HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-03, Page 5'1HE EXETER 'TIMES, OCTOBER 3rd 1:111;
We have just opened up an immense import
order of Scotch and English goods in all the
Latest Shades. Our success in the past has
been out•, knowledge that honest goods and
honest prices must prevail in garments which
appeal to the better class of trade. Call Early
Crediton's Harness Shop
Mitts and Gloucs
Have been added to my already large stock of Goods, and
we can now supply you with the latest styles in this line.
We also have a big stock of
Robes, Rugs, Wool Blankets, Brushes, Combs,
and all kinds of Harness on hand
P • W. CLARK, - Crediton
Repairing a specialty.
Hair Goods
?rot. Dordn6ll1
Ile will he at the
Central Hotel, Exeter, on
Friday, October 18th, 1907
1 am prepared to show a larger variety of NEW YORK,
LONDON and PARIS STYLES than ever offered to the pub-
lic before. I shall have LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS
SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade, etc.
See Our Transformations.
LADIES, my Goods are recognised as the STANDARD of PER VECTION and their
use protects the head and pro.
duces a }ounget expression to
the face.
Gentlemen, are You
BALD? 1 incite lou to my
Show Rooms to demonstrate
3 the complete success of my
and TOUPEES, worn on over
*As) heals. They are light in %eight, strong and
most natural in appearance, and a prot.•.tion to the
limed against Draughts, Colds, Catarrh, Neuralgia, et-., and gice a ronnger
and handsomer eapreseicn to
. OCT, 18th.
e '
dence of Mr. and Mra. William
Stewart, "Hill 'Creat." Farquhar
when their daughter Charlotte was
married to Mr. Arthur Y. Campbell
They were married on 'Wednesday
October 2n1.
SIMITH-SN ELL -At the home of Mr.
and Mr3. John Snell. when their
moarri'dt daughter.
to Clarence 1. Smith, Mae M. war
Ingersoll. The wc)tidine took place
plaoo nt 12 o'clock ort Tuo3day Oct.
Dashwood on Thursday 26th Mise
B. Go3sman. to Mr. \Nellie;ton
at the home of Mr. and Mre. Geo.
Squire, Whalen when bheir daugh-
ter. Bertha I. was married to Mr.
Arthur Baker.
BEREIIILL-In St. Marys on Friday,
Sept. 28th, Joseph Berehill. aged 80
• -
Trial Catarrh treatment are being
mailed out free on request, by Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Win. These tests are
proving to the people -without a pen-
ny's cost -the great value of fthis
scientific perdcription known to
dru;gists everywhere as I)r. Shoop's
Catarrh idtt'medy. Solei by '\V. S.
ane and Sut goons, leuccoesur to Dr.
E. A. Haist. Oreditun. Oat.
A number of our pouts eociele to::L
in the supixu' on b1Au►day eyel Lts; to
the Jatna•s Street Mouluxdiat 0hurctt
Exeter, on Monday evettine.
1)r. ar.d Mrs. Orrae, ef. Ceu:rali.,
were the guests of Mr. C.•Iie,aver on
Mr. and Mrs. Au;us; dill w,-7re
called to the bedside of Mr. lintel
mother at Zurich an Saturday on
account of her sudden inflects. She
had been quite well up to that time
when she avas taken suddenly ill on
Saturday and died on Sunday morn-
The Misse» Stahl, of Toronto. atter
a plcaa:ult visit avith friends )tore,
have returned home.
Mr. Ilerb Silber has returned from
u visit with friends in Detroit. To•
ledo and Albany.
Mr. Frazer Brown, who was at-
tending the Y. 1'. A. connection in
Berlin has returned home.
Mrs. Wickert an old resId::nt fo
our village left last week for the Old
Peoples' Home near Buffalo. Se
was accompanied by Mrs.
zer. Mrs. Switzer on her return
will visit friends in I3rantford.
Mr. Fred Young visited in London
over Sunday.
Miss Inez Andrew; left this week
for Ottervillc where she has secured
a position as teacher in the nphool
in that plaCc.
Miss Ida Rau, of London, is this
week visiting her parents.
blias Martha Wentzcl who ,has been
viaitin; friend; in London and other
place has 'returned home.
Dr. 1'. J. McCue, our genial doctor,
has moved Ida drugstore and office
from the former location to t:he (store
formerly occupied by Wes. l-'inkbein-
er ist •the Boltzmann block. The Ilett
store has been nicely fitted up and
is quite appropriate 10 the go-ahead
energies of it he doctor.
Creditor's prozressive harness deal-
er. Mr. Clark has added a line of
Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlets to his
already large stock of harness (goods.
and it will pay you to kali on Ulan
and secure some. of his excellent bar-
Mr. W. A. Sambrook has just teom.•
pleted one of the *finest ,chic
houses itt .Ilse country. alta ken
buildin.; is a two storey structure.
and is (capable of housing over 100
bliss Walla Hill, who is attendin;
High Schcol at Berlin arrived home
Tuesday eve ito attend the funeral of
her ,grandmother.
Attention is called to
meet in iutother column
\V. Clark.
The first programs was rendered by
the pupils of the Literary Soeinty •in
connection with true High Sohool Dc•
partment. last Friday afternoon and
was a ,great rtuccess. Following is
the program: Chorus by school, "The
Maple Leaf Forever" • Chairmans ad-
dress ; solo by Miss Pearl llaist : reci-
tation by Miss Elsie Geiser : reading
by Roy Bill .reading by Miss Mil-
dred Brown; !topic "Lady Jane Gray"
A. M. lfoltzmann : recitation by Chas.
Finkbciner ; chorus by school "Sol-
diers of the Kin," ; reading by Miss
Beta Kicnzle ; God save tha King.
\Vhilbert McMurray. who has been
spending .the past few months at ttia
home in the vllla.se left Wednesday
morning for Winnipe•; where he has
secured a situation.
Rev. F., 11. Bean attended the Min•
i. terial meeetin * at Exeter Tuesday
C. ''wicker held their openings on
S et. 20th., rile and 28th.
The opening was a succus. The
eliow--room dcooratea in Mountain
Ash, berries, palms and cut flowers.
The hats are distinctly different this
.;eaves. The *hap e are varied and
cover such •i w•itda ranee. The large
cloche or bell eh:11es' hats are .[aver-
itea. These are worn off rho face
;ivin,z an entirely new and stylish
Wines are Nhowu in ,;scat variety
but principally in long pointed ef-
Sects. A very effective model was
carried out in a brown felt cloche
hat trimmed in brown and 'settee
fox tail plumes; brown taffeta, and
tobac shaded ,roses.
Another !tat shown was the ultrt
Paris hat, made of black chiffon vel-
vet. trimmed with black otatriolt
plusses. draped with taffeta ed;ed
wit braid, ball pica and diamond-
shaped ornaments were also ufted.
Flowers are a distinct novelty es-
pecially the natural flowers, such as
morning glories, orchids. white ro'h'•v
in all 111.1 new oladin;a will h' an
important factor.
Our Mail Order System
Will Save You Money
You can buy a raincoat
by mail from us just as satis-
factorily as j)y a personal
visit. And think of the
greater value this house gives
you in return for your money.
We buy the materials direct from
the weavers, painstakingly stake the
coats in our own factory, and sell
them direct to you through our
own stores. We are in the posi-
tion to give you best value in
Canada -and we dot
While very dressy, our
coats are, first of all, water
ders. We guarantee them
proof. Best serge linings arc
Coats are hand t.tilore'd.
rain -
1f a gua,,zafrt .t fnftel fit, complete
s.:1: :.irt„), or menet. rtfir,rded. \Ve will
geelly mail samples of materials if you will
send us yc,1r ad.lress. 48 to 52 inch lengths.
$6.95, $8.50 $10, $12,
$15, up to $25.
`til l�si .tom
.•t •
Operating 2 rar:oriss and
a 7 Stores is '.'aside
J. M. HiCKEY, Manager
Leedom, Ontario
of Mr. F.
are a rowtuon trouble. impurities which should be thrown off (rose the b".t - have a
Pimples (a Face Soi es
tendency to remain tr. the system, thus clogging the pores and giv.ng rise 10 a111 sorts of
disagreeable akin troubles. Yant Bun api'I.e t to
the skin ha).amost wh•dc.wm•effect- ltstimulates
and helps the skin to throw Warty impurity and
restorer tho skin to a healthy state.
"Zaiu-Buk Is the bt-t household baiut ever
brought into a home." tuck is the opinion of :err.
Sarah McI)otutld, of Ilius tout) halo ss) s. -"My
little girl had a severe and obativate rale ou her
akand tho
akinn trouble. 1 applied which had defied all others remedies.
went away like magic.'
Eczema, Pois-
cures Eczen, (acetic
wounds. Festering Sores andal. skin Li.ease+t.
Dubbed well is it Z.turBuk t+ the nnlet eiubroes-
tion for Rheumatism, Selectee., etc. of all stores
and druggists at weenie, ertrow 'haul Buk Co.,Toronto for price. 3 tames for 14:25. (C'.1:'. d affor
will make their new home. in Lon- 1
don, where. Mr. Sandercock has a .
good position, 1 Mr. ,and Mrs. Yearley cal1..td upon
The work on the building of th.' 1fr. John Schroeder and family last
si rig Sunday.
a Mr. S. Sweitzer has his cider trill
itt full awing these days.
I Mr. William Ma3on, Woodhull, vi3-
ited (Omuta its the village last Sun-
A large number from here attend-
ed the Parkhill Fair yesterday and
1 report a very enjoyable time.
Mr. S. Swcitzer was in Parkhill on
business ono day last week.
A large number from hltre attend-
ed tho )harvest Home supper east
Thursday evening at Corbett and
I they say those who did not attend it
a. sre• missed some thin.;.
The. flax trill started to
their flax last Monday.
The farmers say that the frequent
IA1tQl11tAli showers of rain makes the fall wheat
grow stronger.
Mrs. Jas. Barris. who has been via- i -+---
itin•; at Dungannon for the pant two To check a cold quickly, ,;et from
wcsi t, retuned home on Friday last.1 yourdru.gi.tt some little Candy C,.ald
Mr. John Riley is having a nal° Tablets called I'reventics. Druggists
of his household effects and stock. everywhere are now dispensing Pre -
on Saturday 'next, previous to his ! Ventic3, for they arenot only sate,
lectin; for B. C. but decidedly certain and prompt.
Rev. Fletcher of Hamilton, occur I'reventics contain no Quinine-. 110
new lfartleib 'block is pro;r'
very fast and the buildin; will ern
be completed.
Miss Pitta Ruby, of London, is via•
eine at her home here.
Mr. Fred Stier soft sister Miss S.
Stier of Detroit, are vir;itin; at home
Mr. Herman Zimmer left last week
for Toronto where he has accured a
good position.
Bean the Ds
pied the pulpit 4n , Thanes Itoa
on Sunday last, in the absence of his
brother, Rev. Colin Fletcher.
Mrs. W. A. Turnbull, who has been
in St. Marys for this past weak, re-
turned home on Thursday last. ler
son Re.;., who has been ill. is im-
previa; nicely and able to he out
Mr. Fred Rundle attended the Lair
at St. Marys on 'Thursday last.
bars. Armstrong .mho visited at A numtxr of invited ;u st3 apes:
Mr. Jno. McCullough's last week re•
turned to her hole itt Stratford on darery r[ the abbe evening- last Fri•
of Mr. and Mrs.
Friday last. Charles Cann, the occasion beet; the
Mr. S:raon Csmpbslf commenced his
duties as mail -carrier from Exeter ttwenty-edded 11 [tis h nnivert eix a lock mo Lry of eer
to Mitchell on Tuesday last Oct. 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. 'Bravery the pleats were oa hand and .we:e.
were ?guests of DIr• and Mrs. 6. Items standing theto a unfavorable rtable• netu' ,• • ,
at Exeter. on Sunday last. and ahorlly were aaated at a beat I,
Mr.' Andrew 'Hackney, ora of our laden table, that had been Ye
most esteemed citizens, Surprised meladen
four o'clock with its display • :
many friends hers'. by rite unto to luxuries. After a hearty acknoc.
Blythe haat week, and taking
laxative nothing harsh nor aickert-
enin;. Taken at the "sneeze stage"
Preventica will prevent Pneumonia
Bronchitis, L•1 Grippe, etc. Pence
the name, Preventici. Good for fev-
erish children. 48 L'reventics 25c.
Trial Boxes 5 Ms. Sold by W. S.
himself a wife in the person of Miss
Susan Kernick. Mr. and Mrs. Hack-
ney have elle beat wishes of a host
of f rie.nda here, who wish them a
Ion; life of happiness and prosperity.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkby and
Master Wilbur were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Beaver; on Saturday last,
Campbell -Stewart Nuptial) - The
residence of Mr. and Mrt. William
Stewart. "Hill Creat,' Farquhar was
the scene of a very pretty wedding
Wednesday, October 2nd, when their
daughter Charlotte was joined in
wedlock to Mr. Arthur Y. Campbell
son of Mr. Simon Campbell, T)lamci
ltoad. The parlor was prettily dec-
orated with fern; and u lar;e arch
of ever;reef s, :with trimmin;a of
white, from whioh was .uspondod a
huge wedding bell, was ar•anleed for
the occasion and under which the
bridal party stood. The ceremony
was performed by ltev. H. J. Fair. of
Eliniville, in the presence of about
'200 invited truest+. • Prorni'tIY at
four o'clock the bride. supported by
her father. catered the bridal room
to the. ,strains of 'lbw wedding tnaroh
played by Mrs. Geor;e Williams. The
bride lc'. ked rhartnin; in a hand-
some town of figured net over taffe-
ta with trimmings of satin ribbon,
medallions of Bebe iri+h lace, with
an irnrnenee flowing train, wetrinR
the customary bridal veil, trimmed
with or;inao .blossoms and carrying
a b'autiful bouquet of rare flowers.
Iler bristcsmaids, dres'ed in white,
with pink stashes. were four in num-
ber, her asi s:er Miss Clara, and cousin
Mies Mnirdn Glenn and Misr Ver t
Campbell and Miss Campbell, of New
York, remAins of the groom. Mr.
Eller:naton aasi%Vedih•'•}1 Mies
Lillian Stewart ;Ind y
Stewart. both nzccx.g of the bride,
mad1e very eharmin; ria:; ba.trer and
flower .girl t-etp ctively, while Mas-
ters Gordon and Llewellyn Stewart
acted the part as (.1ze,s very nicely.
After ionzratulatir,n3 wet.' extended
to the bride and tzncom, (ha l;uedds
adjourned to tire (Lniaz room w11're
all sat dow n t.o .1 sumptuous rel'.tst,
after whioh turn li;Lt fantastic was
1rippc<d until the "wee ma' hour S."
Tits ,rroc.m is a +uec<Osful farmer
and will lake up firminz tit their
future Monte tIs' "Avenweed." atter
their return front a 1w.'.neytnoon trip
to Niagara Falls :owl other point s.
The esteem its which the briele is
held is /shown by the many beautiful
and cestl)" ►fifty which sem received,
among wl►i°h was a piano from -h; r
parents. The bride'; ttoinz awty
gown was a blue milit try suit
with hat eo match.
Mr. Geo. F.ds;hoffer has -received
Lis new stock of boots shoes and
rubbers and has opened up in Mrs.
Crofts tailor shop. Hie stock is all
new and he would be pleaded to Slave
all his old customer and friends call
and Visit him and inspect his stock.
Mr. D. Tietnatt wishes to announce:
that. he has now .1 complete stock
of hardware in all lines and all new.
ilii lin atlott is again fitted tip and
ready for all kinds of work. Re-
member the place, Hoffman's hid
stand. Parties having empty cement
sacks would confer a favor by re-
turning them at once.
Mr. Norman Ruby ha; been en;1;-
,•ct I,y Mr. I). Tiernan to assist in
his tinsmith department (twine to
rush of work.
Mr. A. McEwen has cccurcd n poet•
tion in the hotel here.
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Eidt mer'
felled to Lidtnwel owing to the death
of Mrs. Celt brother Rev. Wn;ner,
is 110 died in that town after -i1 lint.
erin; illness. The funeral .tock
place on Thursday.
Mrs. C. Willett one of our eel
reaid encs, this week moved to the
home of her ai.gh r, Mr. Louis \Vil-
lert, just south of the where
she swill in future reside.
A very pretty wsdt1in; was solemn-
ized at the home of Mr. and Mrd.
tion+man on Thursday of lest week,
when their daoenter Miss 11. (loss.
rnan WDA unitrd in marries to Mr.
\\'ellineton S:tntlern.>tck. 'fha cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. Mr.
Bean. of Creiliton, in the presena
of the immediate friends and vela•
Hem Mr. and `bir;. 'fiandercock
en eon; lcdgcm t 1 'n 0 3 to ,t IO
Giver every ono participated in what
Canada furnishes nt a favored Burd
by the blessing of :t kind Providence
to all industrious citizens. After
tea a abort program was given and
although but a short time was (given
for preparation. was very successful.
Iev. Fair presided and after singing
"All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name."
Mr. and Mrs. Cann were called up
and the great contract again renew-
ed. however a little more humorous
this time, with the bride's "I I;ucs
so." The groom expressed his appre-
ciation of the rich ;itta and !his tercet
pleasure because all connected in re-
lationship were so harmoniously tete
listed in the Christian life, that ithey
were not only united in earthly ties,
but in heavenly citizenship. Mrs. A.
Andrew then San; the hymn entitled
"T11e. Doer of God's Mercy is Opetm."
after which several short speeches
were made and congratulations given
to Mr. and Mrs. Cann. After the
social evening„ all returned to their
homes. Some of the presents were
as follows: With boat wishes from
the young M10'ple at home a silver
cake dash ; Mr, and Mrs. G. Dunn,
silver spoon and butter knife ; an
elegant silver tea set from Mr. and
Mrs. 11. Coultis, bir. and Mrs. E.
Coultis Mr. and Mrs. A. Andrew s;
.1r. and Jars. J. Blinds and 'Mr. and
Mrs. 11. Kyle. e. lovely silver sugar
bowl and dozen spoons were the con
tributions of Mrs. R. Cann, Mr. and
Special Sale of fall Good
Sweeping Reductions in all Lines
£"Our Stock is complete and larger than ev'cr`S
Ladies Mantles
We have just opened our first ship -
stent of Lathes and Chtldtens ('oats,
the Very latest styles direct flout the
hest makers in Canada. See our Blk
Beaver Cloth ('oats 4 length trimmed
with silk braid, etc nice fine quality
at $0.
Also our new Plaids and Checks
(tutn $7 to $10 tech. We can save
yeti front tk2 to 1S3 on your white's coat
Pain anywhere, pain in the .head
painful periods, Neural;it, toothach'
ell pains can ha promptly stopped
by .1 thorouetly +i1' dit11" l'ink
(' 11 dy Tablet, knots n by i)rux;istt
evcrywh••re as 1)r. Skcop'a Ifeadaoho
Tiblet. fain simply meads .onxestion
under blood prea•.urr at the '1oint
where tblcod exist;. i)r. .Stoop's
Headache Tablets quickly equalizer
thii unnatural bleed pressure, and
pain immediately dnt,art4. \Vrite
1)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. and )met t
free trial package. Letr;e box 25e
Druggist, W. H. Ilowey
A leading health journal in answer-
ing the question, " What is the lost
prescription to clean and lenity the
blood ' paints in a recent issue the
following :
Fluid Extract I )andeliort one ounce;
Compound S'intone, one 1111:1.'e ;
Compete!' Syrup Sarsaparilla, four
Shake well and use in teaspoonful
doses after ea1-h meal and at bedtime.
A well-known physician states that
these are harshest vegetable ingre•
diens S. which ren be obtained from
any good prescription pharmacy.
This mistime will clean the blood
of all impurities. In just a few days
the skin begins t to clear of sores, toils
and pimples. It puts vigor and
energy into rundown debilitated
men and women. For many years
Sarsaparilla al, ane has b -en considered
A good blood meaieine. But while
it built till and made new blond, the
impurities rens-tine, within and the
goat areompiishel was only tempor-
ary. Sursaparilla, however, whet
used in connbinatinn with Con, .Wetted
Salatone and Extract 1tspldelion,
works w,inlers. This combination
puts the ki•h,eys to work to titter
and sift out the waste matter. uric
a.:i.1, and ether irepuritiesi that rau•o
llitease.. it makes new hlootl ami
relieves rheumatism and lame back
ant teethe troubles.
Ready Made Suits and
We invite your inspection to our
line of hobby Overcoats, Suits, etc.
We made a special purchase of Men's
and Boys' Suits which we offer at
low prices, at least 2(1 per cent below
the regular value.
We have an immense stock of Furs,
See our line of Ladies Ruffs, Throw
Scarfs. Fur Lined Costa, Aetrae
and Electric Seal Copts. We bay
never shown a !tette' stock.
See our Men's Fur ('oats. We have
them iteall sizes in Canadian loon
Wallaby. Rusainn ('aif, China Dog,
ere. We are tnakit g a special ofTee
u1 Coon Coate, rho 1.1,11P of real dark
Wallaby si Kiel) :110 the best value
seen for some tints.
\\'e have the stock of up-to-date
Dress (foods itt all the leading shades
and fabrics.
Special sale of Flannelettes much
below regular price.
This department is its charge of.Misa
Colvin. On Thursday Sept. 'kith and
followingg days we will have our open.
ings, end invite all the ladies to in.
spect our stock c t• the very latest
styles of head wear.
Highest prices paid for Produce.
A Call Solicited.
Carpenter Tools of All 'Kinds.
A large assortment of Stoves, Ranges, Tinwfih'e, and Grant
ware at Rockbottom prices.
++++++++++++++++++.+4+++++ f+++++++++++++++++++++
I Now that Fall is here You will need
a New Cap.
We have them ranging in price regular from 25c to 75c. See
our display of caps in the East Window at 19c each.
Another shipment of Wrapperettes this week 10c to 15c per yd.
Visit our store and be convinced that we are offering choice goods
in all lines at close prices.
A number of Tubs of good Butter wanted at once to
fill a contract,
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
++++++++++++++.1-1-H++++++++ •hd'+++*++++++•t
ft. MILLS, - WOODfif%
Crown (hem, pints 75c doz.. Wine qts. 80c doz., Insperial floc doz. Wins
gal. $1.00 a doz., Rubber Rings 5c and lllc doz.; pure White Wine Vin
XXX 40c. gal.; also all kinds of Spices for pickling; we have also Cider V
gar; Granulated Sugar $4.75; Try eur new Japan Tea, Green 25c lb„ Co
pure, cannot be better for 40c. lb.
In Dress (woods we have too large a stock which we are going to clear o
at Bost price; also our Muslims and Giughanis. We have just placed in stock
case of Grey Cottons which we will sell you et right price's; also Flannelet
and Flannelette Blankets.
We have about 75 Youth's Suits, 2 piece and 3 piece we will sell at 1
than cost, we must reduce before our new ones arrive; also odd Parts and
Vests to go at cost.
We went your produce. Dried Apples tic. Ib. trade.
Eggs 17e trade, Pie cash; Butter in crocks Lek trade, lflc cash. /
A. MILLS, = Woodhami
••••••••••••••N•••• • •••••••44••••••••••••••'••••«
Mrs. 3. Cann and Mr. awl Mrs. G. ••••••••NN•••••••••••••r
Kerslake: Mt. and Mr;. II. ti. Wil -
barna, fruit spoon; Mr. 'T. Caen Chili
sauce dish; Mr. and Mrs. C' llar•
vey, silver ,butter Inial; Mis; F.
Campbell, combination silver fruit
dish : Mr. and Mrs. Clark, ;silver
fruit spoon ; ,Mr. and Mrs. E. Wit.li:in13, silver row fruit dish; Mr. and
Mrs. i1. Harney. silver fruit spoon ;
Mr. :111(1 MU.<. W. IlorneY, silver but- i
ter dish ; Mr. and Mrs. 3. nankin,
silver orae ;c spoons: •M r. E. 1'c rzu•
son, silver pickle dish.
High Glass'
Then come to London and have a pair
made for you that will correct all your
eye defects, no matter how complicated.
We have patients in ail parts of Canada
who can attest our skill and accuracy in
fitting each particular oats, and the lenses
are ground in our own laboratory, under
personal supervision.
Appointment made by mail, or phone 11177•
237 Demise K. Leaks, Oat.
People who buy diamonds
want stones that will bear
the closest scrutiny - gems
which are free from Haws
and from whose surface
every ray of light is reflect-
edjas from a drop of water.
We carry all sizes of dia-
monds from the largest' to
the smallest, either set or
unlet and ell of the purest
C. H. WARD & CO.
37ilRichrnnntl fat. , 101041 orm