HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-10, Page 1seta
$i.00 per year in advance.
Phone No. 32.
For the Coming Cold Weather.
Winter is almost upon us and we must be prepar-
ed for its cold blasts. Wo are all ready with the
"Good Goods" to keep you warm and comfortable.
We have a splendid stock of Mantles, Furs,
Dress Goods and Underwear to make your selec-
tion from.
Ladies Underwear
Ladies good heavy
knitted Vests and Draw-
ers 25c each.
Ladies good heavy Un-
ion Vests and Drawers
5oc. each.
Ladies pure wool Vests
and Drawers for 75c, $t,
$1.25 each.
Men's Underwear
Men's Fleece lined
Shirts and Drawers 50c
Men's heavy wool
Shirts and Drawers, un •
shrinkable, 75c.
Men's pure natural wool
Shirts and Drawers, $i,
1.25, 1.50 to $2.5o each.
Boys' and Girls' Underwear in all sizes 25c to 50c.
Ladies' Fur Neck Ruffs, .......$3.5o, 5, 8, to, 15 to $27
Ladies' Fur Muffs ... 5, 6, 7, to $25
Ladies' Fur Coats 35. 40• $50
Men's Fur Coats .............. .... 20, 30, $4o
Ladies' and Gents' Fur lined Coats .... ...... 45 to $go
TFur Caps ................ 1, 1.50, 2, 3, 5, 7, $10
Always the best to choose from. New Coats
t t
arriving every few days keeps our stock up•to-
da a in every respect. Do not fail to have a try
on if you need a Coat.
Our Milliners are fairly rushed to keep up
with their orders. Come early to leave your or-
der and give them a chance to fix you up nice.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++•1•+++•1•+++++++++++ ,
The Biggest ff Y 0 er et
Just think of it' 'rhe
Timos* 1:.Exoter
I.: --AND- +
Toronto Weekly Globe
and Canada Farmer
. • To any itoillt. in Canada from
=- now until Jan 9 (1 fc
January 10. for
4. Two papers for the price of one for 15 months
++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
GRAIN A Mistake
Will pay the highest market
!nice for
Wheat, Oats, Barley
and Other Grains
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
It's a great ,mistake to expect
to zet the %wear and Oatisfactiun
out of a factory made li,trness
that you will from an up•to-
en (hon;h it costs a trifle Ic.r
at the. time. One im always norry
when they have to pay out ,tate
difference, and more, in repairs
in a very cohort time with a
.good chance of more ahrrtly.
Whereas if yon buy the haul•
made work you may depend 011
eva'rvthiet in it being el rens
and solid ea wall as dread and %veil
Our Zine'. of Plush i ue% and of
\V.iterproofm are .unequalled. Give
us a ('all.
The bylaw voted on in Colborne
-TEACHER -WANTED - For 8. on Mond,y of last week to auarant:e
S. No. 10, I'pborn••, must teed 2nd. the bonds of tbe Ontario \V,nt Shore
claps eertificate. Services to bezin F.Irotric Railway Company to the
Jan. 1mt 1907. Apply sta(int eatery extent of $25,000 was defeated by a
to J. G. Mor;an, Hay, P. O. vote of 98 to 87.
Locals .0
- Mrs. (itev.) Collins is visitinz her
parents at Dirr.
Carling Brom. trill take live or dead
chickens, but must be dry picked
when dead.
-\Vm. Smith of Ustsorne, claims to
have taken 420 bushels of Wheat oft
9 1-2 ace :-. At a dollar a bushel
this vas u good paying crop.
- Last week ,we had un item h'4k-
who could [beat two potatoes t%eigh'•
in 2 1.2 lbs. Mr. Richard Hill, of
tho Fourth concession Stephen cones
forward with two that nes;hs 3
lbs., Mr. Robt. Kydd last week bold
a bushel of potatoes, %vhich consist-
ed of exactly 62 of the /tubers. or un
average of nearly one pound e.uelt.
Yesterday Mr. Richard Elston hand-
ed us a couple of the Rural New
Porker variety that would be suf-
ficient to snake ,t marl for a
threshing bee. The two potatoes
tipped the scales at three pounds.
-Ou Wednesday of last week, two
of Exeter's Old Boys, %Messrs. I'.
Bawden, of Itidg:town and John El-
liot, of Vancouver, both pt whom
have [von fame na •bowlers in Lone
don and Vancouver challenged any 2
of -our bowlers to a friendly game of
bowls, feeling confident that they
could trim any pair of Ideal bowlers
that dared ,(o face them. Ilev. Col-
lins and Mr. W. W. Taman tool, up
the challenge and a game of Scotch
double %vas arraz ed with the re-
sult that the local players were de-
feated by the score of 28 to 11. Bath
the local playcra were somewhat out
of practice, henoe the severs trim_
ruing. But the nvhole story is not
told in the above. N. D. Hurdon, ono
of the best local players, heard of
tho defeat of two valued members of
his rink by the Champs and under.-
took to get, into the game himself.
Another match was arranged for the
afternoon with himself and \V. W.
Taman on one side and Messrs. 'Bator
dun and Elliott On h6 other. The
The result was the downfall of ,the
visitors by the scorn of 11 to 6. Pieta
went back to Itid:;etown the next
morning with a feeling that dire
Exeter players could go 1,0ne if ne-
cessary. however it ,must be said
that both Tobe and Jack can put up
a 'gid game and t heir playing in
the morning showed that they were
entitled to win the championships iq
their respective localities.
-Last 'Friday evening, in th
James Street church ltev. Dr. C.
Eby set forth the psinis and ovorla to
the International .Reform :Buren
and its Canadian branch. the Cana
diun Citizen's League. Hov. Marti
presided at the meeting %shile tth
audience was a representation
the local uhurohes• Mr. Eby is ma
ing a tour of Canadian points
establish branches or rally ccntr
for the carrying 011 of the work!
Reform in the Dominion. so far
is called for by conditions in Canada
and is meeting with a .;ratifyin
amount of success. Four points 21
specially set forth as fields of svorkk
in .which the Canadian lbrancllos
should en.3are, viz., the •banishment
of the public bar, the repeal of tat.
law which legalizes race track ,gaunt,•
ling. to ask tine civilized 4;overt'1;'
merits to unite in mensures for bird•
teethe!, the unciviliz411 lands from
the. ravages of the uliite man's Itrat•
tic in intoxicants and opium. as 'well
as other forms of evil introduced.
and an eppcnl to Britain to /release
Chia frorn the treaty re1uiremon(s
which compel her to allow rho nib -
eons opium traffie. This n %worts•
wide and tar -reaching program and
the facts and apptls set fo[trh ought
to stir every man and woman IIavina
a sense of rhristian duty and pat-
riotism. A fen facts every ?given
sbo%vin; how the Bureau In 'the
United States is surcredin;, and (he
opportunities for effort alonz Can•
urban lines were forcibly and impres-
sively rcL forth by Dr. Eby. The
movement is sine that should have
the thoughtful consideration and
earnest support of every church, no
matter %what (he (tonnnninaView. At
the conclusion 01 the a(Idrrss Itwo
resolution/1 \wore put and ailopted •
1st.. pledgin•-t 501yrort and approval
of the .movement : 2nd., tormin; n
temporary or_aniz:ttion ert'llminary
to the establishment of a branch of
the League for Exeter. Messrs. 1i.
Huston, W. S. ('ole, F. \V. Gla drnan
McCallum act h. a
,t T 11..ic turn to
committee till such 'time Ns the
permanent orzanizntion is completed.
The death of Mrs. Catherine hill
of thin vilinze carne OA .t surpri... to
our citizens on Sunday Sept. 2911i.
Thr deo-caned Indy was livin; alone
here since her family ham grown up
a ,t very
e ,ah (1 her r
and her illn a came o
mid -
dent). only 2i few days 11;0. The re-
main) ware laid to rest on \Vednea-
(lay afternoon in the Lutheran came•
tr.ry. She 1.'nvra two sons, Auzuat
of Crediton, henry in the United
States and two daughters. Catherine
of Detroit and Mrs. Brown of Afield•
1alt to mourn her loss. Iler husband
predoceamell her many ye irs a.;o.
A hi:rhly 'respected lady in the
person of Miss Lizzie Martin, di el at
the Babylon line, on Tii'aday after-
noon from Ilrizht'a disease. The de•
reamed w•am w•t'll ;In,1 (1vorably know\ -n
in thio serosa, and her death will
he mourned by relatives and a large
circle of intimate acquaintance+. The
funeral took plare on Thur•rl.ly. the
ceremony le int perforated by Itev.
A. 1). (:iachler of the Evanz,'lical
Church. of which Conzre ation the
cloacae d was a faithful member.
\Ir. Eli Dnrharme, of Dryad:de. one
of the early settlers of 1.1So Town-
nhip died on Sunday. having reached
the nee of nearly t') years. ili• ►e• -
mains were interred in St: Peters
church cemetery on Tnerday morn►
bliss Della House has a-aturued
home after euesndin•ea pleasant three
weeks' visit with friends in Goder•-
The service next Sunday will be at
three in tha afternoon, when Rev.
11. M. Lansford, of Brussels will
preach. The Sunday school will coin•
menoe at two p. tn.
On Friday the 11th. inst. the an•
nual meeting of the Bible society
takes place in St. Pauls. The DIR.
trict Secy, Itev. It. J. Bowen will
deliver the address.
The Liberal Convention t.o nomin-
ate a candidate to contest 'flee sleuth
riding for tile Provincial legislature
will be held in D1cl)onnel'a Hall to-
day (Thursday). The meeting will be
of much interest owing to the prom
ent speakers, who are to be present
to address the neetial;s in person,
Hon. A. G. Mackay, K. C. the Pro-
vincial leader, and lion. Goo. 1'. Gra-
ham, Minister of Railways and Can-
als. After the Conception a meati•
in; will ,be held in the skating rink
to be addressed by Iron. A. 0. Mae -
Kay and others.
Mrs. C. Newell, who was confin-
ed to her house by illness is im-
proving nicely.
The young ladies of Carmel church
intend holding a bazaar in a few -
week s.
Airs. J. Sutherland and Miss Suth-
erland are visiting friends at Embro
and Beechville.
The Commercial Hotel w.hioh was
leased for t leo past two or three
years by Mr. Heffernan, is being of-
fered for safe by auction on /Tuesday,
the 17th.
Considerable ;rain is being brought
into market.
Mr. Robt. McLaren, son of Mr. It.
McLaren, of the London Road. leas
been quite ill during the past week
or 80 ,but is now improving.
A charming Si'ptember eveddin;
took place at the home tor •flirts.
Mrs. Thomas Dick. of this village on
Friday morning, September '27th,
when her youngest daughter, Miss
Jean, a poet l;raduato nurse of New
York City, :was united in marriage
to Dr. F. .1. Cauthorpe, recently of
Jonesville, Texas, and formerly of
this village. The marrias;i ceremony
was performed by Itev. Mr. Smith, of
Carmel church, and the bridal party
after parlak(n4 of a sumptuous
breakfast, drove to the station where
they took the morning expreaa for
the East. Dr. Cauthorpe intends re•
miming his practice at Parkhill. The
many friends of the happy couple.
who are well and favorably known
here, wiah themall success and con-
tinued happiness. Mrs. Cauthorpe
will receive in her new home after
the 20th. of this month.
Ilia hair Gooch Style,' when proper-
ly adjusted protect and ornament the
head. soften and beautify the czprr4-
sion of the face and cense-p iently
tone up aged appearance. Prof.
Doren %end has for 0114 season many
new and pretty designs. Ile has add-
ed a number of New York, London
and Paris patterns.
nn .sure and see them :end not for-
•3et day and date.
s. Ei. No. 1, OSIBORRNE.
Following i9 n correctreport of
the shindigs; of the pupils of S. S.
No. 1, l'sborne. Names are in order
of merit. 1V -Nellie Itowcliffe, Ar-
chie Ito%wccliffe, Jennie Stripe, Cecil
Down, Gordon Oke, Laura 'Harvey
George Blatchford. Sr. 111- John
Strang, Tena 1)ou;all, Janice Dous
;fall. ltosr.na /Down, Alvin Moir Ira
Moir. Jr. 111-1toy White, Lilt Moir
Earl Hell. .1r. 1i --('cell Harris. rris, Silas
Van Houten, Glndys4V.leir. Sr. 11-
ll:,s^.l •Doawn, Oliver ltowwcliff.' \Vit•
frid Do.ittall, Elva ilarvey, %Willie
Straw,. (.rot' ;o Moir. Sr. l't.
Frank Jarrett. Feein Itowecliffe.
Mid. Pt. 1-Ma..ric Strang. Mira
Dew, Laura Oke.
Averaa,c attendance 30.
.1. 11. Hrintnrlt, 'Teacher•
F 1 E 1. D 1) A Y
Exeter School, Friday Oct. 18th.,
1907. Come and enjoy a full after•
ncon'n sports. Many interesting
events. No -a(lnIiesion. iEverybody
welcome. -
-Gentlemen are yo:1 1111•11 lurr�•
[hate and .x'+' for yourself the Art
Coverings 111 Wiza and Toup.een.
Prof. 1)orcnwend'a 111:1 1l11fnclurr4 .are
worn on over 1.25,000 heads by all
stations of life. They are the essence
of perfection light in weir;ht, dur-
able and a great le nett to health,
and a protection to the head azainIt
Cold, Draughts, Catarrh etc. Trying
on and denwn.41ratiltz the complete•
eras of thein •ae.txla free of charge.
e Central e-
a th Csn n Hotel 1?x
Ila will be t 1 ( ,
., y October 9
ter on Friday tobeT IAtI:., 07 1.
'The rezular nteetia; of this tee
ciety was held in Brnior'm ilall in
the afternoon of Ort. 4(.11 end may
well be termed •1 rally In etine.
That the holiday treason is over wan
felt in this as well as otter organizes.
Dona in the melee. of att .ridance.
The discussion and demon„ rationm
were read" 2111 the more kite/el./tin;
and practical by many of tlt,• mem•
hers griming wimple's of I h• it rook •
in; to prove the fart m of (their state
it in planned for next m4o•tnn; to
diseu,s the preparation of hot Bap•
per:: and moors and this will bo sons
into thorouzhly.
it is onto planned to turn the
mearehlithl on, tine %exert question of
preparing rind tnakin; presents for
('llrlmtlll:l?, "64 ,, 11"mtion w%•rim I Store Property for Sale
brolr)l up last Sent and as a '1r
stilt many article's of work will bo' in the village of Exeter, composed
shown at the next mr4'tin; which' of the North part of Lot 11 on the
in;, n tart/ number of Wends andwill he of zi( ( benefit and will path-! West sddc of Afain Street, connoting
relntivea [min ,resent at the inner- zest many new ideis. of one good Wore and'the Fending
; t ! now used for a postoffice, knhwwn as
at. Mr. Ducharm,• was well and fav- OLJ•TORZA. . The Johns Block.
orably known in town, and his death' E►ant>t. rue in1i00Nas1AIRaj�t For terms and particulara apply
will le' eineer8.ly regretted by our : sn Thos. r'•es •t • 1,s -rinser/, Far -
citizens and by the the community lis 18Ign'tare
wino!' he IivM /to Ion;. of
A reactionary storm period will
culminate on and touching the 14(11
and kith. 1n fact tho C:1 11,C:4 are
such •hat threatsonin.3 condition,
with autumnal rains, [airy continue.,
from the prcoeditte period, the 7th
to llth, unsling in a Secondary cul-
mination or crisis on the 14th and
15th. Much of elle country will ex-
perience very cool days and frosty
nights not far from the 15th to
the 18th.
Allis. ,Dillon, of Merrill, Mich. la
visiting with her brother, 1). Mclsaac
Mr. a►l(! Mrs. lle.r.gott and Miss G.
Easery, of Centralia spent Sunday
with Mr. S. Switzer and family.
•strd Mrs. Geo. Mawhinney, of
Goshen Line, spent Sunday with Mr,
Mrs. John Schroeder, and family.
On Saturday evening an enjoyable
time was spent with Mr. E. Brenner's
,zramaphon: at Mr. S. Switzer's home.
Ice cream was served.
Seine of our friends attended the
wedding of Miss Rebecca Sherritte,
at Halide".
Mr. S. Switzer was In -Parkhill on
business on Monday last.
The 0. W. 0. club held their an-
nual meeting at the Stanley Opera
110113.: on Friday cveninz. All tho of-
ficers of last year were re-elected,
and dates for dances arranged for
the corning winter. The opening hop
will be held on Friday, October 18.
Mr. Chap. Shcardoun has •purolraa•
ed a blacksmithin; hiusinesa in God-
erich, to which place lie. Ilan moved
his family.
Mr. Bert Fox 1►as bean sent .to
Drumbo as assistant dny operator.
Mr. McLeod of the Standard Bank,
has been transferred to Ottawa. Ho
is succeeded by Mr. Munroe, of For -
Miss Mary Fox has gone t o 'Toron-
to to .attend the Ontario Normal
Friday was field day for tho pupils
of the high school. A splendid pro-
gramme had born arranged, /Intl
everything passed off well.
Mr. Kilmer, who has bean a resi•
dent of Lucan for somo time, has
rented the farm of Mr. William
Marshall, of East Williams, and twill
shortly move there.
Mrs. Johnson, of London, visite:[
at the home of Mr3. head on Friday.
Tho above ,caption is the title of
a concise, interesting and instruc•
Live book issued by the Grand Trunk
Railway, and :contains valuable in•
formation regarding tile hunting
and fishing district reached by their
lines. It is handsomely illustrated
with halftonea reproduced from di•
rect photograph.%, :gives the game
laws in force in the different 'states
and provinces, contains maps and all
information desired by the hunter.
The publication is sent free on ap-
plication to J. D. Mci)onald D. P. A.
Union Station Toronto.
-\\rill be al the Caul rat Hotel Exe-
ter, Fri. October 18(1,., 1907. Ladies
and gentlemen. see Prof. :I)oren-
tvend's ,beaetiftil \Wins, 'Toupee%,
13an3s. Wavy and Plain Fronts, Swvit-
chea in every )('ngth and shade, ete.
13013N •
SANDERS -On Sunday Sept. 29th., to
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders a
JOIINS--On Wednesday Oct 21311., on
0th Con to Mr. and Mrs. William
Johns a daughter.
DIGNAN-itAYCItOF'T - In lianiil.
ton on Thursday Oct. :!rd., Mi 4.4
Lillie, daughter of Airs. Richard
Raycroft, to Mr. ferry Bruce 1)i;-
CAUTIU)1tI'E-DICK - In Hensel),
Friday Sept. 27th, Miss ,lean Dick
to 1)r. F. J. Cauthorpe formerly
of Hensel', and now of Parkhill.
GitIGt:-ln Clinton, on Sept. 2801.,
William Gri;;, aged 78 years.
TiGIHE-in Clinton on Sept. 28th., J.
M. Tighe, of Mullett, aged 52 years.
To check a cold quickly, ;et from
your druezi't rntne little Cantly Cold
Tablets called 1'reventics. Dru,ziats
everywhere are now diapenmin, I're-
very,ica, for they are not only rate.
but deci(kdly ccrKiin and prompt.
Prerenties contain no Quinine. 110
laxative nothing harsh nor flickert,-
enin . Taken at the "sneeze et.are"
T'reventic.s will prevent Pneumonia
Grippe, e 1e
Bronchitis, Li te. Pence
the name, Preventics. Goat for fev-
eri.4h children. 48 ('reventic• 25e.
Trial Boxe.4 5 cta. Sold by W. 8.
flDOICSt wdDt6O
40c per 100 lbs.
suitable peeling apple's
1...X1:79" :::h,,... . i-1!1.47.
Stoves anct Ranges
If wanting a new Heater or Range it will pay you to
examine our large and complete stock.
Heaters from $11.00 up
Ranges from $33.00 up
Furnace work estimates cheerfully given.
Fall Fencing
Cleveland Coiled, Spring and Barb %%Vire, Ideal Fencing and Gates
all sizes at greatly reduced prices to clear.
Owen Sound Portland Cement
Just received a car of Samson Portland
Cernent. Come quick.
+++++•i•++++++++ .1. 4. W + + t ++++ i++++++++ :: t : 'r•i•$ i 3•+
If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Plaster Paris,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
•6++++++++++++++•:••:-+++• 4•4•+++++++++++i++++++++•i••F+++++
Winchelsea �.
Bargains in Overcoats We have some very special values to
• oiler in Boy's and Men's Coats. It
come to you avand m see them before you hay elsewhere. I3est valuer, in
the land.
Don't forget our Ready -Made Clothing. We still have a'good choice
Dry Goods! \Ve have a good choice of Flannelettl9, \\'ooh Blankets
awcr Flnnnwllette fhlankets, 1311 at Inst year's prices,
(brae and see our plaid Dress (iuods, we have it from (k. a yard,
Underwear! Cweh. Are yon epared far We
have old 13 heavy
r stock
in pr
this line, all gond values 2 011
prices right.
Rubbers! Al! kind.! We are sure we can please you. ('orae and get a
pair and keep your feet dry.
Highest Prices I'aid for all Produce.
For Sale or to Rent.
Lot No. 15, Con. 2, Tp. of Stephen
Co. of Ilurun oontainiu; 100 acres of
land well fenced and drained: with
goo([ orchard, about 20 acres of (good
bush, modern Asuildin;a, convenient
to school, churoli and market and
is situate about 2 miles from the.
Village of Exeter. if not sold be•
fore Nov.15th 1I1 be rented.
further particulars ripply to Itotx:rt
Leathorne, Esq. '266 Wellintton St.
London, Ont. or to Messrs. Dickson
& Carlin?, Barristers etc., Exeter
Ontario. 10.5-07-4
[louse De6orator
Plumber (Ilot and 1'..1.lwater)
Sian Writing and Graining
With It. Dinney Islet year. Esti-
mates furnished nn appiteati•,rl.
Farm for Sale
We have a good Lunt of about
35 acres for male on reasonable terms.
Situate near Mt. Carmel in Stephen
Township. First Class land and fair
buildings. Near church and mcho0l.
Bari -totem .Exeter. Ont.
House and Lot for Sale
• !louse and lot for male I't. lot 156
Con. 12 tlaborne, 1-2 acre land good
prick cottage and staple. Must bo
.so!d. Apply Ilion. Cameron. Auel
cer Farquhar.
125 here! in the Township of Ilib-
bert consisting of lot 19 W. 1-4 18.
cot,censian 12. 'Phis is Rood property
and 3111181 be mold. 'Jrrrnm easy. Ap-
ply Thos. Cameron. Auctioneer Far-
A 'Trial Solicited. Real Estate For Sale
Part lot No. 4 containing gen
acres of land good brick house:, lartn
orchard with all kinds of fruit, and
rseverfailing well of hard water. This
beautiful property lies imrn-wdiately.
Went of Railroad on the Lake Vmrd,
JAnlem and An contains thousands of dollars %girth
of travel and ;n conveni0nt to Elle•
ler. 'fh m property mutt 1> 'nlrl as
John Northoot 4, t1'• pi(prk•teen
/KNEW WiY j health has faded. Easy (terms of
payment. A biz snap. For derma
and particulates apply to Thos. Can
TAKE? Irron. Auctioneer Farquhar.
1IOWi'Y'S farm stock silo make 11; :, taint 40
Imre your billet (vinte(1 nt 11,0 TINEA
.air office. Your bills will Ire altrae-
lively printed, :111,1 with every wile
bill (Ione at 'this office ,y. -,ii will re-
ceive flee a notice of ,1110 p,1" in
Ibis pater, which its read every week
by 1 Iredm of people In thin local.
(1 't :!.i a Lox 1 y nil mike., your elle known In
W %v h0 .Y w'. 'hs%•eo op-
tnrortunplyily oftnNee" lntR yot ur hills(h.
• Exeter, Ontario
ltesiderce, cnlner
drew Street.
The (1'•4'•' . ►
t'u ., 4'041.