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Exeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 16
i ++++++++++++++++++÷÷+•:÷:-.4. STE3WART'S WE A It E DOING a great trade in Millinery, There's a reason for it; Style, Quality, Val- ue all tell in our favor. Our styles are ex- clusive. The Hats we turn out have a style of their own. They haven't that ordinary runty -made look about them. They are matt and dressy and the values are correct. We will be delighted to have an opportunity of showing you through the new styles. Drop in often, new styles every few days. 3.913 A great skirt bargain, pule wool Black Panama cloth, tuck pleated, very full and dressy --a snap. 6.11110 for a lovely shaddow plaid skirt. Correct in style and very pretty for an odd skirt. 7.00 for a dandy Ameri- can Sable Neck Scarf, 75 Inches lung, trimmed with n:►rurztl heads and cluster t . is. f+9.60 for Ladies Tweed T,l, Jacket velvet collar and inillitary cuf'f's and pockets --Great. Value. 4+ *:t -I' 4 60.00 for Ladies rat lined Jacket choicest duality with No. 1 Am.Sable collar and reveres. 10 00 for Ladies tight fit- ting New Market Jacket. Latest New York styles, black, navy and Cobalt. brown. 12.00 for Gents long black Overcoat latest chamber- lain style veru dressy see this line. 76c each for rums wool el- astic ribbed underwear tor comfort and wear cant be beat. 1.00 each for mens sprit=g needle underwear guaran- teed absolutely unshrink- able-try a suit you'll like them. 12.00 for wens now fancy worsted suits fancy over checks best linings and tailored right down to date. 12.60 buys a lovely 105 piece semi-porce1 an Din- ner Set pure white body with dainty rose dltcorat- ions and gold traced known as 'Cantilly Roses' 7.25 for a very fine Aust- rian China Tea Set tine pure clear body with brid- al rose decorations and gold stippled known as the "Bridal Rose" Set. Bulbs for House Culture 7 for 25c. Hyacinths in pink, blue, red and white; either double or single. Narcises, Von Sion and paper whit('. Our clearing price 7 for 25c. Colne quick. J. A. STEWART .;. ,..;..;..:••r•: :- .1.+.;..;..1.+ ;•. ++-'e++++44+++++++++++++++++ :•++ •1--1--. +•3••i +•i••: -++++++++++++s '+++++++++++++++++ • Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons, !'old Meat Forks. Cake Forks Soup Spcfonr, Pie Knives. Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks. Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from 1 G1 -ARI) AGAINST ('OLi)S. Cold; had on to totlsititis, t itis to impairment of the lun__s and impairment of the lun;s to that ruait dreadful discatae DEADLY CONSUMI'.TION It; oast' to cure a cold, harder to cure 'tonsilitij and it takes a miracle to cure cpnsumption. (:et a bottle of ILowey's Chem Cordial and kt'ep it on hand. from ',Ake up it Will save expense. Only 25c. A. MARCHAND a portio' W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. NEW fall Suitings AND Chemist and Optician. Teachers Wanted. -TEACHER WANTED - Teache: wanted for Scnoal Section No. 2. Us - borne. Fir:: or ,ccond class c.rtifi- • ' cate Mile 'Poacher preferred. Sal- F�� 'On Plafe my five hundred dollars. Aplflj^a_ tions rcaeiv�td till Nov. l�lh. Appy to Wm. Monteith. Sec'y., 'Thames (toad, Ontario. Just firrlve0 Call and Make a Selection be- fore the rush. W. W. TAMAN . Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLiOT SERVANT WANTED. -Tit.' City !Hotel, London. re.luires quick kitchen. upstiir and dinin.3- roout girls to whore htzhest twagea Will be paid. Apply luick. A. 11. llrcnner. Listen! Long dreary nights are made short and cheerful if y t havea Phonograph and a few good t• lections. Step in and hear the kind volt like. If you have an old machine bring it alone. we will take it oi. a better one. We buy, sell and repair many. No Conveyancer Accounts Collected trouble to show goals. MONEY to loan at loses: lin t t tea. I Melo 8 t B Office, Street. Exeter can. Express Block, Main 8t., Exete , , North west Lands for sale. The u ri ty Market Report -The following to the report of Exeter markets. cor- rected up to October 3Ist., 1907. Wheat 95c. to 1$1.00. Oats 50c. to 5•Jc. Harley. 55c to 65c. Peas. 50 to e5 cents. Nran $24. Shorts. $26.00. Flour $3.00 per cwt. Feed Flour $1.50 to $1.53. Ito;s livewei,3ht $6.00 Ilo;s dr;•ssod $6.00 flay, $14 to ta15 per tan. Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. nutter 1_'3 cent; per pound. E _a. 22 c••n' per dozen. 1)ri:d tipples 7 cents :1 pound. Coal. tor.. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • LOCALS •••••••• .•o••••• S. Fitton, issuer of tuarriage li- censes, also complete line of wed- ding rings always on hand. - Thanks eiti►tz teeth y. -.lir. .1. G. Jolics was itt Lotttlon, Monday, on i►tltijlle-.t. -Mrs. I'rccion:, of ltamilton, i- visiting friend; in town. -Mrs. James Tons is i'nprovin :after her recent il1nr83. -TWO utonUhs more and 1907 will be a thin; of they least. -bliss Lin _ barn. of London, is the guest of Ali Cora Fowell. - :lir. J. G. Stnnuttry is 7-pendittz the 1►o1iday in fort Huron. -President ltcosevelt celeorated Itis 49tH birthday last Sunday. - tV. J. Statham and son are visiting Mr. Statham's parents a: Acton. -Tax Collector Wes. J. Bissett it 1 out this week delivering tax notice.i0 for 1907. • - lir. •tad Mrs. Richard Chin„ of Ilotter. Colerado, are rt.h.e ;guests of relatives in town. -Mr. H. B. Samuel, of Itidgetown, is the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J o_eph I3awden. -11is:a Laura Gregory left last week on a visit with her sister, Mrs. Miller, at \Voodatock. - Hallowe'en this Thursday night. but of course the boys do not need Lo he romindcd of that. -The frost was iso severe Wednes- day night of last week that the river was almost frozen over. -Mrs. John Anderson, of Ander- son. who was -the ;,ue st of Mrs. John White returned to her hone Tuesday. GIANT • TRIL'LETS "Currency" "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in big plugs. Quality always :the same. SPECIAL 110ARGAI11T8 Of Winter Goods liens Overcoats In plain cloth or dark tweeds. excellent (•loth, neat scatterer with . best linings. full length. ;ood titters. $15 0(1 Coat for $12 0(1; 12 IN1 l'wttttto for 10.00 $1 for $8.tN1. ;THE OLD RELIABLE liens Salts 100 tuen's tweed and serge Suits selling off at bargain pric lee $15.0I Suit for $12 !x); 12 tx) Suit for 9.95; 10.011 Suit for 5.75, 14.01 Suit fur $0.H' . 16c Treed for 50c 'extra heavy all wool tweed in Grey only; for boyo wear cant brat it Price 75c on sale at 50c yd. Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the best drakes. all sizes, all prices. Hosiery Hosiery of the best wakes made of best worsted yarn. fast color. Hosiery with natty seams, Hosiery that will wear; children's size 'Lic to 45c; wonien's size 50c. Ladles Underskirts \Vonten's black !sateen Underskirts made of fine silk finish Sateen lined with cardinal flannelette, a splendid skirt for a iutt•1 (•.._•. Price Art Shoed for Women, Prices 1$2 to $3.50. Sovereign Shoes for Men Prices $a.5() and $4 English Flannelettes 3(3 in. wide, in all colors, pretty stripes, extra heavy, guaranteed fast colors, quality worth 15c, our price 12}c yd. Mens Underwear Men's fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers in fancy stripes and plain colors. regular price 00c each. Our price 50c each. 8NE1.1I ez ROW - Miss Katie Collins ontertained a number of her young companions to a progressive luncheon last Fri- day evening. -11r. laugh Spaskinan last wc; k moved from William Street 10 An- drew Street. at few doors south of Victoria Strerst. -Mrs. (1)t•.) Malloy and Master Malloy, wIto were visitin; in Toronto for several week-, arrived home last Friday everting. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new b:3 plugs of "hobs." "Sorg." 1111(1 Currency cee►w. in; tobaccoes. -Mr. Richard Downie, has been ap- pointed caretaker of Cave•n Presiby• terian Church itt :the place of thi. late (L o. Brooks. -Rev. Fear's sermon on "Treos and Leaves," la.t Suti l;ty morning, way ,greatly enjoyed by the assembl- ed coni re ea t ion. - Tiro reg ular meeting of t1t Women's In•.tit(1.te Will be field in Senior's Hall on Friday Nov. 1st. Mrs. Amos. I're-itlent, Mrs. llastin;, Sec'y. -Mr. It. 5. Lail, was here Slturr day looking after him apple ship- ments. Mr. Lan; and family have moved from 'Toronto sed are noe living in St. Marys. - One of Ontario's le:+(lit►; Com- mercial Schools has. a change of ad. in t1•i issue. We refer to the Clip•" ton :.. tinea+ College on page 8. Thi pwpular institution Iris added snail courses. -Mr. 11. Palmer, of Hamilton, Was last week appointed to the. position as teller at the branch of the Mol - son's Bank here. Mr. Palmer com- menced his new dtiti•: i on Saturday ntornin,. 1)It. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR- geon, Will be at the Commercial Hotel. (lours 9.3(1 a. ni. to 4.30 p. in. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit Saturday November 211(1. -itHOD)E ISLAM) i(ED)S, aro ati ideal GENERAL I't.'111'OSE FOWL, being (ladle, .luick ;rowers. ,;rood size land layers. Tine eockurels at very reasonable prices to quick I.uy- Or9. Also :r fen- ictn:tles. Address Tim.:.s Office, Ex(JLer, Ont. -Master Cliff Mallen. a 110 :suf fered considerable pain for =ev.'t•o1 days on account of a piece of a needle twine embedded in the f I'sby part of his hand, had the inlure.1 member examined by Dr. Ilytulnrtn last Friday. A piece about an inch in length 1:t, {fulled out. - Justice Riddell, of Toronto. hon 1_ ed down 1►i+ judgment on Friday in Iit.e case of flex v+. Michigan Central Railway imposing a fine of $25.000 as a penrilty for their culpable ne;- lizence at E.s-ex throuzh a dyna- mite explosion W ltich cawed two deaths and many thou:en:I dollar; los {. - Anniversary Services in connec. lion wlth Coven Presbyterian church Wjll be held on Sunday Nov. 3rd. 1007 The Pervicei will be conduct .1 • t 11 a. m. and 7 1►. tn. by Rev.\\'. ►. Kiiox, 11. A.. Ht. Andrews church '(t r;t t hroy. A special of ferrin; at each service. A warm invitation is extended to fife public. ire o t 1e.usetel teres of swamp zrtQ.• i'► :+• • northwest coater of \1eGi'It • t w wi :•.(►lays last 1 : i•t • • i:':1. The fire els =rill front ' . • t anti the zlar • It'd to the b.li-t that a eijoui confl:izra• fieri Was ill ;''ozre:A. Tho Ira ++ in Ow Awarn') ;rows to :t height of t iso or three feet and made ready fue 1 for the fire. Quickly and without any Cole's The Experimental Stage is Over It Is an ACKNOWLEDGED Fact that e's Cure ▪ A -Cold S urely Cures disagreeable miserable Cold, after cold? Dru g effects. Gri Is These tablets ppe, Headache, Etc. wil not worth 15 cents to cure a 1 do it 15c a box. Once used always in favor. Store. "COLE'S BAKING POWDER" - Squire Loathorn, of London. was -Nov. 5t•h., Tuesday next, will be a visitor in town last Friday. . f Guy Fawkes Day. -\1r. John Grant. of London, vis- -Mr. Will Knight, a student at his sister, Mrs. Win. Davis, on Wed- (toll': Vcd- the Lot du 111 d' 1 tl c fca! COt �,e. is homy for the holiday. -The Missea Evelyn and Witt.- nifred Huston left \Vedne::day morn - in; for a visit itt London. Petrolea, Wyoming and Watford. -The Epworth League of the James street church have accepted an invitation to visit the Hensel' League next Monday evening. -\\'e are in receipt of a copy of -Miss Mary Murray. w Ito is al- the WalkervIllo Herald, 'of Oct. 18, tending model at Godoric't is spend- in which is {given a cut of the 'archi- itt; the holidays at her '.'me. tecl's plans for !the new building to -Miss Maud South ..lt and '.111,=a be occupied by 'the Waikerville Branch of the Homo Bank buildin;. of !which Mr. E. .V. Iforne, formerly of Exeter, is the Manager. The Herald in speak- itt; of Mr. !tome says:- "Mr. IIorne itt a firth .boliever in the poli- cy of being accommodating and be- lictves'that a _bank !should make firm friends in tate neighborhood iti which it is situated amongst 1..1>.e public in general as well ter Itis own clientele. -1L•. and Mrs. \\'m. Barrows Ifo has made it his business during were called to Nitestown on Monday the tsix 'mettle; -he has had charge of on account of the death of Mr. liar• the flank in Walke•rville to tcecoma rows so111, Mrs. Mare Putnam. thoroughly familiar with his terri- tory and has made many frien11 in Walkerville and Tecumseh and amongst the farmers of the district Ile has applied bL•t. ossa initiative 'to make the Ilotne 'Bank of Canada a permanent institution in our town with most remarkable lilleeess as the business Ilam jatereased very largely sine,' he utak charge. Although but t iventy-eight years or age Mr. Ilorne. has been mana,er of a number of intc're.'st.in, jottingsof new: gotten Ilranehcs of chartored hanks at im- up for the school paper. nesday. -Quarterly Official (Board of the Main Street Methodist Church meets next Sunday morning- -Mrs. Geo. ilatwden, ,of Owen Sound, is vit itis; her sister. Mrs. W. Davis at the North End. -The _Misses Gerti3 Shaere and Flossie Sweel are viaitin; ?Ir. and Mrs. Tho.;. Kernick, of Guelph. Edna )luri-id.,e, of L:.ttlon. are visit- ing Mrs. Soutthcott, Huron Street. - :lir. James Ncii, w110 acted as twine clerk at the Cotnniercial Motel for some time, left Monday for Aril i:► Craig. -Mrs. Tomlinson and tittle ...oft o: London, are the ;;uesti of the for mer's father, Mr. Fraytte Jame Street. -At the regular fortnightly nicet- iu'; of the Goder°ch Collegiate In- stitute Literary socictthe Misses \Vinnifred and Martha Carling. of Exetor. took an active part in the program. Miss \Vinnifre•d Carlin; ve :1 rfeautiful ins lruntontal nolo, which was very much apprecieLed, %•!tile 1lias Martha Carting, wh'' oc- cupies (hn cic'veted po-,it ion a + Edi- tor of 0. M. S. Journal, read several -Owing to the upward tendency of prices the Exeter hotelman have de- cided to arrange a new tariff of prices. The holeelkeepars point out portant points, and had a varied experience in Linking tihrouzltout the Province of Ontario for eleven years and gained romarkable popu• laxity wherever he Juts 1x0•;0, and has secured a fir=st-class Inninetis for that the price of accomtnod::tion and the Banks with whiah he lei been feed has not been increased during . associated." the, past few years in t he .,table=, --- *-- whereas hay and °tiller feed has 1 UEAT11 O1' MRS. ALEXANDER as follows: One `team, hay and 0.11.4, -Atter suffering tor ( «r:•k greatly increased. The new tariff is 50c ; one learn. hay, 2.74C ; one horse DOW. - from pneumonia. Mrs. Alex. Dow. hay and oats, 25c: one horse, hay 15c; standing room, team 10c: etand• passed l0 her last reward 1:1:4 Sun- day morning at four o'clock. She 1113 room, horsy. Iic' contracted (t severe cold, which CHEST PROTECTORS AND C11ANI -11 any person ordcre .his 1111):'r developed into pneumonia, and al - bad 0114 SKIN GARMENTS discontinued he must pay all arrear' Poen 2-11 the jun ;s were clear:d up, is in tJi^ 'vin ter :111(1 not S►rn yc u ages. or the publi=h(r tnAy aonlittua the heart was left. in such n weak wt'k the shady side of the street i!' to rend it until payment is nadcti• ectt�ii1ion that death was inevitable. t Any person who .takes a paper from 1)urin t Ler illness she did not cont- midsummer. \\�( have �a big .ot of the lostoffice whether direct.(1 10 ►1•tilt (►f any .severe thin, but ts.x,k(' itheyo(diem and ;rive you due notice that his name or aft:►that or lhrtlr.r Ito ,,,,.4,1.„1l t L)1(y re cheaper than doctor hills. has subscribed or mit, is responsible :arts about 1)0311.( '•t:rtk. Th^v're made of beth felt and chant- for the pay. This proceeds upon the .!round that a matt -must pay for what he uses. The courts 'have de• tided that refusitt; to takt' new,i' papers and periodical+ tr.-on V he post. - office. ream:wing and lea vin; stem uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of inte'nli. nal fraud. Fall is here and winter will soon be upon us. We beg announce that we haus put in a full line of Stantields Uashriakable UNDERWEAR both in gentlemen and ladies. The Ladies Vests are the best we have lever shown they are made to snap€ having no seams at $ 1.tO each, very fine. Furs and Cloth Coats We are carrying a choice line of Furs this season, both ladies and gents. We will sell ladies Cloth Coats -by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call before making your purchase as we can save you from $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry them: in stock. When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have first class milliner in connection with the store in the person of Miss Morlock. CARLINC BROS. DEATH OF GEORGE BROOKS. THE -Mr. Geo. Brooks, one of Extitor'.; oldest residents, after a wetk's ill- ness suffering from pneumonia,..suc- cumbed to the areal disca o on Wed- nesday afternoon. Oct. !23rd. at the a ;c of 65 years 9 nioti•tiles and 19 days. Mr. Brooks was !born in Great Marwood, Buckin4ha.mpshire. and came 1•o Canada 'and settlol in Exe- ter in 1873. For ovor twenty years he worked for 'the G. 1'. R. as sec- tion pian. .111(1 When 11e found 1►js strength was not equal to th© theavy work 011 Che railroad, took up bak- ing a11d worked up a lucrative busi- ness, first ;starting 'out with a bee- ket. The deceased Wee a ,member of Cavell tPresbyheriatt ;Clhurch, s.f which he Was caretaker for .t aunt of years. In politics '.he was a Con- servative and was a m,enioe.r •of t114 - Chosen Friend, and I. O. O. F., the latter order taking change of the funeral. Ile was of an uprixltt char- acter. honest in all dnalin;s, never taking the advantatge of anyone, a kind and loving 'father and tt devot- ed husoattd. The fancily consists of nesidei 'his widow, 'three :iaughteri, Mrs. George Vivian, Mitchell, Emily at home and Mrs. Alex. Gould, of Ilensall. The rtemttins !were it/Leanedin tern ho Exeter come.t' ry Friday af- (e r noon. h1(:I:M FORECASTS A regular storm period which ii central on October 31st will have its culminating stage= on and touch- ing the 2nd and 3rd of November. storm di:t,ratn yltows that a \1e: - cury period up to the. 4th. The. Mer- cury influence will dominate weatler condi-Lions up to -thou! the 8th. .o that disturbed c' udy and (!iota;ree- able weatther wi'1 ibe natural :vel after the close of the r_'i;ular Vul- can period. G,,nerai autumnal train storm; with touches of li;htnin; and thunder to the. !southward, will cen- ter on tha slid, po.t-ibly touchitt; the 2nd and 4tilt in their forzn>ation ani progre s !from '.what to cast. The barometer will most (likely remain iew and the tamper;tture high as we pass into '!113 next storm period. A LIFE PRESERVE like o "friend in when you re•1uit0 w:• at r Recd" is it. The It wanted time t:: -Last friday While Danny llart- ieih was a-sistillz in tearinz some Ahelvinz Out of 8. Martin's store, he accidentally stopped en the sharp point of a palter file lying On the floor. The point of the instrument penetrated t)t' side of his :shoo went through eortsi(lerablo flesh of hie loot and out t hrouzh the ahoy a;ain. Danny pulled out the piece of sloe), went to a doctor and had the wound attended t•:•. and we•ttt bac!•• t.o work again. Thr al►elvinz was taken to Daih'cod and will be pine (1 itt the new s1or' beim .'reef • ed 1..►• .Toads ilartleih. -'Chep Annual Thank •of feria z. of Ca v• n Church \lis.,it'm Band wi i held 011 WedneSJay 23rd ir►+t. There Wa. (11111(' t large nttcnd:snct' of the belie. of the cots _r re _ration and members of the \li=+ion 11111(1. \1r+. Gould, wife of 11,1' Rev. W. Gould. of 1;ormtosa. Who 14 110111e nn furlough, addressed the ►ne,'tin; in :1n inter - estinz and attractive manner. The offerin; amounted to $511.30 a nd of this amount $271.0(1 twa4 contributed by the Ladies' Aid Society of Cay.,n church le constitute Mrs. .(114,v..1 '►l.trlin :t life number cif W. F. M. S. Refreshment., were eerved at t be rnc0 tin;. Sovcr6io Daok of 6lliId Notice is hereby given tit ft a divid- end at the rate of 6 per cent. tO'_) pee annum on the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the period of four (1) months ending Nov, 3Utb, 1907, and that the same will be pay- able at the Head Office and at Bran- ches on and after Monday, the ltitb day of December next. The transfer books will be closed front the 1st to the 14th day of Decem- ber, both days inclusive . BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, F. G. JEMMETT General Manager. Montreal, October 22nd, 19C7. A Good Supply of Bran Shorts Feed Flour at reasonable prices Also a good supply of the noted Star Flour "Star Brand" Give us a Call HARVEY BROS. EXETER. - ONTARIO. •••••••••••••••••♦•••••••. t ENTERANY DAY • Commet tial Correspondence among our students at Wing- • haat, Clinton, Walkerton, Or- • angeyille and (loderich. We • have incorporated the counsele • • of our TWELVE BROADLY • ECUCATED, WIDELY EX- PEitI I LACED TEACHERS. Gregg Shorthand taught h)• :t T Graduate of the Author, John H. Gregg, Individual instruction. We invite comparison and close investigation. OUR MAll, COURSES TEACiI * YOI' IN YOUR OWN HOME. Write for particulars. GL I NTON \lrs. OW : maiden name was A111t1o;a,.kjtts and you can t ik' roar 1 • McIntyre and was born in Fullerton. ehr ce. I • BUSINESS GOLiEGE Thirty-one years n;o t:lie W:sa mar- tird to her now sorr,atwin; huihand W S z.i Phm B II UANIEI.. E. EBV, Vice Prin. and for :stout ten years lived in tits . . y • • Oso. SPOTTON, Principal. • township of Hihl►:•rt. CO011; . to Exe Chemist and O ftician ter twenty years azo. Daring her EXETER, _ i tt�tT.tRrn_ ••••••••••N•••••••••••••♦ residence in Ex -Ir t1v late Met. Dow w:sy an active nteniber in the Presbyterian church, taking a lend- itt, pari in 111 matte: -9 pertaining to church affairs. Ile=i,let .1,Ir :or- rowinz husbtnd Ate I,• survived by one Kon and four daughters, Gilbert Ethel, Jessie, Edna and Anna. iter d.u;hter Miss Ethel tua;c been in 11re. !Mon •tut it►. the east 110 wears anti arrive et home Saturday after - 1100t1. -1'1:.• fune'r:+l Was .held from her late resident • Tuei(Iay afternoon it►t017,1(nt beim in the Exeter Cern - terse The service: it. t h' Para: con- ducted by Rey. \'.-. M. Martin, Were very impressive. The Choir of Cavan Preshyteri fn Church furnj'hed the music. Ti;e Exeter Ledze of Chew!, Friends. c 1 which the decea'ed wa = a ntcniher attrnded t he funeral in a bens and held the service nt th 7r'1'.9, DON'T MONKEY WITH TIIA'1' COUGH use IIOWEY'S SYRUP ‘VIi1TE PiNE & TAR Sold only at ilowey's i)rug Store. Big Pottle for 2c. APPLES WANTED We are paying for apples delivered fat the Evaporator on Station street, prices rang. ing from 35c to 50c according to the apples; All apples to be of peeling size. THE GIBB CO. Evaporator on StAtion Street, Exeter. J. G. EARL, Manager.