HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-24, Page 41/4 •s' r THE EXET +'R T1ME8. OCTOBER 24th 1907. DON'T GOUGH ....USE.... PERRY'S Compound Syrup of White Pine with Tar -IT CURES - COUGH, COLDS, HOARSENESS AND Bronchial Trouble BROWNING'S Drug Store Smoke Doctors Prescription Best 5c. cigar in town The Exeter Times Eset re O(ltariq, 'terms of Subscription $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 may be charged if not Fo paid. To Unites States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in advance. No. !paper discontinued 1 until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. THE ESETEIt TIMES V'T'G CO. Limited. NOTE ANI) COMMENT • Follow i n.; ere home of the .good things raid about Mr. J. K. Keller:- mann. eller-mann. \the Liberal oandidit: for the Legislature. The Liberal3 of South Huron have made a :good choice in selectLug Jacob Kellerman, of Dashwood. as their candidate for the Legislature. Mr. Kellermann is an able: pasta and possesses the unbounded confidence of tho people emote; whom he lives. and he had the happy f:tculty of makin; [Heade wherever the I;oea, .lie is of Gorman extraction, ns fa also Harry Eilber, the present mem- ber of the Leei3lature for South Huron. Mr. Kellerman i3 a member of the Huron county council, being deputy -reeve of Stephen •township 'there will b: a lively fight in South lluron when the election cam- paign coined on.-Goderich Si;►ral. ',Ir. Kellerman, although a youn; non. has niready made a position for himself in the Commercial world i.►ud ha3 built up a very euccessfuj •me.reantile businelss in the village of Da3liwood. ale has also suede a mark in ,the municipal arena, beau; deputy reeve of the totvnst►ip of Ste- phen, and, althou;h this teats eel first year in the county council, he soot carne 'to the front as oto of ,the leaden; members of that holy. Ile i3 a native of The township of Ilay, having been born on sr farm only a f'tt rnile3 from the village of Dash- wood, where he ha3 achieved success, not only or a business mall, but is also extensively en;argcd in famine'. Ile ix in every sense of the terns, a eels-nfade. Ivan, turd 11433 •rbatural and acquired abilities which Loan mot f to brine him more prominently to the front and which snake him a candidate under whom the Liberals of South Huron can rally with pride and pleasure. A3 Mr. Kellerman b2come3 better known throuzhaut the rieline. he will. we are cure be fully appreciated by the electors. and the excellent 1ualitiee fiend and heart, whinh have _secured hint •.si n Il SUCC('SM in life so far, and •which also won !hint the un,inimo1$4 preferment of his fellow Liberals at the Convention on I'huradiy, will likewise secure hint :t neat in the Le•.;iylaturo of his native Province and the representation of lei.; rt'ttivo refine when the time of trial come.=. Duo nn Expo+it or EUI-;NE'ZER CHURCH R1: -OPENING Tlie re -opening; of :lite Rb(xilc .er •1ltxthodiet ohurch of (bo Fourth ('t.n. Dewier, McGillivray, will take place on Oet. 27 and 2S. 1907. On Sunday service:r at 10.311 n. nig and 7.30 p. ut. rorklucted by the pae(aor, Rev. J. W. Andrew.e. Snored music. Specert Collection. On elondiy eve " 28th r► Fowl $ulrlx'r mill Ire served in the sleet tfroru 6 to 8 p. in.: after wrhielt an t•nte•rt 4innenl Ni 11 be held in the church Iconsistin; of Voc31 aril in- strumental music by the choir and others. Metre/ems iby R7ty. A. 11. Goirie. 11. A.. Chairman r,f a lie Feeler I)i..1rict: Rev. i. E. •Holtivet. Of Lu. vett Rev. 11. J. F.tir, of L:liruvill(•, and othere. Admission. Adults cage. Children dec. Is Your Hair Sick? That% too bad ! We had no- ticed it was looking pretty thin and rough of late, but naturally did not like to speak of it. ['.y the way, Aycr's Hair Vigor a regular hair grower, a p:, - fect hair tonic. The hair si.ct coming out, grows f istc r, keeps soft and smooth. r1 c Hair Vigor cures sick L i-, makes it strong and healthy. The best kind or ates'ine: hal- "sold for over sixty T. i- " Made 1s J.C. AaMt offar ce, Lowen. L' as. Il Alfie aw Pstab, Mkt k. ars CBI1L�1 rCMOPS .l • Shipka \!r. and Mt Mettlt:3v llorlock ate! Afro. .I. liultzte In, of Crc.ltlen, called upon Mt. .snot Jit-;. IS. SISitr.(•r UILe day las( creek. The 1tev. Mr. 11owd•rn, et D. t'., A very interest tug lecture about foreign miksiats and about tlx: Iti- ble Society and about the Not -thee -et lest Thursday e%ening. Mrs. ti. Switzer and her dau;ht.r .tart he .called upon friend:. in Exe- ter true day 1aet wte.k. lit. 'Sky Holt. i.[ Parkhill, called upon friends hers one day last weesk. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Loohner called upon relatives at Mitchell last Sun- day. Some of fur citizens Were anoused last Thursday morning by the win- dow patios beginttine to rattle. Cele of them run •out thinking th:tt somo one •w 13 shaking thous but it was learned later that it need have been the shock of Lho nitro-elyceriire ex - Plosion at I'etrolta. Mr. Thomas O'Rourke.who has been working in lliddulph for a ft'iv months has returned to hie home here. A1r. Walter Baxter i,< iwerarin•r broad smile these days its a girl. 1raGst 'Thursday evening there was an election of officers of the Bible Society, Mr. S. Sireitzer Pres., Mies Mat -the Geiser. Sec'y,-Ttea3. There were also collectors aplroiutt•d, lin Ali:+Irs J'carl Keys and Clara hate for the East and 11,0 :Reelect Le:tll Finkbelner and Alberta Sherrill() for tho \teat. Mrd. Geiser, of Crediton, is spentl- ine is few days with her daugJttir bird. C. L'inkbriucr. '1'1i shootineg ,natol► in connection with the Shipka hotel which tw.(s held on Friday the 181:1*. inst. waa a .;rand success. there being a good number of shooters present. . But the wind being very high preventc.l first-class shooting al b11011411 *40311I, very isocxt scores were made: The following is the score: Event No. 1. 10 Live ltir(ls Fred Karr 9. W. Sanders 9, 1). Ilartleib 6, J. 1). Man- nan 6, F, Millar 5, J. 1'. Rau 5, E. Brenner 4, II. Ellis 3 W. 1-t•ar- ley 7, V. (leaver 8, .1. Brenner 3 G. Mawhinney 6, T. Baker 7, Event No. 2. 8 entries, was won by (L'. Kerr in a rajas and out snatch. Ev- ent No. 3, 4 entries, was it•.on by F. Kerr in a miss and out match. Event No. 4, with eight r.ntries, was divided \bet sen Brenner, ' It trtleib, Saunders and Miller not being enough birds to finish the match. Event No. 5, 10 Blue Rocks, Mill q 4, Kerr 10. liartleib 10 Saundor3 7 Rau 8, Mawhinney 6, Yearley 9 Han- nan 8, Brenner 5. Event No. 6, Blue Rocks, Ilartleib 10, Kerr 8 ltau 4 Mannan 6. Saunder3 6. Event No. 7 Kerr 7. Ilartleib 9. Saunders 6 hate ran 9, Rau 6. Event No. 8, Blue Rocks, leerr 8. llartIeib 9 Mannan 9, Saunders 7. llau 7. fain anywhere. pain in the head painful periods. Neuralget, toothache all pains Dan be promptly stopped by a thoroughly safel sifts pink Candy Tablet, known try Drug;ista every- where as Dr. Shcop's Headache Tab• let. Pain simply means congestion under blood pressure at the point where blood exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalizes this unnatural blood pressure, and pain immediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. and zet a free trial packa.e. Large box 25c. Druggist W. lS. Howey. Sexsmith. A very pretty Oolober weddin; took ;,lace at the home of Mrs. John Gould, of the 3rd concession, Hay on Wednesday afternoon, October 23rd when her daughter Nellie was mar- ried to Mr. Arnold Moir. of Halley - bury. and son of Mr. John Moir. of Usborne. The ceremony ,was per- formed Eby Rev. Hart. of Kipp. n, in the prei,-dnce of several invited ;;acs's On Friday evenin; last week a num- ber of old )sohoolmates of Mrs. Moir nu at the home of Mr. \tm. North- cott and gev" her a linen follower in honor of her appraanhity; mar - aver. Mrs. Moir ham lived in this section n11 her life and ha3 a host of .friends who wish her much procs- perity and joy in her new sphere of life. Mr. Moir hi; a lucrative posi- tion 03 a telozreph operator and is helot in the hizhest esteem. (The presents ,;iven the n•ounz couple were both numerous and costly. POR OVER SiXTY YEARS t1Ln ten w'RLL•'IRIND It3Mabt-'�t•s Wln.low'sSoothing Syrup hat been used! or over sixty years by mil:toos of mothers for tin it ebltdren white teething. with perlettetaes@ It soothes tbo child, softens the gun... allay, a 1 sin, cores wind colic. and Is the L. -t remedy for Diarrheas. It Is pleasant to the - .ate. Sol by druggist+ In every part of the world, 15 cents a bottle. Its value 1. 1nca1c:.lable. Be sure and tette Mre Win+low's Soothing Syrup and ant for no other kind. Guaranteed under the [ o 1 anti Drugs A't, ,lune 31tee, 1006. Seri rl Number 1598. 1IO1tN HALLO( It -in Fullirirn ort Ostein: 9th., •to M t . and Mrs. Wesley Bal- four. n d.tu:htir. MAIiItifD MO11t-GOI'l.D-At the reeidencc of the bride's mother. Mrs. John Gould, ley Tp.. on \Vedneid.iy Oct. 23rd. Mi+; Nellie Gould to Mr. Ar- ncld Moir. DIED SMITIi-On Saturday the 10411.. Royal Lawrence Smith. child of Mr. and etre. .1. 1'. Smith .t;e1 6 year+ 15 (11w+. 51\'iT'LER-in 1 itkton On Mond•1y, Oct. 14th tt the home of F. 1). Switzer Mr. Edward Seilzer az tl 1110 year4. I 1ILK-ln Kirkton on Thur.sdty Oct. loth Mr. . A1xander Kirk. need 86. ,tUiNt--in Irkton, on Thur+ - 17th at fee- home te, th • !satinet rs• between l'.+borne and Rlattthird. SCOTT -in Exeter, on Tutaday. Oct. 15th.. William Scott a;rel 82 year+ and 6 months. RiCHARDSON-In Exeter at 'the reo- id'nre of hie dauehtrr. Mrs. Jame. Iticherdeon, an Tui'+d•ay Oct. 15th. Mr, William Scott need 82. Trial Catarrh treatment ie being mailed out free on rrqueet. by d)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These leets are proving to the reople-without a pne ny'e coat -the 'treat value of this scientific prescription known to drueeiate rt-erywh.re as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh lt: medy. Sold by W. 8. 1lowey. Centralia eL,+ Lillian Elliott. the. taleut.ed dcu.titer of Mr. and Mrs. W. It. El- liott, tte..k a (refuse part in lb..: ilo- lt;httul or:uutal uta+seal cotuudy • J'PI)•13MI" given in (Lo Grand. Opel- t llou,e, Loudon, On Wednesday and 'Thursday evenings of last week. In speaking of the proluctiun the London Advertiser Days of Mesa El- liott that ler diu;iu; of the .Ilex's can Love Son;" was given with real Mexican temperament rind twee done well. '-Picture; of Smoke^ twee a uuiqu' ot[oriu; by Miss Elliott as- sisted by Mr. Alfred Dunn and was Ono of the most elaborate offering) of Oa entertainment. lite idea rep- :et:tented was the pictures that come to a man over bits 0/411i/1; cieeir as h; sits in the twilight. Both Iti,t Elliott and Mr. Lunn 311►,' a couple of songs. In the a ecoud part of illi proira►u its which "Jappyl.tnd" Prole el•, with a real Oriental aoltin;, was presented. Alias Elliott too)- a Prominent part and aquittel herself very creditably. Tltt anniversary services of Who Mobltodist (]hurch her on Sunday, were of unusual interest. By epee - id request. the pastor, iter. W. 11. Butt, officiated on the coecasion, and prcuched ou "Tithing" in the mora- ine end the "Offering Up, tot lsa-ac" in Mee evening. lilts oongrooattiotel were huge. especially In :the even- ing. when 'elle church was packed; stran;era 'Ipom a dist:.nce being present in oonsidorablo numbers. In- str[d of tt►o 'tea -meeting, Rev. Mr. Butt Asked for a freo-will offering of ry 150, out Lhtt amount was ex- ceeded by more 11111 $35. 7lltfe mu- sic by the choir was excellent, whine) the solos of Mr. Nelson llioke and Miss Lily Elliott could therdiy be. surpassed. the bees %vice of the for- mer and the find soprano voice of elle Latter el►owing superior train- itt;. Mrs. Brown. of Landon, tt•as the guest of her mother, Mr& Boyle last wteek. bliss Allio \Vilsou, of StratJroy, spent Sunday at her home here. The Misses Clark and Mr. Coultie, of Crediton, were the guests of Mise L'leeda Baker .ou Sunday. Mr. and beret. ltichard 1i:utdford visited friends in London last wouk. Mr. Itiolut.rd hicks, tttho Mats been visiting friends in the Northwest for the past two months returned home on 'Saturday last. bliss Ida Abbott, on Saturday teat left dor Crystal Oity, Mare.. where she will mako +her future home. The Ohoir presented her with u beauti- ful silver lea service on Friday even- ing. Mr. Cedric Hicks left on Monday for 1F.dmo(tbon, whore the will visit his sister Mrs. Bert Vale. Miss Florence Hepburn and bliss Mable Taylor, of Exeter, vt4ited at the former's home on Sundiry. Mrs. David Manning, of Vancou- ver, 11. C., is visiting her brothels Mr. Richard 11111. / Mr. .Richard Simpson rheas disposed of 'hey house and lot to Mr. Itiohard Luker. Mrs. I'ym and ditt;alIbi Miss Mary left .on Monday for alto \Vast, whore they will spend the winter. A weak stomach, causing dyspepsia a weak 'Heart with palpitation or In- termittent pulite, olway3 means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nor- ves. Stron.;then those inside or con- trolling nerves with I)r. Shoep's Res- torative and etc Low quickly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine. \Vi3. will mail samples free Write fer them a teat will tell. --�--- Elimvil;e Mr. John Johns is Ravin; Ili% hoose repaired by putting on an upper Morey 'and will veneer the whole huitaitt; with cement blocks. Our genial °mealier Mr. W. Horne is on hie last rounds 110141; threshing for the season in this nei;hborhood. Mi:;s Julia Spicer was 'the guest of Mr. rind Mra. Sid. Andrew I.i;t Sun- day. Mr. W. Coultia and ,family spent tunday ewith friends in Centralia. Mr. W. Whiteford is moving his household gouda to Exeter, where he will reside in the future. Sirs. It. lierdman and sons, are at - beryline the tweddin; of their cousin Miss Eden, neer Borrie, to a prom - in. -me -gentleman of that place. Mre. Walters, of (ioderioh, is spending a short time with her 1314 - ter Mr•s. W. Herm Mrs. Vern re- oonliy underwent :In operation and is improving nicely. TIIitEE iN ONE. The lost w vekly neW.4paper. a f im- l) ruts;azin' without an equ.11 and an agricultural terser second to non' i+ what one get; in the Family iler- ald and Weekly Star of elontreal. Three publication+ in oma anti etch the beat of it kind and all for one dollar a year i4 the explanttiou of the. wondsrfu1 ;uccaas of Catn.tda'e et'ate4t newspaper. No home in Can ode should be without tlrc F3111 - Herold and Weekly Star of Mon- tr'al when it coats only one dollar a year. Your health 43 'certainly worth tier Minter. trial. Sold by \V. 8. Ilowey Rheumatism k one of the constitutional Series. It manifests itself in local aches and pains. inflamed joints and stiff muscles,it cannot be Iregfes constitutional treatment ad throggh the blood, and best is • course of the great medicine Hood'sSarsaparilla which bas permanently awed domande of cases. ier M11isataalti tai reasslu lis esew mil tar maoitbsramtiata i) uu l)itt►i'1) - u...unat..nnacr_•,aann+m., .. w,uuean'fT1IDYkInbia,titNNmIlride W.I nmUiuWalta W u 1\1 \\ (R1l.DRt t Promote sion,Charful- 'lessaldfies,Contains neither Opttlm,Morphine nor Nhw.ral. NOT NARCOTIC. ilajledOld IkSANIZZ Y7r1 E Itwy.liaa $.11- f. R.4d4 .Wa - Aldo Awl • dr r,1a• Mei tz/taI } Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- tion.Sour Stotnach,DiaraiDea. Worms,Convulsions,Feverish- ness mdLoss OF SLEEP. Tee Simile Signature of ouK. NEW -- At() n.oi t- olrl 13 Du'.i s - T.XACT COPYOP WRAPFL8. CASTORIA Por Infants and cwt; The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR1A Tie oa1KAYa aouP*NY. lel SMOG OfTI REMARKABLE YEAIt OF MOLSONS '' BANK. NET PROFITS SHOWED INCREASP: 1 OF OVER ONE 'HUNDRED THOU- SAND COMPARED \VITII 'LAST TEAR. The Moleons Bank (has just closed a remarkable year, rthe (not profile easily crossits; dhe that( million mark and :3howin; on increaeo of $110,000 over the previous p•ear.r The (net profit3, after (making all provtL,;ion for 'bad and kioubtful debt;, amount- ed to $544,0'8, compared with $431- 608 in the previous year. The management of the \fol.ons Rank has always been not.•ttl for fol- lowing very conservative bankin; lines, and this has undoubtedly ru- Iultetl in then: ficin; few had debts for which allowance itt4 to be mad -3. The Profit and Lose amount is as follows Balance at credit of Profit and Loss account on 20th Sept., 11)06 Net profits for the year, of ter deducting expenses of management, reserva- tion for interest accrued on deposits, exchange, and provision for had and doubtful debts 541,044 90 $26,987.2'3 Appropriated as follows: - 105th Div. at rate of 10 p,c. per annum, 2nd January, 190 $ 75,33(3 28 106th Div. do, do, 2nd April, 1007 80,149.95 107th Div. do. do. 2nd July. 1007 81,950.97 108th Div. do. do. 2nd October, 1907 .... 84'301.08 Addition to Reserve for Rebate nn Current dis- counts ... 20,000.00 Business Ti►xes 15,303.87 Expenditure on Bank ('remises at Branches. 151,232.76 Contribution to Officers' Penson Souls of fns C000dloo NOEffl West HOMESTEAD REOULATiONS. ANY even numbered section of Dominion Land it aanitoba, ,askatcliewan and Alberta, excepting s and 26. not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 1b ) er re of age, to the extent of one-quar- ter section of 160 acres, more or less. Application for entry utast be made in person b) the applicant at a Dominion Imnds Agency or Sub• agency for the dist net in which the land is situate. Entry b) proxy may, howeter, be made at an Igen cy on eertainconditions by the father, mother. son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending hane- •tetuler. The homesteader is required to perforin the homestead duces under one of the following plans: (1) At least six month,' residence upon and culti- vation of the land in each year for three )ears. . (2) A homesteader uta), it he so desires, perform the required residence deities by thing on farming land owned solely by him, not less than eighty (Y•) acres in extent, in the vicinity of his homestead. Joint ownership in land will not meet this require• went. (:t) If the father (or mother, if the father is de- ceased) of the homesteader has pennanent residence on fanning land owned solely by him. not less than eighty (80) acres in extent. to the vicinity of rhe homestead, or upon a homestead entered for by hien in the vicinity, such homesteader may petfnnn his own residence duties by lit ing with ,the father or mother. 4 The genu •'1kinity" in the two preceeding $ i71,11!L(3.I3 iviragraphs 1; deenet as meaning not more than nine miles in adiret line, exelu+ire of road al ow• ances crowd in the measurement. • A homesteader intending to perforin his resi- deuce duties in ,ceonlance with the abo) a while Ill ing with his parents or on farming land owned b} himself must notify the agent of the district of such intention, Six months notice in writing should he gi.en to . the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. W. w. COitt', Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. n. -Unauthorized pnblication of this advertise- r trent will not be paid for Clearing Auction Sale of li)'(ktt°° Farm Stock and ima :Ill,:i39.52 plements. Mr. R. i3, Rose has instructed Thos. Brown to sell by public auction $53,087.0l on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER let, 1907. Leaving at credit. of Profit and Loss Account, 30th Sept. 1907 McGILLIVIIAY REGAN-GLAV 1N. A PRETTY Al TI•MN WEDDING. St. Peter's church McGillivray Wats on Tue3day the same of .3 very in- tereatin; event, it•htnl \tis, Jonia, elde4i dau;ht+.r of Mrs. Jn0. Glavin became the wife of Mr. Corrie Its;an pro;perous youn; farmer of Mt. Cannel. To the strains of elle wed - din; march played by MiA3 Loretta Glavin, cou3in of t lie britle. The bride entered the ohuroh leanin; on the arm of her brother James, and marched to the alter where 'the ;room was reedit); to receive her. Fr. Foster, pastor of the church. tied a happy kiwi. The bride 'looks 111' picture of lorlitess handeotn_•Iy ;owned in white chiffon ;ilk, trim. Intel with embroidered alk illovcr Inc(• and hearte the plea.4in; and touchinz ter l wets ;reatly en hared by a long -tulle veil. tarxte- fully arranged and kept in place by r:al cut flowers and mildest hair ferns nIl in perfect harmony and car- ried a white ivory prayer -.seek tient pearl rosary, Wille iter youn ;cat ter Mia Ilubertif made tt w1•ty prat. ty flow(r Leel, dressed in white eek and eirried a basket of 1'ink and white •carnation 4. The brill, met at- tended by !tor sitter \tins Gertrude 1% Ito Ioak,d aharmine in a costume of cream silk trimmed lith allover lacy and duchess satin ribbon an.4 wore a Iir;re txhitn tulle picture hat while tJ:e groom na3 supported by his brother Mr. 1'. J. Re4.i11. From the ohurch the bridal piety and the ;lusts drove to the resident(' of the br,de's mother, where n dainty de- jeun')r was ptrtak:n of by the ,zusets who included onif tth• immc tete r:l- ntive; of the rontraatine pir.lia4. The wedding In inx very ini't ott•i,iJ -on- LOT 11, CONCESSION i, HAY The following property HORSES. - 1 draught mare risir.g 5 rears old. in foal to imported horse; 1 draught fill, rising three ; 1 draught gelding, rising 3; 1 draught gelding rising 2; 1 carriage horse rising 5; 2 driving mai PP. 8rears old; 1 blood filly 1 year old; 1 bond filly 2 years old; 1 blood stallion rising2 CATTLE. -1 cow due to enlve in Sept: I cow -due in March; 1 Jersey cow due in March, 3 heifers, rising 3; ',steers, rising 3; I sten/ rising 2; 1 heifer t lien's' 2: 3 spring cel'ar's 111 PLF. N ENTN --2 1 her wagons: ptir bobsleighs: buggy: cutter: set double harness; set r.in.,lw harness; 1 M+►.sev•Ilarrir hinder; 1 plow. 1 roller. root cn;ter, Daisy churn: seed drill. hay folk, car, ropes and slink*, fan- reng mill. bug•• quantity of hay and other al ticles ton numerous to ,nen- tion• Yo reset t•e as the props it•tot' is rent- insr his farm. 'rE11M8: $5 (MI and ender efts)). over than t nm 10 months credit will be given nn fur- nishing emuovc.l ?pint notes. Five per cent. Iver annum for cash on credit amounts. Sale ronunences at 1 o'clock. R. 11 ROSS. TWOS. BRO\VN Prop. Aust. to the recent here iventent in t h • bride's fami'y. An etteda►tion to the popularity of the pride vena a beau.- iful array of preeents shoeins tee warm esteem :h,, 11 hides in by e'er inr•ze circle of friend+. Mr. nil Mr 4. Reran left frnrn Centralia tet) the 6.20 train for tin utter;iv.' weddinz trip to Ea stern cities And Ott th.ar t The Molsons Bank Established 1855. HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • S3.000,000.00 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• •••• Assets Over $3300o,000.00 General Banking Business Transacted. Savings Bank Depar• tment p tment $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year, • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager 410401114004•• ••••••NwNNN••••••••••••Naaaa a .� • Highest Price- Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, raga, wool pickings, horse hair. IMEN Steel stone boats, boule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. M. Jd61(S011 & S011 near the old market Main St. Exeter We Teach Telegraphy CENTRAL STRATFO-RD, ONT. + We have three departments; + `I' Commercial, Shorthand and Te- legrapby. We employ the beat ..pp.. teachers that money can hire. •1• Our courses are thorough and ,'tt- practical and we assist worthy .l. students to positions. Those ti who wieti••to get a MONEl- .1, MAKING EDUCATION should •}I• get the best. Write for our new +catalogue and get particulars. This is the best time of the + year to enter our classes. i• ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, 1 ,I, Principals. .1- ++++++++++++4-1•4-+++++++++++ +4-i••t••I•+•t••l••>`i'+•WI'•t'•F A PIAON will help i., nl I,.' 1,.• long evenings bright t‘011 1..11-i,• .1 .I riot only add beauty to the. it , .' but pleasure to all .1. I. 1111Ie.. Call and hevisak t,.,a with us and you will he sum t, lIIIttow easily you may own one. The goods r. i - the best; the prices are alright, a►,.I we will try to make the terms to suit you. We also sell Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, Stationery, small Musical Inst- ruments, School Supplies, and etc. A good second hand organ for $2S.(I0 Now trouble to show goods. S. MARTIN & SON Zurich The annual missionary rervic's were conducted in the Evangelical Churel► last Sunday. Mier Lizzie Treurnrt.•r, of Detree, i+ visitinz friends here. A number of ,Zurich pupils of Miss Vera Murdock. Ilestet11, will tale; part in the piano recital st 1Lwn+,11 ttf-rnorrow rv+'uir;. Stop That Cold To cheek early rolls or Grippe with -Frei -entire" means +tire t feat for Pneumonia. To stop a cold with Prey. n'ies 14 safer than to let it run and be obliged to cure 0 afterward+ To be sure. Pre. venter-+ will 1 ,r.: even a'1.s ply Mated cold but taken early -at stage -they break or head n8 these early colds. That's surely better. That's why they are called ('revenues. I'mwerltiesare little (•Andy ('old ('urns. No Quln. Ire, tin physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the chit (ren -and thoroughly .,r.a t,'o. 1t you feel chilly. If you sneeze. if you Al be all over. think of Pr.•ve:ales. Promptness may also save half your usual sickness. And don't forget your child. If there Is feverishness, nigbtor day. IH.rein prob. b1 tl.•, I'n.ventirs greatest efficiency. Sold 1n boxes for the pocket. also In 258 boxes 01 41 Preventes. Insist on your druggists giving Ton reventics return will take up there Lorne Irl Mt. Carmel in their beautiful new r,'+i+lenOc. We exttn.l onr he•lrtie+L ton;ratulatiml. le, our youn; friend+ and trust that they miy meet with all proe, eriy throtizls life. DENTAL Dlt. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. s., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University, Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Main street-ExETER. DR. G. F. KOULSTON, L. D. I3. D. D. S., Dentist, Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling's Law Offices In Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MEDICAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C LP • P. S„ Graduate Victoria Un varsity. once and residenence. Dominion Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. .• LEWIS THOMAS • Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for (Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and Waterworks System Wharves, Uridges and lie -enforced Concrete, Phone 2220 London Outaric MONEY TO LOAN • We have unlimited private funds for lime, -eat upon farm or village iropertyat lowes abs of Interest. DICKSON a CARLING Easter DICKSON & CARLING, aresters, Shcicltore Notaries (have aacere Commissioner/. Solicitors for the Moleous Bank. Mo. Money to Loan ab lowest rate, of interest. OJYICE►-MAIN STREET, EXETER. L CARLING L a. L. 8. DIOIl;10N (`IONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to o+� at m anti village properties ab lownbe t. OLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers SolleitorcIBIsin St -'Exeter AUCTIONEER , S. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the County urcn, Charges moderate. All communication matt to it, N. 1'htlli1 s, Hemel!, or orders left n I Office will recei.e prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Counttie• of Huron and Perth. Special attention given to fares stook Bales. Town and village prof party sold by auction on moderate commissions. Orders may, be lett at the Tinfoil office or at residenoe, Elimvi leo Cbarres moderate, WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP Lox A OF ROYAL INCORPORATKD SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Triltt Memorial Church, Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory of )Music. Terms on Application Fleeter, Ontario. Tne Usborne and fltbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont. Pres. W. 11. I'ASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RI'BBELL, RUSBItLLDALE. P. 0. DIRECTORS, Wii, ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 Wm. BRO(•K WINeHI!LSEA P. 0. T. RYAN, DURLIN P. 0 ROBERT NORItIS, Steffe, AGENTS. JOHN EMERY, Exeter, agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. afeab for Hibbert, Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar, (MADMAN & STANBURY, 8olislton The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone r ne Di actor For the Districte f Reil( in Ontario including the Village of Exeter Orders for new connections, changes of tint) names, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local Manager AT ON('F:. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. Stomach trouble fleert and Kidncf ill ailments can be quickly corrected Willi a prescription known to drop ;sats everywhere an 1)r. Shoop's 1114414 torative. The prompt argil surprising relief whish t hie remedy immediately brine; is entirely due to 148 Ite3tor., e.ive action upon the (Ontrollin; nerve+ of she Stomach, els. W. 14. 11p'ary•