HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 5r THE EXETER T I M E S, OCTOBER IOth 1907 GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS We have just opened up an immense import order of Scotch and English goods i11 all the Latest Shades. Our success in the past has been our knowledge that honest goods and honest prices must prevail in garments which appeal to the better class of trade. Call Early J. H. HOLTZMANN, CREDITON Crediton's Harness Shop Milts and Gloucs Have been added to my already largo stock of Goods, and we can now supply you with the latest styles in this line. We also have a big stock of Robes, Rugs, Wool Blankets, Brushes, Combs, and all kinds of Harness on hand P. W. CLARK, - Crediton Repairing a Specialty. Hair Coods Prof. Dorcn6lld OF TORONTO 1 COMING lie will be at the Cent ral Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, October 18th, 1907 1 am pre pared to show a larger variety of NEW YORK, LONDON and PARIS STYLES than ever offered to the pub - lie before. I shall have LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS TOUPEES, BANGS, WAVY AND FLAIN FRONTS. SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade, etc. See Our Transformations. P' LADIFS, my Coeds aro recognized as the STANDARD of PERFECTION'and their use protects the head antipro• darns a younger expression to the face. Gentlemen, are You BALD? 1 invite you to my Show Rooms to demonstrate the complete success of uty ART COVERINGS in WIGS and TOt1PHI -', worn on over S5,001l heals. They are light in weight, strong and most natural in appearance, and a pmt:<siou to the o bead against Draughts, Cords. Catarrh, Nenrahia, err., and gi+e a 3 nnn;cer and handsomer es prersical t fisc (act'• PLEASE REMEMBER DAY /ND DATE• CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER ON FRIDAY, OCT, iSth• +++++++++++++++i++++++++•1•+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thc Kind Sflocs! For Men, Women and Children We have them in great variety and the price is as low as is consistent with good materials, See Our Display in the East Window NVc [rant your produce. Dried :apples 6: a Ib. B. W F. BEAVERS, Farquhar ♦•1••Fi ++1 +•i °4' i + :'+-, : Y i+ t 'f :.I b'. +.+++++++.1-:-H.++,..+++++++ KARLTON Best $2 Hat We ate enjoying an immense trade in our 'Carlton Hits, simply because they are marvellobs value. I1ave them made especi- ally for us and buy big quantities, in that wily securing large price concessions which 11Ue share with you. ORDER BY MAIL (Enclose your size with the money) Abd prone for yourself that the 'Carlton is the befit $2 hat sold in Canada, with superior wearing qualities to the vast majority of $3 hats. New Kafllon Derbys for '07 are In all latest blocks. Colors, black and bto/in, C isly's Hats, $2.50 to $3.50. Telescope Hats in pearl, black and nutria• $1.25 to $2.50. A11 new shapes of &jl hats, $1.5o to $3: Clothing • Operating 2 Faories and • 7 Stores ict n Canada J. M. HICKEY, Manager London, Ontario PLUGTOWN ('li I. t t lfillin z th•• huatl. Qii. of the you', - t stet „ • on Sunday 11 •t• Mr.. it. e. • t+ Ito ha.( *pent , .e past • t -rt* teenths with her tip r.l air,(. .fats. Carefree. Velvets for i .. tont•' t sir. a .ak. t OaItis.\ 1I Mt-. Wm. ati,as &sees d of hit drivies bores o air. Itoht. Creiry. 1Vyan at•:r1 Milli ire mtkin; vast pret:arations fog• t r.aotint 1 now ►:1W mill. Silo titan; fa the order of tiw day in this vicinity. Crediton 1 WINCI1LLHEA The noted snare of Mr. Itobt Creery MI Caud Ess (lied last ecek. Mr. R. 1'. J. M (' oCE. MEMIIEIt ON- retery'a bora,. has no doubt aeon TARIO COLLEGE 1'HYS1C1- ans and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. Ili. A. Hoist. Creditor'. Ont. D1r. Albert Morloa:k ha added a new gasoline A•lt:3 iili+ to 1113 already well equate..• t ,tlwp. Mr. F. Clark and family took it` ;he Kilkton Fair or* Friday last. 31r. Norman Holt emeriti of Watt r - loo. spent Sunday %vitt* trends int tin. .•ilia;c. Several frons lore :pent Fraley cat. the West McGillivray Fair. bliss �'llla3, of fort Elgin, is spend - in; a week in the villa;0 visitant relatives and friends. Miss Olivia and Pearl Boltzmann have returned home after spending several weeks visitiu.t in Berlin \Vat- toloo 111(1 Stratford. Dr. McCue has now fully settled in his store tvbiolt has beao recontiy fitted tip :rid he can now boast of havin; one of the finest dru; stores in the County. Ile intends keepingin; everythii; found in e • • first-class drug store. Mr. Chao. Stock, our genial butcher ,pant Sunday nt 'Tavistock. Mr. J. Brown and wife of Kilman- aah spent a few days in the village. Widow Wein, who occupied rookie with Mrs. Chas Brown Moved to :her son's borne on the old homestead 3.4 miles 'north of the village. Mrs. Michael Klumpp is at time of writing very ill and poor holes are held out for her recovery. Rev. E. H. Bean attended the wed• ding of MisZSherri:t to Mr. Amos on Wednesday. Dashwood ,DASIIWOOD SCHOOL .REPORT. Followin.; are the names in order of merit for Divisions 2 and 3 of the Dashwood Public Sohbiol for the months of August and September. Div. II -Jr. 1I1 -Earl Ne>eb. Oliver Held, Lily 'St ire, Addison Tiernan Mina Ehle.ra, Jennie Ituby, Ervine M1cIsaac• Jr. 11. -Lloyd Edi;hoffcr, Willie Miller, Flossie \\'it:ert, Laura Musser, Czar lielletrmann, Emma Hartleib. Pearl Kraft, Mary Vine cent. Sr. Pat. II.-Garfiekd Staubu3 Jr. I't. II. -Ida i\Vambold, llarvey Schroeder, Roy Neeb, Thilda McI3aac Myrta Iloffinan, Beatrice Shrumm. Lulu Steinha:;cn, Raymond Dallies. "A" -Walter Fo.ssold. La Verne Mer- rier, Leland Gu' ntber, Ernest Stiro Abram Schroeder, alerbic •(tinker, Freda Vinton. "13" -Della Naeb, La- ving \Villert, Wilber Ehlers, Leaon- ard ,Kirk. "C" -Ida held. Hazel Snell, Mlilford (Berner, Louise Router. V. J. Miners, Teacher. Div. III. -Sr. tI1.-('earl Tiernan. Alma Bach, Johnny Routledge, Her- man Schroeder, Kati' Genttner, Wil- lie Zimmer, Mary Vincent, Charles \Weber;. Jr. II. -Milford Ruby, Em- ma Genttner, Gordon Davie, Adeline Schroeder, Edwin Sohro.der. Sr. Pt. 11. -Ida Zimmer, Barry Guenther Al- berta Kach, Valentine Gassman. Ar- nold Miller. Jr. Pt. II. -Laura Schu- macher, Georne Gossman, Laura Schroeder. Tillie Zimmer, Herbie Wil- ler[. Milford Rinker. "A" - •\Vi111ie St ire, Pearl Tiler. Johnny Goasman. "11" -Kenneth Routledge. Milfelt' latch, Mary Wieburz. Oscar Hart- leib. "C" -Clifton Davis, Mamie Genttner, Fred Stire, Albert Tiler. A. Swa.n, Teacher. STAFFA On Sunday next, the 13th., will ba held at Grace church, the jtnnual Ilarvest Thanksgiving. Rev. II. M. Lang -Ford, of 'Brussels, will preach both morning and eveninz. C1 43 AS 410 CD XThe Kind You Hate Always BouLM Bran the faenatn» of Trial ('at:trrh treatment are being :nailc(i nut free on relue3t, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, \Vis. 'These tests are proving to the poople-without a pen ny's cost -the great value of ltlsis scientific perscription known to dru;;istt everywhere as 1)r. Shoop's Catarrh Iltcmedy. Sold by '\V. 'S. Howey M cGILLIVRAY The bann.i of marriage were assured Sunday by Father Foster at Mount Carmel Church of alias Mary Jose- phine (laughter of Mrs. J. Mayan. McGillivray. to Mr. Corrie Regan of Mt. Cannel. The event takes plate October 15t1,. 1111IC'!•O N The receipts on fair day were uta to the expectations of the directors of the :society, only a few dollars short of last year. Possibly if E(1. Christie. of Exeter had been down. be would have brought enou;h with hint to fill the coffer: to 'idle usuai amount. Mr. Reuben Switzer spent Sunda' et his parents *torte in Maio/hard. Mr. Samuel Tuft., conducte•l ser- vice in •tho Metho,liat e.huroh Sunday, owin; to the absence of itev. Veale. Mir. Alex. Kirk ii very low at time. of write . Mee \Vin. ifazlt'wool is intertwine slowly. .Lr. and '*tra. George ilazt••eotel •tent Sunday at the horn • of Fer;u= Harrah. St. i'aul's Church ell hold An• niveraary aervioeta on Sunday Mlle at 11 a. m. At 7 p. in., Rural 1) r'n Taylor %sill conduct the service'.'. THE ROYAL \iONTII ANi) THE iROYAL i)iSF.ASE. Sudden changes of weather are ex• !racially tryinz, anti more probably to none more than to elw ncrofutou:a and consumptive. The fpro;r'ss of scrofula during a normal Octob.•r month is commonly zreat. We never think of 1(crofulai-its bunnh •s, entan- eons eruptions, and weather of the bodily rul)Atance-without •tilinkint of the *;ts^at ';(red many ,ctlff:•rera from it have derived from Hootl's Sarsaparilla. whose (radical and Ier- manent eurt'.a of this one diRearte ore enough to make it the most Pontius medicine in the [world. There it probably no': .a rity or town where 'Icol'.a Sarsaparilla has not gtroved ire merit in more homes t hon one, tri nrreatin; and rornpletrly eradiretin scrofula, which .is almost as serima and as much to be feared as its netr relative,-ron.omp(ion. many a prize iso she was a very fast Mare in her youu;ar days. Rev. Goin;. of Exeter, eonductee anniversary t ervic.•ta st tiuushine on Sunday last which ens very rnuet: appreciated. 41111. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TSM Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the Signature of Trial Catarrh treatment is mailed out fres Ulf request. by Dr. Shoop. Racine, \Vis, These tests are proving to the People -without a tate ny's cost -the great value of this sci(mtific,rescri ,tion known to t t druggists everywhere as Dr. SI.cop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by \V. S. llowcy. TIiAtilF.S (ROAD. Rev. C. Fletcher and Mrs. Fletcher are expected 'to return to the Manse on Tuesday of this we k. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell ar- rived home tilos week from tuteelr wedding trip. Quite a number from our neigh- borhood spent last friday at Kir/a- tom Fair and report a .;odd sltow. Mra. Abe 'Musser 'seines on Thurs- day to meet lu:r husband at Port. Ar- thur. Mr. Arthur Wintcrbotham teavea this week to try his fortune in the Great West. We hope to hear of his success. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup• per will be adminietered in the Preen byterian re t- byterian churoh nit Sunday Oct. 13th. ('reparatory yacrt•ie s will be held on the previous Friday afternoon. The apple -packers are busy in our neighborhood at present. Rev. Colin Fletcher returned Wed- nesday from 7lamilton. Mrs. Flet- cher remained over on account of a :light illness. -se-- Pain - e -- Pain anywhere, paid in the stead eitinful periods, Neuralgia, toathaeh:a all pains aan be pron)ptly stopped by a thoroughly safel ittle pink Candy Tablet, known by Druggists every- Kirkton Fair Coatiuued front page Four t hour ; epecial on potatoes R. N. Shier ; special on lo.atoa, Early Ito -a• J• Jud;e.-A. 'turns. DAIRY 1'ItOI)1'CF, 25 I1,. 'butter It. \Vatic, J. liuop:l' & Son : S lbs. of table butter W. Yule. 11. Cra 40. h11. CELLANEO,I'$ Collection pick lea \\ . Jauui-:,ut. A. Robinson ; canned [.each,.., Miss J. Robinson ; canned Mama A. lloniuson Alias J. Robin : canned currant : A. Shier M. lirethout•; canned pests A. Rubinson, Mrs. Mrs. Haitian ; canoed cherries Miss J. Robinson. A. Robin - Foe : canned raspberris; M. Ilrethour A. Shier : canned ra3pbarriea 11. era- se, M. Brethour: canned atrawber• ries Miss J. Robinson, A. Shier ; earl - nod tom:tt(x•,1 Mrs. J. 'Urquhart, A. Shier ; coll. postage irtamps A. 'Suffield; .,inele set carriage harness F. A. Taylor ; double est team sir• tress F. A. Ta a . 'a, b • )tor; home -mad:. d bread alias M. Jamieson. S. N. Shier : dwney in section \V. Sadler: honey extract- ed G. Bentley : jelly Mrs. J. Ur au - hart, Mra. \Vickwire : Maple sugar Dawson Ifros.. \V. \Vkerne n ; Maple Syrup It. N. Shire, Dawson Itro:+. tiny variety of canned fruit al. )irethour display of .booty and eltoos Il. \V. F. Beavers. FRU1T APPLES 5 Ontario Jas. Sanders; :r. Nor_ them Spy J. Sanders, .1. Ilo,l;e : 5 Tatman Sweet sirs. Ilanhan, \V. Sad- ler ; 5 Baldwins J. Sanders. M. lir. - thour ; 5 anoaws Jos, Kirk, Miss K. Doupe; 5 It. Island Gre [nines Dew - sou Bros., W. Sadler; 5 Kin; of Tompkins D. Balfour. Dawson 'troy. 5 Maiden',. Blush Dawson Bros., J. Hodge ; 5 Mann W. Sadler, J. San- ders ; 5 Alexanders J, Sanders, J. T. Parkinson; plate of 5 Golden Rus- sets D. Balfour, W. Sadler; 5 Bon Davis D. Balfour. W. Sadler ; ltibion Pippins Mf. llrethour ; 5 Colvert3 Dawson Bros., Miss N. Doupe • 5 Duchess of Oldonbur; bliss K. Doupe 5 Cayuga lied Streak !11. Ilrethour. J. Sanders: .Coll. of apple; J. Sanders 12 crab apples red Geo. Bentley; crap apple? yellow, Dawson Ilroi. 12 plums Mra. \Vickwire, Mrs. It. Fletcher ; fall pears .1. Hodge; 5 winter pears A. Shier, M. 13rethour; 12 peaches Mra. \Vickwire. Mrs. 1(. Pletcher ; 3 eluates open air .grapes white Mrs. Wickwire; S clusterm open air ;grapes where ea Dr. Sbcop's Ihxldanhe Tab• blue Mrs. Ilanhan ; 3 clusters open let. fain simply means conar(ttion air grapes red A. Shier. under blood ereesuri at the point • FINE A1t1'S where blood exists. Dr. Shoop', Coll. stuffed .birds and animals M. Headache Tablets quickly equalizes Fletcher ; crayon or pastel Miss L. thin unnatural blood pressure, and W. Jamieson; Coll. photos J. Senior; pboto;raph J. Senior ; pencil draw - in; Miss I,. Taylor, W. Jamieson ; painting on 14laas Mrs. 'Wickwire; painting in oil landscape fruit or flower B, W. F. Beavers, Mrs. \Vick: wire; oil painting, fi;uro Mrs. Wick wire bliss M. GiifIllap ; painting on China Mies L. Taylor, Mrs. Wickwire pen and ink sketch N. Fletcher, burs. 11. Fletcher; pyrography burnt work Miss M. Gilfillan, Mrs. Wickwire water color landscape Miss M. Gilfi'- tan, Mise L. Taylor; !picture to.: cards A. Duffield, \V. Mack. proved him.v_+lf a vary efficient of- LADIES WORK ficer. Counterpane, crocheted A. eh' r, Norman liod;ert, ' of Exeter, vis- Alias J. Robinson; oounterpatuo kl.i - ited *tog. Turnbull on Sunday last. ied Miss J. Robinson Miss M. Jam. •• Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. 'loftier, ref son ; patchwork quilt Miss Brook, el. Exeter, attended the Carnpbcll-Stew- 13rethour; crazy patchwork quilt art nuptials last Wednesday. 1 Mra. Ilanhan, A. Shier ; ascii*,.,' undera Mr. :and Mrs. \Valtcr Stewart, of St. Marys. were :guests at Mr. next Mrs. Stewart last week . pain i►nmediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine. Wis. and get n [rte. trial package. Lar;e box 25c. Drug;iat W. S. Howey. FAIRQIUHHAlt Mr. John Itiley sold his household •;cods. stock etc. by auction on 'Sat- urday last. Mr. Itiley, M;astors John and Chris left on Monday morning for Bridal' Columbia. Mr. Riley, who carried the (nail from Farquhar to Ilublin'Yor the teat four years clothin; Mrs. Ilanhan, 13. W. F. Bei - vers ; applique work Mrs. ltanhrn, Mrd. \Vickwire ; arratsen'a work Mrs. alias Janet 11:111intyi1c sent Sun-\Vickwire, M. 13rethour; Roman erne day at lir bouts here. • broidet•y M. Br.•ethour, Mra. \Viok• A large number from hese attend- wire; 'Venetian embroidery ,Mira. cd lairkton Fair last e-rek and [wit- nessed the balloon ascension which Was a d-•ci•Ied truce. ss in every par - Ocular. Much prairie is *due the Secy. Mr. Arnow Doupe for tl iea- vied! 1►nar:u:getwin t• The monthly mooting of the Us- borne & lliblrert Fire Inuurartce Co. wa.i held in Lae hall here on Monday last. . ENTITLED TO PARTICULARS • OtItos ouaea Maid Retract Donde- It onde• 1; oases Cola d Stardom; o ;kr: pontyp d take a teaspoonful after at bedtime, drinking plenty Ira va tbn has been fo d Iii tp b !n treatment of mino ittt8der sad r[ troubles aDd d;sssm oriels' there m, such :isowatlsa, solatloe lame back cad lumbago, and we fel that the p.bUo�i u. entitled titled to particulars oonosenit. • A prominent p etoian states that the exoellant reunite that have been obtained from the use of the mi:Lure are due to its direct action upon the kidney maiming them in their work of filtering all poisonous waste matter and acids from the blood and expelling same in the urine, an't at the same time restoring the kidneys tort healthy condition. He further states that anyone suf- fering from afflictions of this nature will find it to bo very beneficial, and suggests that it be given a trial. LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your ."are time at home, or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all lo learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teat:hes how to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate di ems. The whole family can learn from one rourae. \W.+ hare taught ower seven thousand dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and qo. \'ou cannot learn dress -making as thorough as this course teachei if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- 1' as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. \Write at once for particulars•, ars we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address: - SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCMOOt, 31 Erie St , Stratford. Ont., Canada, hat, M. 'I3rethour ; Battenbur; Lies Mrs. \Vickwire Miss K. Doupe: slip• Pers knitted or crochotted Missfrook peri knitted or crochet ted *arise Brook, Mrs. ltanhan ; sofa pillow B. \V. F. Heavers, bliss Brook ; child's dress Miss Brcok ; rag carpet M. llrethour; tea rosy Jt. 13r'tthour, Mra. Wickwire ; table centrepiece and tray cloth 11. \V. F. Beavers, alra. Colgan: dinner meta A. Shier, Mies .1. Robinson ; piano scarf Miss M. fanlit'son. M. Ilrethour : pillow shams Mrs. Wickwire. Mrs. Ilanhan: Af- ;hen wcol W. Wiseman, Mier. Ilan- han ; A1zhan cotton MLA. 1fanthatri, A. Shier ; Af;Ilan patchwork Miss J. Itobim:on, alias aicCnlluin ; I)rnwn Work Mrs. Wickwire, Mrs. lIanhau : Dresden work ails% A1. J:rnt.ason• Mra. Ilanhan: knitted lace in cotton 'Miss M. Jamieson. W. Wiseman; Coll. of ladies' stork bliss 'Jyltohinson, Miss Jamieson ; Colli of novelties Mrs. Wickwire, Miss lirook : 'Bead work Mrs. Wicktwire; rive ntnt Mite .1. Robinson, M. llrethour ; .handmade elove.a Miss J. itobinvon, 'Mise K. Doupe : centre piece ribbon 11. W. F. Beavers; la(li\s' underclothinz MIiss J. Robinson ; ilardinger Mrs. \Vic1i . [':ire: plain woollen stockinzt Mrs, M. ,laiirlir:on, Mrs. Ilanhan : plain wool len sock: alisa M. Jamieson, M. Ilrethour : wo',Ilen mitt.( Mi is Brook, Mr.s. Modem ; darning on atoekinea Mrs. Wickwire A. Shier; niandin; 2 p:ttchc.; Miti McCallum, A. Shier : table doylies 11. W. F. (leaver:, Miss Jamieson; toilet mats Mis= McCal- Iunt, 11. \V. F. Beavers: erociot in wool Miss McCallum, Miss Brooke ; pincushion Mrs. ,\Vickwire, alias Brook : machine .sewing 3 articles Mrs. Ilanhan, Mrs. Wickwire : plain hand .terrine, 3 article§ Mrs. Harden] Mrs. Wickwire ; buttonholes on four materials alias Jatnioaon Miss Brook 11 fancy handkerchicfa Miss Brook. Mra. Modem ; shopping bale of boot- laces Mies Colgan, Mrs. Wickwire: handkerchief case Mr.a. Wickwire. M. Brethour; netting Ura. if:itthale alias M1c.Callum; Indira' cotton shirt waist handmade Mrs. Wickwire Mlisa Mc• C'allutn : darnin; on net arra. Wick- wire, W. \Vi:aernan : working shirt handmade Mies J. Robinson, M. ilre• [hour; cushion top ieat.her Dawson tiros. FLOWERS Coll. of house plants Mies .1. Robin.. ton, N. Fletcher; 3 or more ,reran•• item; N. Fletcher, R. Robinson : 3 t nr more tuchia3 11. Robinson. Miss • ltohinson ; 3 or more Cacti Miss J. Robinson. N. Fletcher ; 3 or more crare planta A. Duffield. Miss J. Rob- '.n+on ; COI. of cut flowers A. Dula field, Geo• I3r.ntley: folia;e plants N. Fletcher. Miss J. Robinson. SPECIAL 1'RiZF.S Beat ;rcomed team and cl'•'Inrsr harne3, Archie Robinson: heat hak•.l from the Royal lioutsohold flour Miss Jamieson. SPEEDING CONTESTS special Sale of Fall Goods Sweeping Reductions in all Lines r'Our Stock is complete and larger than ever Ladies ! 1ant IRs 'Scarfs. Fur Lined ('tate, Astrachan and Electric Seal Coats, We hope \V e' have just • pt ted our ties[ ship- never Fhnw•n a better mock. meat ..f Entreatand t'htldleua Coate,See our Men's Fur Coats. We have the ver y latest st, ha direct from the thein in all eizea in Canadian Coen Lest makers in (',nada. See our BIk \'atlas Russian) Calf, China Dog, Beaver Cloth ('oats A length triunnied fete. V. are making a epecial offer wllh silk braid, ere nice tine quality iii Coon (bits, alio ,.line of reel dark at $1). 'allxhy which ate the beat taint[ Also our new Plaids and Checks s\\een for &Uu,e titue. front e7 to tight errh. We can save you from $2 to $3 on your winter coat I DRESS GOODS Ready Made Suits and \\'e have the stock of up-to-date Dress Goods in all the leading shades Overcoats and fabrics, We' invite inspection our Special ectal sx le of Flannelettes much line of Nobby Overecats, Suits. etc. below regular price. We made a special purchase of Men's and Boys' Suits Which we offer at low prices. at least 21t per cent. below the regular value. FURS \Ve ha yr an immense stock of Furs. See our line of ladies Ruffs, Throw MILLINERY This department is in charge of,llfiee Colvin. On Thursday Sept, 2tith and following days we will have our open- ings, and invite all the ladies to in- spect our stock of the very latest styles of headwear. Highest priers paid for Produce. C. ZWICKER, A Call Solicited. Crediton. Eavetroughing Repairing Plumbin Carpenter Tools of All Kinds. A large assortment of Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, and Granite ware at Rockbottom prices. W. MOORE KIRKTON For all kinds of Baking ,ASARCO testas 'COOK T'►JOCIA� -for Bread, Biscuits and Pan Cakes -for Pies, Cakes and Fancy Pastry -no flour, milled of a single kind of wheat, compares with a BLENDED FLOUR. It bakes whiter and lighter -it contains more nutriment -and it yields MORE bread etc. to the barrel. "(Made in Ontario" Use A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Whoat) and you use the perfect flour. BLENDED FLOUR combines the splendid food properties of Manitoba wheat -with the lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario wheat. TRY A BLENDED FLOUR -the result of your first baking will PROVE its superiority. This trademark is on all fine BLENDED FLOURS. 1t is the sign of quality. Look fot it on every bas sad barrel you buy. The re1-ult:4 of the races were as ••••••••••••••N••••••••f• follows; 2.30 trot or pace -1, Reuben. .1. G. Jones, Stratford ; 2. 8. S. Wm. Schroeder ; 3, Kentucky Lou, l'. 11. i'etrie, Stratford: 3, Jas. Nairn Fut- lector). I Greta Race -1. Nellie, J. G. ione3 I Stratford; and Twister Queen, W. it. Levy. Mitchell: 3. 11111 Bruno M. \Vatson; 4, Jae. Win. Kuntz. The pony race was won by llu 3h Berry's entry. Arthur Cunnin;'s ' pony wan second. Your Eyes Trouble You? Then corns to London and have a Nero! glasses made that will suit roe perfectly. Do not trust the care of your eye. to inexperienced opticians and traveling fakirs. Our specialists have made the care of eyes their specialty for'nver 15 'years, and every len* pres-robed by them is ground in our own labors - tory. thereby insuring perfection and making mistakes impossible. Appointment by mail or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. LY SIGIT SVZC1AUST8. 237 Nadas Street • • • Lewin,.. OW. Open Daily s.ao to e.00. Oren Viruses. Tuesday. Thundi7 WI Saturday. j•••••e••••�••����H•••tH� 1.30 le 10.02. High Glass DIflMONDs People who buy diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny - gems which are freelfrom flaws an(ij,from whose surface.. ,every ray of light is reflect - t assess.,. saw are e(f.as from a drop of water. We carry all sizes of dia- monds from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and nil of the purest Anality C. H. WARD & CO, 37I;Richmond St, 10110011 ORI