HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 13'1' H E EX E T E R TI M ES, OCTOBER 31st 1:+07 • Crediton ++++++4-H4++++++++++++++++ +++:++++++++++++++++++++++ Why are People Turning their Attention I D R. I', J. 31oCl E. MEMBER U\- to This Store? BECAUSE We are paying the highest price for Produce; Butter 24e; Eggs 24e; Dried Apples 7c. BECAUSE We have a fine assortment of Groceries. Confectionery Spices, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Dry Goods kept in a neat and attractive style. BECAUSE We buy for cash and are able to give the closest prices on all lines. Our new Rubbers for fall and winter are in stock; also new Underwear B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar .++++++++++++i•+++++++t+++•L• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Heating Stores and Ranges The Pandora, Peninsular, Happy Home and Kitchen Always lead the market and always will. They are in a class by themselves and have no equal. This is the verdict of all who use them. They will leo the most heating and cooking on less fuel than all stoves in the market. Earetroughing and Tinsmithing Promptly attended to. W. MOORE - KIRKTON. Raincoats Our Mail 0. -der System Will Save You Money You can buy a raincoat by mail from us just as satis- factorily as by a personal visit. A,nd think of the greater value this house giveS you in return for your money. We buy the materials direct from the weavers, painstakingly make the coats in our own factory, and sell them direct to you thro•.Igh our own stores. We are in the posi- tion to give you best value in Canada -and we dot While very dressy, our coats are, first of all, water dere. We guarantee them proof. Best serge linings are Coats are hand tailored. rain- shed- rain - used. We guarantee a pePf(d fit, complete tali jzdioa, or money refunded. We will gladly mail samples of materials if you will send us your address. 48 to 52 inch lengths. $6.95, $8.50 $10, $12, $15, up to $25. EXPRESS PREPAID a • Operating 2 Factories and J. M. IL[ li:Y, Manager 10���u11 a 7 .:.. eq in Canada I-oad,n. Octavio -Varnaa Do friday last the residence of Mr. A11.11 CW Duncan •wvas dc.•itroye l I)) fire. During bhe .day the thresh- ers had oeen at work and it is aup- stwed a spark from the engem start • cit t he blaze. ttesom •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • Now is the time t . enroll your name a, a subscriber • t)THE Ti\fF:s. $1.00 pays = • for it to Jan. 1st, 19 .)9 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• TAR10 COLLEGE 1'111 1:311111 - Les and taut gextur, oucceesor to Dr.! E. A. Haut. Crediton. ant. Rev. .1. Kenner. of Mitch' ll. twill )leach I{duc.ttional sermons COI Sun- , 11.1)' next in the eljthedist church. ( A liberal eollecition is asked for. Bev. !dr. and Mrs. .Andrews left this week for a visit with Mr. Au - Andrews pareute in lo[milltat. it Mrs. 11. ltapltley. t ltitill 4 herpal-CHI-3 Ml'. and Mrd. \t tit. Lewis for a few w'eeka. Youu; Bron. have just put in a furnace in the; new house of Watt. Morlock and in the Ebenezer churel: church. :11r. and Mrs. (ails, Zwicktu spc n t Sunday at Parkhill, the tgueste of Mrs. %wicker's: parents. A number of our young people were in Loudon 'fete:iday evening and louts in the •play "Away Down East." They report u ,good time. Sett le. W. Clarks advt. in tide is- rttw :old visit hitt store and ins,x•c•t hie :stock. You will be convinced :bet his :horn tie the place to buy your harness, talc. elle Ira Brown who went \Vest tou►o three MOO tIIS ago returned home on Dbonday es -ening lookanj well and loud in his praiee3 of the West. Ira's) many friends ww'erre pleased to ret.'e him. Mr. Bender and Mise. Detre. Eilbar of Zurich. spent a few days of last week the .guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. \Ventzel. Mrs. Thos. Marshall. for a few days. Sir. August Hill Intent a few day's last week in Exeter. JIiSI Kalil: hill. of Detroit, is t11:,3 wreck visiting her brother M.r. Aug- ust Hill. A large number Snout here attend- ed bite owl Supper in connection wibh the re•opaniai; of the Ebenezer appointment on 1Lolt.day evenin_.; of this week. The F.pw_erth Let Ito and church fair and ooncer1 Medd in the Forest. erg and on Friday evonitt,; last was a SlleCe- 3 in eve!ry way. The pro- ceeds amounted to e"'•:35.00 and die concert was bllorou;hly enjoyed by all. Mr. Ilecb. Eitber accompanuell by Miss Garvin and Miss Beaver spent Sunday the ;guests of Dr. and Mrs. 1 Orme, Centralia. , no was o nerviee in the DLethp'- dist Church on Sunday last owing to Ithe re -opening services held itt the Ebenezer church. Messrs. ii. Either. P. Shink and S. Sweitzer left phis week for Trout Creek, 1'arry Sound District on a hunting trip. They intend ,building a shanty this season. To check a cold quickly, :Set from your druggist some little Candy Cole Tablets called I'reventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispettsirt; Pref• ventics for they aro not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. l'rnventics contain no ,quinine, no laxative, nothin-g harsh nor sicken- ing. Taken at the "sneeze stags" l'reventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence the name. I'retentics. Good for feverish children. 48 I'rcventics in cents. Trial bones 5c. Sold by W. S. Howey. Dashwood Mr. Geo. Ediellof(er has the foun- dation for his .building oniiipleted and on Monday moves the building he recently purchased, nttd when put in place will let vc it veneered with t'd brick. This will „really ads to i':c appearance of our village. Mr. Jonas 1f1arttell) Jest week •,urch:tsed the sbelt•iltg ut 8. Mtrtin t SatI's .store Exeter and moved it to the new nuildine which Ise erect- ing here. Jlr. Jacob liellertnann is rcplacitte the front of his ,store which was badly damna;e:1 by •the recent fire, by a new plate ,e Iasi, :hut making ,t decide:I improvement in .his ouildittg. 11t•. Joseel1 Eidl, who ha, been suf. feting from hie injuries he r4ustaitt- cd through a fa11 while in Parkhill some weeks. a,go, is now, Iwo are pleased to .say, slowly improving. The committee which .went to Stratford for the .purpose of eeleci- hie a design for the new Lutheran church, .bas returned heane. The style of the church 11111 been decided 011 :and building operations will coin - titmice next spring. When finished the structure still Ito one of the tucett iolpo-iu1 edifices in Chits sec- tic•It. Death en Sunday last removed frt,nt cur trtidsl ono of our oldest teeldef(4 in the trereon of Mrs. Chas. Willer(, sr. aged 80 years, .old age threes the direct cause of her tip:td,h. The decseset•d was .hold in the high• coasegewes were averted at Kingston by Zarn-t3uk. Blood Poison thronyyb stocking dye has on.more than one oowslon proved serious, and such might have been the case with Mr. Thos. Foster, of Kingston. had it not been for Zain-Buk. Mr. Foster, formerly an officer in the Hoare Artillery stationed et Kingston, says:- •' Last tall I had a. nasty sore on my foot caused by the irritation4from a projecting eyelet in my shoe. Before I was aware of it the colored sock I wore had poisoned the flesh and I angered ntuait in consequence. I tried a good scant salves and ointments yet there was no tnx,royetuenb un 11 1 began with Zam-Bek. This ointment drew out all tho inflammation and poisonous matter and healed the sore In several days atter applying. You awn publish this state- ment if you wish fer the merits of Zam•Buk cannot be to widely knows." All akin dIsease• qukkly ylead to Ltn Ruk. Sold by an atom and neitrut• r,a •re. as Ser. a Gia. w swat free Orem Zama Bilk t'o., Turuato. 3 boaea1.1.23. AM -BU est e.eteeau by a larze circle .of ac- rluainrrtnces tubo will greatly twit her. Besides a husband. .she leaves a J:urge family 1)f ohildren. The funeral was held teat w'edneaday in- terment being itt the Lutheran cem- etery. Owin; to the rush of bu.eineae the mill finds it necessary to run 18 hours a day to keep up with orders. 31r. Charles Eidt went to Chatham (hie week on business. Mr. Jacob lelclnrm:rtui is this week moving into leis new house. Mr. .iacob Kellermann, ono of the directors of the (lay Fire Iuaulttnce company attended the .mce,tin; of the company in Zurich last Saturday. 31r. Alex Zimmer its installing a new teasolin, engine in his black:- sulith :;hop. eh-. Alex. Ilavelle, of %lea Bend, was a caller itt town 1e., -t Monday. Mr. 1V.ul. Hokum. wine clerk at the hotel, left Friday for Alvinston, where he will visit •hf, parents a couple of weeks. Mr. It. \V. Disney, of Exeter, Inas almost completed the job of paint- ing Mr. J. K. Keller/mantes house. The work is very wolf done and re- flects much credit on Mr. Dinney's work. Farquhar Mr. 1Vut. Dinuey of 'the ffrtn o{ Bell & Disney. took their traction engine to Seaforth on Monday for repairs. Everybody is busy taking up tur- nips these fine days. The Annual meeting of the Thames ]told \V. M. S. was held at elle manse c,n friday l+et when the offi- cers for the ensuing year were elect- ed. Miss A;ur, of London, 14 visititl;; her sitter Mr:s. (Rev.) Fletcher. The apple packers are busy pack- ing •the balance of the seasons apple crop. Mr. & Mrs. \Vtn. Beavers and 31as ter Lloyd spent a few days last here. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. rho Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signatiro of Russeildale. D. Dew visited Itis sou I)r. Doo in Dalt:+n last week. Mis;• Hattie ll:arrift, 51ias F.t.ltel and 31r. Bert Huston all of Mitohell were the..uo,at1 ;i Jiias Viva C110.3311 - sat Sunday laic.. Mise Letlie Elliott deft for Clinton to lake oda rte of a droesnlakin'R strop. Miss ida Gourley, of \Vindeor, is 'rift ltt.t friends in •tlapt Vicinity. Whalen Neighbors and friend.{ numbering 100 met' at the home of 31r. and Mrs. Chas. peeper. of the Town Line lest Friday evening, the occasion be• nee :t farewell to Nit-. and 31re. Hooper. tvho here hold their farm and a moving to Exeter to Ootid' nuritt the ewenirte 31r. Hooper was presented by a Morris chair anti Mrs. Hooper \wibh a china Lea •et. Af- ter an elaborate luncheon 54rve(1 be Indies pre Ont. adrlreeees Iexprieseivc of regret ut thear Leavitt; were given by Jles,rs. Frank "-Marley, J. Parke ensue, J. 11. Mill..oat and others. rll- follotwiu; eddies. ea. read by nes. 111. J. Fair- ; Mr. end Mrs. Hooper, 1 hear Brother and Sister: - We, your uei.ltbors attl fti ads i take that oppurtutti.y of expressing ' Our t'iucere regret et your intend- : ed routuval from emote; us. Duriu; the years while we have thus ghee associated, we have learned to es- t teem you very highly for the pos- seseion, if those qualities which are essential to all good neighborhood and true friendship. your industry : your cordiality, your devotion to principle, the spirit of cli,-rt fano -s which have b, it au uniforutly cltislic of l our in. teroouaraclerrsr. bol c+sptal'ci:lyly tha deep interest. which you kava alw.tys taken in the cause and King -- dean of God have secured for you a sure place in our e,ltimalion. The church in all its interests, particu• larly the S. S. and missionary inter- ests have been the objects of your deep interest and hearty eo-opeeet- Hon. We bear in roco;nition the fact that the place you have been given to occupy will not be easy to fill. \Ve feel that the same ivali- tics which have endeared you to us will secure for you a place of hearty appreciation in the estimation of those with whottt you may associate in the future. \\'e are pleased to know that your houto shall not o0 very far removed and hope to have you frequently itt our midst. \Ve ask you to accept this chair :,td tea set. as a small token of our sincere regard, prayin; that the continued olessen; of God may he yours richly 'to enjoy. Signed in behalf, ALBERT .CUNNING :Ind FRANK GUNNING. When the stomach, heart or kid- ney nerves get wreak. thc,tt those or- gans always fail. 1)wt't drug the Stomach nor stimulate •the heart or kidneys. That 1-s aitttply a make- shift. Get a preeoriptiott known to drug;istts everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative i3 pre, pared expressly for 't11o30 weak in- side nerves. Strengthen the.tn nerves build thorn up with Dr. Shcop's Res' lorativc--itablets or liquid -and See how quickly help will come. Free sample 1(0311 sent cut request by Dr. Shoop, Itncine, Wis. Your health i, surely worth this test. W. S. Howey Dru;gist. - ---,D.-_ Shipka Add Shipka. 31r. Samuel Sw•eitzer left for Mus- koka last Monday on his annual deer hunt. Mr. Ge.or:3e Sutton, of London, for- merly of this village. is vie tiete friends here. Grand Bend It begins to look more Tike winter every day. Farmers in this vicinity are bus- -sly engaged at present ntorineg away their root crops which itt some cases are very .std while in others are not so prunli•ri,n;. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver love returned froreQ Michigan, where l' y have been for couple of weeks • itin; relatives. Some people in this town complain about work done, as they think by their opposition, when it was really done by themselves. but you can ex• poet nothing better front them they are more to be pitied than laughed at. W. 11. Oliver. contractor on Mr. llavellc's new cetnent nlock, house will (40011 have it completed. Any person in need of cement blocks should •,ire him a call. !laving pug- chased a new block machine he can now furnish any •<ize block block re- Guard Your Eyesight. It is priceless and should not be neglected. If your eyes trouble you, e011111 to London mind see what Modern Optical Science can do bt+.ards correcting your defects. Wo have the most complete optical laboratory in Canndn, end our specialists ere ably t•., cops with the most complicated cases of the errors of refraction. All glasses ere made on the premises to Suit each particular case. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Dundas St., London, Ont. GREATEST OF TONT • A certain THE PROOF. Trait following Is a sampbe of thousands Of testimonies to the wonderful merlts of PSYCHINE In the most dlMeult cases. Doe - tors are proscribing PSYCHINE In their practice with the most Satisfactory results. "Several years ago any wife w•a• 50 seri- ously ill of lung trou- ble as for months to w unable to walk, at Which time a noted physician told me :rat the nest dress lost 1 would buy for Star 'meld be a shroud. She used PSVCIIINB and is ti•w reasonably well. &ay. C. E. 13t•RRau, "Baptist Minister, forest, Ont.' Those who use it get well. cure for all run down conditions and wasting diseases. Highly recommended for Insomnia. For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE. For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE. For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE. For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and Pleurisy take PSYCHINE. USED PSYCHINE 20 YEARS Atlb. "Years ago I was almost a physical wreck, and was suflering with Tung trouble. Friends and neighbors thought 1 would never feet better. 1 began to despair myselLtb Losing faith in my physician, I procured ante her ono who recommended the use of PSYCHINE. It was surprising beyond description the effect it had. i scented to gas•- a tth every dose. Inside of two weeks 1 was able to attend to my housework again. There are no symptoms of consumption about me now. "MRS. HENDERSON, St. John, N.B." For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINE. For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE. For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE. To Feel Young and Keep young take PSYCHINE. An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles. A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet For sal* at *11 druggists, SOs. and 01.00 or Or. T. A. Wooten*, LInnitl•d, i • King N. W., Torso's Resolved That most of the pleasure of going an‘, }fere is in being dressed for the occasion, N het her It is skating or on a visit, to church or work. People DO notice what you have on; besides one feels 11101 0 comfort- able and confident in the right clothes. ih---- -- -- -- - itis Examine our attractive line of goods for Fall and Vin• ter; and for a Natty, Stylish, Up to -Date Suit place your order with. J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Crediton's Harn ess Shop Harness and Rubber Goods This is the season of the year when the roads will be muddy, and there IA ill he lots of rain, snow and sleet, according to Hicks' forecasts. It would be w ell to get that new set of Harness now or get tits old one 1 epaired, nothing like being on the safe side. A good Rubber (tug is also a net essity. Remember we have the best Rubber and 131ti: h Rugs to be found anywhere. B lankets, Collars, Combs, Brushes, Halters &c All at reasonable prices. .Your Inspection Invited. We Aim to Please. F, W. CLARK, , Credito • ammaallialea :luircd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• on \Vtn. Fritz the 1 sick list. • A party of five hunters are a1 • present camping down the river, shooting. They intend staying .three • weeks. 1 • is I urd • intends hast a liar t n s y ) tt t \ e i sale on \ .,dnesday Oct. 30th. ll intends t;oitt; \Vest. J. \\'. Bolt and J. Baird are mak • in; bloc • ks for \V. B. Oliver and will be kept busy until eutow flies. ! • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Boseenborry, l of Hrucefield. visited their homes People who Ley diamonds at Grand Bend and Bauble LineI = want stones that will bear recently. They aro lookin; fine as • ; are also their children especially the •• the closest set oliny -gems twins who can't he beat in HuronCounty. which are free front flaws Mr. 8. Green, has erected a fine • block stable 22X32, which improves his place a great ,deal.' Now for for that verandah Sy. is at present Zurich Mrs. Fred \Vitw-er, ie in Exeter, where she wont to undergo an op- eration. She is progressing favour- ably. Mrs. Wm. Meldrew, who for some weeks ltaee toren at Clinton Hospital died there on Monday, the interment taking place to Exeter cemetery on Wednesday. The deceased was a daughter of the late Alexander 31c - Allister, of the Par Line, and at otic time was a teacher in the Public school here. Iler first •huaoand was the late I.tobt. Buswell, who for sorra years oonducted a euccetaful store and tinware business in towtt, and who predeceased her nearly 10 years ago. Mrs. Meldreww wa3 a general laud froltl Whose surface every ray of I ght is reflect- tIRJh Glass DIAMONDS ed as from a di ep of water. • We carry all sizes of dirt - monde from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and all cf the purest quality C. H. WARD & CO 1371 Richmond I. LONDON 001 I ••••••••N•••••••••••• favourite where :the w•:ti known. aad • her death will be s,oncerely mourned by a large circle of friends and vel- alives. Trial Catarnh treatments are be - in; mailed out free, on re;nest by Dr. Shoop, Itacitte, \Vis. These testi are proving to the people - without a penny's cost- the .great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere ns Dr. Sho+op's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by W. S. horsey. Sexsmith. Mrs. W. \(core, of \Vin3ltain, is sucndinz a few Clay -t vi.iitinic friends in this vicinity after attendizlfg the soar riaee of her niece, Misi Nellie Gould. Mr. \V. 11. Johnston preached beets crit Sunday last in the interests of the Missionary cause. A tickling cou;h front any cause, is euickly slapped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. 1t is so harmless and safe. that Dr. Shoop tells utother31 everywhere to ;give it without hear( tation even to very young babes. The wholmomc zrecn Paves an tet► -1 der eietni of a lune hcaline moue -1 (sennas ieluub Cul ni •h the curative {( properties to 1)r. SItr.,;,'s Cough Cure It it calms `'c , t i ce''tit enol is 1 i mems-• LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAI brines. No opium, no chloroform. In sear tease t. ,e at home. or trothia; harsh wed to injure tr Seta Take a Personal Course at Schon press. Simply a resinous plant. ex• t Orel, I hat helps to bent schen; I To enable ail to learn we teach o tants. T,he Span[lyds call (this cash or instalment plan. We also teach. shrui, which Ole Doctor u•es. "The ! personal class at school once a month. Sacred herb." Demand Dr. tihoop's I Class commencing last Tuesday of each Take no other. Sold by W. 8. (low-, month. These lessons teaches how to cut, e.y. I fit and put together any garment from the i plainest shirt waist suit, to the most clatror SAVE THIS ANYWAY. (arctic .. "I'hewholcfamily can learn from here is a simple homemade mix- 1 one courwc. We have taught over seven :tire as given ny an eminent nut bolo thousand dress -making, and guarantee to 1hority on kidney diseases, w•1►oi give five hundred dollars to any one that cakes the statement in a New York, cannot learn between the age of ►3 and ,gaily newspaper, :that it will relieve' 40. You cannot leant dress-mal.ing 'as 1111001 any mace of Kidney trouble thorough as this course :caches if Jou i' taken before lite stagn of Ilse;ht'=t w•o,k in 51)01)5 for years. Pcwtrc of imila- t iseas,•: He et.:ttes that such symp- tions a5 we employ no one outside the I -.ons as lama back, train In the side school. This is the only experienced Dress frequent dcejrc to urinate, ,:+peeia1-' Cutting School in Canada and excelled by Iy at night ; getinful and discolored none in any other country, 1Vrite at once uritttlion, are ;readily overcom:. for particulars,aswehavecutour'rateoac- llcre is the rrcw,ipt : try it. third for a short time. Address:- Fluid Extract 1)lndeliorL ane•h►!f SANDERS' DRCSS•CUTTIMO SCHOOL, nuncc: CompoundKartrn►, one ounce 31 ErieSt..Stratford,Ont.,Canada. l'cnnpouttd Syrup Sarsaparilla, t(hrre --- -� (emcee. Take a Iteit'pconful after --_ -- each meal atuI at bed -time. MED A well-known druziist 'here in - ;own is authority 'that the' in;red• lilt0t)KS-In Exeter, on Ootoiaer i.•11133 ale all It trmle.s turd easily I 23rd.t)ror;s Brooks, aged 83 yearn - mixed et home 1,v shaken; well in! 9 menthe and 19 drys. a bottle. This mtixture has n pe- DOW -ln Exeter. •.n Sunday, Octo. cutiar Ivo lin e and writhing effect, be 27th, 1111,7. Annie McIntyre upon t•hr entire Kidney and Urinary' beloved wite of : It. Alexand•wr Dow St rut lure, and of ton overcomes the( a;ed al ye•lre. 1 month; and 17 worst forms of Rheumatism by fore•, (1:•vs. in; hie kidney, to filter and strtin AI'f'i.ETON -Ai 1:hivn ern fluty!ty, from the blond and system all uric De.t. 27th., NI, -. ylohn Appleton. acid anal foul. deo-imposed waste run t• ezed :11 ye.lts. ter. which r11110 thea' afflictions. \1 11,1.1.-.11T-1111):+hww-ott,on ttiund:t - try it if )•lu aren't well. Save the Oct. 27th Mrs. Chlta, Willert, ar preserillliott. a;ed 80 sears. I: DOES THIS INTEREST YOU, • A prominent physiclagffam0 his eucoeM in the trsetlmeibb oy and bladder di ghat deal of his eaccees e ing simple vegetable p pll - ne ounce Fluid Ratted Dasa Mai One ounce Compound Balaton, i Four ounces Compound dyrof Sarsaparilla; Dliz, shake well, and take in teal spoonful doses after each meal sed again at bedtime. Your druggist ran supply the ingre• dients, and the mixture can bo pre- pared at home at very little expense. This, the doctor says, Acte directly on the kidneys, assisting them to 81 - ter tho poisors from the bh „rl and expel same in the urine, at tee same timo restoring the kidneys to iu•althy, normal action. We feel that it great many readers will he pleased 1•, learn of this simple presription, and knowing the ability of the ,thvaieian n hose formula it is, wo do not hesitate to recommend it to any sufferer.