HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 8++++++++++++++++++++++++44
WE ARE DOING a great trade in Millinery,
There's a reason for it; Style, Quality, Val-
ue all tell in our favor. Our styles are ex-
clusive. The Hats we turn out have a style of
their own. They haven't that ordinary ready -Made
look about then!. They are smelt find dressy and
the values are correct. We will be delighted to
have an opportunity of showing you through the
new styles. Drop in often, new styles every few
3.96 A great skirt bargain,
pt' t e wool Black Panawa
cloth, tuck pleated. very
full and dressy -a snap.
6.60 for a lovely shaddow
plaid skirt. Correct in style
and very pretty for an odd
7.00 tor a dandy Ameri-
can Sable Neck Scarf, 75
inches long, trimmed with
n;it on a1 beltda and cluster
9.60 for Ladies Tweed
Jseket velvet collar and
;Military cuffs and pockets
--Great Value.
60.00 for Ladies rat lined
Jacket choicest quality with
No. 1 Am.Sable collar and
16 00 for Ladies tight fit-
ting New Market Jacket.
Latest New York styles,
black, navy and Cobalt
12.00 for Gents long black
Overcoat latest chamber-
lain style eery dressy see
this line.
76c each for mens wool el-
astic ribbed underwear
tor comfort and wear cent
be beat.
1.00 each for Mens sprit,g
needle underwear guaran-
teed ahsohitely unshrink-
able-try a suit you'll like
12.00 for tnens new fancy
worsted suits fancy over
checks best linings and
tailored right down to
12.60 buys a lovely 108
piece serni•porceleaa Din-
ner Set pure white body
with dainty rose decorat-
ions :end gold traced
known as 'Cantilly Roses'
7.25 for a very fine Aust-
rian China Tea Set fine
pure clear body with brid-
al rose decorations and
gold stippled known as
the "Bridal Rose" Set.
Bulbs for House Culture
7 for 25c. Hyacinths in pink, blue,
red and white; either double or single. Narcises,
Von Sion And paper white. Our clearing price 7
for 25c. Come quick.
A. S'='EW.A.R'T'
•:- < + + e -le+;. -1.•1•.,0•{•+-g..{..{..1-. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+++-:-+4-14-1-+++++++++++++++++ e++++++•i ++++• .+++++
Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks
Soup Spoonr, Pie Knives.
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks,
Fish Servers, Carving Sete,
Fall Suihngs
Fashion Plate,
Just firrlvcU
Call and Make
a Selection be -
foto the rush.
CO-•"R,4NT ��
Colds land on to toncilitis, tonsil -
itis =to impairment of the runes and
imI►airtuclnt of the lama to that
most dr cidful disease
Itse .:sasy to cure a cold, harder to
cure :tonsililli and it takes a
miracle Ito cure consumption. 044
a bottle of 1Lowey's Cherry Cordial
811d keep it on hand. From habits
up it 44i11 save' exl►ense. Only 25c.
a bottle.
W. S. HOWEY, Phrn• B.
Chetniet and Optician.
Teachers Wanted.
wanted for Scnoal Section No. 2, U:•
born'. Fir.- orsecond cls„ certifi-
cate Male Teacher preferred. Sal-
ary five hundred dollar'. Applisa-
tion3 reocived till Nov. 15th. Apply
to \V,,,. Monteith. Seely.. ,Tham.'i
(toad. Ontario.
-1'1i' ('ity !!gate!, Londsin. re.iuireaa
quick kitchen, upatair and dining -
room ,;irks to whom i,lzliest ,~'ages
will be paid. Apply "nick. A. 11.
Merchant Tailor. Long dreary t,:trhts are made short
and cheerful if y„ i haven Phonograph
EXETER, - ONTARIO. and a few good •• 1ections. Step in
and hear the kind you like. if you
have an 01(1 inachinr tiring it elonf,.
we will take it on a better one.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected trouble to show goods.
We Inky, sell and repair many. No
NONE)• to iean ss lowest rotes.
North west Lands for sale.
Office. Main Street. Exeter
The Purity
Lan. Express Block, Main St., Excite
Market Report.-Tbs following as
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
rected up to October 'iliit., 1907.
Wheat 95c. to $1.u0.
Oats 50c. to 52c.
Marley. 51c to 05c.
Pease 80 to 85 cents.
Bran *24.
Shorts. $26.00.
Flour 83.00 per rwt.
Feed Flour $1.50 to $1.53.
110;8 livewc;,;lit .0.00
Hogs dressed $8.00
Hay, $14 to $1;, per (311.
Clover seed, $$ to $10 per bushel.
Potatoes. 75c. to 90e. tier bag.
Butter 23 cents per pound.
I•:;_s. c'•n:- per Bios( tl.
Dried lipp!es cents, :t pound.
Coat, .. ;on.
•••••••• 0•••••••
S. Fittctt. issuer of marriage li-
censes. also complete lite of ced-
dint; ngays ou hand•
--'[lriitni kss tialtwin. (0 day.
-:\Ir. .1. G. Jones sea. in London,
:Monday, 0'1 l,uyllles.4.
- 11rs. Pr( riot':, of Hamilton.
visitin; friend; au town.
- Mrs. James Toru is i'nprovinz
after her recent i11nes4.
-Tww o months more and 1907 will
be a thing of the last.
-Miss Linehan), of London, is the
!nest of Mi,es Cora rowel!.
- Mr. .1. G. St:11otrry i4 s1+.•nclittz
ilte holiday in fort Huron.
-I'resideni: Itco,evell c:•1(•nr:lted
his 49th birthday last Sunday.
-Mr. W. J. Statham and son
visitinz Mr. Statham's paren:s
- Tax Collector 'Wes. J. Bij;ett is
out this week delivering tax notices
for 1907.
-Mt-. and Mrs. lticliai'd Chin;. of
}hiller. Colerado, are t.hc ._ucgts of
relatives in town.
- Mr. 11. 11. Samuel, of ltidgetown,
is the. guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Bawden.
-?Nisi Laura Grc;ory left last
week ort :i visit with her sister,
llrs. Miller. at Woodstock.
-Hallowe'en this 'Thursday night.
but of course the boys do not need
So he reminded of that.
- The frost wee ;ea severe Wednes-
day night of last week that the
river was alntoit frozen over.
- Mrs. John Anderson. of Ander-
son, who was the uest of Mra. John
white returned to her Lome Tuesday.
GIANT • T1tI1'LETS "Currency"
"!lobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes
in big plugs. Quality always :the
ea me.
- Miss Katie Collins entertained
a number of hor young companions
to a progressive luncheon last Fri -
dee' evening.
-Mr. Hugh Spahkrnan las.t sec; k
shoved from William Street to An-
drew Street, a few doors :south of
Victoria Street-.
-Mrs. (1)r.) )Malloy and Master
.Malloy, who 4t•rre visiting in 'Toronto
for several weeks, arrived home last
Friday evening.
For Quality :rrld Quantity ask your
dealer for the new b:3 plugs of
"Bobs," ":itag," and Currency chew-
ing tobaccoes.
- Mr, Richard 1)ownie li:ls been ap-
pointed' caretaker of .Cave.n Presby-
terian Church in .the !,lace of the
late Geo. Brooks.
-Rev. Fear's eerntor► on '"frees
:and Leaves," la it Sunday ntortlin.;,
was ,;really enjoyed by the assembl-
ed con; re.atieur.
-The regular ante: ins of the
Women's Ing=,titI1tce will be held in
Senior's (fall en Friday Nov. lit.
Mrs. Asn ,_. ]'resident, Mr.. llastirt;s
Secy. •
-Mr. It. S. Last; was here Saturr
day looking after hie apple ship-
ments. 11r. Lan, and fancily stave
moved from 'Toronto end :ire now
Iivin3 in Bt. :Marys.
- One of Ontario's leadinz Com-
mercial Schools liar. n change of ad.
in t1 i• i:.:ue. We refer to the Clin-
ton + iileii C•oll.ge oft pa,;c e. This
popular institution lice adds mail
con sae .
-lir. 11. I';fluter, of Hamilton, 44114
Vast week appointed 10 th position
as teller at the branch of the. :Mol
son's Bank here. lir. Palmer com-
menced his new duties on S,tur 1.1}•
geon, will he at t)ic Commercial
Hotel. (lours 11.30 a. n1. to 4.30 p.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and Close treated.
Next visit .Saturday November 'nci•
-RHODE, ISLAM) iREDS, are an
being. docile, .iuick : rowers, good
since and layers. Fine e.oekorels at
very reasonable prices to quick t,u)•-
ors. Also a few females. Addra'"s
Times (Mire. Exatcr, Ont.
-Master Clift !Mallet(, t4 ho suf-
fered considerable pain for 4ev.'ral
days on account of a piece of a
needle Heil' (111i,.'drbrd in the fleshy
part of his hand, had the injure 1
meruher examined by Dr. llyndnran
last Friday. A piece an0ut an inch
in lens1,11 was pulled out.
- Justice Riddell. of Toronto. 118tt:1-
.11 down his judgment on Friday in
the case of Ilex vi. Michi.z:tn Central
Railway impossin; n fine of $25,000
as a penalty for their culpable ne;-
lieence at Essex 0110110 a dyna-
mite exploision which caused two
deaths and many lhou48n:1 dollar!
-Anniversary 84•rvicc; in connec-
tion with ('ayes 1'ie hytcrien church
will be held on Sunday Nov. 3r11. 1907
The services will he conduct •(1 :t
11 a. tn. and 7 p. m. by itcev.V..
T. Knox. iI. A.. Ht. Andrews church
S(ratl•roy. A special offorin, at
each t(rrvire. A warm invitation is
extended to the public.
Two 11 ‘,11.11,'1 erre• of !swamp
zrar'I in r ►,,, t,ort hwca cot '+, of
%teGi:ll !t a nshlp. WAS :;1)111?.�
last 1' rid' i t. 7 11 fire wee Jaren
from 1 • I r still the r1.!! led to
the tell.t: that a t1,:11o114 conflazra•
tion was In 'progress. Thr zra is in
the l,wamp ,;rows to a bei;bt of 1440
or three feet and made r Fatly fuel
for the fire.
Of Winter Goods
Hens Overcoats
in plain cloth or dark tweeds, excellent cloth, neat patterns with
:best linings. full length. ;ood titters. $15 00 Coat for $12.00; 12.00 Coatto
or 111.00; $10.00 for $8.111).
lens Suits
100 tuen's tweed and serge Suite selling off at bargain prices' $15.00
Suit fur $12 00; 12 00 Suit for 9.95; 10.04) Suit for 8.75; 8.04) Suit for 80.01).
75c Tweed for 50c
xtt a heavy all wool tweed in Grey only; fc.r boys wear cant beat it
Price 73c on sale at 50c yd.
Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the hest makes, all sizes, all prices.
Hosiery of the beet makes made of best worsted yarn. fast color.
Hosiery with natty seams, Hosiery that will wear; children's size 23c to
15c; woolen's size SOc.
Ladles Underskirts
Women's black 'sateen Underskirts made of line silk finish Sateen
lined with cardinal flannelette, a splendid skirt for t4:Beet .-ear. Price
Art Shoes for %Votnen, Prices 82 to $3.50.
Sovereign Shoes for Men Prices $3.54) and $l
English Flannelettes
30 in. wide, in all colors, pretty stripes, extra heavy, guaranteed fast
colors, quality worth 15c, our price 121c yd.
Mens Underwear
Men's fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers in fancy
colors, regular price 6Oc each. Our price 50c each.
stripes and
The Experimental Stage Is Over
It Is an ACKNOWLEDGED Fact that
Cole's Cure -A -Cold
Quickly and Surely (lures
Cold, Grippe, Headache, Etc.
without any disagreeable after effects. Is it not worth 15 cents to cure a
miserable cold? These tablets will do if, 15c a box.
Once used always in favor.
Cole's Drug Store. "COLE'S BAKING POWDER"
- Squire Lea t1101'11. of London. %vas -Nov. Si•b.. Tuesday next, trill be
a visitor in town last Friday. (Guy Fawkes Day.
-Mr. Jolni Grant, of Landon, vis- -Mr. Will Knizht, a student at
his sister, Mrs. Wm. Davis, n Wed- the c 1 ,
t the ion !Medical College, is }lom� actor, lronest in all de4alirn;:, never
heyday- for the holiday. ` (akin; the advanttuge of anyono.
- Quarterly Official Board of the -The Missed Evelyn and Witt.- kind and lovinie father and a devot-
Main Street Methodist Church meats nifred Huston left Wednesday morn- ed husoand. The family rotl$i.;t•s of
treat Sunday morniu;,• in; for a visit in London, Petrolea, oesidr3 his widow. -three:lau,htc.r3,
N1'yomin and Watford. Mrs. George Vivian, Mitchell, Emily
at home and Mrs. Alex. Gould, of
-The EpworthLea;ue of the lfensall. The remains were rittti)rred
James street church have accepted in the Exeter cemetery Friday ef-
an invitation to visit the Ilensaif ternoon.
League next Monday evening.
Fall is here and winter will soon be upon us. We beg
announce that we !lava put in a full litre of Stantields
both in gentlemen and ladies. The Ladies Vests are the best
we have ever shown they are ))lade to Shap€ having no seams
at $1.FO each, very fine.
Furs and Cloth Coats >�
We are carrying a choice line of Furs this season, both ladies
and gents. We %vill sell ladies Cloth Coats by catalogue this season
as usual. Give us a call before making your purchase as we can
save you from $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry thein,' in
When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have a first
class milliner in connection with the store in the person of Miss
-Mr. Goo. Brooks, one of Exetrnr',4
oldest resi(keit4, after a we-ak'i Hi-
nes.; Bufferin; troth pneumonia, suc-
cumbed to Lite•dreal disease. on Wed-
nesday afternoon. Oct. t''3rd, at the
:I;c of 65 years 9 ntonbh l and 19
days. Mr. Brooke wa 4 ibarn in Great
Harwood, 13 uckin; tiaml>shire, and
came to Canada and settle_I in Exe-
ter in 1873. For over twenty years
he worked for 'ilio G. 1'. R. as sec-
tion man, :111(1 when he found his
strenerth was not dual to the Heavy
4vork on the railroad, took up bak-
ing and worked up a lucrative husi•
tie , first ,starting out tvit.h a bas-
ket. The. deceased 44•8 i a member of
Caven (1'reebytterian ;Church, of
which he was caretaker for it num,-
of years. In lrolitie4 die 448.4 a Con-
servative. and was a men -Seer ,of the
Chosen Friends and L O. 0. 1'., the
latter order takin; clearers of the
funeral. He was of an upright char-
-Mrs. Geo. Bawden, sof Owelt
Sound, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W.
Davis at the North End.
-The Missed Gerrie Sh.°ere and
Floosie Sweat. are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Thes. Kerttick, of Guelph.
-Miss Mary Murray, who is at-
tendin; model at Goderie:r is spend -
in; the holidays at her Lane.
-Mise Maud South•-; (t and Mins
Edna Ilurrid,e, of 14: aim, are visit-
M rs. Sou tlhcott, iluron Street.
-Mr. James Neil, who sere(' as
Wine clerk at .the Commercial hotel
for some cline, left Monday for Aril's
-Mrs. Tomlinson and little .sots of
London. are Ise : nest4 of the for
rncr'M faehe'r, 1Ir•. Frayne .Term=
-Mr. and Mrs. WVnl. Barron'=
were called to Nileatotvn on Monday
on account of tee death of Mr. Bar-
rows aunt, Mr:. Mary Putnam.
- At the regular fortnishtly meet -
in, of the. Goder.ich Colle;iate In-
stilute Literary society, the Misses
\\'innifred and Martha Carlin.;, of
Exeter, took an active part in the
prozram. Miss Winniftel Carlin;
.48 vv 8 beautiful instruntent81 rolo.
which was very much appreciated,
while Miss Martha Carlin!, w•1►'► oc-
cupies the elevated position a, Edi-
tor of 0. M. 9. Journal, read several
interesLLn; patine, of nett 4 gotten
up for elle school paper.
-Owing to the upward tendency of
prices the Exeter hotelman have de-
cided to arrange :1 new .tariff of
prices. The hotclkeepers point out
that the price of accomtrodation and
feed has not been increased during
the past few }'ears in the stables, t
\4hereas hay and other feed has
,treaincreased. Th'` new tariff is!
ay [olldsott One 'team. hay and oats, A LIFE PILESEItVE1t
't 1 '�'c • c horse -After suffering for a 4te:•k
-We are in reeeiliti of a copy of
the Walkorvillo Herald, of Oct 18,
in tvhich is Igiven a cut of thea hi-
tect's plans for rtl►c new buildits to
be occupied by •the Walker vi1le
Branch of the Ifolne !lank buildin_•,
of which Mr. E. \V Iforne,
formerly of Exeter, is the
Manager. The Herald its apeak-
in; of Mr. Borne say,:- "Mr.
Horne is a firma +bolicvor in the 1►•oli-
cy of seine accromnodatiru; and be-
lieves 'that a thank sJiould make firm
friends its the neighborhood in which
it is situated a.'nongst the public in
general as well n4 his own clientele.
Ile has made it hi,i bu:sineae during
the six months 'ho hat. had ohar;e of
the Blank its \Va1kcrvillc to necorne.
thoroughly familiar• with his terri-
tory and has (made many frien:}.3
in '.Valkerville and Tecumseh and
amongst the farmers of t he district
Ile has applied his. o'vtl initiat';vc to
make the 1Ion►e '11:,nk of Canad i a
permanent institution in our town
tvith Inapt remarkable r4UCCCS.4 a.. t he
business has Increased very largely
since. he tock cllar;e. Alt hon eh but
t 4vel►ty .eight years of' see Mr. Horne.
has been manager of a number of
Branches of chartered Banks at iln-
lcort:int points, and lead a verie:1
experience in bank in; 'throuzhout
the Province of Ontario for eleven
years and gained remarkable popu-
larity trherever he rhea been, nnc! has
secured a firwtt•-class business for
the flanks with sv)1.oli he has been
aseocia (ed."
iiI(:1:5 F01tiSCAS'1'S
A regular at+ornl ji iiod '411ic11 i3
central on October 31st will have
its culiii natitl -stages on and touch-
ing the 2nd and 3r3 of November.
storm diagram �1:ot-s that a Mere
cury period up to the 4th. The Mer-
cury influence will dominate weather
conditions up to :tll.out the 8th, so
that disturbed c; ••udy and di:4ti rec-
able wen tiller will be natural .•ven
after the close of ithe releular Vul-
can veiled. General autumnal train
storul.; with touches of li,zllinin; and
thunder to the southward, 4sil1 cen-
ter on th.a 3rd, possibly touchin; the
211d and 44th its their formation an'1
progress 'from we. t. to east. The
barometer will most 'likely retrain
law and she tempertiturc• high as
WO Vaal Into 'th.' next storm period.
hey and (>.1t,5,' '' 1Ct;' on(' ,hoe`s. 111 ' f rent pneumonia, )Mr's. Alex. Dow, like Kt "friend in need" is wanted
1' e. ; ytandin t room, team 10c; stand- h:ty:;•(l to her last reward last gun-
when you require it. The time
des tuornin; at four o'clock. ShewPnr
111 roam, horst, Se. - had contracted a set -ere cold, which CHEST PROTECTORS AND C11AM-
- If any person ordc r.1 'his paper developed into pneumonia. and al-
018 STUN GARMENTSdiscontinued he must pay all arrear- ('h('ueli (he rangy were cleare(1 up, is in tl::' hinter and not 4thcn yc:;
8gr!1, or the' .1►al>Ii=her may c,,ntinuc4 ll►;• hc•:trt was left in -melt a weak
to send it until payment i5 made.. cc•.tttlition that death Iva.,
a•, inevitable.
Any person sere, 1ake(4 a papc from III �,r illness Ate did not rem -
whether directr.,) to
plain of :Inv ,4r%ere pain. but spoke.
D111 1
his name or another or t4 het Is.r lin s.,,4•er:►1 times about
has .111►eerit,e'd lar ilot, 1.4 resp011'41hleo Mrs. Dow's maiden name was At1Iti
for the pay. This pt�cacecd4 ui,on the
srotind that :t in:tn must pay for
what he 1194.4. The courtis 'have de.
cided that refusinz to take new=t•
papery and periodicals (r1111'1he {,os1-
office, romiovin; rind lea vin; 'them
uncalled for, 14 prima facie evidence
of ilt'tenti,..nal fraud. -
-Last Friday while Danny hart•
reit, way 8 .isti11. in tearirtz some
studvin.r out of 8. Martin's store, he
accidentally stopped t ,the harp
point of :t paper file !yin_ 00
the floor. 'The point of they
instrument pellet rated t i,side of
his ,shoe went 1111101141i considerable
flesh of his (toot and out t hrouzh the
aha• again. Danny pulled out the
piece of steel, went to a doctor and
had she wound attended t''. and went
back to work again. The s1l'l%in;
was taken to 1)aramend and „i1) he
, in lhc+ ntwin £ erect cpldat 1,4 1 Jonas llartlewr•ih.stere
-The A11llual Thank-offerin z, of
Ca vett Church 1lisa1Ot1 darn we.,
held (01 Wednes lay 23rd inst. '1li,'re
Ives quite a large attendance of
the ladies of the con;re atirn and
members of 1he 'Mission (land. Mr4.
Gould, is tfe of the ltet. W. Gould. of
Formosa, wlto ti 4114111" 011 furlouth,
addressed the mc.'tin; in an int<'r-
estinz and attractive manner. 'l'li
offetine amounted to $58.30 and of
this amount @'1:+.011 tva4 contributed
by the Ladies' Aid Society of Cavt•n
church le constitute Mr 4(Itev..) 1
Martin :I life member of W. F. M. Sold only at Howey's Drug
sg. lief reOimettt' were served at t he Store. Big bottle for 25e.
seek fire shady Ride of the street in
midsumtnt'r. We have a biz lot of
them end ;ivc you due notice that
tthc•y're cheaper than doctor bill..
They're made of both felt and cham-
ois taking and you can take roar
1elntyre and was :sort' in Fullarlon. quotes. .
Thirty-one years a ;0 t l►r 44 , 4 n18r•
sled to her now F•arnot4'in; husband W
:IS Howey Phm. B.
for about 'ten seers !iced the S..
lownsllip of llihbert, coming t'. Exe • ('he'u.iet and Optician
Sovcr6IOn Bang
01 Gailada
Notice is hereby given that a divid-
end at the rate of 11 per cent. 111 ') per
annum on the capital stock of this
Bank has been declared for the period
of four (M) months ending Nov. 30th,
11)07, and that the same will be pay-
able at the Head Office and at Bran-
ches on and after Monday, the ldth
day of December next.
The transfer hooks will be closed
from the 1st to the lith day of Decem-
ber, both days inclusive.
General Manager.
Montreal, October 22nd, 19(7.
A Good Supply of
Feed Flour
at reasonable prices
Also a good supply of
the noted
Star Flour
"Star Brand"
Give us a Call
• Commercial Correspondence
zamong our students at Wing-
• ham, Clinton, Walkerton, Or-
angeyille and (Ioderich. We
have incorporated the counsel.,
of our 'i' W KIN E BROADLY
EC17('ATED, ' V1 lli+;LY EX-
• Gregg Shorthand taught by :t
• Graduate of the Author, John R.
(Tregg, individual instruction,
tVe invite comparison and
close investigation.
IWrite for particulars.
iiDANIEL. 13. EBY, Vice Prin.
QEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
ter twenty yebra 'zo. Durinz her I:.l'I�TER. - ON'I'ARID,•♦••♦••♦•••+♦••••••♦•••♦♦•
residence in Exet'r tree late Mrs.
M)044 was an active member in the
Presbyterian church. tikinz a lead-
in; part in •111 matters i►c•rtainitlz
to church affairs. Itr•id:'t .h:ir 'or-
rowitl= husband =hr -i•, survived by
0114' hon and four daothters. Gilbert
1•:t,hel. .Tes=ie. Edna and Anna. Iler
clluAtter Miss Ethel +lit. Weil ill
I:randen Sarin: the past two years
and arrived home Saturday afters
neon. rh s funeral 448s held from
her late residstice 'ruejday afterneo't
interment twins in the Exeter Cen-
terv. The service+ at the 1'eme con-
ducted by Rev. W. M. Merlin. were
very Imprieoive. Th" Choir of (':Ivc+n
I'resbytrri its • Church furnished the
music, The Exeter Lodze of Chn=.'1
I'ril n(1., , f 4vYich t.hr dr,cc'a t ',I sea i
:1 member at tended the fun'ral in
a body and Eels) the service 11 41:-
'r11AT ('(roll
We are paying for apples delivered lat
the Evaporator on Station street, prices rang.
ing from 35c to SOc according to the apples;
All apples to be of peeling size.
Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter.
J. G. EARL Manager.