HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 2:'o.ee X104:040*.... SCI MCA (3111EP.
Nra. Chas. F. Haley Teslored by Ur.
Ntillanee Pink Pills.
"I was utterly helpless with 'erotica.
1 could not move m bed without aid.
Doctors treated ate, tett 1 d(J rut em-
ploye. 1 used Ur- \Villtatna Putt: ('ills
and to -day ant a well woman,e"rtei-
Uibmle to the merles of Ur. \\ ..lateie
Polk Pills i, wade I,y hers. Ches. F.
Ilsley, of Yarmouth, N. S. "levo years
ego she suffered meet severely Ilene' an
tsetse k of sciatica. and tor n eun►1, r of
i:.00the was an invalid confined to her
l+•d. She further slates: "It is impos-
sible. for me to describe the pain from
which 1 suffered. 1 endeavored to eon-
tiuue my profess'on as a music teacher.
Lut ons forced t0 give it up. The doc-
tor so 1.1 tee trouble lees scentice, ball
his treatment did not help nee. 1 could
scarcely take a step without the mo,t
ole -a small soft tooth -brush should lac saner pain :Availing through ley back
leen to him and hr should be taught and down the limb. Finally l took to
t1 my bed and lay there perfectly help -
Low to use it, and should be trade to less, mud ,gold sol move without aid.
use it thoroughly and regularly al least
twice a day. Ile should he shown how
le brush the teeth up and down. trout
(:ABE OF 7711: MIILI.'I i 1:I1I.
Many parents seem to think that be -
entree the first set of Ieeth w ill fall out
anyway in a kw years, 1t is useless
4 Iliko any special care of thele.
This is wrong, for the first teeth
lust us Important In their way as
those ose
t.f the permanent set; aid. indeed, the
taliriency and beauty of the second .et
bre in great measure dependent upon
the care which has Leen taken to pre-
ikerve the milk -tic -1h as long as the jaws
will held them naturally.
At led earliest possible moment --
Certainly when the child is three years
the gum' t., the crown. -not sidelwi,e,
--and it is well to have Win use an nika-
lino dentifrice of some agreeable flavor.
The advantages of this early initia-
tion Into the prnelice of denial hygiene
are manifest and . manifold. In the
fust place, it will implant a good luthit,
And the earlier a good habit is formed
the more surely it wilt be followed
through Ilfe. In the next place, it will
save the little ones from many a tooth-
ache, and perhaps night of pilin, and
finally it el11 preserve the milk -teeth
(rent decay and early fall.
This i; a matter of the greatest- im-
pert'tnce. The function of the Bret
`.cele Ls not only to masticate food, but
to assist in the regular development
4): the jaws, .,O that when the time
come, for the pushing forward of the
permanent teeth, they will find ample
rooni for their regular and even ad-
justment side by side, with the, teeth
of the upper and lower jaws lilting
squarely Against each other.
Not only is this reciprocal arrange-
ment of upper and lower teeth neces-
enry for proper mastication, but its ab-
sence greatly favors decay And other
'dental maladie...
It should not be forgotten, further -
mere. that the milk -teeth are meant to
chew with. and they will hast long if
they are given proper work to do. Na-
ture is very nil to neglect organs That
are riot used as she intended they should
te. and a diet of pap will lend to early
c'ecay of the milk -teeth. As soon as the
child is we-tned and has teeth, they
should be given something to do. Chil-
dren shoukl be encouraged to cal the
cruet of bread, toast and crackers.
which must be chewed and moistened
with saliva tefe a bping swallowed.
'Phis 11011)5 to devek)p the muscles of
mastication. cleans the teeth by friction
\ah hard particles, toughens the gusts,
and. last but not least, inculcates the
habit of thorough cheating. which is so
etee•aasstu•y to good digestion. -Youth's
The pa(11 was never absent. 1 consult•
c0 another :lector. but with no t•ellcr
results, and t began to think I would
be ways be a sufferer. One day a heeled
ooh" was an I" see me asked why t did
not take Ur. Williams' Pink Pills, and
oil her ud\ i 1 derided to do so. The
result was beyond my most Iopefee!
evpeetations. All the pains and ache.,
disappeared and I have never
been 1rauhled w•ille solation. I have no
hesealion in recommending fir. WO -
limns' Punk fills for the trouble from
which 1 suffered."
When the blood is poor the nerves
are starved; then comas the Agony of
sciatica, neuralgia, or perhaps partial
paralysis. 1)1.. Williams' fink Pills ac-
tually make new, rich, red blood.
which feeds the starved nerves. drive-
cul pain and restores health. it is be-
cauee Riese pills actually make new
blood that they cure suet common ail-
ments es rheumatism, anaemia, back-
aches And headaches, heart palpitation.
indigestion and the painful irregulari-
ties of growing girls and women. You
can get Dr. \W(lliarns' Ptak Pills from
tiny medicine denier or by Mall at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cu. Brock-
ville, Ont.
Rival "Professor" Exposes TNrks of a
Fasting Couple.
Professional fasting men have 1111100
Il•t \\toter for Indigestion. -Drink a
cup of hot water one-half hour before
meals. --
Season on Aching Tooth. -A little
Worcestershire sauce rubbed on the
';nuns of an aching tooth will stop the
pain almost immediately.
Plaster for a Sprain. -Real salt into
the white of one egg until it is of the
consistency of an ordinary mustard
'plaster, spread on n cloth and apply
lo the part affected.
For Newel:glee-Bore a hole through
a nutmeg \vitt' a small penknife, run a
-harrow ribbon thr,mgh opening long
enough to lie around neck. The na-
tural oil of the nutmeg penetrates the
akin and effects n cure.
[tough Syrup. -(took one handful of
Lops in one gies t of water till it boils
clown to one pill. Strain and add two
cups of granulated sugar. Ivo lemons,
sliced, and boel unll it strings. Take
out lemons, strain, and odd three table -
spoors glycerine.
For Chapped Ilands.-Soatorer night
live cents' worth of gum !repeat] in
one pint lukewarm soft water, and
venin through cloth. Add four ounces
Vlyo ripe and one-half len`pxoon hen -
zein. mixed; Iwo ounces alcohol, four
ounces rose-water. If not thin enough,
add more water. Bottle and keep in
Neel place.
Remove flair from Throat._-Tnke the
lIIckhone of a fish, put in n hot oven
lentil it becomes brown. reed with the
telengpin roll until it is fine ns sand.
'Se tallow about a quarter of a teaspoon-
itil with it linea motet:te•as passible.
'The hair will disappear like magic.
I., hislndge Fi.h Bone. -A simple re-
Ote,ly to dislodge a fish bene or any-
thing in the Ihniat is 10 fasten a bul-
trn seem ely to a string; swallow tli•'
1ti1'.,n, then pull the string. No difilcul-
ty le found in this simple method and
'et 11 :I always remove the ottstruction
h :1h ah5')lute certainty.
For Cinder in Your Eye. -When you
rt something in your (ye lake a hair
from your Mend, 'peke n loop of .1,
taise the eye lid and slick in the loop.
Wink the eye se\ eral limes and then
lull out the hair. The troublesome
Object will cling to It and come out
leo. - -
ML\KING CtIGNOns P.' L.\T.\Ilt.E.
\\love an invalid is required t,, take
talo eggs every day. they should be
1 iopared in different wva)5, 3o as not
t,• put.eune unpalatable.
Plain rggn •g. --It. at gree egg without
le:paroling until stiff. edd Leaping lea-
kia,.tn of sneer. pour Into a hall tvetrhler
(and 1111 with folk. healing Welt ', spo,n;
flavor with cnn11!a or gist.+) nutmeg.
Chocolate Legge P.o'tlt It,e egg as
'delve. mei ad,i the sugar and n tea•
s;•. on °1 mettle] ell,,; ,,' ,,. , r .Ire , cv)a,
and add rich nrlk 1. 1,, -
;, Fruit Eggeneet.- lo• i n n1}
1. Made by nddinc..es.
st: h as grape, _ . • -, ! ley
. • o the %t e 1 ,nJ
awe 1,'n t•, taste N "•rl
the fora jniee; Are :1.- 1; f
el :ell water.
s -:tt•' eeopte 11: I)4e• 1'0 P ah
1) rushing (Oilers off.
out. with the result that one, !mown in
LAM \ORDI\\Ill' \IFI.D IN l\E.1-
•1F:tt\ \\t\'11:11 \Y111:\i BEI:1.
Crop Failures \re l'ukr:teen Itemark-
able Eepaneion (n Ib•t \rreatie
1'11111 in !'ell.
In view of ell, eery great interest
manifested 111 the Wheal clop of lore
.,rale inquiries mole by a special eor-
respendent of 'Iles EJuu)1111m Bulletin
into Me grain c0.p of southern Ali -wile,
the winter wheal region, are of special
yr;1110, !weals,. they prove that the
growth of winter wheat in Canada is
certain before Ioag 11, prole immensely
4.seeable to the catatlty. The corers -
p ndenl began his env!: at Pincher
Creel:, where the general estimated av'e'r-
age wit, Ih1rty bushels. to t:10 acre, while
:t, high 11S fity was expe'ltd in s••nie
NO F.:mu E IN TWF\ I-1"
Pincher is the birthplace of winl•. r
wheat in western Canada. and the ewe
eves That has acc(.Inpauied its growth
there is pleasing to the 1'incltetites. One
farmer oT the distant says that i11
twenty years he hal, never thrashed
les, than forty bushels ter Acre. and
often as high as sixty Iia. -bels. One set-
tler grew as much as 57G bushels of( nine
acres. and the ground was measured.
One illust'alite, of rue rapid increase in
acreage is given in the fact that in Ihr
Pi 10.(11 141(011(4 0110 small her 4cpx•110r
it h
el .I
• 1 ( three!' I►
o • f 1•a- sufficient 1�
meta was
(;rain grown in 1110 disiricl within a •
private life as Fronk Eich. jeweller, of
ithyl, England, and professionally using
that title of "Sacco," told a remarkable
.l'iry in the witness -box of alleged fast-
ing "tricks," against the other, Clarence
Stevens, otherwise "Professor Succa."
Sacco, whose feasts in London and the
large towns of England have brought his
1101110 stmew'haT prominently before the
public in recent years. sued '"neon" and
hi- wife, Mine. Melodoe, in the 1141
cc only court for £7 5s. 9d included in
this was a claim of 14s. "for food sup-
plied to Mine. Melodee whilst she was
fasting in a box al Allyl World's Fair"
during the season past.
Sacco, who arranged the fast. saki he
lent the fasting couple money, and ad-
vanced the man 35s. to buy a dress suit.
Madame was "sealed up" in the usual
windowed box, so that apparently no-
thing ctuld be passed :o her during the
days of her fast. But one window was a
sliding pone. and was not sealed. and
through this n dinner was daily handed
in to the fasting lady. The food was
necessary. said Sacco, becmise it was
early Apparent that Madame was not
able to do without H.
Madame (Sacco continued) was sew-
ceedc(1 in the box after her fast by the
professor. her husband, wits "fasted"
for twenty-one (lays, but wens also
secretly fed by the same means.
Madame and her heel:and enrpllnticnl-
Iv denied the nllegitlion•. on oath, but
the judge held Itent the genuineness of
their fast had nothing to do with the
ease. Ile gave judgment for Sacco, but
only for £:i pea. money feral. and far the
dress suit. Madame declared that the
whale nine of the story was to injure her
Holdings for Bachelors at
:1 remarkable feature in connection
with the extension of the small hold-
ingts movement in Lincolnshire is an
ngreerncnt adopted at Moulton, near
slallding, England. where the tenants
en taking up land have to bind them-
st lv. s to marriage within "a reasonable
The Clerk of Mlonllon Parish Council
street the other day that the project
Is one nssoeinted with the nettle of
Earl Carrington, an.l that a corn farm
c•f 750 acres is to be cul rap into smell
holdings. Thirteen louses will be pre•
willed, and it is Ihcse Rtat the Parish
Ctuncil regn:re shall be occupied either
t. ' married couples or by tenants who
it.tend to marry.
There has been a large number of np-
pl cations !t•r the holdings, and although
possession has not yet been given. the
tenants hove been chosen. Six of Them
are eligible bachelors. who under the
arrnngenrcnt.00.ue to will have In pro.
vile themselves with wives shortly.
Of the six selected Lnche'or Ienents
.vane are already en:enact' to he nenr-
r;ed, but special interest is being taken
with regard to Iwo of those still free.
They nre currently rei.orled to be
st'nreleing diligently for suitable part-
1:e t•. 1
No Small
Hr. Alfred Near., air er4ert &i acAitfr
isl,17j St. j 'Arra St., Quebec City, Gang
;grit:s a letter h Me 1'srusta Drug if/g.
given below:
radius of twenty miles. This year Iherc
are five stearal threshing outfits in the
same area. and they will all be 1,1.-y.
The correspc.ndent then went on to
(:nrds'.,n. and from feat plow' he re-
p. els that at Canis:on and Raymond
there is 110 crop shortage, either in acre-
age or yield. .lo -day the Cardston
flu mens are reaping the hest crop known
in rho history of Pee district. An atltho•-
11 said: - "If we lake reasonable care in
preparing the see and seceding we never
fear a failure."
BABY'S 111:.11:1'1I.
Baby's henllh and happinee
teem els little: stomach era 1 • ,
farming their work r• ; l; •
are out of order (lab)
\-ill cure the trouble quire. .
(.iher medicine, and the i• !1
t uarnno' of n g(•vetntreu'
• 'e ., I.
Ease 1154`+1 s , •
s . •frit nes. 0 . • ' I • ...II.
, • testi 1.• • 1 r..` we
The bulk of the crop here is winter
wheat, chiefly Alberta red. S.,lile spring
wheat is also sown. As in all parts of
the fall wheat belt in Alberta this year.
110 winter crops carne throng t in splen-
did condition. The tall, clean. heavy -
headed stalks to be seen in a day's
travel through thousands of acres of un-
cut fields and stooks stoutly attest le the
statement that the crop is a healthy,
clean crop and a high-grnde sample.
Cale observer says That the crop is as fpr
advanced here as in the (anus Cache
county, Clue, long celebrated as one of
the best wheat sections of the United
Slates. The same is !rue of the crops at
Si ring Coulee, Bliley and Magrnlh.
\luny farms visited by the c'(;rrespxon-
denl will have from thirty-five to Ility
bushels per acre. Five farmers in one
neighborhood place this crop at Iuu,00l)
bushels, and an estimate placed on the
yield tient will be produced tributary to
the Cardston elevator js 350,000 bushels,
while Spring Coulee, Raley and Magrath
will produce 300,000 bushels More. A
few poor fields \vitt yield about twenty
bushels, but the-.' tura exceptional. :\
visit to this dislike1 wits recently paid ip'
l'rof. 'I'euEyck of the Kansas Slate Col-
lege. 110 declared the crops were with-
out exception the best he had ever seen.
At Raymond (Alberta) the correspon-
dent Inok parlietllar pains to ingliire in-
to All the cc.ndilions, and his report from
there is of a highly satisfactory charac-
ler, ilis eerie* written from this point
slates: -"Wheat and beets --flour and
sugar. These nr" the great raw products
and staple manufactures of this thriving
lievn. The country on each side of the
A. 11. & 1. Itlril way from Raymond to
(:ardston and Kimball is prat:Wally enc•
C( titinuous wheatlield. The crop is a
bumper one. and in several places is
phenomenal and a certain record -
breaker. It is impossible for crops to
grow Thicker then slrelChea That arc
hundreds of acres in extent." 'Tersely
describing the scene, Ih0 correspondent
snys: "Right and left the lines of Woke
nun Along, crawl up over the 'induln-
liens of the prairies or dwindle to no -
in the penspeelive of the plain,
terming narrow Innes end streets in a
cit• of whent. A farther near Raley is
culling 1.:100 ares of A11,erla red, which
he is confident will thresh 00,000 bush-
el:.. Ile is reaping and sowing all at the
some 111110. As the grain is cut and
ab.od<ed it is drawn away and slacked.
immediately the field is cleared the disk
and seeder is set l: wort: and the soil
given 10 seed again. For forty miles
ueeng the railway it was Thought some
fields -het their member woe ~mall- -
will ) ield 25 bushels and others Again 28
t..:10 bushels. Bol the major portion of
Ilei crop is well ever the l0 -bushel mark.
In fact dozens of fields will positively be
nearer 50 bushels."
TOE CLARI:lh101.\i sI rI'I.EMtENT.
The enrreepondenl wrote to The Bul-
letin flv,tn Clnrosholne--"Here \\•heel t.
Kine. four years ago land wits selling
al hurl $3 to $i per here. 'Ito -dray it is
selling at from S25 In $40 an marc.
C:'tu•esbolnt is now le town c.f 1.00) pop -
teatime end not n homestead within
(illy miles i5 available. As to the har-
vest outlive:. there are no poor fields.
'wept those whey(' seed was sown nn
tl•' stubble, There is sante spring
w Leen' g'rt•w•n in lids district as well.
-1 he yield win be Wont 25 bushels to
11e neve. Near Clareshe.len one man has
col acres of winter whenl whim) will
run from 40 to 50 bushel' 10 the sere.
Wherever the farmers have taken carr
he preparing the land and doing their
work in season thew are bumper crop,
thi, year. The 30840!) hr.s been bone-
' •
.1• met- for fall hCal. nil the g
w'owth end
r. t•enlutit °( ib.' plant. which ha. 110(11
• 1,4'.1 In )'care. demonstrates that in
/7114 dinette ibis region is destined
i 1 etc t,ne of the best wt)ter wheal
,t,, (1 eel- ut \este .ettee We."
•'! \ 11.111 len (11(11'.
'"I'1wu )ears ago, an uecideul nesessi-
la'ed my confinement for several weeks.
The good health 1 had enjtyed was :lip-
ping away and Illere developed a com-
plication of diseases. My physician said
toy Cas:' was 0110 01 general debility.
".lntong the ninny ailments w 1 1 le de -
a el sped was a serious attack of catarrh,
wheel annoyed me considerably arid
kept me nw•ake whole nights.
"I decided 1) give Perinea a trial and
soon found it acting as a wonderful
lenic to my system. The catarrh grew
less severe mal shortly afterward disap-
pleered, as did aLeo the various other
"i att'ileulr my prompt relief and
ultimate cure entirely to the tt;e of Po-
roma and gladly recommend it."
\Ir.. . }p,• e eon•espinudent
.. • •'t•. -lie ns111111ap-
Ian other dis-
I f1 n 10.:•.1t.ks !c•
!, , •! I been .seesled
.!. ;del .. 1 1, r en:umlhlg! up
.'a Itte ..•11e111"io,1 i. et.
•,Mts. ..i
Names' & lathers' Treasure
-met 'elutes swidieies lot b.by.
Used over wyeass. Fier complervied
by Dr. P. E. Picaak io 1855.
Makes Baby Strong
Keret.. the Little egrets to peeled
heath. Gives sound sleep. without
resort is opium of ether ujJunnws &vol.
44 At &wire , 25e. 6 beala f l.2S.
Nalieoal lees s & ch.,,.iral Co Ltd.. Meetatal
lien of 25 bushels to the acre the total
s icld will be about 0,2.50.000 bushels.
There is 14134) a considerable acreage of
spring wheat not taken inio considera-
tion, which will increase the above esti-
mate ower the 7,000,000 bushels mark.
PRICES AItE 0001).
The first car of 1907 wheat sold at
Lethbridge realized fourteen cents above
the price paid for the first car of 1006
from the same point. 11 is n mallet of
sincere congratulation and the beet ad-
vertisement that can be published
abroad, Ilial, notwithstanding the se-
verity of Inst winter, not an acre of the
winter wheel "rep of Alberta was aban-
doned or ree,wn this spring. In some of
the otiees of the hni(:n the abandoned
acreage amiiunted to the proportions of
a crop failure.
Summarized, the winter wheat of
scullion ,lllxtrta this season is a won-
derful success, and the farmer of that
district will be greatly rewarded. In
mluny cases he will s --ire enough from
this y'ear's crop to p,,v for Ike ccs of
his land and have a 111.'0 11I1111 flee (0 the
good. _
•\• 1 i.'•' r., , (r," ., • . :.re :;1.16X' (.ries sown
. , ,te, \\ iib an overage re'
11e is uwise ratan oleo doesn't !et his
laminas.; interfere Willi his pleasure at
all limes.
A 1111;11'1 Il: JOKE.
The Old Man Drought Ili'.Animals and
Bits of 'Things.
The love of animals is deeply im-
planted in the Mlagynr character. and
most of the peasant farmers of Hungary
own valuable horses and high -bred
stool:. They aro well -to -d4), although
they live ire a primitive manner. have a
keen sense of limner, and are ready to
take (rouble to put the laugh on some
one else. in "The Whirlpool of Europe"
this story is told of one °1 the Magyar
A typical peasant farmer, a reinn of
tensiderable health, was well-known
fee his adherence le old clothes and cus-
toms. On one occasion a young far -
her, new to the district. who had taken
a smell holding not fpr from That of the
old man. petceiveol a shabby figure lean-
ing against the gate on the edge of his
property and said, "Ili, old man 1 Do
you. \valet scene work ?"
The wearer of a shabby sheepskin
t(ok his long pipe out of his mouth and
nodded gravely.
"\\'ell. you can conte along to -morrow
and look after some of my Aheep. Bring
filly of your tilts of thing% or animals
with you: there's plenty of 15)om on my
I'h0 ext y, ac the 4nunfnrrn
walkednns. roSdas els Il01ds, ►n0 sewg n coeerd
,.f dust coming up the rood. Presently
there emerged from it n herd of 0055:5,
Mears and .sheep --hundreds of animals'
with (heir driver. '1'111! cavalcade swept
East the Astonished man. itehind it
creme a huge wagon. creaking need
greenling. laden with heavy furniture,
i•: the front of which sat his stealthy ac-
gl,ainlnnr,' of the dray l.1•fore.
"You told me to bring my nnin1als and
1.118 of things." said the old man, "and
here we are."
11.' There a Will \Wi.loln Points Fie
Way. --The eiek none pines for relief.
led he dislikes ,ending for the doctor.
which means bottles of drug; newt• C011 -
maned. Ile has riot the 1'cselulion tut
i•lad his steninett with compouhds
w1t(ch smell villainously and lash
W411'80. Rut if he WI 1-0 the 11'i71 to c(e'it
himself w•1111 Ills ailment, wiedonl w:11
diesel his attention to I'armelee's \'ego-
lable l'(Il.t, w'aicll, as a specific for 1101-
grslIitlt and deertictts of the digestive
°teens, have tea equal.
"Ile says his whole I ft' i; a fizzle."
.,I; he e t peseinlls.e,..,.,
"Nut a hit of it. Ire's merely the clerk
(hat attends to the sodas water drinks."
Mlles duo not eat furs or cloths. Tee)!
Inv their eggs :0 those rich stuffs. and
it i, the w•°rine from the eggs ILut do
tel,• eating.
There are nu shooting slats. Stars
sic immense bodies, ninny tinct s larger
Man the earth, amt lit y 410 riot move,
Telt' so -netted shooting stars lied glide
splendidly acm8s the nocturnal sky
tu. metcors-fragments weighing, us :t
role, but a few pounds
Sunstroke 1, really heat apoplexy. it
is the moisture in the air, rattler thou
the actual rays of the 31111, Ihai Clunes
s•enst►'oke. In dry- climates, such as
Caine's. with a suntrncr temperature of
12: degree; in the shade, sunstroke is
much rarer than with us.
Filter :'ilial sixteen -year-old boy asked
r le marry him."
t:dish: "And you threly hen over."
Ethel: "Ye.; told lime it wee against
the luw to catch lobsters e.. young."
A Merry Beare Goes all the Ie:y.--llul
..1:0 ct°ut,•t Moo n merry kart if he
has 0 pain in the back or a cold with
a racking r• sigh. To be !nervy ant•
must be well and free from aches :eel
pr.ins. Dr. Thomas' Eclece ie 011 will
rel . wr
all peens, un to:tear cr ether-
wo••, and her the speedy 'relieve:el • 1
• .1.1- and coughs it is u splendid me-
.1 Clear Ilealley Skin --Eruptions of
Ila• skin and the blotches \elide hlem-
i-I, beauty erre the remelt of impure
blood caused by unhealthy notion ' 1
this liver rind kidneys. In correetiag
this unhealthy action and restoring Inv
dueling to (heir normal condition, I':al•-
tnole .. Vegetable Pills will al the -ante
time clehnse the blood. and lite botches
and eruptions will disappear without
leav•ng any trace__
Ile was on trial for bigamy.
„\What," queried the judge. "ever 111-
duced you to marry foul lean wivesr
"superstition, your i►omer." replied the
m•i.eoner. "1 consider thirteen an un-
lucky number."
SIIORT SllltiF'1:
Tinto Pete -"Yon seen er suspicious
looking individual with n horse thiev-
ish appearance hanging around here
la ley'"
Sheriff --"Yrs; last Thursday. Planted
A healthy shin is 11bs lidely cssen.
lift! to 1!1::11:111, 1l.5.I't'1NESS and
BEAUTY, and the natural and never-
tuiling way'to keep a healthy skin Is
to (real all injuries and eruptions
proulptly with Zane -Beek. Zuni -But(
contains only the rich saps and juices
of heating. health -giving herbs. and is
therefore Natures Own Skin (remedy.
Obtainable from all druggists mei
steres at 5Oc. a box. Send to Zein-
buk (:o., 'I'omnlo, for free sample box.
Jest cut out this offer, write name (.t
paper across it, and mail, with lc.
stamp to pay postage.
Ostriches cost $250 a pair.
Edison has taken out 817 patents.
swallows can fly 128 miles nn It nee.
The world sends 1,500,000 telegrams a
A diver's suit is weighted with 160
ps•unds of
Turkeys pend. yearly export of opium ng-
gregates $1.000,000.
The demand for rubber is 45 times
greater than the supply.
Guinea pigs ere mature and marriage-
able at the age of 40 days.
Over Ga per cent. of the Russian army
can neither read nor write.
In the opera of fen1anunho, as played
le Paris. 1,4001 people appear on the
stage in the hast act.
ISSL E NO. 13-- 07.
NEW 111: \1.\1 OF DESllil:.
Since we are in the airship age.
And folks go sailing 14. 1.111 fro
Across Ihr sky 011 pleasure beu1-
\f:ut want, but little here below.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every toren of contagious lieu: oil human
er animals cured its 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitat•y bollen, 11 nater fails
Sold by all druggists
1;ii111.IN'S slIl)\1(-.Irl' PAPER.
:\ midnight paper ie to be started in
Berlin, Germany. This is only a natural
development of the life of HIP (iettilior,
W110 I: just beginning l: enjoy himself
at'iul twelve o'clock at night, and keeps
los 11111UInci'able restaurants and hoe--
ee:-halls busy at all hours.
Soine persons have periodical attacks
Canadian cholera, dysentery or di:ir
eeoen. and have t0 use great precau-
tions to avoid lite disease. Ctt,nge • f
water, cooking. and Breen fruit. is stare
14' bring on the attacks. To such per-
sons 540 would recommend Dr. J. I).
Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial as I efetg
the best medicine in the market for all
stammer complaints. ll a few drops
arc taken in water when the symptoms
are policed 1►o further trouble Bill be
A 0001) TIME.
"Well. 1'at," said the sympallIi ii,' em.
player, 'did you go to your friend's
"Did i go.'is it sot?" returned (':t1,
enthusiastically. "Sure nn' 1 41:,1. a•,r,
an' had the time 0' lee life, sour. -11:11
wake wor a drainer
\When you Ilene a nom say "martial
Ute is the only life" it's a sure sign he
h:1, been married nearly a week.
s s U. Shiloh's Cure
and Colds
savior the horst cold,
thesharpxst coug'i
-try it on a guar-
antee of your
money back if it
doesn't actunlly
CURE qutckcr
than anything you
ever tried. Safe to
take, -nothing in
it to hurt even a
baby. 34 yeais •.f
success commend
Shiloh's Cure -
25c., GOc.. Si. sip
WHAT little 51..ntclthere is
in Ontat.o-brewed Leer
greatly aids the ,toauch to
digest its food, --- your
own doctor -if beer w,th u:raa
wOUldll t be good ler you.
Beer increases the fl.w of
gastric juices, and •.0 helps mush
to cure d`sptwpsia. 1 I r rght
use of beer tones tee ,4!:o:e di.
geslite At 1, ---make,. the stein
get all the go..d of fold i..,t..J
of but p.trt of that good.
**fafa U•4rm,4l45 w.e rtae.r .'•a. P•n..r. as• Allipig
.id la N. lerlir f (.1.•••••••1r.-., •asaY• ., ,,,a,a
I.44.1 44.44r moot ►rsb..1 ..,ofto.t,. l'.. ,.r•u1e aa.14
tuaYetlaIA* ..rW malt tat... •.45.'.•a... , :r
when Mr. Casey died ii" lett ail 113
had 10 the orphan asyluilee "Indeed(
That was nice of hits. What dud ha
leave?" "His Ise lwe eleildreu.-'
One of the greatest blessings to par -
4 1 1, is Mother Gravice' Worm Ext. nuin-
ator. It effectually expels memo and
toes health este a tits• vellou.e manner
le the little one.
lila 111151 INFEi(ENCE.
"Whet are these dun clouds ging to
"Glees Ilhey are 113ing le Mll'l lain"
Only those well have had experience
can telt the torture corns cause. Putin
with your loots on, putt with 11u^rat
(,ff-pain night and day: hut reel 1 i:
Fele to those who use Rollaway:
300 Ilrst-cicss order. Will be sold
cheep and must be gotten out of the way
owing to 600 -light machine laking its
place. S. Frank \5.11500, 73 Adelaide
Street West, Toronto.
Tll:ffslo make, number four, 9 -Inch vets
tient discharge, 24 inches high ; perfect
condition. Superintendent, 'Truth Build.
thg, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.
very Woman
la ::,:ere. 1 and should know
snout ail wot,dulst
Ube Doll Vaginal ',flair.
etre-11 rot eor.na-
1a1.t. It bemuse!
31 A IV elites .., acct the
tt accept r.0
ethic. but V.Ta **tap f..r
Illustrated t:onk*clad. 1t etr°t
tall on:eils`e end dtre^tla,_ ta-
v.lva) 14At.a.
WI`(DC04 nial/11 Agee orrt ,ttula0.nt.
aha ts,A.-d Stilts .gull 1,.0) Le.ter •ire 1 If a,
401 out. 1. your toy°, .r t. 1 ,r: Itontc •al, I:•., Ia
M. twit set 11.4
T.... er
M .-. -.-`I .--- ,.., .y . A. Karr
a,uDA CORM urs. w.
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or you can put on a ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hit; it, and keep leakingtill it is rotted away.
ither roof will cost
you about the same in
money at the start.
But tho " Oshawa " -
shingled roof will be
FIRE -PROOF -liter-
• ally ; and wind -proof --
actually; and lig tning-
proof -positively. That's the hundred -year roof!
And that Oshawa "-shingled roof will be
weather-proof for a century. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter -century -from
now till Nineteen -
Thirty -Two. •
Guaranteed in writing
for 25 years -and you
needn't ever paint it,
even ! That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would you r
mill -man say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years ? He certainly would make remarks !
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will bo
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that catches a loose shingle -
whoosh 1 goes half your shingled roof
over into the next township.
Yet cedar shingles cost you just
about the price of these guaranteed
"Oshawa • Shingles--211-guage tough-
ened steel, double galvanized -g=ood
for a century, guaranteed in writing' till 1932,-- fire -
and -wind -and -weather-proof and lightning -proof.
Your -dollars -and -a -half a square buys "Oshawa "
Galvanized Steel Shingles
-ten feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles - how does it
strike you?
And you can put on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Stingles yourself,
easily, -- with no tools but a claw -hammer and
snips. Simplest thing you know -can't get 'em on
"Oshawa" Shinglea lock
is practically one sheet of
never needs painting.
on all four aides -whole roof
double -galvanized 'tool, that.
"Oshawa" Galvanized Steel
Shingles a r e GUARD in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
11 ('.:11".rne : t.
321.1 Craig `t. 1w.
don't overlook that. Guar-
anteed in writing, over the
1CA1 of a company with a
quarter-,niliien cre et- 1. --
guaranteed in Hain
English, withot:t Any i4't
or buts, for 7;i lot.,-
That's the nrgum:_nt in
a nutchell coat the garret
as wood - shingles ; fire - proof, water - pra.f, rust-
pproof lightning; -11!t
prf ; 0813101' to put (al ; and
GUAitANTEEU. Thooat's that "Oshaw•n" •proposition !
Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we'll tea
you rlxactly what it will cost to tx,f
it with less work and for leas money..
Plenty of facts that concern your
pocket -book come to you as soon as
}ou ask for our free book, "Roofing
Right." A post card will do to
seek on.
The Pedlar People
Why don't yea ask now 7
79 l.otubn•rt : t. .v
111 1'ca,tcr Et