HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 4DON'T GOUGH
Compound Syrup of
White Pine with Tar
Bronchial "Trouble
Drug Store
Smoke Doctors Prescription
;Best 5c. cigar in town
The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 pgr
year in advance. $1.50 pay be
ohareed if not so paid. To United
States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in
advance. .No. paper diseontinue1
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
paid is denote on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
Note and Comment
The Seutii Perth Conservatives in
convention at Mitchell laj Thursday
nominated lion. Nelson Dfontcith,
• I.inister of Agriculture as their cap-
didete for the legislature.
. . . . .
—The Montreal, Ottawa & Georg-
ian Bay Canal Company will apply at
the coming session of Parliament
for legislation extending the time
for the commencement and comple.-
Bon of the canal system, which it
was authorized some years ago to
construct between Georgian Bay and
real. It is understood the cow -
any 43 now prepared to ego ahead
Rh the echome if the government
ill guarantee the bonds in return
or iovernrent control of the rates
uc char•zed on the canal when it
It is ;euerally understood that a
e-arratt;e(ncnt of the •electoral dis-
ric t s of the province is to be made
t the next eeesion of the Legi3la-
ure before the Government appeals
the country in a general election.
bete is considerable speculation as
what is to be done with tide
ouuty, and various theories art,'
float, both parties being of the
inion that the three Hurons %vill
left as they are at present. The
overnntent has not yet consulted
Ith the local party leaders. and the
ference is that Ito decision has ya:t
u arrived at as to the disposition
the three riditt;s of this county.
One theory, of which a igreat
as leen heard, is that the whole of
odt•rich Township is to tiro into
oulli Huron. the whole of llulle•tt
to West lluron, and the town of
iu-h:ui into East •lluron. Accord-
; to this plait the idea it to snake
t and South Huron sate Conser-
tive seats and leaving West llu-
:t Grit "hive."
more drastic tree:item; of the
sty has been snapped out in ern-
tr emir tor. This con lmwplatcs 1 c
:Hokin; of ':t -biro" in East
uron leaving ,West 1luron •slid
Huron easy ground for Con - f
native candidates. The. way in.
heti this is to be done is by at. 1 c
ache'; the Townships of llowick
nd Turnberry and •Lhe village of
rexcter to Wiest Huron tend taking
roin West Huron as at. present con -
Muted the half of the Mullett
unship vvhiob it now includes and
sell; it over to East Huron, aloe;
itlt the villa re of Blyth and po3-
it is to be aubwit tt.t to the tsla-
ture at the couiu; eciiio:t•— offer•
ick Sipes!.
The real lee( of Jl(. 1WI:it'e•y wit
corms when hs attempts to redia
tribute the pi (wince. Su Jar m
ljrcmier either of the Dominion o
the province has Steen both ,trop
encu: tt to redistribute m ittleut :Ser
rym.udei act;. 'flee is the thurdl
where they alt tumble. They cm
not soar over 'thin itbataclu in th
iiathwtey. It fetches them; .}t is s
easy to be unfair, and it is Al har
to be fair—that the rutin; part
always cads up math about every
thin; fixed to butt it.
1t is one of the 'ure way( of in
fluencii; public opinion and accur
in; t he Iterwinence of an adminis
trat:on that dtss not want to pas
attiay. The plats will be followed n
Ion; as voters held petrified opinion
in politics, and can be moved bac
and forth like .chessmen or drive!
like cattle front one enclosure to an
other to suit the needs of their own
e rs.
Surely observant angels 'must look
down and weep ween they sed to
lure saints with wham they will as
sociate endlessly, being moved abuu
the board in the petty and often un
clean game of ,politics—oein3 esti
lusted, weighed, parcelled Tike a
much election ballast, or hauled
frotu one point and piled in another
like so wuoh cordwood.
Too many people are after jogs,
or if they ask nothing for tbeulselves
they dearly love 'to have it appear
that they are eapaole of influeticin;
the authorities in oebalf of others.
All over the country good greens-.
meat is '0e -devilled by patrons„e.
Por starvelings in joos are the envy
of hien who earn more. Kpenel
less, live Getter and enjoy a much
.;treater personal independence. If
an office -balder coughs on any *treet
in she province, 'ten men hopefully
pick up -their care and hustle 'their
various ways to t;et the reversion of
his post. Yet for one .nian who 3ur-
rcnder. his i'deirgn leetw iu the -Loire
of 13ellitrg his name on A he public
pay -roll, 'there must 4)e a hundred
do the sante 'thin; with no :such ob-
jeot—same 4)ecau;p they (really bo•
lieve 'their party beat SOW' V,:'3 their
country ; some because, 'they have ;got
to follow a standard, and, like their
ancestors fight for one baron against
another ; sane because life is dull
for them and politics alone .rives it
color; many because they love to be
"on 'th' beside.” 'to invest their acts
with Mystery, to to have
t - s ry, seem
an influence that •can'be exerci,s .d in
behalf of others. In a 'email com-
munity it is inlcre4tin3 to clasStfy
men according 'to 'their possible rea-
sons Tar suspending 'the functions of
their ei1111(Is and (3upp re3sin; inclin-
ations of character in order to fol-
low a pelittioal party sup .hill and
down dale, with or a•;ainst rensnn.
Toronto Saturday Night.
. • . • •
Ottawa, Oct. 24.—Tho report of the
l'ostntetster-General for the fiscal
period of nine 'months, ending March
31 last, issued to -day, shows a sur-
plus of revenue over expenditure
amounting to $1,082,301. For the
w•1ol0 twelve months of the preceding
year th surplus was $1,011.765.
c 1
The total revenue for the .nine
months was $6,535,093. and the ex-
penditure $5,452,792. The re %%Mlle
is increasing at the rate of saver
$8,000,000 per year and the number
of letters and rpoetcards carried by
over 44,000,000. or at the rate of
12 1-2'per cent as compared with the
preceding year. The total stamp
issue was 329,189,09:We or about 44
per head of the total population of
Canada. The total number of posit
cards was 28,270,000 and the total
number of registered Jitters watts
6.254,000. Tho Province o[ Ontario
contributed nearly halt of the
total mail !natters carried in Can-
do. Tate: loyal numo(•r of letters
arried 'in Ontario Burin_ the per-
iod was 128,158,000. and of postcarls
17,818,000. Free letters to the num-
ber of 621,300 were carried to :tna
rom Ottemise. The number of post-
ffices increased by 236. postal note
offices by 355, and money order off-
ices by 155. The total dereeets in
the pattcffice saving bank amounted
to $8,803,23:3. The mileazc cf mails
cat ried increased by 617.478.
Illy the town, of Clinton. 'The o
hole of Galerich townshipwould be
eluded in South lluron, anti the p
twin of Sea for th would tie trans• io
erred from the South to the East
tithe z. 'l•he result of this arran;c,-
cnt ttould be somewhat fantastic
fir as \We..it Huron is concerned.
Tb,• riding would stretch from the
otvn of (I041er'toh to the evertheast-
rly extremity, of llowick—:\ [ring.:
&Iona. the ;forth and West Iroutldar.
acs of the County.
lIu % %er, these are only coupe.
(tures and nccordinz to the statement
M the local Conservative quoted the
p:1(• t iU power Isar not vet trade
up • electoral map of Huron as
1)(.41 AND V4 tet.i.• I Hiwn I<Rve.1.Y -- era
Wlnelow'lSoothing Syrup h:st been used I'or
ver sixty years ny miUloi, . of mothers for their
hlldren wnlle teethklg, wuh perfect sac. e•s
t eoothee the ohlld, soften a the gums, allay a I
aln, cures wind colic. and Is the befit remedy
r I)larrhrea. It Is plear.nnn to the taste. Sold
by druggist* In every part of the world. 26
cents a bottle. ito valve Is Incalculable, Be
Sure and Lake Mn \i'inslowes. Soothing
yrnp and ask for no other kind.
Guaranteed under the Paid and
Drubs Act, lune With, l:'O.i. t,•ri.,l
Number 8.
For the
To succeed these days you
must have pleat/ of grit, cour-
age, strength. slow is it with
the children? Are they tilil, 1
pale, delicate? 1)o not furs;,t 11
Aycr's Sarsaparilla. You
know it makes the biood pure)
and rich, and builds up talc
general health in crcry way.
The eh(i'rentanned pn.,• • •re..4A`.-,,,,
•nlr.. U.. h... ,,rein,.• -. .•1 (1, . • • .
th•t s, , r.t..it6•,, hT v'..'• r . 1 1 1... .
I)114.bT.?C.. 31,.,
A.o msr.u(sotur•ra of
tiers �u? l3t t(1Q4(.
R• base acs *scrotal V. pua1141
Ia• formulae of as our
A number front here attended 1113
anniversary .--rvic-.s hold et Zion on
Sunday last.
Wedding bells will cher rittzin,.t in
the near• tutors.
Mr. Fred Ford who was enza•z.rl
with Mr. 'rlucnas 0,w'ar(1 fair the
summer r n
1i a
< fa rtleor
We ., •.
West h t r s' '
vin n (.o t1t-:1 mils
Mr. .1 rhn
C At. a3TC0RI11L.
1 ,K dY.)Hi.aA'+t,
B 13 BOlied
Bears r
e the
8. S. NO. 4, l:il'111•:N•
F) 1 w'
4 I o tnz is n cc; reef report of
the standinz of the pupils of 8. S.
No. 1, Stephen for 1113 JIotN,h of
tt: tr:hcr. The names are In ord-u of
Jr. IV.—}Tarry Schwarz, Alvin
Cornish. Will ie Schwarz. Leonard
Schrccder, Lorne Jiorlock, Beulah
Smith, Arva ilroken4hir;•, Melee Cox •
e:srt1,, Ile rl)er1 \Wein, LH 10 Brow•r.
Mildred KI(tinpp, ifertile "Craft, Ern•
erten to hreeeler, Clinton !Insert, Cl u •
1rson Schroeder, Clintoa 11ra-
('larenre Either, Jtervin Ilrok, ne he -
(lor don C,rrnish. Jr. Ili—iia Esher
E. ro,,r.
Yc nIsar •.ice Edna
zAmy. r•
i,u u
Ko - 1.1vin t Smith, Clara \Wein.
.11- 1I.—Clinton Morlock, Eddie 1' • -
Ili- .10sep1) Sclewarz. .lo -y Ile.:, ,
slliue, Jleryin Co=worth, Ern.,•r=,en
Wein. "'t. 1.—CaSchroeder,
Clive Cori ;-::. Adelina Wein, Clara
Morlock, 1 gel Preteator.
M. C. ,Jennison, Tea.her.
Mrs. John Appleton, alto for the
p:.st 1weIve ye.t(4 tuts rxtil a suf-
ferer fr01,, Ilri;let's 1)i•-a•ax<: die on
Sunday utornjJn; aced 31 years. Al-
though beIul troubled with the din•
ease for eo 1o11; a ti.we, it wVaS not
until last June that she was com-
pelled to take ito her bed. Mrs. Ap-
pletoH was highly respected by her
lar;e circle of acquaintances who
will anise her greatly. Besides her
now sorrowing huibamd, apo loa vet
u loon; itlau;hter. The realiains
were interred in tier Gi aiid Ben 1
cemetery last Tuesday.
4DAAMOT rt. ./h..
the Kind You Has Always Bought
Bean th.
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Squires, Wednesday afternoon, Oct.
:30th at Live o'clock in the afternoon.
when their daughter Annie was united
in marriage to Mr. Johu Herdman.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
H. J. Fair of Eltmvtlle, in the presence
of about eighty invited guests. Both
bride and groom were unattended.
The bride was the recipient of many
useful and costly presents as n token
of the high esteem in which she is
held. Mr. and Mrs. Herdman will
take up their residence on Mr. Herd -
man's farm on the seventh concession,
Usborne. The Times join the many
friends and acquaintances in extend-
ing congratulations.
The re -opening of the Ebenezer
Methodist church of the 4th concession
McGillivray, Crediton appointment,
which took place on Sunday and Mon-
day was a success in every way. On
Sunday the pastor. Rev, J, W. And-
rews preached two excellent sermons,
and although the day was not pleasant
as rain fell most of the day, the at-
tendance at both services were good
especially in the evening when
the church was crowded to the doors.
On Monday evening the fowl supper
was a big success, sustaining the re-
putation of former years in the pre-
paration of so many good things for
the table. After supper au excellent
entertainment was given in the church
consisting of addresses and vocal and
instrumental music by the choir, who
deserve credit for the special music
provided by them!. The proceeds
amounted to $150. The stoney goes
toward paying for repairs made to
the church which has been remod-
elled and improved in many ways.
Mr. R. Livingstone suffered a
paralytic stroke on Saturday morn-
ing last. Although alight ,it made
quite a ohango on the old 1;entlo-
man, but we hope for a complete re•
c .e.
r .
Mc. Wm. Balfour disposed of Lis
fine farm just east of the village to
Mr. J. Morphet, of Hibbert, for the
sum of 57,500. Mr. Baltout, we un-
derstand, purposes :gobs; west.
The organization of the debating
society takes place (this evening, for
the corrin; winter.
nisi Lizzie Switzer is est the sick
Mr. Geo. Godbcelt and Cad. Fletcher
spent Sunday Lhe guests of Joseph
Rev. Veale preached Memorial ser-
vice in connection with the death of
Mr. Alexander Kirk and Mr. Ed.
Switzer last Sunday evening.
Jas. Gardiner lost a valuable horse
last week. Blood poish0nin; was the
ca use.
Mr. Fergus Harrah is suffering
with a very sore hand which has
laid him off work fora few days.
Our note} thresher, John Manna,
threshed for Mr. Thou. McCurdy, of
l'lu;town. 450 bushels of wheat in
two hours. John is a resod thresher.
It is reported stint F. Stinson and
Harvey Vickers aro I;oing to run the
Kirk ton mill, duties to commence
the first of November.
itev. Vealo will conduct Thanks-
giving service in (he Methodist
church Thursday evenin;.
Secretncid mill be held in the
Methodist church next Sunday
Conte one, Coma all, coin° et; and
small to Woodham on tato 5th Nov.
to tato oyster napper, and listen to a
real ,:rood concert.
Jars. Wm. Fr aces-, 1ea4 •visiting
::<•r sister in St. elarys last week.
Mr. James Gardiner lost a valu-
able horse from blond poisonin; Jai!.
One of our young ladies loit a
very valuabie piece of nick-.-) ono
nizht last week and would be much
ohlized if t1:.• finder trould return
the same.
A number from he
a attended the
fowl supper, at Woodham Tue+d•ty
ni;h1 and report a qoo(1 tinge.
Tahiti; up turnips is the order of
Lhe day.
\ c Irvine .[t. Ch•tr s i 1 has 'il d e
1 tic fuu.te th
silo fillip; f:rr 11:14 yell-.
Sarsaparilla enjoys the dis-
tinction of being the great-
est curative and preventive
medicine the worH ever
known. it is an all-round
medicineaucin, g its un-
equalled ecce by purify-
ing, vitalizing and enriching
the blood
on which the
health andtb °revery
and n
� Lute de-
nlo substi-
tute for Hood's. but in-
sist on having Hood's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per -
conal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no one to deceive you iu this.
All Counterfeits, Ituitations and 66 Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorit•, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worries
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—Tate Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Auction Sale (Clearing Auction Sale
Mr. John Gill has been instructed
to sell by Public Auction at :the
residence of Mr..Tarnee W. Creech on
MILIa STREET, EXETER Mr. R. B. Ross bas instructed Thos.
Brown to sell by public auction
The following property
HORSES. —1 draught [Hare rising 5
years old, in foal to irnported horse; 1
draught filly, rising three ; 1 draught
gelding, rising :3; I draught gelding
rising 2; 1 carriage horse rising 5; 2
drivingmares, S
years old;1b
loud filly
1 year old;1 blood
filly 2 years old; 1
blood stallion. rising `s.
CATTLE, -1 cow due to calve in
Sept; 1 cow true in March; 1 Jersey
cow due in March, 3 heifers, rising 3;
7 steers, rising 3; 1 steer rising 2; 1
heifer riving 2; 3 spring calves
111PLEMENT$-2 lumber wagons:
pair bobsleighs: buggy: cutter: set
double harness; set single harness; 1
Massey -Barris hinder; 1 plow, 1 roller,
root curter, Daisy churn: seed drill.
hay fork, car, ropes and slinks, fan-
ning still, large quantity of hay and
other articles too numerous to men-
No reserve as the proprietor is rent-
intr his farni.
FItIDAY, NOVEMBER .156h., 1907.
at 1.30 o'clock p• m. the following eat-
able property; Two bedsroovn suites
sideboard ; extension table ; 'centra
table; kitohen table; pock stove and
pipes ; heater ; 3 rocking chaise; 6
dining roam ohairs; i spring mate
tresses; 2 hair rnattnesses; jour;e:
pictures ; &hovels; hoes; rakes; forks
dishes; household utensils; tluanti•
ty split woad and other articles too
numerous to
There will be offered on day of
sale (if not 'Mold previously) elle resi-
dence and premises ,being Lot 89 011
Mill Street. Good frame thous°. A
snap for anyone warning n moder-
ate priced perms.
Chattels -Cash,
Ileal Estate -20 per tent cash on
(lay of sale and balance in 20 d.iye.
J'or further particulars apply to
John Gill Uladmalt & Stanbury,
Auctioneer. Solicitors for vendor.
Pasture Farm for Sale
East half lot 8, South Boundary,
Hay, 50 acres. Good paslture farm ;
river louohes corner and zaal shaJ0.
Sale by auction will take place at
Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Sat-
urday Nov. 23rd at 2 o'clock. John
Gill, Moil. Chas. Box, Prop. Glad•
elan & Stanbury, solinitors.
House and Lot for Sale
House and lot for sale Pt. Jot 155
Con. 12 ilsborne, 1-2 acre )and I;nod
brick cottage 011(1 stable. Must bo
.sold. Apply Thorn Cameron, Auction-
eer Farquhar.
Real Estate For Sale
Part lot ,No. 4 eonlainin3 ;eft
scree) of land good brick house., largo
orchard with all kinds of fruit, and
neverfailin; '.tell of hard water. This
beautiful property lies immediately
West of Railroad on the Lake Road,
contains thousands of dollars worth
of gravel and is convenient to Exe-
ter. This property must be 'sold an
John (Nor t. hoot t. t he proprletoes
health has failed. i:a4y (terms of
payment. A b:; snap. For itcrms
and particulars ,apply to Thos. Cam-
eron, Auctionc.•r F,rr.luhar.
Store Property for Sale
In the village of Exeter, composed
of the North part of Lot 11 on tlx:
est ei Main do of . i to Street, consisting
of one /good store and tier, building
now used for a postoffice, knbwn as
The John,' Block.
For terns and particulars Iipply
:o Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far-
, r
. 1-
1 9 1. 47,
For Sale or to Rent.
Lot No. 15, Con. 2, Tp. of Stephen
Co. of Huron containin.; 10(1 acres of
land well fenced and drained; with
;col orchard, about 20 acres of !good
bush, modern bitildin;s, convenient
to ''hoot, ehuroh aftd market and
tuft., about 2 miles from th'
V-1 Ire of Exeter. If not sold be •
r . Nov, 15th will be rente<i. For
further particulars npply to Robert
Lcathorne, Esq. 266 Wellington St.
London, Ont. or to Messrs. Dickson
& Carlinz, Barristers etc., Ex.•:er
nntario. 1n-;,--Off—•1
Property For Sale
ten acres for =.11 , .'.est of r ti1-
w•ay, tra:k, Lake Rad Apply tr4.
Edwin Jones, Exeter.
r ,
$5.00 and under cash, over that rum
10 months credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved ?obit notes. Five per
cent. per annum for cash on ctedit
Sale commences at 1 o'clock.
Prop. Auct,
'Clearing Auction Sale
,Its. White, Auct., will :tell by
by Public Auction for Mr. Thomas
Ns ;it. on
Lot 17, Southeast 13d. of Usborne,
one mile South of \We:Mb: rn on
111 t. .1907
cc•u►nlencine at 0410 oclt1ek sharp the
following: The Farm consists of 90
acres more o4• lose. on it. a ,gaol
frame house nank barn 36X51 good
s(:iblin; underneath, food driving
shed 20\40, farts fairly well fenced
never failing wells of wa(er and
Lttin iv in ucol eta to of cultivation
:Stock -1 geoid brc'xl stare in foal
Ito Carbincer, 1 general purpose
1 horse 5 years old, 1 mato 3 years
1 1 zoxlHackney mare colt
bbs 2 yea rs old, 1 i;cod filly mare
colt bred by Clerkinw•ell, 1 draught
mare colt 1 year old, 1 'Divine
years s >t
d 5zx><dairy cow
sur est
to 1 lo cn •
Ivo 'n the 31rinr 1
{ir c
cow to c,ll ve in Novcntoer, I Ufa t
ontt•, i younr farrow cow, 6 yen'.•
liar heifers, :3 atefKtyn oomin; 2 year
old, 8 sprint ea ves, 1 Hereford
null calf 5 1110111Jie old, 6 good
ilk re hoz', 1 treed sow ,supposed
to be in pia, about 70 younz 110414,
30 ;cod duck.' and creme turkeys.
tmplem'nMixwcli Bind, M
Cormick rnoIs—wor n0 w, McCerormickc•
✓ ake, Deerinr drill nearly neve, Deer•
in; cultivator nearly view, land rol•
ler. M %well disc hart. x•, Cockshuit
titin plow, fanninz mill, root ;unser
ha v s � 4c ca •.a2000
r c t,r i s r I)..
t 1
✓ ,
1 Iva 7./.7d1/ pair hob sleighs est
irrm harrows, wheelbarrow, -travel
hnx, hay rack, net 81111!4 rope and
,1 ,
pulleys complete new, ;stn Istonc,
deuble'carrel ze, ainzla buggy, cutter
nenrlY nee huezv pole, set light
double barites., 24 grain hits, 16
cow rhesus, milch cane, 1 new
8,(rkalchewatt robe, 2 rues. 2 4014
of whiffle trces, cronh,tr, lc•;zine
chain. cook 510ve, Ilea titer stove and
pipes. 5 kitohe•n ell tis', crosscut saw
buck nae', 3 dezem -.ewers, fork
•rythes, I,c . shovels and other ar•
jcles tee Darnerall4 to mention.
. t,
• $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••
aThe Mo1sons1Bank
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • •
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •• ••••
Assets Over $33000,000,00
General Banking Business Trans•icted,
Savings Bank Department
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, lubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jd6kS011 & Soy
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
We Teach Telegraphy,
Di. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D.
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
Main street—EXETER.
D. D. 8., Dentist, Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OIrVICE:—Over Dickson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
el • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un
rersity. office and residenence. Dominion
Laboratory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
En in
e&Ar h
Arc 1
>r tee
(fate Department of Public 11'or ke, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for hluniripal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks
System 11-han es, Bridges and Re -enforced Concrete,
phone il2t0 London Ontario
���� We have unlimited private funds for /uveae
- eat upon farm or village c roperty ab lows.
ales of inbereea
+ We have three departments; +
Commercial, Shorthand and Te-
legraphy. We employ the beat .p.
teachers that money can hire. -I•
Our courses are thorough and
.I. practical and we assist worthy
•I• students to positions. Those •S-
'1' who wish to get a MONEY fe
.j MAKING EDU('ATION should 3,
+ get the beat. Write for our new
catalogue and get particulars.
j'This is the best time of the
1, 'i•
,year to enter our classes,
.l. Principals.
++44444 4-+++++++++++++++++
will ill :i. ,,, HI .1..• I1.o long evenings
brig}.. .t,: k ,,,u: ,. .,r.d .,1 not only add
beau; I.. 11.,- 1e i,..• 1,.tt pleasure to all
Call and L t' . talk with us and you
will be sur(! .- .1 how easily you Ina)
own one.
The goods :.1" the best; the prices
are alright, Ist..i we will try to make
the terms (4) suit you.
We also sell Organs, Sewing Mach-
ines, Stationery, small Musical Inst-
ruments, School Supplies, and etc.
A good second hand organ for $2.1.00
Now trouble to show goods.
I hays found a tried and tested sure for Rhen•
efatlsm l Nota retn,•dy that will straighten the
siletortsi limbs of chronic cripple.. nor tum bony
growths back to flesh again. That is Impossible.
But 1 can now surely kill the pains and parte of
HMS deplorable disease.
In Germany—with a Chemist in the ('sty of
(Darmstadt -1 tound rho last ingredient with
Which Dr. Shop's Rheumatic itemedy was made
perfected. dependable prescription. Without
that last ingredient, I successfully treated many,
loan cases of Rheumatism; matl.m butnnw atla
y st its
termly cures all curates cases of this heretofore
tench dr. ad.d die as,. Those sand -like granular
Wastes, found In Rheumatic Blood seem to dlssniro
and pass away under the action of this rcu)e.ty as
freely as ((0,•1 sugar when add,Nl to puts water.
,es,• • .
And then when fe., lr,i
Dn s wastes
freely pass from the slstetn, end the cause of
Rheumatism 15 form forever. There is now no
teal need—no actual eaoim to suffer longer with.
Out belp• we sell, and In teet .:nee recommend
Dr. Shoop's
Rheumatic Remedy
Terms—On R
rm. n -farm , 1000,00 down ort
ratty of sale the balance can remain
en mort!see with interest nt 5 per
cent.: en stock and implement '5.00
and under cash over that amount 11
8304)1.115' credit will be ziern on fur-
nisbin; approved joint notes. or a
disc:rent et 6 per rent. per annum
.[ forC ,a
off a51t in lieu of noteA.
1',rgi,ieely' no re'ervc, if the farm
i4 not v91'1 it still be rented.
Auctioneer. J'roprl•et•)•,
!Alpe( C ht.
567 10 A Cady lord Leila
&maters Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancer:
Oommiasionere, Eiolicitore for the Molson.
Bank. ]Cto,
Iaoaey to,Milin at lowest rates of interest.
i' DARLING 8. A. L. ix. Dime"
We have a large amount of private fundi bge
oan on farm and village properties ab Iowralle
Barristers 8ol1cItore,lMain st.!Exeter
Licensed auctioneer for Count lee
of Huron and Pertb.
c} attention pe given to !seal
stook sales. Town and village pro
perty sold by auction on moderato
Order' may be lett at the TimOIP
office or at residence, Elimtille,.
Charges moderate.
Tne Usborne and Ribbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur-
' ane Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont~
Pres. W. II. PASSMORE, Farquhar.
Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUssELL,
ItussetLDALE, P. O.
w\f. BROCK WiN( i(ELPFA 1', 0.
JOHN EMERY, Exeter. agent for
Usborne and jiiddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, alreM.
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Socy.Treas. Farquhar.
spools of the C000dion North Wog
ANY .ren numbered section of Dornininn Lands Af
wanitoba, askatchewan and Alberta, txrtiding
b and 26, not reserved, may he homesteader) by
any person who). the sole head of a family, or any
male over 18)e(re of age, to the extent of one -quare
ter section of 160 acres, more or less.
Application for entry mint le made in person try
the applicant nt a Dominion lands Agency or Sub.
agency ,or the thorn( t in which the land is situate.
Entry Is prosy may, 'low ser, be made at an alien.
t on rertaina•onrlltions l.y the lather, mother, cone
daughter, brother or sister of an intending home.
The homesteader is required (0 perform the
homestead duties under one of the following plans:
1 At least east al(m
t upon rt .dere r
n .nd ru '
ration of the land in each year for three years.
("-at,) A henusuader may, if he so (Irvine, perform
the squired rssiderite dull/ s I• living 411 fanning
land ow rail solely l) hills, not lira than eight) (N.)
arm in extent, in the ticinit) of pia Id mestead.
Joint cwur,ship in land will not meet this require.
If the tache
rmot or
1 her, if s
the lather
Is de.
erased) of the homesteader tale pet manent rt•sklern-e
on ethane lard (14 8((1 sold, by him, not less than
rights (,$) acre. in extent, in the I leinit • of rhe
homestead, or n)a,n a 4(015)1 d enter(d ((,r hi hits
in the %kind,.omit hctntsteader ma) peefotm hist
nir•04nnth(r(ai►.d(n(eduties ty filing with Oho father or
4 The feint ''ti -Inst)" in the tan preceedln*
paragraphs is defined as meaning not more than
nine miles in a diret line, rt( -II. i%e of road al ow.
anees rroeied in the measurement.
A homt to (
s a lerintendin to etfctni his et -
dence dupes In secordar.ce with lthe alot, while
lit Mg with his ;serene, or en fainting land awned b
himaetf must notify the Afrtnt el the .4btrict of such
loten(ion, .e
Si'. month.' notice 1n writing 511,1111(11,e •11 to
the ('omuttssioner of Lk/Hanley Lands at alta, a of
apply 1 for rsten
w, w. 1vrR1',
enroll n! t1, Utrdster of the In:erinr
N. n.- Unauthorised pnl•licatton of 1hle advertise.
meat will not he paid for —_—
Bean tb• 4eplte Kind Yo hast Ahra ttagtil
Big Were /J` A.1