HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-31, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE THIRTY-FIFTH YSAa-NO 1777 EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 31st 1907, $t.00 per year in advance. ••••••••••••NN•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N•••••N••••••••• •••••••••NN•••••• JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Bedding for the Cold Weather The long cold winter will soon be here, so let us be ready for it. if you are not prepared for it just come and see us and we will make you warm and comfortable for it. We have everything that you will require to do so. Flannelette Blankets We were very fortunate in placing our order early for Flannelette Blankets, and had 42 pair of 12;4 conte last week at the old prize. Do not fail to see them ivs the price is the lowest. Wool Comforters • A real cheap luxury. We haste some very nice patterns withood coverings and filling for $2, 2.50, $3, 3.50 Underwear It is time you were think- ing of them now. Our stock is the best we have ever shown. No advance on our prices as we bought early. Wool Blankets We have the very best all Wool Blankets to be bought. We secured them before they went up in price and can give you extra value. $3 $4 $5 $6 REAL Down Comforters No sham about them, they are the real thing. Pure down filling and beautifully flowered, sateen covering, ex- tra large size. $10.00 Furs Fur Coats, Furlined Coats Ruffs, Muffs, Capsand Scarfs, The biggest and best stock you will find. Come early and have a good choice. , Dress Goods and Mantles We are recognized as headquarters in this depart- ment and will not disappoint you wheel you come in for a nice Dress or swell coat. We have all the new ideas and keep up with the times. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE RAND TRUNK sYs EM BEST 1 Red Deer FLOUR Are Abundant in the We have on hand a supply of Highlands of Ontario the best flour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer Bros. of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. Grdln dllt6d Remember we pay highest prices for all kinds of grain. R. G. SELDOM .Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye 1t' Too 6010 Single fare in effect until Nov. 5tb. to all points in above district includ- ing. Muskoka Lakes Penetang Lake of Bays Midland Maganetawan River Lakefleld Tentaganri district Also to certain points in Quebec. New Briinsw'ck, Newfoundland, and to Sault Ste. Marie via Northern Nay. Co. All tickets good returning on or be fore Dec. 7th, 11)07, or until close of Navigation if earlier, to points reached by steamer lines. For tickets and full information cation J. J. KNIGHT, Uepot Agent. or write J. 1). MCDONALI), Union Depot, Toronto, Ont. Tuesday Bye -Elections I Exeter Council In Ince bye -election held in Lon-1'he Cuuucil of the \'illaeu of l:xe• don on Tuesday •Uo elect a tepee-estt( I tor unt en the Town 'tall on Monday 'alive to the House of Commons to,�t 28th 1907 at 8.20 p. in. The fill the vacancy caused by the rce- ignatiou of th.n. C. S. Nyman, leo- coil, Major 'Thomas Beattie. Con- servative, tree elected over John 1). Jacoos, Lat,or Candidate, by a rui- jority of 1')30. The contest iva-, frt0 from parti- zan 'uit•lerneste and there wears few personalities indulged in. The wholesale iulporatian of outside speakers has apparently not :oeen taken kindly to by the workingmen of London and their meetings \vera not characterized by overflow of audiences. Mr. Jacobs vote reached the respectable figure of 2,173, which was over 0 third of that polled, and consequently saves to bim the de- posit he made on nomination day. In all but eight of the fortye•ntene subdivisions Major Beattie we given a majority. In the bye -election in North Wel- lington Mr. Alex. M. Martin, Liber- al, brother of Rev. \V. M. Martin. Exeter was elected over Alex. Ham- ilton by a majorfity of 396. Mt. Forest, Mr. Martin's. ,biome t,wvn gave hint a majority of 157. The election was owin:; to the death of Mr. Martin's brother, who was a member of the Commons and who died some months a;o. In East Northumberland. Mr. C. L. Owen. the Conservative candidate was elected over Mr. A. Mulholland, Liberal, .by a majority of 236. The late 1[o)i. Cochrane was the former member for this constituency. Hensall Local Option members were all ,trey nt. The minutes of the last regular. nicotine Oct. 14th were read and ap. proved. A letter from the Jackson, Mf;. Co'y. Clitituu tea, read a,ld ordered to be filed. The following itccounts were pas= - ed and orders drawn on the Trea,t- urer for the same. Peter Bat4d'n, part payment e1 sidewalk contract .,*'200.00; Jas. Connor part payment librarian $25.00; Jas. Digital' black- smithiug account $125; jtd. Crock- er cicanin; well al cemetery $2.00 ; D. Gillis labor $1.00; Silas 'landlord labor $4.38; amounting in all to *236.63, passed on motion of \V. J. Heathen seconded by \V. Johns. 1'er W. Jolles exec. by A. E. Puke that the canonise/oiler place a stone crossing at the corner of Albert and James street.-Oitrried. By -Law No. 9. 1'J07, for the rail• in;, levying and oollectin; from all the rateable property of ill' village the sum of $10534.62 for general taxes was rend and on Motion of A. E. I?uko Sec. by J. J. Knight, the saute be now read a second and third time and was finally passed. ►1'he Reeve and Clerk signed bila Fame and elle seal of tho Corporation of Exeter bcin fixed thereto. Adjournment by W. Johns. JOSEPH SENIOR Clerk, Hensall. Our council Is anxious to ;et down several cement cro sin;s before the - Defence of By -Law 'taken from frost Bela in. Council. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson was in Lon- don for a few days during the past A new turn of evenly in connection week. with the Hensel' Local Oiatioei mix- There will be no service in any of up took place last week before tete the churches !hero on 1'hanks;,ivin; High Court at Toronto. A motion day, as special mention was made on was made on behalf of the temper- Sunday in all the churches. The anco people to set aside a resolution day will bo observed as•is ,general of the Council (passed on October 7th 1wUday. which authorized • a ceenpromiso Mr. Gco. Joyut has a large Staff with Mr. Coxtoortll who was attack•- employed at his evaporator, and is in; Oho Bylaw in the Courts. .This .iet•titt;g hi a large ,rluant'ity of ap- the temperance people objected to as Isles. an abandwunent of their defence at Dr. A. Molt, who has been visiting n Gine w•llien it was most needed. relatives for the pad month, re.- I'hc y • also naked 'the illig;b Court turned home to the west this week to resume 1113 practise. through their solicitor that tho de• A number from Henault and vicin• fence of the By-law be taken from the Council 011 41)10 yround that their ity attended the anniversary servi- actiony had shown (that they were no ccs at Kippen on Sunday and Mow longer to be trusted to defend it. day. Upon elle argument of the case at Me. it. Welsh has :greatly improv- Os3aade Hall, on 'Wedneclay last, ed the appearance of his residence Justice Teetzel di,' not n --et aside the by having it nicely painted. resolution but he ?_ranted the ap- piss Vera Murdock'e piano -re- i licaltion of the local option people cital held in tile opera house lase and ,gave Magee 'the conduct of tbe Thursday evening was largely at- defence.ef the 13y -law in place of the tended, the hall being filled. A nice Council upon the usual terane of .aiv. interesting program was carried out in; security for the cats incurred by the pupils a>sistcd by Miss Jextu from irdsv on. Thus Mho Council have Carmichael, elocutionist end Miss been set (tand the Ily-law is now hoover, of Clinton, who gave a num- likely to be defende:l with vigor. her of selections on the violin. The temperance people are jubilant Mrs. Kilohen, who (has been visit• over ,.his victory as it was no secret in; Mr. and Mrs. John Bell for a that they never trusted the einem,- number of weeks left this week for ity of those (connected with the d0• her home in the west, fence. They say that (they were not dlrs. (Rev.) I{err, of Clinton, was concerning themselves about wheth- in elle village last week calling on er idle resolution of the Council was friends atter an absence of Soma set (tilde. The. nrz„iltent Un the seven years' applidalion ,of fir. CoxwortIt to Mr. and Mrs .Thos. Sheth,,r of :plash the Byelaw will not likely bo Blyth, were in tho villaze on Wed - heard for some 'tense. in the meaty- nesday renewing acquaintances, time it is ,claimed ny tho'0 opposed Mr. Nelson Subherby who recently to local option t hat there iv no ac- bought out Mr. Linknty'a blacksmith cenuno(latiou in the village and that business has moved into the dwelling Ilhitizs are .zein, from Dad to worse. over the store recently occupied by They say (hat liquor iesi beau eta in Mr. Willer. anyway and busine14 1.3 nit a Stand= Mrs..JM.Jas. Sutherland has improved still and it is laid that if the (Bye the appearance of her home by hav• law w•as quashed it cot1td never be in; a cement walk put down on the carried again. And no the (battle e:ide front the etreet to the rear razes. Upon (ho 0:140 n t 0,i code of her ,velling. Ii111, Mr. .1. G. til:nibery, of Exeter Mr. R. W. Fulton who has been represented the Local Option people laid up for a few weeks es again and Mca:ri. W. l'roudf ':rt K. C., of able to engage in his duties. (:arh, ne I1. D. C•:nk0, 1Irnst111 Two daughters of Mr. You'll, whotael, Coicuncilo. came hero front the (An Country _- �_- --•. months ago, arrived hero last Beek. 'r0 fill•rr GROWERS. One is a .chool teacher and the The I'ro4inci II horticultural six• (Anel a nurse. hioition 14 ill be held in Toronto Mr. John Coulter has recently int - froth the 121.11 to the 16th of Nov., proved his dwelliit.{ 0111 ItiChni.ln.1 and amenseisms are about com• S(lool, west -ide of the railnand, by haven.[ it nicely painted. Huron for :t County of Pluton ex• Mr. 1'etty had Alin. house he our- lfurou cxhioit thereat. 'l'Iru every• chased trout Gogo. Brown moved to one may have n cheers c ootnpcta his lot south of the (old packing for prints, or leo add <l''Cjmens to 1101180 and t1 ill .-von 'tato a 10nmtt the County Exhibit which is intended to be :4 hi; h(Iv,rtisement of ill Mrs. "V. Moore, of tVinzhann, was lluron'3 frol1s, 1h„ following in for - in town this weak. In:,tion is 4iven through the Count)' llrs. l:ilohri+l, of 1.„nd(n1 is ti' l• If you 1risti to exhigit for •t prize. you are required to have fling this etok with friends in town. five• Ap,ainutis testi of any of th \Its. Motet Edson and son Lynn (ellowiit vnri,•(ics - Ilalde in, Hen were 1n London (Jeer Sunday atb it 1- Davis, Canada lied, Snow Golden itlg the funeral of William flowers Russet, Greening, Kitt; Spy Ontario eon -in-law (.f Mt:. Itiehardeen. who or any other desirable variety, eas killed at Medicine 11x1 a week TLcsutas I' sent to W. Lath, God• ago teat Saturday. MC C. 13ow,r.4 ac• A C cod Wav crick, not later th in Monday next, (ley em ni them to Ilensall on aloe and properly labelled with name also (ley ev,ninl• name „f lrodurrr, If you wish t1 Mt. 8nd Mrs. Gco. i1101.ott celebrn- conipetn in the Provincial prize list, ted their crystal waddle on ?''eines e you must send Four entries and fruit lust. A large litim( •r of (relatives to 1'. W. Ilod;etts, Secy Fruit Grow• and Mends as.(11mblc nt their twsi• erg' A•?oritIion, Parliament Build• atm, and «petit 0 very Unjoyable in z4 Toronto,.ll r. Hemphill Itis Liken pc',°^•sirn --oft,e ern; business of ll r. G. T. \Vi11'.N ARRANGING holt Y(1ttR 'topper. Mr. Hopper :71141 family left fame stock sale make i1. 1 ??(tial to , 11 it11nday ,•4onin{ for Toronto. hive ‘.002.‘.002.hili„ oriuled a1 the '1131E8 1t1, -e he bo ' onin4 .1 hu<rai. „(fico. 1.0111 16118 will le,a11rnc- Mr. loI'inhtll•t• h,4 purclra•041 lively printed, and with every Pale 1 osrph blacksmith shop in Stratford. and mil .10„0 ell this office you will 1C• t,i:I more. 1liere in ❑1)0111 a week. trice fete a n„lien of the sale int Mr. and Mrs. 'V111. Ramp, of Ht. Itis p,tor, which is ie:ld every week slat'. are visiting fti.•nd4 in le1vn. by 111n,1 ('18 of people 1fle 11118 local- •l:, W.$m:t11n00,nh015Nhippin; 1lvo in )• and makes your sale a 1ht., •tn ciil0.ens of anion+ 'phis Werk. nteny who may never have the ep- Mr. Iln;It McCroslie, of the Mol - to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth - To let your horse stand without a in thoroughly now, or to he without a g as orou hl g Y made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good ours cannot be beaten and twfo.re assurance that you will be sorry purchasing it will pay von to give ,for nothingand pricesalways us a call. Everything from the P are Y lightest to the heaviest, and satin - at the bottom notch. faction guaratiteed. Try us with a job of repairing and be convin- ced that our prices are right. gond warm pair of mitts for your- self. We have just received a good line of both and will sell then, at prices that are away down. Our robes also are most reasonable. Harness W. J. BEER Stable For Sale W. JOSNS Merchant Tailor Will positively cure sick headache and prevent its return. Carters Little Liver ?'ills. This is not task Good stable nn Carling Street for but truth. One pill a dose. See ad. dole, Apply to Afars. John Elliot, verlisement. Small pill. Small doe'. Small price. MARRIED HERDMAN-SQUIRES--At the hone of the Imides parents on Wednesday Oct. 31i. Annie dam:elder of Mr and Mea. Heti y S111111111,, to John 11. Here'nnul, loth of 1''h,erne T11•MMINI Auction Sale suns Bank +tuff. had the tn1'fnrtImo nil 8'tertiac to rCerive it oharee if powder in ale . richt eye and cheek chive out hunting, but we are 'glad 10 say the t4;lit has not noel' injur- c(l. Mr. William lithrhannn leas •trick• en with n p:trelvtic stroke (et Mon- day mornin_. Not much 1►opes are he'd Out for Li• reawery. Thur(Id)y, Nov. Itch., tune stank Ni T. 11. Ne..ti,1 hes r,'rov.•r ,l •uf• fiti0ni.y from his revere attack of and inlplem: me the property of \\'nn. bino(1 pai•(1tuin; 00 Ito able to 1e Cool (is, Lot 3, O,m. 7 t ,hOr(10. ,round n.;ni11. Silo at 1 o'clock. Jos. V) it . !Sect. Ali 3:1 -Miss Bayley, of London, is the 01186 guestof 1 •:s V' e 1 Gicanina wants . Violet Treble. -Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Luker are spending tla, holiday at Goderich. -Mrs. John Northootl w•a3 lithe ill last week with pneumonia. She is now contiiderably improved. -Rev. and Mrs. E. A. Fear are at- tcndine the ,olden wedding of Mrs. Fear's parents at Stratford. -Mr. Jas. Bagshaw, ir., who has been out West on a visit tto hi+ 3004. returned !tone on Thur -day of last week. -The Misses Winnie end Martha Carling. ss'ho are a(tendin; the Mod- el school at Goderich, are spending taw holiday with ;their parents. -Mrs. Fred Burnett, of Throttle, who was visit!,,, her sisters Mrs. 1'. II. Carlin; end Mi'a. 11. E. Pickard left friday for her home. -Special Thanksgiving services will bo held in 'the Presbyterian Church today at 11 4. m., conduct - by Rev. A. IT. Goin;. Verne L. Ilew- er will sing a solo. -Owing to 111e Anniversary ser• vices being held in the Cavan Pres- byterian church next Sunday, ser- vices en Ll:: )Sftti1 Street church will be withdrawn in the a\•mint. -Mrs. Iiuccholz, of Syracuse N. Y., and Mrs. Vernon, of Tet•:tutu• who were r he lag Win. funeral „f HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE turn f:atl.r the. laic \stmt Scott, ay. turned to their homes - Saturday. CAMPBELLS VARNISH STAINS -Our Stock is complete, alt colors, and all size tins for re-: to:uiuJ and Ituishinj Furniture, Wood- work and Floors They can do the work themselves with excellent results and Seno urs Ready Mixed Pains. • The Seattle Post-Iutelli;oncer of a recent date records the appoint- ment of lir. Prank Swift Bourns, soir•in-law of his donor .Judge Doyle of Goderich, to the re -organized board of health of Seattle. That tired languid feeling and dull headache is very disagreeable Take two of Carter's Little Liver ?'ills before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. - Mr. John Stevenson, of Clinton& ;cit his left hand caught in the plan- er at his factory Thursday and lost a half inch off the index finger, the second finger also was about sever • ed at thefirst ' re joint but t tthe d after l uo 0 has hopes of being able to save it. You hardly realize that it Is tned- ieino when taking Carter's Little Li- ver Pills; they aro very small; no bad effects; all troubles from tor- pid diver are relieved by their use. At the :mutual convention of the Canadian Ticket Agents' Association held at Winnipeg last week, F. 1t. Modeles, of Clinton, was elected aud- itor, and \V. Jackson, of Clinton a member cf the executive committee Th, convention discussed the twenty• four•sysite3n of time and unanimously favored a notion to recommend t he adoption of this system by railway lines in Ea.lern Canada other than on Government lines where lit i a already in use. The Clinton Gun Club's anitutg1 (ornament to be Itel 'Thanksgiving; Day and Nov. 1, igrikely to be the best yet Acid, Several prof ytsional Shooters reurosenting the various companies interested in the w:lfaro of the shooters. will be pre+sent. •Tlee first day ,Will be ,given up to live birds. of which rsomc '700 will be ;hot at, tIe second day well be all target.. It is expected (that some 1h0usands 44111 he, thrown. The club has decid• ed to add $30 to the high avera,o money. if 'the weather is at all favourable the shoot will be a suc- Ce34. A warrant tins been issued for the arrest of .lante4 McGuire, who for some time was employed iu clic freitht department of Ore 0. 1'. It. al Clinton. McGuire is a married man and about n month n;o he attended a social at Parkhill and mei a 1;s-y(t•tr-oldgirl, the ward of the children's aid ;society, and who hot been placed in home in Park, hill. McGuire became enamoured of 11111 7111 and ran novas, with her, 140- curin.t her a position in Clinton, where she was located leo ti volts later :111d returned to Parkhill. Mc- Guire immediately disa•epeare:l and it is thouzht he i4 011 the other 31(10. -At Aix o'clock Saturday rveninz the steam yacht L:nurinc, purcba.<ed a few weeks a zo by the Dominion nv,'r11111Cttt ran on a aubmc'r Zed breaksater off tie harbor entrance at Goderich and wrecks. Leuriitc was of GG•ton capacity. 87 foot lone and was built in 188' at Windsor for Iliranh %Ve lker. Capt. .1. 11. forest, of \Valker'ille. who 111, sailed Ler ever eine- it was b3i11. did not know of lb ' breakwater. ('seem of the crew NA(NT ' Capt. W. C. Gidley. 1'elleta21z, and 0nzin,,') Y 1\' t: 1 George r to a rl Wm. (.an 1u and Le r.,n . i l n l t1 1 " n1. Lenzua, of \\-alkervill(•. rhe lux ilorton pulled at the leonine till nni'lnixht Saturday, but could not :et her oft. Sunder month): the Hor- ton took off the furniture etc., end the 1,111rinr '.Vx8 left to be broken tip by 1.110 wa4ts. God0r1c11 citizenq were ,.tartled on Sunday mornitty Oct. 201h by the l'pws that Mr.. C. A. Untidier, is Plow of the late potion moods! rate. 10,1 been found dear' In her ('.t. 51: had Nee el -ewe -hat poorly for a sheet bim.•. but Irnt'hhl1 r•eri0211 411(2.4 atllini• 11. (1, and vha Ili 1 r,UUr14 04) Hat • 11111.1V nixie nllp:'reaps in tiro usual I, •alth, When. (,n Sunday ',notion/. a mnmek'r of 'bhe )otteehnld had zone 10 t' -'r room to call her, she 4435 found (lea/1, 11141112 pn•r,d away ee-ne hhree or four hours before. ac• re -dint 10 the (Intoe whir• 11:14 called \tr.. 'lumber we( ria veal • of Bee. :rail 1 .1 ilea 11. is the 114, I ;n the fetidly eirrl.•s 1111i year. het hn(hend 101.-. let ' C. A. ll11mb(•r. battier di"41 1hn3l1 cr.13'1 11)01111= 130. and her (hetet,' •, •in '.,t4. wifo of Dr. A. Millen Number 'ovine (lied in .iune hot et )::•r hn'n:' in Detroit. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ •:•:.✓aii..;..as.-.fi•-::•g :-•b•F--[,•F.l..p•I..M +++++++++++++++4++++e•++-1++++++++++++++++++++++44++ ++ * 1 If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To ++ + ++ ++ ✓• + c+ d}r ++ 4*+ + 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++O+++++++++++++ T. HAWKINS & SON •� The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cent and Wire. Winchelsea Special Offerings in Fall and Winter Goods Our Stock is very large in all lines and we want to reduce it. Fancy121 c Flannelettes reducefl to Sc. A new lot of men's and boyo' 'fur -lined Caps, regular 75: line for 50., tively best value ever offered. Men's Overcolts reduced from $12 to $3. Different colors and styles. Boys' Overcoats reduced from $3.24 to $:3.50. Ladies' Felt -lined Shoes, regular $1.50 for $1,25, . These goods are selling fast, come and get ynnr choice before they are all gone. Highest prices paid for all kinds of l'rn.lnce and l'oeltry. Skinny ones desired. COWARD II CO. ++•'e+++++++++++++4-+++++++++ ++++++4-++++++++++++ +•1' -r r + + + Two papers fel' the price of one for 1:) months ++• +++++++•r++++++++++++ ++++++++-:-i-4-4-1-4-1-4-4-++++++ The Biggest Offer Yet .lust think of it' Thu- Exeter 1'll(- + Exete�,,Times� Toronto Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer To any point in Canada from 135 now until 'January 1909 for • I yflouse De6ordo THE my Hy plumber (If .n ( +Mao,/ 'PANE ,Ion W rhino and Graining With 1'.. Int.ney last. year. Ka 1f OWF,y'S,nates furr.i,he,i ((te .application. CURE-�aCOID I A Trial Solicited. U L U ARTHUR D. DAVIS ('AP'1'LES I Exeter, Ontario Only 'Ym a ho: Resider (e. 10. 111 Liao' e at.d drew Stn -et.