HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 5EXETER TIME S, OCTOBER 3 l st 1907
44++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ti••i•++t++++++ 1
Why are People Turning their Attention I
to This Store? t
BECAUSE We are paying the highest price
for Produce; Butter 24c; Eggs 24c; Dried
Apples 7c. - •'
BEC.AUNE We have a fine assortment of Groceries, Confectionery
Spices, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Dry (goods kept in a
neat and attractive etyle.
BECAUSE We buy for cash and are able to give the closest prices
on all lines.
Our new Rubbers for fall and winter are in stock; also new Underwear
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
4.44-4-44•44++++++++4-4-4-44+++++ +++++++i•++++++i-+++++++ • .+d•++++++++++; +++++++4 ++++
Heating Stores and Ranges
The Pandora, Peninsular, Happy Home and
Always lead the market and always will. They
are in a class by themselves and have no equal.
This is the verdict of all who use thele They will
do the most heating and cooking on less fuel titan
all stoves in the market.
Earetroughing and Tinsmithing Promptly attended to.
•2�ts$�.-. fEt'Jr�i1r-�K'��-c ..32`'1•
Our Mail 0:der System
Will Save You Money
You can buy a raincoat
by mail frons us just as satis-
factorily as by a personal
visit. And think of the
greater value this house gives
you in return for your money.
We buy the materials direct from
the weavers, painstakingly make the
coats in our own factory, and sell
them direct to you thro igh our
own stores. We are in the posi-
tion to give you best value in
Canada -and we do I
While very dressy, our rain-
coats are, first of all, water shed-
ders. We guarantee them rain-
proof. Best serge linings are used.
Coats are hand tailored.
We guarantee a perfect fit, complete
sari fiction, or money refunded. We will
gladly mail samples of materials if you will
send us your address. 48 to 52 inch lengths.
$6.95. $8.50 $10, $12,
$15. up to $25.
Clot' o Operetine 2 Factories and J. M. tli.i;!.Y, Manager&oLri! 7 S`ores in Canada onJ t. Ontario
On Friday last the residence of
'Dar. Andrew Duncan was deitroye 1
by fire.• During bite 'day the thresh-
ers had oven at work and it 14 sup -
peered a spark from the en -it stirs •
ed the blue.
• Now is the time t., enroll
your name as a subscriber
t a THE TIMES. $1.00 pays
s for it to Jar). Ist, 11))
DIt.1'. J. hMLCt` 1i, 51E11ltlslt ON- i
tua gelid Sutlroue, buccessor to Dr.
E. A. Hain. Credituu. Out.
Rev. J. Kenner, of elitchell, will
preach Educational scrtuotts of bun-
Ito next ill Lite Methodist church.
.\ lihcral cotIeotiou is asked for.
Rev. Mr. and Airs. Andrews, left
this week fur It wi.s,it with Mr. An -
Andrews parents in Hamilton.
Airs. II. Ilaphley. of 'Toledo. is
visiting her paronte Mr. and 51re.
\t'ut. Lewis for a few weeks.
YUull; tiros. have ju.;.t put
furnace in the now (louse of \\'te.
Morlocl and in the Ebenezer churc:.
Mr. :Intl Mrs. Ghat 'Ltwickcr None
Smithy iu 1'urkhall, the .3ucsIt of
Mrs. %\wicker's parents.
A number of our young people
were in Landoll Tuesday evening ;ilia
tool: in the ,play "Away Down East."
They report a good time•
Seo le, .W. Clarks advt. in this is-
sue and yi;il his etc•re and inspect;
his et•ock. You will bo convinced
that his-ttioro tis the place to buy
your barns., etc.
11 a•. Ira Brow who %relit West
601110 (•11Cco months ego returned
home ott Abouday evening looken4
well and loud in his praise, of the
\Vest. Ira's ,many friends were
pleased to to him.
Mr. Bender and Miss Dora Either
of Zurich. spent a few days of last
week the :guest of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Alis. Thos. Marshall, tor a few
etre August I1i11 i. pent a few bays
Last week in Exeter.
Miss Katie Bill, of Detroit. is thee
%veok visiting her ;brother Mr. Aue-
us t 11111.
A large number dnant hero attend-
ed the fowl supper in connection
w•itdt the re-openitu3 of the Ebenezer
a r ; e Monday , pl t octan nl on .lou lay seining of
this week.
The Epworth Lea,euo and church
fair and oottcert held in the Fewest,
ors Hall on Friday evening laza was
r► surcese in every way. -The pro:
ceeds amounted to i'35.00 and Rhe
concert was bhorougl►ly enjoyed by
Mr. Herb. Either acccemponiad by
Miss Garvin and Miss Beaver spent
Sunday l,ite ;guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Orme, Centralia.
There was no rnorvice itt the Macho'•
dist Church on Sunday last oww•ine to
the re -opening service; hell itt the
Ebenezer church.
Messrs. Ii. Either, P. Stink and
S. Sweitzer left elle wreck for Trout
Creek, I'arry Sound District on n'
hunting, trip. They intend (building
a shanty this seaeon.
To check a cold quickly, get from
your druggist sone little Candy Cold
Tablets called I'reveiilict. •Dru33ist.s
everywhere are now dispansittg Pret•
ventics for they are not only safe,
but decidedly certain and prompt.
l'rxiventics contain no ,quinine, no
laxative, nothing harsh nor sicken-
ing. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
I'reventics will prevent Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence
f the nasi )'rcventice. Good for
I feverish children. 98 J'reventict ea
cents. Trial boxta 5c. Sold by W.
S. 1 Lowey.
Mr. Geo. Edielloffer has the foun-
dation for hit building completee
and on Monday ntove:1 Ube lidildine
he recently purchased, and when put
in place still have it veneered with
-d brick. TLLq will ,greatly ad:I to
tee appearance of our village.
Mr. Jonas Ike rt leib daft week
, eurchased the ehelvine in S. Jfttrtit
enc Son's .•ttor0 Exeter and moved it
to the new ouildie4 which he erect-
ins here.
Mr. Jacob Rellerat::in is replacing
elle front of his yt.oro which vas
I badly da Ina eel by dho recent fire, by
a new plate ,Iasi, elms making .t
decide:I improvement in his ouiltrate.
Mr. Joseph Eidt, who bat been suf-
1 feria; front elle injuries he eustaitt-
cd throu;h a fall while in l'ark hill
301110 wweek,t a. 40. is now, eve are
pleased to say, slowly improving.
The committee which went to
Stratford for the eturpocse of seleci-
hie a design for the new Lutheran
church, .has returned hrntne. 'rho
:style of the church lute been tEscided
on ;lull buildin4 operations '.s ill C0111-
111enca• itex1. sprit,,. When finished
the rttrueture wilt be i:,tt0 of the
meet impoeine edifices in chits sec..
Death of Sunda ;last Sunday 7 . removed
frl.m :;lir midtl one of our oldest
1 toi'lett es in the grera n of Mrs. Chas.
\\illerl. sr. need 80 y,•a►•c, c•!d 114e
Lein; (Ji . direct cause t•f la.'r datebh.
The deoeascd was held ht the hien•
cons tunes were averted st
Ktngstoo by Zam-Buk. Blood Poison
through stocking di e has on.more than one
occasion prgved aerial., and such might
have been the caw w IM Mr. Thos Foster.
of Kingston. had it not been for Zam•Buk.
Mr. Foster. farmerly an officer in the Horse
Artillery stationed at Kingston, &aye:-
"I.astfallI had a•uasty sore on my foot
caused by the irritetionm a projecting
eyelet in my shoo. Hotels I was aware of
It the colored sock r wore had poisoned the
flesh and 1 °•bored Blurth in consequence.
I tried a good any salves and ointments
yet there was no ins r'ovetuent until I
began with Zam-Bttk. This ointment drew
out all the Inflaetraatlon arid poia000ue
matter and healed the core in several de's
after applying. You can pt.t.11.h this state-
ment tfou wish for the merits ofZatn•Buk
cannot be to widely known."
All skin dtwawa quickly y141 S. Um Byk Bold 17 all
stores and helicine eend.n at :ea a to,. urpat taw
tram zee Bok t , Toronto. 7 buses et.8'.
est c-ttt'eni by a largo circle of ac-
quainteinces who will greatly mists
her. Resides •t husband, she leaves
a large family of ohjldren. The
funeral was field ,tacit wedneeday in-
terment being in :the Lutheran cem-
()wine to the rush of busiia►eee the
mill finds it neer-sary to run 18
hours a day to keep up with ord-ra.
Mr. Charles Eidt went to Chatham
this week tit bu.ein ts.
Mr. Jacob Klelerulann is (his week
naovit; into his new house.
Mr. Jacob Kollermann, ono of (ho
directors of the flay Fire It►sueanct
company attended the ane,eting of the
company in 'Luriol► last Saturday.
Mr. Alex Zimmer is installing a
newt ;gasoline engine in his black:-
Militti :shop.
Mr. Alex. 'Lavelle, of {lase Bend,
was a caller in town fait Monday.
Mr. Win. McEwen. wine clerk at
the hotel, left Friday for Alvinston,
where he will visit •bit parents a
couple of weeks.
Mr. It. W. Dinney, of Exeter, has
almost completed t he job of paint -
ins Mr. J. K. Kellermann's house.
The work is very well done and re-
flects much credit on Mr. Dinney'•s
Mr. \Vin. Dinncy of tote Arm of
Bell & Ditutey, look bheir traction
engine leo Seaterth on Monday for
Everybody is busy (akin; up tur-
nips these fine .clays.
The Annual meotin; of the Thames
Road \V. M. S. was held at ,the
manse en Friday last when the offi-
cors for the ensuing year wore elect-
Miss A;ur, of London, is visiting
her sitter Mee. (Rev.) .Fletcher.
The apple packers are busy pack•
bee Otte balance of the' seasons apple
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Beavers and Mas
ter Lloyd spent a few days last
For Infants and Children.
the Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
gignatere of
D. 1)c•w visited )iia eon Dr. Doss in
Dul ten last %vet•k.
M'r-to., )L•t,ttt4 Martie, Mies Ethel
and Mr. Berl Huston all of Mitohrll
were 1•bit .;uetttii ii Alis Villa Chown -
ish an Sunday las)L.
Miss Lat'tie Elliott deft for Clinton
to take oharee of a dreeemakine
Miss Ida Gourley, of \Vi•ndsor. is
visiline friends idt thin vicinity.
Neighbors :Ina friends numberitit
100 met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chao Hooper, of the Town Line
last Friday evening, the occasion Ne -
in; a farewell to Mr. Anil Mrs.
proper, who have aced their farm
to Exeter to reside
and w• n
1 uremoi
• u it
Ihtrin.; Die evenilie Mr. Hooper was
presented by a Morris chair ane
Mrs. Hooper wwiult a china ten set. Af-
ter an eta bora ti. luncheon s' rt -ed by
ladies iteeont, nddresie's cxprcseive
of regret at their leaving were elven
by Messrs. Frank Morley. J. Perky.
insole J. B. Millrr,sU and others. The
folios, in4 adttrese eat, read by Iter.
11. J. Fair -
Mr. and hire. Hooper.
Dear Brother and dieter: -
\\'e, your uei;hbors and fri;nde
take this opportunity of expressing
our sincere regret tit yuur intend-
ed rtvuoval front 118161; us. Duriu
1lie years whits we have thus been
associ:itcd, tie have learned to es-
teem you very highly tor the pos-
seeei0t, if those qualities which are
essential to all good neighborhood
•uad true friendship, your industry:
your cordiality, your devotion to
principle, the spirit of cheer ful,t. -s
%•Biel► have been so uniformly
characteristic of all your in-
tercourse. but. ttspccially aha
deep interest, which you have
always taken in the cause and King-
dom of God have secured for you a
sure place in our eatimatios►. The
church in all its interests, pitrticu•
laxly the ti. S. and missionary inter•
est, have been the objects of your
deep interest and hearty co-opera-
tion. Wo bear in rocoenitiot the
fact that the place you have been
given to occupy will not be easy to
fill. We feel that the sante euali-
ties which have endeared you to us
will secure for you a place of hearty
appreciation itt the cstitnatioit of
those with whom you mai aeeocia.te
in the future. We are pleased to
know that your hone shall riot oe
very far removed and }:bps to have
you frequently in our midst.
We ask you to accept this chair
and tea set, as a small token of
our sincere regard, praying that
the continued eless,in; of God may
he yours richly 'to enjoy. Slotted itt
behalf, ALBERT GUNNING and
\'hen the stomach, heart or Kid-
ney nerves Set weak, then those or-
gans alwayi fail. Don't drug the
Stcunach nor stimulate elle heart or
kidneys. 'That la eitnply :t make-
shift. Get a prescription known Ito
drug;istu everywhorto at Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Tho Iteutorativo is pre;.
pared expressly for Those weak in-
side nerves. Strengthen the.so nerves
build them up with Dr. Sh.cop's lies'
t•orative-\tablets or liquid -and s o
how quickly help will come. Free
sample kelt sent On reeut•st by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health is
surely worth this trust. W. S. Howey
Drug gist.
Add •Irhipka.
Mr. Samuel Sweitzer left for Mus-
koka last Monday on his annual deer
Mr. George Sutter'. of London, for-
merly of this village, is visiting
friends here.
Grand Bend
It begins to look more like winter
every day.
Farmers in bbis vicinity are busi-
ily engaged at present storing tieey
ttltcir root Grope which in some ca3ei
are very ;eyed while in others are
not so promisi,nee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver love
returned from Michigan, where 1 • •w•
have been for a couple of weeks i - •
Ring relatives.
Some people in this town cotnplai:I
about work done, as they think by
their opposition, when it wet really
done by themselves, but you can ex-
pect nothing better from them they
are more to be pitied than laughed
W. 1). Oliver, contractor on Mr.
It tvelle's new cement olock, house
still soon have it completed. Any
persc•n in need of cement blocks
should live him a call. Iiavin•g pur-
chased a new block machine be can
now furnish any size block block re•
Guard Your Eyesight.
1t is priceless and should not be neglected. If
your eyes trouble you, cease to London and
see what
Modern Optical Science
can do towards correcting your defects. Wo
have the most complete optical laboratory in
Canada, and our specialists ere able to cope
with the most complicated cases of the errors
of refraction. All glasses roe made on the
premises 10 suit each particular case.
237 Medea St.. Leedom. Ont.
Those who use it get well.
A certain cure for all run dawn conditions and wasting diseases.
Highly recommended for Insomnia.
The following Is a
sample of thousands
ef testimonies to the
wonderful merits of
PSYCHINE In the most
difficult cases. Doc-
tors are prescribing
practice with the most
satisfactory results.
"Seve tel vt•ars ago
say wife was to seri-
eusly ill nt lung trou-
tih, Me as for months to
be unable to walk, at
Which time a noted
physician told me
(kat the next dress
shat 1 weu1,1 buy for
ler w nld he a
shroud. • She used
i svcilINE and is
tow reasonably wet'.
Rev. C. E. Beefing.,
"Baptist Minister,
itleese, Ont.'
For Coughs and Colds take PSYCHINE.
For Throat and Lung trouble take PSYCHINE.
For Catarrh and Consumption take PSYCHINE.
For after-effects of La Grippe, Pneumonia and
Pleurisy take PSYCHINE.
"Years ago 1 was almost a physical wreck,
and was suffering with lung trouble. Friends
and neighbors thought 1 would never get
better. 1 began to despair mysclet. Losing
faith in my physician, 1 procured another one
who recommended the use of PSYCHINE.
It wA% surprising beyond description the
effeet it had. 1 seemed to gain with every
dose. inside of two weeks I was able to
attend to my housework again. There are
no symptoms of -consumption about etc now.
For Loss of Appetite take PSYCHINE.
For Indigestion and Dyspepsia take PSYCHINR.
For Chills or Fevers take PSYCHINE.
For Run -Down System take PSYCHINE.
To Feel Young and Keep Young take PSYCHINE.
An Unfailing Cure for all Throat, Lung and Stomach Troubles.
A Reliable Remedy for diseases caused by exposure to cold or wet
For sal• at all druggists, SOS.
and 111.00 or Dr. T. A. Slocum.
Limited, 175 King Nr W, Twine
That most of the pleasure of going anytw here is in
being dressed for the occasion. whether It is skating
or on a visit, to church or work. Yeoplo DO notice
what you have on; besides one feels mole comfort-
able and confident ill the right clothes.
Examine our attractive line of goods for Fall and Win-
ter; and for a Natty, Stylish, Up to -Date Suit place your
order with.
Croditoa's Harness Shop
Harness and Rubber Goods
This is the season of the year when the roads will be ulddy, and there
w ill be lots of rain. snow and Fleet, according to hicks' foretaats. It would be
w ell to get that new set of Harness now or get the old Dee ►.paired, nothing
like being on the safe side. A gond Rubber Rug is also a net tssity.
Remember we have the best Rubber and Plush Rugs to
be found anywhthle.
Blankets, Collars, Combs, Brushes, Halters &c
All at reasonable prices.
Your Inspecticn Invited. We Mm to Please.
F. W. CLARK, - Crediton
;aired. •••♦♦♦♦••♦N••♦♦N♦♦♦♦♦•••
\Vol. Fritz is at preterit on the •
sick list. •
A party of five hunters are al
Present camping down the river,
shooting. They intend ttayin.; three
harry l'urdy intends Lavine a
salt on \Vedneiday Oct. 30tH. tie
intends ,;cin; \Neel.
J. W. Molt and J. (laird are mak•
ins blocks for \V. R. Oliver and will
be kept busy until snow flies.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hassenborry,
of llruceficld, visited their homers
at Grand fiend and Sauble Line
recently. They are looking fine as
are also their children especially the
twins who can't be beat in Iluron
Mr. S. Green. has erected a fine
block ,table 22\32, which improves
his place a ,;resat ,deal, Now for
for that verandah Sy.
Mrs. Fred \Vitwer, ii itt Exeter.
where she went to undergo an op-
eration. She it progreessin'g favour•
Mrs. \Vin. Meldrew, Who for some
weeks has been at Clinton Hospital
died thereon Monday, the interment
(akin; place to Exeter eemebary ou
Wednesday. 'The deceased twee a
daughter of the late Alexander Mo -
Allister, of the Par Line, and at one
time was a teacher in the Public
school here. Iter first •husoattd was
the late Itobt. Buswell, who for soma
years oonducted a ,iuccesaful store
and tinware busitieis in town, and
who predeceased her nearly 20 years
ago. Mrs. Mc1drew w•as a l Otter a1
favourite where she wee knot%it, a.td
her death will be eoncerely mourned
by a large circle of friends and rel-
Trial Catarrh treatments are be -
in; mailed out tree, on reeuest by
1)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These testi
are proving to the people -
without a penny's cost- the .great
value of this scientific prescript:on
known •to dru;sista everywhere as
Dr. 811oop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold
by W. S. Howey.
Mrs. W. Mcore, tot \Vin:ghant, is
spendtit i a few days vieitinz frien:is
in this vicinity after attending; the
tmarrieze of her 111000. Miss Nellie
.lir. W. 11. Johnston preached hese
on Sunday last in the interest+ of
the Missionary cause.
A lickline cou;li frotn any cause,
is quickly slopped by Dr, Shoop',
lou ell Cure. It is so harinleit and
safe. that 1)r. Shoop tell{ mother.;
everywhere to give it without b=ei-I
(a(ion oven to very young balx+s.
The wholesome green leaves an len• I
der einms of a luny healin; moon
lainous r-•hruh furni h the curative
properties to 1)r. Sticee't Coue!' Cure - . -- _--
u h a •1 "r" tterl
11 cams the co ; , ,iLEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL
sore and Feii*ltivo bronchl mem-
branes. No opium, no ch;oroform, in your teen- t:. .0 at home, or
txr fling harsh used to injure cr .{uhr• Take a Personal Course at School.
preys. Simply n r, +snout plash ex• __
l earl, 1hat helps to heal nebtn; J To enable all 10 learn we teach ore
tunes. The Sonia rdt call Lillie cash or instalment pian, We also tench a
shrub which t•he Doctor uses, "The) personal class at tr:wol once a month.
Sacred herb." Demand Un Stleop's t Class commencing 7a. Is' Tuesday of each
'rake no other. Hold by W. S. (low- , month. These lesson- teaches how tel cut,
cy. I fit and put together any garment from the
- -� - i plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
8AVE 'CHN ANYWAY.: ate dies... The elicit- family can learn front
Here it a simple homemade mix- one course. We have taught oscr seven
lure as liven /'y an eminent author -' thousand ,drop -making, and guaranies to
thorny onKidney diseases, .who I give live hundred dollars to any one that
:nakes the state teat in n New York 1 cannot (earn between the age of 14 and
•hill)' new epape'r, that it will relieve' 40. You cannotdcare dress -making as
Itiiiw 1 any case, of Kidney trnuolelhornugh as this course te'aelie9 if you
ij taken before the itaenof Ilrieht'S;wotkinshops for years. Beware ofimita-
.,tease. Ile states that nuc! symp-lions as we employ no one outside the
t sine ae lame back, pain in the side school. This is the only experienced Dress
frequent desire ht urinate, %especial- Cutting School in Canada and excelled by
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-
I.Y at ni;hl ; araittfulthird for a ehort time. Address ea
and iliscolere 1 none in .another country. \Vrite at once
urine lion, are weedily overcome.,
Here is the recttipt : try it.
High Glass
People who buy diamonds
want slopes that will bear
the closest act utiny - gems
which are free from flaws
and from obese surface
every ray of light is reflect-
ed as front a drop of water.
We carry all sizes of dia-
monds froth the largest to
the sniallest., either set or
unset and all a.f the purest
13,o. Richmond St. LONDON OnI
A prominent physicltlas famont fo)
his tucoeas in the tr•stegtoii kld•
e and bladder disee a tributes r•
t deal of Ids 'access le fo1Iow•
simple vegetable p t-••
One ounce Fluid Extract Diode.
Oce ounce Compound Balaton')
Four ounces ('ompotind Syrup
Sarsaparilla ;
Mix, shake well, and take in tea.
Spoonful doses after each meal and
again at bedtime.
Your druggist can supply the ingre.
dients, and the mixture can bo pre-
pared at home at very little expense.
This, the doctor -aye, acts directly
Im tho kidneys, as-istiog there to fil-
ter the poisons from the bh.„11 and
expel same in the urine, at the same
time restoring the kidneys to healthy,
normal action.
We feel that a great many readers
will be pleased to learn of this simple
prescription, and knowing the ability
of the physician %hose formula it is,
wo do not }tesitnte to recommend It
to any sufferer.
• E.
hluid Pert rise( Dandelion, ane -half
ounce : Compound Kar eon. 0111' 011/1001
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilia, d'hret';
ounces. Take a 'teterennful after!
each mxtl anti al hcd•(1180, i
A %tell-ktaown drurzitt here itt
town {s nut.\,:�rity ttha1 1li'te in;red•! 1!I1COK14--lit Exeter, ore Octo:xr
tenth :I n• ;all harmlcsts and eerily' 23rd, Geor;e 11! auks, a,;ed 6:i year!
mixed al home hr shaking well in It months; and : I days.
a bottle. Tltft .mixture line n p0•; DOW -in Exete•. en Sunday, Octo•
culler beeline and noothinl effect her 27111, I00 , Annie McIntyre
upon the c•ntite kidney and urinary) beloved wife of 'Ir. Alexander r Dow
Structure, end often ovesrconee thea :t;ed Al yens, 1 ;menthe and 17
worst forams of ltheumeti3m by fort•' dive.
int tilt' Kidneys to filter and retrain Ai'i'LBTON_At iihiva tan Sunday,
from the blood and system all tire-', Ort. 27th., Mrs. John Appleton,
acid and foul, deoem toseal ss este mat•
ter, which reuse thoseafflirtion•'. WILLEItt_In 11 altwwod, on Sunday
iry it if eau aren't well. Save the Oct. 27th Mrs. .Chas. Willert, ar.,
preserlt/tion. a;cel PO hears,
31 Frio St., Stratford, ant.,C'anada.
1)1I D
ntr'l al w.•=ors,