HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-03, Page 8• ..mss +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4.4-++++++++++++++++++•:-++++++++++++++++ TSB 11' 1 '' S OCTOBER 3rd 1907, STEWART's Yes! We are Busy That's what We Like • Just a Word Abou Millinery We believe we have the largest and most up- to-date stock of Millinery in town. We believe we have the most careful and painstaking lot of trained Milliners in town. We believe you can get better satisfaction and bet tut. value in our show rooms than would be pos- blt)'e elsewhere. Let us have your orders early, and see if we don't please you. Ladies' Jackets The Continental Line Our Specialty The latest new York styles, tailored right down to the minute. We have a great stock. Every Colt a picture. You should see them. Our tight, fitting New Market Jacket in the new "Co. bait Brown" 1.nd "Royal Navy" are leader'.s Cobalt Brown, Royal Navy and Black are the correct colors. $9.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 J. A. STEW.ART ++•:••6••t'.`•+d•++++++++++++++++++ ++++++•(+++++++•i•+•S•• t+tr+++++++++++++4-++++++++.++++++d-++++++++++ �h�1� �. 1„alAlllll �h/II 111114- 44 n sl4 A ansa' 1 r `r 11 i► Tea S nil. Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks. Cake Forks Soup Spoonc, Pie Knives. Pearl -handled Butter Knives, Knives and Forks. Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wadding Rings Big Stock to choose from I'AINS IN THE BACK Cant be trifled with. If you dont slop then) at once your life may pay the penalty of your neglect. LINIMENT AND PLASTERS Should be applied and ite a good idea to have them on hand. If you once try our Rex Pourous Planters you wont be without one on hand in case of an em- ervency. A, MARCHAND ' W S. HOWEY, Phm, B. Chemist and Optician. EXETER, - ONTARIO NEW Fall Sultin Edison Pbonopraph gs The Magic 0i SWeet Music Follow Shakespeare's advice AND and get an Edison Phonograph the clearest, best and cheapest on • earth ('all and hear one at Fashion PIatejThe Jiist flrrlvod Call and Make 11 Selection be - foie the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Can. Purity Express Block, Main St., Exeter. The Old Way to Cure a ('old. THE NEW WAY TAKE 11OWEY'8 CURE+COLD CAPSULES Only 23c. a box -The Rally Day •ervicc14 were held in the blain Stree Methodist church nod ('oven 1'reebyteri:+n rhureh last Sunday. The services in the l'reshy- Conveyancer Accounts Collected tcran church were taken by the pee- Mov>'•:1• to loan at lowest rates. tor. Rev. W. M. Martin. tt bile Rev, Yong wee t.►rtd14 roe a.ie. C. P. Weill, of Granton took those Office. Main Street, fleeter of the Mnin Street chureb. .......................... LOCALS •••••••• •••••••• S. Fitton, issuer of marriage Ii - ceases. also complete line of wed• (ling rings always on hand. - NH.. A. Cottle has commenc,ni nuutufucturo-ug apple butt-cr. -Mr. George I rilght, of Itderton, Visited his parents le.rc Sunday. -Mr. Clark, of the Molsou's 'lank staff spent Salnrday in London. -Air. I. IL Carling-, il:trr•is:.'r, in - turned from the Cobalt, on friday. -Miss Grace Cuduiorc spent last cwt:k in S:aforth vi., tin; relatives. -The l:irkton "World's: Fair," w:11 b:' held to -day r.Ed to-morrow. -ltoht. 'toss, of Byron. 'spent a few days in town- duritl; the past week. -Mr. Irvin Armstrong spent Mon- day and Tuteelay jn Paris on buss- rle344. -,lir. Thos. Iia,ridford acted kis Judge of Meavy Horses at Godcrich Fair lust creek. -Mr. Edgar \\i'atcott left Tues• day afternoon for Hamilton whore Le will reside. - Mr. 'toy Farmer left last Satur- day to resume his etudi4s at the Tor- onto (niversity. -Airs. CharlejEacrett, of Sarnia, attended rhe. Smith -Snell nuptials here on 'ftn'sclay. -Mrs. C. 11. Snell t''urned Afonday evening from a visit with friends in Detroit and i'ontiac. - Mr. henry Solidi, of Exeter, W•r; u judge of cattle :41 11)1 Ildcrtort Fair held last Friday. - Mr. \V. Lofft, and Mi-' Ethel Sweet, of St. Marys, visited the lat- ter's mother last Sunday. -.lir. John Eyliott, Barrister, of Vancouver 11. C., 'is visiting alis Mother, Mrs. It. V. Elliott. - Ifustoti, teacher of piano, voice culture and thoory will accept pupils any time after Oct. 7. -Mr. Albert' McTaggart left on Tuesday to 'resume his studies at the 1)ental CoJkt C, Toronto. -Mrs. Joh; Bence left Saturday for Buffalo 10 jo:n her husband. ►w;ho has a lucrative position there. -Mrs. Ilrosen, of Sarnia, formerly Miss Ida 1':acrett, of Exeter, visited friend., in town during the past week. -Carlin.r atreet froth Station street to the Lew evaporator build- ing was opened up and 'graded last week. CIAN'I' TItil'LETS "Currency" "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in hi; plugs. Quality always!the same. - PLY MO C'T11 11OCIS 1'Olt SALE. A number of barred Plymouth 'tock Cockerels for sale. Speak quick. T. 11. ('arling. -Miss Georgic Kai: ht who has been visiting relatives in and around town returned la h •r home in Hiker.- ton ik r. - toil i'rird iv. For Quality and Quantity ask your dralcr• for the new bi; plugs of "Hobs," "Slag," and Currency chew- ing Icbarcoes. -Mr. Torn f'ar'ing left last Friday morning to attend Que-n's Cf)Ih•ze at I(in;elon. His father W. J. :,,.- compani.'d him. - Bruce Osman, •nn of Mr. and :ars. James Dizn.41i, totwn, wwi11 be married to -day to Mi -is Lilli• 11)y- croft, of Hamilton. The cold uratli..r of the past sicek has resulted in til:' heating $1t0wes and pil)Ce bring brought out from 1 heir summer recluse. -Miss Katie M1c1'al's, "110 .p"nt Ilse past throe weeks vipe'tine in Sea - forth and other pla'l•.;, returned home 'Tuesday' 'Venin!. -LOST-A couple Of a' els ago a fishing outfit on Lake' oad. The finder will kindly leav wwith N. I). 1lurdon at the Molenn's hank. -itaily Day eservites will he held in the .Tames Strretrchurch •ulxt Sunday. Itev. W. 11. Hutt. nf Cen- tralia, ivill lake rhar'e of 114.1 esrr• vices. -Mr. Danl. Davis Tuesdny show- ed ua a couple of lotatoes of (he Rural NevwYorker vai.'ty raised by hire. whin!' weighed _ 1-2 pound.. \W140 can britt this' -The Gibb Company have conlpl.•t- I ed their new evapora rJ• builtlin .; vr: Station Street and :fill" sale 'to re• 111 crier apples on Friday October 4th. I 'They will pay the highest pries+. -\Wnuten'e Lns4itule. ht) regular ►n•rt4,., of the \Wom s institute wviII hr held on 1'rida Wt. •ith., nt :d o'clock in Senior's ]tall. Airs. Dr. Arno+, fres.: Mrs. A. lusting., Ser'y. -Mr. Simon ('.rmpbel1 commenced Tuesday morning on hi, new mail route brew 'en Exete and Mitchell. According lo his si rdule tx lenvee Exeter at le,ven a. m. leaving chill on his return trip at 2 p. .:1. 1)11. OVENS EYE A. RAR SUR - Hotel. will be at Commerel.l iiotel. ITotnee 9.30 m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. Next visit S.'turdny October 6, 1907. -Detect.) • 11. it. Reburn, of 11 n• • •• : non -la't Thur•:: •r :11- rentig.tlh t h o ft of the fire, which ^4n stn" 11r.lrectel the Gibbs Co. ' waleorator at the Nnrth End of the tewn. rt i+ expected 1t.' txill return again to go into I1►e matt ter more thoroughly. Buy Your Fall Outfit NowTllE OLD RELIABLE We are showing the most extensive line of Fall and Fall is here and winter will soon be upon us. We beg Winter Apparel ever shown. New Autumn Dress Goods; to announce that we have put in a full lute of Stanfield'; new autumn Millinery; new autumn Coats, new autumn Furs Unshrinkable DRESS GOODS We want you to visit our Dress Goods Department, Never have we shown such a bright display of Hustings, Imported Tweeds. New Stripes and Plaids. Dark Effects at 50e and 75c yd. French Venetian A good fire) all wool plain cloth in all the new shades, Blue, Brown, Green, Red and Black. Going to be the big seller at (6Oc. 75c and $1.00 a yd. Broad Cloth Suiting Correct weight for Coats and Skirts in all the new colors. 54 in. wide. Price $1.25 yd. Scotch Tartan A splendid showing of all wool Tartans. Large list of Clans. Price 40c, 50c, 75c. yd. LADIES COATS Before buying your new Fall Coat have a look through our Iar=e range we know we have the right goods at the right prices. Ladies Coat of tine Broad Cloth, 48 in. long, beautifully finished with silk and fancy braid. [Special $10.00; worth $12.00. Ladies Tweed Coat In Dark Effects Invisible over checks, Brown Green and Greys, 44 in. long. We know you will like one when you see them. Only $10.00 Elegant Display of New Millinery Magnificent display of New Imported Pattern Hats and stylish Ready -to - Wears. A cordial invitation is extended to all. SI EOE,2., 8z ROW DON"T MONKEY WITH �+ THAT COUGH use omething to HOWEY'S SYRUP Remember. WHITE PINE & TAR Sold only at Howey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. -Mr. M. Jackson and daughter Miss Annie left Tuesday for London for a visit. -Mr. G. Decider, of London, ii the gust of Mr. and Mrs. \W. J. 'team:tn. -At a special nesting of the Council Monday evenin.e. the contract for bu•:dine. t he sidewalk on the North f :1e of James Street was let to P. Il:tccden at 11 cents per square fro:. Work will be commenced this week. -Will he 01 the (\'at(ral Hotel Exe- ter, Fri. October 18th., 1907. Ladies and ;enllcmen, see l'rof. ;Doren- wend's beautiful Wigs. Toupees, Bans, Wavy and Plain fronts, Beet- rhea in every len,,*th and slindr, etc. -Miss Martha Carlin.;. who wrote on the recant senior leavii'r teachers' examination :it Brantford nd wvhoae name did not appear in ;':1,' lint• last Saturday received her certificate. Miss Carlin; is to 1: • c'neratulated on her ,success. -Pumpkin Growers. Pumpkin Growers are reeueated to Notify at once the Exeter Cannina. and i're- wervinz Co.. the uantity they will be able to oupply. As a ;uid1rce a 1111 on box with debt innh eidse at- tached holds a ten. -A special zneetint of the Conn- ell wa.e held last Thursday evening to take up the matter of ron.etruct- ine a cement 'sidewalk on the North side of .Tames street from Main Street to the McIhstist &lurch. It was decided to ask for t•eifidcrs. Ilio hair Goods Styles ;viten proper- ly adjusted protect and ornament the head, •often and beautify the expres- sion of the fico and can.etuently tone up need appearance. Prof. Dorenwend has for this '•ea•ml rr.tnt• new and pretty de.si.1na. Ile ha' .t ca :i number of New Yorlt. 1.antinn and Pnri• patterns. Be sure and ere them and not for- z•'t day and dote. -(.rntlern •.n are you 1411 .1? 1; late and owe for yourself the Art ('owrr41e4 in \Wi,zr And 'Malan. r'rof. i')orentcond's 11 141tlfaetnres nre worn on over 85.000 head: by till ..talions of life. They are the e'.sence of perferti.w li1ht in iv i-ght, dur- able and a ..1rrn1 belief'? to ho11t.11. end n prnrertion to the head zeiltat• Cold, Mau -elite (at:irrll etc. Trying on and demonstrating' Ihr complele- n''' of Ihr, • r.n1s fret, of rl:arzr. 110 1%i11 ire, at t'hr Central )Tale' Exo- tor on Friday Orterber 181)4., 1907. -Mr. Davis Gardiner, who ter; nt- ly rra'zn:d as menezer of the EN(. - 1,•1' ' ..1,•r CanninCnntp•t»w, is at 1'r••a'111 work irz en the formation of e company to oeerete at At .Dna-.'ph, the embrvn rile <'n 1)'' where r f 1,ake ifurrtr. The hiildin7 whic4i was fir;t until as a flour mill and liter a. n 44 in.. factory, 111A", 1 .1;w mi11 will possibly hr u. -ed n14 a f.irtor' Mr. Cantin hae petition; t•o lir^v'.tt to the enw•ernm•,nt for elle rrntple- iinn of the deek :it St. Joseph. At present the dock ends in uater five feet in d'pt11 and the 1.••titin1)s are for the z•,.wernm''nt to connect it with the ln rd. Mr. C1'&1in '11114 in (:rederieh 1111? 1'i i'lir i'1 eenncctihn with the sale of (lie li'•lol tiro•;•ert 1 at St. Joseph, w)'rh was to Irl Saturday by the sheriff under an execution. -Thr Mi nieteriel A'nneietin') 1114 in Main Street Churr.h E'^ter, on the 2nd. inst. The followinz sere prea. r'nt. Rev. Mr wire. Toll and Smith, of iTen• 11. Men, nf Crediton and Gnin.r Coll 's Fear nn'l Martin. of Fs t'r. It 1 'e 11Zre"d In tli',eus't th' fo'Imw- in; • •ibjecte 4111110! the m-elin.ts for the 1 omin; year. T,r'asons from the Monlrnrnte it^v. Mr. Doh'rty: A Ilieterical Eeoeh, Bev. Mr. Collin; 1 The. New Theo!ozy, ltev. 1'. 1'I^telhrr Comparative 1)olizion it••'r. \W. Mar- tin : 0. T. ('ritfrion), ROv. D. \W. l'r• mbar' : N. T. Critiri,:m, 1t•'w•. Mr. Wells, rf Oranlnn: 113' ATatt.'1 .end Manner of T'r'ashing, 11'w•. Mr. 1111i i ('ides=t and 11e. Afrel^n1 ('harsh Rev. Mr. Bean: Kant' Moe sett Referm.'r; of the Laat 7,4,y 'Veer; Tt'v. E. A. Fear. The fnllnwlln7. officer.; ser" fleeted! Pre.... F. A. Fear : l're;.. E. M'F. Smith : S -»e'1• •T' etre `Tr. Ideon. No sI 111'1.tin-1 to be held first Mnndey of November in Car- mel Churoh 1lensall. 1-o Id When you are in need of medi- cine or sick -room supplieb or anything usually found in the stock of a flrit-class drugstore remember that in our store a large stock, scientific equip- ment and ample experience give us marked advantages. When. you have prescrip- tions to he put up remember these advantages, for they mean health and money to you. W. S. COLE, Phm. B • Disr easing Chemist. EXETER - ,ONTARIO• arness Our harness is hand made and perfect satis- faction is assured if you purchase from us. Plush Rugs We have a fine new assortment in this line which is ,just the thing that is needed during the cool evenings. W. J. BEER GRAIN WANTED Will pay the highest market price for UNDERWEAR both in gentlemen and ladies. The Ladies Vests are the best) we have ever shown they are made to shapf having no seams at $1.6O each, very fine. Furs and Cloth Coats We are carrying a choice line of Furs this season, both ladies and gents. We will sell ladies Cloth Coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call before making your purchase as we can save you from $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry them in stock. When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have a first class milliner in connection with the store in the person of Miss Morlock. CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE: -TORONTO. - Paid Up Capital: 0,000,000. BOARD OF DiIECTMS: .lE latauS JARvIs, Esq., - - - President RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First {'ice -President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., - - Second Vice -Presides' Box. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. A. E. Dv'MENT, Eaq., M.P. HON. PETER MCLAREN, W. K. A1cNAUcwT, Eaq, M.P. ALEX. BRUCE[, ESq., K.C. P. G. JEMM rt, R. CASSEI.s, General -Manager. Asst. General -Manager. Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches; -EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors HENSALL BRANCH. - H. ARNOLD, Manager. APPLES WANTED We wish to announce to the farmers and others that we are rebuilding our Evaporator on Station Street and will be ready to take in apples OCTOBER 4th. Highest Prices Paid for Apples. THE GIBB CO. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter ♦•••♦••••••••••••••••••••♦ • • CLINTON A 1 1 1 • Wheat, Oats, Barley i and Other Grains I R. G. SELDON1 BUSINESS COLLEGE Educates to meet the living de- mands of a progressive age. Moat exacting. modern city off- ices delighted with onr gradu- ates. Our management trains more young people annually than any other in Western On- tario. We have incorporated the counsels of our TEN TEA- CHERS into one grnnd►unexcell- ed whole. Both courses for price of one. Day students may attend night classes free. • • • t FALL TERM from SEPT. 2nd. 1 Exeter, Centralia Enter any time. individual 1 and Clandeboye inst.ructaon. Write for hand- some catalogue. mum De6orator Plumber Mot and (k•I l lVsttr) Sinn Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVITS Exeter, Ontario Residettre, corII Jatiies and Ari drew Street. For Sale or to Rent OEO. SPOTTON, Principal. � Good Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmcn will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch. �. JOHNS Merchant Tailor GRAND TRUNK( SY'SEM ♦ Hunter's' Excursion at •••♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦••♦♦♦♦•••♦0•••♦ Faro. Going Tuesday Oct. 9th to Tuesday Nov. 5th. OrTo points in Temagami, pointe 3101- tawa to Port Arthur, to Sault Ste Marie and Port Arthur via Northern Navigation, Co., to Georgian flay and Lake Superior roints via N. N. Co. (to points on N. N. Co. extra charge will he made for meals and berths return- ing) to certain points in Quebec, N. B. N $ Nfid. GOiNG OCT. 24th to NOV. 5th. To i'enetang, Midlsnd, Lakefield. all points Severn to North Bay, Argyle to it contains the qualities thatCoboconk, Lindsay to Hsliburton, and points Madawaska to Depot Harbor. tickle the palate. You must have I'til pointe on Muskoka bakes, Lake of • Saye, and Maganetewan River, Lot No. 15, con. 2, Tp. of St,e,lien heard it again and again that i All tickets good returnRi on or tte- Co. of Huron cc�ntainin 100 acres of fore Dec. 7th, 111417, or until close of land uc11 fent, d and drained : .;with Star i Navigation if earlier, to points reached Harvey h steamer 'teles. hued orchard. 'bout n. seers of good iOlrl('seek('1'S Excursions to hush, modern churn!) nz+, market ni to situatI, rhumb an.1 market and Manitoba and Canadian is situate :)bout l rude+ from lid„makes the very best bread. J Villaze of Exeter. if cot sold bo•I • Northwest. fore Nov. 15th will 1x• rented. For Try It and you will smile too. Sept. 2411 . Oct. Nth. Oct. 22nd further perticul:re apply to Robert L.eathorne, Esq. 266 Wollinzton St. London. Ont. or to Mesers. Dickman Ticket/ good f, r sixty drys soFor ticket and doll inforniatton call on & Cnrlinz, Blrrirtere etc., Exeter HARVEY BROS. That mato UIav We have it in our Single Star Flour Ontario. 10.5-07-4 J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. EXETER. - ONTARIO. or a rite J. D. MCDONALI), Union! Depot, Toronto, Ont. it -