HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-11-07, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, NOVEMBER 7th 1907. DON'T GOUGH PERRY'S Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar -IT CURES - COUGH, COLDS. IIOARSENESS AND Bronchial Trouble BROWNING'S Drug Store Smoke Doctors Prescription Best 5c. cigar in town The Exeter Times Exeter. Ontario. Terms of Subscription $1.00 per Tear in advance. $1.50 may be 'Larged if not so paid. To United States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in 'Avarice. .No. paper discontinued ntil all arrears are paid, unless at be option of the publisher. The to to which every subscription is id i3 denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. THE EXETER TIMES P'T'G CO. Limited. Note and Comment Mr. It. L. Borden arrived in Oft. wa, Friday, after 'his lengthy Wt iv tour. The official majority tot 'Jfajor °a.ttie-of London, Conservative over acobs, Labor. ie 1035. • • • • • Ottawa, Nov. -The custom; re- ipla of the Dominion for October re $4,930,031 an increase of $27J - d for the seven months, 'the re- ipts were $36,312,7G'i an increa 3 of 91390. The revenue 'from till urces for 'Ohs year ;will be over one hundred million mark. • • • • • p.i:tw.t. Nov. 3. -The writs for the -elections for the Dominion lfouea 111 bo issued at once. Ari effort Ill be made to have them over :by e time parliament meats. It be tape probable that they will be Oiled off on Thursday, tate (_sth. t., the day of the meeting. of o House, Quebec, Nos-. 4.-- !Henri Itourasia s defeated by lion. Adelard Tur- 1 in the bee -election for the lea• lature at Itelleha=,;e to -day by a ajority of 760. In doth the other wo bye -elections for the legislature iberals ;gore elected- 48311To11i in lcolet by a majority of 31S and w'a Soothing vain ill Nicolet by a majority of Centralia itev. W. 11. Butt spent tho holiday with Lis you in Detroit. Nees Alvin: %Wilson, of llderton. wan 1Jto :zute=:t of 'Miss Butterill '.tat week. Mrs. It. T. I'ereu.on of London, was the guest o[ her sister Mile James Handford on TLursday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Trotlan and Boy oy Trothan, of London, spent the holiday tt-ith her parents here. Mr. Andrew Butt spent the holi- day tvi4h Char parents hort•. M. Andrew Butt spent the holi- day with Itis sister Mies Mabee Butt of London. The 'Misses Gladys and \Wirutifred Eery very pleasantly entertained a number of their fni.•nds ,to a Hallowe'en party on Thursday night. Misr Stahel McNauzhton, of Lon don. .was the ';unit of '_hiss '\\•innt• Fred Es.eery fur Thanksgiving. Dr. and Airs. Orme spent the lto:i• day with the latter's -inter Sirs. Dyer, ilcf Dotroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkiam Mitckell, of Ifensall, were the quoits of the for- mer's brobher Mr. Thorn Mitchell for 'the holiday. Mr. Percy Simpson of London, was 'tile truest of hi3 suer Miss Evelyn Simpson en Thursday last. The Misses Rachel and Jennie Wilson visited friends in London. Mrs. Andrew Ricks and Mrs. F. (licks returned borne Monday even - in; after a pleasant visit lilt frierele in London. MA1 E Ir Ytlt'IIEF,LF. There is eo much Itl!cumatism here in our neighborhood now that the following advice by art eminent au- 'Ol►ority, who writes for readers of a large Eastern paper. writ be highly appreciated by those who a,uffcr. l;ct from any ;rood pharmacy one- half ounce,Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Karon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsttpa- rills. Shake these well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful do.e3 after esolt meal and at bed -time ; also drink plenty of '3cod water. It is claimed that there are dew victims of 'this dread ani torturous disc:tee alto still fail to find ready relief in"bhis Simple home-tnadc mix- ture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the rosult. 'flee eimplo recipe 1A said tose strengthen and cleanthe eljtnina•- live tiseue3 of tho kidneys so that Lhey filter and strain from the blood and system 'the poisons, acids anal waste neattter, which cause not only rheumatism, but numerous others di3Cases. Every man or woman heti: who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active, or who suffers- from uffers from any urinary trouble what ever should not •hesitate h •o notice up th�'s mixture. as it is certain to do pnuch goal, and may nave you Crone much misery and buffering after awhile. Our home druggists :say they will either supply the ingredient; or mix the preseriptii•ott 'ready to take it our readers a k them. FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS OLD ANI) w'rr.L-Tiled )tltMv.uv- Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup hal been used j ^r over sixty years by mlEious of mothers for tneir children while teething, with perfect suocess It eoothos the child, softens the gums. allays a 1 pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every pArt of the world. 23 cents a bottle. Its value le incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Wlnslo Syrup and eek for no other kind. Guaranteed under t he F.eod and Drtlhze Aat, ,lune 30th, 10OG. Serial .f .t.tw•a, Nov 2. -lion. Clifford Sif• Nutnl,er 1098. n left today for England and will absent teem° eeeeks. It 1+ rcild Zurich t his trop ii in connection eveth ne;otiytions for the establis]t• nt of the All -Red steam=bip Lim, d also bleat Mr. Siftan it intere,tt- 1•:rr;lish capitalists in a scheme cvtablieh a lino of freight steam - to 11iut o►t Bay, and for tete uiptnent of Churchill as an ocean rt. but neither .of these can ba order med. T'.c contract Cor eupplyin; Union acks for the rural schools bas been 'anted by the Ontario (government J. .1. 'turner & Sone n.f Peter - to. At the last ;session of the Leetislature an nppropriation of ,000 was made dor Lho purchase of he flags and tendere were called. The order calls for 1,500 six-foot Union Jacks. They will be made of the best Enzlish buntin; and will have to be delivered in sixty d:tyi. This will by no meani supply all •the country sohoeli in the province, and tbhle appropriation exceode 'the am- ount of the accepted tender wlrioh was sent in, statin; the amount for eaoh flag;. Tho remainder of -tike tlai;s to oomplcto tho full lilt of eohools will h>e supplied by thii firm alt theioall of the Cotornmen!. They are bcir$ node in lots of l,:100 and it i+ estimated •there are in lite+ hl>orbcrad of 5,000 eohoal+ to tee supplied. Thele Union Jacks aro to Lo displayed inside the schen.' durin; olaoa•s and outside ctrl any epoeinl day derides mein by tin truot(t'i. u Help/HelpI I'm Fallin Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was bczat:sc Ayer's Hair Vigor is a rcr talar hair medicine. Falling ;lair Mr. G. Brown, of Crediton, 'had charge of ;the services in the Evan- .gelical Church last Sunday evening. Mrs. J. C. Kalofleiech returned last week from her trip t hrou;h the West. Itev. A. D. Gishler bag been grata6- ed a few weeks' Leave of absence and lett last week for Heidelour; to visit Mr.. Gielhler'a parents. Lev. 1). Urquhart, of Kippen, de- livered an instructive address to the Yount People's Alliance in the Evan• ;clival Church last Tuesday evening. The Zurich Gutt Club has been pre. sented with a handsome medal by II. Iain. of London, to be competed for once a month at 20 targets and has to be won three times in etre- cession to beo3rue the property of the member. Khiva The following is the score of the shooting match held on Tuesday of this week. Event No. 1, 11)' live birds. + F. Kerr U, U. Hartleib 13, 1'itanlake 8, W. Sanders 7, C. Stanl'ke 7, 8. Gillis 7, F. Snell 7, T. Bissett 7, .1. Dodds 7, P. Beaver 7, E. Brenner 11, W. Yearley 6, W. Carrick 5. Score of event No. 2, 10 blue rocks, F. Kerr 10, D. Hartleib 8, W. Carrick 8, J. Dodds 8, W. Sanders 8, C. Stan - lake 8, S. Gillis 7, J. Hannan 7, G. Ma- whinnie 7, N. Stanlake (1, F. Snell 5, E. Brenner 4, W. Yearley 4. A ticklin; cough front any cause, is 'trickly 'stepped by Dr. Shoop': Cough Cure. ll Is ro 1►armleie and safe. that Dr. Shoop tell; mother; everywhere to :rive it wit bout hesi- tation even to very your,; babes. The wholesome green leas -i an leu• der sietni of a lune healing moun- tainous shrub furni,h tit • curative properties to 1)r. Shoopas Cou;h Cure it rain's Lhe cough, and heat.tile. sore and len.itito bronchial mem- branes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harmer used to injure or moo - press. Simply a resinous plant ex- tract, that helps to beat echin; luttts. Tl:, Spaniard.; call ithie shrub which trhe Doctor rota. "The Sacred Herb." Demand 1)r. Sh'op's Take no other. Bold by W. 8. How - r,w•. Plugtown A number of our young paoplo tL- tended the Grand Oyster SUPpalr at Woodham on Tuesday evnin3. last. Several ,ga'tes and plows were mars. ;big last Friday morning, 'tome of which Shave not been found yet. The valuable pioco of nickel which was reported last, was found on Sun: day by Alvin McCurdy, who obtaier. cd the reward. •Ali a Lila Heywood, of Winbhelsea, visited friends in 'this vicinity last week. Usborne Council Council met at Township }Tall, Nov. ^pursuant 1to nd o rum Cnt . All the members were progent. The minutes of the, last meeting were re 'd anti approved. 11. 1:. llyndnern, M. D. was (;rant- ed the tight and privilege to meet pole and ettre(ch wino for telephone purpoesM on the hizhwaye of the municipality and to use the said hi_ilar.'ys for n tcrtn 'of five years front date of nr;reemcnt. and t Reeve aria Clerk t're authorized to sign bile agreement and affix the Corporate seal. A reward of e_a w•is offer•,••' for caused by a germ, and ehi:; R bhtr arrest and conwietioil of any per• rat or ler-on.t •runty o[ atcalfn; 1 medicine completely destroys tow•; train or obl:e, entntnodityt from these germs. Then tI:e healiily i .nY resident of 11:. municipality. { Hobert Sillery "-is paid .a.(x) (Wo - scalp gives rich, healthy hair. thirds value of ottei ahnep kill; d by The boot kind of a testimentet - doze. "Sold for over stay years." .{ and Account's Leaned in "e were p ev ment : pegged 8tewf - ar++•balaarreili Ira er •r"' -[I art drain acct. ft_'t' on; ;enereI. • e.aa• toror, of F !1:4.0(1. i Sw(t141A 0.41. IILi-. Council bhon adjourn...1 vers cltr.;it7 nano, Dec. 1sh at 10 ci cls k in -�-• 110ei. ' to meet t he fore F. Mt)RLF.Y, Clerk 4 Thames Road We are plc.nsca ,to learn 'that IM'.Lr• jorie,'the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'William Ridley, of London. who came here with her aunt Flo. Carnp• bell durin; tiro time of the Western Fair to Mr. T. Cann's and who was nearly b14nd from 'the effects of inflammatory rheumatism, hal much improved 'both In sight and health. Her mother called for her and stove ped a day or two in the neighbor - hoed on her way to visit her parents. and ei ter Airs. C. Drager, of 'Wal - eon. She was given a drive through Lite 'country by Mr. Cann to here Rtes• tinati^nt giving her an excellent view of Lite country at this time of ycttr Auction Sale Thursday, Nov. lith., farm stock and implements the property of \Wm. Coultis, Lot 3, Con. '7 L:bornc. Sale at 1 o'clock. Jorv. Whit.`. Auct. Property For Sale -Ten acrca .for =a1.`. '.west of rail- way, tra.k, Lake Road Apply Mr'. Edwin Jones. Exeter. Pasture Farm for Sale East half lot 8, South Boundary, Hay, 50 acres. Good pasture farm river` touohes corner and good abase. Sale by auction will take place at Commercial hotel, Exeter, on Sat- urday Nov. 23rd at 2 o'clock. John Gill. Auct. Chas. Box, Prop. Glad• man & Stanbury, solioitore. Store Property for Sale In the village of Exeter, composed of the North part of Lot 11 on the West aide of Main Street, consisting of one goal store and the building now used for a postoffioe, knbwn as The Johns Iilock. hor terms and particulars ;ripply to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far- quhar. 9.19.47. For Sale or to Rent. Lot No. 15, Con. 2. Tp. of Stephen Co. of iluron containing 100 acres of laud well fonocd and drained ; with rood orchard, about 20 acres of f.r od bush, ntoiern buildings, convenien to school, church and market and is situate about 2 miles from the t' Ila;e of Exeter. If not sold be- fore Nov. 15th Will be rented. For further particulars apply to Robert Leathorne, Esq. 266 \Yellin;ton St. London, Ont. or to Messrs. Dickson & Carlin;, Ilirristers etc., Exeter Ontario. 10-5-07-4 Auction Sale IIOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECT Mr. John GIII has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at alto residence of Mr. Janice W. Creech on MILL ST (1EE.•1', 1•.Xl'TE11 -on- I''RIDAY, NOVEMiBER 115t41., 1907. at 1.30 o'clock p. nt, the followin; val. able property : Two bed -room suites sideboard : exteneian table : cent re table; kitchen table: cork stove and pipes ; heater : 3 rocking chairs; 6 dining roam chairs ; 1 eprir>:; mat- tresses; 2 hair mattresses; lounge: Viet ures :';hovels: le -es : rakes; forks (Helot; hou.ebot 1 utensils; t;uanLi• l3' split wc:d and ether articles too numerous l,) melt 1 itatl. If EA!. ESTATE. There will be offered on day of sale (if not •431d previously) the resi- dence and premises bits; Lot 89 on Mill Street. Geed frame %house. A snap for nnyatte wantlnz a mester- e to priced home. TEHMIS Oi' SALE. (`It(- '. Chat t (.1ih. Real Estate -20 per cent cash on day of sale and nal ance in 20 d.rye. For further particulars apply- to John u 111 n r • : hu \ulctl.c `r S_ "ac'to s for vendor. Autumn Chills Caused by the wet and changeable weather, are especially dangerous this year, because of the debilitating effects of an uncommonly truing summer. In their grip, the whole system suffer:+ -- is pr'- dnced nr aggra• vated, the etotnach and liver are deranged, indigestion and constipation occur, thene are the chills of malaria, twinges of neuralgia and rheumatism, and liability to blood ditseaees like the grip, diphtheria, typhoid, scarlet fever, etc. It is important 1' take a reliable blood medicine now to nourish and enrich the blast', cure or prevent autumn disease•e and protect general health. The best is Catarrh Hood's Sarsaparilla which makes rich, red, warns blood, benefiting the ;whole rooter)]. Sold Ay W druggists. tory Doses One Dollar. r, ,. r. ,. ,r n,u41:IWN'Ir•Ismntn:l#IrR111aFr,W1.,M-la. 9 (►11 n.,m,nuUu,Capa.aSB9,ti[an:S1Uu la:= c uuuat -,r ss:assn®,suaa•aauanTiiau.rumaui.u...n.. !NI \\ Pe IIILDItt PrornotesThgestion,Cheetrul- nt:ss and Rest.Contalns neither Opluln,Morphine nor }Tineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Is.q/rr✓Aidl-SWIELPllfaR Aaa,.4sia J'r.i - , ,r. • Aides • Sae • edbgsw.sIda • iAG,ly d - nem } Ape feet Remedy forConstipa- tion, Sour Stontach,Diarrtloea. Worms ConvulsioltS,Feverish- t Less Lind LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. 11 l) urn; 111 . taad j) Dos' .-3)tt\I1% r.XAGT COPY OP WRAPPER. CA$TOIIIA aorInfana.na cnuarea The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIt Real Estate For Sale Part lot ,No. 4 containing ten acres of land rood brick house, large orchard with all kinds of fruit, and neverfailin, well of hard water. This beautiful property lies immediately West of Railroad on ;the Lake ;Lord, House and Lot for Sale • (louse land lot for sale l't. lot 155 Con. 12 Usborne. 1-2 acre land good brick cottage and stable. Must be .so:d.. Apply Thos. Cameron. Auction- eer Farquhar. - contains thousands of dollars worth ';ravel and must convenient to Eze• to Clearing Auction Sale ter. This property must bo ;sold an John '.\ort}taott, the proprl'etar'A -of- health •has failed. Easy (terms bf FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM - payment. A big snap. For storms PLEMENTS and particulars apply to Thos. Cam- eron. Auctioneer Farquhar. Auction Sale -of- Commencing e. 1.! 1 Farm, Farm Stock and the fohott•itts. Implements HORST e 7 an,! Janeph White, Auctioneer, will sell \V G Balfour, on Lot 3, M..on. for 4. Blanshard, half mile east of Kirk- ton,on ••• •••••a l ......••.•••••••••••••••••.•� II The 0 01111Bank tfrrtabH8be 3 1855. BEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • ' • • • RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••- •••• 33.000'000.00 Assets Over $33000,0oo.00 General Banking Business Transected, • I 1 Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson &Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager • • ..........•.••N•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••i Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, boule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. M. liI6S011 & Soy near the old market Main St. Exeter CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. We Teach Telegraphy We have three; departments; Commercial, Shorthand and Te- legraphy. We employ the best teachers that money can hire. Our courses are thorough and + practical and we assist worthy • students to positions. Those d' who wish to get a MONEY st• MAKING EDUCATION should 4• get the best. Write for our new catalogue and get particulars. •f• This !s the best time of the ;• year to enter our classes, ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. +4444-144-14++++++4-H4+++++ FRIDAY, NO\'EA1BIi8 2?nd -"-7 The undersigned has been instructed to sell by Public Auction on 10T o, S. T. ItOAD, 1'SBORNE -on- TUESI)AY, NOVEMBER lath, 1907. at 12 30 o'clock the following proper ty HORSES General purpose horse 4 yr old; driving horse 8 yr old; driving mare (I yr old; black horse 4 yr old draught; do general purpose; brown mare 12 years old in foal to Jap; black mare 10 yr old pure French; filly rising :Wry Clerkenwell; 2 draught colts 2 yr old; colt 2 years by Gamey; filly 2 yr old and sucking colt by Gen Buller. CATTLE d be S cows su pose to to 1007 :arp r .y e 3 , urpose Loris 8 !,or;.: 5 years old • :'.:•s old, 1 leucite i : -.. tier due 'o Nov. 26, tows supposed to be in calf, 1 yearlin; heifer, 2 yearling steers, 4 calves. PIGS -1 thoroughbred Yorkshire sow, 35 little pigs ten ;weeks old. IMMIAI.EMENTS - Massey 'Harris binder, truck and sheaf carrier, 6 foot cut ; Massey lfarris tmow'er nearly new, 5 foot cut ; Massey Har- ris need drill nearly new, .13 hoe; 1 p steel land roller nearly netw, Max_. calf to thoroughbred bull;3heifers f.'s -self fray redder nearly new. Maxwell ing `l years; 4 steers and 4 heifers 3 yr hay rake, cultivator, scuffler Bell old; 4 steers 2 yr old; 2 calves 10 rhos. teat pulper nearly new, Kemp man - old; 3 calves 6 mos. old. eury uro spreader, net of iron harrow.; PIGS and FOWL 2 brood sows'2 yr set otngaiPlotwssel othNh21r fanniirowo ng mill mill old; 5 :tore ho :3 rues. old; (I afore set of riLock scales cap. 4000 lbs., three -horse tread power, set of Iron truck wheels. twa.aou with box, shely• in; and ;;cat, set of truck•, set of IMPLEMENTS Complete lumber bobslci;hs, 2 hay racks, 1 ;ravel box, 2 wheel tbarroes. 1 w,atCr wagon: lumber wagon used only few trough, 2 top buggies, 1 piano box weeks, 2 top buggies, cutter, Massey cutter, 1 Portland cutter, 1 MGL+ Harris binder, cut '3 clops, Frost and net crc,rn separator, ver, 1 y 450 Wood mower, Tiger rake Mc('ornlick lbs, whiffletreni and noapacit , p1; cultivator, nearly new, Frost & Wood rack, new It;ht wagon, baa truck disc, roller, Mlattsey Harris drill, double ba ;51, 2 mets of single ha lemma 3 plow, pea harvester, set wagonsprings sae of double 'harness, 75 heave. cow ('orkshut1 riding plow, root pulper, chains, hay fork, ropes car tiling Verity walking plow manure spreader i09(5. (00(1 boiler, .emery weeder Fleury plow, set bob sleighs, sculTler, 2 ohurn, [arks and either article,' too hay racks, nearly new; set iron bar- numerous to menti<eu. Also 2300 bus. t rows, overhead horse power, Chatham of turnips, 500 bu.t. of mars;olds and fanning still with hnvger, Bell rutting a quantity of izrako, box for prover or hand,gravel box, 'J' MMI TERMS -$5.00 and under .Cash; lbs. scales, set slings, hay fork, rope & over that amount 12 months' credit pulley's, 1 set wvhitlletreee, neck yokes,will be 'ziveu en furnishin.; approved scoop shovels, :t set double 'mimeo a joint notes, or r1 (Yjicount of 5 ret single harness. water trough, kelt-; per cent for eagle No reserve nm le, pair hot -se blankets, buffalo robes, i the proprietor lies exert his farm. pair horse clippers, 2 crow bars, lull 10'► ACRE FARM -There ".111 also grain hags, 1-2 dozen sugar beet hoes, be sold •L}ut a tinct d:uy a 100 acro grain cradle, cant hook, 5 bus, Amer- r farm, lot 24 oxo. 13 1'dllarton. ('hi 'can Wonder seed peas, 1') bus. of pea i the farm are n zood frnm'' house, besns. pig rack, incubator And brood- bank barn 5•ixr.6 ft. with :ewe! stab• er, corn plankter, hag track, 3 milk lin;. Farm is well watered, well under •''1 w null oral n1 wear t mostly fenced c t Ire 1 c.'ns, cooking slove,f heating stoves, n ► Y ! end 'e .cloy n Vfrom r c,.u:n, cider barrel, good crosscut saw, gruel, brit mil fr n separator. eel hush. sugar beets, had- church and "within 1 1-2 miles of der, beet lifter. forks, chains and o then Rtuaseldale. Terms -Terms for alta e, pale dayf 1 made knownon m • .� I fn m.t ftCl it lE ... farm REAL ESTATE Lot 6. S. Thmaesl car par, leu1les may be hnd in hdv•'nee ltd. end W til44 acres on leo 11 North i by npplyin1 lir) Lhe proprietor. 11 Thames 1311. l{sborne On the J000 acres'rtot sold the f:lrm will be rented. is a good frame house, 2 hank lenrnsIJOS. 1V1!ITE Wal. G. BA1�F0(IR- and drit•e shed, fine orchard. running Auctienet'r Propr water at rear of t,trm; well fenced and ' drained, gond hardwood bush; soil of clay Renu:: 2i miles from Exeter: 1} Clearing Auction Sale miles trent school and church. The 4Ai acres tyre well drained And fence(; -of- f►ftme barn is opposite 1110 acres, I M'ARMi STOCK AN1) IMPLEMENTS calve hogs 4 mos.; :t Embeden geese; 1 Ent- beden gander, IS young geese; 4 fine Rotten ducks, :t drakes; 1(x) hens, 75 early)luta TERMS OF SALE Joe. White, Auct., eel a 11 by CHATTELS 55.1M) and under, emelt; I1t• 1-u hi to Auction for Mr. 'rhomae over that amount 12 months' credit; Na;;c on ',risen on furnishing approved joint Lot 17, Southeast I3d. of trsborne. notes. 5 per cent ( It for cash on creel one mile $ouch of \V ,Inst' 00 it nt►ulttnt• TUESDAY, NOVF,MiIiF:lt 12th., 1907 FARM Terms toper cent. on day of sale: balance in:30days without inter. commencin; at one o'clock sharp the est. fart et p itch:tee money may re- followin;: The Farm consi+t.i of 90 main on mortgege if purchaser wishes acres more or lens. on it a ;creel -MADMAN& STANHI'RY, agents frame home nank blur 30X51 ;clod for Alex. Mcl►nnald, owner of Reel retablin; underneath, I{ood driving Estate. f shed 20X40, farm fairly well fenced Dinner will he served before sale. , 2 never failing wells of water and T1109 WHITE THOM (`AMRIio a term le in Kook elate of cultivation ProprietorAuctioneer Stock -1 'rood brood marc ;n foal to Carhincer 1 r;littoral purpose 51469 A PIANO will be 1p tee nt .l. e t he long evenings bright w rite ..•.,• i,• . nil so not only add beauty t,, the t1.•I, a taut pleasure to all 1t•. 1. 110111-5 Call and 1. • v.• a tells with us and you will be surf I •.• 11 now easily you may own one. The goods roe the beet; the prices are alright., toe we will try to make the terms to twit you. We also sell Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, Stationery, small Musical inst- ruments, School Supplies, and etc. A good second hand organ for $25.(0 Now trouble to show goods. S. MARTIN & SON DENTAL Dlt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. ll. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Burgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury'a Main street -EXETER. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. H• D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'' Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's formed/ dental parlors. MEDICAL T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 IJ • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un rerelty. omoe and resldenence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. ILEWIS THOMAS ' Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public Works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterwork3 St ,tem wharves, Bridges arid ate -enforced Concrete, Phone 2.2_'0 London Ontario LagONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private funds for Interne -eat upon term or village rroperty at lowes awe Of interest. DICKSON & CARLING Exeter DICKSON & CARLING, &resters Solicitors Notaries, Conve aacere- Commisetonerr, solicitors for the molecule Bank, Eta. koaey to Loan ab lowest rated of intermits. orrICEI-PAIN STREET, EXETER. IL CARLING & A, L. if, DIC O$ riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private tnnda Dan on farm and village properties at lowrate interest. ()MADMAN & STANBURY Barristers Solioltors,9Main selExeter FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auotioneer for Counties of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to tarmml stook sales. Town and village pros perty sold by auction on moderate commissions. Orders may, be left at the Tim>,111- office or at residence, Elim vine. Charges moderate. ?he Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- anGe Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont, Pres. W. 11. PASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RUsSEI.I., ItussieeLDAI.E. P. 0. DIRECTORS. WM. Roy, BORNHOLM P. 0 Wet. Rime \ViNr1I1•:i-SEA P, 0 T. RYAN. DCBLtN P. 0 ROBERT NORIRIS, 8taffa. AGENTS. JOHN MISERY. Exeter, agent for Usborne and Iliddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS, 8ecv.Treas, Farquhar. (MADMAN & STANBURY. Solieltor• horse 5 year; old, 1 mare 3 year.; old, 1 good hackney mare colt ris• in; 2 years old, 1 good filly mare colt bred by Vlerkinwell, 1 draught marc Dolt 1 year old, 1. drivin; mare 5 years old, 5 •cool dairy cows supposed to calve in the 39rin;, 1 cow to calve in Noveinoer. l fat cow, 1 young 1:irrow cow, 6 ycnr• lin; heifers. :t steers coming 2 Year 0141. 8 spring calves. 1 Hereford null calf 0 rnontha old. 6 'rood store hogs, 1 brood slow tupposcd to be In p13, about 70 your; hens, 30 'good ducks and tome turkeys. Implements -Maxwell hinder, Mc - Corms owe ew, McCormick Mc- Cormick mower n rake, reran;drill ncnr1Y DC cr• in; cultivator nearly ec, !anti rol• ler, elexwell disc harrow,Coekuhutt w1plow, tfanning � mill, root nu1 ► M t pc i harvester. -et (cake 2000 lb.. one, wa;;on. pair Lob 'lei;lti set iron harrotw•s, wheel harrow•, ;;ravel box, hey rack, net Klin;s rope and pulleys complete new, t;rinditone, double carriage, sin;le bu,rjy, cutler nearly new, buz;y pole, set li;ht double banes+, 24 grain ba;.a, 16 cow elinins, 2 rnilch cans. 1 new Saskatchewan robe, 2 rupe 2 (rete of whiffletretw, crowbar, Jot'tin; chain, cook stove. hen tin; 'stove and pipes, 5 kitchen chairA. c(•oaecut eaw buck saw, 3 dozen ttealers, fork+ scythes. hoes+, shovels and other ar- ticles too numerous 10 mctttinn. Terms -On farm A1000,00 down on day of sale tilt balance can remain on mortzaz' witty interest at 5 per cent.: on stock and implement*, 83.00 and under cash over that amount 11 months' credit '.till be elven on fur - nil hitt; approved joint note+, or a , discount of 6 per rent. per (inform 4 off for carts in lieu of notes. Positively no reserve. if the firm j le not mold it will be rented. JOS. \VHiTE, THOMAS NAGLE Auctioneer. Proprietor. Sl00p IS 01 the COOOM00 NOM West HOMESTEAD Itl•:(ItILATIONB. ANt' ;ren numtrrrd section of Dominion lands lit ttauifol,a, .a,katrhem an and A{herta, excepting 8 and 211, not reserved, may he horne,teaded )y any person who is the sole head of a fancily, or any male over 1S)rt re of age, to the extent of one -quay ter section of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry must he rnadr in tenon by the appli.ant at a Dominion lands Agency or Sul. agent) for the distnrt B. whi, h the land is situate. Entry h) proxy may, however, l.e trade at an Aden• cy on certaineonulitions by the father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending home• *tender o d perform th The A me*tM et Is required to e T 151 11e homestead du•ies under one M the following plans: (1) At least six months' re■klenre'iron and culti- vation of the land in each year for three years. ,trform i homesteader o ar 1 e eo d art i t e (. Ati ) e minim' a hn duties 'vin on farming th rt u n re Irs by living K land owned solrlr h) him, not fess than eisht) (y') acres In extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this require. rnent. (3) it the father for mother, if the father Is de- ceased) of the homesteader has permanent residence on farming land owned solely Ly hien, not less than eight) (i0) acrts in extent. in the vkirdty of rho home st, or upon a homestead entered for by hint in the vudkin{t). such homesteader may pet form his awn rerldence duties by thing with ,the father or 4 The tern "%eine,- In the two preceeding reraaiA •ha 1s leaned a* meaning not more than nine miles In a diret line. etdual; e el rood al ow. anus (WAWA in the tneasurtment. t A homesteader Intending to itrfonn his resi- dence duties in acronlance with the atone while tieing with his parents or on farming Land owned b))• himself must notify the Agent of the district of such intention, Six months' notice In writing should t.eriven to tht Commiwioner of lrominlon lawta et Ottawa of intention to eptly for patent. w'. w•, Oep'it) of O.. Minister of the Interior i. n.-rnanthortr.A pnhlloation of this adrtrtist• ment will not he paid for Eases the I tO R m Atwi - l rJ� ut� r