HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-03, Page 4{
Pure Pickling Spices
If you want good pickles, you
must have good spices.
We Have Them
Cloves, Cassia, Mustard Seed
Celery Secd, Allspice, Mace
Ginger, Red and Black Pep-
per, Chilies, Garlic, Tumeric
and Curry Powder.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
' Fisheries. "is of the utmost Import•
ance to the British Empire. It is a
irrespective of prty, All
te unuimous• I settee that nota si+►;lc oPIoasition
paper in Caned.t las adversely criti-
cised Sir Wilfrid Leuricr's 1,roPo'al.
"It is not Canada alone, but the
whole Empire, That will benefit by
the All -Red Route. We are atru;-
;iin; in fever of the scheme. but it
,must not be thou;bt that rc era
seckin; it solely to benefit uurseA-
yea. had I reiterate that the pro-
jected improved bteamship service
will brim :the distant per:; of the
Empire nearer to the Mother Coun-
Commercially and it rate ;ical;y,
the 'All -Red Route' has advantages
over t he Suez Canal route. and it
must prove of enormous orous advanta;a
to the Empire. Canada es, in a
sense. prepared fort the day when it
will be nu acomplished fact unit
%than she will ba linked up more ef-
fectively with New 'Zealand and Aus-
ti::tia oft the one hand rind !with tie:
British Islands on the other.
•'\\'e are buil<1i1:; a second trans-
, continental Haile -A y --a Grand 'Prink
n•hich wilt have a=- its termini
1 ports probably Prince Rupert town
on the went and Halifax cell the east.
According to the terms of the con-
tract it must be templets'(' by 1911,
and by then we hope that the inlet -
Empire route wilt hay' passed be-
yond the .realm of probability.
"The que3tion is a bis ono and we
in Canada .lo not expect tkat it
scheme so far-reaohin; can be set-
tled off -hand in a few weeks. I have
ad me
1think nothing
thett there was la td endency
on the part of the Ilritieh Govern-
ment or a oection of the Ministerial -
Late to ttisavow the approval given by
Lord Elgin at the Conference. I un-
derstand that a committee of 'the
British !Ministers is now at r.ork
cansiderine, the project. leaving the
question of the cubsidie3 to be con-
sidered at a later date by a confer-
ence composed of representatives of
the home and variants Colonial Gov-
ernme*ita interested. I cannot for a
moment heliecve that either Sia' 'Iletie
ry Campbell-Bannermanor any
member of the Liberal party has an
intention to oppose an utelertakine
which tvould be of sptoh great _value
to the oommorcial prosperity of the
British Empire."
Exeter. Ontario. 1
Terms of SubicriPtiaa $1.00 per
year in advance. $1.J0 may be
,aban;ed if not eo paid. To United
states eubscribe,
, $1.50
aconti10 i
l•5 etrictly in
llldvance• .No. paper
'until all arrears are paid, unlede at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscrietiotl is
paid is denoted on the label.
Advertising rates on application.
Reform Convention of
South Huron
A Convention of the iteforater3 of
the Electoral Di3trict of South Hu-
ron. as constituted for Provincial
purposes will he held in eicDonclhs
Opera House, Hensall
Thursday, Oct. loth, 1907.
at 11 Cling A'candidl, tatto tconteet
of 3clectin.�
the 1{idin; in the Reform interests
Non. A. G. MacKay, K. C.
The Provincial Leader, and
Mon. Geo. P. Graham
Minister of Railways and Canals
aro expected to be Present and ideliv-',
addreayes in the afternoon. - lar•;e
attendance of delegates and friends
of Liberal principles is ro:tuestod.
hie tines will be held in each -Mutt-
Ipality on
Tuesday, October 8th
at 8 p. en. for the election of iLel' -
gates. (See Bills)•
`HENRY SM1TiI, J. 0. STANRUlt\•,
President. Secretary.
Exeter, Ontario.
Mr. Hariley, of Blyth, preached very
intereatin; bernlone at boat services.
The rvervlcec in Mt. Carne l church
were of a sp:rial chvacter on 81111.
41.11y. The woruiu; 'service was for
this children. '1'h, choir wee compos -
cd of children. The church was
decorated with flowers for the oz-
c.znion and the ervioors throutho t
were inte're,tin; to the yours= t
Mr. aril Mrs. G. F. Scott. of Lou-
don, are, the eueets of ,ISIrs. Jets.
Sutherland. Mrs. Scott's 'sister.
tdr. it. (1. hopper bee sold /his tire;
and stationery Luainess to Mr. Wa-
ybill, of ltooleitter. u'ho will tette
possessioe in a few' wtiewr.
Uenphill is a brother of Mrs. C.
Cook, of this, village.
On Sunday the rally hers -iced in
connection with the Melehodiat churetl
weer. lar;ely attended and excellent
aerators stere detivorcd by the pas-
tor Rev. S. L. Toll. In the eveaiu;
Mr. 'loll nave an inter' 3tin; address
on 'Temperance and Local Option.
Mi.; Ida J'eert is visitant her pare
(lute in town.
Mrd. Jeri. Clark was in Bel;rove
atteudiue the funeral of .t relative.
We are pleased to see Mr. 'Jae.
lionthron Jr., around main after
bein; laid up for a few weeks. elle
result of a sprain(d ankle. Ile was
out on Monday for the first reale
minim the accident.
Miss Idella Chesney, who has been
confined to ger home for :a few
weeks t 'trough illness is n'r-ound
a Bain.
\Ve understand that Mi. C. Cook
intends movin; into the rooms over
Mr. Hopper's Drugstore in a few
tveek s.
Rev. 8. L. Toll and Rev. Mr. Smith
attended a ntcetinz of the Mininterr-
ial Association in Exeter on Tuesday
Detective Rebuilt. of Toronto, wa3
here several days last week invice-
veet.igatin; the alleged e.aseult com-
mitted on Mies Ma ;ie Brown, by an
Indian. Ile left on Thursday ex-
pre;3in; his opinion that he did ;not
take much stock in tbtc .story.
last week.
Mr. and Mrs .Hemphill of \Vrox-
otor, were here last week viditinx
their daughter. Mrs. C. Cook. Their
Aon waa alive hero and puroltai'ed the
drug business of T. Hopper. which
lin intends taking over in the course
of a few weeks.
Rally Day services were held itt
the Methodist churoh last Sunday.
The Liberal Convention to be held
In Henault Opera Musa on Thursday
October 10th promises to be one of
the most interceding political gather, -
bags that has been Mold in elle rid -
las for 'torte time. DettItlite replies
have been ,rceeived from both the
lion. A. G. MacKay, K. C. Provincial
Leader and also from the lion. jG nd t
H. Graaharu, Minister of ItnitwaY.
Canals that they will be present. clipped from this year s "An
qmaiBoth there! t 'weaker
andar eminent eorc utentthe
lC.4I'. 11. made
yth the
liver sea/form spcater. Si. Marys and Weetcrn Ontario Rail-
addresses in the Exet no titn. Jthe r
Rail -
MacKay Pr incial 'in fns aner at .beth cornpClionaof the Company;* Line'
ny for the lea.se on ita
last Provincial elections and 1 from St. Mary.; in the Province of
Ontario to a connection at or near
the village of Embro, with the pro -
poised extension of the Tilsonbur3•
Lake Erie and Pacific Railway. leas-
ed to your Company, a distance of
about 15 1-4 miles. The rental to
it, paid is 411 per cant. of the :terse,
,.:train;a. but not less than ••7.•
annum. which represent; the inteer-
e. i 4 per centum
nnnuul on $198250 neat Mort;,axe
Rods of the St. Marys and West••rn
Ontario lingua), Company, to be id-
aurdt by t het company and Nein; itt
the rate of $13,000 p.r mil, of its
" +n toeaT-
r:tiltta}•:your company hav'
lion of acquirin; the whole •ot the
capital .tock of that CompltnY et • sly
time within twoly' years on payment
of the Aunt of $25.000."FOR OVER SIXTY YEAlt9
tit.i. mel, mete/twee ice deer -Mr
winylnv.'.t-eo;tetee "hist• nn'
Over sixty tears by roll:lens of mothers rm. int it
•ntle tretAli vett) pert ..,•1 -wed-a
No date baa a3 yet boon stet by
the Government for the opening of
the coming session of Parliament,
but it i3 practically assured that
the session will open in either the
third or fourth •week in Kovombet.
probably Nov. 21at or 28th. No de-
cision of the cabinet, however. is ex-
pected until next month.
The Conservatives of South Perth
will meet in Convention in the town
Hall. Mitchell. on the 24thcandidates
the purpose of initiating
for the Legislature and Contmona.
Hone. Manna, Monteith. CockshutL
11. P. and Blain. M. 1'.. will be pre
era.Writs for for the three bye election3
in Ontario have been issued. Nome
mations will be held on October 22nd
and pollia; one freak later.
Civil service entrance examinations
aro appointed to open Tuesday, No-
vember 5 at Charlottetown, St. John
Halifax, Quebec, ;,tontreal Ottawa
Kin;3to11, Toronto, Hamilton London
Winnipeg, Calgary. Victoria and
'Windsor. lrandon,APrince Albert rthur. Sault
gina and Nelson. paragraph :was
-The tollott in, 1 ' annual r •-
Bear. Cthe A.113 C, L = Always BRIM
Get from any pre3cription pharrm.t-
Met the following e
Fluid Extract. ,Dandelion. one-half
ounce ; Compound Karyon, •o» ie ounce
Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three
ounoes. • 4
Shake well in a bottle and take
a tea3ntonful (1080 ,atter each areal
and at 'bedtime.
The above is considered by an emin-
ent authority, who writes in it New
York Daily paper, as the fine.3t pre-
scription ever -written to ,relieve
backache, kidney •trouble:, Weak blad-
der and all forms of urinary trouble.
Thie mixture acts promptly on the
eliminative tiiauta of the kidneys, en-
ablin; them to filter and strain ithe
uric acid and other waste matter from
the Wood tt-ltioh causes Rheumatism.
Sonic per(tona who staffer with the
afflictions nuly not feel inclined to
place much .confidence in this simple
mixture, yet (hose who !leave tried it
say the 'results are %imply surprisin;
the relief Mein; effected without the
all;litest injury to 'the sttomaoh or
other or.fans.
Mix some and rive it a trail. It
certainly cornea highly recommended.
It is the prescription of an eminent
authority, rhos! entire reputation.l,t'
ii said, rtes established by it.
A dru;zidt kers at glome. when
triendy and opponents ,Joined it
praiacI of trig 'platform oratory. 110
is entitled to be classed as one eel
the sand politicians, who discuss, the
public intc"redt+ on their nii'ri1-. AI-
thou;h a +hard hitter be is elweya
fair to his opponents. Mr. Graham
risen to a hie recto;n zyL n the atability and grs eat
personal popularity. Ile i3 a gout
second to MacKay o+t the stump or
addreasin; Parliament ,and his 3=tial
axle ay.4 make
f finds fore him humor
saner he appears. At n lender of the
urs: :since
t,the Ontario o ho
tr 1
the re3i;nation of Ile lion. 0. W.
Rosy. he on;ht to be in a special
poeitiolt to criticise' the action% of
the Whitney estinini.+tretion. With
the-•• two I;ients of debate the meet, -
in; on the 10th diet. 'should »o one
DC the overflowin; variety.
"'lite Algut of
Route'," fetid 1ton.
Canadian Minister
The Kind Von Have Always Bought, aim which has been
in nito for ovt,r :;o years, has borne the signatnro of
and has been made under his Iger•
sonal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but:
Experiments that trifle with and enda Igernst a health of
Infanta and Cltildreu—Experience age
Castorla Is a barmleata substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.
gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotics
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Pttuacett-Tho Blether's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30 Years.
TN(eswrwun aor►wPIr, r, rummer PICT/ TOea CTT.
The blolsons Bank
Established 1855.
it CAPITAL PAiD UP • • • • • S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND • • • • • •' 53,000,000.00
Assets Over $38000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted.
I• Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned,
Fttensiou," will be receive:eatthis office until Fn -I
day, oetober 1.., 11107, inclusively, for the construct-
ion of an extension to wharf at Southampton ilarlor
of Refuge, Bruce County. Ontario, eocordiig to aptan
and specificstion to be seen at the oaioes of J 0.
Sing, Ea.., Engineer in charge, Confederation Life
Builrf'ng, Toronto; HA Lamb, Esq„ Resident Engin-
eer, London, Ont., on application to the Postmaster
of Southampton, Ont., and at the Department of
Public Works, Otta'e ,.
Tenders, will i,ot be considered unless made on the
printed form 'implied, and signed with the actual Entry by Prot)' may, now..'.le t+•
signatures of Un, eters. ,conditions by the father, mother. son. K
An ar•oopbank, payable intending homesteader.
to the enter or the lionourablt the Minister of Pub• brother or perform the The homesteader is required to 1
Ito Works, for four thousand dollars . andiQOn), must I dttions conncster therewith under one of the to ow if 1 • .any each tenths. The in the will at forfeit• ing plans:—
td if tae person tendering drelin the contra t or tail t At lent six months' residence upon eater cultl-
to complete the work contracted retest for, an will c re' Cation of the land in ea Near if the father is tit'
tttTtiee detarned in arttment drx•s nose of t brin ice itself to accept the, eet+ute.1 tot the homesteadethe father (or rireeidse upon a tarns in the
1 l tender
! I f land enteral for the mliurenten•s as
ehII:lrru w
tat 'Ail-Iled ur.,Itlu.r cureswindchild,
cdtic•taeid1. teabe'-tsrter,ody
. al
I.. l . firer( ue, . pe
of Marine ane ih°y,jru,zgt uti0etlerpptpnrt tui 1ne wu k1. o2b
cent* a bottle. It • value is ti oc.we«laito. Ite
sure and tame air-
Syrttpand set tor nn other kind.
(,u:,r.,n:sed nn<fer the Food and
tae t
„ s ,e; -t, .dune 30th, 1:.Ou.
U, .t
Number 10911.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
sake for bad blood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
rine frequent tinge of Md bkwot is • .1•,t,t .1r
11..► This tr...nc'. r,milmil,'•,. t'ot•m,,u,
t bstavita are then .A.orb.•,1 1 ,1" not 51...•.1
ae.p+ the W.wNs open with *yet seettooss 11=x,
sae.5, J. 0. ay•r es .. t. ,ren. MOW.
A .o maDvr. otucer. , r
rp torn 4IOOR.
tiers 01E10;cr �rrz.I
'111.. In' form convention for South
Baron. will he held in the
Uc. .
' red
T u Y
Icnaall, on
Pias, •when t.hc lion. A. 0. MacKay
tC. ('., and the llon. Gro. 1'. Graham
ww •1 be, present and address t the
• ia.;. The convention is called to
•'+'Ct o candidate! to contest Inc cum-
in; i'roviion election. Ample nee I ttlRivaaa�and wer
in the way
is bcin; arran;cd for 1
in the wsy of meals an<i'stable room It ]<10
for all who attend the convention. ted. ■iiI
.kc<i .toted ,that he could (either
supply the in;reslic'nta or mix the
prescription for our reader, also rec-
ommends it as hnrnileai.
and endorsed "Tender for Southampton I•hart
For Infants and Children.
Do Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bears the
81gnat•are of
K I I t K't•O N
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, r:,oule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L, D. 8., D.
D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & Staebury's
Main street-Sxn'rEt;.
DR. (4. F. ROULSTON, L. D. S.
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
'R. 0. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto Uniyersity.
OFFIc)Z:-Over Dickson & Carling't3
Law Offices In Dr. Anderson's former
Idental parlors.
eaW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C
• P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
►essay. ooIIoe and r.eidenence. Dominion
fasbotatory. Exeter.
Associate Coroner of Huron.
d6K,011It�O� � "�Givil Engineer Va (tate Department of Public N'urLs, Canada.)
( Consulting Engineer for Municipal and Ccur.t7
near the old market ` Mork, Electric railroads, i t e- aye and y,aterwarlg)
Main St. Exeter I Stit<m Wharves, Bridges end Ee-
Lardcders('o( crettaiia
f Phone 44e0
)r / GEt $ii%,i r/-".rr ,
!We have unlimited private funds tor taus,
oat upon farm or village p: roperty ab Lowes
'saes or interest.
arriatera Solicitors Notaries, CoavelaaCSra
Commiaetonere, Solicitors for the noisome
Bank, Etc.
&Loewy to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
fr• We Teach Telegraphy
We have three departments; se
( �,•��, r I - Commercial, Shorthand and Te-
" ; �� " legraphy. We employ the best
I teachers that money can ht
spools 01 Iia Caaa�iaa Rom Wast t.p. O practical and we assist lgwo thy
.+p• student's to positions. Three +
•1' who wish to get a MONEY `I'
'1' MAKING EDUATION should g
4. get the best. Write for our new•
* catalogue and get particulars. .p.
year to enter our classes, .;.
Y et en numbered section of DominionLandsexcepting1
Awanitoba, .askateheaa, and Alberta,
8 and 20, not reserved, may he homesteaded 1')
any person who is the sole head of a family, or aal )
male over 18 yeses of age, to the .`tent of one -q
to i f loo es more or fes..
r section
acs at the local land
Entry must be made pen'onally
office for the district in which the fade on'certai ,
A ,t<si rhe ut on 1 chartered ,an , 1es) a e sister of an ui e b ren -
be d 11 i (1 h for three
owes or any en. er. vicinity o the
fly ordey, to nsidence may be satisard by such perfOn rte
rave. EI. (i1:1.1XAS, with the tather or mother.
becrelarv. 13) 11 the settler has his permanent residence upon
farming land owned by him In hee requirements ad to reside�ni ety ons 1.Ottawa, September 25, authority trete the Department will not be paid for it. be satisfied bv
Department of Public Werke,
-,, _
Newspapers inserting this mit ertisement without
A weak otornach, cau3in;dyspepsir
a weak 'Heart with palpitation or In-
tertnittent pulse, always means is -oak
Stomach nerves or weak Heart ner-
ves. Strengthen thoac inside or C. i' SUBSCRIBE ''Olt Tlll': TIMES.
trolling nerves with Dr. Sholop'i Res----------
torative and gee bow quickly these • •
ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop o[ Clearing Auction Sale
Racine., \\'it. will mail samples free -OF-
Write for them a teat will tell.
Your bralth et certainly worth Thoroughbred and high tirade
thin simple trial. Sold by \V. 8• i
Howey Stock' and Implements
month's' not
he ('ommleeioner
stents upon the «.•- .--- - -
tot loma't,Tion landetlatte)ttawa of
intention to apply for patent.
W. W. CORS',
Deputy of the Minister of the interior
N. B.-Cna«thorired pnblication of this sub erose•
ment will not be paid for
-A ,;rcen trot leis frcen added to
the' Fiat of :tilratitiona .at Kirkton
Fair. Capt. Calbeah:tn ,is on hand
0nd hen made all pis'peretame r:ady
for the asc('nt cm Friday. We expect
the liar_rest 'crowd we have ever shad
if it (4 :a rine (1:3)'•
Kirkton Fair Oct. 3, 4, 1907 will
be the best yet. Liberal prize' and
big attractions. 2.30 trot or ,pace,
prize $50.00; Pony race, trot prize
x,'5.00. Ry Molson's flank. 8t. Marys
Hurdle jumpin; for terve!' hor*13
prize $12.00 ; best r.in;le turnout
open to farmers only prize $5.00. liy
balloon nae
Sovereign !tank
eension and parachute jump by Capt.
T. Calla ;hoe of (1ltioa;o. For .fur-
ther information write the a-,cretary
Amos Doup', Kirkton.
an Indication that
etre. Pratt recently improved the. I of wilesand pis and
appearance of her dw•eltin; by liar•
in,; it nicely painted.
lir. Thee. llcffernen who conduct -
is most connnon where
bole, their meals and
ed the Commercial hotel -here
t past tw-o years has mov+xl ;o ul'iy and worry as they
,1 1, .. t v- aotetll tt' tore h: •
1 p ht% •
purcha•eed a do w
in ase
Mr. . John Dryalc, of llonttral, is Hood,SSarsaa
viAitins his father. Mr. ltobt. Drys•
dale t tet Weski
t i or a t �� h.5 a/a
The IlarWest items 'service held in cures
Rt. Pauls church on Sunday 1..41 rias music tonal a inthi>tid ease•
very largely attended. The churchpertessim;sisis of rslltaar ams awls
w• err* no sceret•1 tt • r'•'':•''' [ was dccoral" 1 with fruits. grain.
,tr rertawtar eras oy�m•aecn, + floaere. etc. Appropriate music was
also furnish.J by the ohoir. Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Michael Swanz of Col-
borne T}ottnitip, were !guests of Mr.
A. Geier last week.
A etrr4't 114111 WOK ptacdd on the
street Korner opposite 'Mrs. J.
Tran;'s rca'idenee. This is a much
needed addition to our ttroot lithe
ins .+ysterll.
Mrs. l;. lanes visited with her Der- II cow in calf to Star
Ohif, ono. 44y of
encs, Mr. and Mr.. C. .Troyer. of 1 Vel 19, pedigree produced
ililln;r<rn• sale; bull cal[ 4 ntonthA old, sired by
Jacob lleichrrt vi4itaf relatives
ill' Star Chief; 21 new ntilch cows with
Detroit and other �tiol,i;an points calves at foot; 1 grade cow duo to
grade cow
Oct. ,
calve R
last week.
i4 i May;
Hamburg, in g
Mrs. .T. %urhri�,*r. of Ilam ,a, calve
vision tier aunt Mrs. Oharlrs Brill. calve Jan. 201h; Grade Lows are all in
SMisa Ella \Veld° has return •1 from , calf to thoroughbred hull; 1 two year
a six wsek'a visit with friends in : old heifer; 1 two year old steer; 1 one
11 Melo N. \ • i year old steer; 3 heifer calves; 1 steer
Mr. Victor Appel has Isom tsars'- calf. rovnithehAsrrratr.f,, r
fused to the Tilbury brunch of Oho 1 Horses -Ray ,nsee0sears old sup- Do)etitheh1 CPr.TC Ctrs. lie H.s•larhe Tab
8ovettt'izit Rank. posed to he in foal to Wheel of For•, Male, hkxd pressors• away from pain ce1INL
lir. attdl ILrA- Ccnrad Schwarz, of I tune; black mare 8 ears oltl supposed' �R1,ee l esIsc �anting. leattiglydelightful. c�ctra�sd
Oklnhama ticcompani((1 by their to he in foal to Wheel of Fortune,
blond pin
are vlANinz with luta for- cartiage mare 7 years old, 11 you have headache,etante the Mmesce�
m'-r'q cr' t time of It p u, tis see,
' ter at l .. lets nerve
lit t ....t
m^r's seder, an'tt A. Ga err. pigs Bow with ll ynn nro shrple . r
That our town is on 'the boom id , sale; sow with litter
fit to wean at i,et,tton-t,hxnt tin•<.re. That mrely Ia a
4hott n Iry t 1M faith our bis.+inc sy men
time of rale: sow tine to farrow Nov. , eeryz0ty. for Dr. and
the s 1i dache'rabllt$MOa
nnil onlar n; { tith sow doe to farrow Nov, 25th. 311' n in 4llmtnu(os, and Ih•e tablets simply dlsttltwtta
ihi re!Wit in improv in; . thnnnnwtnn,lbinripr.•..nr..
th:'ir prrrni. +. .1. 1. \lernr'r intend% thoroughbred Brown Leghorn hens. its nu'nn ��r uitmur it tit it Ire.aotse•
• Max- an D•
,f �tt,
der will. <lnulrlin: the aizcof his slot, by the Implements- Maxwell bin gaet!m,,p,loalgresturt. You'11flnA1twtfersTdtb
addition of a 2- steno- ,.t ronet. . well mower; Maxwell hay rake; Mas- 1.--100•rl i 1rrourty (%otmm�n t<enr.
1\'ork will be be.un .'n it tit on sev seed drill; MRasey disc hnrrow., Qess11$ Ili nsiziCotn 1'11 y igomusso0
Nal far G ibex Ce.. L ftwalla, No. lades
This is the best time of the ';'
Principals. .p.
Mr. Joseph White Auctioneer. will
well by public auction for Mr. Chas. F.
Hooper on Lot 4, Con. 12, S. Bound -
t of
Whalen,tn3;smiles half
Northe West of
Granton on
Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp the
Cattle - 1 thoroughbred Durham
Tie Good Old Summer Time
Is still with urs but i
lag shorter and soon
will be oure to enjoy
will be what shall we
we get to make the
and profitable?. The -
Is days are grow -
the long evenings
and the question
du or what shall
hours pleasant
to our oitggeation
We have stereo amount of private tend. Ks
can on farm and village properties at lowrate
Barristers Solicitors,kMatn St.!Ezetez
A Piano is a thing of beauty and
joy forever, Try it. We also have a
good second hand square Piano for
sale or rent.
Sewing Machines always in stock.
• 9. Phillips. Licensed Auctioneer for the County.
uron, (nargcs n,cderate. A11 communication
weed to 1t. %. I'hilliys, Hensall, or ordenl.ft t►
Uttar Hill receive prompt attention.
Licensed auctioneer for Omit:Ales
of Huron and Pertb.
Special attention given to taros
stook sales. Town and village pro,
perry sold by auction on moderate
cow mlsilo ne.
Orders .nay be lett at the Timse
office or at residence, Elimvill0�
Charges moderate.
Organist of Tri,itt Memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, Organ, Harmon) and Theory of Music.
Terme on Application Easter, Ontario.
Pain in the head—pain anywhere. ea, Ise dew
Paints congestion, pain is blood pn'aure—fo{htall
Oleo usually. At least, so 'iy' oe. tab oR�
Tfe Usborne and Hibbert
Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanp
In your rnaro t.:.e at }ionic, or
Take a Personal Course rse at
To enable all to learn we teach on
cash or instalment plan. We also teach a
personal class at school once a month.
Class commencing last Tuesday of each
month. These lessons tea':hcs how to rut,
fit and put together any garment from the
l,i.tincst shirt waist suit, to the most elabor-
ate dress. The whole family can learn front
one course. We have taught over seven
thousand dressmaking, and guarantee to
trite five hundred dollars to any one that
cannot learn between the age of le and
40. You cannot learn dressmaking as
thorough as this course teaches if you
w•ork in shops for years. IBewarer f in
lions as we employ no one outside the
school. This is the only experienced Dress
Cutting School in Canada and ex, cued by
none in any other country. \Crile at once
for particulars, as we have cut our rate one-
third for a short time. Address : -
31 Erb. qt , atr:ittord. Ont ,Canada.
'leniiy newt Mnaseey cultivator; too new;
twin gang plow,
Perin gang plow, nearly new; Perrin
,talky plow neatly new; Fleury plow!
on ha
crow s:
• •1nevi;
\,w. 21 nearly
Bair hobsleighte Bain wagon, nearly 1
new; wagon hon; gravel box; hay rack
eeerly new; pig rack; National ere•tin
neatly Lew; Clinton fanning
Will: .Pt. scairA. rapacity 211(!nlbs , wilh ' ---
pIsttorrn for neighingstock; extentton
ladder :til feet. long: t p ug) \V, .f, N'-'41.'4". of I h Clinton sat :•
kete le; 2 r•nk Itarrels; :'1) gal. Ile/11l cent . t i i I. - ight r., f O n lin(° Ott ( 1'
set dnuh!e harness; yet /tingle h,irnese; rept from death 11( week. Ile wea-
cera,.ester tame with oven, settee norkine ;Mout the machinery %when
new, !Ic('Inry: neckvnkes, whillletree a hits overalls cauzht on a I.:welly r` -e -
forks, shovels and other articles too volvi41z ptiltey around the .♦haft. At
numerous to mention. i the name moment he celled for (help
and M(. Steven:+on, hie partner, who
TetmA-tt:, and antler. cash: <,ver' was in the offi:e nl th^ time, ryuick-.
that amount 12 months' credit will rte' ly threw rho !sett eff :'rfi Atop;trrl fir
given on furnishing Approved joint machinery. Alt this ttappmn<'d Sit
not cash a lied offnt notes.of f. per cent. off about 20 Aecoae8. yet Mr. Xc,liner e
ler in lien clothes w-rre torn to shred►s, end in
No reserve as the proprietor hos sold' a few ,ree.onit more be would car
his faun. ! tainiy have bcon kilted. AA it wail l:'
'JOS. WHITE, CHAS, 41100NRR, ceeap-'i without nny 9'noes injury.
Pi4Map. t,,ryond some bruiitrt' and burns.
Dr. Shoop's
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont.
Pres. W. 11, PASSMORE, Farquhar.
Vice -Pres.: -J. L. RUSSELt.,
Ruesei.LDAI.E, P. 0.
WM. Roy, BORNHOL1r P. 0
JOHN EMERY, Exeter. agent tart
1' du th.
e a i I
r ,std 1c
A n 1
bo t
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent
for Hibbert, Fullerton arid Logan.
B. W. F. BEAV ERb.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar..
(MADMAN & HTANII('RY. Botieltors
The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada
is about to issue a new
li .tor y
For the District r f We•rt.;n °titstir
including the
Village of Exeter
Orders for new connections, changer!
ad -
changes e
of firm nnmeA, c K
dresses or for (11101000P entries should
he heeded in to the local Manager AT
Local Manager.
St.meeb trouble Iltart and Kid
ailment's tan be quickly corrected
with a prescription known to drat•
;i.ets e-veryWhere n+ Dr. Shoopi t isoe,
torntive. The prompt and surpri+in;
relief which t hie remedy immPdietety
hr;r.;4 is entirely fill^ to it% Restore
ative action upon the oonl►ollin4
nerves of tits Stomiol,, Pte. \V. 8'