HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-07, Page 6'1•HE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 7th 1907 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ to This Store? BECAUSE We are paying the highest price for Produce; Butter 24c & 25c; Eggs 24c; Dried Apples 6ic. BECAUSE We have a fine assortment of Groceries, Confectionery Spices, Boota and Shoes Hardware and Dry Goods kept in a neat and attractive style. BECAUSE We buy for cash and are able to give the closest prices on all lines. Our new Rubbers for fall and winter are iu stock; also new Underwear ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Why are People Turning their Attention B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar . ...w.. -. • • •. -.. hV.P- 1 a CICS;;,,.. • ,•�� f,?l , 'h• • •Y, etitits r t') Aria, i t •l~ ++++++++++-1-+++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Heating Staves and Ranges The Pandora, Peninsular, Happy Home and Kitchen Always lead the market and always will. They are in a class by themselves and have no equal. This is the verdict of all who use them. They will do the most heating and cooking on less fuel than all stoves in the market. Earetroughing and Tinsmithing Promptly attended to W. MOORE - KIRKTON r 4.710 /Zan • SUCCEEDS ir The following remarkable cures are convincing proof that Zam-Buk is the most wouderful skin cureknown. Zatn-Bul: succeeds when ail else fails, slid no home is complete without it. ECZ E me. 25 lore; year- Mr. T. J1. March, 1ii1 Ih loris:ser Avo. Montreal, sora ¥I.1es day ail 1 ,.i (1a1 - h s isrtnd.+ were so had c. ith Fezerea. :• Do, tors failed to tire him. but %:uu•}iu:; triumphed. t .L hint about it. CH -tON IC ULCERS. to )ears .n:tt•r- ing from Litters which covered her I,..dy made Nit,. .lane peers of l,'t)rir;r.al long for death. A few weeks' trial of Laois• link brought complete restoration. if on oltt-ere iI like Airs. Beery and received eu4•11 a wonderful healing. you too would say at; she di.l : - "The like+ of %arn•ltuk has not Le•eu seen ince the (treat Healer left the earth." RHEUMATISM 13 hospitals received Mr. Alfred ]frown of Toronto, and 13 hospitals dismissed hint as incurable. Zara -link stel•p'•tt in when doctorshas.l tailed. %am -lick ruhhed Rheumatism I1IIIItism out. He ie now wen as/ strong. See Mr. Itrown'a sworn declaration In %•tnr-Ituk Book of Prophesy for lift►. Free sample will he sunt you on application. Mention this advert. FREE ADVICE \Vo can only give you a few of the ailments 7rtni-Iia: cure+ ho re. but if you are *offering we invite you to State your ease to u:. Mark your envelope •' Advice." Address to %anr- liuk Co., Toronto, anti wo will give you advice free. Z:ua-Ituk is 30 cents a bor. at all drugglst,s RIA stores. %t .?•)14' k. CURES CU's BuRws$ is ()itse. . t '‘•,�,, `'dei BAD IEGs ABSCEssei.� arn-;u THE GREiT SKIN CURE. Fall and Winter Overcoats More For Your Money You get up-to-date styles, best materials, better satisfaction, moro value for your money, when you buy an overcoat from Grafton & Co. The largcq clothing concern in Canada owes its success to giving unbeatable values, and upright business methods. The Dressy Simi-Forrvi Filling models, handsome Net, Lor Bark styles for '07 and '08, popular Single Breasted coats, are here in every size. Materials are Black and Gray Vicunas, Cheviots and Cashmeres, pre- shrunk before making by our special process which makes them retain their shape until worn out. Collars and lapels are hand stoated. Lined with extra quality all vwool serge, with good mohair and satin sleeve linings. On request we will MAIL YOU SAMPLES of cloths, with instructions of how to order by nail. Perfect fit, com- plete satisfaction, guaranteed, or money refunded. .s • Prices, $8.80 to $25 EXPRESS PREPAID. Operating is Factories ar.J eo ve 7 S t -rca in Canada S. S. \o. 12. t'SSiIORSE. Following is the correct retort of the st trifling of the pupils of S..'3. No. 12, I sborno fur October. Form V'. -Gordon Morley. Martgaret McGee IV. -William Ilodzson• Clarence Bill. son. Myrtle Squire. Olive Gtt>lnin; Vera ilodgaon and Vera Ogden canal George. A rksey. 'James McCarthy. iForni 111.-11illon Ogden, Verda Morley. Tessa Gunning. Philip McGee Form 11. -Clara Morley, Arthur Mc,. earthy. Form 11. -Nelson Squire, E. 31011;30t. Melville (sunning. John •E: now•Ica. Form 1 -Minnie ltills•cvn. Elsie Gunning, \Vclmer ilrooke, Pat Gee. %Vnit+•r S. Remi. 'f. char. J. M. HICHI:Y, Manager Ontario When the atamaoh, .l = +rt or Kid- ney nerves ;Set w•cak. Men those or• mans always fail. I)an't drug the Stomach nor stimulate Oho heart or kidney,. That is aim;►ly a Make- :that. ake-;difft. Get a prescription known 10 druggists vverywhetrn as 1)r. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is pre. pared expressly fc.r Those weak in- side nervus. 8trcnzt1i n these nerves build then( up with 1)r. Rheop's Iles' torative--Itableta or liquid -and see how quickly help is ill come. Free sample last.+ sent est re 'treat by Dr. t3hoop, Racine. Wis. Your health i3 iurely worth this test. W. 8. lfowc} Drussi't. Coiiie One, Cole All to the Great Moving Picture Exhibition In the Town Hall, Exeter FO1t - THIS WEEK ONLY 1,50(1 fret of Mo\ ilig 1'ic'tures of Beautiful Sc'ent'ry , ('t,nlie . ceneQ, 1'.tc. 1 )ith hent scenes every night t. t r ► �,t ► t t c t 1 � 4 � tt t l . 1( 1111 lil .tit 111[lstl,tic d 11_.. 1 . t 1 � e 11 (\ enll►�,, lI\' I,c►n- don's ht's( 1'ianc) Playe1'. Il,in't fail tr Se e. the .c.•n••4 cd the 1.�1e of (itrist froth hi+ 13it th t1• his :\scen- oh,„. "Ma.th. t'`+ Ihchy i3.1v on a \Vase flay., and other wiel l %leers. Three Hoairre of !(olid Farn Children 15c. Adults 25c. MEE MatineeSatcirday Afternoon nt Two o'clock, for Scl ()�1 Chll(1rtn, Adulission lOc. Crediton Dlt,I,.J. McCt E, MEMBER ON- rARlu COLLEGE t'llY8lC1- ens and Sut geotta, Successor to Dr. E. A. Heist. Crediton. Ont. IIU13SCItIBE FOR THE TIMES. Miss Melinda Trick, who i3 at- tetiding college at Stratford, spent the holidays under the. parental pouf. Garnet Maker, of London spent at few d:tys its the village. C1tEI)I'I'ON SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of Crediton Public Nohow for the month os Oc- tober. DIVISION 111. IV. lloeors-I.. Gainer. A. 1'ink- bc'it►er,l' .:Treittz. Past. -Il. Andrew Sr. III. Pas=. -L. Brown, W. llaitt V. l lol tzmann. MISS ROBINSON, Te:, she:. DIVISION iI. Jr. III. honors -L. OeEurcicher, .1I. Hoist. E. Bluetit. 1'.a -M. Winer, Bliss D. L•';sery svho is attending P. farhner, E. I•:wald. the Forest City (Business College Sr. 11. It.ouors - •E. Smith, M. spent the holidays at her home here. Mr. 11. F. Eilber is all t-mile3 tt)tis week, his wife preePlitaed hint with at baby -girl last •\Vedne3day. King, I. Wolfe, V. IIill. Pas4-1'.. Mrs. J. A. Smith, of Berlin, '-pent Gai ser, M. Brown, V. I1 dellen. a few days with her mother. MISS M. GHIVI`, 'Teacher. Etta Clarke, of Mina Craig. DIVISION 1. visited at the home of her brother Jr. II. Honors -R. English. maga our :serial 'harttessmaker, '1?. W. , -I,, Weiner. E. Treitz. B. \Vucirbha Clarke for a few days. G. GucttsWtcsr. Mr. and Mrs. C. lilues.t attcnde;i .1r. 1',t. AC. IE•onors-K. Swcitzer, the funeral of the latter's mother 1 I.. 1Lai4t. l'a.e.s- M. Guenteher, G. who died at Forest, on Wednesday ; Lamport, '1i. Shenk H. Ileddeen. last. i .. V. 10' ., Jr. l't. 11.-lt..l laic t, tib Benedict, irs. Nt. Lola Vicki, of Centr..Liu. it. Bechtel'. will start a hand 'painting .ela3,s, Sr. 1't. I. lfaonors-F. Sweitze,r, L. cotnmencinx (with the New Year. St.a t heaver. Class A. -E. Finkbeiner, \V. canvassed the village on ,Saturday `lledden, 0. Bedford, A. Weinar M. last and secured enough pupil; to Lawson. start. MISS K1EN'li.ls. Toishet•. Alt-. Christ 1'inkbeiner, of London, ; '11te Continuation drosses report removed acquaintances in the village next week. last week. a sis Hiss Colvin, of Brussels, spent a few weeks with her 5i,ater during Lite past week. A Male Chorus has been organized -- its the Evangelical Sunday' school Miss Victoria Miners, teacher in with the following officers : Lader , our public school, will take charge Rev. E. 11. Lean, Ast'L. Lender, J. of the Lumley School the first of Il. Boltzmann, I'res. Ira Brown. Sec.nett year. Treas. August E. Kuhn. E. Finkbeitt• I Mr. Geo. Wambold, of Illyth, was yr of the Executive. Alrm.ly twenty home for the holidays. voices have enlisted and it is expect- Mr. Alf Zimmer, who is attending ati as trdtny more will join. business cokes° nt Stratford, was i ['•reparations are in progr'e'ss its, home for the holidays. bosh the local churches for tho Mold. Mr. 0. Nadi;cr is busy now cu- ing of the annual Xmas 1'eestival.i, tilt; wood. The respective dat.M will be an- Messrs. D. llartleib and I3. Schroe- nouriced later. der, of Exeter spent Sunday in the AIr. and Dirs. 1:d S1uoa•t ori feature village. day last celebrated -the 20th anni- ! Mr. J. Kellerman lipent a feet vers:+ry of their wedding day. Thera! days last in Toronto on business. were over fifty invited ;guasts, Tel- I Miss Laura Hotter, of Hickson, ativees and frienuLe, who were prop : sperm Sunday visiting at tha home ent to celebrate with sham 'their 1 or. Mr. ,los. Eidt. China \yedditt.. At 5 o'clock all sat ' Mr. 1). 'Tiernan expeetts to move down to :t sumptuous supper after back to his o:d stand in the nCw- which the ex -citing evas spent in Ilartleib block in a few weeks. music, .games etc. The Tineas joins wit h their many 'friend, its wishing Ghent many more years of happy Clark. 1'. King. Pass -G. Benedict 11. 1'inkbeiner. M. Boltzmann. Jr. II. llonors-C. Oc4tireicher, R. Dashwood wedded life. Hiss Girvine vi:;itcd •her parents Goderich last week. Miss Myrtle Clark and Mi.ii 1•:lla Beaver spent the holidays 'nth Mist Euhel Farrow, of Goderich. nisi Annie Yearley and Mrs. Jae. Lawson spent the past week %isit- in; reit! iwes in Londolt. ,lir. (.10. Bedford le;tvee this week for Sarni t where he has secured a position w;t.h the Goodi::T.n Thresher Co. Mrs. Mar.(hall and 'airs. Geo. Saul and tion Freddie visited at t he hobos• of Mr. Conrad Kuhn during the holi- day season. Miss C. huhu who is attending business college in London was home for the holidays. The Rev. 3. lietiner preached two excellent sermons in the Mcthodi;t church on Sunday. Owing to the stormy weather the Educational ser- vices wertt pe:Ot.po:led. Mrs. Thos. Marshall a he has beon wi.itin; friends in elle village has ('I itt tied to her bane i:► forest. Mr. Gco. Bedford has disposed of Ilia fancy driver to Mr. Jai. Lawson. Mr. Ed. Lamport of Denfield, w'ho is now over h0 years of age 'and ,who is well known in this vicinity Is nt present very i••erioutsly ill. itev. Mr. and Niro. !lean, left on \Wedne.day for Merlin 'to attend the et -olefins of Mr. Bean's Aster 51ias9 Alnni to Mr. A. C. Hendee. aonTlrurs• day. [rev. Mr. !Leon perfornted tate ceremony of ma rtyins !them. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mor•lock gave a (-cry pleasant fowl supper 'hat Thursday eveninx at their home in honor of Mr. Otto W. Brown's 21st birthday. A number of guests were present and :1 very enjoyably evening was t.pcnt. Before lea via; for their homes the a;ueste quake in r.'ry 1•isit terms of the hoepItallty of tl;..' host and hos teste A no'••'int of the baseball h•.vi wee hell Iaa-`t Monday evening to settle up t,)ae nff\;irs of the pa.'t s'a• non. The report shnw•cd the Club its n ;oa.i fin'inrihl condition. Misi Loiioa Eidt, who has been visitin; for a few weeks itt Park- hill, has returned home. Mr. Mark llrokenahire is this week its St. Marys and Stratford cotnbiti- in; businc-„a with pleasure. Misi Tillie Zimmer, of Buffalo, what has been visiting her sister Mrs. A. Zirntner for a few weeks leaves thi+ week for her home. Mrs. 1'. llessenauer and d iu;hte. Mies lieascnauer. of Walkerton. spent the holiday{ tine gue,,t : el Mr. and Mrs. \stn. Ehiere. Mr. henry \Willert shipped a car- load of cattle and sheep and n car- load of hozs to Toronto, this wc,l:. IIe paid FG.(i for the latter. The brickwork on Mr. Gco. Edi. - hoffer's new Mtore tta3 CornrnenC:•(l t- ? 0000.90 OOOOONOOOO••NO WORTH TAKING One ounce Flui.1 1':xtract 1►.an.teliee; Ono mince Compound Salatone ; 1•'our 'evinces Conmpoun 1 Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed anti taken in teaspoonful Closes after Inch meal anti at be.ltime, i • 1)1otmnnced 1►�• a pron►inent physi• tian to Ir. the lx'st ,nixture for the .•ire of the kidney, bladder, and All :arttrar) troubles. 'Thi.' tats the tlo.'ter, is the' mo`t i1nplo theme r• markable prescrip- 1 t, 1r ever N sit ten to • l.'3n-e the ,t stem of in+J►r,ril l( s an•t waste . t r x. nt or 1t a . as a K - ► t 1 erhll o 'c t ns to tho ki•lnewt+, forcinglthem to filter .•ut tt,0 acids an•I pois..ns. over'conr- i rh•'nrrnti'tr, lame hae's, sciatica :feel other .i!fictions arising from nr, impure hlooll. 'fho ingre•lients loin h• prt„•urctl at .any gn tl drutr store, and I►ring purer• vegetable and entirely hat-nales•, can easily lae mixed at home. if yon htso asntfe•ing friend show 1b;• to hent, s+. he will rlu.t•uil.tedly is. plea•c•1 to barn of so scruple and highly ter.in mrn.led a remedy. this ,seek. Miss Susie Schroeder left on Mon- day for London. where she w'il 1 re • 1 /nein for swine titin•. DASH Wool) SCIIU(* . 1tElkil:T. h41 a,;ltonw idin; i3ofth tleq,1'rur1t:ic1t4 rfeuprorLt ivo.f. 11. and 111. ;of '.t:he Lashiwcoel Public School for the month of Ocat-o. r. Names are in b rder of merit- DIVISION u•rit-.DIVISION II. Jr. 111. -Olive. field. Lil.y Si i is, Addis its -Tieutan. E:+r1 N.44.). 11It:a EItler:t. Jo:Lia' Ruby, Ervine D1e. Iota J r. 11. -Lloyd rdijhof Der. Willie Mil:er. Czar Kullttrutartn Mary Vincent, FLdtait' \\Inert. Katie Stir: Laura Musser. Emma llartleio, Em- ma 11let rtleib, Pearl 1:raft. Sr. I't. D. -Garfield Ht -a rebus. 1 1 . 1't. 11 - Itl:a \W IIl&botd, ll:+rry be.hroe.ter, lica- 1 silt• $fila utuut. Itoy ,,lees. .\l) t'llo II.offruan. 'I'hild:t 1lclsaac, Raymond (%allfav, Lulu hteiuha;en. "A"- La - Verne ilt•rne.r, \\'alti:r I'ascld, 1•:r• - nest 81ire. Freda Vincent. Leland Guenther. Jake Vincent. '11- i h ., Rinker. Abram $olsrseater. •'11" - 1)ella Neel), Ltiinat \\tillert. "C" - Wilber .Nitlet-s, Leonard Birk, •Ilii Jleld, 'Hazel Snell. Milford Mern--r. V. .1. MINERS, 'Teacher. DIVISION 111. Sr. II.--Jollruay Routledge, Pearl '1'ien+,+11. Alut:t leach, Merman Schro:,- der. Willie Zimmer, K:titie 0 ,nit.net' Charlie \Vieber•;. Jr. II.- ;\lilfvrd Ruby, IAdeline Sehro'tler, 'Emma Gent trier, Gordon ])anis, '• Edwin Schroder. Sr. .Pt. 11. -Ida Zimmer Harry Guenther, Valcuttitte Gdissmati Alberta hatoh. Arnold Miller. Jr. lit. 11. . Laura Schroeder, 'Tilliij Zimmer, George Gossman. IIeroks Winert. ,Milfred Rinkor. A. Swan. 'Teacher. Farquhar Mitts Harris, sof \1uI.no. ryas :t guest at .hor uncle's. Mr. Jae. Bar- ris. on Monday 1:►st.. Ur. Gordon Drown. tvho has been eft: aged -wit.h the McCormick Mfg. Co. -of Lottde-in, is visiting his par- ents ,Mr. and 11ri. 1). Iir.otvn. Mrs. II. \V. 1'. Beavers who spent she holidays with her parentis Dir. and Mrs. 1\I. l:acrett at llrantford, returned home on Monday last. bliss 'Tuttle, of 8taa`fa visited her Atter Mrs. \\'m. I'oilen fast week. The dance given in tete Hall hare last \Ved. by the youth men (vas a very successful affair. A large numoer were present. Mr. Geo. Beavers visited his bro- ther 1;- kV. 1'. Beavers en Sunday last. Mr. Win. Stewart jr., is suffer- ing from an attack of typhoid fever. Mr. attd Mrs. Alex. Gardiner are visitin- 'friends here at present. Rev. eta:ewart, of Motherwell, zaw an excellent sermon in Thames Road Church on Sunday last for the \V. M. B. The collection auno utt t.j l to seventy-five dollars. Itov. 0. A. 'Hackney viait'ad his mother -Mrs. James 'Hackney during the •week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward, of \\'far. ton are ,-gut•;4Li at Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm. Wards. The following is the repott of wnrks obtained by pupils in school section No. 3, Usborne for the mouth of Oct, 5th class, maximum 400 - Alla rta Doupe 280, ('au tie Copeland 251, 1: -'tie Doupe 211. 4th clas=s -Isabelle Torn - bull 377, John Francis 310. Jessie 'ic- Cut•dy, 304), Oliver DlcPurdy 205, 1C. to Shier 186, Allow Copeland 179. 3,4 class Eleanor Doupe 271. Leonard Harvie Z*4. Sr. 2nd class -Ida Irvine 247, Jennie MtCullavh 225. Oscar Copeland 100, Reggie Doupe 97. Jr. 2nd class, max 508 -Terra McCurdy 415 Donald Balfour 392, Fel n Francis 372, May l-iodgert 314. Part 2nd max. 250 -Hoy Fletcher 184, Tester McCur'iy 127. fart 1 -Geo. harrow 205, Gor- don Copeland 210. Heber Shute 210, Bella McCurdy 105. 'Tinian K.iy 105, Maggie McCurdy 111. is.>,iu1i.1 •: M. G.1Itt'1xEIt, Teacher. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Dears the Signature of S. S. NO. 1, L SOOJINE. Followitt is the correct report of t'a' standing of t ho pupils of el. 8. No. 1, l.'sborne. -for bite month] t>f Ootobcr, names being( its order of merit. IV. -Nellie l(owecliffe, Jen- nie Strang, Archie ltowocliffe, il,aura Harvey. Cecil Down, G(•sorge Blotch - ford, Gordon Oke. Sr. 111 - John Strang, Tena Dougall, James i)ougatll Itosena Down, Ira I"Ioir, Alvin Moir. .1 r. 111. -Lila Moir, Earl Bell. (toy White. Sr. I1.-11nzc'1 Down, Wilfrid Dougall, Willie strati;,- Oliver Rowe cliffs, Elva 11arvey, George Moir. .1r. 1f. -Lila Vnt1►-1louten, Cecil ilar- ril, Gladys 11i>ir. 1'st. 11. ,- Elgin Roweliffe, frank Jarrdtt. Sr. P.t. I. -John Doti -sail, Harold `.coir, Vera Hell. 3r. 1.'t. I. -Mira 1)ew, Ma gg4:• Strang. Lorne Oke. Avert 4e atten- dance of pupils 30. .1. A. Rint.nell, Teacher. Thar•' is no one article in t he lino of rucdicine t (rat gives so 1 trgn a re - 1 urn for t ho looney as at good por- ous st rengt bl uing plaster, such as (';+rtes's Sni ,rt \Veed anti ('elladonte, Heart Strent Heart Ftr.•ngth. on Heart 1t eakne:+, moans Nervi Strength. or Nerve Weakness-nothin snore. I'os• itively, not one weak heart in a hung red is, in It. NU. actually diseas.d. 1t 1. alrnoat always A hldd•'n tiny little nerve that r.aally 1+ all at fault. Tbis obscure nerve --the ('ar•liac. or 11e art Nerve -sImpty need+. and tnu=t have, mute power, more stability, more controlling more governing strength. Without that tete 1!. art must continue to fall, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains ah . as a medicine, Pt. Shoop's Restorative has In the t'stst done 'o much for weak and ailing heart•. hr. sht.r.p flat sought Ilse cause of all this painful. talpitating, suftoeat- _ }►.•tett dtstrs'*. 1►r. Shnnp's Rpt:nrative-this 'ovular prescriptto n -is alone directed to thetas weak and matting nerve center 1t builds; tt.Ittengthens: It afters real. rennin., heart help. It you woul•t have strong Heart.. strong d1• �+tation, strengthen thesve ;tae ryes -• ro.establiah Item as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. S. HOWEY. 1 ZWICKER'S, CREDITON For Best Ooods at lowest Pr1608 Special Bargains for this month iu Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Suite, Etc. • see our stock of Underwear which is complete, all sizes and good qualities represented: bot before the advance; our prices are right. NVe offer the largest selection we have ever shown in Ladies Mantles, Fur and Fur Lined ('oats, Sable and Fox Setts, Throw Scalls. etc, made up in the latest styles of the different furs. Special values in \Vrapperettes, regular 121,,c line for 7',e. We are clearing out many linea of Dress Goods less than cost. POULTRY The highest market prices will be paid for choice poultry, Skinny Poultry not wanted at any price. Scalded Poultry half price. Dri!d Apples 7c; Butter 23c; Eggs 23c, A ('all Solicited. CHAS, ZWICKER Resolved That most of the pleasure of going anywhere is in being dressed for the occasion, whether it is skating. or on a visit, to church of work. People DO notice what you have on; besides one Bels more comfort- able and confident in the right clothes. t• Examine our attractive line of goods for Fall and Win- ter; and for a Natty, Stylish, Up -to -Date Snit. place 'your order with. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON- Creditoa's 'farness Sho Harness and lubber Good This is the season of the year when the roads will be muddy, and the will t:e lots of rain. snow and sleet, according to hicks' forecasts. It would well to get that new set of Harness now or get the old re t• repaired, frothing like being on the safe side. A good Rubber Rug is also a hrcessity. Remember we have the best Rubber and Plush Rugs t be found anywhere. Blankets, Collars, Combs, Brushes, Halters &c All at reasonable prices. Your Inspecticn Invited. We Aim to Please. P. W. CLAIM, - Crediton. Russelldale. of white ichrysanthetnurns. T DIr. J. h, \\'c,odLsto. bride was unattendol. After Cott at OrchardillGroveof lout weekck. vi=itch gratulatio is the company returns Mrs. A. Cole, who underwent an to the dining room whore a Tor dainty supper was served. After ai operation last week is pro;res''irt; had done ample justice to rho I;oo nicely. things before thein, they than eemblell in rho drawing room wIrealfi an interesting programme wail One joyed by all, w -hi •li consisted of singe spent a 1lisa Ella Hawke • in St. \Iary.i last ing, recitations, ipeee tl`3 ►-tc. T11411prides going niv-:a y ;gown Iva,: chiffon! week. Venetian, and w Lite picture hat UmA number from here attended ci tea match. The presents were nurnort4 fowl supper on f-hankss;ivitt,; at Ful- larton and moot enjoyable evcninta. y Mrs. A. Ilodzert and '.on Archie and daughter Marie visited ftiend3 its Cluselhurit on Tuesday last. Miss Irene Facey visited her friend Trial Ca tarnh treatments ate be • in, mailed out 'free, on rc:luest by I)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These testi aro proving to the people - witltout a penny's coat- tho great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as I)r. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by W. 8. Howey. Sexsnn ith. -Mr. mot Mr,. .Ic,1►n Rowe, nee Mils Jennie Pollock, who were mar- ried in London last friday, arrived at their home 14vre asst Monday lire. itovwe will oe welcomed in Our nci:hnorhood. .\I ry. 'Phomas Jones la (X'tifi,nedl tet You Can See her 1►ed on account of illnt•ss. M1•-1 Levet t. of London, is in at steltir►c4 on her. Mr. Jolats l)utican hall a bcc last Thursday drawing earth. To check a cold quickly, get front your druggist some little Candy Cola Tablets called l'reventic+. Druggists everywhere aro new insp•'tt=in; 1'ro- vetlties for they arc not only (safe. but decidedly c"rtai►t and prompt. J'titventics contain no quinine, t10 EY:.S:G:Ir SPECIALISTS 13X:11ivo. nothing harsh vor sicken,237 Dander: St., London, Ont. - jug. Taken at the "sneeze stagy"' -- J' Pneumonia SiUBBSCRiBE ('OR TIIE TIMES. ' CA.IBTORTA. Bean the -A1ka Kind You Have Aloays BogM Signature of \'o. i, but can yo•a see vlt out effort, or aro you dazzled iv the sun ? Do your eyes water? D., the itds become red and granulated? if you experier-e any irritation yell should at once con .alt us and have a pair of glasses props.•:y fitted to give yoq 1 perfect eye ease. I THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL Co: , ro c'hiiis will rippe, t Hence) LEARN ORESS-MAKIHO BY MAIL, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc, hence the narnaae, l'rerentics. Good for; in your a -tare time at home, or feverish children. 48 J'reventics t':►i - Take a Personal Course at School. cents. Trial boxes 5c. Sold by W. S. Ilowey. To enable :all to learn we teach on • cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class ;at school once a month. t Claw commencing last Tuesday of each SQUIRE itt:It 1). 1.\ Y 1 month. These lessons teaches how to cut, ho home of D1 r. anal Ilse. enry. fit and put together any garment from the Squi'1re, %,ion, on \\'edn� arlay. ohf ler- ''plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- noort of lnst week s the scans of ate dress. The whole family can learn from a happy event. vwl+c+witn their fourth one course. \We have taught over seven dauXhtcr. Annie• way u,nitl'd its mat • thousand dress -making, and guarantee to simony in f. John (1. lfnn. sof give fire hundred dollars to any one that Zion, The ecirrem cin y was ieerdr f',rlarnid 1 cannot learn between the age of 14 and 1►y Itev. it. Fair, Elintwille. in lLho 40. You cannot learn dress -making as preso.ttre of aibotlt. eiz'hty ira cill.'d I thorough as this course teaches if you tui +t. s. ilr0mpt1y at five ►o'clock work in shops for y -cars. Beware of imita- to the tit rains of the ivi th1in •C march j tions as we employ no one outside the played by Miss t'a'nk, Ger, groom 'took `` school. This is the only experienced Dress his pines under an arch of overgrcernl Cutting School in Canada and excelled by and f los a rq front which stlInsndel i none in any other country. Write at once rt vv cd•lin.f bell, Next came the hri le f for particulars, as we have cut our rate ones leaning on the -a rrn of her father, third for a short time. Address diintaly ;owned in cream lustre, Zion trimmed ttlth Irish lace and ribbon. MMEB' ta1lTTlt!N OMNI and carried its her band • best gtse t it sew 8t., steward, 0st•, C46ntier