HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 4....,!IM,i'•,w,i .IMa1Wa'I'
THE E X E'1 ER TIMES. OCTOBER 10th 1807.
Pure Pickling Spices
If you want good pi:kles, you
must have good spiced.
We Have Them
Cloves, Cassia, Mustard Seed
Celery Seed, Allspice, Mace
Ginger, Red and Black Pep-
per, Chilies, Garlic, Tumeric
and Curry Powder.
Drug Store
tor disposed of Liu by 169 majority.
Mr. Lewis ntatwt that by it liberal
use of luon 'y placat' in the Cando. of
liquor Jicettac:e 'for elietrabution
throughout the riding, by Rte coer-
cion of ,Goverament 'employes at
Brockville Asylum and elatewhere anti
by the: direct 'aortal -1 to epend$75,000
at the staid asylum imulettiately if
the Government candidate %vas r(t•
turned." Mr. Donovan Lad auccesrd•
od in c:arryit►; the •riding.
-Tile revenue of tho Dominion for
the past of months, ending stint
September is the Largest ou record.
The amount in $50,441,208 or about
thirteen millions more than tete to-
tal revenue in 1897.
The customs revenue alone for six
atomize ending( August shows an in-
crea9e o[ $6,418,290 over the same
period last yearee Total collectioui
were 531,412.735. Auauat re-
eeipla of customs were $5.203.638 an
)ucrease of $516,225 over the mono
month last year.
C1lLa3TCDWI. .
The Klad You Hare Alna)s Bought
Dean the
S▪ ignatue
a. --
•The Exeter Times
Exeter, Ontario.
' Terms of Subscription $1,00 per
year in advance. $1.50 may be
charged if not FO paid. To United
States eubscribere, $1.50 strictly in
advance. No. 'paper discontinues
Until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
Veld i3 denoted on the label,
Advertising rates on application.
' eform Convention of
South Huron
A Convention of the Refornter3 of
o Electoral District of South Hu-
n , as constituted for Provincial
rpoeea, will be held in McDonellts
Opera House, Hensall
Thursday, Oct. loth, 1907.
at 11 o'clock A. 3I., for the purpose
t selecting, a candidate to contest
ho Riding in the Reform intere3te
Non. A. C. MacKay, K. C.
The Provincial Leader, and
Non. Geo. P. Graham
Minister of Railways and Canals
re expected to be present and klcliv-
ddresses in the afternooh. - large
ttendance of delegates and friends
t Liberal principles is requested.
Meetings will be held in each Iblun-
pality on
Tuesday, October 8th
t 8 p. m. for the elootion of deice-
ates. (See Rills).
Pr.':wident. Secretary.
Exeter, Ontario.
Sinn- the last issue of the Times
the committer in charge of the ar-
rangements for the Liberal Rally at
Hensall to -day (Thursday) have ,ped
o imany inquiries from persons
tber than 'those rc;ularly appointed
legatos desiring to know if anyone
1e;atcs, desiring to know it anyone
it mooting. that it wag decided to
Id a mass meeting in the aka'•
rink at Ilensell directly after
he convention. .
To this meeting all will be rnade
welcome, whether Liberals, Conserva•
tives or Tcnoe Straddlers. iThe
.peaking will commence a: 2 o'clock
Hon. A. G. MacKay wiil bet ho prin•
cipal speaker, but others are expect•
ed as troll.
The. Mensal! Committee have com-
pleted all arrangements for the ac•
commodation of the crowd in that
day: both hotel stables will be open
as moll as several other buildin;i
which can b- utilized for the care
of horses. The restaurant and Aev•
eral of the citizens have undertaken
to furnish meals for' -.11 those who
sea then'.
Th' pre,aeni indications are that
there i 111 b; a la;c at tenda nee.
A. F. Donovan was elected in the
bye-etaction held at Brockville Mon-
day to succeed Hon. Geo.' 1'. Graham
in the Le;i.lrture, defeating Mr.
• Lewis, the Liberal candidate Ity over
250 majority. ( Mr. 'Donovan was
Gro. 1'. Graham's opponent at the
leo provincial erection, but 'the lat.
My Hair
Ran Away
Don't have a falling out with
your hair. It might leave you!
Then what? That would mean
thin, scraggly, uv even, rough
hair. Keep your hair at home!
Fasten it tightly to your scalp!
You can easily do it with Ayer's
Hair Vigor. it is something
more than a simple hair dress-
ing. It is a hair medicine, a
hair tonic, a hair food.
The bust kind of a tecarnonial-
"Sett for over sixty ye.11_."
Mad. •f J.C. Ayer Cc. , t.oselt, tit.
♦ eO manufacturers Of
qersrn.t s.
■e�rs� rwsttttstilm-5r
A %veil -known authority on Rheu-
matism gives the readers of a largo
New York daily paper the following
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. three
valuable. yet aimpfe and barmiest
prescription which anyone can easily
prepare at home.
Fluid Extracts Dandelion, one-half
ounce.; Compound Kareson one ounce ;
ounce a.
Mix by eh:tieing well in a bottle
and take a teaspoonful after each
meal and at bedtime.
Ho states that the ingrediouts cin
be obtained from any good prescril1•
tion pharmacy at email cost, and, be-
ing of vegetable extraction, arc
harmless to take.
This pleasant mixture, if taken
regularly for a few days, is said to
overcome aln►oat every case of Rheu-
matism. The pain and swelling', if
any, diminishes with eaoh dose, un•
til permanent results are obtained,
and without injuring the. Stomach.
While there are so many so-called
Rheumatism comedies, patent medi-
cines. etc., some of whioh do give re-
lief, few really give permanent ro-
sults and the above will, no doubt,
be (greatly appreciated by many auf•
ferers here at this time.
Inquiry at the drug stores of this
neighborhood elicita the information
that these drugs are -harmless and
can be bought separately, or the
drua:giats here will mix We prescrip-
tion for our reader, if asked to.
Wlnslow'A Soothing Syrup has been need to
ever sixty years by mil:lona of mothers for their
children while teething. with perfect encces.i
It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays al
pain, cures wind colic. and is the beet remedy
for Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by druggists In every part of the world. 2,5
cents a bottle. its value is incalculable. Bo
euro and take Mr. Winslow's Soothing
liyrupand ask for no other kind.
Guaranteed under the Food anal
Drubs Aat, Juno 30th, 1x06. Serial
Number 1098.
The death of Mra. Thomas Sander-
son took place at Goderich Sunday
Oct. 6th., after an illness of some
length. Mrs. Sanderson was 42 years
of age and was a member of a Cline
ton family, her maiden name being
Rachael N. Carter. and the funeral
which took place on Tuesday went to
Clinton. She is eiurvived by teeven
brothers and two sisters. 'These are
Davit, It. 'If., Isaac \V. J. 'Thomas
Mrs. Cochrane and Mrs. Mutch, of
Clinton. and James, of Auburn and
John 1'. of California. Besides her
husband .she leaves a family of
tour, two boys and two girls. For
a short time after their marrtia;e
Mr. and bars. Sanderson lived sat
Dun inns then .moved to Clinton
, and later l0 Blind River, corning to
• Goderich two or three years ago.
IMrs. Sanderson's another is still liv-
in;. residitea with her daughter, Mrs.
Cochrane at Clinton.
{ Wil 1 b e found nn excellent re-
medy for sick headache, Carter's
Little Liver Pills. Thousands of
letters from people who have used
them prove this fact. Try them ;
A distressina incident occurred in
Colborne township on 'Tuesday morn-
ing shortly before noon, as Joseph
Taman was driving to town on a
load of wood. The load lurched or
slipped and Mr. Taman fell to the
road in front of the wagon, a wheel
of which passed over this 4m:std. Ile
was taken to Goderich to 13ee Iltoi-
pital, where an operation was per•
formed in 'rhe afternoon, a consider.
able. amount of the bone of the skull
bean; Iemo%ce. I+lr. roman became
unconscious Tuesday .itigrht and ,his
recovery is looked upon as doubtful.
The %wonder its he was not (killed
outright by the accident. 3I3 war
workint for Norman Kern4;han.
Ile has a wife and family.
If you once try Carter's Little
Liver l'ills for sick headache, bil-
iousness, or constipation, you will
never be without therm. They aro
purely vegetable, eunall and easy to
take. Don't forgot this.
To 11s• Editor of the Exeter Time=
Dear Sir :-
The spirit of enterprise seems to
be •pnew.tlent throughout our town
and we tied hat besides the r e•
t nd c e
tion of a canoiu.; factory, tin evap-
orator it in course of construction
which will be of touch benefit to
the firmer' and the eilizcn, at large.
Not only in industriet are we pro-
,reseine favorably but the general
appearance of our town has been
zreatly improved. and irnproveme.nts
are .atilt gain; on. Our old eta tion
which always left an unfavorable
impression on the mind•% of flu) ino•
pre patting throu;h, is now Irving ie -
placed by it new structure on the
east side of the track. A ,tiew road
has been opened leadin; to our st.w•
.ion, and besides tl►eao Burin; the
east leo months nearly a dozen
hansom < have been erected or nearina
cornpletion. We also tcotico that
many r;.lidences have been improved
by new a.lditiont and oy pailitine.
anal all of these imptore the appear-
ancr of our town. Still (here is on'
len ; ite nrIice and that is that the
fencev are almost in every case hcln3
neglected and we bear the remark
that "costa will bo off of our •tretts
within a couple of years and we
will be able to do without feuoe:s."
Cusss 1 uuuiu; ut large on our
streets are u nuisance and the many
dsadvanta;es are N'el1-known and
need not be repeated here. Bycicic
riding on our sidewalks has been pro-
hibited for years and this did not
affect the public any more 'than
The iepurts are constantly rea:la
in.; us of the dainueret done by Loses
brcakin; into .;:ardent and destroy -
ilia property. The question of doin;
assay with costa zunuin; at large has
conte up of ofteu and ssv find that
many places smaller -than Exeter
have iuturced this By-law, and at
this time of the year it rni;ht not
cil of these facts, and if they do
not care to take action in the mat-
tes out of place eo remind our Coon.
tor, let a By•Iaw be put to the peo.
plc at the corning election along %with
the other %vigil. It is only a mai-
tar of a short period ut the Ionic -it,
when cotes will be prohibited from
runnin; on our sitectt end while the
spirit of enterprise and improvement
is rife it is an opportune limo for
this matter to be taken up.
Yours truly,
"A Citizen."
If sick headache is misery, what
is Carter's Little Liver fills if they
will positively euro it? People who
have used them speak frankly of
their worth. They are small and
easy to take.
A weak utomach, causing dyspepsia
a weak 'lleart with palpitation or in-
termittent pulae, always means weak
Stomach nerves or weak lleart nor-
ves. Strengthen thoao inside or can-
trollin; nerves with Dr. Shoop's Res-
torative and see how quickly these
ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of
ltacinee, \Via. will mail samples free
Write for them a test will tell.
Your health rig certainly worth
this simple trial. Sold by W. S.
Kirkton Fair
The liirkton Fair held laat Thurs-
day and Friday, althou;h not as tsuo-
ccssful us last year, owin; to ithe
unfavorable weather, greatly exceed-
ed the expectations of ltho Directors.
The heavy 'rain on Thursday made
the outlook very dark for the society
but the weather cleared up for lithe
big day Friday, and the attendanos
was ,good. The show of 'horses was
.good. also 'the cattle and :dwelt. In
the hall the display was up Ito The
average and was Looked upon 'by un
admiritrg crowd all afternoon.
The direetoss wore greatly pleased
over the successful ascent k f :the
balloonist. Last year the "Prof." re-
fused to ego up on account of the
high . winds prevailing and la new
man was engaged for this year. The
ascent was aucceseful.
lions. McLaren. Monteith and 11.'11.
Gunn were present.
The society .wish to express •their
thanks to 'the St. Marys, Kirkton
& Exeter Telephony Company for
tho:►•t kindness in installing, a tele,
phone for the use of the society slur.
in; the fair. The receipts 'were over
Brood inare having raised fall in
1007, 'Phos. Near; foal of 1907. 11.
Berry ; 3 -year old filly or gelding J.
Delbridge; 2 -year old filly or 'gelding
W. Rowcliffe, \V, Martin ; •1 -year old
filly or ,'eldinz Atkinson Bros.; team
itt harness A. Robinson, .1. Decker,
J. Decker. W. Hyde.
Brood mare Lavin; raised foal in
1907 It. Birch, J. R. Duncan, Wm.
Brock ; foul of 1907, It. Birch, Wm.
Brock, \V, Oke; ,3 year old filly or
gelding W. Pym, W. Rowccliffe, J.
Decker ; 2 -year old filly or gelding
\V. Oke, C. A. Barnett, W. Gilfillan :
1 -year 1 • gelding' It
1 t. old fel
y 5
Jas. Moore, .1. l'ridham ; acorn in that-
nets It. A. Sadler. Watson Bros.
Brood mare having raised foal in
1907 Wm. Oke, S. N. Shier, J. R.
Duncan 2nd -3rd. ; 3 year old filly or
gelding Thos. Brock 1st -2nd.: '_-year
old filly orgelding J. Ratcliffe. Wm.
Oke, R. Birch; 1 -year old filly or
;eldin; Jas. Dearing ist.•2nd. ; team
it► harness 1t. Scott ; best groomed
team and cleaned harness Archie
Ju(Lte.-J. Coursey.
Brood marc havin; raised fall
1907 Frank Anderson, J. 1'ridhant :
foal of 1907 .1. Ditcher, J. 1'ridlwnt ;
3 year old fitly or gelding 1). 111ougs-
las & Son, .1. Dearing ;1 year old
filly or gelding C. Evans, A. 'Frazer ;
1 year old filly or gelding Gro. •No.r--
rim, W. Hanson ; Span of Itaxldvters I).
Bain J. Dcch'r; saddle horse t'. I1.
Petrie 1st -2nd. ++
Brood mare having roared fetid in
1907 J. T. Parkinson ; foal of 191)7
J. T. Parkinson ; .3 year old filly or
gscldin; J. flattop; 1 year o'tl filly
or aeidits4 W. Elliott, .1. T. I'arkAnr.
sore; 1 year o!d filly or 'goblins' T.
Near W. Stephenson ;,single carri,tee
horse J. I'ridham, F. Ellorin,rton, F.
r he Ileal ;span earth e m z looses; s r 'n mess
J. Farmer, C. Welkin, 0. L. 'Bentley
special A. 11. Creizloon.
2 year old Durham Butt MiNs Jam-
ieson. W. \ort h; oft & S >n . 1 -yet r
is very Osten acquired,
though generally inherited.
Bad hygiene, foul air, impure
water, are among Its causes.
It is called •'the soil for
tubercles," and where it. is
allowed to remain tubercu-
losis or consumption M
pretty sure to take root..
Removes everytrace at
scrol�bla. Get Hood's.
For isseloodastel' ratirtalis ores
Ma/IrRSeek 1.H.iaO..L` ,M ,
19o11]) Mous)
m.'.n.e.wmnit.mI meamma mrmrwnmaamn+.w
AVeeQ�eetablePreparatiolifor As-
5lmilaZing thffoodand_ Regula-
ting the Sts,ma�rhs and 7iatlh'els of
I\1 \' IS. (HLLDRL ,
I omotesDigsstionnClleerful-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
pplum,Iktorphine nor IftneraL
n e w t urd a's 4Nc u MITI/E'
"M' 1" Sad -
. ervia.
Alia Jaa' • -
J1(rw JrrJ -
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,biarrhoea,
1143rms ,Convuls ions,feveri stt-
ness rind Loss OF SLEEP.
lacSiuule $igeature of
.1' b month,. 01(1
j) 1)us1 s - 33Cl Nrti
:��uand Children,
The Kind You Have 1
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
fila O•N-AYs .OIL►ANY. M TOM OM.
EALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned.
Wand endore I "Tender for Southampton Wharf
Ewtension," will be recei%cd,at this office until Fri-
day, Octol.er 25, 1907, ineItitl%ely, for the construct.
ion of an extension to wharf at Southampton harbor
of Refuge, Bruce County, Ontario. acconllig to a plan
and specitirttion to he seen at the offices of J, O.
Sing, Esq., Engineer in charge, Confederation life
Build rig, Toronto; II, J. Iamb, Esq., Resident Engin-
eer, London, Ont.. on application to the Postmaster
of Southampton, out., and at the Department 01
I'tablic Works, Ottawa.
Tenders, will not be considered unless tirade on the
printed form supplied. and signal with the actual
signatures of temlerer,.
An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable
to the enter of the honourable the Minister of Pub-
lic works. for four thousand dollars ($$,000,00), t
aecompanl each tender. The eehque will be forfeit -
.d if the person tendering decline the contract or fail
to complete the work vont meted for, and sill be re.
turned In ease of non-acceptance of tender.
Tne department does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any tender.
By oris),
taepartmeat of Public w'erks,
Ottawa, September 25, Mini.
Newspapers inserting this advertisement without
authority from the Department will not be paid tor
old Durham Bull Jas. Robinson, A.
Milch cow dna. ,Itobinaon, Jaw.
Moore; 2 -year old Baiter A. Doupe, J.
I'ridham ; J -year old heifer Jas. Rob-
iu3on, A. Spencer ; .hull calf under
one: year J. Pridham, J. Itobin3on
heifer C
alt cat under rone year .i, Robin-
son, A. Spencer.
Milch cow J. Hooper & Son, .T. Mc-
Hazlewood Bros. look all prizes in
this class.
Mitch cow .1. Moore, Atkinson 11ros.
2 -year old heifer W. Siephenson,
Dawson Bros. ; 1 -year •old heifer W.
Stephenaoo, It. N. Shear ; heifer calt
under one year R. N. Shier lst•2nd;
steer calf D. Ilazlc.wood, J. Moore,
2 -yearn old sheer Atkinson Bros 1st -
2nd; 1 -year old sloes J. Moore 1st•
2nd; fat cow or Leifer A. Spencer
lst-2nd ; fat ox or steer Hazlewood
wood Bros, Atkinson tiros.
Judge. -It. 1i. Harding.
Jos. Mountain took all prizes in
this class'
Ilam two year old and over .los.
Roy, J. J. 1Valacott ; ram Iamb .lot.
'toy 1st -2nd ; brcedin 3 ewe having
raised lambs in 11)07 ,1. .1. Walacott,
Jos. Roy; shearling ewe J. .1. Walt -
rot t, Jot. Roy; ; ewe lamb .1. Roy 1 tt •
811i10P8111111; DOWNS
J. D. llazlew•oo•,l took all prizct in
this class. -
Geo l'enhale took all prizes except
in ram 2 -year old and over and etc
lamb when n \V . Oliver
took ,'c
Ewe Lavin; suited Iambs in 1907,
J. Mountain Geo. I'cnkale : ahearlin•;
.w•: J. 1
c h ountslin, \V,. Oliver ; ewes.
lamb A. E. Deupe 1st -2nd; .fat ahe•yp
Goa. 1'enha le 1st •2nd.
Jtttt;es.-7'. Prior, IL A. Switzer.
P. Birch .took all prize* except in ,
'.r .1 boar noel s•ow littered in 1907
• •� . . e•r og second r r `z: s.
Ii 1; It t�lllltEH
\. rd boar D. lametnt & Son• .1.
Dunbar; Sow having raised pito in
1997 3. Dunbar: liner littered in 1907
11;iwsor► Brom., J. Ins nbar: row litter-
crvl in 19117 Dawson Bros., Dou;lna
& Son. .
TA M WOttT11
Ares! Roar .1. Hooper & Son, D.
Douglas & Son; mow bovine realest
pits in 1907 1). Douala. & Son lit•
21141; boar littered in 1.07 1). i)ouzlns
& Son tsl -2nd : saw littered in 1907
D. i)ou;Int & Fon, Dawson Bros.
,iudges.-'I'. i'rior. 11. A. Switzer.
Silver heed \\'yan'lott; s ,Dawson
Bros, Gco. Bentley; pair Minorcan W.
Sparlin;, Dawson Bros.; ffsIr y -
mouth Bock Whited W. It. McLaren
(leo. Bentley; pair Plymouth Rocks
Barred W. Mock, Geo. Bentley ; pair
White Crested Black Polarize;
els Ueo.
Bentley; pair Dark 13rahmas \V. R.
McLaren 1st -2nd; pair Light Brat -
mai N. Fletcher ; pair Orphin,**tons
i G. Bentley, W. R. McLaren; pair
Black Spanish W. It. McLaren lit•
2nd; pair Le;horns D. Dou;lag &
Son. W. R. McLaren; pair 'game W.
It. McLaren; pair turkeys N. Flet-
cher, D. I)ou;las & Eon; .pair Gera•
D. Dou;laa & Son, Dawson Bros.;
pair ducks D. Douglas & Son 1st -
2nd; Itabbits A. Ross, W. It. McLar-
CHICKS Ole 1907
Plymouth Ilocks White .Dawson
Bras.: Plymouth Rocks barred W.
R. McLaren, Geo. iBentley; Lo;horns
D. Dou;las & Son, W. It. McLaren;
White Itock W. It. McLaren, George
Judge. -Jos. Senior.
Sin;le top buggy D. eIrLarty &
Son: sin;le open buggy, lubber tire
D. McLarty & Son; Portland cutter
i). McCarty & Son; Iron Ream plows
O'Brien Bros., J, C, Jones; ';ane same
O'Brien Bros. 1st -2nd. ; tact horsy
Ahoee from hammer W. 11. McLaren
Turnip cutter O'Brien Brea.; acuffler
O'Brien Bros.
.Judet. -E. Treble.
2 bush. fall wheat nt
white M.
W. S,itrler; 2 bush. fall wheit
red J. Hodes', M. Brethour ; 2 bush.
6 rowed barley M. Breethour, i\V.
Sadler ; 2 r,uslI. large oata M. Bre-
thour: 2 hush. common oats white
ino. itolge; r bush. Iarme peas M.
Iiretbour : 2 bunco. small ,pt a.s .1.
tiodze, M. Brethour; Half tbusliel
bushel timothy seNYI M. Bret hour
zallon white beans W. Sadler, \V.
Wiseman :.12 ears corn A. Shier, W.
Sadler : .10 cars sweet corn W. Sadler
10 stalks of ensilnte torn and stars
Geo. Bentley.
Bush. Rural New Yorker, \V.
Wisern,n. A. Robinson: bush. Pearl
r,f 5•tvoy W. Sadler, .1. ffodze; hush.
it -softy of Hebron .1. Uequhart, .1.
iled ze : lituh. Whi:c •aleph❑r t J.
Urquhart, W. Sadler ; Bush. Empire
State W. Sadler; hush. ane variety
correctly newel Mise McCallum:
early Si. (icor;.' W. iiro%vn : Coll.
correctly Darned W. \Vir men, Geo.
Bentley: three yeti/diet correctly
named Gen. Bentley: 6 tiwedish tur•
field earrols W. Sadler. lel. Brethour
6 zarden carrots W. Wiseman, A.
Shier : 6 amyl ssurzel lona reel
nil's .i. T. i'irkinsnn, W. Sadler : R
minsel wurzel, intarmedi-ite W. Sari.
ler: R surer mange! M. ilr'thnne, .1.
?lodge : 6 biota' lxs'te. Ions W. Wise.
man, W. Sadler: 6 turnip beets W.
The Molsons Bank
Established 1835.
CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• $
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• S3.000.000'00
Assets Over $33000,00o.00
General Banking Business l'ranaxcted.
Savings Bank Department
$1,00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson do Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
•••••NNNNNNN••••••••O•••••••NNNNN•••NN• p
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. ki6kS011 & Soo
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
). CEPfl lig'! / r
We Teach Telegraphy
t. We have three departments:
Commercial, Shorthand and Te-
legraphy. We employ the best
teachers that money can hire.
Our courses are thorough and
practical and we assist worthy
students to positions. Those
who wish to get a MONEY
get the best. Write for our new
catalogue and get particulars.
This is the best time of the
year to enter our classes,
will hell• 1•. n, . • • 1.. long evenings
bright with 11.11.1 .' .1 s.. not only add
beautc t.. th.• • tee ,.'ensure to all
Call and hew,- . ....lot with us and you
will be stirprn. .1 now easily you may
own one.
The goods el.' the best; the prices
are alright, Stu; .••e will try to make
the terms to Sus. you.
We also sell Organs, Sewing Mach-
ines, Stationery, small Musical Inst-
ruments, School Supplies, and etc.
A good second hand organ for $2.5.(10
Now trouble to show goods.
Cough Caution
Never. positively never poison yourItmrs. Ityo)
tough -a. tell from a simple cold only -you should
always heal. soothe. and rase the irritated brow•
tidal tubes. Dunt blindly enper',., It with •
etupofy ins eoleel. It's strange bow some things
finally ram.' a/K,nt. Fur twenty ycarT8hoop
hat enn.tanlly warned people not to tato cough
ptlxturee or prescriptbnis containing Opium.
Chloroform. or similarp.isohs. And now -a little
late though-t'urtgru . sw ys Tut It on the label
It reasons are in yyour ('Hugh Mixture." (;Dodi
\'cry ae•x1 !! Hereafter forthisveryreasonmothers.
and others. should inti+t en having Or. Shoop's
Cough cure. No poison 'narks on Dr. Shoop's
labels- sad none In the medicine. else it must b
law be on the label. And it's not only safe, hut II
is said to 1'e by those that know 11 best. a truly re-
markable cough remedy. Take tiechence then,
particularly with your children. Inst•ton having
Dr. Shoop's Cough lure. Compare carefully the
sheep packet,* wi h others and note the
Dr. 1t>V A t
n t g
difference. No poison marks Ih.•re! You can
always be on tho safe sale by demanding
Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure
Sadler, A. Shier : 3 1:' id of cab)
whitn J. Sanders, W. Sadler ; :3 heed
of cabba;e ,roll .1. Sonderm, W. Sadler
3 Winningatc'ad cahba•;o W. S.tdler,
M. Brethour; 6 tomatoes M. lira•
lhoar, W. Sadler: 1 heads eauliflow•
er, W, Jameson, P. Pobinson ; 3 h'•tdt
celery A. Robinson, .1. S'Ives: citron
round J. S-tndrrs, 11. (toss: pumpkin
J. Sa rder3, .1 os. Kirk; watermelon
Miss I. Doupe, W. .1. Tufts; musk •
melon W. Wiseman. asst M. Jtr('ii-
lum ; 6 parsnips D. Brethour, W.
Sadler: mammoth fquas!t.1. Sanders,
table squash W. Sadler ; 6 onion`,
white or yellow J. Sanders, .T. Untie -
wood sr.: 6 onions, read, 3. Sonrlc•ri;
Coll. ve;el:thief W. Sadler, M. Ilrn•
Continued on paw
DR. A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D.
D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Stanbury's
Main street-Exs-TEE.
D. D. S., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'B•
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
varsity. o18ce and reeldenence. Dominion
Laboratory, Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
• Civil Enginger & Architect
(Late Department of Public works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterwork9
System What.%es, Bridges and Ite•enforced Concrete,
Phone 2220 I.on(1on meads
We have unlimited private funds tor iamb
- ant noon farm or village rroperty as lowed
eats of interest.
arsfetere Solicitors Notaries, Conveyancers
Commissioners. Solicitors for the Maleoae
Bank, Eta.
Money to Loom ab lowest rates of interest
L. a. DIQaOH
L OARLnta B. A.
We have a large amount: of private lands to
• intoned.on farm
and village properties at lowrabte
Barristers Sollcltore,alltalu Bt.!Exeler
. 8. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the County.
uron. Chargee moderate. All communication
eased to B. 8. Phillips, lfeneall, or orders left a
Office wilt receive prompt attention.
Licensed auctioneer for Ooudtie,
of Boron and Perth.
Special attention given to farm
Moak sales. Town and village pro'
perty sold by auction on moderate
Orders may, be lett at the Tim
office or at .residence, ._Elimvilla
Cbaries moderate.
Organist of Tri%itt Memorial Church, Exeter,
Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory of Music.
Tern, on Application Easter, Ontario.
Tne Usborne and fllbbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
anGe Gompanj
Head Office. Farquhar,:Ont.•
Pres. W. I1. PASSJfORE, Farquhar..
Vice -Pres,: -J. L. Ru88ELI.,
Itt ssim.oAI.K, P. 0.
JOHN EMERY, Exeter, agent tor•
Ueborno and Jliddulph.
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent
for llibbert. Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas, Farquhar;
The Bell Telephone
Company of
p y a ads
is about to isAne a new
Telephone Directory
p le cry
For the District r f Wert. in O,.Iario
including the
Village of Exeter
Orders for new connections. changee
of firm names, changes of street ad-
dresses or for duplicate eritries should
he handed in to the local Manager AT
ON (' E.
Local Manager,
Stomach trouble lleart and Kidney
at conn a canquickly I t be qu' ..ty corrected
with a prescription known to drug•
gists everywhere as Dr. hlhoop'a lies•
turative. The prompt and surpriain;
relief which t his remedy imme•li:ttcly
',tenet is entirely (fur' to its !trotter -
alive action upon 1 he oontrolline
nerves of the Stomoole ole. W. 14.