl.
J (ion.
'i' .a i i X E T D; R 'F 1. M M S NOVEMBER 7th 1907,
Market Report. -The following to
the retort of Exeter market'', oor-'
rect.•d up to November 7th.. 1907.
Wheat 95 cents per bu-i►el.
°ata. 50 cents per b u 41.c 1.
Barley. 56c to 65c.
fess. 80 so t-5 cents.
Bran $24.
Shorts, $26.00.
Flour $3.00 per cr. t.
Feed Flour $1.50 co $1.55.
floes, dre..eee s1.75.
Mogi, li,e-wei3nt $5.75. ! 1W teen's tweed and helve Suits belling off at bargain prices. $15.00
Hay. 814 to t 15 her ton. Suit for $12 00; 1'21X) Suit for 0.95; 10.00 Suit for 8.75; 8.00 Suit for $6.90.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.. urge Tweed for 50e
Potatoes. 75e. to 90e. per bag. xtra heavy all wool tweed in Grey only; for boys wear cant beat it
Butter 24 rents per pound.
Price laic on sale at 50cd.
E;; 4. 24 ceee e per dozen. y
Of Winter Goods
Mens Overcoats
In plain cloth or dark tweeds_. excellent cloth, neat patterns with
beat linings. full length. .• . for ,•) 00 r,.,.,4 LOTHING
fe,r 10.IM); Cuero for $Baler.
l Mens Sults l
Dried tipples 7 cents a pound. Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the best makes. all sizes. alt prices.
Coal. ..�5 a ;on.
Hosiery of the beet ulake3 ►rade of best worsted yarn. fast color.
Hosiery with natty seams, Hosiery that will wear; children's size 25c to
•••••••• s••••••• 45e; wouwen's size 50c.
S. Fitton. issuer of marriage �Vean,en'8 black ?lateenl:nderskirts roads of tine en tinier Sateen
ce►lass, also complete line of wed• lined with cardinal flannelette, a splendid skirt for a tntet ..ear. Price
ding rings always on hand.
Card al0utu4 from =5c. to Art Shoes foe \Vo,nen, Prices $2 to $3.50.
.uu. The ltinest :r`tsoc•tulc;tlt ,we Sovereign Shoes for Men Prices $3.50 and $
have ever had. tall and so,: them at English Flannelettes
1lowwey's Diu; 4Lore.
-\\'e are pleased to 1earn that 36 in. wide, in all colors. pretty stripes, extra heavy, guaranteed fast
Miss Mae Wood, who left some .time colors, quality worth 15c, our price 12ic yd.
leu;pital`:►l:Detroit, Mich. It �sllalsue: Mono �Aderwear
ccs fully passed the Examination and Men's fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers in fancy stripes and plain
%vitt continue tele wvetrk there. colors, regular price Mc each. Our price 50c each.
-The 1'unlic School %vas closed
last friday, a; it was not de ins.
advisable to have the -tudent 3 who
attend from out of town and who •
had gone to their homes for ]'hank;.- -Mr. J. A. ]lriutnell has been en- -Miss Mary Mack, of London, vis.
giving to return for the day. I ;a-,ato remain - Let 8. 8. No. 1, ited tier parents on 'Thanks,givin;
1)It. OVENS EYE AND EAIt SUR- L,sborlle, for another year at a sal- day.
Ladles Underskirts
geon, will be at the Cowmereial ary of 8500.
Hotel. Hours 9,30 a. tn. to 4.30 v. -One, only, $15 new disc Graph -
in. Glasses properly fitted and dis- phone :3 large recdrds, $12.25 cash.
eases of eye ear and nose treated. 1 only x+22 new tone, arm disc
Next visit Saturday Nov. 30th. 1907. Graphophone, :3 records, $18 eadi at
-ItllOI)E ISLAND REDS, are an 'Ike Purity.
ideal (..FNE1IAL 1'L'R1'OSE FOWL, -11as any person a copy of 1110
being docile, .tuick ;rowers, 'good 'Times of Jan. 3rd. 19071 11 S.0, we
size !and layers. Niue cockerels at would appreciate the favor very
very reasonable Iirices to tquick buy- much if you will hared it into t het
ors. Alr.o t feww females. Address office. \\'e wish it to complete our
Times Office, Exeter. Ont. file.
-Wilily. Mr. John Salter was Pick-
in; apples one day last week tie was
unfortunate in sustaining a fracture
of tate collar hone by losing this bat'
anco and falling from the ladder on
which he was working. Ile is now
resting r icely.
-Miss Victoria Millers, of Exeter,
teacher in Dashwood Schaol. has
i►ven appointed teach.r of the Luin•
ley I'ui►lic School to succeed Robert-
son McLean, Mr. McLean intends
Lo Toronto at the end of (,ho
present ,school 'tertn.
-The Epworth League, eel' the
.)aloes Street Church, visited the
Ileusall League last Monday even••
in.;. The Exeter Lvet:guo took charge
of the programme and 8pont an en-
joyable evening as ,the lguosts tot
their lleusall brethren.
-Mr. Seawright, the Caunine Com-
pany's Processor. entertained a num-
ber of friends to a chicken supper
per at the factory. on Wednesday
evening nurn of last week. T ,
ti .-The followl04 fr+orn an exchatnzo
were cooked a'‘ Clic plant, and thaw
who were at the feast sl)oak very fits THE TIMES so well that' it is
highly of their t at. republished. Notwithstanding our
efforts during the past two months
-Hallowwc en passe of[ very tluiit_ to get in arrears on Suoscrilitiorl3
ly in Exeter. The J'o'11n3ster4 wore we have a number yet who havo
somewhat tired after\ the holiday not responded. We arc wing over•
and did taut scene attxioult Ga got out
and crcat~t a disturvance. The 3atci to make the burden as light
as po. sible on our readers. A Clews-
of talc citizens were not re.trtovc:d 1=o
far as an former fc. tive occa?irons.
as there was very little doing- in
that tine.
-A iuict .wedding took place at
the\\'cllington street !Lothodist
parsonage London, on Friday after.
Hoon November 1st by ltev. Jame.
Lison;stone, when Mi,, Jennie Pol-
lock, fortucrly of Saskatchewan, was
married to Mr. John Itowe, of Exc.
-A reward of 823 is offered oy
the Council of the township of U.
borne for the arrest and conviction
of any persons or porion guilty of
stealing fowl, 'grain or other com-
modity from any resident of the
-A 3oo.1 concert is appreciated in
Exeter, but the conduct of some who
attend comes :severely under the ban.
At the concert Thanksavis, evc'rti-
in; several, whoevidently don't ap-
preciate anything :good in the musi-
cal line made a rush for elle exit
Burin; tete last number on [101 pro•
gram much to the annoyance ,of
Close who wiihed to hear. In fact
during the entire concent 1ha dis-
agreeaole sound of "munching of
peanuts," and ,;.'neral di:.:,r ter could
be heard throughout the hall. nes.)
mariners whether cultivated at hosts
or not, are not Col, ated itr citties
and lamer towns ar,d should 1)01 '10
allowed in Exeter.
- \\'e 'Lave fancy boxes of station-
ery. Tor Kolas ranging 25c. to 81.60.
T1:,1e "fittest ever." llowey's Drug-
-Owing to the illness of Miss
Laura Kinsman, 'Ube room of Mica
Hannah ICiilsnlan at the school, was
closed on Monday and Tuesday.
-Miss Fera Itowc, who has been
relieving a stenugrapher at Cha G.
1'. R. station. London, for the pa;.t
past dix weeks is home for (t short
- Mr. Art Wood, son of Jolla
Wood, who for some time wee cm;:
cloyed in the London branch of the
Sovereign bank last week was pro-
moted os ledger keeper at tile ulaitl
office at Montreal. Mr. Wood is
a capable and efficient clerk and is,'
deserving of the promotion.
- Mrs. James, Jory, another of
Mr. 'Elijah Jory, town, was enter-
tained 'Monday cvenin;; at t110 home
of Mr. Wm. Penlutlo by a number
of ler relatives, the ,occasion being
her 90th birthday. Althou.;b being
a nonagenarian, 'Mrs. Jory retains
all her faculties and entered into
Ow enjoyment of the evening with
the ;spirits of a Much younger Per-
-Messrs. Jackson & Wiltze, aro
this, 'Week tsllowina moving pictures
alt 'tile 'Towyn Hall, and those who
have seen them say they, are :the
bcdt ever aeeQn in Exeter. lk4dsen
the h pictures furca : hole i3 a pro-
;ratn of music twltieh is very good
indeed. The show i3 worth :going to
she. A special rua'tinea will be :given
Saturday .afternoon for the children.
Admission 10 cents to everybody.
An entire chane of program Thurs-
day, 'Friday and 8aturda,y.
-Mr. Lorne Scott, who for some
paper should be paid for in advance. time has been accountant of the
No parson would chink of writing Sovereign ]lank branch here for the
to :1 city paper and askirt.., for :I last two }cars lust Monday received
year's time 011 'the eubscription price. word that he had hc'etl appoitttei
If they would not (bo so in the. 'ca=e Manager of the bank at 'I'eeslva:tor,
of a city paper, why should they silo and will leave as soon as this &UV,
SO (%'1t'11 ;t focal papers Our price is cessor, ler. Everard Gordon, of Chat -
$1.00 a year in advance or $1.50 if ham arrives. Mr. Scott during his
not so paid. Accordine •to (1114 we stay in Exeter has made many friend.;
are entitled to $1.50 a year from both personal and for the nate:, and
every delinquent. \\'.>: are asking while they will be sorry to lose hits
tor. Mr. and Mus. Itowe wil1 to- only a (1011ar from all who twill pay feel pleased that 1, : has been award,
side in the 2nd concession of ifay. us directly before we plac' their- .trh• eti a well-earned promotion. Thi
-Every contvrnpary in glut Court- scriplion accounts in tete collector's pe-oplc c.f 'l'ecsww:,;.'r will find :.%1r.
try recognize:( the Weekly Sun 34 !Mends. Notice from time to time hal Scott an euereetic, careful anti ol,li3-
an excellent independent paper. It been given 10 :►11 renders, \W•: thank in gctltlenta.t. Mrs. Scott will also
strikes out straight front the shout- everyone w110 has rc=pended, ;old al- be hissed by the large coteria of
though wo are under no obligation friends which :he has made since
to wait longer or to receive t;ub=crib- coming here.
(ions at the 'ca,.,h in advances price,
we will continue to take in r;uh4trip•
lions at a dollar a year up to the
'time our accounts are handed in to
our collectors. but no lonee.r. If •
der in dealing with all matters of
public interest. To c1t'tIt►pion the
cause of the farther is its , pccial
tnieeee, :Ind for thi.4 reawen evety
farts. . be a reader of The
Sun' \\'hen renew in 3 3'our sub•
ecriptiott for your totnc paper order
The Sun. ('xtra cost 14 incurred in collecting
-Municipal councils all over the Ole delinquent who refused to lie ten
Province have 'burn doing illc'3a1 trust bear elle burden.
acts in reeri lel to remission of .1 excel. -The Concert given by the 11,''.er
Only Courts of Revision rats dies rrluiL ! Concert Company in t1i Opera !louse
'Cele Mtinicip'+1 World says :'fells suit- 'Thanks!iwitiz e' Vetting' WO a mu:i-
j,•etion authorizes the Court of He. rel treat seceders enjoyed by I?x ter-
visi')rl k)remit taxe3 at. ""3. :ince item. The entire program will) 111.1
Burin:• the year in which tli(r as:&',e - ; 4Xcei►tion of Mr. Sloan as the "Great
lett to 1110(10 O1' 31 5I1'i 1101(. before' Mario" was of Idle eli, 11ejt order.
the first of July in the following and Zr('a1fly pleased 'the andb-etre
year. Now•.here is the power dyes
to councils to remit tax, s. U11'1l which almost filled the hall. The
Colli by \1r. Verne L.
the Court of Revision C011 act. : Hewerww, wore
excellent and nleril'B Cho applause
-The Anniversary :services in con- ! tete' received. t1r. Iiewcr his a
necliolt with the Cavell 1're;tbyteJ1• l Brand baritone voice of wonderful
church were l:elel la,gt Sunday, all'! rartro and what is 111041 it: ►reit
710dwwi(hmtandillg the diealgrecable l pleasing i4 11i3 perfect enuttciktion
weather thcr church was well filled' evert '.'.i .1 sinus. it► ,oft tones.
at both morning and evening ser. 'lite aineine (,f Mr. Pimm (Ito •tenor,
v'ice's. itew'. J. W. Knox, 11. A., 8t.1 was leeley appreciated and w•n4 con -
Andrews church, Surat !troy deliver- Witter:,I►le. of :r =iirpri?e to the local
cel (•lequeltt forceful and h 1pful ser- concert goer e. lee puese s' ( a h'i. h
Irony. Special music ea3 ;leen oy t clear tenor. whist► was ea=il}' (lis-
tlhc choir. Owing to these specialccrniblc abow•C the other ,sineer4.
scrvicei Sleet (•.venin,; .ervioe in the ( Ili' sin;in, (1f "The Holy City" w•38
slain Street ohurch was withdraws., well ;der', but in the 7uartett.w ho
-Thankseivin, vi :►4 (;0rfc•ct au.
((11011 weather, 1 eloud1 84 +ky
and plenty of warm sunshine and
everVi)(►el}• went out. in the m'orn-
appeared to better nelw'antaze. Mr.
l'imm is a your, man in him teens
and tears excellent prowect.= for t
future. Mr. Ernie Siunderq, mo1101•
in; (here were anion :+ ,'vireo at the oast and eccentric c.omedlian, ha.' a
(':even Presbyterian Church. Rev. A. go(1RI line of talk and Ain;.' well. ile l
11. Going deliveicel the e'rmott. W(18 c ince upon for an ,'itchore each
Sieciei music was furnished ny the time ho appeared. As to the Great
choir asSijtet1 r►y Mr. V, L. Hewer. Marl •, little ran be said. The trick+
London's popular honitonc. Several show i by him were the same 81
( loit players came up to play a ; t,hose riven by Shunxopevi, the In.
met ell with the local knights of the dian wenn appeared here 80m0 time
divert -1 :Intl were guccexvfu] in let '; ' •n, Int Mario is not to he romper-
ine the Exeter player3. Many le'' • • e tl wile, the indein aq a magician.
of nllootin r took their gun+ ant The concert would have been letter
went out in tee w•o)d4 for tl:e day. without him.
- 111 atnusin3 incident happened ou
Main Street .aturday overall; and
during the apace of five menace,
t.hree well-known citizens j' rform•-
ed sloth acrobatic feats than
the cartoonist 11110 t' Val V4 -s
in his mind the twonet,o. f ul
doings of the celeorated
\wise her 1(:W haw.y, ever dreamed of.
The aforesaid citizens had, according
to an eye witnes', evid,:rltly accumu-
lated mote than a joyful load of
"forty rod" and evere departing
homeward at :,n early hour, mote,
perhaps on account of their li told
dispute=in; head luarters cuisine
promptly at the tappotintcd .hour.
'I'h('ir 11(0(10 of travelling was by the
wwa gen route. That was the ea.i('3t
nay, at any rate, owing to 1 h side -
!ging too narrow to accom-
modate the three at that :,tag:'e, of
the „atn0, when 000 could occupy the
whole walk and a portion of the
road thrown in. No 1ncideet mar-
red their homeward journey (until
the !ridge was being ncar(el 4(713
Own the lain; -bolt of the veliiels,
unable to withstand the 'train of
Lite con,t,il,od 30109, 1013' quietly .14) -
ped from its ruoc)riti33 and uncerer• 1
moniously clumped the ontire cargo
into the toad just where it was the
muddiest, and the :erects Saturday
nieltt after the mitt, weren't just
the most comfortable 3,p0(8 to be
81 rewvn. Ther(, was sonic agility
811own by the trio after t ho preeipi-
tatiott book place, but it was 'with
some difficulty that they could fin]
their t►earines, let alc►ne locating th.'
sidewalk. We were not: inform 'd
wv1►etlter 01 not their rig was pit. in
a safe runditi3On for travel or if
tory reached their lodgine places.
Anywt +y the next day was a .zood
0111' 102 1('flt•rti(t1l and for Cle:1ri11T
Why go Farther
You can get the best Phonographs
PRICE ILecords, etc , Cylinder or Disc Needles, ete, tO
at Lowest Prices. ('all or write • SUIT
THE PURITY 5 ..............
Will Suit
♦N+NNN+N�= Canadian Express Bid.
Thirty Days Special Sale of Ready Made
Clothing in Mens, Youths, Boys and Childs.
75 Suits of Mens
65 Suits of Youths
50 Suits of Boys
40 Suits of Childs
Also a number of ilLens and Boys pants in all sizes.
A choice line of overcoats ranging from $5.00 to $15.00.
We are bound to sell the above at a sacrifice price ill
order to make 1'Oolll for other goods. Come quick if yon
want a bargain.
6O166 Perfumes
The KInO You L1KG
We have obtained some of the
latest and newest combinations
made by the foremost nlanafact-
urers with the result that the
Best and Most Last1op
Odors can be obtained here at
at prices from
40 Cts to $i.00 an Ounce
EYeEy lilEly NO3 D Faor(1e
Drosera Fougera, Le Trefle, Dactyles.
Egyptian Lotus, Caslernere Bouquet
and Royal Sweet Pea are only a few
leaders, together with all the old
Make you choice at
and thus take
Advantage of our Large Assortment
- Mabel Piper spent Thanksgiving
at her home here.
-Mr. J. G. Jones :pent !holed:ty
in 'I'arkltll on busineles.
-nisi 'Etta Wheatley, of Clinton,
visited Mr.3. Harvey Itowe 'l'h;,ltks-
giving day.
-Ladies hand-ba;ga front 75c. 'to
$5.00. A 1i; as,iortmcnt at ;Htow-
ey's -Drugs tore.
-Mr. Chtirtcris, of E.ginondville",
viait,ed her :;sten ti1ru, Geo, Mc'
Leod over .the holiday.
- Mr. Frank Weekes, of Lietowei,
visited at his Home there, from
Thursday until Monday.
-Mr. 'and tiers. Ralph Ketldy, of
t",sborne, visited their sons in 1)e-
troit, over the holiday.
-A t.ig as ortwent of Xnia1 pres-
ents already On Lend at llowey'i•
Dru;store. Call and Fee thein.
.lfisi 'Thompson, of Shedden, re•
turned to her home on Monday atter
t► week's visit with Mr9. John
Iti, 11010,
NEIL, -Irl Exeter, Oct. 24th, to Mr.
end firs. \Vcllineton Neil, twin
EILIIEIt-in Crediton, en Wednesday
30th. to Mr. alai etre. II, F. Either
a dau;htcr-
DIXON-lit McGillivray, on Friday,
Nov. est., to Mr. and Mrs. Mut -
gin Diboll, a son.
IW\V14-1'ULLOCK-111 Lowly!). l tt•
day. November 1st, by Rev. Jame;
'Livingstone, Jennie rollick, sof I
Sasha toltcwan, to Mr. John Rowe .
of Exeter.
Sov6r616a BaoK
01 Gallathi
Notice is hereby given (hit a divid-
end at the rate of (1 per cent. ((S _) per
annum on the capital stock of this
Bank has been declared for the period
of four (4) months ending Nov, 3')tb,
1907, and that the same will be pay-
able at the Head Office and at Bran-
ches on and after Monday, the lata
day of December next.
The transfer books will be closed
from the 1st to the 1-1th day of Decem-
ber, both days inclusive.
General Manager.
Toronto, October '?''nd, 19e7.
Give the Cook
a Chance
to prove her skill in baking by
Star Flour
"Star Brand"
It is the one Flour that has the
quality to assure the best results
in baking. "Star" always yields
the lightest, whitest, sweetest and
most nutritious lous greed and
and the choicest cake and pastry.
A trial will prove this.
Give us a Call
Commercial Correspondence
among our students at Wing -
2 ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Or-
angeville and Goderich, We
• have incorporated the commiej 416,
(Gregg Shorthand taught by .t
Graduate of the Author, John 11'
Gregg, Individual instruction.
We invite comparison and
close investigation.
On account of the "Ontario Ilorti• +
cultural exhibition" t he /
Trunk Railway System will i..suc re- ' Write for particulate,
turntirke'tl at 1111;1e first'class fare GUNTON
froul all stations in Ontario to Tor -
0111.0 _ood ,;o„ Nvo1311 :11111 14th
vali t for reinturningv. until1Mondry'
Nov. 1611,. Full iufernlation ante
tickets tray be obtained from Grand Z (1EO. SPOTTON, Principal,
Ticket agent or writ( to J. 1). Mc. •.
Don•lld dent rice Passen;cr A gent i ���N����e►N��������������I
I'►,ion Station Toronto Ont.
DANIEL. E. EBY, Vice Prin.
We are paying for apples delivered lat
the Evaporator on Station street, prices rang-
ing from 35c to 50c according to the:aQples; IL
All apples to be of peeling size.
Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter.
J. 0. EARL, Manager.