HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 12THE EXETER T1MES, OCTOBER 31st 1907.
DON'T 6OU6ti
Compound Syrup of
White Pine with Tar
Bronchial Trouble
Drug Store
, Smoke Doctors Prescription
Best 5c. cigar in town
The Exeter Times
Exeter. Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
'ear in advance. $1.50 nay be
Itareed if not so paid. To Unite;
hates subscribers, 51.50 btrictly in
chance. No. paper di3continueJ
rate all arrears are paid, unless at
;he option of the publisher. The
Late to which every subscription is
:aid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
it i, to be ,,ubmitted to the Le3iala•
tuts at. tl..• cumin; ecision.-Goler-
iah H:'
'the reel tot of el r. Whitney %ill
enures tc.hcu lie attempts to redis-
(ribute tihsalsiprince. So liar nu
gfrcmier either of the Dominion or
the province has Ocean both stroll;
euvu;tt to redistribute wittesut erer,
ryntandcrises. '1'Lis is the Wurdlo
tt herr they all tutuble. They can-
not butt over •this obstacle in the
(rhtheety. 1t fetches them; tt ie ao
easy to be unfair, ah.{ it is so hard
to be fair-lhet the rutin; party
always Cuda up with abuts( every.
thin; filed to sun it.
1t is one of the ante tt:tys e, --f in-
flucncin; public opinion and secur-
ing the pertniuenee of an adminis-
tration that does net want to pail
atuuy. The plata wit( le followed as
long as voters hold petrified opinion)
int politic-, and can be moved back
and forth like cbe. flIett or driven
like cattle from one enclosure. to :Ito
other to suit the needs of their ow u-
t urs•le observant angels •ntu;t {•:wk
(loon atter weep whets they sea) fu•
ture saint, with wham (bey will a;-
vuciatc endte:=ly. bein; moved about
the board in the petty and often un-
clean tame Of politics -Dein.; e•±ti-
,n,tled, wei;hed, parcelled like e.o
much election ballast, or hauled
from sone point and piled in another
ilke so ruuolt cordwood.
Toe many people are after jogs,
or if they ask within; for themeelre3
they dearly lova go have it appear
tlhat they are .capaole of iufluenciu;
tete authorities in oehaif of others.
All over trim country good governo
meta is oe-devilled by patroito .
1',oar starvelings in joo3 are the envy
of when who earn more. ,•;pend
leas. lite oettcr and enjoy a much
;realer personal indepcnd,ncc.
THE EXETElt TIMES P'T'G CO. an office -holder coughs on any street
in the province. 'ten teen hopefully
pick up their ears and hustle 'their
various wars to 17,et the reversion of
his post. Yet for cue .,mato who .sur-
renders his indeltetesnoa in thw hope
of getlin3 his name on .rho puttee
pay -moll, there ,must i>e a hundred
do the same 'thimz with no cluctt• ob-
ject -some 'because they ,really be-
lieve •hheer party Lest tervee their
country : some bccau=o thee' have got
to follow a standard, and, like their
ancestor; fight for one baron against
another: )scene because life is dull
for them and ,politics alone ::;lees it
color many because they love to be
eon Oh' Weide," 'to invest their note
with Mystery, 10 seem to have
an influence that tan 4)e exerc1 e(t in
behalf of others. In a email com-
munity it is itttdrestinz to classify
sten ace,orditt; ;(o'thheir possible rea-
sons Tor suipenditt"4 'tiro functions of
their minds and uuppreesitbe inclin-
aliens of character in order to fol.
low a twtlithioal party ,up hill and
down dale, with or against reason.
Toronto Saturday Ni;ht.
. . • . •
Ottawa, Oct. 24. -The report of the
Poettmaster-Gene ral for the fiscal
period of nine ananths, ending (March
31 last. issued to -day, shows a sur-
plus of revenue over a'xpe tditurah
amountia3 to $1,082,301. For the
whole twelve months of the preceding
year the surplus was $1,011.765.
The total revenue •for the trine
mouths was $6.535.093. and the ex-
penditure $3,452.792. The revenue
is increasing at the rate of saver
58,000,000 per year c�cd3 car rid by
e number
of letters and p�t
over 41,000,000. or at the rate of
12 1-2'per cent as compared with the
preceding, year. The total stamp
issue was 329,189,0%i. or aibout 44
- ti of
per head of the total potn
Canada. The total number of post•
cards was 18.270,000 and the total
number of registered letters was
6.254,000. The Province of Ontario
contributed nearly halt of the
total mail matters semis l in Coe-
Note and Comment
The South Perth Conservatives in
liOuvellti°n at elitohell last Thursday
Dominated Ilon. Nelson Monteith,
Minister of A;riculture as their can-
didate for the lerislature.
• . • • •
-The Montreal, Ottawa & Georg.
iau Flay Canal Company will apply at
the eolnia; seisiott of Parliament
for legislation extending the time.
for the commencement and comple-
tion of the canal syet me ear3t agoh it
3a8 authorized Soule y
construct between Georei.itt Bay and
Mout real. It i3 understood the com-
pany is now prepared to 10 ahead
with the scheme if the government
will guarantee the bonds itt return
for reovertiment control of the rates
!to be char;ed on the canal when it
p completed.
It is eeuerally understood that a
re -at ran -evilly -tat of the electoral die-
trial- of the province is to be trade
tat the next session of the Legisla-
ture before the Government apt
to the country in a general election.
abeie is considerable ep culation as
what is to be done with tbie
rooutity, and various theories are
Clout. botlt parties being of the
pinion that the three Hurons will
Icft as they are at present. Tho
Government has not yet consulted
with the local Party leaders, and the
inference is that no decision has yet
beets arrived at as to the disposition
of the three ridin;sot his c great
Otto. theory', of
as been heard, is that theio tvhoolenoof
oderich Township is h
outh Huron. the whole of llullett
nto West Huron. and the town of
-itteltam into East Huron. Accord.
; to this erten the idea is to make
est end South Huron safe Conser-
tive seats and leaving \Peat llu-
i a Grit "hive.'
A more drastic tree:trent; of the ada. The local nun>r>er of Tette
ty has been mapped out in an- carried in Ontario durinz the per-
iod was 128,158,000. and of postcaris
17,518,000. Free letters to the num.
her of 621.300 were carried to :1113
from Ottawri. The number of past•
offices increa_•ed by 236, postal note
offices by 355. and money order off-
ices by 155. The total dcp Bolts in
the poeteffice saving bank amounted
to $8,803,233. The mileaze of mails
c trried Increased by 617.47?.
,ti•s. J,,hit Appleton, who for the
twelve- years leo oven a 4U1
It' it- r from Bri;lit's Disealerdied on
Sunday u,oruine a,;ed 31 years. Al-
though beat; troubled ttith the dis•
ease for .-so long a time. it tt•a3 nut
until last Juno !that she was com-
pelled to take Ito her bed. Mrs. Ap-
pleton was highly respected by her
ler;e circle of actuaintatice$ who
will sut•'ti her i;reatly. Besides lt'r
now eforrow'itte husband, she leaves
a youn; idau;ltter. 'The ren»'ting
were interred in the Grand 'li,•n1
cemetery last Tuesday.
Cl I3'POXt. =a•
Sears the _/1The Kind You Ham s Bought
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Squires, Wednesday afternoon, Oct.
:30th at five o'clock in the afternoon,
when their daughter Annie was united
in marriage to Mr. Joba Herdman.
The c n-emony was performed by Rev.
H. J. Fair of Ehmvtlte, in the presence
of about eighty invited guests. Both
bride and groom were unattended.
The bride was the recipient of many
useful and costly presents as a token
of the high esteem in which she is
held. Mr. and Mrs. Ilerdman will
take up their residence on Mr. Herd -
man's farm on tie seventh concession,
Usborne. The Tinges join the many
friends and acquaintances in extend-
ing congratulations.
orlu r euerter. Thi; contemplates
the makin; of 'a •'hivo' in East
Ilututt leaving :West Huron and.
South Huron easy ground for Con-
servative candidates. The way in
which this is to be done i• by at•
tachiu; the Township; of llowick
and Turnberry and the villa 40 of
\Vrexoter to \West Huron and takIne
from West Iluron as at present con-
li Ilett
(•tut •d the hell o
pa.=int_ it over to East lluron1 along
with the village of Blyth and pos• woolo tY Soothism lyru ha.
. been
silo taletown,of Cltton. The children white t<•Pthfur wtrrh rerrecf suds -A
whole o err ►
Ci titled in tioUWt Huron. aytd the pain, curer wind colic. and 13 the beet remedy
for Diarrhoea. It Is pleasant to the t>h;te. Sohn
The re -opening of the Ebanezer
Methodist church of the 31h concession
McGillivray, Crediton appointment,
which took place on Sunday and Mon-
day was a success in every way. On
Sunday the pastor. Rev, J, W. And-
rews preached two excellent sermons,
and although the day ono not pleasant
as rain fell most of the dav, the at-
tendance at both services were good
especially in the evening when
the church was crowded to the doors.
On Monday evening the fowl supper
was a big success, sustaining the re-
putation of former years in the pre-
paration of so many good things for
the table. After supper an excellent
entertainment was given in the church
consisting of addresses and vocal and
instrumental music by the choir, who
deserve credit for the special music
provided by theta. The proceeds
amounted to 5150. The money goes
toward paying for repairs made to
the church which has been remod-
elled and improved in many ways.
totsn,hip tvhioh it now includes end , ' M%nT
.Mr. it. Livingstone suffered a
paralytic stroke on Saturday morn -
in; last. AltJtou;lh elioht at made
quite a olratrge on •the old gentle
man, but we hope for a complete re-
Me. \\'m. Balfour disposed of hie_
fine farm just cast o[ the village to
Mr. J. Morphet. of ltihbert. for'tho
sum of $7.500. Mr. Balfour, we un-
derstand, purpose; ;cin; west.
The orzanization of the debatitl.3
society taken place thee ev'enin3, for
the coming winter.
Miss Lizzie Switzer is en the sick
Mr. Geo. Godbolt and Cad. Fletcher
spent Sunday the guests of Joseph
Rev. Veale Preached :Memorial ser-
vice in connection with the death of
Mr. Alexander Kirk and Mr. Ed.
Switzer last Sunday evenitt;.
Jas. Gardiner Kelt a valuable horse
last week. Blood p oieenin,
Mr. Fergus Harrah is sutfcrin;
with a very sore hand which has
laid him off work for a few days.
Our noted thresher, John Hanna.
threshed for Mr. lives. McCurdy, of
I'Iu;town. 454) bushels of wheat in
two hours. John is a good thresher.
It is reported that F. Stinson and
Harvey Vickers are goin; to run -the
Kirk ton chill. duties to commence
the first of November.
Rev. Veale will conduct Thanks-
giving service in the Methodist
church Thursday cvenitt . -
S.tcrement %ilt be held in the
Methodist church next Sunday
Coote one, Cotta all. come ni; and
senate to Woodham on tiro 3th Nov.
to the oyster 'supper and Hitch to a
real ,;cod concert.
s► y
w t God 'cl township would be It soothes the child softens the bums. Alla).* It 1
VJ.7RRw�ae►wn��aiw�.....- -_ - - --
Tho IClnd You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of
and has been wade under bis per-
sonal supervision since its infancy.
- ; Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are bub
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Childreu-E1 perience against Experiment.
omit of Seatortlt would De 1r.uts•
[erred from the Youth to the East
riti,in;. The result
this r n .
•tt' ge-
Olen t would be somewhat fatttaytio
eso fir as West IIuron i3 concerned.
TO, Odin.: would stretch from the
Toast of Goderiel► to the note beast-
erly extremity. of Howlett -A frin;a
alone the North and West bounder.
VA of the County.
However, these are only conjec.
,tures and accordinz to t statement
oC the local Conservative ladled the
party in [sewer bar not yet tntde
up the electoral snap of IIuron as
il-Por the
by drusurtsl,• in every part of the world.
cents a bottle. Ite value is Inenlrnlable. Ae
euro and take Mrs Winslow • Soothing
Syrup and ask for no other kind.
To succeed these days ) ou
must have plenty of grit, cour-
age, strength. How is it with k
the children? Are they Clin,1
pale, delicate? Do not forget 7
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 'Von
know it make:. 1 12 ('bud pure 1
and rich, and builds up t::.
general health in every v.
The 'Myren rsnectp,`s,1lstshiss too 1!.n' ••
Intel• th. t`••w,. Ate in prow .'.n al.,,•''• •
fart ar7 r.v••'p arca„ b awn;
doses otArn0t-,;:s\':r•.rtahtNI." ar cox
"3511.1,11c1ECT.• -
Mal*VT S. C. •rr c", , r_'wen. titian, ,ry,;yca.•torara of
.10 I14( tl•3CR.
1JerC� ,tree cine.
i / J c;ti,htr tTr`Tot.t.
W• bare no secreta t trit ,aat,at
811 fbrtiaw!ss er a I eve med• .30,4
Guaranies ti under the 1-••'d and
Dru,te Ast. June 30th. too. Serial
Number 1098.
A number from here attended (h'
annivcreery •aorvices hold at 'Lion on
Sunday last. -
Weddithz bells trill be rintgitee in
the Ileac future.
Mr. Fred ho:d wise wag en;a;.l i
with Mr. Theelute U.ruard for the
outliner inontabe has moved fartlrer
Weet havine=retiree 1
a t
Yt with
Mr. John Jelin..
CIdee )21TOR=A.
Boar, the ��lit 11,1 Yeo Ha,t Vests Beef
8. S. NO. 4. terEt'1U3:N.
What is . CASTO R IA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare.
gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IC
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea -Tire Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind Youllao Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TNe Cf NTA,,., COY.ANV, 77 rVffAY • N[W f.aa C,T7.
ilVlolsons Bank
Established 1855.
1: CAPITAL PAID UP • • • 53.000'000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • • • • • • --• S3.000,000.00
Assets Over $33000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted.
Savings Bank Department
• $1.00 Opens an Account
Timea YeInterest added FOU R
Dickson do Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
•N•HNNNN(INN+••H••t10++N•NN4N•++++++++h ,
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
DI1. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D.
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over (Badman & Stanbury'i9
Main street-EXETFIt.
DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. t3.
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor;
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
i dental parlors.
W. BROWNING, M. D.. M. 0
J e P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
i rer•tty. once and res denence. Dominion
Laboratory. Iizeter,
eia6 Oil & Soil l Associate Coroner of Huron.
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
• Civil Engineer & Architect
(Late Department of Public Nor k,, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Watersorks
Sv*tent w'harses, Bridges and Re -enforced Concrete,
London Ontario
We Teach Telegraphy l hone 2?i0
// We have unlimited private fonds for !newt
•. , _ // w/�/alt. . ens upon farm or village troperty ab lowee
saes of interest. ICKSON /t CARLING
Auction Sale Clearing Auction Sal + We have three departments: +
Commercial, Shorthand and bTe-
legraphy. We employ t e ea
--OI'--- teachers that money can hire.
1101 SE AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Farm Stack and lm= Our courses are thorough and +
Mr. John Gill has been instructedpractical and we assist worthy +
to sell by Public Auction at 'the
students to positions. Those •?-
of Mr. ;feyness W. Cr, R on who wish to get a MONEY t
t 0L STREET, EXETER 't Mr. R. B. ROSS has instructed Thos. MAKING EDUCATION should 3.
Brown to sell by public auction get the best. Write for our new
-on- on ctalogue and get particulars.
FRIDAY, NO\'E:TBER 115th., 1907. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1507' This is the beat time of the +
year to enter our classes, •4•
Principals. .p.
4•i•+4+1•'t•'t•t••1••i•44••t•'f•+++•i••id�t•+++ +
at 1.30 o'clock p. m. the following val-
able property: Two bedsroorn suite;
sideboard ; cxtenei+on table ; it:entre
table; kitohen table; cook stove and
pipes; healer : 3 rocking chairs: 6
The following property
HORSES. -1 draught mare risir.g 5
dining roam chairs;, ;r spring ma6. 1 pears old, in foal to imported horse,
tresses: 2 halt mattresses; Joun,e:, draught filly, rising three ; 1 draught
pictures ; (rhovel; : lases; rakes :forks ; gelding, rising 3; 1 draught gelding
dishes ; household utensils; tivanti•� rising 2;1 carriage horse rising 5;
ly split wool and other articles too driving mares, 8i years old; 1 blood filly
numerous 'h� mention. 1 year old; 1 blood filly 2 years old; 1
ILEAL ESTATE. t blood stallion. rising::.
There will be offered on day of ' CATTLE. -1 cow due to calve in
sale (if not •cold previously) trite regi- Sept; 1 cow due in March; 1 Jersey
dense and premise.; ,1xin3 _Lot 89 on cow due in Match.:3 heifers, rising 3;
Mill Street. Geed frame (house, A .7 steers, rising 3; 1 steer rising 2; 1
snap for anyone wanting a moder- ;heifer rising 2: :3spring calves
ate priced ironic. IMPLEMENTS -2 lumber wagons:
TERMS OF SALE. t pair bobsleighs: buggy: cutter: set
i double harness; set afnple harness; 1
Massey -Harris binder: 1 plow, 1 roller,
root cutter, Daisy churn: seed drill,
hay fork, car, ropes and slings, fan-
ning mill, large quantity of hay and
other articlea too numerous to men-
No reserve as the proprietor is rent-
intr his farm.
Fullowin i is n correct report of
the etandin; of the pupils of B. S.
N:•. 1. Stephen for the Month of
(See ber. The ntme• art in order of
,t r. IV. -Barry Schwarz. Alvin
Cornish. Willie Schwarz. Leonard
Soh reed r. Lorna Moriock, Bcul f:h
Smith, Art., 1lrokcnsbire, Mahal Coe.
worth. Herbert Wein, Otto Brown
Mildred Klumpp, ilerbie Kraft, Em•
ereen Schroder. Clinton drown. Cis.
crsnn iicltroettet, C1in07.n Brown.
Clars'nc,' Either. Mervin ilrok.nshire
Gordon Cornish. Jr. 1If-11a Felber
Emerson ilal stzler. Edna Amy, Lulu
Kestle, Lavin•) Smith. Clara Wein.
Jr. 11. -Clinton Morteck. Eddie Cr' -
nisli, J. eph ach%'ate. .tory Iiroken-
slare, Mei t'oxworth. Etrt r on
Win. Pt. i.-Carri; Schroeder.
(`live Cont+it. , dt•lin• Weill, Clara
Morloek, 1' zel 1'n rester.
11. C. Jennison, Tctaher.
Real Estate -20 per cent cash on
day of sale and balance in 20 day's.
For further particulars apply to
John Gill Madman & Stanbury,
Auctioneer. Solicitors for vendor.
Mrs. \\-m. Franci-. was •vision;
'.er sister in St. M.- ys last week.
Mr. James Gardiner, loot a vain•
able horse from blood poisoning 1=.=t
One of our )•outs; ladies lost a
very relu.ti>ie piece of nickel one
affil last week and would be much
totalized it the finder would return
the same.
A number from here attended the
fowl supper. at Woodham Tuesday
til ht and report
t 2o0
1 time.
Takine up turnips' is the order of
the day.
Mr. Choice Irvine has finished the
see fillip; for this year.
Pasture Farm for Sale
Sarsapuilla enjoys the dis-
tinction of being the great-
est. curative and preventive
bas ever
ale the
known. It. b an all-round
medicine, prodado8 Its un-
Ing, vkalidng and enriching
the bloodon which the
health and strength of evenly
organ, bone and tlhissue de'
d. Accept no snbsti-
t.* for Noon's, t.la-
t. onng 's
East half lot 8, South Boundary, $5.04) and under cash. over that rum
Hay, 50 acres. Good pasture farm; 10 months credit will be given en fur
river touolxw earner and good shale.. resitting approved ?oint notes. Five per
Sale by auction will take place at cent. per annum for cash on credit
Commercial hotel, Exeter, on Sat- amounts.
today Nov. 23rd at 2 o'clock. John gale commences at 1 o'clock.
Gill, Auct. Chas. Box, Prop. Glad• R. B. FLOSS, THOS. BROWN & Stanbury, Folioitore. Prop. Auct.
House and Lot for Sale
arrestors Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers
Commlaetonetrs, Solicitors for the Mahone
Bank. Kbo.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
X. CARLING B. A. 1.. H. DICtIOle
will h, ti- t., to .1,.- long evenings
bright •'tole t• •,.,,1 .' not only add
beau,) l,• be t•re.t t••,1 pleasure to alt
,Ie t• 111
Call and 1.•-v'• e talk with us and you
will be rump esti how easily you may
own one.
The goods :+t.• the hest; the prices
are alright. anti we will try to snake
the terms to suit you.
We also sell Organs, Sewing Mach-
ines, Stationery, small Musical Inst -
We have a large amount of private tondo to
Dan to�/tarm sad vtllagepropertfee at lowratb
Barrietere 8ollcitore.ihfain st.!Exeter
Nouse thud lot for sate 1'l. lot 155 Clearing Auction Sale i rumeuts, School Supplies, and etc.
Licensed auctioneer for Courttietr
of Huron and Perth.
Special attention given to farm
stook sales. Town and village pro.
perty Bold by auction on moderate
corn m i salon.
Orders may be lett at the Tirait
office or at residence, Elimville,
CbareTes moderate.
Con. 12 Usborne. 1-2 acre land Beed I A good second hand organ for I'25' '
brick cottage and stable. oust be -of- trouble to show goods.
eo:d. Apply Time. Cameron. Auction- FAB:I $'COCK AND I.lfl'LE-\IF:NTS ` Not
ser Farquhar.
J. White, Aust., 334!1 '-11 hy,
Real Estate For Salehite,ht Public Auction for Mr. 'tthounts
NaNa;;c on
Part lot ;c.o. 4 containin; ten Lot 17, Southe.tst ltd. of Usborne,
acres of land .good brick house. largo one
illSo South
lhain 011 1907
orchard with all kinds of fruit, and
neverfailin; well of hard water. Thiel ooDtgtencin3 at one o'clock nhnrP the
beautiful property lies imtn_diatcly !fallowing: The F'arn, cr•nsi3ta of 90
West of Railroad on the Lake Road, I following:
more or lata, is it. a 3m0
contains thousands of dollars worth' acres
house rank barn 36X54iced
gravel and is convenient to sold
I stabling underneath, tzood 'driving
ter. Tha property must proton -goers
I >id as shed 2(1X40. farm fairly well fenced
hohn -Nest ailed the preying of never fa{list; wells of water and
stealth has failh'e. snap. Roane of farm i3 in geed -state of cullivatintl
payment. A hap wisp, 1 lees. ,terms ! Sick -1 ;eat broil marc 1u foal
arid particulars apply to 'rho"• Cain
Cron. Auctioneer Fttuhar. 1 vatoral purpose a perfected. deo-moo!deo-moo! prescription. ttAbout
i hors 3 year.+ old, 1 mato 3 years
to Ca rhiuc< r. 3 that last ingredient, i successfully treated many.
Many cases of Rheumatism: hut now, at last, it mt.ail curable rases of this heretofore
1 have Tonne a tried and t-t•"i cure for Rheu-
matism, Not a remedy that will straighten the
si1lorted limbs n1 chronic cripples, nor tum bony
growths back to mesh again. That le impossible.
But 1 can now surely kill the pains and pans, of
ants deplorable disease.
In () t nafly-with a Cbemrit in the City of
Darmstadt-( found tee last tern -eons with
which Dr. Shn- 1'9 kh•cmatle Remedy was made
old, 1 zood *Hackney mare colt ria•
Store Property for in; 2 years old, 1 greed filly marc
colt bred' by Vlerkinwell, 1 drauzht
In the vitt:
let �
Exeter. eomPO9el mare a col
L 1
1 drtvin
of the North part of Lot
11 on tee snare 5 year"; old, 5 ;ood dairy solei
West aide of Main Stro,t, consisting suppa.cd to calve in the spring, 1
of one good store and tire building cow to calve in Novemoer. 1 cfhrt
The Johns Block. !lino heifer
now used for a postoffice, kniewn as cow. 1 yourbz farrow sole, 6 y
s. 3 'steers coming 2 year
For terms and particulars Opiate . old. 8 sprint z ctive... 1 Hereford
to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far- null calf 5 menthe old. 6 ;cod
r1uhar. Sa•19.47. st:re 1:o•2z, 1 brood stow supposed
. ile in [let, about 70 young hen.,
30 ;cod ducks rind come turkeys.
Implcmente-Sea xw•ell Binder, Mc•
Cormick mower new, McCormick
{ rake, Deerinz drill nearly new, Dee r.
inc cultivator nearly new.
n t -
ter, Maxwell disc herrew,
twin Wow, tannin:4 mill, root pulp<'r
pea harvicef:'r. see rcab••• 2000 Ib..
cap., wazzc•n. pair bob !Heigh; •et
iron harrow., wheelbarrow, oravel
hey rack net Olin_;+ ropy and
Bete new, ierindstone.
den le carr :r;e, cin (•
For Sale or to Rent.
l.ot No. 15, Con. 2. Tp. of Stephen
Co. of Huron container„ 100 acre.; of
land well fenced and drained; with
;�{ orchard, about 20 acres of izood
bush, iSdern buildin;e, eonveni nt
to school. church and market and
is situate about 2 miles from the
f Exeter. If rot sold be•
e,:.• Nov. 15th will rented.
Inc Usborne and Mort,
Farmer's Mutual Fire lnsur-
anse Gompanu
much dreaded disease. Those sand -like granular
wastes. found In Rheumatic Ai„oi seem to4issnlro
and pass away und-r the action of this remedy as
w to pure
aF•en a1
'1 at
1 a
•does s g
a s wastes
And then. when dt,s.,1v• d. thrx t>ot.
O!l OU
freely ease from the ,r item. end the rause of
Rheumatism b gone h -?ever. There Is now no
Trial nerd -no actual rx<u7e to weer longer with-
out help. we sell, and to contlesece recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Rem
W. S. sower.
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont.
Pres. W. 11. PASSMTORE, Farquhar,
Vice•Pree.:-J. L. RUSSELL,
War. BROCK W I,('1uEI.SEA 1', 0.
T. RYAN, Donets P. 0
JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent for
Usborne and Itiddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent.
for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan.
Secv.Treas. Farquhar.
Tcrnns-Ota farm $1000.00 d�wit ori
dav of rale 'the balance can rcurai:h
mort rage with interest at a per
cent.: rat stock :gel implements $3.00
and under cash crer that amount 11
Iazr n .x box h mr•rt'hs' credit trill be .riven on fat•
be For
pulley. semi nishing approved joint notes. or a
further particulars apply to Robert b { rl hut,'v cutter di.count of 6 per rent. per nnrturf
L<• th F 266 \\clliniton St I w hutzv poly act heist eft for cash in lieu of nntr+.
a erne, .sq. _ needs'
no •
24 ,;rain few. harness. I'c.iliaety no r. teem if tl>> f trot
& Carlini, Hh etc Fe 'cr h i 2 snitch en to 1 new i• not old it will he rented.
London, Ont. or to Messrs. Dickson (inutile
rr;�rr. ,. r' ,Spat' a :, tit.
10-e-07-4gteska tchewan robe 2 raze. 2 sets JOS WHITE,, 'TOMAS NAGLE
Property For Sale
-Ter acro-+ for ,11:. 5.551 of
way. trek•, Lake (toad Apple
Edwin Jones, .F..xeter.
of whir Bet Terve crotchet',hoz;in,� Auct r. 1'r6,to' .
elinin, rook stove, .heentihz -tare And
pipers. a kitchen chair'. cro=resit east , its
rail- back sore. 3 demi Soniere fork+ tax 5 C Swett to
:Irl. seethe., ho -e, shovels and other ar•(
se A Caly
bird Linea
(teles tee mime rout tb mentr-•n.
, we
II 115
�y�aUls Of ink Con6dian Nail St
)Il)MEt4Titt 1) IE(IUt.ATiO8ti.
Y e'en numbered section of Dominion Landoll)
Aranitoba, .akatthewan and Alberta, excepting
b and 9if, not reserved, may he homesteaded b)
any person who I; the ,ole head of a family, or any
male over 113ye int of age, to the extent of one -guar•
ter rection of 160 acre*, more or less.
Application for entry moat le made in person by
the applicant at a Dominion Lands Agency of Ent,.
agency for the distinct in whith the land to situate.
Entry b) proxy may, however, he made at an alien•
ey on eertatnconditiona by the father, mother son,
daughter, brother or slater of an intending home.
The homesteader is required to perform the
0on,est, a f ewers under one of the following plan*:
01 Al lHat
months' residence
upon and
,,e land i east. rear for
three can.
oft la n 3
at ,
(2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, perforin
the required residence duties by living cn farming
land owned wkly 1q him, not less than eighty leel
acre„ in extent, in the sicinity of his hemeettad.
J„int cwnaship In 1114 will not meet (hie require.
(t) 11 the father (or mother, if the father is de -
o -eared) of the homesteader has permanent residence
on fuming hand owned solely by him. not tae than
eight) (fie, 'creole) extent, en the sxinit y of rhe
hemeste4, or upon a homestead entered for by hits
in the 33(init).Beth homesteader may ',Worm his
1:10 residence duties M tiling with ,the father or
4 The term '•rims- In the two preeeed'ng
paragraphs re deancd s, meaning rot more than
nine mann in a diret line, exrinsit a of real a1 ew-
11cas corned in the measurement.
s A homesteader intending to eel( nu 11. r.l•
dente duties in aex•ordar.ce with 11.e al•tse while
ieftof otiSilnt.mhmlnuroparents . agent stekota
83* nte•ithe notice in writing should IR when to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Otte. a of
intention to apply inc ',Wet.
W. W. role Y,
Deputy of the Minister rf the Invertor
N, R.-t'nati hntised pntdiranon of this adrenies..
mane .111 not be paid for
it, [•MYou FasaM 0.i;1
Beare W 11