HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 9HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT E TuurrY-FIFTH Yana -No 1777 EXETER, JNT., C • NADA, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31st 1907, $1.00 per year in advance. 0 ••••••••••••'llt'•'••••••••••••.•• • ••♦♦•••••♦••••••••••••••••••••NN•••••••••• 1 11 , t IJones & Clark adquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford othing also high grade shoes and wall papers. JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Bedding for the Cold Weather The long cold winter will soon be here, so let us be ready for it. If you are not prepared for it just come and see us and we will make you warm and comfortable for it. We have everything that you will require to do so. Flannelette Blankets We were very fortunate in placing our order early for Flannelette Blankets, and had 42 pair of 12/4 come last week at the old prize. Do not fail to see them as the price is the lowest. Wool Comforters A real cheap luxury. We have some very nice patterns with good coverings and filling for $2, 2.50, $3, 3.50 Underwear It is time you were think- ing of them now. Our stock is the best we have ever shown. No advance on our prices as we bought early. 1 z Wool Blankets � \Ve have the very best all Wool Blankets to be bought, We secured them before they went up in price and can give you extra value. $3 $4 $5. $6 REAL Down Comforters No sham about them, they are the real thing. Pure down filling and beautifully flowered, sateen covering, ex - 2 •i ti tra large size. $10.00 t� if• Furs Fur Coats, Furlined Coats Ruffs. Muffs, Capsand Scarfs, The biggest and beet stock you will fled. Come early and have a good choice. Dress Goods and Mantles We are recognized as headquarters in this depart- ment and will not disappoint you when you come in for a nice Dress or swell coat. We have all the new ideas and keep up with the times. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE BEST FLOUR We have on hand a supply of the best flour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer Bros. of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. Grab WdUL60 Remember we pay highest .prices for all kinds of grain. R. G. SELDON Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye It's T00 G010 To let your horse stand without a blanket now, or to he without a good warns pair of mitts for your- self. 'We have just received a good line of both and will sell them at prices that are away down. Our robes also are most reasonable. Harness Ours cannot he beaten and before purchasing it will pay you to give us a call. Everything from the lightest to the heaviest, and satis- faction guaranteed. Try us with a job of repairing and be convin- ced that our prices are right. W. J. BEER Stable For Sale (.food stable nn Carling Street oak. Apply to Mn, John Elliot. if •• s i it • • 11 GRAND TRUNK SYSTEM Red Deer Are Abundant in the Highlands of Ontario Single fare in effect until Nov. 5th. to all points in above district includ- ing. Muskoka Lakes Penetang Lake of Bays Midland Maganetawan River Lakefield Temagami district Also to certain points in Quebec, New Brunew'ck, Newfoundland, and to Sault Ste. Marie via Northern Nav, Co. All tickets good returning on or be fore Dec. 7th, 1907, or until close of Navigation if earlier, to points reached by steamer lines. For tickete and full inforniation call on 3. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. D. MCDONALI), Union Depot, Toronto, Ont. A Good Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch. W. JOIINS Merchant Tailor • Will positively euro sick head.lcte and prevent its return. Carters Little Liver fills. This is not talk for but truth. One pill a dose. See for (mall pill. Small doe,. Small price. Tuesday Bye -Elections Exeter Council • Lon- In tele byu•elecl►ou Jr ld in dots wt Tuesday to elect a repro -wes- t -alive to the house of Commons to fill the vacancy caused by the res- ignation esigiiation of i1.sn. C. S. Nyman. Lio- eral, Major 'Phomas Beattie. Con• servalive. %vs. elected over John I). Jacoos. Lal or Candidate, by a ma- jority of loati. The coli. st was free from parti- zan 'uittvrnees and there weak few pereonaliti•s indulged in. The wholesale iutporatian of outside speaker; has apparently not 'neeu taken kindly to by the %rorkinmen of London and their meetings were not characterized by overflow of audiences. Mr. Jacobs vote reached ►Jte respectable figure of 2,173, %%•Lich was over a third of that polled. and consequently u.aves to him the. de- posit he tirade on nomination day. lu all but eight of the forty.-rt(ne subdivisions Major Beattie waa given a majority. In the bye -election in North \Vel- liligton Mr. Alex. M. Martin. Liber- al, brother of ltev. W. M. Mir tine Exeter was elected over Alex. Ham- ilton by a majority of 396. Mt. Forest. Mr. Martin's .home town gave him a majority of 157. The election was owing to the death of Mr. Martin's brother, who was a member of the Commons and who died sonic months ago. In East Northumberland, Mr. C. L. Owen, rho Conservative candidate was elected over 'Mr. A. Mulholland, Liberal, 'by a majority of 236. The late lIolt. Cochrane was the former member for this constituency. Hensall Local Option Defence of IIy--Law Taken train Council. A new turn of events in aonncatia1t with the Hensel! Locrl Option mix- up look place last week before the High Court at 'Toronto. A motion was rnado on behalf of the temper - :owe e people to set aside a resolution• or the Council rpassed on October 7th which authorized ' a compromise with Mr. Cox%%torth lobo uas attack- ing the By-law in the Courts. This the temperance people objected to as an abandonment of their defence at a time %%%hen it was most needed. 'They also asked 'the 6Iig.L Court through their solicitor that the de- fence of the 1)y -law be taken from the Council on (the tground that their actrony had ehow•.n :that they were no longer to be tru-eted •to defend it. Upon the argument of the case at Osgoedc 'Ball. on •\Vednoeday last, Justice Teetzel did not Net a441a the resolution but he (;ranted the ap- plication of the local cption people and save idiom the conduct of the defence ,of the lly•law in place of the Council ut>tan the usual terms of ;iv• in; security for the. costs incurred froth wow on. Thus (the Council have been set aside and the Ily-law i.a now likely to he defended with vizor. The temperance people are jubilant over this victory a.i it wa3 no secret that they never trusted the sincer- ity of these (connected with the de- fence. They say that they were not concerning themselves alsout wheth_ er tdse resolution of the Council was set aside. The ar•;cutent Un the applidation of 11 r. Coxworth to leash the Ily-law will not likely ho heard for some time. In the mean- time it is (claimed ny thoee opposed to local option that there is no ac- c"n►madation in the village and that things are going front hail to worse. They say that liquor is brought in anyway and business is aft a 8talid• ,still and it i; said that if the 0.131 - law was ,tue411Cd it could never be carried again. And so the battle razes. Upon the case et O,;;ood& Hall, Mr. .1. G. ytanbury, of Exeter represented the Local Option people and Messrs. W. I'roudf'_nt K. C., of Goderich, and I1. 11. Cooke, Hewett! the Council. To FRUIT GROWERS. ('hr Provincial horticultural I:x- hiliition will be held in Toronto from the 12th to the 10th of Nov., and arrangements are about com- pleted for a County of Huron ex• Huron cxhioit thereat. That every- one may have a chance to oainpeta for prizes. or W add 4peeime114 la the County Exhibit %%-&lett is intended to be a big a(Ivertisement of Huron's finite. the following infor- mation is given through the County x ' press : 1[. you %cioh to c lukit for a prize. you are repaired to have five speeimspecimen.;each any . ny of the fol lot in; vatirlhes - Ihtldein, Nett Davis. Canada lied. Shows Golden Russet, Greening, Iain; Spy Ontario or any other desirable variety. These may he seat to W. Lano God- erich, not later ;than Monday next, and properly labelled with name also name of prod uc-N. If you wish to compete in the 1•►ovincia1 prize list, you roust send your entries and fruit to 1'. W. lfod etts, Secy Fruit Grow• ere' Association, Parliament Build. The Council of the Village of Exe- ter met in the Town Hall on Monday Oct. 28th 1907 at 8.20 p. m. The members %core all present. The minutes of the legit regular meeting Oct. 14th were read and ap• proved. from A letter frothe Jackson, Mfg. Co'y, Clinton %vas read a,td oriered to Thbee follofiled..eiu; accounts were tei .,- ed and orders drawn on the Treas,- urer for the sonic. Peter Ba%vden. part payment on sidewalk contract $200.00; Jas. Connor part payment librarian $25.00; Jas. Dignan black- sutithin; acoount $4.25; j(d. Crock• er cleaning %veil at cemetery $2.00: 1). Gillis labor 61.00; Silas Ilandford labor $4.38; amounting in all to $236.63, paeised on (notion of W. J. Neaman seconded by W. Johns. Per W. Johns tzec. bytA. E. Fuke that the commissioner place a stone crossfit; at the corner of Albert and James street. -Carried. By -Law No. J, 1907, for the rais• ins, levying and collecting from all the rateable property of the villa;;e the sum of $10534.62 for ;general taxes was read and on motion of A. E. Fuke Sec. by J. J. Knight. the same be now read a :second and third time and was filially pawed. fTlte Reeve and Clerk signed Ulla Some and bite seal of tho Corporation of Exeter being fixed thereto. Adjournment by W. Johns. JOSEPH SENIOR Clerk. Hen a 1. Our council 1s anxious to 'get down several cement crosain.gs before the frost seta in. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson was in Lon- don for a few days during the past week. There will be no service in any of the churohes here on Thanksgiving day, as special mention was made on Sunday in all the churches. The day will be observed as a general holiday. bar. Geo. Joynt has a large staff employed at his evaporator, and is getting in a large quantity of ap- pies. Dr. A. Molt, who has been visiting relatives for the past month, re,• turned 'home to the west this week to resume his practise. A number from Hensel! rad vicin- ity attended the annivereary s'e'rvi- ces at Kippen en Sunday and Mon- day. M:. 11. Welsh has greatly improv- ed the appearance of his residence by having it nicely painted. Miss Vera NIurdock's piano -re- cital held izi this opera house last Thursday evening was largely at- tended, Inc hall being filled. A nice interesting program Was carried out by the pupils assisted by Miss Joan Carmichael. elocutionist and Mies Iloover, of Clinton, who 'gave a num- ber of selection; on the violin. Mrs. Kitchen, who ,Lai been visit• ins Mr. and Mrs. John hell for -a number of weeks left this week for her hone in 'the west, Mrs. (Rev.) Kerr, of Clinton, %vas in the village last week calling on friends after an absence of eons seven years. Mr. and Mis .Thos. Sheritt, of Illyth, were in the village on Wed- nesday renewing acquaintances. Mr. Nelson Sutherby who recently bought out Mr. I'inkncy's blacksmith busincs.s has moved into the dwelling over the store recently occupied by Mr. Wisemillor. Mrs. Jae. Sutherland has improved the appearance of her Lome by hav- ing a cement walk put down on the east Fido from Ow street to the rear of her dwelling. Mr. 14. W. Fulton who has been laid up for a few weeks i; again able to engage in his duties. Two daughters of Mr. Youiil, who caste here from the o:A Country months ago. arrived here last week. One is a .school teacher and the other a nurse. Mr. John Coulter has recently im- proved his dwelling on Richmond Street, west =ids of the railroad, by having it nicely painted. Mr. Petty had ,the house he pur- chased from Goo. Brown proved to his lot south of the told hacking house acid w111 00011 113 We a tenant iu it. lira. W. Moore, of \\-in?)tarn, was in town tide week. Mrs. Gilchrist, ll +1 ef Louden. Jon % 1 s, itis; this week wit It friend; in town. Mrs. ltieh:Ird•un and :eon Lynn were in leeidon over Sunday :attend - in; 1I:e Funeral of William Bowers son-in-law of \1r.-. Itiohnrdnatt, who was killed :it Medicine Iia( it week ago last Saturday. Mrs. Rower.( IIc• conpatlicd them to 11c11:4;111 011 Mon• day evrnin.;. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. iiud.srnt celebre- led their erynla1 w'eddin; oft Friday last. A large number of trete (Ives :111(1 friends a4.+entblea at their r:esi• deuce and spent a very itnjoyabl0 11115 'Toronto. 4'vet1itt . Mr. Hemphill has taken prn4,5:'4si'-n \VITEN AiIRANUING FOR YOUR of the drnz business of Mr. G. T. farm stock sale stake it. :1 point to 1ivi'I" 1 Mr. ►topper and tamily left o111ve your hills Irrinlcd al the 'i'1 ES en Tue day' evon(n; for 'fat onto. where lip I,;is (,ought a lei elms+. tivcly. i nur hill,, till he all rat Mr. foseplt I'inhury ha4 put cha:rd tircly pltnlcd, :Ind %with every rale .t blacksmith shop in Stratford. and will move there in about a week. Mi. and Mrs. \Vas. Kemp, of St. l:srys. are vi-ititlg friends its town. F. W. Hut:Illaco,nbe is -shipping two etrleads of snion4 'Phi %week. \lr. IIu;I► \1cCroslie, of the Mo., - Fens Rank .4l:sff. had the miifortwt.• rat 5 'turtle!, to receive a charge of powder le lir !aria rye :1nd c)t ek hale out &nulla;9 but %% (• are 11a11 In nay the i1.zht has not nee,' iniur• rd. _ Mrs. Hen. both ofre•, 'r John Mr. \\Illitm Itech:Inati ee+ (trick• Herrlmnn, hot& of l'rhnrne ' en with a paralytic (stroke it Men• d,y inernin_. Not much hopes arc Auction Sale he'd .r*1 for his reoovety. \1r. Ii. Nesbitt his recovery.] 4uf • Ti ur.day, Nos. 11th., firm stn:•k ficietiOy from his revere tilt ack of :Ind intplemrnte the property of V. m. blood pInonin; tin bo able to be Coul114. Lot 3, Oon. '7 i.;boree. ,round again. 8.1e :.t 1 o'clock. Jus. Writ •. Aect. bill done tit this office you will tre- reive free a notice of the rate in this paper, which in read every week by hundreds of people in this local• it y and ns:.kcs your s Ile known to many %•ho may Peter have 111e ep- 1)orlunit y of ereintt ;our bills. MARRIED IIERDMAN-SQi IRRB--At the hnn.e of the brides' parents on Wednesday Oct. 311. Annie. deorehter of Mr. and tof I1 Locals --Miss Bayley, of London, is the ;nest of Ill=s Violet 'Treble. -Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Luker are j spending the holiday at Goderich. -.firs. John Northcott %vas suite ill last week with pneumonia. Shot Stock is complete, all colors, and all size tins is now considerably unproved. -Iter, and Mrs. E. A. Fear are at-; tending the golden Wedding of Mrs. Fear's parents at Stratford. -Mr. Jas. 1)a;shaw, ire who has been out West on a visit tto his son;, returned home on Thursday of last week. -The blissce4 Winnie anti \Iartita Carlin;, who are attending the Mod- el sohool at Goderioh. are spending the holiday with :their parents. -Mrs. Fred llurnott, of Toronto, who was visiting her sisters Mrs. 1'. B. Carling end Moe. 11. E. Pickard left Friday for her home. -Special Thanks;iving services will be held itt 'the Presbyterian Church today at 11 ' m.. conduct - by Rev. A. 11. Goin,. Verne L. lle%v- er will sin; a solo. -Owing to the Anniversary ser• vices being held in the Cavan Pre;• bylerian church next Sunday, ser- vices to thr, blain Street church %sill be wit tdrat%•tt in lho evening• -Mrs. Rucololz, of Syracuse N. Y.. and Mrs. Vernon, of Toronto who were attending the funeral of their father the late Win. Scott, re- turned to their homes last Saturday. Iflousa GIoanina Wants CAMPBELLS VARNISH STAINS...Our • Huron The Seattle l'os•t-Iutelligencer of a recent date records the appoint- ment of 1)r. Frank Swift Bourns, erns -in-law of his Molnar Judge Doyle of Godorich, to _ the reorganized board of health of Seattle. That tired Longuid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little' Liver Pills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Mr. John Stevenson, of Clinton& got his left band caught in the plan- er at. his factory Thursday and lost a half inch off the index finger, the second finger also was about envcr• ed at the first joint but the docftor has hopes of being able to save it. You hardly realize that it Is med- icine when taking Carter's Little LI - ver fills ; they aro very &mall ; no bad effects ; ail troubles from tor- pid liver are relieved by their use. At the annual convention of the Canadian Ticket Agents' Association held at Winnipeg last week, F. H. Hal,tz' ns, of Clinton, nes elected slid - itor, and W. Jackson, of Clinton a member of the executive committee The. convention discussed the twen ty• four-sysle.m of time and unanimously favored a motion to recommend t he adoption o[ this system by railway lines in Eastern Canada other titan on Government lines where tit is already iu use• The Clinton Gun Club's annual (ornament to be held Thanksgiving- Day hanksgivingDay and Nov. 1, is likely to be the best yet livid. Several profissional, shooter( representing the various companies interested in the welfare of the, shooters. will be present. The first day %'ill bo IgiVen up to live birds, of %vlsie!' some. 700 will be ;hot ar, th-u second day will be all target;. it is expected ,that sortie thousands will he. thrown. The club has decid- ed to add ,$50 to the high averages money. If 'the weather is at all with CAMPBELL'S VARNISH STAIN tor re•..telnlnd and finis bind Furniture, Wood- work and Floors Elephant, Hollywood and Seno urs 1.>ieady Mixed Paints. • HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE + 4f-13+++i•+++++++++++++i++•1 :- ++++++++9u!•+•t e--:-:•+++++++• • ++++++++++++++++e++ : ' :: t •; +++++++++++++++++++++++++ If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To t T. HAWKINS & SON $ The Leading Hardware Store in "Town + ,1, +$ BuildingSupplies Glass, Nails, Cement t. Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, •1' + + + 4. ,1, Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0,-:-++++++++++ Where you will find a full stock of T. HAWKINS & SON Winchelsea Special Offerings in Fall and Winter Goods Our Stock is very large in all lines and we want to reduce it. Fancyl21j c Flannelettes reduced to 8c. A new lot of men's and boys' Fur -lined Caps, regular 75e line for 50e. P Lively IAA value ever offered. Men's Overcoats reduced from $12 to U. Different colors and styles. Boys' Overcoats reduced from $5.25 to $3.50. Ladies' Felt -lined Shoes, regular $1.51) for $1,25, favourable the shoot will be a -tic- These goods are selling fast, conte and get your cess. choice before they are all gone. A warrant hes been issued for the arrest of James McGuire, who for Highest prices paid for all kinds of Pro-Iuce and Poultry. Skinny some time we'; employed le the desired freizht departitm'1l of 1Ito G. T. it. • at Clinton. McGuire is a married man and abopi n month ego he attended a social at Parkhill .111:1 mei a 13s•ycetr•old girl, the ward of the children's aid society, and who had been placed in a hone % in Perko 'll McGuire became e 1 ou rd of lily girl and ran away with her, sc- curing her a position in Clinton. where she tote located leo ss •ski later awl rclttrned to Parkhill. Me• Guire immediately lila ,pearea nut it i; thought he ie on the other lido. -At six o'clock Saturday evening the $team yacht. Laurino, purchn=ed a fete weeks azo by the Dominion government ran on a subtrieered breakwater off the harbor entrance. at dC ' Go c i wrecked. 3 tr' e rt h and rcct.e Lourine was of 06•toti capacity, 87 feet Ion; and was huil1 in 1889 at Windsor for iliram %Volke.r. Capt. .1. 11. Forest, of \\•alkerville, who 1134 sailed her Peer since .411.' %%•e'4 &milt, did not know of the break w,,ter, (loiters of the crew were Capt. W. 0. (lidless Penctanz, and engineer George McDonald, \Vm. Comeau and Wm. Longue, of \Valkerville. The lux Morton pulled al the taurine till midnight Saturday. but could not zet her off. Sunday n:ornin_ the Mor- ton took off the furniture etc., and the Laurin% was left to be broken up by the waves. Goalerich citizens were I.tarlled on Sunday nlornin. Ort. 20th by the n.•ws that Mr+. C. A. Humber. %%idnw oL the lel;+ irolir.e magistrate. had been found dead to her bed. 811s had been eeinr'w•htt pnoriv for a sh:-rt time. but eret)litl 1 r+eriou4 was ant lei - felted, ;lee vh+ ha1 retired en Set• urdav night :type ren tiy in her *1441111 health. \Vhnn, r•n 8111,dav morning'. a mounter of the )InIt•.4hold held zone to h:•r rco-I1 to call her, she was found deal. ill 4111,1 pa4.4(11 :tw.ty •1'ne three or four hour" before. :0- eerding to the doctor who wan called 'qrs. liunlber wn4 Ra Voar, of a_e, nal 1•-•r 11'•1111. is the third in the family Circle• 1.14 year. bet- hn.bind the late C. A. I(ntnher, 113'inz di -d a1)o411 ...veil month, aro. end her drtuzleer••in 'arc. wife r'f Dr. A. Milton Member 11.11'111/ died in .lune '.:•t nl her hon-. in Detroit. CO15iiA RD CO. ones no + ,i ++•F+++++++++++++++++++,l,.;• . +++++++-i•++•i .....i••t' ;1; !• figThe:.6i est 0ff r e Yet .l. + Just think of it! The tt + Tifflcs + + .l' - ---AND- . Toronto Weekly Globe + and Canada Farmer : To any point in Canada from ii .1 1909 r now until January fo 3� .v• Two papers for the price of one for 15 months + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-r : f+++++++ The Old Way t., Cure 4 Cold . W Y douse DcGordto 1NE NEW ■ 11�I i Plumber , . 1 r w TAKE I SIPWriting and Graining With R. Liilhrc Is•t year. Illis 1IO"'EY'A mates furnished on 111.1.1.Latlnn. A Trial Solicited. CURE+COLD ARTHUR D. DAVIS CAP itil.IM Only25c aho: Exeter, Ontario Rer,idence, Ile Lei J,+n.t. Mal drew Street.