HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 8.aE EXETER '1'1MES OCTOBER 10th 1907,
+•Fir+++++++++++++++•t + '+++++x.11 let+ -I +++++++
If You Want Something
Out of the Ordinary
in a
V+++++ :+++-F++++ • +++.+++++++++++++++++++++4-+++ :•
'u •F++$'F++•F'F•F+•F I•+++++++++.H.+. • f++++++++. ++•(••}+++
We Claim Your
Market Report. -The following is
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
rected up to October 10t1., 1907.
11 hies.. $1.00 per bushel.
Barley. 55 ,scuts per bushel.
Oat.., 50 re me pee bushel.
Iran, $2'2 to $23 per ton.
Peas, 80 oeats per bushel.
Shorts $25.00 per ton.
Flour $3.00 per cwt.
Feed f!our 81.50 per cut.
ilutter 22 rent: est- pound.
Ergs, 20 cents per dozen.
hose, live.wcieht $5.80.
lloee, dregeed 67.50.
flee% $11 Ito $12.
Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel.
Potatoes. 75e. to 900. per bag.
Dried Apntes, 0c. iwr pound.
Coit, •.7.25 .. tot:.
Our showing this season
easily discounts t•vt'rl tLiug inthe past with better styles,
better wearing, qualities and
better values than anyone else
within your reach. The rea-
son is that we have control of
the well known
Continental Mantles
which are in a class by them-
selves and have nu ('Huai in
Ask for a copy ')f onr new
Style Book or what is better
come in and tall; with the
garments themselves.
Blacks, Blues, Tweeds and the new
Cobalt Browns. Special Values
at $9.50, $10.00, $12.5 0
+ 4-
1"1';'\ „1U11111 IliI1'
tl1!i a-0 j_ mil allkls 1•t
, e �;I llllr'gi
;t Steel.:
Tea Spoons, Berry Spoons.
Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks
Soup Spnnnt•, Pie Knives.
Pearl -handled Butter Knives,
Knives and Forks.
Fish Servers, Carving Sets,
Wedding Rings
Big Stock to choose from
('ant he trifled with. if you dont
stop thein at once your life may pay
the penalty of your neglect.
Should he npplied and its a good idea
to have theta on hind. if you once try
our Rex Puuruns Plasters you wont be
without este on hand in case Of an est•
• ervency.
Fall Suitin
Chemist anti Optician.
Mon Phonooraph
The Maulc of sweet Music
Follow Shakesi:eare's advice
and get an Edison Phonograph
the clearest, best and chcal,est on
earth Gall anti hear else at
Fashion Plate,
Just flrr1vctl
Call and Make
a Selection be-
fore the rush.
The Purity
('en. Express Block, :.titin tit., Exeter,
l: is n mistake to trach chjl•
liths of everything and
nuthine thotou;hly. About all telu-
r Itiott can .10 for •1 en in or buy is
to set hint to theta:int for It neself.
The germ of or:einelity in the
individual needs cultivation, treed
stimulant. The head err.irn,,t tl with
other people's ideas torr tittle room
for lea own thon arid . Many :1 boy
,s r<o thoroughly schr it d that the
common mens(', Inge will power, the
1 self reliant manhood. is driven out of
W. W TANIAN i hien.' A loan of facts with nu (ura.
1tints lo their re -e is of little vale,•.
Merchant Tailor. 'rhe most mica •(ul hu'iiiMer :len in
1 onr cities are th. ' whose scanty v,t-
EXETER, - ONTARIO. , ucation embrace! • thorotteh know•
1 ledge of temple r1: and vendee', but
whose necessities I Ive since demand-
; ed vitorons thou;ht, incessant induct
try and the (rest use or every re.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected ; source of nun.( and body. rho hot -
MnSF,I •r eerie ?Atm. nevi s}•stern of education enfe•chlrs
North WatIAnAstor AMC rather than .etrcn;hhene. Only A
Office. Main Street. Exeter I few moire. classics, astronomy or A
knowled;c of rt he dead lairgusgel.
8. Fitton. issuer of marriage li-
censes. also complete line of sveei•
ding rings always on hand
-Mrs. Malloy ii visiting her pit••
ill 'Toronto.
Mr. and Mis John Charlton visited
in Parkhill last week.
-Mr. Fred Elliot', of the Cobalt,
visiting his mother.
-Mrs. Chas. Lil:de.nficld is visit•
in; her mother in Goderioh.
-Miss Ada I:erslake visited with
friends in llens:tll last week.
-\Ir•. Ed. Hall, of Clinton, i; re•
0•:•w in . acquaintance: in town.
-Messrs. Mack O'Neil incl Ruh stay
visited Mrs. Marshali last we••k.
-The Miss? s Nina and Louie' Car•
lin., visited in Goderich last work.
-Mrs. Douglas left Tuesday for a
month's visit with friends in Tor•
- P. Itawden of Itidgetown,
visited his parents hors a few days
last +w-•ck.
- Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hosi left on
Tuesday nlornine o.t a visit to
Jonesville, Mich.
-Mee. Livingstone, of Milverton. is
the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs.
John Ilawkshew.
-Miss Arnbia Goin„ who is at-
tending, the Colloeiatn at London was
home for Sunday.
-Mr. Mack Vincent will take part
in 111e concert at llrueofield and 7te1-
r:Iont next we:k.
-\liss Viola Sutton, who has been
working in London for conte tittle
is visitin; her nlotltcr.
-.lir. William Gillespie, of Mich.,
celled on his old 'lcqueintancc Mr.
AI Hastings last week.
-flee. Wilson, of Staffs, will oc•
copy the pulpit of t he Main Street
churolt next Sunday.
-Rev. Messrs. Coin; and Martin
will exc.han=c pulpit next Sunday
IIIort'_in: Octob 1t.tl:.
- Mr. It. Downie has 1110+•4'(1 from
the North Erg to his home e few
doors sout0 of the bridge.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Howe and
children. of Flushing, Mich.. are the
guests of Mr. John Kerslake.
- asses 1L•tivcrn,1 Quant+ and Ot•
tie Park, of Ailea Craig, spent Sun-
day the ieuvets of Mt s. Quanoe.
- Mr. and Jars. Oche, of 'T:ivistock,
spent a few days last week the
gu.w: of Mrs. (k•hn's parents.
-Mrs. Dale. of Chicago, who was
the guest of \Itss .lean Ilawkshaw, rt -
turned to her home last Thursday.
- ete.s Eva Rhohhro'k who has
b -en the guest of i:er cul<::1 Nass
Acta Kerslake has returnell to her
home a t I.ont'esbOro.
- Miss Ella Shapton and Miss Flor•
once Reynolds have returned from
A two weeks visit 9_ Brantford.
Hamilton and Toronto.
-Both the morning ta.ains nr•rive in
Exeter 15 minutes later than formerly
The one frorn the north arrives at 5.1ft
a d h.enef from eso Ch9.53.
n the r t the u at
-Mr. Ed Fi=11 has moved into hitt
new house. on Main Street. Norman
Lloyd has moved into tire one vocal.
IA by Mr. Fish on William Street.
-LOST-On Saturday last a $2
hill between the Central lintel and
the "erasion (louse. Vied •r will be
sew :islet' by Ravin; at the Tinos
- tier. and \irs..1. Cotlin3wood 1stc
this week for fort Huron, w11.•re
Mr. ('ollinewoal has secured a rue•
Rion in the painting detlartnn nt of
tine car shops.
- (laving recciv it many inquiries
for flour, 1 have. put in a limited
quantity at my 4tnrrhou(^. The
timet is ,1 he eel, le:I1••11 \lil+•ct•ton
Flour. It. G. •l.loe.
-Mrs. F. .1. 1Vickwite left Satiir•daY
morning for Windsor, whe she left on
Monde. with Mrs. T. M. White for a
trip to Pittsburg, Philadelphia, New
York and Washington.
--The contrvirtore conrtneneed the
building of the new granolithic walk
on the norte side of James at. Mon -
(ley morning. The new walk on Vic-
toria Street has been completed.
-Mr. and Mrs. 1). V. f1.:vi whc
have been iivine, in Seatti., fr,r tures?
trot:ths, :ire visitin, M: Mrs.
1\':n. Davis a: the. Ncrtr: End. They
intend moving to London, shortly.
-M r. :end Mrs. Alex. Dow were
call• ,t to Pullarton nn Saturday. night
077111; to the illness and aut.: tuenl
death of Mrs. Dow's brother. Mr.
.Rohn McIntyre. The feeesr 11 ,was
11•1.1 on Wednesday.
--The annual tisld day sports of
the Exeter public school wit1 br, held
at the A.rirultural zrnunds 071 Fri•
(ley afternoon Oct. 16th. The com-
mittee in rherze has arranged .t
long lint of sports for t+hish excel.
lent prizes' wilt le, „riven.
('.\Its) OF 'rll:\NI:S.
\Ir. Fred %VC11 t d•pere+ to 1 !t.I 1:
he ltoss•Taylor ('o., the employe ;
3n.1 other citizen for th-ir kindly
consider:ttion for him during the
w,ek' +ubr••quent to the recent ac-
ri,tent by wh:eh his hind was in•
-Frank Farquhar rcecivsd e71
Iltiy cu' le.. left !land • • ..1e
elinin_ vel 'i .1 1.1y inornitt.4. 111:
+can Orrt: z 1 sma11 eau in; teas
chine wL 0 1..3 hand came in contact
with the SOW. A cut about an in:4
lonz and half an inch deep is the
result of his injury.
Watson's Underwear ;THE OLD RELIABLE
For Women and Children
Underwear that Will Wear and nct Shrink.
Women's, Union, Vests and Draw- Misses tine wool Vests and Drawers
ere to thatch tine Rib Medium weight the best quality we have ever shown
(trey or Cream at each alk guaranteed not shrink price according
Women'sto size.
Fleeced Vests and draw• i
ere lovely audtwarq. in Grey or white ,
at each 500 Childrens Union Vests and Drawers
in full range of sizes good wearing
Women's Five Rib Vests and Draw- qualities price according to size.
ere in grey or cream close knit super-
ior quality at each 60c
Childs Knit Under waists well made
Women's extra fine quality wove vests ; and finished in all sizes at all one price
drawers to match size 31 3t1 in. white 25c -
or grey at each 75c
Women's slip waists in white and I Childrens Black wove tights good
cream long sleeve? in two qualities quality color' guxtanteed price accord-
`5cand5t)c ingtoeze.
A lot of Misses' and Childrens' Jackets in Tweeds and Plain
Cloths, all sizes, to be sold at a snap price. Call and see the
assortment and get the Bargain prices.
Try us for Millinery. When you compare Oar stylesttnd prices
we know where the buying will be.
DON'T MONKEY WITH i Someth i ng to
HOWEY'S SYRUP i Remember.
Sold only at Howey's Drug
Store. 13ig bottle for 25c.
"Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes
in hi; pings. Quality always elle
A number of barred Plymouth Rock
Cockerels for sale. Speak quick. T.
11. Carling.
For Quality and Quantity ass: your
(kale'. for the new big plugs of
"Bohn," "Slag," and Currency chew-
ing 1ebaee0e01.
-All kinds of :grain wanted nt ;the
Bewail Flour Mills. Present prices
are $1.03 (for wheat : 52 to 53 for
oats: e4 to 85 for peas. Try our
"Snow Drift" flour. II. Cook & Son,
geon, will be at the Commercial
Hotel. Yours 9.30 a. in. to 4.30 p.
tn. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nos" treated.
When you are in need of medi-
cine or sick -room supplies or
anything usually found in the
stock of a first-class drugstore
remember that in our store a
large stock, scientific equip-
ment and ample experience
give us marked advantages.
When you have prescrip-
tions to be put up remember
these advantages, for they
mean health and money to
W. S. COLE, Phm, B.
Dispensing Chemist.
-A meeting of the directors of the
Exeter Agricultural Society was held
at the Central hotel last Saturday af-
ternoon to wind up the affairs of the
Next visit Salm-daNov etyr
end, last meeting and order the prizes and
bills paid. After all accounts are set,-
- Mr. W. .1. Ilea/nen lost .1 valu-
able horn: la.. Th::: =say . +'chin?• treasury. The matter of revising the
The nierht before tl animal had toot prize list was taken up and it is ex -
out of his stall and devoured n large petted there will be several changes
quantity of rollers oats. 1)r. Swe't in the list of prizes tor next year.
+las called in but could do ,nothing
to save the sick beast. -There have been seine, atnend-
-A very pretty ++tdding was ments to the •game laws of former
emnized at tLe home of firs. Itinhard years. The open seaeen for ,black
Reyes/At. Ila ton, Inn Thurseiay
and 'grey squirrels ix November 1
October aid, whets i diu;llter Lil• to november;11st inclusive instead of
In -
lie. was married to site. Parry :Ili nee
September 15th to December 1st. Irt-
1)i•;nat, son of M r. and •birn..iauer fractions of this lacy will be epunisii-
ed. i"trutc•rs, or in fact anyone in-
terested in the preservation . of
these creatures may 1 i information
-A tittle boy in one of the rural ";ainet a law -breaker. If strict
ne:u Ext.!" waA measures are not taken, the squie-
sc 3
giyen the. relit are threatened with exterrnina.-
world "ransom" and was told to tion.
wrier a short Fent.vuc containing -Rally Day t:ervioes were held in word. The follow ie; is what he the Janus Street ohuroli on teundey
handed to his teanh.r. "Away down last. In the ,m0ruiug itev. Ilutt, of
in a deep ravine., a will) sal met a
vCentralia, deliv••ri,I :1 •ery approp-
sowing machine. e
i3 n hu, It :,.;west ten
stitches in his tail and 11e iu1v"n:.„ fl le anti interesting .11
1410n 40 tilechildren taking iron,:; for his line of
-Mev. 1{:11470111 received :1 very discourse•. The your. 11.10;d( v, vie
s••Vert•. scalp wall 114 one day teat week 08S4.111 1414,11 in the centre of t he
1 hat caused Ilrc'r ronsidorab:e pain. eht_rrh in t he afternoon a mase
She was hanging 0 window r(1rta(,t rn,etin.; of the sehol:les was.11eld in
and was ?'engin; on :1 plank resting , the body of the church and aeldr •,se.v
en two Theirs. In :eerie way e'lr• leo: were deliverer) by Rev. Hutt, etre
Ito far to ,on, Aide 11111 she intpreetr ltollemi, of Clinton and \lessee• i'.
i..s41 scaffolding ups+'t, throwinr Mrs, Frayne and H. Marlin. Thr..•v4•111111
1(ansom wit turns 1orry ns.Iinst A service waw conduct••( by Mr. holt.
71 ove. Her head '..truck ort the cur• 'flv' nhurnh wee decorated ttit1.
her causing a wound. pl:ults and flowers.
Diemen, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. 1)t;•-
neel twill ,reside at 97 Metcalf et reset.
We will pay the following for Poultry until
further advised
Turkey tic per Ib. alive, 13c. per Ib. dressed.
Chicken, 1907 hatch, 7c per lb. alive, 9c per Ib. dressed
liens, 5c. per Ib alive, 7c per Ib dressed
Geese, not taken alive, 9c per Ib heads off
Duck, not taken alive, 9c per Ib heads off
The above is our Trade price, One cent per pound less in each
case for cash.
Scalded Poultry Half Price
Poor Skinny Poultry from 2c. a pound and up
Would rather not take them at any price.
DlrBGtIons tor Mdrt6tlflo Pooltr
Starve 24 bouts
allowance Must
per pound.
Kill by bleeding
Dry pick and pick clean
Fall is here and winter will soon be upon us. We beg
to announce that we have put in a full line of Stantields
both in gentlemen and ladies. Tho Ladies Vests erre the best
we have ever shown they are made to shape having no seams t
at $1.R0 each, very fine.
Furs and Cloth Coats
We are carrying a choice line of Furs this season, both ladies
and gents. We will sell ladies Cloth Coats by catalogue this season
as usual. Give us a call before making your purchase as we can
save you from $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry them in
When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have a first
class milliner in connection with the store in the person of Miss
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
Paid Up Capital: $3,000,000.
AuiLIvs JARvIs, Esq., - - - Presideld
RANDOLPH MACDOHAr.D, Eaq., First Vice -President
- Second Vice-I'residenI
W. K. MCNAw c.wr, Esq., Y.P.
Ar.Ex. BRUCE, Esq., K.C.
Asst. General -Manager.
A. A. ALLAN, Esq.,
A. E. DVMYNT, Esq., M.P.
P. G. JaMMsrT,
General -Manager.
Savings Bank Department.
Interest at best current rates paid quarterly.
We wish to announce to the farmers and
others that we are rebuilding our Evaporator
on Station Street and now ready to take in
P Ighest Prices Paid for Apples.
Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter.
A 6
Educates to meet the living de•
mantis of a progressive age.
Most exacting, modern city off- Z
ices delighted with onr gradu-
ates. Our management trains Z
more young people annually
than any other in Western On• • .
tario. We have incorporated • Our experience is pretty good
the counsels of our TEN TEA- 7, assurance that will
('l4i Its into one grand unexcell- you be sorry
ed whole. Both courses for Z for nothing and prices are alwaysprice of one. Day students may s at the bottom notch.
attend night class; s free.
FALL TEItM from SEPT. 2nd.
ood Way
to be Stylish and, Becomingly
Dressed and to have your Cloth-
ing as thoroughly made and as
carefully cut as possible is to come
here with your ideas.
First-class Workmen will turn
the materials which you choose
into pleasing, lasting realities.
inter any time. Individual
instructson. Write for hand-
some catalogue.
OEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
That Nutty Uldvo
We have it in our
Star Flour
Merchant Tailor
hunters Excursion at Singlo
Now in effect
To points in Temagttmi, points Mat-
taw•x to l'ort Arthur, to fort Arthur
and all points ou-sthe Georgian Bay
via the N. N. Co. and to certain points
in Quebec. New Brunswick. Nova
Scotia and Nfld.
OCT. 2Ith to NOV. nth.
.110 • 1s will Ire .01d at +;Ingle .faro
ourid trip to Iit,• following ter -
aka Lakes i'enetang
it contains the qualities that lake of Bays Midland
M,tgartetawan itiver Lakelleld
tickle the palate. You must have
U. MR -
Madawaska to Deleol Ii trbor : Ar -
heard it again and again that .tyle to Cob000nh, jj.indsay to • hurtAn. Sharbot 1.Tke .vl.I Kingston
Jct. and l: in tetn11 and Pembroke
Harvey's Star ,ty. All pnintl_lieyerr�o ,.,rill
incIii ivi•. 8r t lite. ari via Not
Nov. CA.
before killing or bringing alive. If not
be mode of ialf to One Gent
in the mouth. o; in nebk close to head.
Jones Clark
makes the• very best bread.
All tickets good returning on for be
fore De 7 147, or until close of
Navig 1 .earlier, to points real veil
Try it and you will smile too. by sten r Unit►. •
For tickets and full information call on
J. .1. KNiGHT, Depot. Agent.
' of a+rt ,1. 11. ttC1)ONA1.11, Union
EXETER, - ONTARIO. h. pot, Toronto, Ont.
ti ..ails.