HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-24, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT II, THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR -No 1774 EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 24th 1907, $k.00 per year in advance. 1 ••••••.....•••...•••.•••N.••.•••••.•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N.. JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Bedding for the Cold Weather The long cold winter will soon be here, so let ready for it. If you are not prepared for it just come and see us and we will make you warm and comfortable for everything that you will require to us be it. We do SO. have Flannelette Blankets \Ve were very fortunate in placing our order early for Flannelette Blankets, and had 42 pair of 12/4 come last week at the old price. Do not fail to see them as the price Is the lowest. Wool Comforters A real cheap luxury. We have some very nice patterns with good coverings and filling for $2, 2.50, $3, 3.50 Underwear It is time you were think- ing of them now. Our stock .e the best we have ever shown. No advance on our prices as we bought early. Wool Blankets We have the very best all \Voo1 Blankets to be bought. We secured them before they went up in price and can give you extra value. $3 $4 $5 $6 REAL Down Comforters No sham about them, they are the real thing. Pure down filling and beautifully flowered, sateen covering, ex- tra large size. $10.00 Furs Fur Coats, Furlined Coats Ruffs. Muffs, Caps and Scarfs, The biggest and beet stock you will find. Come early and have a good choice. Dress Goods and Mantles We arc recognized as headquarters in this depart- ment and will not disappoint you when you come in for a nice Dress or swell coat. We have all the new ideas and keep up with the times. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford • Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••••••••••••••••••••..•.•• N•••••••••••••..•• ••••••.•••.......•• ••••••••••••...•••NN•••• i i • • • Public School Sports. The annual t; alrle.i u[ the Exeter J'ublie School were held at the Ag- ricultural petit la 3t Friday aftelefoon and were steel a decided SUCCC.a.a that they 'e ill probably continue from year 1 year. Last [all the first ottentpt was made at Ravin.; en :Maud field day and 3o successful 'sere they that it was decieed to put them on again this year only on a lar,;or scale. The gaune3 commenced shortly at - ter ono o'clock and continued until six o'cloc'c 'without any intermission and cash ,,rent 1,11E13 pulled off with- out the 3lightxsit hitolt or friction. \V bile only t wo prizes were given in each championship cont the [lance of thou who came one, two three, ware (recorded, as the first represented three pointa, the second two and the third one in aumntin; up the points for the Championship. A cold %wind was blowin•; from the West which greatly interfered with some of the events and kept the many spectators on the alert to keep up their blood circulation. Notwlth standing the disai;reeablc breeze, much interest was taken at All times, and many of the events had many entries. In the: event3 for the senior boy3 Beattie; Martin, llarolct White, A Butt, F Clegg cud Leroy Coulti3 carried off the bast of the prizes with Beattie Martin er'innin; the Senior Championship 'Medal. with the greatest number of point mune In the junior boys events 1I. Hunt Ion. 1 Ferguson G Butt were the leading contestants Hanlon winning the junior Championship Medal. In the race for the small boys and girls the youngsters acquitted them ;elves very creditably. All of the races were well filled and each and every one ran with the determinat- ion to %win. The three and two utile Marathon races were shortened by half toallow some of the runners to go hone. In the senior Marathon six entered but only two finished while the junior :Marathon trae3 :had a whole host of ontrios nearly all of which went the diatanze. The stay- ing qualities of Earl Southoott the little chap who lead nearly the en- tire distance and who cams in second twerp heartily applauded. The race that aroused considerable interest was that for the lady teach. ere and a trifle delay was caused by all the judges wishing to catch the first throe over the linLalein; line. It was thought for a moment or two that the ,tartars would for- sake their position and join those at the receiving end, but the matter W113 amicably settled by the selection of the 'three best looking (1) men to Irene - undertake the job .III tlic lot of course fell ,lo those tt , are dicta. Many of Abe otter events were in- teresting but space swill not permit • of further mention, except to •31y they were all good. In the forenoon a baseoall w,tt�h W113 played but had to be called off at the and of the fifth inning on account of the "Mi;trty Caseys" breaking ell the bats. Resold \Vhite'3 side 'vas ahead %%then the last willow broke and took tite money. The basket ball match was hot- ly contested and was won by Lillian Antos' side. The football match ‘wallop follow- ed resulted in neither Ride boin; able to score at the call of time. but there wasn't any kick coming on the result as the prize way a football, and the players can divide it as they see fit. In the evening Lhe Opera house was crowded with parents, ,childret and others to %v t nest the distribu- tion of the prizes to the succea.ful coute3tantI and to hear 1h3 excel- lent programme prepared ,by the school. Rev. D. W. Collins ncted as chairman and in his addre;s 'gave some geed advice to t ha /parent a, teachers and 1ruateea. The first number on Lha pro;rarn was an instrumental by Mises Far- mer and Bissett. (loth these young ladies aciuittcd themselves very well and received considerable applause. '1'le•n fol low cd a 4114tribut ion of a portion of the 'prize s. Rev. W. M. Martin on beim called 'pun, congratulated the puede and teachers on the excellent program of Sports arranged and stoke very dight}• of the deportmeint .of the chil- dren at the xroueds. The Glee Club ;ave a selection followed by a reading by Mises Row- es, after which more prizes were di•4- 1ributed. Mr. Peter l'rivne ;eve ,t short speech, afte'r .•.tach Mr. Andretw Ilutt of Centralia stn; "Sots botty'i wait - in; for you" in very geed voice. Reeve Ilobier w:i4 ,orry he was un- ble to attend the +port g, but twee pleased to b:' able to be presentt it the di.tributiou Of the prizes. To letour horse stand without a The distribution of the remainder y deer of the prizes and medals wan blanket now, or to he without a then made and the pro;,iranitne ettd- gooct warm pair of mitts for your- cd atith an instrumental by Lillian end - self. Amos and a chorus by th•• Gies We have just received a good Club. +++++++++++++++++++++++++'t• ++++++++++4++++++.I..t z• 1: Toronto Weekly We ekly Globe and Canada Farmer Two papers for the price of one for 15 months + +▪ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ The Biggest Of fer Yet Just think of it! The + Exeter Times 'I'o any point in Canada from now until January 1900 for $1.35 THE BEST FLOUR We have on hand a supply of the best flour made from No. 1 Manitoba hard wheat manufact- ured by Pfeffer Tiros. of Milverton you can get it at the Exeter ware- house. Gram wanted Remember we pay highest rices for all kinds of grain. R. 6. SELDOM Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye It's T00 6oId line of both and will sell theta at prices that are awayldown. Our tobes also are most reasonable. Harness Ours cannot he beaten and before purchasing it will pay you to Kite ue a call. Everything from the lightest to the heaviest, and satie- faction guaranteed Try us with Copeland. ltunrtin; high jump boys 9 to 12, '1'. Fear, 11. Dearing G. Tay- lor. Leap frog 'race tsr., 11. \Vhite- L. Coulti.+, B. Martin -1', Clegg. Day- tuan-Ilene Leap Fro; j►., G. •11ur- don-W. Antos. E. Southoott-11. Car- lin;, Joluts-llarvey. lttuu►in; hop step and jump „r., 11. 5lirtin, • F. Clegg 11. \Vhite. Running hop ..,t: p and jump, jr., I. Ferguson G. Hutt 11. Hanlon. Pole vault senior, L. Coul- lis, C. fisher, B. Marlin. Pole vault jr., I. Fer;uaon, 11. Tncibnor G. Her - don. 'Throwing baseball 51'.. 1t, NV Wile 11. Martin, L. 'Coultis. Throwing bate -ball jr., G, Acheson, 11, Hanlon I. Ferguson. Kicking loot -ball ,sr., II. White, B. Martin, A. But 1. Kick' - in; foot -ball jr., x;. Hutt, 1'. Johns lt, 1)ou. all. hundred yard ,race ;sr., 11. White, 11. 'Martin. 11. Menlo'. Hundred yard traoe jr., 11. Hanlon. G. Mutt, .1). Stewart. Girls 75 yard lace, M. Jewell, Stella Southcot't Mary Acheson. Girl's 100 yard race G. ,ford, •11 Jewell, Eilleen Snell. 75 yard race iboy.s under 8 R. Flem- ing, G. Wella, Geo. Ortwein. 75 yd. race, girls under 8, Alice; Mitchell F. Ilowey, A. 'Mack. Half anile relay rale, *eye jr., 'Hanlon, Capt. G. Mutt, Capt.,' V. Sweet Capt. llali- ntile relay race sr.. F. Clegg. Capt. A. Butt, Capt., L. Vern Capt. Mile Marathon race jr., Clarence Pickerel E. Southcott, T. 'Fear. Mile and a half Marathon race sr., E. Willis, L. lIcrn. Girl's %valkin; race, L. Smell, Irene Hardy, M. Carlin;. Teiacher's race. Miss '\V. 'Howard, Miss John son, Miss Anna Martin. Time in Otis race not taken, by spacial request. 11IUI S FORECASTS A Reactionary Storm Period 13 central on the 25th, 26th and 27bh and falls within tlto brace of the Mercury .disturbances. It will abrin; a period of 'listheses and thick, prolonged cloudiness that will hardly break away during the (eemainder of the month. Al all who have Stud- ied our forecasts know the; Mercury influence, eapocially in ;the autumn i3 promotive of oloudioess with low- ering'. drizzling eveathe'tit•, often re- sultili.; i.tt elect and heavy freak work. Some early sleet to ithe northward will be (reported ,beforo the close of this Mercury period, is central the 31st and extends irtto November. A Regular Storm Period begins on the 29th, is contra' on the 31st ex- tending to November the 3rd. As October cornea to its close ,the barometer will indicate the approach of positive and general storm con- ditiona from western „actions. From about the 31dt to November the 3rd. autumnal rains will take up Panic march from went •to cast, touching most parts of the oountry, and be- ing followed front the .%wo,et and north by .rising barometer, nhan;a to cold, westerly 'winds, n ith early snow and sleet over lar.;e areas to the northward. We warn all con- cerned of the probability of severe northwesterly gales and Worsts on and about the .;real lakes 'during this period. Shippers and 'navigators who disregard Morin indications and warnings about this time will risk paying penalties in lmuntan lives and wrecked ahippin;. T1s' indications are 'that general auturnryal storms and weather will be ushered in about Oda time, and nmoh inconvenience and loss may be averted, especially to a;ricultualiats and dealers in per- ishable goods, by a prompt and vig- ilant roundup of the autumn's work. All the oprorlunitie+ in Om•tol>t r ahoul(1 be ,wisely and industriously used preparatory nzain-t 'storm and weather in November. To check a cold quickly, ;et from your dru3gi.st mine little candy Cold Table.t3 called I'reventics. Dru;zistt everywhere are now dispensing l'rc- ventic3, for they are not only safe. but decidedly certain and prompt. I'reventica contain no Quinine, eta laxative nothin; harsh nor sickens ening. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Prevcntic.a will prevent I'neutnonia Ilronchitia, lerippe, etc. hence the name, Prcventic4. Good for fev- crieh children. 48 Prevent ics 25c. Trial (loxes 5 ets. Sold by W. S. llowey. -A lead Smashup r,ceut rad in Fest• forth Monday Oct. 21st. to Mrs. Heron. of Mclii1lop Township, and her it wo little zit 1a, who eery driv in; nlon3 the street on their way tom •. The horse became frightened and ran away. All 11,10e were thrown out and prig' of t he rirk was quite seriously injured. The horsy freed itself from the buggy and Al- most ell of the harness and found its way Darn`. Palpitation of the heart, ner- vousness, tremblings, nervous head- ache, cold hands and feel, pain in the back and other fort's of weakness are relieved by Carter'. Iron Pills made specially for the blood nerves and complexion. -Rru..sels, Ont., Oct. 20t11.- The postoffice was bur,(I,irized h're Darin; the ^v. vitt C Mr. Fleming, getting on Saturday. th • raiders away%' 0th rev eat hundred tlensall. Mrs. W. R. 1Lod;ins purcleee d the hotel property here which was of- fered for sale on Thursday el last week. Thy price paid was $3100. Miss A. Shirroy and Mi'ts Mattie Sutherland visited friendit itt Exeter. on 'Tuesday. Miers Mary Joints, of Chica.3,a is visiting eetatives and friends in this Lown. Mr. Colin Hudson has decided to re-engage in carriage painting in the Jahnsun Block. Tho :ltev. E. L. Smitilt and Rev. Mr. Graham, of Parkhill, c•xchan;cd pules pits on Sunday. her. Mr. Smith preaching anniversary services in 11,arkhill. Thu cement work of •(the mew Mctluodist ohuroh shed is now conn- pleted and when the roof is ort will ._take one of the best Trade around )sr re• Mr. Jas. 1'4ukney has sold bis blacksmith busineserand premises to Mr. -Nelson Subhm•by, of Clinton. Mr. Sutho,rby worked here some time p;go. The young people held nn aemacmbly. in 'Miller's Opera (louse one ni;h't last week. There was a good at- tendance. Mr. John lluaho.nan. of Guelph, was here last week visiting his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan. Mr. .G. C. Petty intends raisin; and putting a ccuuent foundation under the dwelling 'he purchase 1 from 51iss Warren. Miss Bella Chesney is in Seaforth, visiting friend's for ti short time. Mr. 8. G. poples•• who recently sold his drug businett to Mr. Hemp- hill is Mock taking this %we.ek. Mr. Hopper intends engaging in the drug business in Toronto. The London Advertiser, of the 21:t ;ave an account of the death of the late Mr. Wm. Bowers. orakeman on the •. P. It., mho was 'killed a t Medicine Hat on Saturday last. The deceased was recently married to Miss Annie Itichnrdson daughter of Mr. land Mrs. \Vm. Richardson of this village . Mr. Geo. Br wn, of the firm of Brown & Cla Ica carriage tnakers, Bold this dwelling which he leis been living alt to Mr. G. C. Petty. who is 'this week 'haring it moved to Brock 6teoet. Mr, •Brown Jvavin; moved into his new dwelling which has just been completed. We un- derstand Mr. Brown intends moving the shop across the street to the lot where this dwelling formerly .wee. used ps 0 carriage display room. Mr. and Mee. Char. Chapman, of London, were in the villa,;c visib- in; itihejr nwny relative.+ and friends. Mr. J. 11. Beek and daughter Miss Blanche, who lave been visiting in St. 'Marys for several weeks have returned accompanied by Mrs. Win. Mrs. ifleek'e daughter. Mr. Murray of Exeter, spent the past •week with pia grandfather Mr. Jas. Murray. Our onion deniers have been mak. Mr. lenge shipments during the past sve 'k - Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Scott, of Lon- don, who helve been spenditu; the past months wibh Mrs. Sutherland returned 'home on Satortlay last. The friends of Mr. John Blatoli- ford will •re•gret to learn t hat he still keeps poorly. Master Wilbert Milken. nephew of Mrs. 11. Welsh had the tnisfoe- tune a few days ago while playing and Bain; drawn in a cart, to fall out end break his arm. Anniv.'rs:try ;services will be held in ll,:' Presbyterian Church at Kip- p`' on Sunday next when Rev. Mr. Mitchell. of London. will preach morning and ; scala;. N1 r. Larkin, of Seaforth, will preach in the af- t'rnoon. Mr. 11u;b Nesoitt, who has been confined to Lis bed -room, ds improv• �icaly. Trial Catarrh treatment are bein; mailed out free on relueat, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These iests are proving to the people -without a hen• ny's cost -the great value of this scientific peracription known to druggists everywhere ;IS Dr. Shoop's Catarrh 'Remedy, Sold by W. S. llowey flPDI6SbVdfltcd -AC Ile- Nensall Evaporator 40e per 400 lbs. For suitable peeling GEO. •1O1'NT, tIouc Gleaning Wants CAMPBELLS VARNISH STAINS -Our Stock is complete, all colors, and all size tins (or re...tatning and finishing Furniture, Wood- work and Floors They can do the Werk themselves with excellent result• Elephant, Hollywood and Senours i-i.eady Mixed Paints. • HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++44-++++++++ ++++44 + ++++++++++++++++14 -e+.144 -14-+++++++++++++++++++++++++I You *+• 4.If You Want Cheap hardware Go 10 ,g + , ++ 3+v + +1,+ •l• 4. + T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in hardware, Cement and Wire. 4••i•i•++++•r•t..;••}4..:-q••t.:..::••::•• +++++++++++++++++++ -.-+•1••'•++++4•i' e•+++++++++I'+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ T. HAWKINS & SON The Leading Hardware Store in •I'own Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, ,pt Winchelsea Special Offerings in Fall and Winter Goods Our Stock is very large in all lines and we want to reduce it. Fancy Pei:. Flannelettes reduced to Sc. A new lot of men's and boys' Fur -lined Caps. regular ...e line for 50c. Posi- tively best value ever offered. Men's Overcoats reduced from $12 to $`t. Different colors 'and styles. Boys' Overcoats reduced from $.i.2t5 to $sa5t). Ladies' Felt -lined Shoes. regnlar $1.511 for $l.2.;. These goods are selling fast, come and gel your choice before they are all gone. Highest prices paid for all kinds of Produce and I'a titry. Skinny ones not desired. COWARD OE CO. For j Sale or to Rent. Farm for Sale Lot No. 15, Con. Tie of Stephen 35 acres his, ;nod farm of about Co. of Huron containin; 100 acres et 135 acres for sale on reasonable term+. land well tenor d and drained : %with Situate heir Mt. Carmel We Stephen eoocl orchard, about 20 acres of'zood Township. [asst Claes land and fair bush, modern tbuildin.a, contenieni } leuildin;'• Near church and school. to GLADMAN & STANBURY, ilnrrieter., .Exeter. Ont. to school. churnh and market and 1 from the is militate n ,out 2 miles t o Village of Exeter. It not sold be- fore Nov. 15th will be rented. For further particulars apply to Robert Leathorne, Esq. 266 Wellington St. London, Ont. or to Messrs. Dickson & Carlin;, Barristers etc., Exeter Ontario. 10.5-07-•t House flRorathr House and Lot for Sale • !louse feel 1;1 for sate 1't. Jot 156 Cott. 12 li.horn••, 1-2 acre )end good brick cotta..' and stable. Must be .so'& Aptly- 'i l:na• Camr'ron, Auction- eer Farrel/tr. FARM FOR SALE. 125 dere./ in Ile Township of Rib- bert consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18, llpples Plumber (rot ins Coldtvater) concession 12. This is ;ood leroperty and must Iet' sold. Terms easy. Ap- ply Thee Citn•ernn, Aneeon(•er Far - With R. Disney last year. Heti- pillar. urates furnished nn application. - �- - __ A Trial Solicited. Real Esfate For Sale Stable For Sale fart lot ,No. 4 nonta.inin; len ARTHUR D.DAVIS acres of land •spell /rick houtrc,'ar.(o (rood Ftable on ('arlinK street for orchard %rich all kinds nf fruit, and sale. Apply to Mrs. John Elliot. jneverfailir4r %till of hard %water. Thio Exeter Ontario beautiful property lies imtrirrliatr•ly PROP Sian Writing and Gralninp the principal thanked the parents end hu 44 'tell of the town for dollars in starnpa, cash :rid rr{aero.- i cd let ter.. 'there were r%idencee ' + money for the ea wee that exploeivice+ had (Hen used .in I beet of R inroad on the Lake (Lucid, in; the safe •►Ithnu;h no explosion Residence, corner James and Au contain. 1hou.aun d. of dollars orth their liberal donation et prize'.a andWe Roily rice, i;irl<, E. Ilrock Cert..i 11. (1u:inee Cap., E. Brickwoc<I Capt.. hail been noticed by c0lize1!i there (toy's race, 9 to 12, 11. ('arlinr C. no clefinitre slur to 1h, lhi':vee. Property For Sale Wool. 1'. Fear. Standing bre e l jump. junior, 1. 1'cr;upon 11. llan•- ion. G. liluet t. Stendie; 'broad jural+ a job of repairing end be convite senior, 11. Martin, 1.1. White A. Hell ced that our pricee are right, itunniee brood jump jr., G. Runt, I. Ferau.mi, II, (hullo'. 1111111101,! ht'nid )'rang .:r., 'B. elarlin F'. Cleez Ii. Wh',e. i'uttin; •'tot. jr., 11. Ilan. Ion. 1. I'rreuaon, 11. Treibtrer. Runn- women with pale co lorlcss faces in r 1,0zh jump ear., (1. flint, 1 , Clears PA. Butt. lein.line hirli jump jr., 11• %who feel beak and discouraged, will Hanlon. D. Rtewert 1. 1'er=n•o:e. receive both ment al and bodily ♦Igor put t in,r .shot .r., I1. White. 11. Mar - by 'wing Carter's icon Palle, which lin, L. Coulti., Sack race jr., Earl are made for the blood, nerves and Southcott, G. Tayiler, F. Ant1Preen. Flack racy area 11. arisen. A. Butt F. W. J. BEER complex,ion. C.A. Mir Nt lL. ' -Ten acres for gale', eon of rail - Doers Bine eel Nate Ihra s tlsce twAY. 1 ra _k, Lake Road Apply Mra. lsearsthI lett✓ . Edwin Jones, Exeter. ligaa•ar. of .•••••••••••••N•.•••••••• in the village of Exeter, ronipoyed Now is the time tr, enroll • f the. North t h part of it 11 on the your name as a subscriber \v, At nide of Main Street, connistin; ',1 one ;owl store and the building to T!(i: Ti\11'�Ct tele- used for n postoffie^., knbwn as $ i pa;. s The John. iilock. for it to jai. 1st, I9-9 t i'or terms and particular. etl'plJ • to Tbws. Certu•ron, Aictie,oeer. Pare �quhar. 11-19.47. Store Property for Sale dirty Stteet, of gravel and is convenient to 1?4O• ter. This property tnust Ir held as -" John , Nor ,hnott. the propt?ctor's r Of THE Y a health ,... tic :as • c rn NEW wily ha I t f tiled. I y it ,•�� payment. A b'•r snip. For ttcrms i nd pa rtieuI trs apply to Thos. Cam- /f TAKE 1 eron, Auctionocr Farquhar. �, , �� i I WHEN ARRANGING FOR 1•oirlt s::R/ i }j' , '•' farm Block :+.�• make ih n twins to • .• iIOV� F1 S c tl. g •t e' 1 9 ' I r'nl 1 ,, lh 1 - , tl , tainted 1 ti h vewo ail �4� \ t offiMe'. 1'otn bill;, %rill Irre rttrac- �r CURE -I -COLD 1ie•<•ly i,tirtled, and wall C%Cry .ale hill done et the officio you will oe- 1 .cite free .1 steric' of OW sale in `.4.4" C'APSQLES Ibis pt1R.l, which il read every week The Old Way_( by ttun•)re.1 s of people inthis local- toCute w ('old. Only 25c a box ;its ood to lker your elle ktio%cn tie i many WI'o rn.ey newer have. 4 he op- portunity of 'geeing your bill.