HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 31 i 1 BUGS SEAS SWEPT DECKS Tragedies of the Great Gale on the Atlantic. A despnt'h town North Sydney, N.S.. Jebel when a mighty wave swept over sass: With Stars unt Stripes ltuii1iug the side' of the eellooner and welhed \1;•Inilxvg overboar • et the same time "veiling into kindling w -sol the only dass cndeck. \\'e.lucts,lay lioruiug the Glouc.•ste r r110 emit' etaggg(! acid \lay. tette. Alio a'. half -mesal from ttie iniiiiunast hea+l, the 1;!cu4eeter ,.('ha,n(•r 'Titania, •:apt. Putt is k Wnk�, sailed into port art• \Ved- ncsdne eflcrtv,e,u, repelling the, loss of n rite, and showing signs of herd ex- peeu'uce in Al(,mday's awful gale. '1't' \!4'l i Jieran. which left here for tui Titania left Gloucester 'l tiurselay last, utt' grounds last week. put into 1.ouis11urg u handtit►ang trip to tee Banks. 'floe in a crippled condition, all her dor o s wind. aci><,r'ding lo (:apt. \'ale, attained pale a•ul one nom, Buse foutdreault, a' a '.erne a vekeity tot eighty niece an rage 1 ;dealt thirty. u native of '1.11Skrt- 11,,ur. 'I'ues(1ay nt(•rrlir+g; about one v' . I;:,•. Cuniteritincl Collide, washed e,'ctock John Malmberg, a Svve'uee, a he oveiiylard. 11 1,x,8 tut one 'nighty sea was at enc on the e-ulch, was heard 1.0 ell the Genet thanks to sweep every cry: "My fl t. mite. here's on nee)! ).oat and every movable thing from his ren cs.tmut,!. 'the cry vrats scarcely flit- steles -tel.'s (jee:k into t -tie edit. SOME CRAFTY MYSTERIES 1N.tOlt1 frill•: 4I'` \\ i:Iii: \I \57k:Its OF MANN' slit SN6I GIFTS. hinny Apparent \\waiters Can Now be I-:xt►lained by the knowledse of Hypnotism. What in the pa=l has been termed magic presents itself now to the s:•ienti- (lc, mind as an imperfect use of forces the fall knowledge of which e'e have yet to acquire. The Maori priest c 1 c•id, or lohunga, as he was called. was master of many powers which can now be explained by hypnotism, although tuffs methods of pretending to obtain ittesseges from the gods mere doubtless due to craft. Venlrikiquisin also was practised by the priests, particularly when communication was desired with a deceased relative. There remains. however, a mass of evi(1e:ncc proving that these sten possessed powers which tan only be explained 113• processes in- to which we are only now beginning to hive any Insight. Many white then arrefatniliar with tt ane of the ()utensil forms of the ob- servances of the \fnoi•i priests, but ( f 111_' inner meaning and origin of their ritual we know nothing. In the teach- ing brinded- down to those chosen among their direct descendants under c.rcures'ances of great secrecy the pupil was put to several tests in order to prove his prnflciency First, he haat to take in his hand a hard, smooth and round stone; and. repeating tt karakia, or incantation, called :i l•na. -hatter ttie stone into frag- ments. anal ►,tat only by Ihe mental r.fee:Ilion of willing. without any phy- ' n! effort. '1'o all the prie'st's opera - ons the harnkia was A NECESSARY ADJUNCT. 11 supplied to the Polynesian mind art trete-aid sign eennecting the cause and flitch The ea1e lune \tarsi. believed, in- deed. that the karakul, the form of words u•ea. wrought the desired effect noel Ihe etlicaey of this incantatieen de- pended on the resolute fidelity with %vttich the lee-mlh;a a -ns pronounced. The notion of Christ in destroying the bantam lig tree presents an exact. it- lt:stratiou of tie- tt.'str-,ying by (he pow- er of the eel a tech their ward boa cc vers. 1'hc latest guise of scientists, That every existing ehject in the uni- verse is edeeposed of one .element. anal that the unit of That element k the eler- taun. leads one to tete gate of a field of speculation in which Lite wind niay wander far. If the pupil eyes successful in the stone test he was next made to try his towers on SoJnte animate object, such nit to Ilying bird, the process being the sante ns 1ef(re. Ace(.relingg to the Ma- cre ria th.' lied eus envoys killed U the pups) was proficient. Or he alight hove a Itt eing enemy and cense hien to he seized with all those ugonics el retar•.I- (eti••n which we are all familiar with when suffering inttn nightmare. 'then Come the final test, the pupil being ordered to eeercise the (ower of willing le death s.'me neer relative t f hie awn in order to show that in the exercise of his powers Ire ceauld rise su- i erior to the feelings of nature] effete tteen. This was the dread tnakukn. and it is well ktv.wn that if a Maori Leliev- 4.1 tie wail tcw•iteleel he ens sure to clic. [fere we :see the effect of hypno- tism anti suggestion, conveyed lay tele- pathy. S':atnetttnes n priest who con- side'retl himself deeply affronted has l•t'e:t know to will to death a e hole family for lite net of one individual. end all, even the tabs at the breathe Nye wiliest ne ay. The lohunga ens even credited with the power of influen•`ing the dead. The present wri'e r wn. a %elms, to i'ItI: 1.01.1.o\\'ING iNCIht:\'T. • A trench of the .\rnwns, the tribe r1 the dis!rirt of itok.rna, being nt war. Ind euftercd defeat and one of their braves had tieet n firelight home deed. The vanquished sought at once to find out, 1►y seine' Gillen connected e'ilh the d('iid chief. whether they would be successf.rl in their next mounter. The lohung io was requested to pro - euro desired omen, the people squat- ting to a ring about the tiler. Ativnnc- ingt a few paces from the dead body, the priest began to recite a powerful in- cantation, intent on making the de- ceased give some sign, the eyes of all 4cnt being flxrd en the s:ssin war- rtnr. Presently the 4'r: rpsle vine (,bserv- re: le rttove s:'g;et'y to cne aide, on Which a great cry (,f joy arose from the laeople. The reoveir.ant was interpre• ed as a sign of Nature victory. This jest Nes ellen ferforrmied Ly the to. ht.nga of olden limes. eioho'.O sas Ih•' last of the old teltan The number of his years could 1..•tily he guessed al; he was almost Methuselah of the Maori, his race, ane, 4:.reles5 as to Itis personal appearance. e wore his hair long. l visited him several tithes in the '70's, but so ex- Itetnely sacred ons his Poison that it eas only after repented delays Ihut I was allowed to see hits; indeed, lie Cou- �idereel that while people wetted not 11 to associate with, tis they had no sys- tem of taint, nor del they regard things which were tape to the Minori with any reverence. 1 was deeply interested in itis manifestations, partly for their strangeness and partly, perhaps, be - cense 1 had myself assimilated tuany of the Maori superstitions by the mere force of propinquity. From the first he had resisted all ef- forts of the missionaries to induce hi:n to abandon his ancient faith her (:hris- tionity. As he hint a large following. wile, for his sake, refused to mecng- nizt' Christianity, his conversion was greatly desired. New 7.ealan(1's great- est bishop laid siege to the old heathen n; Makoia, that tree -tend isle in Lake liolurnn, to whie:lt the beautiful !bue- na-la swain. For hours the bishop en- deavored to win the priest over. But Lis powers of persuasion -hove great these were is well known --for once Felled utterly. TO1 ►OTO SAT IN MOODY SIH.F.NCE. e1! length he lifted his head. "hearken tett., 'ty words," he said. "If you can do this 1 will accept your God." Then picking up the (tend leaf of a cabhago tree which had fluttered to the ground, he held it loosely between Itis fingers at amts length. His withered t. ay w 1s naked to the hips; the sun Was high in the (heavens; no deception was po.:sil-.le. After repeating an it►- (attlatiun he invited his visitor to look. the I• -at lead become green. The s•hsitg minded, highly educnt- d English - 1:1:111 heel rev belief in either Totto'.o or his powers. yet by some mental influ- ence the decrepit Polynesian was able to male this ver;Ie white ratan believe that w::at he saw was a fresh green leaf; set it ens in reality still a dry. le, awn one. The en 1 of the last of the Iohungas was Loth singular and pathetic. On that terrible night in Juste, 1886, when the pink and white !emcee erre lost to New /emitted and darkness came over the Iand, 'roboto was sleeping at \Vaireoa village. He seas buried be- neath the rain, of ashes, and it was sev- en days before he was dug out of the ruins e.1 his hut. Ile was very feeble after his king confinement in a hoh' That must have been for a time scarce - !y lees hot than nn oven, and he was clack with edit` teem the velcnnic eruption. Yet had he Leen ieft attire. 'ie aright have recovered: lee they 14,40k 11nn to the hospital nt Itotorna. mhcrt' f.r„hah)v in ignorance of the awful sae- 1(.itu4 s in Which the head is held among the efneris, nail especially that of a teleingn. the white and malts(' lair reel heard were cut (off. it \vas the heist terrible and degrading thing that eotll'I hove happened to Tcehole. 1lic J'I t•sonnl (apt) hull been vedette!. and this, preying on his mind, killed him. ROYAL VISIT TO CANADA? I'tince Arthur o" Connaught Mny Come Next Year. A (IPcpni(•Io front 1.011(1011 Silts: The ('•ar•resi►•►mlent of the 4:nnadinn As oci- tiled Press has hoard that the King will tae. represented 1 y Prince Arltlut• 01 ('e.n- nnught. nt the tercentenary of ltw remitt- ing of Quc1•(•r next year. The Prince is 1.• he ncc•otnpnniesl tv all imposing guile. and 11 is likely that the Print.', nflrr the 11uel•e•: celebration, ►nay leer remade. 4.1' 11 ing (111 \V.•tlttrsdny rut 1lturnrr He use. the Canadian Ass..cinled Press was let(1 that nothing (lefiniie a,.. l; ase ins n there rewording the rein• 1a v i•it- ii+e Quebec, but it was tool utl11kcly hr (right. NINON'S QUESTION. Some young brides lake the married 'tate seriously enough, and little Mrs. Nixon is of this order. she was net a good cook, and site knew 1l; but after tnnrringe she bludi.'d at a cookery clnss with such good effect that in due course she carried off a di- ploma. "Yes," she seal, enthusinsticnlly, that everting. "I've get tete loveliest diplonin. It's on sheepskin parchment, with n Mg reel seal. Anil just in honor of the occasion I cooked that dish yelere cal - leg now. It's my own idea .ntirely. Now just you guess Mull i1 is," . Nixon wart on with his men) in ell- ence ter a moment. Then he looke-1 up with a e ry gins dent knee." he <ai.l. !,rsila'ineee . "I • i' -er-- L, it Iltc .liplomha " THE WORLD'S MARKETS iIEPORTS FROM TIIE LEADING TRADE (:I:\1 ILS. Prices of Ga111e, Grain, (totem and Other Dairy Produce at Houle and Abroad. Toronto, Ocl. 29. -Ontario a heat 90 per cent. patents are quoted ill Si in t,t:)cre' sacks outside for export. Mele- ft-le;t first patents, $(i; s(tWnd patents, e,,. to to $5.5(), umd strong bakers', $5.36 e. .$3.35. \\heat--etutitoba grades were lintel end) firmer. No. I Northern quoted at 1.15;;, and No. 2 tit $1.I3X, lake peels. Cheese•) wheat --No. 2 red winter and No. 2 white are que►Ied at $1.05 outside, and No. 2 mixed] at $1.04 outside. Barley - Nu. 2 go.uied at 87 to 88c out- side, unci No. 3 extra at 145e outside, and No. :1 extra at Sit k► !(2•' c►ulsi/lc. Oat- N...:,' Oreturio while oats are 55c -outside, wee!; Manitoba No. 2 Mete are 1011iil1al at 51ie Owen Sound. Goin No. 2 Auierleun yellne• is Voted Pet 72eee, Torunto freights, ani) No. :3 at 7.2e. Bran- Tee market is dull at $22 to $22.50 el leek e,ulside. Shorts are quoted al S,'1 lc. 825 outside. (:(.)t'\'I-II)' PRODUCE. Appl(rs--\Wic.t.•r ;tellies, $3 to $3.50 per tat:rrel. Mettles ---8I.50 to 81.90 for primes, and .sl $1,90 to tit for bitted-pielved. Homy -12 to 13,E per lb for etr►iutdl, ;ant! at 82.50 le $2.75 for combs. flay -No. 1 timothy qu(.ted at $16.50 to $17.50 here in car lots. 5irllw--$t) lo $10 a loft nn track here. 1'o.uteoh-(rtltu•io are q 1 tieit at 70t per nag on 11•nuk, and New Brunswick 75e per bag. Poultry---Tt,rkeys, dressed, 13 to 14c toe tb; chickens. alive, 7 to 7eee; dressed, 8 1e. Oe; clucks, olive, 7 to Sc; do, dressed, 9 10 10e. HOC. PRODIXl'S. Ili•,• .1 he•g..s in car lots are gimlet at ,,x.20 1.. eieee. 1;;tce►n, long clear, 11 to 11 eee per Ib i:t rase leis; mess port:, $20 ;.e 821; shore cut, 12:.50 to $2:1. limns -Light to Medium, Ii► to 151ed.; stem. Ile ivy, 1.4 to 14'%c; rolls, 11Xe; shoulders, 10% to Ile; l;ieks. 16% to 17e; breakfast bacon. 15% to 16c. Lard -Tierces, 12'/,c ; tubs, 12bc; pails, 13c. THE DAIRY \1AI3KETS. Bolter--I'.miel prints, 23 Is 25e, and large ren:. `2! to 22 •. Creamery rules at 21 to 29e, and (solids at 21 to 25e. Eggs -Case lots selling at 23 to 24c re dozen. cheese -Large quoted at 13%e, and (wins at 13:Oe. 111:Si\I IN MONTREAL. Montreal, Oct. 29.---fraln-The kcal demand for oats is still liliti;e'd, but pries are tirnt, with Teles of odd cors of thtlatri•) and ()melee new crop oats itt 56 te 59c pee 1ilshel, ee .store. Fleur - Him; there.. spring wheat patceiee. $6.10 10 $6.30; s: ►•owls, $5.50 W $5.7o; winter wheat pa:.sits, $0; straight rollers, $5.75: de.. ]n La 1:. 82.70 to 82.75; extras, $2.05 ler *2.14). I-ce•.I-Mat tlot•a erre), in hare:. 823, shorts, $25 to $2$ per tort; ()Marie lean, in tags, $24 to $25: sleets, $25 to $26, nhilkel rnouillie. $22 per ton; straight grain, $34 to $35. 1'rovisions- Ilarre't; .short tett mess, $22 to $22.`0; hull-I,arrrl; de.. 811.25 to $11.75; clear fat basks. $23.:.0 to $2.4.50; long elit heavy mess. 810.50 to $21.51); halt -Carrels 41o. 810.75 to $I1.54); dry salt long clear lateen. 10 to Mee: sic: barrels plate beef, $14 It. $16: half-t.i►rrets do, $7.50 in $8.25; lariats heavy mess beet, $111; half-har- rels 410, $5.50; compound lard. 11) to 107jc; pure lard, II'; to 12j;e; kettle - soldered, 13 t•. 13ye; hates, 12y; to I5 -c; treakfa=t bacon, 14 to 153;e: Windsor l:.lcOt), 15 Io 15Xe; fresh killed alattoir die'gaff hogs. $11 to $9.50; olive. 86.:35 t•i $6.5(1. llutleseeFinest, 2734 l0 2S!te'. Eggs-- N1e. 1 repelled and straight rercipls, 2$c per dozen; selects, 27•'. i:heeee-\Westerlt, 13% 1(► 13%. UNI'TEI) STATES M.\rtKl':r5. itinneep(.0 tic!. 29.- \\ heti►.--I1.424•nt- 1,er. $1.17 ;; May, $1.12'.. \o. 1 hard, 81,08?;; No. 1 N(.rlhrrr►. $1.07%; No. 2 Northern. $1.033 to $1.04: No. 3 North- ern. $1.01. Flour --first patents, $5.711 iu $5.80; .second patents. *.1.511 to *5.70; Ilrst i-Ient. $%.5(t I.► $1.60: sect.11(1 dears, $4.70 to $4,84). Bran- in hulk, $22.25 to Duluth. ret. 29.--\\1ent Nr., 1 11nt•.1, SI.1t► ,: Ne.. I Northern. $1.1175,: No.. 2 Ne seism. $1.03%; 1b eimber, $1.075; ; Mee. 81.1.2. 1. Hila nalae. Oct. 211.--\\'hike1--No. 1 Ntelltcrn. $1.09 to atelli 4; No. 2 North- ern, $1.05 lo $1.(S; Derc•rmler, 81.01 r.Fkrel. Ilye- Nu. I, 8. I•► Fiestee. Barley --No. 2. $1.06,1„; sample. 74.• to $1.05. I. in- -No. 3 lush, 611 to 62c; May, titlt;e. tokt•d. * • (:ATTAIN .Air) WIFE DROWNED. \1:1►. (targe Ilan Mien 1.' 11 !:Ir:toter in lake St. 1.01116. ?► (lest ,1:,•11 front \I. nlreal says: The steamer \tat elk. ('npl. (neitIrow, hound (mein Quebec- for I)elrv.it with a cargo of pitli►wrxxl, came into etill ulna with 111'. wile -eat 'T11, le ',wire eel 1;n(upnny's 14 1)1e inflows. -ef the tug Olive, fine laden from fres• . s) fejr \le.ntt'e1t1, \Wr:Suit silf,y afternoon In Lake SI. 1.0111s. 'fl:• .olli•ton resulted in Ihe sinking; o1 1'I • !urge. vs hieh ens struck fair amid- -Hips. and souk nlinos! immediately. Na thing has since !weft eeen of the ^nt►- Inin of the large Hill his a if.', and 11 ire ,i,pgxo-011 that they a 111 it own with the bent. '1'w•. other, Wren saved Ihett' lives by jumping to the oiler• vrce:el. The Norwalk was not serklusty injured. f ('OST IS 1011 I;IiiAT. Ge.v, n11111111 ‘h:tn.lon• Idea for Present of Enlarging IIht,'eu Hall. A despntrh from Ottawa snys : The (:(,vcumeeit has nt.nn.loned for Ih,, pre- sent. or, al env rate. t.nlil I'nrlintnent hes been corm:tilted. the hien of enlarg- ing Itillentt Hall. The only tender re- echo! f►r the pi epose it nddit1 ,11 ens in Ihe vicinity (.1 $2:5010. hut This is ce•m- •itleriee'y highrr than Ihe nntounl tttcn- eve 1, lee 'house last session. CANAUI DRAT RAILWAYS. In Rate of Grou tb of Traffic its P.ist Twenty %ears. A despatch from Ottawa rugs: Ihe at'nual blue took oontaining the canal t.talietics of the Donhinien far the season of 1906 was i sued on \Vednesday. The figures show a large increase in the busi- ntese between Cunatilatt ports during the post twenty years particularly with re- gard to westward trams. 'Itis gree lit tins been cvn.ideratte from (:anedu u to 1 t,ited Stales purls. The up-tx ural tridtle has been in larger v. lune) than Bout moving (-ttstwi t'1. ;(• � to �It�u'e :once 1887 1110 trade 1 t � eel* t need elutes by Iautndial' squints has green largely. In Mksinslalle4 , lwwoyer, the 1114 vtnmete downward has 1►ct.•rt greater than ttpeard. There has been en actual •-I:I imkage in the up battle between United Stales and Canadian gorls. The easl1A•und lousiness, however, I►us pruc- lieit I ly doubled. The rxgu.msion of buainrr-a with emu& 1:: 11..10111\4.1y larg(•r• then that shown ey l;t'uedinn railways, inciteul'y selrdyaela2ikers7 per cent. dluaern'aidnrdgdolt1wu14'nsuptieincnsosst ••111\11:1:. Iwhw'Ihnh:o.11o1f0'T3i6nh8epeeu'rasp cent. , w h i to t h e eastward grow to the extent e f 257 per colt. \\�t•ilr 57..66.715 tons of freight were enrrietl ty Canadian railways in 1906, ise c(•nipa1(51 with 10,356,337 in t $7, the le eel -mese was 251 per cent., as against 2:',7 per cent. un Ihe canals. SUILII1', AND %•UN"i' DU 11 AGAIN. So Says Sir Wilfrid to Japan, and the Nika(lu Accepts Apology. A despatch from Ottawa says : "His :x •ellenry the Governor-General and the (:unadiatt Government will be plet►sed if yeti eel (. ttVCy to 16: Imperial Miljeity tit I:n.p(•rur of Julian their very deep regret for the unfortunate occurrence's al Newcomer, and if y•.tt will also convey a. his Imperial elitjesly the aSSurttnc(5 that the Canadian aultturitii s will use their alums! efforts to prevent any re- currence d.f such regrettable evct.Is." S, said Sir \\'itft'id i.iturier in his let- ter of apology to Japan for Ihe \'ancou- yer• riots. "►lis t\Maiosly received Ihe► Inc sage teem the Governor-General of Canada and the Government of Canada with the greatest. gratification, rind 114.trs e illi 110101 satisfaction the earnest intention e. f the raivernor-General and (;imver•nnic•tti ei ('anuria to g►rontote cordial and friend - le relations which exist between the Bri- tish Empire and Japan." So stlys Atubassnde.r :llacdon;tl(1 in reply. Thus the two nations are friends nds again. SAVED CHILD'S LIFE. Gallant Action 01 O. Wolfe, a C. P. R. Brakeman. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS IIAi'i'1:\I\115 1'Ito%1 AIL OIL.% .t TIIE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs Froin Our Oen and Other Countries of Recent "'yetis. ANAU.1. '1'hc get ant 4'."14)1v6 \ :►t►,ta ut AI43 0 (jae• aro lull. A farm rat lit acres near Brockville hue been purchased for it rifle range. Sir Tttontus Shaughnessy denies That ttv• aitgr.s shops at elontt•eul Bill tau closed. The surplus of the. Post -office for the tune lnunll►s ending VII Alurch 31 was Toronto furnishes Ihe largest revenue of any city in Canada. Lawrence Gov/kind was ete'rtteltcc'd al htdeetert. \Inn.. le, he hanged Ike mur- dering 1;(•urgtmt Brown. A i.•lwr•t upon u tr•u'k hewer for Toronto, to cost $3.400,000, bus been t►iude by the City 1?engineer•. 'I'h. \\'cslc•rrt Cienocla Elevator at L?Ito', Alnn., was turtIId on Tuesday, le•gethd'r with 23.000 lausttels of wheal. Canada has agreed to ilk. :.ulutissic ii o: the+ ell,gdulen Islands fisheries di-puie-' with the United States to The Hague Tribunal. 'lite retail liquor sten of Ontario have been notified of an increase in the price of beer on the part of the brewers. The Advisory t'nidel of Algoma muni- cipalities met at Blind River and pns•sctl resolutions revering the control of pu11- lie lauds toy the municipalities in e tech the lands are situated. C'NTI'ED STA'L'ES. During this year New York city's municipal government will spend $241 each minute. Alias Alla king and Mrs. Jelin Bruce, when attacked ty two lnikl-up leen in Chicago, utterly routed them with hut - pins. The t►Iforneys of tete Slntt'turd Oil (Company have di c+net'e(1 twenty -live VW -SOILS sully the fine of $29,240,000 should not be paid. 14,1loe ing a beeechell defeat, Sylvester Stevens. of Chicago. hurled a hri,•k at Geo. Johnson, destroying the sight of his right eye. Joseph M.1'innignie of Fait -eta, N.Y., e•ot a verdict sof $1,56(1 ;lg;tit:et Robert 1)t,gdale, of Middletown, fur injuries sustained front his horse being frigltt- etted by Duggdiles automobile. Speaking at Nashville. 'I't'tin., I'reei- dent ituoSevt•It declared That for the re- n;uinitlg sixteen months of his term he will persevere in his campaign against ail elm haveobtained wealth dishon- est ly. Speaking at- I3ingltntutown, N. 1'., A d48gutl(h from \icmrlireal says : W. J. Bryan said it was not President \\ !eel the ()Lawn train front _Montreal Itl,u�evelt whit was to blauto far the left Itigaucl on Tuesday night, O. Sicotte, tit.ancial crisis, but the unscrupulous Brakeman of the; Smith's Falls lir,arn:ii rs who made the President's performed an action which s:(t (•(I the life of ;t smell ,•11i1d, a ho but for his hrnsery an:I presence 4.1 mind would ce.rlairily I1i.v1' teen kills). \\ hen the train leaves I'igitud Ihe brakeman ti'11nds on the front of the engine in order to be able to open the switch a cohort distance up the line•. Sicotte, standing mere, saw in helot of hien a email girl tight 111 the middle of the frac!:. IIt /shouted lc, her, belt could noe1 attract her attention. 'there was no time to slop the train. so without n moment's hesitnlien modat 1 hied S1111(1(13'night and attacked the uta• imminent risk of his own lift. `icor!(•, liolice. bmns'►ing ilia • •s. catcher e ith 011e halal. The Au' 1-1)1in1 110t.se of Ilepresc'nta- c g,olic3 necesSary. G. A. Hammond, of Frederick, Ohio, etto recently 101ssed his Bath hirlh(iay, hie( completed the seventy-ninth Year of itis occuputio11 as cobbler, having tegutt w(,t•k 011 the Leech ut the age of ten years. GENERAL. A gang of Chinese c'colies at New \Modcrfonlein. in the 'Ft;t11 \;ra1, muli- leaned forwent. end as the engine reached the child he lifted her to a place of safety. ---3t 111D 1115 AIOTIII:It'S BODY. Son Said Stranger Shot Iler, and Ile Was Afraid to Tell. A (1(epalc•h from Utica. N.Y.. says: \lrs. J«mtes Seoul, .,t a farming 6011e. retell near Nero isle Cheering', county, went 'idlitigl mill] her son last Friday. tib.diel not tv'ttlrn \‘ 1111 Ila' yvumtg ratan, said she had remained nt. the house •,1 n friend. His 'Ittries did tK►t comes. peed. anti ern 'I'te.'wiay he ens arrested. sted. Search was kept up for the \ve.ntan, end e.n \\'i:dnesclay the nen en-( Tulsa with the searchers. The woman's hi .1y wn5 tc,und in some woods with 11 collet w4urt(1 in the hack or her head. Young 5.•e tt Ions been in nits Eluiiirn lto(ornin- tory. and came taut a few months ago on parole. Ile d(•cliir'cs that he vie' 11 mon shoot his mother, and says he was to:, (lightened Ice till ulr(,ut it. I(()nItt:II A'rl A1:KM M USIA1. sirs. \\ ro. Cohen, of elontreal, Saves Tray of Iflinenonde. :1 despatch front \l4 til(' el ' il', : A 1m.• •1 (Irving ;ttiernpt at r01►t.ery vvas wade between 8 end 9 11.1:1-l-1, (,n \\'ed- iit -(iry morning at. Mr. \Vin. (,lien's ellteu1 • the town, was in reality t stn r••, 243 1'rnig( Street west, and Urs. I'renchman himself, a deserter from the 1:. b•n, ale► arts in charge nt the time. Fercign Legion, tnny or may not be 1t5 severely htlndled and nut by broken true. But, al alt events, there is no - glass. A man named Vincent enteral thing inherently iitpeobahle about 11. the shop and tried 0, steal n tray (•f din- Other similar' cases nh011n41. Otto typical parallel it,stance was that of George Thomas. n deserter from the British Navy, whose name looms Inrge in the history et India during that s:ertny period elect) intervened he - I‘‘ e.'11 the .•eallapse of Ihe Weld dentis- ts and the advent of the British under (:live. Thoneis was just an ordinary "Jack 'far" de iri-tt firth noel parentage- tt "'1 epg►e nary leete1Yottet•"' 400' of his Ho - wageless calls hint eh., deserted leen his ship, and entered the serveee of tine 4',l the scare or se of predatory princes who held sway 1) Ihe Punjab nt the encu of Ihe eighteenth century. It Horse yenrs he hn(1 nnhne.sed n fortune of $5.(8%.- (88), Mynr.l noel ee emian,levl 1111 army (•f .3.(00 men wish 40 gine, nn.l. tinder the title of Ilio Itoynl Highness, the Sahib 13nitnder !tripoli of Ilnrianit, ex - n, led tribute anti allegiance from a ce,untry as big as England and nearly as populous. Nor ons tits snvereigt,ty at all n shn- A despatch from Sherbrooke. Que., 414 wy otie. On the contrary. he .)..pens. says: \\ edneedny Was resentence day in Poi justice, made suer owl pene•e, 's- Inhli-he.l n mile wherein he coined his awn rupees. enet his nss-n nrtiIIery. noel es en Inelitttted nn order of knighthood. 3141 4.1 11/1Y last. ons Sc111r11cid to twenty I Eventui►Ity• his entitle!, Hans'. ens years in the penitentiary. stormed nett t:kt n by a mixed force (►f lives adopted tete Goverun'utt's propo- salsa 1111 respect to a preference to Mi- tten.'Thee nee: Russian letmon will be con - 1t '11(:(1 by the Conservatives and Moder- totes, oleo, it is estinluie'd, will have ill otlt 288 seals. The Shah of l'cr la has dismissed 1115 13tIittcl, creating a crisis which )guy roll 1.,r the joint interferen(ei of GMi- fflinreaMi- fflinand Russia. Several of Rnisnh1. 's ,IlowPrs, xlw hove deserted to Tangier, have assured tb.• authorities that 101151111 11111'1141S to kir: Knid Maclean i s itches. A dispute has arisen telacen Great t:ritaitt and the United States cencetlting the demarcation of a boundary l,c'twt'en t►e Philippine archipelago and the Bri- tishg►c,esessions in i cheat. The ntunictpali;y of St. i'etersl►urg has Imposed fines aggregating $S00,000oil the WestinghouseEltelric Company for its failure to complete the c.►nstru^- tlnt1 eat the street railei13' lines in the cily. i. I,I:3EitTERS WON (:14U\\ "NS. Remarkable Career of a British Deserter. The curious story canted from Casa !fifteen, 10 the effect that the "Red Kaki,'' who led the recent great attack of the tribesmen on the French p(Sitt(.n mends in the a inflow, hill „as,pre- ye:nted ty \It•-. (:.sham r(Irr 11 sr%cre trae• sggle. \inenl e as arrested. 11e omit. hire sen 'Tuesday free' the United Stales. SEIZED 11.1.1(:IT M..ANT, Iltlnncl Ite'ctttte Officers al Brantford Also Confiscated Tobacco. A despatch from 1lr•nntford snys: Col- let for 1) 114iht.e. of Ihe Inland Revenue i)epnrlimell, and postee (11 (vanity ('(.11- stlhles Miele all intl,(,riant seizure of nn illicit totacco and cigar -making plant on the c.ttlskirls of the •.Ply (►n \\'eane clay night. Over 1.000 pounds of tobacco woe" confiscated. '11i1' e.ffitoders are etiewn nest will 1)4! prosecuted. TNI:NT1 1'1: \Its IN PRISON. \\"ould 1►r AItrrelerer of Girl Sentenced al Shcrlitooke Assist's. oh! King's .Slee^h, end George :5II.er•t 1.,,.'elell. tome, guilty e.1 attempting to murder Lilly Linn, al on Ihe SORE WHISKEY IS DRANK The Consumption of Tobacco Also Has Increased. A de patch from Ottawa says: The report of the Dt1trtmu.nt of Inland Be- et nue for the lust !leen! year elite) 11.01111ts to \lurch 31) was issued oto Wed. ue a1uy, The rev e•nue Wass *1.096,9a0. its a,rnpared s -.11t $11,435,4142 for the precedimg l: months. The quantity c t et.•:rlts produced WAS $5,uil,:389 pt'ool ,gonias. All Canadian \chiskey has to 1,.: helot. in watrltousets fear two years be- fore it can be sold. At the beginning ( 1 this year 17,031,420 proof gallons erre in warehouse under tete supervis- ion of exe'ree officers. In the trine tonus 303,591 gallons were exportevl, lib againet 277,905 gallons in the pre- ceding 12 months. The foroign demand for Cam -Wien distillery products 1s steadily 111Cr•eusittg. itserage quantity of lobacce taken for consumption during the past emir fears was 13,899.639 is;nids; for the lull )nine months lite total was I2.10I,- 078 pound:, a aubtdinitial increase. 'I'ht' nunihet• of Opus, teem for consunip- C en was 154,253 200. as ngctinst 182, 178,436 In the preceding year. The un- met! consutnplwfl per )lend of sph•ils was . )47 spirits, as against. .801; beer, 5.585 g:allotts, as against 5.255; eine, .092 gallons (no increase.), mud tobacco, 2.053 pounds, os aga:nst 2,777 pounds. During She fiscal period 29.154 gas misters were presented for verification, 5.918 mere! correct, :1,781 were running too fast and 13,319 too slow. Of electr•.e I.ghl ntetet.5 19.401 a ere prt•sseited, 9.- 731 were wriest. 5,426 feat, and 4,231 sie.w. MONEY IN DEAD 4.1:1'1'Eli OFFICE. The careless -loess of some people in fireweed matters is esidenc(rl 1y the or.rmta►1 re:.art of the Post-Otlit•t' Depart- ment. During the lust trine nt4'ltUts :t, - t100 letters, eentuinntg $15,092; 1,796 cheques for $213,:319; 3.399 townie• and express orders. for tea1.691, foam their way to the Dead Letter Office, The gross revenue of the I'ost 011ien for the !beset period was $6,535.09:3. mei the expenditure $5,452,791, too Ing :a surplus of $1,052,301. The number •-.t Post-tatli•'e.5 In (Terit- (''it oil Af:a•il I..l was 11,377. The guess postal reverie.. of 'f•eronto was $995,- 1151, H►e higheet-of any city in Canada. Other cities inmillott .... ,8125,711 l,ontion 90,869 Kingston .... .... .... 32.51 I \\et elsor .... .... 25.194 llrnnlfurel .... .... :37.:12 i Ottawa ... .... .... , 125.039 \lontreai! .... .... .... (160,217 Quebec .... .... 87,077 Halifax .... 77,691 sl. Jotltt .... .... ...... 78.593 \\ennipog .... .... 374.0c'ir (3t1tnt•3 .... .... .... 53.:1S6 \';t ncou ver .... 111.97e victoria .... .... .... .:.,stir, newel and Dutch, aided by native mer- cenaries, and 'Thomas was handed ever to the British. Even then, how- ever, he was treated with every con- sideration, and was allowed to retain his private property, amongst which were three Iukhs of rupees (about $31X),- 000) in 4ieeie, l,(Si(1e jev►'cls. \\'het his ultimate fate would have been atust he for ever uncertain, for he died of cholera while being convey- e(i to Calcutta for trial. WINDS THAT ASSASSINATE SHIPS. Cyclone Sloiims That Sunielintes Se eep the Atlantic. The question that is agitating ship- ; ing circles just now Is ---how diel the I.ryland Suter, Nicaraguo, conte to her 011(1? A new ship, splendidly equipped, manned by n picked crew of five-nud- fc rty officers and 'ten, the has disap- peared mysteriously in the course of what is generally regarded as the easy mid pleasant passage across lite Attain - lie from the United dales 10 Eti i 1111. 11 is, of course, possible flane fire may have been the causeooltruiof her destruction 4'.r she any have .1 whit n dete- , lief; but the probability is That she vas suddenly and without warning assassin- ated, so to speak, by one of these curi- ous cyclonic storms. happily rare, thiel a[.pear free!) time to time in summer in tete Atlantic as elsewhere. These "wind -spouts" are quite differ- ent from ordinary gales, in Iltat they +.r(, invariably of local origin, enc) W- esley giving to them, loo, els own speci- al name. Thus, in the Philippine Is- lands, we ljave the "bagnio," in the \\'est Indies the "convert," in the Carib- ! cite Scat the "baynrr►n," all varieties (I tt'e same dreaded species of tornndtt. Off Nienrag,iia the terrible "motile de - v.10410" has sent to the 1-ottont "all Mending" ninny a Mout ship. 1n the Adriatic the "bora" is dreaded! of snari- ncr•s. A similar dry cicyone. That springs ui► (occasionally in the Persian Gulf, rs ct.ik'd a "shintnl." when acconipanie+l by rain, os iii snnsttimes tete case, it beet:Imes a "stitlrges,,, Off the Patagonian const there rages the "brisas," and on the opi.osite South American shore, near the mouth of the Itte, de. la Hata, the "pump.ro'' plays aid havoc. '1'114. "bite" ix the !error of Iter Ray of fliseny--it sent 11. \f. 5. (:npinin to the ts,ttonl with 481 of her officers and crew-- as is the "grecale' 'lir'!"f•ln►et was ere(:tcd, with «tor ••' of tete Mediterranean. In the Grecian Archlpeingo. the terrible "trantnnlnnrt" '1 40.t)(1e► he,rse•pciwtr, s.tp )i.ty Il;r, thee' 1)1011441 nut an entire tk,tilla c f '! infr.s eetertntl.. and thd• n4'•d« 'trice richly -freighted tietrhnnt vessels in the course of a Bingle afternoon. NOTES AND COMMENTS In 1898 Sir \Viliiarn Crookes delivered ar address to the British Assc.cialion predicting That the world could not tcntinue to produce the breedstuffs it re quired unless some way were found r•r restoring to ,11)0 soil the nitrogen extracted 'by growing cereals. I1•' showed that the nitrates of Chile anti ether supplies stored in the ground were only a temporary resource. Ili' *row no solution of 11►o problem unless the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, (ane of the most abundant and pervading Ladies on the surface of the cartli,ctielei be made practicable. It was is -e!1 known that the fixation of tate n11141401 of the ah' vas possible, but in 1898 a fon of nitrate of soda could be proJuc- e(t In this manner only at the prohibi- ters. cost of $130. Sir \VSlliant was e;on- Il.lent that the day was coming \then the fixation of atmospheric nitre gen would be placed on a practicable mill trial basis both as to the quantity J1t4.1- (IuCed find iia Cost. The (lawn of this clay has arrived, rani) peril/11,S 11 Inds smite earlier than Sir William would have predicted. Pee - ern' years ago a small irlanl was the vcloped at Nottoden, Nora ay, for the generation of electricity by water reev- es e ev- es and the application of it to the pro- duction of iterate of lime .anti nitc•et:e► of sodn. it is enough 14) say there of pet princesses employed that they i r.ihrnco the• discoveries to which It \\ illlnnt Crookes referred, as well ns new che- mical auxiliaries and a new metllnd of arplying electricity. The plant, sleet an expenditure of about 2,000 electrical hcrsc-power, has been producing aLon1 1,0(81 tons of teitr.le of lime end costa a year. A ready mnrket has been found for tette proilih•"ts, which ere 1144451 a1• a fertilizer•, and the industry lone teen placed upon it commercial baste." \Viten the Corutn••r•cial succus of tite ,•,nail plant was dens nstr•ated n rn,t••h A KIND 11EN7:FACTOR. flow Ile (.nt a Dad Ten Pottnd Note (:hanged for Good Money. A clever piece of swindling was re- ('(nlly eerfernicd at a London hotel. A g;en•`nrt 11)writilh tact n strug- g�ltnggtlytn(+unofg? oc50her4', end, knowing thnl things were not well with him, invited ),int to dinner. (laving enjoyed n nice 1,111e meal, Ihe host vv es disnta3'ed to lied 11)111, with the ('xi.'1►liOtt of a s ling or ten, he had Icit home minus money. Nothing remained cut to "own ug" to ►h4' siluntion, nail Ihe mance ens set forth to 111•• manned -es IIP, re- g;nr.nne►IhPi.t rat fraud, 1t,rcaletetingldit nits) send fer(,r«Ib n c0titbtutle. At this juncture n i,ot I lya plensent.lo0king (-1(1 getIIblitan s'eppe(I tug, le, Ihe 'Ii•pitt- nnls t+nd, addressing; Ihe! manager, risk- s;.! him hew he dared to conduct pini - s. -l1 in sem Insolent and brutal a nl r.un- he "Ilere," he added, ns he took a £10 nolo troth a bulky letter case and held it oil, "Inke Ibis; dreluct Ihe amount of Itis gentlemen's hill anti g'i' a me the schange. 1 nun C41t10d(ml this •s ntpty an n'keant accident," "he manager apologized and (119 tis car nirnanded. Outside the hotel the gen. ttetnan thus befriended requested the aliases% of his unknown I' nefrtctor. "'that's al! right," responded the grtr d ,r,tan hsslipped 0 h. '•crl smnc 1►cen as trying;e 1411 to passs hint n Bennercn 211 day; it's a wrong unr' 1 d grin oper:tliot1 on 5eptemter• 1. The investing putlic and the Nese eg. ion ('►tvernntent loth nppcnr 144 he fie:- el-ally ie- 8-n t1Iy tnopreee d with the new indus- try. Net ed,ntent with the leen works rtarntione(1 above the nittnnger.s oh. inane! a cenceeston from the Norwegian St'erthing nuth(irtzing; thein to build a (:am at the itjuketnfos, one of the great- e<l wstterfalls of the country, and t0 erect a pewee pinnt of 250,000 horse- power. The cork required large capital, which ens readily subscribed in I'1itri1.0. Mrs Peirce writes that thereupon the Storthing passed n Inw that no con- cessions for undertakings of this mart would herenf:cr le granted except sen the guarantee that they would be de - "loped hetet), with Norwegian capital. 11 may he that the prcornt proceswi ere crude and costly compered a uh what they will esnue day lccotni. Ilett the greet fact Ise that it has been pro ssel teat nitrates may be pttoduce(1 on a commercial bns.Ss by the conttusti.eti the air. \Ve may lap the inetlia•isIII:e supply thnt sat r0un(ls its tO Maces() the productivity of the earth. N() II:%NI) 01'T TH1:11E. i'Iilit I e Pe Ie--"I'Iea,e, mum, 1, CO III) leg- s" 1nt,end Ludy - "\\'ell. )011 reecho t 1•ang mound here. 1 ain't got Ila"