HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 10IIFALTII 81:1.1'1-ICA CURED. Yrs. Chas- F. Ilsley Testored by Ur. William,' Pink Pills. "I was uttcr:y I:et;►teee edit •rlalien. 1 could Ilett move in bed without aid. Doctors treated, tae, hut 1 dict not im- prove. 1 used Dr. \\'tlliattls' l':nk !'ills CARE Or TIti: MILK-TEETII. and to -day ant a \\ell woman." 'Th - litany parents seem to think that he• llihute to the merits of Dr. \\'illiaice Cause thefirst set of teeth will fall out t huh Pitts U made by Mrs. d:llas. F. anyway in 4 few years, it is ubetees ,gale), of \arntouth, N. S. Two years to lake any apecull care of thein.ego bite suUered most ee'cr 1y from en This is wrong, for the first teeth are attack of sciatica. and tar areit n!e•r o! In (heir way as iltose I:•ontlti wits an invalid continei to WI - lust er lust as importante1. She further star's: "It is int{►els lot the permanent set; and, indeed, the Led for ale to describe the pain from which I suffered. I endeavored to .�►n- tissue my profess:on ns a music teacher. Lut oils forced to give it up. The doc- tor said the trouble wr:s sciatica, but IeiS treatment did not 11e1;) ane. 1 could scarcely hike a step without the 1114.S1 ae•utee pain lAvioiing through my back and down the limb. Finally I took 1•) Low to use It, and should to made 10 my bed and lay there perfectly hc•ip- uee it thoroughly and regularly at least less. and could rot nave \litlwut aid. twice a day. Ile sh surd be shown how to brush Ile teeth up and down, from the gurus to the crowns. -not sidewlee, --and it l• well to have him use an alke- lin'' dentifrice of some agreeable flavor. The advantages of this Kitty initia- tion Into the practk•e of dental hyglet:e ere manifeit rend manifold. In the first place, it 11•iIt implant a good habit. and the curlier a gold habit is formed 'the nore surely 11 will be t•illoo . rl Through life. In the next place, it 11111 save the little ones from many a Wont - ache. and perhaps night of pain, andd finally it will preserve ye the milk -teeth from decay and early fall. This is a matter of the greatest im- ,,}rt•,nce. f110 function of the lir.' t ',cent is not only to masticate food, but to assist in the regular development 41' the jaws. so that when the time Cernee for the pushing forward of the permanent teeth, they will find ample room for their regular and even ad- justment side by side, with the teeth of the upper and lower jaws fitting squarely against each other. Net only is this reciprocal nrrang;e- nlent of upper and lower teeth uec•es- sary for proper mastication, but its ab- sence greatly favors decay and other dental ntaladlr;. shinedforgotten, further - mere, unot be f rg,otlen, forth mere, that the milk -teeth are meant to chew with, and they \sill last long if they are given proper work to do. Na- ture is very apt to neglect organs ltd are not used as she intended they should l.e. Ruche diet of pap will lend to early (away of the milk -teeth. As soon as the chili k wonted and has teeth, they should be given something to do. Chil- dren should be encouraged to cal the coLet of bread. toast and cr•cckers, which must be Mewed and moistened with saliva before aping swallowed. This helps to develop the musc:es Of mastication, cleans the teeth by friction 1\•.th hard particles, toughens they gums, and. last but not (cast, inculcates the habit of thorough chewing. which is so Ylece.ssary to good dig estion.-Youth's Companion. t Iticiency and beauty of the second eel are in great treasure dependent upon the care which has Leen taken to pre- aerve the milk -teeth as long as the jaws will hold them nnlurutly. At the: earliest passible moment - ct rtainly when the child is three sears o:(i-a small soil tooth -brush should lee given to hint and tie should be taught REMEDIES FOR MiNOR ILLS. diet \\'Utter for Indigestion. -Drink n cup of hot water one-half hour before 18, • 118. Season on Aching Tooth. -A little Worcestershire sauce rubbed on the 'gums of an aching tooth \1.1{1 stop the pain almost immediately. Plaster for a Sprain. -Beat salt into lite white of one egg until it is of the ccnaistency of an ordinary mustard 'plaster, spread on a cloth and apply 10 the part affected. --- For Neur•a'gia.-lore a hole through n nutmeg with a small penknife. run a ?inrre)w ribbon through opening long trough to lie around neck. The na- tant{ oil of the nutmeg penetrates the skin and e'ffe'cts a cure. Cough Symp.-Cook one handful of tops in one quart of water till it boils t'(:wn to rine pint. Stain and add two cups of granulate,, sugar. Iwo le►nnne, sliced. and boil until it strings. 'Take out lemons, strain, and add three table- spoees glycerine. Iyer Chapped Iland4.-Soak over night five cents' worth of gum trag,ac,ln in one pint lukewarm soft \rater, and ,.rain through deli. Add four ounces s % lycrrine and one-half len Spoon ben - Zein. mixed; Iwo ounces alcohol, four cue ces rose-water. if not thin enough. add !Mire water. Bottle and keep as ct.-el place. Remove (lair Prean Throat. -Take the lacktxlne of a fish. put in n hot oven ltntfl it bee(ene. s aroma, and with the teillingpin roll until it is line ns sen.,. 'S‘‘illeew al►e1ul a gunner of a teaspoon - \‘1111 11. lithe moisture as possible. 'Thi' hair will disappear like magic. To Dislodge Fiat ll' int'. -A simple re - me ly lo dislodge n lieh bone or nny- tiling in 111e throat is to fasten a but - len securely to a Wring; mallow rite, t,ut'on, then pull the string. No difficul- ty ie found in this simple method and -1t will alw:lys reprove the olstruction With abitllule certainty. For Cinder in Yuur Eye. --When yeti 'got something in your eye take a heir from y.•ur head, make- n Ie411) of .t. this., the eye rid anti stick in the loop. Malik the eye several times tend then 1111!) out the hair. The 1roubleseeme i,lrjcct will cling to it and conte out lobi, M:\KING I-: ;GN(1�,s P.' l.AT.1111.E. \\'here nn invalid is required t.: fake 'raw eggs ev.•r•y dry. they s!soutd t)e V 1 e])clred in dilferrnt \1.ty s, so 85 not to l.e:olne unpalatable. Plain i:ggn.egt.---i1t•c(t 0110 egg \aitheat 2.tpnraling unlit still. add heaping lea - /pews of sugar. pour inlo a tall t(i',,l er end nit with nttik. beating o.th :a 'pooh; flavor aids sandal er grilled nutmeg. (:11:tc(►ii'e I:g.•gi:og;.--hetet hie egg es ltl.iv.'. need add the sugar fend a lea- spio 1 (►f 'netted etk,('eeete or dry rtiMa, and add rich milk to till the g11.ees. Fruit Kggnogs.-De'ici all eL•g;te g, ►et (111 made by adding any keit j, i,•e'.. as grape. ot.'t1i '. cJ resp! e'rl y jiiiee. 10 the Well ,•eaten 'iJ.!. en" sweeten le !este. Never us.: rl:i!k \1h, 1 bhe 'reit jni'ee.s are t1. -.e el: if teo) !Jett add tl little water. S 111' i>ntg►!r 1 y het:'hing others deft. make r,) In at 11;e t.•► The pain WES never absent. I eon';ult- ((1 another doctor, but with ro letter results. and 1 began to Think I sv ,ii!d always be a sufferer. One day a friend who was in lo see ale astied why t slid not take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and oil her advice I decided to do so. The leeult W1tS bcyoi:d my most hopeful expectations. All the pains and aches disappeared and 1 have never .inc'e teen troubled with sciatfell. 1 have nee hesitation in recommending Dr. Wil - hems' 1'iid fills for -the trouble from which i suffered." When the blood is pcepr the ncrv'•s are starved; then conies the hgony of sciatica. neuralgia, or perhaps partial paralysis. Dr.\\i11tants ,re. ,i1 s ate tusilly slake new, rich, red blood. 1vhich fends the starvt'd nerves, drive cul pain and restores health. It is be- cause these pills actually make new blood that they cure sue11 common ail- ments as rheumatism, anemia. back- aches and headaches, heart paipilation. indigestion and the painful irregulari- ties 0f growing girls and \\•olden. Yoe can get I)r. \\'illiatus' Pink Pill; from any medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents a box or six loxes for 82.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. ilrock- ville, Ont. FED THROUGH :t TR.1P. Rival "Professor" Exposes Tricks of a Fasting Couple. Professional fasting men have fallen out. with the result that one, known in private life as Frank Eich, jeweller, of Rhyl, Englund. and professionally using this title of "Sacci," told a remarkable story in the witness -box of alleged fast- ing "tricks," against the other. Clarence Stevens, otherwise "Professor Succa." Sacco, \whose feasts in London and the large (awns of England have brought his nnnie solnewhet prominently heforee the public in recent years. sued "Succi" tied hi- wife. \role. Melodee, in' the Rhyl (aunty court for £7 5s. 901. inclitded in this was a claire of 148. "for food sup- plied to Mine. Melo+Jee twhilst The ,was fasting in a box at Rhyl \\'orld's Fair" curing the season Dust. Sacro, who arranged the fast, said he lent the fasting couple nmoney, and nd- viewecd the i1(811 35s. to buy a dress suit. Madan,(' was "sealed up" in the usual \\ indowed box, so that apparently no- thing could be pressed :r() her during the days of her fast. Rut one window was a sti.iing pane, lend Was not sealed, and through this a dinner was (daily handed in to the fasting Indy. The food was necessary. said Sacco. because it Was early apparent that Madame was not elle to (lo Witlou't it. Alndnine !Sacco continued) was 611C- reeded in the ix)' after her fast by the professor. her husband, twhe "fasted" for twenty -ane day:. but was also secretly feel by the sane means. Madame and her hn-i and emphatical- ly denied the nlle'gntiois, on oath, but ills judge held that the genuineness of their Inst had nothing to do with the case. Ile gave judgment for Sacco. but only for ,£3 1(ls. money lent. anti for the dress suit. Madame dee•Inred that the while flint of the story was to injure her professionally. TENANTS MUST 'HARRY. No Small Holdings for Ilarltelor% al Moulton. A remnrknble feature in connection with the extension of the small hold- ings movement in i.incolnshire is an ngrcenwrit adopted et Moulton, near S! adding, England, where the tenants reit Inking up land have to hind hum- s( Iv. s to marriage within "a reasonable tune." I)e." The Clerk of Moulton Parish Council state•l the other day that tile project is tine as -swatted with the name of Lail Carrington. and that a corn fnrm el 750 acres is to 1►e cid up into small hotting:. Thirteen hmises will be prn- vined, and it is (hese that the Perish Council regia:re shall be occupied either ).e married couples or by tenants who intend 1') mnrry. 'there has been a large nunttr of ap- pel Catc•ens for the holdings. end nithoiigh g•ossession has not yet kern given. the tenants have been chosen. Six of Men net' eligible bachelors. wao under the arrangement conte lo Wilt have to pro - vele 1heniselves with wise s sheeny. Of the six selected lenche:or tennnls some are already engaged to 1'e, mar- ried, but special Interest Ls being taken 111111 regard to Iwo of those dill free. 'i'liey are currently reported to be searching diligently for suitable part- ners. 11.tPY' I1F.:1i.111. ilahy s hr11lth rind happinc$s flee x rete 1!'..,n its little soiiincll and I•e\veis 1ie r- 1. inning their \lurk regularly. f1 t!ie'e •,111 411 Ord, r Baby's (h\ it Teha is will cure the troupe .puit ked Itlatt errs d trier medicine, and tie mother has Pie tuarante • ref n rover nil -til timely ..1 lied 1.11- 1114 &1i..?I1.' pr: rfee.ely '.:f_. \1rs. 1'x8)114 N(111, \1.1i10,s itr. (►tit., s .y1: "1 Lave *001 11111t)*.s (1111) 'fair:. k ! r FARMERS ARE SMILING! if, Alfred JYtc.z, a,r e.t;Atrr f,,.i4.468, rsl, i,3 ..1.:Iohn Sl., (xiS..e (*ay. (..,..! :9r lies a, letter to 1,1i P. ruts., 1)r u1' Co., gives below: I:XTR101IDI\1R1' 1II:I1) IN 1;1:; - TERN %% INTER 111111.21•1 l:pop Failure% .ire t'nknow n Remark- able t:icpal).iol) in the .acreage Stitt!' iii : all. in view (,f the very great interest rlianifected ill the wheat crop 01 1907. seine inquiries made by a special eor- respondent of 'I he F•diit' 111011 !Juneau into the grain erep of southern Albeele. the winter wheat region. are of movie! slue, t'eeauAe they y pre ve !hat 1;1.' growth of winter wheat i1► ( :annda Is certain before lo•lg to prove immensely valuable to the country. The cora'es- px ndent began his aork al Pincher Creek, where the general estimated aver- age was thirty bushels to the acre, while ae high as fifty was expo:^tell in st.ilO instances. NO 1'A11.1111E IN '1'\\'l:\"I'Y Yi:Ali;. Pincher is the lirlhplace of winter wheat in western Canada. and the ale- c(,os that 1ias aced;mpnnied its growth there is pleasing to the 1'inclterite-.. One farmer of the district says that in twenty years he 118, never thrashed less than forty buehei.e pier acre, and often as high as sixty btte,hels. One set - tier grew a 4.much us .'76 bushels off eine acres, and IIle ground ma, measured. One illustration of me rapid iter• ase in acreage i; given tit the fact that in the , 1' ,� 111v onehorsepower 1�i 1.1 in l a c u small •,t:,tit \111.; sufficient to thrash all the grain grown in the district a ithin n radius 0[ twenty1\ miles. This'S year there e r are five steam threshing outfits in the same area, rind they will all he busy. 'elle c(►rree:px:ndent then \v, nt on to e :ardsion, and front that place he re- pots that at Cards:on and Raymond there is no crop shortage, either in acre- age or yield. 'to -day the Coniston fat ruin" are reaping the ,rest crop know1) in the History of the district. An author - the said: "if \we take reasonable care in preparing the soil and seeding we never kat a failure." ALBERTA BED T1IB FAVORITE. The bulk of the (lop here is winter wheat, chiefly Alberta red. Dente spring 1\'ltcat is also sown. as ill all parts of the fall wheat belt in Alberta this year. the winter drops came through in splen- did condilk)n. The tell, Clean, heavy - headed siallcs to be seen in a day's travel through thousands of flits; of un- cut fields and stooks stoutly attest to the stt:tement that the crop is a healthy. clean crop and a high-grade sample. One observer says that the crop is as far advanced here ass in the famous Cache county, ,'tali, long celebrated as one► -of the best wheal sections of the United Stales. 'Tlte sante is true of the (I')ps at S{, ring Coulee, italey 1-11(1 !dogrel!). \limy fertile visited by the correspon- dent will have front thirty -live to ,Lily tusheie per acre. Five fannies in one neighborhood place this crop at luo.(Xsi Ieushels, and an estimate pleee(1 on the )held that 1vi11 he produced tributary lo the (;ardston elevator is 350,000 laishets. \white Spring Goatee. italey and Magnin, will produce 3011.000 bushels more. A few poor fields \x111 yield about twenty bi:steels• but these are exceptional. A visit to this dkliect was re':•ently paid by Prof. TenEyck of the Kansas State cot. lege. 110 declared the crops were with- out exception tete bast lie had ever seen. FLOUR AND SUGAR. At Raymond (Alberta) the correspon- dent look particular pains to inquire in- to all the c<.ndilions, and his report from there is tit n highly satisfactory churne- ter. His article written from this polio states: -"\\"heal incl beefs-Ilot.r and ..►;g*nr. ','hese are the great raw product, and staple manufactures of (his thriving t(•\vn. The country on each side of the A R. & 1. INil\1ay from !laymen.' to Crerdslon and Kinsbail is praclleally ere ccntintIoue wheallield. The crop is ;t bumper one. and in several places is phenomenal and a ceratin record - breaker. It is impossible for crops to grow thicker Than strelch(ds that are hundreds of acres in extent." Tersely describing the scene. Ihc' cofresp ondent s;+ys:-"iltght and left the lines of stooks tun along, newt up over the iiiiduln- tie.ns of the prairies or dwindle to no- thingness in the peltspecl110 of lite plaits, forming narrow lanes and streets in a city of wheal. A farmer near Raley is cutting 1.3(Wl o"res of Alherta red, which he is confident will thrash 0000 bush- els. Ile is reaping and e"Wing all nt the •rime time. As the grain is cut and esl.ockcd it is drawn away and slacked. Immediately the field is cleared the disk and seeder is set te: week and the soil given to seed agnin. For forty utiles along the railway it was thought some 1101de-but their number vis �tunll- v.ill yield 25 bushels and others again 28 te. 30 bushels. But the major portion of the crop is well (:ver the 40 -bushel mark. in fnet (towns of fields will positively he nearer 50 bushels." '11IE (:1•AiIESI IOi.N1 sF: l'I'I.t:\Ii:N'r. The e•nr•respnndenl wrote to The Bul- letin Petits i :laresholnl:--") tete svhent is King. Four years ago land was selling at from 83 to 81 per acre. To -day it is selling: a1 Irene e23 to 840 an acre. (:'nre.hlolrn i; 11011 n 101111 (.1 1.(KX1 pop- ►aintiem, end) not a homestead within lifly nates is available. As lo the 1inr- 1'e•st outlook. there are no poor field•. except Ihoee where seed was sown o1, the sIulel.te. 'there le tw)nie spring 1v1ecnt rro\yn in this district as well. The yield will ie (1 .rut 25 bu,hels to the• two,. Neer Clereshelrn one num has Stia acres of whiter Wheal Which Will ion from 11) to 50 bushels In the acre. wherever the farmers halve taken care int preparing the Intel and tieing their work in .086011 (here nre bun111er cr• ;•- , year: The �e8gnn teas been fate nt-le. air fall wheat. and the growth rani maturity of the plant. \which has bee„ the beet in years. demo lstrntt s Ilint in •••111 1)11(1 (111)1111•' hhts region is desilile'tl 1.. 1. erste," ••ill' 0f til'' ,real tvinte 1' 1'1+' et i.e•ll- in North .\;1•e rice," 1:1'\it'llt craw. Fre s 111;.1) Meer the eorresgeonde veret - :sJ it lila e. optimistic 85 Ihat ,.i „ lta le:terra from ''(It ► ':iJtt'h ee)•1 1„, 11x1 (bale' leo 11,'10:I,r it.` fee'all l!it;t in)? l Ori,,!. lire •el.!". : iitl ti •1 'i g \1,ei't10. .1. ! 1 Ig •.04.1 0111 1,, !1 11 I,.... .•t,1 : • I , ,:�.,, !\';t�,11. chill) aflt I' •t.'! le r•'1 1t t.l,'.-:.1 1 r r i 1 '1 s ire eta t tc (r,►1. a• :1' • 1 :1 1 e1 fie 'i . lie \•... lee: • l 11 I.1t1. I?!erre• ;tr., :7111.1W(' err.. <, del l L. a :..ice \drill ;;!. \\ lib u.n average rc• MR. ALFRED PLEAU. PEOUNA STRENCTH[NS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. "Two years ago, un accident neceesi- la't•(1 my confinement for several weeks. The good health 1 had enjoyed was slip- 11ing; 'may and !Iwo.. developed a com- plication of diseases. My physician said Illy 011s0 was one of general debility. "Among the many ailment; slhich de- Vell)ped was a serious attack of catarrh, 11•11ie'h annoyed nue considerably and kept me awake whole nights. "1 decided t•) give Peruna a trial and '..011 found it titling as a evonderful tt.nic to my system. The catarrh grew less severe and shortly afterward dts:lp- peered. as did ah -o the various. other Pittte Pete --"You seen er suspicious maladies. looking individual with a horse thiey- "1 attribute my prompt relief and ish appearance hanging around Isere late y? ' Sheriff -"se's; last Thursday,. Planted Friday." Nsnts' a Mothers' massre -moot roLebl. *odici.. to L.by. Used over SU tears. First co.y.lmds4 by Ur• N. E. t's.auk is l855. Makes Baby Strong Rhlotes the bale ofggAne w pedect Ivskh. Gives euu.d strep. without roust to opium► or other in urle drags, 44 At el swiss', 2Se. 6 boa l w11S. Nations/ 1).us (. Cheesiest Co. 1.111 , Meows! I1,• 0' :1 11 . - 11,:111 11 !Io doe_n't let lits lett lilt--. 1111 irfe•►t•w:t11 hi; ph'asure at Its There n \\'ill \\ i.Celd;nl Points Vie \\':ay. 1't►e si'k Attila pi11,.6 14), relied. in ht. .l :Ides -s sending for the doctor. 1111:,•:a 'teems t►ol;k's of drugs lieVt r con- sumed. Ili' hers sett the resolution 1•► ! Fie to mart)' hint." Edith: "Anil you Ihrea- hien ever:, Ellie,: "Yet; fold hint it 1;:as against ,ler late to catch toasters so young." A M •rry Heart (',t .4 all the Day,-- lint .:ne eatuh.1 have a merry heart if Ir' Iles a pain in the Hack or u cold with a I'acking c 'ugh. To be merry ort' n;u,t be well ane, free from aches and pains. 1)r. Thomas' Eclec!ric (til will relieve all pars, mueculer or coth.'r- w:se•, end f•r the speedy treatment of - •I,l, and cough,. it is a splendid me - (:al MISTAKE`+ 'VE MAKE. \I sills del not eat furs or ek►ttts. Th'y ley their crags :n Iheee rich stuffs. anj It is the \s•o1 my • from the eggs that do Pio eating. 'there are no shooting stars. Stars ale immense ladies, many linins larger than the earth, a11d they (10 not move. The iecallyd shorting; stars that gado so splendidly t+crt'ss the nocturnal sky ale meteors-friguaents weighing, 415 'I tele. but a few pounds 5iiistroke is really heat apoplexy. it is the moisture in the air, rather than the actual rays of the eros, Ihut causes 5•InSlroke. in dry clinlatt•s. 811011 as (:a1r.,'s, with u summer temperature rature of I?. degrees in the shllde. stuistroke is much rarer Than with us. I1.1.Li;AL.. Ethel: "That iieteen-year-eld boy asked i 111+1 his stomach \vlth ce)lnpounds which smell villirittteus!y and lasto 110t?Zi'. But if he have the will to deaf himself \1•ith Iii; ailment, syistdorn will direct his nt'e•1114 11 to pa:melees \'egte- tubtle.l'ills, weir!), as a specific for irldi- g t':stiun and iii erdeits of the digestive organs, have 1.4) equal. NOT 1MNlb:-»E1). "Ile says his 1111.,1,• I fe is a "Is he so pe; -ittl -+u "Not a bit of i1. lie's merely the clerk that 81141)ds to the soda hater drinks." fizzle." A Clear Healthy skin -Eruptions o! 11i: skin and the 111otches s1•hic'lt bleIn- ieli beauty are the 1 quit of impure wood cuu-cd by cntheultln• action r f the liverand kidney;. in corre'ti')g this unhealthy action and restoring the organs Io their normal condition, Par - melee's e:; Vegetable Pill: will al the �anre rule cleanse the bki< 41. and 111' 1)10!c!lees and eruptions will disappear without leav ng any lracce. AVOIDING UNLUCKY THIRTEEN. I)t'TEEN. Ile was on trial for t'rganly. "\\'hat,'' querit'(1 1114' jIige.in- duced you to marry hour teen wiv. s.'." ".Superstition, your honer." replied the prisoner. "1 consider thirteen an un- lucky number." SIIORT SI111I r. ultimate cure entirely to the use of Pc- t Ulla and gladly recommend it." Turn of 25 Lt,shels to the acre the total yield will be abut 6.254)iX)1 bushels. '1'taere is also a considerable acreage of spring wheat not 1016011 into considera- tion, lvltieh will increase the above esti- mate over the 7.000,000 bushels mark. PIII(:ES ARE 6001). The first ear of 1907 wheat sold al 1.etht.11dge realized fourteen ciente above the priee paid a.r the first cur of 1t06 from the solve point. It is a mailer of sincere congratulation and the best ad- vertisement that can be published el -road. 111111, n(lto•itllstanding the `e - verity of last \\•inter, not an acre of the winter -wheal crop of Alberta was abati- done(I o1• rests\1•l) this spring. 111 sone of the Slices of the Unit:n the abandoned acreage 'Mounted to the proportions of a crop failure. Summarized. the winter wheat of 48.ulhern Alberta, this season 15 n W011- (1(rul succuss, and the farmer of that .district will be greatly rewarded. in retry eases lie will secure enough lions thee year's crop to pay for the (.,••1 of his land and have a nice balance to the good. :1 GIG 1NTlt: ,OKI:. The Ohl pian Brought Ills Animals and (tits of Things. The love of nninlals is deeply im- planted in the Atlgyar character. and most of the peasant farmers of ilungary own valuable horses and high -bred stock. They are well-to-do. although they live in a primitive manner, have a keen sense of hunter, and are ready to lake trouble to put the laugh on :some one else. In "The \Vhiilpse01 e►f E11I•oi.' this story es told of one of the Mag;y car farmers : A typical pea:0nt farmer, a lean of e.•nsideralle wealth. \vas hell -known foe 1►is adherence tc old clothes and cue - toms. On ono occasion a young fer- iae.. new to the district, who had taken :t small holding not far fiont the l of the o!d man. perceived n shabby figure lean- ing against the gate on the edge of itis properly and said. "Ili. old 111511 t 1)o y'ot. want some work ?•' The wearer of a shabby Icok his long pipe out of his nodded gravely. you can conte along lo -morrow and look after some of my sheep. Bring ;,ns of y0110 HIS of things or animals with you: there's plenty of room on my far►n." The next day. as the young farmer 1e; nikee(1 ncrocs his fields. he saw a cloud of dust coining up the road. Presently there emerged from it a herd of tees's, hrr•see and .sheep --hundreds of animals with their driver. The cetvalende swept past the fl,tonieh0tl pian. Behind it came a huge wagon. creaking and greening. laden with heavy frniture, at the hent of which sat his shnllby ac- alt.nintaw.., of the day :,t'fort'. "1'(nt 14,1,1 me lo bring my 11111111815 nn•l Lits of things." send the old elan, "and !here 11e art'." s1Jecpakin mouth and 1, $[D N EY - P4;P I LL -5 T 4:1-..-'\\N"---4;01-- S�• 1 . sI.ONE .E c ETES: °ti • '11/4 011 11, est es tS ',It ons.caae seia e Y rt� ISSUE NO. U 07. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR SKIN. A healthy stein Is absolutely essen- tial to IIEAL:1'i1, HAPPINESS and BEAUTY, and the natural and never - failing way to keep a 11ea1111y skin is to treat all injuries and eruptions promptly \%•hili 'Lunt -Bak. Zion -Hui( contains only the rich saps and juices of healing. health-Mxing hefts. end 1, therefore Nature's Own Slain Remedy. Obluinabie from all druggists and steres at 50c. a box. Send to lall)- ituk Co., Toronto, for free sample box. Just cul out this offer, write name < 1 paper across it, and snail, with lc. stamp to pay postage. _..4 - FIGURE FA(:l'S. O:Iritli's cost 825(1 a pair. l:•list111 Lias taken out 817 patents. Swallows can Ily 128 utiles an lour. '1 he world sends 1,500,000 telegrams a day. A diver's suit is weighted with leo peta11dS of lend. Turkey's yearly export of opium ag- g iegales $1.1+00.010. 'elle demand for rltleler•r is 45 tinges greater 111811 the supply. Guinea pigs are mature and miming. - able at the age of 4(1 days. Over 65 per cont. of the Rttssiau arn1y can neither read nor Write. In the opera of Salalnml)n• as played In Paris, 1,100 people appear on the stage in the last act. NE\\' liE:11.\1 OF 1)I:.:11E. Since we are in the airship age, Anil folks go sailing 14. and fro Across the sky1 till �l"aslrre hent-- • Mau ,yams Nil 111110 herr' 1►elow. ITCH. Mange. Prairie Scratches and *very Corm of contagious Ikea on human er animals cured in 30 minute by Wol• B EER' HELPS D IGESTION WHAT Litt:e a1.0a.-i these is in Ontario -brewed beer greatly aids the atomsch to digest its food, - - s -.k your own doctor If beer with 1S.c4a wouldn't be good for you. Beer increases the flow of gastric juices, and 'o helps much io cure dvpe, ,is. The right use of beer tones the- wbo!e di- gestit e• act, rn.tk. the system get all the good of food illstcal of but part cf that good. * e rias s. a..re. wf+n>t q...• tats- s'.., pr..•... sad OAP •sa la 15. radii* of e)asrI. at, . r... 1at4L•, b.,.,,. t Faure -.•VM ar..t bye.... eu•1:i1. a•, from :",...rt ►arise I.k• ►..t 1a 11.. w.1414 batt. Lope..ad our. tau, 14 \\'hen Mr. Casey died he toll cell ha had io the orphan 85) lull)." "Indeed I That was nice of hint. \\'lint did lie leave?" "Itis twelve children." One of the greatest I,lessin;'s to pctr- ([tl: is AMthe`r tirclvt.,' \\'Derr. l:xt I.1u1t1- ntol'. It effe•ctuall3• expels 1vrrrit- 411)41 gives h(altit in 8 111001 ellent t trlatal1G' to the little one. 1115 INFERENCE. "\\'!utl are tht:st' dun clouds game; to do ?' "(;Iie ee they are trying k. colle••1 lain" Only those 11•!1-) have had experience ran tell the torture corns cutler.. Pain with your 1 001 on. paid \vitt► them off -pain night and day; but re'i.•f is efts to those who est' 110110way' C:o:'n (arts. ford's Sanitary Lotion. 11 usher tails Sold by all druggists. iBERLIN'S \I1DNl6IIT PAPER. A midnight paper --is to be started in MACHIPERC FOR RALE. DYNAMO l:erli11, Germany. 'trip is nilly a natural ! Boa lights, (first-class order. will be sole) development of the life of the Be•rline'r, cheep and trust be gotten out of 'tie Ivry lvho is just beginning 14: enjoy himself` owing to 6110 -light machine ta1:,ng its ;trout Twelve o'clock rel night, and keeps place. S. Frank \\'►isun, 73 Atic.a:de Ins innumerable restaurants and beer- Street \\'est, Toronto. halls busy at alt hours. Some persons have periodical attacks Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- tiara. and have to use great precau- tions 10 avoid the disease. Change e f water, cooking, and green fruit. is sure le bring on the attacks. '1'o such per - eons we ,would recommend Dr. J. I). Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial as 10'1g; the hest medicine in the market for all slimmer complaints. If 1t few drops t)rr taken in nater \\•hen the synlpI.nns are. noticed 114 further:trouble Will be experienced. A Ct)OI) Tt\IE. "\\ ell. Pat." eeel the •syzt:;•Jllhet;.• ern. p,':,:yep. '•liti you go to ycttar f► iend's funeral." "Did I go, is it sor'?" returned Pal, enthusiastically. "Sure an' t did, sot. an' had hie time 0' ale life, ser. 'that \\•Lett' 11.00 a (frame !" Whet) Yea hear it 111;111 saw "Inar'1'iO4.I life is the e1111 life" il'. 11 stere sign lie has 114. 111 111a!'1'ird wilily a 11"'e'!.. • ' Use Shiioh's Cure 51111.01.1 a for the worst cold. Cure Cures Coughs and Colas QUICKLY Get thesharpest cough 1 -try it on a guar antes of your $ money back if it doesn't actually CURB yslick cr than anything YOU ever tried. Safc to hake,-nuthing in it to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure - 25c., f,13c.. E1. 3H was 5hin e • ey FAN BLOWER Duffelo make, number four, 9 -Inch ver- tical discharge, 24 inches high; perfecl condition. Superintendent, 'Truth Blind. tr.g, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. EvoyWoma11Intere1 and a lehQaid Yaw about tie .oaderfal MARYE L \Yhtrlin0 Spray 14.11 ac :r )•.dart •r •ge. Lsfat-]I sal ,orifen- .4t. 11 cical a's sntly. sx your -' gist for he crpis o1 *apply Ms AttV6CL acc.pt no tilts. but *sal stave, to: Musts -stied 1.cA-44'a,e•1. :: ',Tea full parriialett-s and direc'e.a an- 77�..iq.. ie t♦ lye tss WINDSOR SUPPLY Greasing CO., Windsor. Ont. GreasingAsontw for canaria. YOUR OVERCOATS a'.1 (64,4 Bulla wsia1d to -A baaar AT. t 1t nn ex.'s of airs la 'oar wnt• dire.: Month al, Dena Iii 131RITi1114 AMERICAN DYIiN3 CO. rte can't get sway 4....... We . NF.WliOUSP. TRAP. P,�.+. .,-..... .....,, +-.•1111, ...rs. - - . •- an.. r.. _. Soft er -,.., ..-....Nr .1111 w • haw kart . C•.JDA COMM( NIT Y. tel. d i9hf VOA You can put on a roof that will last a hundred years and be the right kind of a roof every minute. Or you can glut on a ten-year roof that will probably leak after the first rain hits it, and keep 1&kin till it is rotted away. Either roof will cost you about the same in money at the start. But the " Oshawa " - shingled roof will be FIRE -PROOF -liter- ally ; and wind -proof- - actually ; and lightning - roof -positive] . That's the hundred -year roof! proof-positively. And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN- TEE in every way for a quarter -century --from now till Nineteen - Thirty -Two. Guaranteed in writing for 25 years -and you needn't ever paintit, even I That's saying something, isn't it ? What would you r mill -Ivan say if you asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even ten yearai ? lie certainly would make remarks ! And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be leaking badly inside of ten years. Seven out of ten of them leak the first time it rains. No wood - shingled roof is fire -proof for a minute, and the first high wind that catches a loose shingle - whoosh t goes half your shingled roof over into the next township. 104 Tools A Plenty Yet cedar shingles cost you just about the p) ice of these guarantocd "Oshawa" Shingles-28-guage tough- ened steel, double galvanized -good for a century, guaranteed In writing till 1932, -fire - and -wind -and -weather-proof and lightning -proof. Four -dollars -and -a -half • square buys "Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shingles -ten feet by ten feet. Compare that with the present price of cedar shingles -- how does it stake you? And you can put on these "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles yourself, easily, -- with no tools but a claw -hammer and snips. Simplest thing you know -can't get 'ern on wrong. "Oshawa " Shingles lock on all four sides--- whole r•of is practically one sheet of double-galvanizedsteel, that never needs painting. "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century And GUARANTEED - don't overlook that. Guar- anteed in writing, ever the seal of ie company with a quarter -million capit-.i, guaranteed in plain English, witlevet any its or buts, for 25 - long years. That':• the are -leered t in a nutshell Ce.5t 111}1 Fame as wood - shingles; fire -proof, ':;(ter - {,roof, rust- pproof, lightning - proof ; easier to felt ' 11 ; incl GUARANTEED. 'hat's the " Oshawa " 1,1,,1,.,: Ilion Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we'll tell you exactly what it will cost to roof It with leas work and f(,r lean money. Pler.ty of facts that concern pee- pocket-book t e;;pocket-book come to you as sent) 8 4 you ask for our free ilook, "R•eoting Zight." A post card will do to ask on. Wby don't you aak now 'l The Pedlar People 1•-J- - MONTREAL TORONTO OTTAVb'e1.Of *Oshawa LONDON WINNIPEG ✓ANCOU1t;.R t•!.e :) ,ods et. 78 Lc•ml.a •1 L. til:. 1'erlrteV t.