HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 2SHERIFF ACCUSED MINERS
Said Western Federation Instigated the
Bomb Outrage.
A despatch from Baker City, Oreton,
COI.: The Western Federulion of Min-
us `Nab accused of insligeting the death
of Harvey K. Brown, formerly sheriff
of flu; county. in an ante-mortem s'ate-
trent trade by the virliln on Tuesday
afternoon. Brown was blown up by a
be:mb as ho was entering his front
gate late Monday evening, the outrage
L• Mg, In many respects, similar to that
which de.stro)ed fernier Governor
tu,eee}•erg, of Idaho. The ante-mor-
tem testi meta reads:
"l was on my way borne ft•<,w tip
town on Tuesday night when 1 wet a
mar► in front of a n'sidence which Ls a
bluck from my house, end stoke. The
nen made no reply. This roan was
n!out 5 feet 10 inches tall, lits weight
was 163 pounds. He wore a brown
suit and a celluloid collar and was
clean shaven. i have leen conscious
of having been followed ler thr.e weeks,
and 1 have no doubt that these wee)
attempted lay life are pereons connect-
er with the Western Federation el
Miners, and that 1 was nisrked' for
death on account of my connection
with the Stunenberg and Steve Adams
Brown died soon after making the
statement. The town is wrought up
almost to n frenzy. Practically no busi-
ly:, is transacted and the people tire
galherieg in public places to discuss
the crime.
Brown \arrested Steve Adams, at
Ifuinea, when the latter was wanted as
a witness in the Slu rnbcrg case and
he testified at the trial of Adams in
%%ellace, when lite lathe faced a jury
en the charge of having murdered a
cli.im jumper.
How Husbands Should Celebrate Their
Wives Birthdays.
A despatch from London says: The
Right Rev. John Sheepshanks. Ilia aged
Bishop of Norwich, drew enthushrstic
applause on Tuesday at the annual
Church Codiress now lu session at Yar-
ntcuttt, by his dicta on the marriage
question. He regretfully admitted that
it the clergy ooukl unmarry as well as
giarry they would be tar more busily
employed than in the busiest titres now.
Ile said that when marriages were re-
gretted it waa largely because they had
been hasty and ill-considered. The prin-
cipal causes of domestic unhappiness
were selfishness and temper. Men were
more selfish than women. Man put his
great sturdy arras akimbo and declared
that he was the one person to be con-
sidered in the home. The Bishop de-
nounced nagging, but said that when
Otero was a tiff the man light to iniliute
a reconciliation. Men ought to regard as
Important and remember the anniver-
saries of their wives' birthdays, and give
them presents, not forgetting a good
tering kiss.
Lett Trail of Sparks Along its Course -
Visible for Full Minute.
A despatch from New York says: A
meteor of majestic proportions swept
tee western sky early on Tuesday night.
To onlookers here it appeared larger and
brighter than an are light seen a block
away, but was of a more bluish hue.
The visitor left a trail of sparks along
Its whole course as 11 seemed to travel
from due north to duo south, and the
apparent slowness of its movement
greatly Impressed those who Were for-
tunate enough to see it. Some declared
it to have been visible for n full minute.
Pespnk.•hes from Suffern, N.Y., say that
the heavenly body, as seen from there,
had the appearance of a huge sky -rock-
et which rose to a great height before
it broke into half a dozen pieces.
70,000 Persona .t.k .annual increase of
81.000,000 in Wages.
A despatch from Vienna says: A pas-
sive resistance strike of the employes of
the North-Western and `tale Hallways,
affecting seventy thousand persons, te-
gnn on Tuesday. The men demand
higher wages, representing an increase
of *i.i%0.t01 yearly. The consequences
are not yet very perceptible, bid a con-
tinuance of the strike would seriously
injure many commercial interests.
'1111. First Public \le..age %cross Atlan-
tic About October 15.
A despatch from Loudon says: Mes-
sages to lest the letters of the alphabet
have been exchanged successfully by the
Noreen! system for scleral days past.
The first public messages will bo sent
about the middle of Ctrinber.
The Profession Is Destroying Its Own
A despatch from London says: The
change tate practice of medicine Ls under-
going was the keynote of several ad.
dres ses made by leading London doc-
kers at the opening of the \\'inter session
of the medical schools, connected with
the London hospitals. The speakers
said the day was corning when the doc-
tors in private practice would disappear
and he replaced by the public health
offloer, whose work would Ile in the pre-
vention, rattier than in the euro of dis-
Dr. Ewart told the students that the
profession was in the throes of a double
erisis, economic and professional. Ile
declared that the growing success In re-
ducing the prevalence of disease/ and the
growth of specialism had contracted the
field of general practice and the process
WAS bound to t:ontinue. Ile said it was
inevitable that the profession should be -
cone) more and more the servant of the
State. Henceforth its members must de-
vote themselves to the culture of health,
preventing Instead of curing disease.
Other addresses M a similar nature
were heard, one physician contending
that things wero moving toward the
unique consummation of a calling, by
ite own training and application, de-
stroying the very source upon which it
depended for its livtitg.
Mrs. Delia Hazleton, Of Toronto, Run
Down in the Street.
A despatch from Toronto says: Mrs.
Delia Hazleton, 42 years of age, a char-
woman returning front her work, was
knocked down by an automobile. near
the corner of !Boor and Yonge streets,
Into on Wednesday afternoon, and al-
nicst instantly killed. The unfortunate
woman had passed Moor Street and
started to cross to the west sido of
Ycngo Street, when she stepped back to
avoid an approaching trolley car. The
mud -guard of the machine, which vas
driven by Mr. F. E. elution. 268 (au•Ilon
Street, knocked her down, and Ihe (rent
wheel passed over her above the sheet -
tiers. The machine was stopped almost
instantly and the victim was carried
into Coxs drug store. I)r. It. J. Wilson
e as called. but .se woman lived only
a few minutes.
Floor of Guelph (Muse Collapsed During
Auction Sale.
A despatch from Guelph, Onl., says :
The falling of a floor in the house of
Mrs. C. f. Lee, Queen Street, during
U+^ courso of an auction sale on Thurs-
day, precipitated over a score of people,
mostly ladies, into the cellar. It took
guile a lime to get them all out again,
and 11 was found that while a number
had received bruises, none were serious-
ly hurt. An elderly gentleman named
Mahoney had his leg cut and was badly
shaken up.
Thirteen Out of Twenty -Three Taken
Off wreck,
A despatch from I, neon says:
Tbrough•eut Wednesday aud Thursday
111(- fishermen on the coast of Ireland.
tide,' ley cast guards and volunteer
helpers, worked with the greatest mu -
tape and devotion to rescue the crew
of the French ship Leon XIII.. which
went n_shore in n gale on `pnnieh Point.
Its night'nit they .succeeded in saving
end hurling thirteen. but tune aro still
clinging to Me rigging. There is hope,
however. that 1l:ey will be rescued al
Icw Iide.
(having to the Attires being submerged
the crew were w intent fa,d since Tues-
day morning. They were exhausted
from burster and exposure.
The wieck resembled in many re-
s,'ecta, notably in the self-denying cou-
rage of this rescuers, the lass of the
steamer 1t, riin on the Hook of Holland.
The i.eon XIII., which was still carry-
arr •-ing the cargo of wheat with which she
sailed front 1'. rtlnnd, Oregon, last
Aptil, was bound to Limerick from
Queenstown when the gale drove her
on the dangerous Spanish Point, which
was given Mel none because it was the
scene of Ilse destruction of some of the
vessels of the Spanish Armnda. She
was barely 250 yards off shote, but a
reef of rocks oompeiled the rescuers to
make a detour of a mile in a raging
sea to get near her. The brave Irish
fishermen, rowing small boats, which
kok to a landsman more fit to be used
en a canal than on the Atlantic, put
out again and again, only to be beaten
Lack and s.1rnetime, swamped.
The crew of one of tate swamped
!Netts were themselves barely rescued
I v a lifeboat, but, nothing daunted,
they resumed their work of mercy. The
shipwrecked men did their utmost to
save themselves. When low Me en-
abled them to descend to the foredeck
11:ey rnade a raft, and after some futile
atternpta they successfully launched it
with two men aboard. The raft drifted
towards Iho shorn and boatmen took
off tate men on 11. After this other rafts
v;ere launched and the rescuers met all
o' them. One French sailor started to
swim ashore. While one of the boats
was try;ng to pick him up it was swamp-
ed, tout all hands were saved by the
lifeboat. The svanshlpr Arrogant and
Colleen have gone W tb$ MM.
Prices o1 Cattle, Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at Hogue
and Abroad.
Toronto, Oct. 8. - Flour - Ontario
Wheat 91) per cent. patents are un-
changed at $3.83 in buyer;s' sacks out-
side for export. Alandoba first patents,
87..65 to $5.73; second patents, 85 to
$5.15. and strong bakers', $t.?5 to 81.90.
Wheat - Manitoba wheat is un-
changed. Old No. 1 Northern :;noted at
81.13, lake torts, and No. 2 Northern at
$1.11. New No. t Northern, $1.10,.;,
and No. 2 Northern. 81.08, Inke ports.
Ontario wheat -No. 2 red winter and
No. 2 while aro quoted outside at 97
le 98e.
Barley -No. 2 is quoted at 65 to Gtic
outside, and No. 3 extra al 62 to 63c out-
Chats -No. 2 Ontario whito oats are
quoted nt 51 lo 52c outside. Manitoba
No. 2 while are n.aainal at 54c, and No.
3 while( at 53c, ()eel, Sound.
(torn -No. 2 American yellow Ls quoted
at 72%c, 'Toronto freeghts, and No. 3 at
Bran -Tho market is limn at *22 to $23
lu hulk outside. Shorts aro quoted at
8z4.50 to 825 outside.
Apples -151.23 to $2 per bbl.
Honey -12 to 13c per lb fur strained.
Ct:utbs $2.75 to 83.25.
Poultry -Turkeys, (tressed, 14 to 15c
Ter Ib; chickens, alive, 8 to 9c; dressed,
10 to Ile; ducks, alive, 7 to 8e; do.,
dressed, 10c.
Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at $16.50
to 817 here in car lits.
Straw -$9 to *10 a ton on track here.
Potatoes --Ontario aro quoted at 60 to
6.5.; per bag on track, and New Bruns-
wick, 70 to 75c per bag.
Rutter -found prints, 22 to 24c, and
large rolls, 20 to 21c. Creamery rube( at
25 to 27c, and solids nt 22y., to 23%e.
Eggs -The best stock brings 20 to 21c
per dozen in case lots.
Cheese -targe quoted at 13c, and
twins at 13%c.
Dressed hogs in car lots are quoted at
$1 to $8.25. Bacon, long clear, 11 to
Ileec per tb In case lots; mss pork, $20
to $21; short cut, $2222.50 to W.
llama -Light to medium, 15'% to 16c ;
do, heavy, 11 to 15c; rolls, 11%c; shoul-
ders, 10X to 11e; backs, 16X to 17c;
breakfast bacon, 15 Xto i6c.
Lard Tierces, 12Xc; tubs, 12%c; pails,
Montreal, Oct. 8. -Grain -The local
market for oats remains strong, but
prices show no actual change. Manitoba
No. 2 white being quoted at 57e and No.
3 at 56 to 56%e. per bushel. ex store.
flour -Choice spring wheat patents,
$5.90; seconds, 85.30; winter wheat pa-
tents, *5.25 to $5.35; st'uight rollers,
1::.75 to $4.90; do, in bags, *22.25 to
82.35; extras, $1. feed -Manitoba bran,
in bags, $23; shorts, $25 to $28 per ton;
Ontario bran, in bags, $23 to $24;
shorts. $25 to 326; milled mouillie, $27
to $:30 per hon, and straigift grain, $31
to $33. Pnevisi• ns -Barrels short cul
mess. *22 to $22.50; half -barrels, *11.25
to 811.75; clear int back, $23.50 to $21.50;
long cut heavy aus, $220.50 to $21.543;
liatl-barrels do, $10.75 to $11.50; dry milt
lents clear bacon, 10 to 1 I yc; barrels
plate beef, $11 to $16; half -barrels do.,
87.50 to *8.25; barely heavy mess beef,
$10; half -barrels do, $3.50; compound
hard. I0'3 to 111%c; pure lard. 12X to
12X0; kettle rendered, 13 to 13%e; hams,
12% to 15%c. according to size; break-
fast bacon, 14 to 15%c, Windsor bacon,
15 to 15%c; fresh killal abattoir dressed
hcgs. $9.25; alive, 86.35 to $0.50. Bet-
ter -Finest, 25% to 26c. Eggs -No. 1
candled and straight receipts, 2L to 23c
pore dozen; select, 26c. Cheese -Wes-
tern, I2% to 12'/.c.
Duluth, Oct. 8.-Wtreat-No. 1 hard,
$1.09%; on track. No. 1 Northern,
$1.4Rtae; No. 2 Northern, $1.06%; Dee:ew-
Ler. $1.06%; May, $1.11%.
Milwaukee. Oct. 8.--Wheal-No. 1
N(rlhern, $1.10 to 81.11; No. 2 Northern,
81.014 to $I.09%; December, 99%c bid.
Itye-Lower; No. 1, 87%c. Bnrley-
e wer, No. 2, $1.n6%; sample. t►Ik to
$1.05. (torn -Lower; No. 3 cash, 01 to
61e: May, 58Xc hid.
!Minneapolis, Oct. 8.-\\•'hent--Dccem-
ber, $1.03%; Mny, 81.09% to $1.09%; No.
1 hand, old, $1.10; No. 1 hard, new,
$..09%; No. 1 Northern, old, *1.i9; No. 1
Northern, new. $1.05%; No. 2 Northern,
old, $1.116 to $1.06'%; No. 3 Northern,
$1.02 to $1.01.
Tnronto, (lett. 8.- -There is praclirally
re export trade as for as the local mar-
ket and Ontario cnitle• are concerned.
Choice butchers' sold from $1.25 to
$t.63; medium to good. $3.50 to $1.10;
medium collie and choice cows, 83 to
el. Common cows, canner& etc., were
offered and sold at prices ranging from
73c to $2.25.
Ituyers reported a pot! demand Inc
cattle for distillery feeding. Prices were
steady at $3.2i) to $3.50 for steers and
8:.25 to 52.50 for bulls.
mild, cows were quiet, Quotations
were steady at $30 to $50 for choice and
520 to $25 for common to medium.
Calves were steady and unchanged.
Prices ranged from 3 to ee a er Ib.
Sheep were mnrkeled freely. Ewes,
*4.25 to 81.10. and bucks and cults. $3
to $3.50. Choice fowl's sold up In $ i 7t .
while inferior went as low as $1.
The descrintinntion in pric against
inferior hogs tins bind the efft'cecp.cted,
5.Iects were in demand and firm nt
f.e;.I2%. with $5.87% offering for good
lights and fats. Medium togs sold at
83.50, wilt) but $5.25 hid ter the poorest.
2:,,0011-1 It\
Russia h: dile, In Itnild leo !Wingers
al the Italie- Narks,
A despatch feint St. Petersburg says:
The flus Slate!) That the Admiralty has
derided en the construction at the !tattle
works of two battleships of 25.o(M) Ions,
'they are to he completed within tun
years. They will be nrrncd with len 12 -
Melt and six 8 -inch guns.
Telegraph Briefs Erom Our Own and
Other Countries of Recent
WohLsteck votes on local option in
Tho C. 1'. 11. may build a line from
Lethbrdge 4, easkut.wn,
The Grum' Trunk Pacific will build a
$:50,000 bridge at Furl Witham.
Guelph's assessment shows tin in-
crease of $5t:0,10.) over heal sear.
1t is ,aid that an ui(kpe'dent tele-
phone company prntost•s to operate in
C. P. R. shop employes at Winnipeg
have been granted a ten per cent. in-
Brantford's assessment totals 811,-
(l%,800, an Increase of $011,839 over last
London's vital statistics for Septette
be are 80 births, 41 deaths and 41 mar-
The Government will probably send a
Minister ko Japan to deal with the lin.
tu►gration question.
Brantford's population Increased 801
during the year. Woodstock's 179. anti
Guelph's about 400.
Two Kingston schoolboys who play-
ed truant were sentenced le a whipping
ly the Police ACigistrate,
Representatives of United States pulp
end paper mills are competing for pulp-
wood in Ontario territory.
Mr. Iteadtemse was fined 850 and
ceeas ut liuileybury for using insulting
language Irl it public meeting.
Canada's revenue for the first six
nu•nlhs of the fiscal year is the record
tela) of $50,311.208.
A branch of the G. T. P. will Le built
from Fort George to Vancouver, says
Chas. M. flays.
Toronto will contribute $500 towards
tee erection of a memorial at Braul-
ferd to Dr. Bell, the inventor of Ilio
Winnipeg's September bilding permits
were 136; vulue, $385,850. Lust Sen-
temLer the nuinber was 318; value,
$ 1,226,900.
The Police Committee of Montreal re-
fused to investigate charges of graft
against the force, saying they were en
A party on Lake Joseph. Muskoka.
hogged an old bear and three cubs,
which were discovered swimming near
\tr. McMurrich's island.
One hundred and fourteen thousand
claims, representing four million dol-
lars, have leen filed with the liquida-
tes; of the York County Loan Company.
Both the G. T. R. and the C. P. It.
were indicted by the Grand Jury In tie
Genera! Sessions because of the tragedy
n' the Bay street crossing, Toronto. on
May 24 last.
The Bishop of Stepney has predicted
that the twentieth century will be an
ere of Socialism and cooperation.
Two men are charged at Liverpool
with attempting to defraud the C. 1'. R.
Steamship Company by sending dis-
easel emigrants to Canada.
The G. T. R. retort for the half year
ending June 30 shows- gross receii a of
.£`),381,251), an increase of £359.578 over
,r x
Inst year. The net increased £80,.,..
11 is reporleti In lMnlon that thu for-
med announcement of the engage nent
of Prince Francis of Teck to Miss Mar-
garetta Drexel, of Philadelphia, will
soon be trade.
Eighty-seven cases of diphtheria were
reported to the health department last
week in Chicago.
Because his baby cried all night and
kept him awake Ross C. Price, it colored
lnl.orer, killed loth Itis wife and himself
11• Chicago.
E. B. Kiser. n prominent teacher, Is
(lend at Urbane. Ohio, the result of eat -
leg n piece of raisin pie ut the Logan
(e unty fair Inst week.
Eighteen prominent life insurnn'e men
of Nev York have been lndiete'l on
sixlyone counts of perjury and forgery
prising utit of the insurance Investign-
At it dinner given in his honor on the
Mississippi lever. i'resiilent 110x,sevell
nnnottnced his adherence to the scheme
of creating a ship canal from the Gulf
to the Great Lakes.
An Illinois syndicate Ls laking options
on scores of farms in the southern
k•w•nships In Laporte County, Ind. Oil
experts says that new oil fields can be
developed there.
Unable M call for help because she was
n deaf mute, Mrs. John !toulh. of Itussiit-
ville, was burned to death at Kokomo,
Ind. She trial to start a fire with kero-
At the Equitable Powder \\'orks, Eng
Alton. iII.. 1.500 pounds of powder ex-
pkeled, killing Chas. McGinnis and
sten^king Charles McGilson so that his
mind is gone.
Amherst College has just received
more than 1,000 volumes of Chinese
literature, the gift of Sir Chentung feting
(:heng, former Chinese Minister to the
United Slates.
The Standard Oil Company's Minnre
sheet, produced in court in New fork
ea Wednesday. showed that the divi-
dends for 1906 mounted to 840,000.000,
while the surplus for the yenr was $43,-
Startling ehnrges of extravagance. or
failure to account for trillions of dollars,
rine mode by the Allorney-General of
New York City and Metropolitan Street
ileeway Companies.
(father then rim the chnnre of being
mere badly injured, Philip Duffy. of In-
dtnnnpollr. caught on the truck (feeler-
titcly In id down and nil owed seven!
cars to run over hie leg find crush it elm.
Two little Isevs, ageel ten null eight,
certe from \lomence, ill.. In Ctii'ngn to
find their "Aunt Minnie." not knowing
tier rind ot nss and only tit
sit,' lived in a "brick ttouee near the trol-
ley car."
John 1.. Simmons. of Chester.
serving a Terni fur manslaughter. bas
Leen potth.nel by Governor 'fixer en
the express conditk,n Met he nhslnen
trent the use of intoxicating ligtier! for
o cr.
The Port of Kittamat May Be Chosen
A despatch from Vancouver, B. C.,
says: Recent reports from the north
have given rise le a great amount ef
speculation with regard to the G.T.P.
pia:ose'<I terminals et Prince Rupert.
The manner in which the properties at
teat point are ko ng handle,( and lite
secrecy with which the :Iterations are
king curried en by theta have eerved
strengthen the Leliei that within a
short time something of is radical na-
ture will 1* announced. For some time
past the belief has Leen growing That
another port will 1:e developed for
Candling G. '1'. 1'. business at t'ncific
1• rminalq, before the development of
Prince Rupert is proceeded with. It
is claimed by sten who have !nude a
careful study of the situation up the
teeth shore, and who know the lay 1
Ilse. land there, that in all pmhabili!y
u .pori will be opened at the head ef
Killamat arms for handling construc-
tion material and supplies. 'I'hia belief
is based on several circumstances, and
is being hacked strongly by Hien who
have invested in properties in that to -
entity. In the first place the cost •.1
constructing the line connecting the
upper waters of the Skeena with the
Fraser, via the Bulkley River, the Ne -
chew and their brunches, will Le tre-
mendous, running into the millions to
construction alone. This docs not in-
clude tate cost ef t•anseorti ng the aur -
plies. The seoond point in leu; contcn
Iron is Ilial i-untor has it teat the t..
T. 1'. Ls looking for the 1 esress!on ef
it charter for a railway up the Kittait ut
valley, which was granted :oiue lime
ago. The grade through this valley le
an easy one. less thrift one tier cent ,
and would ,.ut off a consid.rahle i.nglh
<ef most d:[ficull corastl'uclion. frcm the'
Lead water of the Kitlanunl there would
teem) great diflicully in locating a line
es connect with the east slope of the
The adoption of Killamat would short-
en the route by about fifty utiles, re-
sulting in a consequent reduction in the
cost of oonslydction, while entailing u
longer sea voyage to reach iLs more
inland waters.
Extendilirres which have alr. ady teen
made et Prince Rupert indicate Ilial it
will not be abandoned, though ils de-
velopnient may b0 delayed. It is under -
mooed That G. T. P. officials are attempt-
ing to get possession of more suitable
!and at tato head of the arm end those
en the ground are reluctant to part
with their holdings.
Forty -hyo persons were killed or in-
jured in a railway wreck near Seoul.
Tho great floods in Spain have de-
stroyed properly valued at nearly four
million dollars and have left a host of
people starving.
Secretary of \Var Taft, speaking at n
banquet. in his honor in Tokio, declar-
e.' that war between Japan and the
United States would be a crime.
Sir \\'Cliam Lyne has outlined a plan
fee a combined duty end excise, which
he hopes will make the tariff of direct
benefit to the Australian workman.
The German Reichstag will shortly te
asked to authorize a continuance e,1
commercial favors under the most -favor -
nation clause to Britain and tier col-
The Dynamite Set on Fire the Mail Car
and a Coach.
A despatch from Odessa says: A train
having on board over 260 passengers
was geld up on Tuesday night. by :►
Land of robbers, who opened the !tail
cat by exploding dynamite. The explo-
sion set the car on tire, and the (lames
cenunuhicatod to a crowded passenger
car, with the result that a number of
women affil children were badly burned
before they could escape.
While : robbers were trying to
blow open the sate in the mail cs'r They
were attacked by some gendarmes, who
were passengers on the train. A nun -
ter on both sides were wounded, but
the robbers escaped.
The email car burned uninterruptedly
ler live teems, destroying all the snail
andlbaggnge. The losses are consider-
ed to be heavy.
Four nen suspected of being con-
cerned in the robbery were arrested
later in the day.
%oiiId Like to Enter Into Agreement
With Canada.
A despatch from Berlin says: The
Reichstag will be requested dl about the
end of November to empower the iltu►-
desrath to grant Britain and her colonies
a continuance of cornnterriaa favors un-
der the most -favored -nation clause. 11
has not yet been ascertained whether the
proposal will be limited to Iwo years or
Will ct nboin it clause enabling the 13un-
/tier:ith le ninke the MlMessien for nn
indefinite period of years. It Ls regarded
as certain that Australia as well ns
Canada wall be exeinplcd. bud (topes are
eutertnined here- that Germany may be
elite to conclude direct arrangement-
with bt,lh for the regulation of their
cdntunc•tt ia1 relations. 'elle German Ceie
sol at Montreal recently conferred with
his Government with n vicar to protnel-
ing n conunerrinl treaty between (err -
many and the Dominion. Gerutnny will
continuo to bring all possible pressure
to bear to prevent Confide and Australia
(rein favoring the export trade of It•i-
tai' at the expense of Germany.
Experinwnq.ti Farm Director Predkts
More Wheat for Milling.
A despatch from Ottawa says: Dr.
Saunders, director of Experinten101
Farms, who is keeping in close touch
with crop conditions in Western Can-
ed, Through a host of correspondents
scatteresi over the three provinces, is
inclined to the belief that the Winne
t•cg estimate of only 45,010.000 bushels
of wheat fit for trilling is below the osli-
mate. I)r. .launders places the pro-
bab'e crop at between fifty anal sixty
million bushelbe and a considerable
quantity in addition for [:ed. \\•inai-
1 eg advices place the inferior grain ut
23 million bushels. Recent reports to
the Cental Farm vary in their terms.
'l'1►e Brandon district reports an aver-
age crop. Moosejnw, a fair crop -bet-
ter, indeed, than was expected; the In-
dian Head district promises only a half
crop, while around 13allleford the ottt-
Icok is greeny improved.
Ars Italian %lurderede at Dervey Junction,
A despatch from Quebec says: News
reached town late on Wednesday even-
hiil of what appears to have been the
ecld-blooded murder of an Italian by a
kllow•-country•nan at Hervey Junction,
on ilte line of the Great Northern Itail-
way. The victim, whose name has not
transpired. was engaged on the Trans-
crrttinentnl Railway. According to the
details received the roan had gone to the
home of another Italian to spend the
night, rind while he was ascending the
stairs to Itis rnont he was stunt in the
hack by the keeper of the house. The
wound was almost imntettintely fatal.
'1 he motive for the crime is unknown.
The murderer was taken in charge by
the high constable and brought to 'Three
- 4 -
Night Watchman of Ingersoll Fariery
Severely Hurt.
A de= ;etch from Ingersoll. Ont.,
sacs: \\'nm. Phillips, night walrhnton
at the Nul \Noels, was seriously in-
jured on 'Tuesday night by a large fly-
wheel falling en hits. Ile endeavored
to move the wheel. 'which fell. pinning
Trim to lite floor, mall released by cill-
rens who heard his cries for help. Ile
ss ns injured internally. and one leg
ssas busker In It•, places.
+ -
Fiti:E MAlI. in:1.1VER%'.
Three More Cities 10 (.rt i1 in n Few
A despatch froth Ottawa Says : The
"ilenston of the bee letter carrier de-
livery is being steadily increased by the
1'c•stollice Department. Berlin. Brant -
rd, i'eterborro, Stratford. Odgers. and
Edmonton have been added) this summer,
while Charlottetown. Guelph mid \\'ind-
ser still 1,e given Ire letter delivery in
the course of a few weeks.
Great Quantities of Lumber Destroyed
on the Coast.
A despatch from Seattle, Wast:..
Advices trent the Gray's HartK.r error
Iry in the Puget Sound rind from vari-
ous sections in lt►e i'uget SO,un b ;mil-
ler districts report That ligg114g opera -
lions may have to be suspended rodo-
:;gs are separated merely by
f eel/soils matter.
hi I:• t -', Columbia. in the Clayo-
ie r district. operations have
e i .e .Bret oaring to the ravages e.1
I'u '. i.-' The worm+ have ruined
11e ctrl of timber in the water.
it filen
(finitely because of the ravages of the mid the big Sutton Company has re-
Period it leas e( over Bels O.(%x, feet.
tcretlos or ship worst. The worms have hundreds of lumbermen have Ixeen
nllaeketl all the logg in the water ;mil fl into iuicn,as unlit the winters
ls.red them full of holes. w. rk i►► the ttr,d. begets.
The legs heating in !bilge! ?.nmt! are '11:e11.s VMS 1e, 1 e no way 10 present
hell up In great beetle; of nd;liees 4.1 Ihe cntrat:re of Ilie !credos into the
reel each. The worms 14,rr n1� the
logs. t, i t
1 rIn 11
.,f the leu and Ilton continue Mewl hire a,41 lees Forestry Bureau tens.• I,e•e•n
tunneling Ihmugh the psi.' soot) of Ihe t • xis rint••nting for scleral years. Cacti
Berber. nhways parallel with the 1 art:.' y tar Ihe• damage grows Wryer en the
Terre may toeItttntlt' da of worths i•l i w'e'll e n -i Aer.tne.• ef the re) tigt•1 rot
t M. ktu. hit their tupnels reser Inter- 111; stip e''eI ee ern 1Le fionllitg logit of
se cl.
01101 11 baa been found that Iwo Iumloty contain. s.
:nrper4al Edicts Order I:ducaliut 01 the
A despatch frCmi Pekin says: Edicts
of a Parliamentary nature contents to
s:. erumuigate,l by the throne, indicat-
ing that a measure of administrative
etattority has actually leen be -stewed on
(tie 'I:su (:hong Yuan, or (uwed of ad-
lainislratiuu, lately created for ties pur-
(wsd. The edicts are eakl to hr designed
ie overcome the activities of anti•d3ttas•
t. and revolul ,nary parties.
'lite Deparlrent of I:duralk�n has
leen ordered to issue text-teed:a kir the
instruction of scholars, and tate elat ici-
1•al hoard has Ie+cn instructed 4, pre•
tone.' fur Iter experiment M local self•
The Throne warns the people of
consenuenres of misunderstanding tae
;•rect.e nature of the form of gits rn-
meat which it is intended to best,nt ,n
illi country, namely, it monarchical-
e.tutih.tionnl administration, and cern-
mends till brunches of the Government
to expound these facts to the people at
Paring Robbery Cumniited in Vancou-
ver Jewelry Store.
A despatch from Vancouver, B.C.,
says: One of the most disastrous rob-
beries on record in Vancouver was com-
mitted shortly before one o'clock en
'1liursday when a man entered the
jewelry store of 11. E. Itrowhcud, corner
t Cambie hast 1Instinga Streets, coolly
evened tite windows, lifted a tray of
diamond rings and nude off. The rob -
her was pueued down Cordova Street
and on to the railroad tracks, where he
sfos endured t.y two civilians and given
int( the custody of an officer. The thief.
whose name is Ward, is from Seattle.
Shipping £.outpanics Are Worried
Over %%"inter I'rogpccls.
A despatch from Montreal says: Some
(' the ocean steamship companies are
considerably worried over the outlook
for an unprofitable winter's trade, and,
ac(x,rdiug to rho statements made by
prominent officials, it is considered likely
that some of the lines doing business
between ('anndu and the British isles, as
well as European ports. will withdraw
a number of their vessels iromn ttie Can-
adian route during tate winter, as present
indications point to a slack season.
There appcurs to be little or no peoduco
it sight for exixi•t, while the ocean
rates are unprecedentedly low, espe-
cially for this time of the year.
One Thief Enticed Ilim Out and Confed-
erate Cleaned Till.
A despatch from Montreal says: Two
slick thieves gut $150 for n few minutes'
,,c„rk on Wednesday morning at the
:e.ck City Tobacco Co.'s <Alice. In the
ei,rly morning n man called at this office
when only the bookkeeper WAS there. 11e
said he had (-eine le fix the sidewalk
and got the bookkeeper to help hin
measure the siune. 'Then 1►e tlinnkec
him and made off. While the book
keeper was out another than had been
is and cleaned out the till, and no Iraco
of them has been found.
Joseph Lnquerre Fatally %\nundrd
While Hunting in Quebec.
A despatch from Quebec say: .\no -
thee limiting (Maley is reported. the
tlrinl since the liun..ng season opened a
few days ago. The victim of the latest
accident was a man named Joseph Ar -
sone Lnquerre, 32 years of age, b ekatg•
ing to Grondines. Lnquerre and n party
of friends were otit hunting on Sunday
afternoon. Lnquerre was engaged itt ex-
entining a rifle when it suin.enly went
off. The shot did no doninge, but Ilio
rebound of the gun causal another slant
to go off. noel the charge entered Ln-
querres thigh. The wounded man died
on Tuesday.
Says They Neglect Their Ileallh--N"eek
or Smoke Too %lush.
A despatch from London snys: Pe -
fessor• Osler. addressing the students
al St. Mary's Hospital. :mid that tine -
cess in the medical pm:e el in was
largely a question of g•txl health. In
this matter, he added. (lucters were n'--
torious sinners. If They ltd not woo;
((Al hard they smoked too much mid
were indifferent nas,ut cx(rcis•. The best
students seemed le pay the least utten•
lion to nature's Iowa.
Yong Saskatchewan Ili nneslntda,
Drank Carbolic Acid.
A despatch front Milestone, S,ak.,
st.v,: ,\ young hnna stouter. relies lies.
ter. 25 year. of age. was tlircosered n
. shack, nineteen miles south -w•• .l i f
t.in n Ing cou:iitl; .n frettut the rf-
uf card)ht,lic neeid. by Iwo >e,ung
1of this I+own. 1t. !tube- end Irsine
•\I((:antmul, 11 is lel:teed that Kesler
attempted suicide. haves:: bones • d car•
itlic acid (tont a neighbor.
514. I( IU1.15 ibl1)If1 1.13.5.
1 oi• %len %re Ind ants :rno! E„uglrl
Near Nopte Creek.
A despatch from Maple (:reek. See.,
says : An Indian ons found demi at
Waterworks (3tntp, five miles from herr,
n t Thursday. phis mime w•na Sheri Legs.
It itt supposed that nn.dher Indian named
Sugar struck Short Legs w•Ith nn neo
while loth were Inebriale'd.Tea
Mounted Police nre seeming the
ce•nl plains in order to effect the arrest
of the Indian. Sewn. oleo is SU -jailed
to in: the guilty party.
.% kind of straw is (.206 R,'.; n load of
new hay is 8.1010 lbs„ nod of n111 Tray
:016 lbs. flay is corridcred 'told r"r