HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-24, Page 5TEE EXETER 'TIME 13, OCTOBER 24th 1907 Ontario fall wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat lacks; What Ontario fall wheat' lacks, Manitoba spring wheat supplies. oft• OFFICIAL PQM LABEL LO%1R Arsocitsw� The right blend of the two makes the only perfect flour for all bread and pastry. Just try it and prove it. "Made in Ontario" i +++++++++++++++++++++++-H •1• The RIUht KIIIU 01 Sliocs! For Men, Women and Children We have them in great variety and the price is as low as is consistent with good materials. See Our Display in the East Window We want your produce. Dried Apples 6c a lb. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar + •Q -+++++++++++++++-t : e : ; n+ -n+ +444-4-H-1-1-44+444.444-4-+++++++ Heating Stores and Ranges The Pandora, Peninsular, Happy Home and Kitchen Always lead the market and always will. They are in a class by themselves and have no equal. This is the verdict of all who use them. They will do the most heating and cooking on less fuel than all stoves in the market. Earetroughing and Tinsmithing Promptly attended to. W. MOORE - KIRKTON. Fall and Winter Overcoats More For Your Money You get up-to-date styles, best materials, tetter satisfaction, more value for your money, when you buy an overcoat from Grafton & Co. The largest clothing concern in Canada owes its success to giving unbeatable values, and upright business methods. The Dressy Semi -/Form Filling models, handsome New Bo.r Back styles for '07 and 'o8, popular Single Breasted coats, are here in every size. Materials are Black and Gray Vicunas, Cheviots and Cashmeres, pre- shrunk before making by our special process which makes them retain their shape until worn out. Collars and lapels are hand stoated. Lined with extra quality all wool serge, with good mohair and satin sleeve linings. On request we will MAIL YOU SAMPLES of cloths, with instructions of how to order by mail. Perfect fit, com- plete satisfaction, guaranteed, or money refunded. Prices, $8.30 to $25 EXPRESS PREPAID. 4: �: .4x1(1 w Cperali et 2 r. 'oriel and J. 11. BUCKET, Manage' .,..•..Z . • 7 Stores is • 'saada London, Ontario Kirkton On Thursday Oct. 10th one of tato old and respected residents of Blau- abard in the person of Mr. Alexan- der Kirk passed away. Away back in 1820 Mr. Kirk was L•uru at Tautly Ttr•'ak, County of Antrim, Ireland e iuk't little couutry ,pot three wiles Dent Ballymena anti out and a half from Connor where was the fres. byterian church at 'whioh hu eve 4 baptised uy the Rev. henry Henry. His parcuts names were David and Mary Kirk. Some 60 years ago he came to this country and located at Kitty. Ont., for a time and after'- warde moving to Kirkton where .he has since resided ou arta; farm. Mr. Birk was a strove; Conservative in Politics and .t consistent flletheilist. Ile wan of a retiring disposition. '► man of many friends uud ono who did not make enemies. His widow and Several sons and daughters sur- vive him. Ile also leaves a brother Mr. John Kirk, of llamiota Mase., who is about 94 years of age and a sister Mrs. Webb living at Crandall Man. The survit•in.g children tare; William a rid Joseph Kirk of Kirktun Mrs. Ed. Shier and Mrs. John Han- nah, Kirkton; Mrs. Jos. \Veir. De- vizes; Mrd. E. J. Shier, of llanxiota, Man.; names Kirk. M. 1)., of Oak River Man. and David Kirk M. D., of Minnesota. Mrs. Geo. Burton is vi.itiug friend. in Molesworth and Listowel. Mr. Edward Switzer, possibly ocee of the oldest residents in Westerns Ontario. died at the home of .hi.3 non F. 1). Sweitzer on Monday Oct. 14th and had he lived four days more would have reached the 101st mile- stone. The deceased was a remark- able man, his extreme age being the only cause of his demise. Ile Was born in 1806, in Ireland at Court Matrix, on Lord Soutltw•ell'3 estate, County of Limerick, near the village of Itath Kall. Though born in the evergreen i4le. hit ancestor; were German. He W13 the heir through the fourth generation of (Michael Sweitzer. and Dorothea, his wife who went to Ireland with his two sons from Germany in 1709, settling in the County of Limerick. Mr. 8witzer'3 educational advantoigea in thee% primitive !days revere snot es el- aborate nes those ,who 'have 'She good fortune to take 'advantage of the exlucational systems of to -day, and he w•a3 coneoluently Urnou;hl up us a farmer. A3 ho advanced in year'' he became more anxious to see more of the world. having that nmbitious spirit which has largely been upper- most in his character (through life at twenty-four years of age he de- cided to emigrate, but as a wi e man, before leavint„ he placed his affections on one whom Ito made his wife, a Mies Sarah Shiner, and on the 14th day of February, 1831, they were married at 'the Townlandi of Garvenroe, near the city of Limerick and in the Llano year sailed for Am- erica in the Shur "Thetis" having on board 315 pa33en,;ers. They had i :good voyage, and ou the lit of May siehtcd the banks of Newfoundland and on ;the 10th arrived at the 'his- toric harbor of Queoec. Next dry they took .;hip ;for Montreal, thence by land 4o Lachine, Lhence by atenme- er to 'the Cascade's, 'thence by ba- teux to I'reacutt, tthenco .by boat tact Little York, (now 'I'onanto). Their troubles were Duly now oomu►eneind Q.3 the teeeans of travel in it new county were of wort ancient des- cription. But Mr. 'Switzer bent; :r man of intrepid 'character they inv- mediately took the journey to Brock, and arrived tit the home of Mr. John Shier, a brother of Mrs. Switzer's on the .28th day of Slay 1831, and a few days later located on his land on which he lived for nearly 74 yeses at:d at that lime ,the daa,rdehips of c.;untry life -•wore great. 1 Selttlert were few and far between, the whole .ownship at Uhat (time pout tj,tuxt only 430 '.souls. But 'Mr. Switzer and Sia amiable wife were not disoour= aged and began the battle of lift to earnest. On the 10th. of Nov. 1837, Mr. Switzer and a number of his neighbors were ordered out a4 mil- itia to assist in auppres>ira; the re- bellion but before reaching uheir'ins- tivation the rebellion cotlap.ed and party returned to their tonnes. He was later appointed constable Of the district, .which position the Hil- ted for 14 years. In 1863 he was up - pointed to (e Commission of the Peace, which volition he filled with a ;race and dignity tentlont seen iu rural di+trieta. Ile was a wan of rare mechanical eveliu1 in hid young- er days, ,building surd completing the Sous.: on she homestead and tuanua facturin; lits own machinery for use on the farm. Ile w.13 also tut excel- lent taxidermist and head a. beauti- ful display of ,buds And rare animate in his large collection, vuhiah ha ahowxtl with plea tut to hie visitors. Four yeai•a ago. ut rho death ,,,f tine of his AWLS, \Ir. Switzer moved fr;rm the Soon..+ of his early pioneer cite and came to Kirkton to strew' his declining yeare with his son, F. 1). raw•itzer. Who remains ,were taken front the residence of Mil sort on \Wednesday and taken to 8t. Marys, iherr, they were Aimed to Brock town+hip and laid beside thorn of his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Switzer hall 11 children •six of wdaoan aro •still living. Mr.. Adam Shier. Mrs. Francis Doupe of Kz. erman, Mrs. Louse, Frank Hill 11. A. SS'oorihnm, 1•'. 1). h.irkton, and C. C. of Lascomba', Alta. Besides his lions and slaughters he has a lair;' number of grand -children, ,great ;rated -children and a few years a.{o a photo ea4 takers 41.owrra3 five generation, with the .pa tri.treit.'I gentleman sitting in the centre of the .group. Mrs. Antos McCallunt, an old resi- dent of Ieruntlary between l .born and ittanshard Athol at dscr dtoraw on Thursday Iaet at an old ate. The de- cea«el had inset .1 resident of the toerithip of Itl:inMarti for many years atttl mud highly respected. Pier husband the .late Anglia McCollum died eteveral years ago. The romaine, were interred in the Kirkton Union Cemetery on Saturday last. The children surviving ire Uot tld and Mary at home and Mrs. It. Hew. Mrs. Alex. Kirk it very low at the prison( w rititer. Mrs. Harry Mills and Mrs. Geo. Darliu;, of I.ondott, ;who were h' re for xome weak; on account of the illness of their mother, nitre. \%m. Hashwonrl. left for their homes Inst week. Mr'. Ilazl.'wuol it ;ready im• proved. IMr. Dou;laic •Wardloff, who wet practicing with Dr. W. 1t. Carr for several weeks left List tceek for Tor- onto to resume Sia studies iu the veterinary culle',e. Althuueh there seems to have been a Shortage in. the hay stop Council- lor W. Atkinson can't oompiain about the short length of some of his foe- der. Last Saturday tie .howeul us several stalks which measured five feet five indica in liel3bth. Mr. and Mrs. Croft, 11l.thon, of Lapeer, Mich., were called here ow - inn to the death of the late Alex. Kirk and are atilt her: on account of the illness of Mrs. Kirk. Mies Lillie Taylor loft la. t Tuersday for Boatun. where she, will visit her brother for n time. On Wednesday last "Crusale day" there was s joint mooting of tette Ladies' .Missionary Societies' of the Methodist tend Presbyterian cJ:urches the ladies of the. Presbyterian W. -F. M. S. hiving otiatxe of the service. Mrs. J. Gilfillau the President, in opening the meeting said, "It is with pleasure we accept your kind invi- tation to meet ►with you to -day and enjoy the twielt fellowship of kin- dred hearts. We are known in the Churoh of God by different names. You ate called Methodists wad we I isesbytt rians but (lime is one name which tee all with honest pride and true gratitude answer to and that is Christian. It expresses in -common relationship to our one erea.t Head and Lord teat ehrist and related to Him we all are one. Muoh is being fetid dJto a days about Union but is it not true as evidenced by our eteet- in; area;Thor to -day that we are al- ready ono in spirit. We worahip the one God ; we read the one Bible ; we low and trust the one Saviour ; we are all interested in the *one Work and we. hope to spend etornrity in one home, our Father's Home. May our streeting together bo -day streng- then the bond of Love that binds us to -ether and stimulate us all for greater endeavors in the service of Hits whose we are are and to esltom we stand pledged to !give our very best." Instructive sand interesting papers were read by Mrs. Wiseman, Mtn. Doss, Mrs. Ratcliffe and Mie.; Gilfillen. Musical selections suitable for the occasion were (rendered by Mrs. Stevenson, /Lisa Wiseman, and Miss Burns. Afterward st dainty tecta was served by the ladies of the Methodist W. F. M. 8. Farquhar Mr. henry Honney. of Dungannon, is tire guest of his daughter, airs. Arnold Harris. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tunnbull, Mr. and Mrs. Bele/ern attended else wed - din; of Miss Nellie Gould t.o Mr. Moir, near Hensel'. on Wednesday last. Mr. S. Tufts, of Kirkton, occupied the pulpit in Bethany Qhurch on Sunday morning last in the absenoe of their pastor Rev. Fair. A number from here •atten ded the Anniversary sorsices of Uhl \Voott- ham church last Sunday. Mrs. Love, of Sarnia, in at present the guest of Mrs. John McCullogli. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McNicel viaiit- id in Randall last week. Miss Cora Prior. of Extutor, visit- ed her mister !Sire. Wm. Kay for a few days last week. Master Bent Brown is spongin; this week at Salem r.1Uh G. S. Ben - Miss Stella Bray leaves nh *rtly on a visit with friends in Midhlia.n. Miss Ada 'Tucker attended the Ep- worth League Convention held at St. Thomas last Tuesday and Wel- nesday. Mr. Nelson Couch, of Stratftord, was a guest at Mr. James Harriet' residence on Sunday last. An effort is being made to estab- lish a line of telephone fnom Far- quhar to Exeter. Mr. Brown, of the Dell Telephone Company was caltwassine on Tuesday for suhscrite ere for the said Zine. ile was acorn - ;rallied by Mr. Wm. Fletcher, of Exeter. Dashwood Mr. Geo. F.dighoffer raonntenced work on Monday on the foundation for his new store. It is reported that on this 14th. Con. that some persons have been hatpin; themselves to onions, break- ing into two •granaries and helping themselves. There are a number of farmer,: oat he same line watin; to welcome t hem. Mr. Merman Eidt spent Susd:ty Leith his brother John in Parkhill. Mr. Chaa. Eidt, who has been in Parkhill for the peat two or threw manilla is vitdtin; his parents at present. Miss Clara Miller, of the 14th., left dor London ort Holiday where she will remain for some time. Rev. Mr. Bowen agent for the Bi- ble Society, w3■ h.tre on Tuesday evenin_, Ind 4.►v-e an addreas in the Evanealical church on the Bible stet - in; .;hat tau' object et tits society waa to plan' tate Bible in the hands of everyone. The brattish here was In Eyeglasses By the use of our own patent eyeglass clip we can fit any nose. Our specialists' examination of the eyes for glasses, for which there is no charge, cannot be equalled in Canada for accuracy. THE TAiT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Midas Street, Loadoa. Oat. LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your cense ti a at home, or Take a Personal Course at School To eoa:,le all to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also leach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over ;even thousand dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollar,' to any one that cannot learn between the age of r.) and 40. You cannot learn dress -making as 1 thorough as thin course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outaide the school. This is the only experienced Press y c Crediton DR. 1'. J. MoCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLI•.GI; I'll ]'SICI. ins and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. K. A. Haiat. Crediton. Out. Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Lawson spent Sunday the ;nests of Mr. and Mrs, C. 'I!aikervillc, of Centralia. The service in the Methodist church on Sunday next will be witlt- drawu bout morning an.( rvenin.; 011 account of the re-opeuiue of the church at Ebenezer. Services there at. 10.30 a. un. and 7.30 p. m. con- ducted by the pastor Rev. J. W. Andrews. On the \louday evening following a Lowl .;upper will be .served in the shed after which an entertainment will be given in the church. Miss Lillian \Vittich of tort Elgin who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs B. Brown left this '►oak for Zurioh where aha will visit a few days be- fore returning home. The Misses Jennie and Annie Year- ley of the Gentian Line spent Sunday with •Mr. and Mrs. John \Vilaon. The Misses 111nulo and Sophia 3lotz of Detroit. who have been visiting their parents hero have returned to their honey in Uhat city. On Friday last while Royal Law. ranee Smith, aged Six years And13011 • Mr. anal 'Sirs. J. F. Smith, of Ste- phen, was playing in the stable the was kickers by a colt. At the time the accident weal not Monett to be aerioua tis the child :was playgng about in a little while, but later in the afternoon les !complained of not being very well, rind medical aid wee sent for but 'the little fellow died in a few hours. The 'funeral .took place ou Sunday to the Crediton cemetery for interment. The !funer- al twee a very large OW. Rev. E. H. Bean, the'paator, pri•tched a pow- erful sermon whioh was listened to by the large hudience. IIia text W.13 II. Samuel, 12th Chap. and the lat- ter part of 'tire 23rd. verse. Mr. and Mra. J. F. Smith have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. Mrs. A. Morlock, Mrs. Chas. Ell- ber, Mr. Harry tBeavere .and `Mr. Gottleib Morlock attended the fun- eral of the lata Mrs. D. Stiller, of Kincardine, on tiaturday toe last !week. Mr. Jas. Ryan who has been it: the employ of the Sovereign Bank here leas resigned end left last week fur Chicago where he has secured a 'good position. Mr. harry Redfearn, non of Mra. J. Chestnut. has been appointed to the position of First Mate on the S. S. G. 1t. Crowe a new boat which Las just been built for the 81. Law•- rent* arta Chicago steam navigation Co, The boat is 'a passenger and freight boat and hes all the latest improvements. Mr. Redfearn it will be remembered bought the motel business from Mr. J. Mclasac e few anonths ago.Your attention is }called to tie: ad- vertiseme.nt of Mr. F. W. Clark in this issue in iwhich rhe asks you to inspect bis stock. Miss Etta Clark, of Ailsa Craig. is home for a few days' visit this we, k. Word has been teceived from 'tl r. 3. Clark, of Alberta. who went W.•at last fall stating that his wheat t rap was frozen, but in all other grain he had en immense crop. Lettere a • e received from Messrs. Jas. and \\ Lewis to the name effect. The whet': its no geed for flour, but will make excellent Seed. All speak of the immense crops in coarea grain. Our flour mill is runnlat; night and day to keep ftp with the work. Mr. Barry \Vela, -of 'London is vending a few days under the pot- ential roof. Mr. iI. F..Eilber and Saul. Brown were in London on Friday teat on business. Mr. C. Trick and C. Stock spent Sunday in Stratford rind Tavistock. All who attended the Bible Soci- ety Meeting held in the Evan Churah on \Ved. of last week were ;iven a rare treat that of hearing Rev. Bow- en of the 'sVoatern division of the. Society lecture. Rev. Bowen ;are a fine description of the Canadian Northweat and lilts Klondike. Me- in; traveled a number of years in that Country. Ile also ;ave a de- tailed report of the work done by the society amen;st the forei;n emi- grants. Ile !said that a copy of the Bible in whole or part in his own language was handed •to leveryortt le and Accuracy Sty re -organized with 3. K. Goetz at President ; H. Guenther. 8ea'y-Trcas. Executive Committee Geo. Kellerman Henry Ehler., \win. Ehlers, G. Oes'- t reicher. We understand that themember; of the Lutheran church intend buntl- ine a new church next summer. A committ••e was in Stratford lately looking at the various ,churches there for the Latest style of ar.•hi- tc•cture. Miss Clara Brown, of Toronto, is home visiting her par�'nts a.t pres- ent. Mrs. C. Stiller and f. tinily :end Mrs. iT. Ehlers of this her; spent Inst \\'ednceday at Mr. William Batt- lers where they visited Mr. J. Web- er. ar. All enojyed a pleep'snt crit. Mr. Felix \Vild+ bon;ht a V.1111. able beton for 8130.00. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lesanesa, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver fills. Relief is sure. The only nerve' medicine in market. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Hon Allan Built Bears the Signature of n Cutting St►+ool in Canada and extelled b nonelft a • other country. \\'rite at one for particulars, as'. a hare cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address: -- MIt1KRI ORElft CUTTIIiA SCNOOI. 31 !Cele 9t., Stratford, Out, C.a.da. Special Fall a Offerings at Zwicker's 'Our Stock is complete and larger than evcrin 11 e are offering Special Values in Fall Goods. Our Stock is very large and we intend to reduce it. We have just received large shipments of Underwear, Ready -Made Clothing, Furs, Fur Coats, &c. Ladies Mantles se ourtstock of the very latest styles. We receive frequent shipments of the very latest styles and our prices are very close. Children= Mantles We have a large stock to choose from. We give you a nice Child's Coat from $1.50 to $5.(111 each. We have a special offering of \Vrap- perettes regular value 12.1c. While they last for 7}c per yd. Also an extra heavy cream Flannel- ette regular 13c for 8c per yard. Just received 150 boys and chlldrens Ready-made Suits in Norfolk and Double breasted styles which we offer cheap. We have a nobby line of Men's Overcoats in black Beaver, Milton' &c from $ 7.50 to $12 each. No better values ever shown. Fars If you require a stylish Ruff, Throw Scarf, or Set of Furs in- spect our stock. We have them in Fox, Sable, Mink, Oppossunt &c, at prices which will save you money on your purchases. Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples wanted market prices. C. ZWICKER, FUR COATS We have Men's Fur Coats its choice Canadian Coon, Mall thy China Dog, &c which intending ; utchasers should not fail to inpect. We have a good stock of Ladies' Fur and Fur lined ('otats in Bokaran with Sable collars rind reveres. Electric Seal, etc. 1IIIInery Do not fail to see our stock of stylish headwear We intend to clear this stock and of- fer it at special prices. Our Stock of Groceries, China, Din. nerwaro &c is complete. POULTRY We are open to buyDressedPoulttesl�� and offer the followig pres SAO DAY until further notice. Turkeys, dressed, 13c. per Ib. Ducks, dressed, Oc per Ib, heads off Geese, dressed, Oc per lb., heads off Chicken, dressed, fir to 10c per Ib. Old Fowl, dressed, ti to 7c per lb. Chicken, alive, 7e per lb; Hens 4Se per !b. alive for which we will pity the high A Call Solicited. - Credito e GRAND OPENIN OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS We have just opened up an immense import order of Scotch and English goods in all the' Latest Shades. Our success in the past has been our knowledge that honest goods an� honest prices must prevail in garments whit appeal to the better class of trade. Call Early J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITO Crediton's Harness Sho Trunks, Sulk GdSCS, and T61686006 We have a full line of the above goods which we offering at reasonable prices, and invite your inspection. Don't forget we handle Mitts and Gloves. Remember when in need of a pair of Gloves or Mitts. BLANKETS In Jute and Kersey from 65c to $2.5o Wool from $11.75 toe P. W. CLARK, - Credit Repairing a Specialty. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fl MILLS, - WOODfifi Men's, Boys and Youths Frieze Overcoats we are se ing at less than cost price. Men's Womens and Cbildre Underwear we are selling at right prices. Fleece lined a plain wool. Just received a large stock of Hess's food, also Her em. Fresh Groceries always kept in stock. - Highest price paid for produce. Dried apples 6.o. a 1 Eggs 18c. cash, 19 c. trade. Butter 20c. cash, 21c. t A. MILLS, - Woodha • t ••••NNN••NN••••NNN •N•NNN••••NN• free of charge on tending, !bat there are 27 Ian;uaa;c3 apok'n in the North We,it etc. Should Mi. Rowan make an Eastern trip az.tin which .he promises one year hence, we bentonite for hien a full ecuAe. Mr. Alwin Amos, of Grant ilend paid our villa ze i fiyin; vi -it on Monday last. PLAI*1 TALK FROM TSE DOCTOR A prominent physician, ons for' his success in tb• tfwtaleht of kid- ney sad bladder trouble, sta%ld that to the following prescriiptio5 iii due a great deal of his success : One ounce fluid extract dande- lion i One ounce compoeod salatone ; Potty ounces compound syrup saruparhUa. Mil add take a teaspoonful after meals and eat bedtime, drinking }.lents of water. This seisture will, he says, pose tively cure any diseases arising from weak, clogged or inactive kidneys, and will assist these organs to cleanse tbn blood of the poisonous wute matter and acids, which if allowed to remain, cause lumbago, lame leek. rheumatism and sciatica, amt at the same time will retnre the kidneys to healthy normal action. The ingredients, which are purely vegetable and entirely harmless, can 14 procured Irian any good dntgeist Arid mixed at home at very little cwt. This advice will nn.loubtedly 1,4 much appreriate.l by many res tiers. •••••••N•N••N•••••N 1 filgh Glass DIAMONDS People who hay diamonds want stint's that will bear the closest scrutiny - gems which are free from flaws and from whose surface every ray of light is reflect- ed as from a drop of water. We carry all sizes of dia- monds from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and all of the purest anality Ce H. WARD & CO. 371.Richmond St. low n11t {t •••N•••N•1/••N••••••