HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-24, Page 844.+4.4-41.4-4-1.444i.+++++++4-++++ 44-1-1-4-1-1-1-H-1-+++++++÷+-:--:-++44 sPrEwART's WE ARE DOING a great trade in Millinery, There's a reason for it; Style, Quality, Val- ue all tell in our favor. Our styles are ex elusive. The Hats we turn out have a style of their own. They haven't that ordinary ready-made look about then. They are smart and dressy and the values are correct. We will be delighted to have an opportunity of showing you through the new styles. Drop in often, new styles every few days. 3.98 A great skirt bargain, pate wcol Black Panama cloth, tuck pleated, very full and dressy -a snap. 15.60 for a lovely shaddow plvid skirt. Correct in style• and very pretty for an odd skirt. 7.0.1 tor a dandy Ameri- can Sable Neck Scarf, 73 inches ling, trimmed with mem al betide and cluster tela. 9140 for Ladies Tweed Jacket velvet cellar and u,illitiuy cuffs and pockets -Great Value. 60.00 fur Ladies rat lined .Jacket choicest quality with No. 1 Arn.sable collar and reveres. 16.00 for Ladies tight g fit- ting New Market Jacket. 4.e Latest New York styles, black, navy and Cobalt brown. 12.00 for Gents long black Overcoat latest chamber- lain style veru dressy see this line. 713c each for mens wool el- astic ribbed underwear for comfort and wear cant be beat. 1.00 each for wens spring needle underwear guaran- teed absolutely uushrink- able-try a suit you'll like them. 12.00 for mens new fancy worsted suits fancy over checks best linings and tailored right down to date. 12.80 buys a lovely 108 piece semi-porcelean Din- ner Set pure white body with dainty rose decorat- ions an dold traced known as 'Cantilly Roses' 7.25 for a very fine Au- rian China Tea Set fine pure clear body with brid- al rose decorations and gold stippled known as the "Bridal Bose" Set. Bulbs for House Culture :1:.t.. 7 for 25c. Hyacinths in pink, blue, red and white; either double or single. Narcises, Von Sion and paper w11ite. Our clearing price 7 for 25c. Come quick. J. A. STEWART ++i+++++++f++++++. +++++++++++++++++++++++++•+ +++++++.1.4-1-1-1+++.144.44+44+++ •+++++•E+++i+++++++ idyl Tea Spoone, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks Soup Spoonr, Pie Knives, Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks, Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings gig Stock to choose from GUARD AGAINST COLDS. Colds lend on to tonlilitis, 1onsil- itis to impairment of the lunge and Impairment of the lungs to that most dr.stdtul disease DEADLY CONSUMPTION It_ -t easy to cure a cold, harder to cure tt.onsititit and it taken a miracle :to cure consumption. (lct a bottle of Howey's Cherry Cordial and .ktep it on !rand. From bibirt up it will save ezpetlst•. Only 25c. a bottle. A, MARCHAND W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist, and Optician. NEW Teachers Wanted. Fall Suitin gs-TEACHER-WANTED - For S. S. No. 10, [1sborne, must hold 2nd. class certificate. Services to bry,in Jan. 1st. 1908. Ap11y •..tatitt.i •til:uy ANA to J. G. Morgan, Hay, 1'. O. -TEACHER WANTED.- For S. S. FrR No. 7, ['shorn.% Must Bold :second cla.ls certificate. ces Ito rrnn- c r /' r 1;1 M t P , ' I t I ) �� i y � hi PIt 8 salry to „mi. J. i'ynin, EIimville, 1'. O. Appliraiions must be in by Nov. 5th., 1907. -TEACHER WANTED - Teacher wanted for School Section No. 2, 11.7;- borne. .s- borrte, First or second class certifi- cate. Male 'Teacher preferred. Sal- -40 - ,try five hundtred dollars. Appli^a_ tions rea'iv.d till Nov. 15th. Apply to \Vm. Monteith, Sec'y., 'Thames Road, Ontario. Jost flrrlvco Call anti Make It Selection be- fore the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. -Mamie!. Clyd,• Beaman entertain. EXETER, -ONTARIO.1 ed mayoral of h• • playmate";to a ten -party on Moeday evening. -Mrs. Parrott, of Chica:y, and Mr. T. Statham, of Anton, ars the ;nests of Mr. and Airs. W. J. Etta - Conveyancer Accounts Collected t)tam. MoNr.Y to Into at lowest nine. -Mr. and Mrs. Anthony ilolland Nnrh Wet lands few &ON announce the en3aizemont of their Office, Main Street. Exeter daughter Helve to Robert Stratford Lam, N. D., of /soddriok Marylo nd. ERN EST ELLiOT Market Report. -The following te the report of Exeter markets, eor- rected up to October 24th., 1997. Barley, 55c to 65c. Bran *24. Pcae, EO to 85 Shorts, $26.00. Flour $3.00 per cwt. Feed Flour $1.50 to $1.55. Hogs livewei,;ht $6.00 Hots dressed $8.00 Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Wheat, $1.02 per busthel. Outs, 1i2 cents per bushel. Butter 23 cents per pound. Eggs. 22 cents per dozen. 11ay, $14 to 1:15 per ton. Dried tipples 7 cents a pound. Coal, $'•.i ., ton. cents. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • LOCALS •••••••• o••••••• S. Fitton, issuer of marriage li- censes, also complete line of wed- ding rings always on hand. -Thanksgiving ns xt Thursday. -Mr. Geo. Brooks still continues very low. -Mrs. John Ande.rson, is the guest of Mrs. John \Vkiite- - The ,new zranolitliie ,.itt'walk on Ja,ite1 81reet was reIupteted last week. -Mrs. Alex. Doty is confined to her led suffering from a severe at- tack of on-'umonia. -lir;. Astiky Fitchett, of Thed- ford, i.1 the guest r>f Mr. and Meg. .1. '1t. Brick wood. - Mr. John Itowecliffe, or., of Bri- tish Columbia, is 'visiting i tatives in .Ind .wound 'Exeter. - Mrs. Fowell left yesterday for '1. inor►th'1 ,tvith friends in Windsor and Detroit. -A,,,11400.00 piano, nearly new, used Tess than one year, for $275.00 at S. Martin & Soft-, - Mr. 11. Hamilton. of Grand Bend, has moved on the farm he recently purchased from Abraham Dearing. -It. 11. Stewart, pianotuner. t, tun r, i3 in town, kindly leave your orders for piano tuning at S. Martin & Sons. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Itobs" and 'Stay,' Chewing Tobaccoes in bis plugs. Quality always :the same. -Mr. Andrew Laramie, of I)etroit, returned home Saturdty evenin- af- ter :t pleasant. visit with friends here. -On Slonday last Mr. Thos. Hand- ford shipped 19 fine horses to Win- nipeg. Mr. 1'. Coleman accompanied t hens. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Rohs." "Stag,' and Currency chew- ing tobaccoes. - The Ali-tses Charlotte and Rose Dearing last eve k purchased from Mr. Thos. Boyle the buainees on Main Street, which he recently purchased from John Charlton. DR. BUTLER WILL BE AT CEN- tral Hotel. Saturday October 26th, 1907. Orders for glasses executed by Tait Brown Op. Co. 237 Dundas St. London or local de.ale.rs. -Mr. rind Mrs. W. J. Mallet at- tended flus sixtieth birthday scull• versary of the tatter's father, Mat:. thew Finkbeiner nt Crediton, on Wednesday, of last week. -Sirs. D. Maiming and tI-iu )tt.or of Vancourar 11. C. After an ab- sence of sixteen years is Visilinz her Tiro. 'Collard I1i11, of Stephen Mown - :Mil) also Ito. Aunt, Mrs. Brewer Resnick, of Exoter. -A number of the curling duos throu,tbuut the provi:.ae have or- .aniztd for the cumin.; wiuhir and it ivould be snout the proper thing for the local enthusiasts to g.'1 1 -.- .;ether and do the '3.1100 thing. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAIt SUR- geon, will be at the Commercial llotel. Ilours 9.30 a. m. to 4.30 iI. tn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and rinse treated. Next visit Saturday Novcmber 2n41. - \Vm. Brooks,. of Crystal City. Lo has horn ti -:lits; friends in t.,.+tn left Saturday morning for n fow days visit with friends in l� rkhill. London. Oweeeo Mich. tie fore Ir•olurrtinr to her home itt the Wart. -Mr. A. 1). V. Duncan, ;t former clerk with the SoVareign (lank here and who some a -o ks ago s &11r;•,l 1 politimt with she 1'nion Bank at. Smith' 1 Falk, Itis 11e011 moved to another other brannh of the tants hank it 111113burg. -itilODE ISLAND (REDS, ar' an ideal GENERAL PI" ItPOSE FOWL, being docile, .luick .;rowers, ,;:,od size and layers. Finn oockerets it very reasonable prices to tuick buy- ers. Also a few females. Address Timers Office, Exeter, Ont. - An effort is being ntade to est ab - Usti n line of Telephone from Exe- ter 4o Farquhar. Mr. Brown, of the -Bell Telephone Company Ivan Calleassin{ on Tulioday for subscrip- tions for 1.11,' )ut,l line. 114 lvas ac- compani•al by .lir. \\'m. F11'lohe7, of this Lown. - While ,Mister Cliff Mall,•tt we.+ playing' .with some children last \fondly afternoon. he was unfortun- ate in falling on the pci,nt of a needle, which was Tying on l.he floor the sharp point penetrating the fleshy part of his hand and remain- ing embedded in the flesh. The lit- ) has puttered conside.rablc I) 't tta'.�u4ncc. 11 . Dearinz sr., tits moved into toe and has located in the residence he recent ly put otwsed from the Tho+. Wel all 'state. Mr. Desir- ing tame to this part over 51 v ,rs azo :read fcclinz that ha Ite•ery ,a well earned rest believes that Exe- ter is rood rnotrzh to live in and will milk,• hi, prrm.en.tnt home in town. -A+ many sportsmen will be rroiit'; nut +hooti:r; on Thankn;irin',r, it will be '• " for them to r nt •n,her that bh• .0. --on for sho:ttin. hark iuirr••i■ •1e not open until Nev. 1st. the 1 followitaa. The pen 111V for Flxrrttor black squirrels mut of season is $5 for etch animal and ■ complaint can 1►e lodged nzainst ant' person tranerrrssine the law env titno Within 'Ulm mouth, after, SPECIAL SARGAIDTS Of Winter Goods Mens Overcoats In plain cloth or dark tweeds, excellent cloth, neat patterns with beet linings. full length, good fitters. 415 00 Coat for 412.00; 12.00 Coat for 10.00; 410.00 for $8.00. hens Stilts 100 men's tweed and serge Suitt !:welling off at bargain prices' $15.00 Suit for $12 00; 12.00 Suit for 0.115; 10.00 Suit for 8.75; 8.00 Suit for $0.1)0. 75c Tamed for 50e xtra heavy all wool tweed iu Grey only; for boys wear cant beat it Price 75c on sale at 51k yd. Big Stock of Wool Blankets of the best makes, all sizes, all prices. Hosiery Hosiery of the beet makes made of best worsted yarn, fast color, Hosiery with natty seams, Hosiery that will wear; children's size 25c to 45c; wotiten'l size 5Oc, Ladies Underskirts Women's black sateen Underskirts made of fine silk finish Sateen lined with cardinal flannelette, a spleudid skirt for wiutee. ae.,r. Price $1.38. Art Shoes for Women, Prices S2 to $3.50. Sovereign Shoes for Men Prices $3.50 and $4 English Flannelettes 30 in. wide. in all colors, pretty stripes, extra heavy, guaranteed fast colors, quality worth 15c, our price 121ic yd. Yens Underwear Men's fleeced lined Shirts and Drawers in fancy stripes and plain colors, regular price OOc each. Our price 50c each. NEL, & ROWS DON'T MONKEY WITH THAT COUGH use IIOWEY'S SYRUP WHITE PINE & TAR Sold only at Howey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. -The St. Anthony's Social Club held their first assembly of the sea - atm in the 'Town Hall Tuesday even - in;. There wa.l a large attendance and everyone enjoyed the evening. J. G. Stnnbury is this waek in Tor- t I e 's re i as t* the ono +where rt, he i I r er. ioi, IIe•nstll vocal option /topple before. the High Court. Ile will also inter- view the lion. J. 1', Whitney and the Provincial Secretary. A crowded hall et Delaware ,greet- ed the ap,)eirance of the concert company on Thursday Oct. 17th. under the mans;ament of .1. '[1. Ilew,er, of London. Tina Hewer Quar- tet .were heartily enohored for their straight work and comedy, Which brought screams of laughter from audience. Mr. V. Hewer also t;ave several excellent baritone solos, re- ceiving hearty applause. Miss Hew- er managed to keep the people lau- ghing from start to fini .'i by ,her funny anti well rcnditr, e1 elocution, %shit). Mr. \Vation ably : .ted as mus- ical director for the .ening. A ,new feature 4n the concert. line here .was presented by Marla (Mr. E. Sloan), AV 110 deli.yhted and my- stified with feats of magic, brinzina cheers and laughter 'by seeming to produce at will flags, ribbons, ra onrl birds, in the most amtut1n.; manner also escaping in a few min- utes from handcuffs and shackles, in which he was F-ecurely locked by ilea Itntl4'.nr e. Mr. Itobt. Barnes, formerly- of Exe- ter, but lately of London. has been appoinied to one of )t h: moil impor- tant positions obta,innhl4 ureter the new moat impaction act. Dr. Barnes left London early in September '40 take charge of the quail inipoction in the city of Toronto. Last week he received notice that he had been appointed travelling iusp.srtor .for the Dominion Government, width head 4uarter4 111 Ottntv.t, Till .1 VIP .1115 that 1)r. Barnes it i11 have full :up.'r- vi+iou over all the moat in.4p,•otors in Canada, .114d that he will pracl(c ally direct the µthole policy in re- gard to the 'Definer in tyhiah Ub: meat intlteotion will be carried tilt. 'I'll" position i4 1 mast irlilt,rt.itlt 010 as 'there. are 1 1,rze number of factories to ne looked after, and it i4 the Governntant'+ aim to snake the (':t nad4111 p,ickiri-z lou 41.4 o-s•cond to none in th►e world. Dr. Barn.» has a host of .frietul4 in this vicinity who will 'war of his vuca'hv it i, 11 ('011•id,•r'al):0 pl.rtsure. -Mr. \Villiani 'Scott hied .it the home of hit daughter NI re, James 11i-.11:1141on, William Street, on Tues- day October 15th at the age of tel years, 0 11101. The dic,sasel +tats born in Ogaimi.sour;, N. Y., of Irish parentage .111,1 entire to Orrl•ario when 18 years of age takir-.t tip the: m11- .111114 of farrninr in the rot+-rt.'►hip of Albion, 't ork County. There 14' 14.11 married to t'a111',111• \Mute, .111.1 41 - ter their mar ria lir. and \I 11. Scott decided to come further North and V'tll'•i1 1411 Ube Base 11141' cf 1llanshard. thirty 1110 years ago. Three y.'aes ago they decided to ;iso up tII,• arduous duties of farm life and cane.. to Exeter to rest during their derliniiit y,oare. Mr. Scott Wel4 ;t +Paul:' h Cor.servstive in 11010 112N and iu a011.7100 44•l4 1 \Ir'l 11011j 1 1. Ile i1 :41rt'iV'd by his a-r•ul widow :1 111i clic fol foe in; children : Goo., of Olds, Alberta. Mrs. .1 Imes Richard- son,Exeter, Mrs. a (iBuchholz Syr- acuse, - acuse, N. Y., Mrs. itichtard Wilson 11x141 litre 111anshard, Albert. of Ilow- (040 Alta, 0nd Sirs. Vernon, of 'Tor- onto. The funeral ,we.+ held from the residence of his dnu;.iter 11rs. Richardson on Friday and the re- mail. i taken to St. Marys for in- tern-'nt. Chemist and Op(irian EXFITR1t, - ONTARIO. RUBBER When von buy Rubber it pays to get it. There are few things in which quality counts for more than in Rub- ber goods. Our Supply is Large and Assortment Complete We carry practically everything- in the line of Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, sick Room Supplies, Etc - - - The low prices will surprise you. All our Rubber Goods are guaranteed. COLE'S DRUG STORE Chemist and Druggist. • EXETER - ONTARIO. A Good Supply of Bran Shorts eed Flour at reasonable prices Also a good supply of the noted Star Flour "Star Brand" Give us a Call HARVEY BROS. EXETER, - ONTARIO. A I,II'i'iIESEIIVEIt Iikc :t "friendE in need" i'• wanted +chrn you require it. Ti;r time is µ-vu r CIIES'I' PROTECTORS AND CHAM- OIS SE1N GAiRMENTS is in the winter and nat. when you Ise,k the shady side of the .1 rest in midsummer. We Laic a hi. lot of 1.11:11i :tn rive you due notice that t.Jt•y'rl• ch4KIper than doctor hilly Tlt^y're matte of both felt and chi oa skins slid you can take your e tales. W. S. Howey Phm. B. Listen! Long dreary nights are made short and cheerful if you Nivea Phonograph and n few good selections. Step in and hear the kind you like. if you have an old machine bring it aloof,. OAtasTOR =a. Boats the The Kind foo Han Alva 604:111 of Anniversary services held at He - the Exeter Main Street Churoh appoitllm'tlt. drew a 1+r;e alt,'ndancc from t):' 1urroundini neizhborhood, over three hundre.1 THE OLD RELIABLE Fall is here and winter will soon be neon us. We beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Stanfield* Unshrinkable UNDERWEAR both in gentlemen and ladies. The Ladies Vests are the best we have ever shown they are made to shape having no seams at $1.t0 each, very fine. Furs and Cloth Coats We are carrying a choice line of Furs this season, and gents. We will sell ladies Cloth Coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call before making your purchase as we can save you from $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry thein in stock. When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have a first class milliner in connection with the store in the person of Miss Morlock, both ladies CARLINC BROS. ••••••••••••••••••••••••♦ • • 1 1 TO CORRESPONDENTS. • • but don't keep thnt little until We would ask our corres- • pondeuts to send in their bol.- • gets each week whether they aro little or big. \\'e are look- ing to the interests of our subscribers in their partic- • alar locality, (and ti•antw .the news whether it is little or much. Sometimes you may pot have much news to send but don't keep that little until you have more. When news is • scarce thar is the time your two0 r three little items or even one, is specially ap- preciated by the reader in your section. Send a big bud- • get every week if you can, if not, the small one will be wel- oorned. Any of our correspon- dents who are in need of the • • required stationery, kindly let • • us know. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4 2 • • Fhe Sovereign Ba of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. aid Vp Capital: • • $3,000.o BOARD OF DII EETORS: [LIDS JARI'I9, Esq., - - - Pr4 DOLPH 1MACDONALI), Esq. lel 1'ice'P►1R ALLAN, $sq., - - znd Vice -Pre HON. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. A. E. Dv$E\T, Esq., M.P. Hort. PETP.a MCI•AARs, W. K. mcNAteur, )3eq., M.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. y. O. JsxiserT, - .• - GnenalMa 1t. CaasELs, - - - Asst. Gent,nl--ills Savings Bank Departmeal Interct at but current rams paid quanslr. i Branches: -EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, JOSEPH SNELL Mgr. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Sollars APPLES WANTED We are paying for apples delivered at the Evaporator on Station street, prices rang- ing from 35c to 50c according to the apples; All apples to be of peeling size. THE GIBB CO. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter, J. G. EARL, Manager. 1 CLINTON = A Good Way BUSINESS COLLEGE jEducates to meet the living de- • mandt, of a progressive age. • Most exacting, modern city otf- • ices delighted with onr gradu- • • rites. Our management trains • • more young people annually • Ithan any other in Western On- tario. We have incorporated a Our experience is pretty good the counsels of our TEN TEA- • (assurance that you will be sorry • CHERS into one grand unexcell- ed whole. Roth courses for : I for nothing and prices are always • price of one. Day students may • . at the bottom notch. 2F'ALL TERM from SEPT. '211d. attend night classes free. • • to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to came here with your ideas. First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Enter any time. individual instt'uctson. Write for heed - some catalogue. GEO. SPOTTON, Principal, •••••••••1•••••••••••••••• Mit nrrau;aments had b4. 11 made for entertaining the visitors and Lb.!: Madly accepted the proffer,. 1 hospitality of t,1, it good friends at It Itheada. it is an unusual occur- rence for Bethesda to ,have too services on :i Sunday but 1144.70 tyle !Vert a la rzer a1l,tldancc. in 1110 Venin; 011:411 in the afternoon. The Sfis�es Edna Follick and Alice Iluw• ard, of Exeter, sang a lovely cruet in tzood %'04C' whin!) was greatly ap- preciated, as a rare treat by the orople as4tnbled. The Committee in (1143rge, instead of .t tea -meeting had dacitted to ask for 11 free, -will offering of $50, but they ire _lad to ioay that WC's ,tmolunt was red - h.eled and over. Sun lay Schc»I he. inz held when Lite fourteen bcauli ful singers from Exeter Arrived in th'ir carriaz' bhr'y ,iii•eetId them a'It•e. of t o-nrm wraps which 1h.• chill weed had rovers them to W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor GRAND TRUNK SY'S EM Hunters Excursion rs r torsion atn ig S Ie Fare. Now in effect To points in Temagami, points Maty taws to Port Arthur, to fort Arthur and all points on the Georgian Bay via the N. N. Co. and to certt+ir pointe in Qnehec, New Brunswick. Nova Scotia and Nfld. OCT. 211h to NOV. 5th. Tickets will Ire sold at sinzle fare for round trip to the following ter- ritory. Muskoka Lakes Penetang Lake of Bays Midland Magattetawan River Lakefield Madawaska to Depot 11 i•bor ; Ar- zyle to ('oboconk• Lindsay to lfall- hurton. Hharhot lake via Kinzetoo Jct. and Kinz,tton and Pembroke Ity. All pointe Severn to North )lay w. Ir and at tended tl,i Sunday school inrlusivr. Sault Ste. Marl • vin Nos. a'ii ral of .hem thereby zettinz the .'ay. Co. we will tate it on a better one. chane' to secure the mur.hde•red All tickets good returning on or be h'inz present at both service,,. Roy. Diploma offered by the Exeter Main !fore Dee. 7th. 10117, or 'Intil close of We buy. Belt and repair many. No Mr. Kerr, of Clinton, pre...tshed two Steer Sunday Sohool. Navigation if earlier, to pointe reached trouble to show goods. fin., sermon= both this nfteri xin--�--•- Bova i i by steamer liner.. and : ieninz ;ind the Exeter Choir Ci�TOAZi. • For tickets and full information call on furnished excellent music for the oc- 111K11�YWNIt1Ahl1 The Purity I cacon Bome of the families prem. w J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, tit wee announcA f roni the pulpit Can. Ezprese Block, Main SL, Exeter ant having come from a distance, _t78_ or write .1. D. MCDONAi D, Cniote 1 Depot, Toronto, Ont.