HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 31 r.........�� 11644•4•0+04.0.40:•4101.4:1104•40~6 HEALTII 'I e 1'i 'top sea, jej 1. Tyi.hoid fever is a preventable dis- ease; 80 absolutely preventable, indeed, that A is no exaggeration to say shut 6e Ila 1 ,dy is to blame for every case that occurs, a111X.ught, so ct'r:rc,us are 'Pe ways by which the genu leavels it in de :source to its destinalieen, it as Mien very dilticult to place the blame *here It lieking:. 1t is, Lruadly speak- ing, a country disease; Ihrit is, the first eft. es in an epidemic in u city are el- Tie,st (limos attributable to a contain- palion of the milk -supply, or of the Mvedersupply at its. origui or along Its cuees• in the county. After the dis- c.; has got well under way it may Lc dread broadcuet by other means -- flies, 6,1. examale. In militia parts of the oountry if usually prt•vails more or less all the gale in ties form of isolated cases, but in cili. s a Often breaks out in epidee inic forest. Apart from the water air milk contamination, typhoid fever is not infrequently carried to the city on re:.kids and vegetables that are eaten raw. The disease begins in (Mom to two weeks after the infecting material hos teen taken into the stomach. The first symptosis are indefinite -headache, JOSS e( appetite, sometimes slight chills, and a general listlessness and loss el sl: et'gl h. These symptoms increase :11 severity for a week. accompanied by steadily rising fever, higher in the even- ing than in the morning. Diarrhoea is frequent; the headache is often ex- ceedingly scute. - As the disease progresses the physi- c/.+ farces are greatly depressed. The tongue and mouth are dry, there is ex- ceesivo thirst, and there may be deliri- t:►. In very severe cases the patient lees on his back, low in the bed, mut- tiring indistinctly and plucking aim - lassie' at the bedclothes. In favorable cases .improvement comes _ Ire the third or fourth week. The fever declines, the tongue becomes moist, the pained, lakes an Interest in his sur- ruundings, and as convalescence is err tal.Iislied, begins to clamor for food. In no disease is careful nursing t o important as In typhoid fever. Indeed. in many cases it may be said the pati- ent owes his life more to the nurse Dan to the doctor, although with equal tutu it may be said That in no disease Is the constant watchfulness of the phy- sician more needed. But the duties of the nurse are not confined to caring for the patient. She has the grave responsibility upon tier of protecting others from contagion. The poison thrown off in the discharges from the bowels and bladder, and these should be kept for at Oast two hours fa a vessel containing an equal amount of some pinverful disinfectant before be- ing thrown away. They should never be Ihtsnvn on the ground in any place where the rain would wash them into a ;arcane or well or cistern. They had better be thrown into n hole in which is put at the sane time a quantity . f ccpperas or uuslakcd lime. rr iHEAL.TII HINTS. Lockjaw Relief. -\\'arm n small quan- tity of spirits of turpentine and pour upon the wound. Relief will follow in lees than a minute. lair Cinder In the Eyre. --When a cin- der !lies into one eye immediately close the other eye, put Unger on it •lo keep it closed. Then keep injured eye open as far as possible. Don't give in, but to ep it up. Croup liellef.-Melt a small lump of butter in a serving spoon over the Innrp. Add a teaspoonful of common mal oil and pour slowly down the throat. This gives instant relief. To (:urn Chapped (lands. -I lave a druggist prepare a solution from equal parts of elcoilol, glycerin, and witch bezel. Keep the prepalvllon by the i";'tchen sink. and atter washing the hands and. while they still are Wet ur a little of the mixture into one palm. Itub over 1M.tli hands and dry un the towel ns usual. I'u Remove Bug front Eats -Let pati- ent lie clown with bug shire up. 'Then drop itt water, a drop at a time, sk.wly, As the water rives the bug will work cut tinier -4 firmly held by wax, in c which case a syringe or forceps may be accessary. Help for Insomnia, --Wel a cloth . r Lt.ndkerrldd in mid wit ler and bind around the wri•1, tucking the kose end In securely. The cold cools the blood L( fore it reaeltes the (lead 01141 what- ever draws or cool; the blood will es. here the brain. Nester for Burn. -(:over the burn with sweet oil. Then apply eake of ei•.tigh, mad. ef flour and wilier. 11 ;I1 craw • !7, 'i• fire. 11 " 11'ir 'Ironic.-Toko one p in boiling water for at hula; sti4111 and add two ounces e;4u'rine, qi;atter e,tenc: p•wdered b.:r- tienrIer • ce lac sulphur, and it iiertm t . •I eminent (haler recommends the f. . n1g aS n cure Ter =ore feet: Alum. ter .dales': (nun n, ere ounce; 'seen v it y:ar. one pint: r• scwalcr, half n p nt. \fix rind lipid: a little as ioIi•en titter waehing tae feet. Leath: are of greet tLse to those wlrl suffer teem Iteeveua exhaustion. A «altri iath tel the close of a herd day's methal work is productive • 1 6!• ep, but it is wL.esi first to apply cold wafer to the farad. or at least to the brow. After severe physical exertion, sceh ns climLing, calking. bicycling c.r riding, it is wise !o lake a hot f ash be' - fore piing to bed. so c,s 10 relax the inusck's and prevent any sensation 41 stiffness on the f, lie.wing any. The ntoa Trying time for a sick per- s(i1 i3 teetwcen the !emirs of 1 and 4 a.ni. Vitality becomes diminished. and the strength 818111141 therefore be fortified a? far as possible, and with sigStrengtht:ning food, either soup, o or milk, about midnight. lleals sas ( to e estate, and thetraykclieul dk as t1be taken sway us soon as the repast is flnisljed. � o icj va Untnslcd 190d try a panic:ad cel...; a in the Iretpe that i1 may Le eat- en inter on le simply enough to dis- gust isgust the patient with food altogether, r A1ONTILS OF AGONY. was a Mr. Heaviside. His industry was phenomenal, ni4 so o1611 were his ser- vice* requiattiunW shut lite report of u case in the Courts of Justice hardly complete utiles, his name was heard in conneaiemt with il. "Egad I" said a dis- tinguishetl lege! luminary of the day, "we never have a liemicide, aur a sui- cide, nor any other clue new without a Ikey iside." A Severe (.use of Itheumatisnl Cured by as. as imams, Pink fills. "For many weary menthe I suffered untold agony. I could nal walk. 1 could scarcely raise Myself to a sitting Ixsture. 1 was under medical oar•e, lot iu wain. Finally 1 tried Dr, \\ 11. hems' Talk Pills and they have te- slored me to my former healthy condi- tit n." This strong statement was made to a reporter recently by Mr. Charles S. Itedtley, formerly of Kingston, N. S.. 11111 110W living at l'o't Maitland. Mr. Keddey is a carpenter by trade, anti ie now able 1e work every day. Ile adds: "1 cannot speak fru highly of Dr. Willem -Ls' Putk I'ills, as they curled it c after ether medicine failed. While was living at Kingston, N. S., 1 Was sized with rheumatism in its most vie lent foral. 1 was compelled to take to my bed rend for months was an in- vent'. 1 was so weak that it was dif- ficult for me to raise myself to a sil- ting pu,-lure. it Ls Impossible to tell hew much I suffered day told ingot, vet e k 111 and week out. The pains were like piercing swords. 1 had medical attendance, Let it failed. 'Then 1 tried medicines advertised to cure rheuma- tism, but with tete serine result -money wrested. One day w)ten hope had al. [nest gone a friend advised Inc to try lir. \\'illimus' Pink Pills. 1 told hint my exper ences with other medicines, 1 e he assured me that these pills would cure rheumatism, so 1 sent for a supply. After using a few Loxes 1 was able 10 leave my hed, and from that on my restoration to health was tepid. 1 inn now as well as ever 1 was, and have not had the slightest t .uch of rheumatism since. The change they have wrought in my case is simp- ly miraculous, and 1 can strongly re- commend Dr. \Vill:anns' Pink Pills to any one suffering from any forth ( f rheumatism." Rheumatism Ls rooted in the blood. Rubbing the aching limbs with lith 'rents and outward remedies cannot possibly cure it. You must gel the iLeunlatic acid out of the blood and Dr. Williams' Pink I'ills is the one sure medicine to do this, because they a'tuolly make new blood. That is why these pills cure enceinte, headaches and backaches, neuralgia, indigestion and the secret ailments that make mis- erable the lives of so many women and growing g'rls. Sold by all medicine denims er by mail at 50 cents a box (•r six loxes for 82.50, from The Dr. \Villta is' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. ---el SOME FAMOUS PUNS. Many of the Cleverest of \len Have (teen f:real Punsters. "What is the difference between a mirror and a woman?" Napoleon asked \true. de Steel. "You give it up, 1 see. Learn then, that a mirror always re- flects; a wotnan never." But "the only plan in France" was not to be caught napping, even by Napo- leon. '"fell Int', Sire," she retorted in- stantly, "what the difference is between a mirror and yourself. You give it up, i see. Lean, then, that a mirror is pol- ished, and that you aro not." Nilly good puns have been recorded in connection with medical men. A cer- l',in Dr. Thompson, a contemporary of G::rrick, was celebrated in his day for two very ,Irongly staked peculiartties -slovenliness and an absolute detesta- tion of muflins. On one occasion the declor rind Garrick were fellow -guests at the breakfast treble of a noble friend of both. when a large dish of muffins made its appeal. nee. Dr. Thompson lost not an instant in giving loud ex- ptession to his annoyance, "Take it away instantly," he bawled to the ser- vant. "No, no," put in Garrick, quietly laying hands on the dish. "We shall keep the muffins; rather put the raga- muffins out of the room." Some of the best puns, however, have been 111 rhyme. There Is the well-known sr;uib, for instnnce, written ngainst Dr. 1. Cettsnm. a renowned Laudon practi- tiener of the eighteenth century :- When any sick to me apply, 1 physieks, bleeds, and sweats 'ern If, lifter that, they choose to die, What's that to 111e? 1. Lellsom. And the nnswer, concocted by Lett- sout's friend, Sir \i. Marlin Such swarms of patients do to me apply. Did 1 not practice, some would surely die. 'Iris true 1 purge some, bleed some. sweat some, admit 1 expedite a few, still many call. 1. Letlsom, Even Dr. Jenner. the promoter of vote - (Smitten did not disdain a pun at times. 'rite following lines, penned by himself. nrconipanieel a present of n couple of desks he vent In the mother of n yenng lady petient who had recovered from a severe illn(as :-- I've- i've dispatched. my dear madam, this scrap of n letter To say Miss \fury !s very ;much Is" r; A regelar (leach r no longer ' And. ther,•fore, I've soul h•'r a tot;),', of quacks. One of the most eminent London sur- geons at the beginning of last century iSSL'E NO. N-:7. 1'l 1'1 Ill: AF:III.UI. M'ARF.uti:. \Ikea All Nations 11a.r Airships, FiOhl- it1 be Difficult. O-1 the question of aerial frontiers. JIajor Baden-Powell toys: ".'upposiug that all nations have airships. Are they to be allowed to go over one mother's countries photographing sttategical pcsllious in limes of peace 7 If you say `No; 1 don't see how you can prevent them. "1t is impossible to fire at them, for Ili field guns are made at present th(y have not got the elevation. You may say that new guns will be Invented f••r Ming upward, and 1 dare say -they will be. But then, if a vessel in the air of another country is tired on, what of the airship that has drifted there by acci- dent, or what of the private machines? "You see the discussion lends one into all sorts of complications. Tho whole thing is so dream-like, and yet ono day the dream will be renlizekt. 1 think pro - Wilily it will be an 'unw'ritten law' that HO air warship will be allowed in 'ter- ritorial air.' "Another possibility is that if airships become common, wars would be no Daae. Lana armies would be useless, for what, would be the good of amen marching over the ceun1ry with the enemy's airships hovering over them, seeing every morn on the other side? And, supposing, for argument's sake. Germany seat a fleet of airships over Isere, we cont(' simply retaliate by send- ing our air Ilecl to Genitally. The whole practice of warfare would have to be revised. "it Ls n great question," he concluded; "ono which France has fully realized rend Germany is realizing. 1 nen looking le the bine when the first ship of the English air fleet sails over tho land. \Ve must rule the atmospheric waves as much as the waves of the sea." HATCHED AT CRYSTAL PALACE. First African Ostrich Ever Born In England blas Appeared. irsl Afi-i:•au ostrich ever born in II took his first walk on a recent. The Engle astern were crystal bulge, appear Iii sti and b a corn appear lard re Iel.t all begin 1 \tan tti,Mori years I ir,cuba !rich fr .,f the 15 the prospc remelt) Niroug L-Eloil Star, poured the fo Itnna cul to The agreed 'Hell of powdered egg and bread crumbs was itserted into his duck -like beak. The meal (insulated his toilette, and growth. 1!e Is Trendy nearly twice as hug as he was a birth. In live months. If he can face 1 to winter, he should be grown from six inches to three or four feet. _ r+--_-- SEItB(11.- (:ON'F:Q1'I:\t f:' MERE .5 \ l;tt ll:1) IT 10\Gsill\ Bl' L.\\' 111 1‘. 1310011 poison might have proved seri- e•ua in the case of Mr. Thos. Foster (.f Kingston, had it not been for %am-Buk. \t•. Foster says: - "Last fall 1 hail a nasty sore on my foot caused by the irritation from a pro- jecting eyelet in nay shoe. ilefore 1 was ewer .,1 i1 the colored sock 1 wore had po:-. e• d the fle,•li and 1 suffered nmxtt hi I,-• gucnce, 1 tried it good twiny -• •,.•- and ointments yet there vv ,:. r. 1•r. venrent until 1 begun with %ani-Buk. This ointment drew out 11l1 the inflammation and poisonous mat- ter and healed the sore in several days ufler applying." All skin diseases quickly yield lo Zutn-iluk. Sold by all stores nr1(1 medi- cine vendors nt 50e. a box. or post free Item %ant-I3uk Co„ Toronto, 3 boxes alee5. FEATHERS \\'ERE PINNED ON. Poullry Breeder Was Sens to Prison for Cruelly. At Sonnela rg, Gerrnnny, the other nay it well lu:own poultry breeder named Mnrgenrulh, was sentenced to s`e weeks' imprisonment for hawing inflicted terrible suffering on a num- ber of fowls exhibited by hien nl the recent great German Poultry Show held In that town. M'ngenroth hoped to secure flrsls to certain of the highest Classes with his tards, Let the reenters of a number of cocks were not In accordance with the regulations governing tho exhibits in those classes. He nccordingly plucked the birds. and, having procured a sue• ficient quantity of the correct feathers, feskenrd them skilfully to the flesh of the fouls with pins. in order to keep the tall feathers cf other cocks In an upright pesllion, Mor- g(nroth attached them to wire clamps, driven into the flesh of the binds. So Indignant were the judges that they gave Morgenroth a severe thrash- ingI', before handing him over to the KM- Umbrellas ollee, Umbrellas are like men; usually (ho poorest Iger l Underwear made -to order. for ycu couldn't pu.eibly mad in fit nor equal in value PEN -ANGLE Guaranteed Underwear Can't shrink :or stretch per bind nor bulge; out. lasts other kinds; and is sold with • guarantee that insures you against any pouil.le fau!t. Ttsde-rn:.rked lily this in reel as ure sign of value. Made in many fabrics and styles, at various prices, in form- fitting sizes for women, men and children. MACHINERY FOR SALE. DYNAMO 3.0 lights, first -gess order. \\ :!1 be sold cheap and must be gotten out of the way owing to GU) -light machine taking its place. S. Frank Wilson, 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. FAN BLOWER Quffalo tnuhe, numlcr four, 9 -inch ver- tical discharge, 24 inches high; perfet't cc.ndition. Superintendent, 'Trull' Build - lug, 73 Adelaide Si West, 'Toronto. Every Woman le luterestrd err.d.hould knew ab' ail the .,oud,rtal MARVLWhlrlingSpray Tho naw Y .algal yr nae. Ise.t-lt net con.en- lent. 11 cleanses t . anUy. Ur P roeurnnod rasgtstrp•far tt. y'•t. roast AfYE aaept no otiose. bnt send stamp for illnstratet Look -sealed. it eves fait particulars and directions in - saleable en to Ip WINDSOR 8 'Yt'r.Y CO.. Window Oat. General Agents fur Canada. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LLM1TIiD Rive► and Gulf of St. lawrenci Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes •craw Iron 93. "Camr:,toi ' with e!ertric ••trio bells and all w.ulern comforts. •R051 MONTREAL ON MONDAYS as and September, 7th and 21st October, IRht'y the.evfter for Melon, N. Y., call• .at.ec, (iaape, Mal Bay, Perco, Grand „nnierside, P.K.I., and Cbarlutt'town, ERMUDA r Eccureiini, $31, by the new Twta R "Bermudian." 8,100' ton,. Sailing ember, 5th, loth and 2Gt11 October. nth 27th N:,vem'.er. Temperature cooled bona+ seldom rises'abote 8) degrees. est trips of the seaaou for health and 11.'R AIiI:IRN, Secretary, Quebec. OU'FEIIItIIIDGE & CO., Agents. away, New York. an was deeply in love with n fair." Ile niet her one evening rowded ball. and, as he could l an opportunity of talking to cv,ntrived to slip Into her hand e of paper, with the two words, you " written upon it. The was equally brit, "Won't 11" , o hose of Sedentary Occupation. - Men who follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, ate more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than these who lead active, outdoor lives. The former will find in I'nrnlelee:s V'ege- t,ble Pills a teslorative without ques- tion the .most eflicncious on the mnr- kel They the easily procuruble, easily token, act expeditiously, and they are surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. "You should never lake anything that doesn't agree with you," the physician te.l1i Mr. Marks. "If 1 had elvays fol- lowed That rule, Maria," he remarked 14, his wife, "where would you be?" Von are right In regarding erystppeiav as a eee eeet disease. Annnlnt lh•s swollen. Itching skin witb wo.,vei.Oorat.: .511.1 take wearer's Situp intoru:stly. air. ilardup (entering Ilse nursery)- "WIiy. what are all you children hid- ing; fur?'' Small Ii )----"Please, ft'Ipa, I'c mrny's the bill collector, and he's called with an account." Nearly all intents are more or less subject In d:srrh(ra and such corn- plainls while teething and ns this period of their Lives is the most critical, Ino- iher4 should not be without o bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery Cor- dial. Th'a medicine is a specific for ascii complaints and is highly spoken of by those who have used it. The prcprietiirs claim it will cure any case •.t cholera or summer complaint. can't ter why, because a women marries a man, she should take It's name." Ile -"Juts so, The poor fclluw ought to be allowed to keep something he could call his own!" ITCH, Mange, Penirlr Scratches and every roan of coningious Itrh In honian or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol. feed's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. "Hew La it That a strong man like you cannot get employment?" n Indy ncked a tramp. The mendicant replied: "Ali, mune, yer see, people wants ref- erences from my last emp',lyat\ an' tie's been dead about twenty years!" A Good Medicine requires little ad- vertising. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil gained the r of name 1t now enjoys. Leo. through elaborate advertising, but cn its great merit as n remedy ker bod- ily pains and ailments of the respire - trey orgeeno It has carried its tame with It whi•revcr it has gone, and it La prized at the antipodes as well as at 410Dle. Dose small, effect sure. Tom Smith was walktng down the sheet accompanied by his dog, where tau he had recently. "lobbed,' when he met Vt ill Studd. The latter, seeing the stunted tail, pointed tto it, and laughingly said:- "Why, Toni, I never saw that before." "Of course not," re- plied 'Toni; "dogs' tuiLs are always be- hind." A Sure Cum for 1leadache.-lilioas headache, to which women Incrmore subject than men, becomes so acute in setae subjects that they are utterly prts- trated. The stomach refuses food, Doti Il:cre is a constant and distt'cssing ef- fort k, free tete stomach from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Par - melee's Vegetable !'ills are a speedy altrative, and in neutralizing the effects of the intruding bile relieves the pres- sure on the nerves which cause tete head. ache. Try thcut. Customer -"Look here! All tete hut - kits came off this coat the first time f were it." Aaronheitner (the (adore - "les? So many bt'opie admin dal etint taut you sloven tint pride and burst dcso buttons off." -- walk sad Sickly People envy those in robust health. Nn need to stay seek when by the use ,,t the best tonic. " Ferrovim,'•) uu can gut ricer blued and renewed strungth raid tiger fl:chic-"i,c.ok at me! 'Twenty years age a pour boy, working like: a dog, and now -look at met See what 1 have made myself." Smarte-"Yes, sir. 1)0 ycu is this meant as a warning ir an example?" You cannot be happy while you have rorns. 'Then do not delay in gelling a ionic of 1I(Itoway's (corn Cure. It re - 'neves all kinds of corns without ,pain. Fiii!tire with it is unknown. Al.\VATS \VON. Jach---"flow did you make your tor - lune?" Isaac --"On horse -rating." Jacob -"What! 1 never knew you betted?" Isaac -"1 didn't. 1 6tal'Ied a pawn- shop just opposite the entrance to the rececour•se, for the accommodution of jeople 'alto wanted to get ltotne when the races were over." A NEW IGNITION BATTERY. Owing to the constantly increasing severity of the ignition problem, the NA'1'It►NAI- CARBON CO\II'ANY, Cle- s, land, Ohio, deemed it advisable to de- sign a battery especiallp fe.r this class of work. The Columbia Ignitor "fled Top" Dry Cell which is the result of their experiments is without question tie highest type of ignition battery on the Inorket today, These eel, give it ho' snappy spark, recuperate rapidly and have long life. They are made in three sizes. This company will ne p'lltscd to send their booklet "Kinks,' wvl,icli treats on all (Jas Engine trou- ales, free to owners of automobiles, launches, Gas Engines, etc. A writer says that whipping a boy fray make hint stupid. It may be, but P. is more likely to make hint smart. Help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting anything that causes ill -health. One great cause u: disease in children is worms. Re- move them with Mother Graves' \\corm Exterminator. 1t never (nils. A crank is a elan who hnows all about n subject which you know nothing Mout. loth CENTURY Knitting Machines WITH da WITHOUT STAUID. ONLY $10,00 AND UPWARD' YOU CAN CLOTHE YOUR FAMILY from head 10 foot on our Money Makers. Fros Illustrated Catalogues, L.M.N.O. FOUR DISTINCT FAMILY MACHINES Address CREE:Lf1AN BROS •, Sox S64 GEORGETOWN, ONT. Dyeing ! Cleaning! ler t5. rerr, 5..l...1 feat week to 15. s. �RITtaN AMERICAN OYEINO S0 Leas foot seem to rear tees. et seed 41,..a. M.strod,Toruata, Ottawa, Qu.b Curtain lectures should be delivered behind the scenes. Ye Olde Firme of t•ieintzman & Co., Limited. Established 5o fears. Wonderful Bargains IN UPRIGHT PIANOS. Act on the Motto, " Do It Now " ' The statement is plain and bold, because absolutely correct, that hero we offea bargains in fine well -made, good condition upright dianos that cannot be matched anywhere else. MASON • RISCH-trpright Piano, with 7 octaves, hand - carved panels in top door with nicely turned trusses, a very nice piano in first -Osiris condition, having been thortyighly overhauled in our factory, fully guaranteed. Regular price 8375.00, epecial at ..... ..... 625.00 KILCOUR - Cabinet Grand, 3 panels In top door, swing music rack. full scale, rosewood ease. This piano is in A 1 condition and is an Instrundint that will give every possible satisfaction, and is particularly good value at $220.a STANDARD - Toronto,'fult size Cabinet Grand, in wal- nut case. Reston tall, beautifully decorated top door. 71.3 waves 3 pedal.. practically as good as new and thor• r.ughlv g iarat.teed. This is an elegant Instrument, and or" that will give every possible satisfaction. Regular price 8375.00. sp^eial at.................. 8231.06 PRINCE - Be-titiful walnut case, with full-length murie rade. nicely deeortoed top duet. with 7 1-3 octaves, Roston fall, 3 pedals, thoroughly overhauled and in first-renss rendition, fully guaranteed. anev'ial at 6275.00 MENDELSSOHN, Toronto --Beautiful upright walnut rase, with full-length musts rack. nicely decorated to door, handsome trus'es and pilasters. 3 pedals, elegant piano and while advertised as 6ecnnd•hnnd is practically new, t,einR only slightly shopworn. F'nlly guaranteed. Revu- lnr price even .n•). special sit ...... 6231.00 MENDELSSOHN. Toronto Beautiful upright mahogany case, with tull•tcngth music rack, nicely decorated top door, handsome trusses and pilasters. 3 pedals: an ele• gant piano, and while advortined as second-hand is practically new, being only slightly shop-worn. Regu- lar price 8375.03, special at ... ...... .. . 8243.00 UXBRIDGE -- Upright Cabinet Grand, beautiful mahog- any case, with Roston fall, handsomely carved music rack, three paaela, 7 1-3 octaves. 3 pedals. One of their best lastruments, in first-class condition, thoroughly overhanled and fully guaranteed. Special at ...8245.00 COURLAY - Upright Cabinet Orem!. with 7 1-3 octaves. Boston fall. nicely decorated top door. used about one year, in first -else, condition, and special nt ......6255.00 'NORMWITIi & CO.-Cnhira Grand, 7 1-3 octaves, 3 pe- dalo, including orchestral attachment, susceptible to banjo, mandol n and harp effects. nicely decorated top door, in elegant condition. practically brand new, five. year guarantee. Special at ................... .... 8267.00 NEWCOMBE i CO. --Parlor Grand Plano, In elegant eon• lition and a piano that will give every satisfaction. 71.3 octaves, very suitable for a musician or eorcert hall. Thoroughly guaranteed. Regulus price 8600.00. special at................... ............. ..... ................ 8450.00 STEINWAY & SON, New York-- Grand Piano. with beau- tiful rosewood ease. handsomely carved legs and lyre, overstrung scale, ,•t,'. The make or thin piano is in it - ;elf a guarantee that the article Is first -Clete. ilas been thoroughly overhauled. and is in A 1 condition, fully guaranteed. Regular price 81,200, special at .... 8600.60 EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. Pianos under $25000--810.00 cash and R5.00 per month. Grand pianos. $2:01 rash and 810.00 per month. Quer• terly or half -yearly payments can be arranged if dr•ire.l. if ai.eri:,1 terms are required wire your erleetion, at our expense, and the piano will be held until arrangements ran he mode by letter. A handsome stool neeom• panies each instrument. Freight prepaid to any point in Ontario, and reasonable arrangements to other points. YE OLDE FIRMS OF Iieintzman & Co., Limited, 115-117 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. RoofiraZ Right Cith Fj Gt1vani7ed Amp,' STEEL Put them on with no tools but a hammer and tinner's shears, -can't go wrong. They lock on all four sides, are $t'lf-draining and water - shedding on any roof with three or more inches pitch to the foot. Make buildings fire -proof, weatherproof and proof against lightning. Cost least In the long run. Made' of 28 - gauge toughened sheet steel --only one quality used and that the best - bent cold and double -galvanized, Last longer with no painting than any other metal shingles heavily - TJ it Pella PaDpla odd,.AMre ? MOZM W irtlbovN t �1� �i Is Easy Work EA1 1;r. painted. Guaranteed in every way until 1932. Ought to last a century. Cheap as wood shingles in first cost ; far cheaper in the long run. " Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shin- gles cost only $4.50 a 8(1 u a r e, 10 ft. x 10 ft. Tell us t h e area of any roof and hear our tempting offer for covering it with t h o cheapest roof you can really afford to buy. Let us send you FREE booklet about this roofing question -tells some things you may not know. Said for TRIS Book - • Rootlag NW" Oet Our OUer before You Root a Thlad 101 hawa Canada OTTAWA LONDON WrNNIP'ZO VAiIOo'JV►f Nl Some eft• f0 Mende+ Bt. Ye inane Pt. Stl pope - • s Oshawa Galvanized Steel Shingles are GUARANTEED in every way for Twenty -Five Years Ought to Last a Century Said for TRIS Book - • Rootlag NW" Oet Our OUer before You Root a Thlad 101 hawa Canada OTTAWA LONDON WrNNIP'ZO VAiIOo'JV►f Nl Some eft• f0 Mende+ Bt. Ye inane Pt. Stl pope - •