HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-10-03, Page 11
$i.00 per year in advance.
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•••••••••••••••••••••N••♦ •••••N••••NN••••
Phone N o . 32.
Economy News
From Our Big Store
A display of all the Latest
Styles in Fall Coats
The magnitude and variety of our showing al-
lows everyone to have a coat just to their liking.
Box backs, Semi -fitting and Tight fitting in
Beaver, Milton and Tweeds composes our stock.
We never offered a better choice.
Do not forget our Fur Department. We are leaders
in this line. All the best Furs are on our counters for
your inspection. Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Caps, Fur
Coats and Fur Lined Coats. Our stock is so Large and
well assorted we feel sure of pleasing you.
Come along and see our swell range. If you want
a nice Dress or Suit you will find it here. We are sel-
ling them fast so come early and have a good choice.
We are showing a very fine range of Men's Fall I
Suitings in Tweeds, Cheviots, Vicunas and Serges.
These are very natty goods and will make you a hand-
some Suit. Call and see them.
The new Fall styles are here and are awaiting you r
inspection. All kinds to choose from.
Millinery! Milliners ! i
Our Show Rooms are open all the time.
Jones & Clark i
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•••••••••••N•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++•1-++.1.41•++f•4•
The Biggest Offer Yet
Just think of it! The
M 6
Toronto Weekly Globe
and Canada Farmer
I To any point in Canada from
t it
tl t!
• now until January
0 kr
Two papers for the price of one for 15 months
McGILLIVRAY ;neat of Mitis Laura Butt.
The banns of marriage were issued; Mr. \Vchic Butt left on Monday ,to
Sunday by Father Foater at Mount attend Unireraity at Toronto.
iCarmel Churoh of Mi.s Mary Jove -I Mies Emma Abbott, of Muskoka.
phine daughter of Mrs. J. Glavin, is the guest of her sinter Mime Ida
McGillivray, to Mr. Corrie Rezan of Abbott.
Mt. Carmel. The .event takes place Mr. Gua Coughlin is ill with rLeu•
October 15th, matiam. His ratanY i friends hope for t
You hardly realize that it Is mo<I.
foino when taking Carter's Little LI- t sptcdy c°very.
ler PIN.; ttlt are very etnell; no Miss Marguerite Trothan return.
(r1 to her home in London Monday,
bad all troubles from tom it after a pleasant viswith her grand
pfd liverfiver are relieved by their lase, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Trothan.
Mr. Chas. Trothan, of Detroit, is
WHALEN vioitin; at his home herr.
The home of Mrr.. and Mrs. (:carer Miss ifattie Handford is the 'zuest
Squire was he poetic of a very pret-
ty of afro.WilliamKay, of Farquhar.
on Wednesday afternoon That tired languid feeling and
.at five o'clock, when their daughter
Bertha 1.. etas united in marri.i.' .to' dull headache to very disagreeable
Mr. Arthur Raker. Take two of Carter's Little Liver
Will positively cure sick headache Tilts before retiring. and you will
Mond prevent its return. Carters find relief. They never fail to do
L1ttle Liver Pills. This is not taik good•
,but truth. Ono pill a dose. See ad-'
verlisement. Small pill. Small' WHEN A1tItANGiNG FOR YOUR
•dose Smell price. farm stock sale make it a plaint to
have roue bills stinted a1 the TIMES
CENTRALiA , office. Your bills will be at trate
Rcv. Going. of Exeter Jame; Street tivdy nrinlod. and with rt•cry sale
lilethatirt Churn!' will proud)li re hili done al oleo offiec t•sm will sr-
Oext Sunday. reeve (ren a notice of (the sate in
Mips Mabel Butt. nurtae at Victor-', this patter, tablet[ is rear/ every week
is Bo-spital London. who has just re -1 by hundred. of people in this toeal-
eovered front an attack et i)iphtheria i1y and make« your silo known ill►
is viAtitt; at her home here. many wlb may never leive the Op -
WAS Grahain, of London, ip the ttortunity of seeing your bills.
School Reports.
FORS{ 111
Jr. Teachers. Honore -Ivan Fergu-
son 91, Vera Welsh E0, Grace Thowp•
non 79.
Jr. Matriculation. -Eric Going 61,
Tom Sand •r, 53, Beattie Martie 51.
No. on r..:l 18; daily average 16.
1.. C. F LEM1NG. Leacher.
101151 11,
in order of merit. Sr. IV -Nina Ker- IiENSALL ASSAULT CASE DROP -
slake, Vella Davin. Jr. IV- Hedley PED,
May, Carrie May, Ave Skituter Annie
McCurdy, Thomas Coates, Goo. Davis 1'roviuci_tl I) ti • lteburn, of
'Toronto, who was called to llensall
by County Crown Attorney Seaaar
10 investigate the alleged charges of
assault on Miss Maggie Brown by an
Indian. left last 'Thursday, after
dropping the (tatter for good.
Detective Reburn Spent ;several
days investigating the case, which he
had to do alone on account of Con-
stable Grundy having one to his
home in Godcrich the day before. Ile
did slot arrest any Indite=
on suspicion, wishing to get a states
J. W. 110GA1tT1I, Teacher. According
from the young woman first.
According to the detective be bad
two physicians examine •Hiss Brown
Following is a correct report of to ascertain the extent of the in -
the standing of the pupils of S. S.
No. 1, -McGillivray for the month of
September. Sr. IV- M ary Hanlon,
1770, Mary Glavia 1647, James O'Dyer
1346, Clement Glavin 1257, Charlie
O'Dyer 1219, Arthur O'Neill 829. Jr. Detective lteburn Antes, the youn.
IV -Willie Thompson 617, -Martie woman informed him that she bad
O'Dyer 468, Mary Frazer 403. III -
Reptile Glavin 2273, Pearl Glavin 2154
Marguerite llaneon 12011, IIuberta
Glavia 1830, Isabel Fraser 1318, Lucy
Boyle 836. Sr. II -Vincent Thompson
1498, Rose 'Hanlon 1190. Bert Far-
mer 1100. Jr. II -Adeline Frazer 659
Leo Glavin 653. I -Gerald !Hanlon
Nona Coughlin, Teacher.
and Willie \Valker, 111 - E3ward
Kellett. Alfie hunter, Lena Coates
Mary McCurdy, Leda Yarding, Vernt
Coates. Sr. 11 - Thelma Skinner,
Irene Ford, Fred Webber, Sam. Mc-
Curdy, Frank Coates., Minnie May.
Jr. 11. -Roy Webber. Verde hicks,
ltoy Thompaon. Pt. II -Gordon Ifun-
ter, Veric 1 a or
Sr. -Rulers - Bertha Mack 80, Carrie Thompson. Pc. I. - Harry
Katie Collins 78. Pass -Lillian Amos Coate;, Willie Thompson, Albert
7U. hackney. Carrie Davis, Dora Hack -
Jr -Horrors h Alva McMahon b 76. ney, Earl Ma.ee . Willie McCurdy.
Paas -Ida Marchand 74, Lillian Snell Avera,e attendance 31.
70, Muth llooper 69, Willie Birney 69
Earl Copeland 67, Locny Heywood 63,
Douglas Stewart 61.
No. 011 (roll 31 daily average 29.5.
S. L. GREGORY. Teacher.
Commercial. Sr. - Iloaora - S.
McCoy 80. l'a38-E. Oestreicher 73,
II. Duplan 71. Junior - Honors -
L. Birney 82. Paas -F. cleaver 62, 0.
Wood 61, G. Bissett 60.
Regular. Honors - L. E1:1ora 84,
V. Sheet 79, L. Kellerwann 77, G.
Ford 76, A. Surerus 76. Pass - G.
Kostic 72, If. Traibner 71, E. Luxton
70, W. Monteith 69, H. Carling 68
H. Jones 60.
No. on roll total 44; Commercial
14; regular form 1, 30; Average 42.
A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
1IOOhi 1V
Sr. 1V-l'aan- Chester Ilarvey 69,
Harry Sweet 66, Latimer Grieve 66,
Lily Rorie, 62, Reginald Knight 61
Annie Jackson, 60.
Jr. IV -Honors - Raymond Dear -
in; 77, Wilfred Stewart 70. Paso -
Lillian Boyle 71, Cecil Pickard 71,
Clarence ,lleywood 69, (Lily May
Frayno 68, Reginald Bissett 65, Bella
McKay 63, Clair Wood 63.
No. on roll 31; average attendance
C. VOSPElt, Teacher.'
Sr. 111 -Honors - Ruby Wcod 89,
Stella Southcott 87. Irons Ilardy 86,
Madeleine Carling 86, Mary Ache3ou
83, Irene Rivera 82, Lulu Snell t±2
Gerald Hurdon 82, Leon Treble 78,
Velma Eaaterbrook 77, Willie lleLde-
man 75. Paas -Martha Ba,gehnw, 72,
Russell Balkwill 71, Oliver lfodt;art
69. Florence Dinney 66, Harry Snell
63, Sydney Hector 62, Viola Rowe 62.
Jr. III-Ilonora - Jean Seldom 83
Ethel Balkwill 79, Nelly Jones 79,
Ariel Beverly 79, Robbie Fleming 78,
Blanche, Quance 76, Irno Sweet 75.
Pass'- Muriel Bones 74, Marion
Blatchford 74, Agnes McKay 73, Eric
Hurdon 71, Erneat Harvey 68, Oscar
Andoraon 66. Lola Taylor W. Etta
Welsh 65, Rota Rowe 63, Thornton
Fear 61, Linden Harvey 61, Russell
Flynn 61.
No. on roll 50; Average 41.5.
ELSIE A. MetALLLIM, Teacher.
Form 11 -Sr. -honors - Florence
Rowe 87, Joseph Follick 85, Edith
Davis 80. Ethel Day 78, Hector Rows
cliife 76. Pass- harper Rivers 74
Harvey Neil 72, Alma Mack 69, Wm.
chanson 65.
Form II -Jr. - llonora- (LaBelle
Handford 95, Maud Ilicka 93, Maur-
ice Senior 1)1, Joseph Craig 88, Mil-
dred Heywood E8. Mtt;3�;it. Case E0,
lteatrioc llodgert 84, Wilbur Mitchell
E3, Edgar Ilorney 80. Jeaaic Brick'-
wood 79, May Smallacombo 79, Gore Inzeraoll and \\'codstock. The Times
don Richardson 78, Willie Kidd 75. tt-irhes (hem n happy and prosper
Paso -Harry 'Parsons 7-1, Norman ons wedded lif.'.
''ncombe, Harold hunt
juries inflicted on her, Which were
said to .he two small bruises on ons
arm and a Antall brttioe on one lower
limb. •
In one interview with Miss Brown
One of the 3•eason's prettiest house
weddings was solemnized on Tuesday
October the first. at twelve o'clock
noon, at the home .of Mr. and Mr3.
John Snell, Albert Street, when their
youngeat daughter Mac M. waa unit-
ed in marriage to Mr. Clarence 11.
Smith, of Inee-raoll. Rev. A. II.
Going, pastor of James Street Me•tho-
diat Churoh, offisiatod in -the pres-
ence of about fifty guests.
The bride, who waa given away by
her father, was b,lcomingly attired in
a silk embroidered French voile,
over Taffetta, beautifully designed
and trimmed, carrying it shorter
bouquet of bridal roses and fillies of
the valley. The little flower girl, Mia,
Lillian Snell, a niece of -the bridle,
waa prettily attired in white organdy
and carried a basket of pink and
white carnation.. A pleasant accom•
panime.nt to the happy hour w•as Atha
music played by Mr3. Arthur Brown,
of Sarnia.
After congratulations, the guettrt
repaired to the dining•room where a
sumptuous repast was daintily serval
by young lady waitresses.
An atteatation to the poptynrity of
the bride waa the beautiful array of
lovely presents of silverware, china.
cheeuea and fancy ‘vork. Among
them waa a handsome Nordheimcr
piano the gift of the stride's mother
and a silver coup -tureen presented
by the members of the .Tames Street
church choir. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
left on the 4.48 G. T. R. on 'v_ wed-
ding trip to Detroit, the bride:trav-
feline in a tailor-made coAtume of
navy broadcloth with tan trimmings
and hat to match. On returning
they will take up their reaidnnco on
the corner of Concession and Wel-
lington Streets, Inzareoll. Guests
were prt*cent from Sarnia. London,
Hockey 71.
Number enrolled 40; average at-
tendance 35.
Jr. 11. -Marjorie Scldon 83, Ina -Dr. C. B. Eby will give a leo•
Delve 82, George Ortwein 80, Pearl tube in the James Street Methodist
Jackson 75, Florence Wood 75. Dora Church on Friday, Ociober 40. Rub-
Iloulden 65, Stanley McFalls. ject "The Citizen and his Politics."
Sr. Pt. II -Dorothy Kunz 85, Ger- Voluntary contributions.
old Fitton 84, Gordon WeIIA 80, Allen -1113 Drop in Price of Horses. -
Carter 79, Gordon Ford 74. Amy 511'. T. E. Handford on Wednesday
Johns 70. received a telegram from his buyer
Mid. 1't. 11 -John Ilasehaw 70, A in \\'itinipee, statin; that he must
Mitchell 75, Frank Festoon, Willlr= buy horses for $100 less each `in
Davin 70. order to sell on the \Vinnipex rear.
Jr. Pt. II -Mervin Itusealt 75, I. ket. -
hasterbrook 70. , -Mr. and Mies S. Martin, Mr. and
Sr. 1't• let -Willie Jacobi 85, Violet Mrs. J. G. Jones and Mr. 'and Mrs.Wel-+h 84, Millie Walker 82. Lillie
James Bern and daughter nttended
Walker 82, Mary Morlock 78, Leon
the marriaxe at Miss Bertha !L.
Dearing 68, Clifford Mallot 65.
Number on ,Moll 46; Average at• daughter of Mr. and Mre. George
tend:uxe }1. Squires, of Whalen, to Mr. Arthur
M. V. MARTIN. Teacher. Blake, which event tookplace at
ROOM \.III. the rcddence of the bride's parents
.1 r. 11-L'lorsie Neil 97, Paul Gnr• at Whalen yesterday afternoon.
diner 94, Marjorie Huston 88, Joey -Mr. Earl )lardy boa of Mr. S.
Ferguson 87, Maud Elliott 74. Elva Hardy has rented tl:•' store Norlth
Itowcliffe G0. - of the Soverei.an (lank and intends
Sr. I't. 1610.1 -Jack Hurdon 97, Mar- o,•nin; a confectionery and ',fruit
vin Vincent 87, May Ilar,teo:4 P5, Dor- store. ile will also have an oyster
othy White 79, Janet Nord 73. ,M.1 -parlor in connection. At present he
Iville Gladman 09, Russell Marshall in s.'ttin- •the store cleaned and put
67. in shape and will be ready for huti-
No. on Roll 41: ;\veraee attend• peps in a few pi's.
ance 38. -Harvest 11 me it rvrres were
1'. W. IHOWARi), 'feather. held in tide Jan:'. Street church Inst
--- Sunday and trlre attended by large
S. S. NO. 4. STEPHEN. congrid; ttion+. Rev. James Living•
The following is (bee correct report stone, of the Wellington Avanur.
d :1ltud:At (delude London, and it
former pastor; of the Main Street
church delivered two very instructive
sermon+, 11isepic for thse,.evenine
-Plans are being prepared for the
erection of two or three- more new
houses to be built this fall.
of the st:tndin; of the papila of S.
8. No. 4. Stephen, for the months of
Au;u;t and September. Names are
in order of merit. teas 1'a1 " d dug the
Jr. TV -Barry Belie -out, Beulah diacourOtteec er,i
this t.van. genrintleman
Smith, Lorne Morlock, Clarence Eil t,rouxht out cnail•:t+int)iou,ght!
ber, llerrx'rt Wein, Arva llrokenshir'e iso impret=ad upon hit hea;rers tthy.
Leonard Schroeder, Herber, Kraft. th^ Leads' of th^ hr u+^holds should
Mabel Coxwortb, Willie Schwartz, 1i, ter;1tccted anal stated (bit in his
Otto Brown, Ernereen Schroder, Mil-
dred Klumpp, Clinton 'trots n, Alvin had nftenti►nc+ a.'en the motto: -s
Corned',Gentle Cornioh t B OurH 1 -What
a short titan ago undergone nn op-
eration in the Toronto General 'lo.tp-
tal, but was not aware of what the
operation waa for, and did not know
the tame of the doctor nor the •nurse
who attended her. In describing the
Indian, whom elle claimed assaulted
her, ehe said he was about five feet,
eight or nine inches in 'heir;bth, and
thought aIle could identify him if
she saw him again.
On being naked to be positive about
being able to identify her alleged ns-
aaulter, as rhe might be culled upon
to ego into the witness box and so
testify. Mi,s Brown was not gtsit,e
3e, certain of her ability to idront4-
fy. Site didn't know if the Indian
was the came our, who had entered
the house a week before and stole
sonic watohes.
On being naked why
dropped the watohes
thought possibly that
a clue to his arrest.
identification of him
Detective Rebuilt informed ua of
several other matters in connectian
with the ciao had had him to tine
lievc there was nothing whatever in
the story of Mins ?Loorc and imnted:-
iately let the matter drop.
During the past year Exeter has
made more progress than it has for
many years, evidences of whioh are
the new canning factory, now evap-
orator and the erection of at 1eaat
a dozen new houses, -besides addi-
tions made to many old buildin;s.
Believing that Exeter would be a
good place to locate a branch fac-
tory, Mr. Jackson, .of the Jackson
Mfg. Company, Clinton, was here on
Friday of last week looking for
location, and was ao •greatly im-
pressed with the advantages herr
that a delegation consisting
of Reeve Ilobier, Councillors
W. J. Beaman and W. Johns, ani
Messrs. J. A. Stewart and T. 1i. Mc-
Callum went to Clinton, Monday, for
an interview with Mr. Jackson and
the Indian Iiad
Mitis Brown
they might be
alt.hou;h her
would not be
Stoves arid Ranges
The best Heaters and Bakers made in Canada.
Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Stove Pipes, Dampers, Elbows &c
Rockbottom Prices
Coiled Spring Wire and Barb Wire, Ideal Fencing & Gates
at Special Prices.
•i••h•i••k•h•l••!++i+++++•E•f4-l•+++++++++++++4 eiee e++++++•4•>` i•++++i
If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To
� Y
+ .y.
+++++•h++•1••t +•:• :•+ :•• •1•+•: • +++++++++++•H -i'-:•+++4• ++++++s++f
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Leading Hardware Store in 'town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Plaster Paris,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
while there ads° interviewed the tt 1
members of the Clinton Knitlf,tr�;
While no conclusion was arrived
at the delegation returned very much
elated over the prospects of Navin;
one of the firma locate here.
Exeter is very much In need of in-
dustries of this nature and everyone
should assist by putting their s)toul-
ders to the wheel and show -concerns
wishing to locate her, •that we bave
the Treat down in the COU filmy and
are villin; to assist in every way
po.: ible.
111 ::1:13 I' nit I:CAST'
A reactionary .storm period 1.. cen-
tral on the 2nd. 3rd and 4th. On and
touchinx Wednesday the •2nd to Fri•
day the 4th, retttrr� to storm con-
ditionA will be noted -in faliinz bar-
ometer, change to warmer, bringing
cloudiness and autumnal rains pro-
.;reaaively over the country. (Only
moderate change. of barometer and
temperature will follow Chit period.
Ai:other business year has now closed for us and we wish to thank our
many customers tor their patronage in the past. and we Invite all the old
customers and new ones too, to give us their support for another year because
We can save you money.
We have Good Goods at the Lowes Prices.
Start with us now; our stock is more complete than ever before; every de•
partment is well filled. Come and see for yourself and compere our pricre
with others.
Fresh Groceries arriving Every \% eek.
Highest Prices Paid for all Produce.
A re.olar atone period is central on Auction Sale
the 8tlt.'cover•in; tats 7th to the 11th. • Auction Sale.
The new Moon folio on the �cclettiai Jlra. F. W. £ollihs will laid an ------
eivator on the 711. This fact will Auction Sale of household effeets at
Auction sale of Farm
Precipitate .-tornt colulition- at Ola her residence North Street on Bat-
LOW ba
r• peeled. lot t
t nn'n this i t
tri r t of t
., eerie at
1 ii C t m
3 th oft
°meter, very warm for the ,ca eon urday, October 3
and _eneral c+forms t,f thunder, wind half past one.
rain will set in about the 7th in the
\Vest, and (Writer the Sth, !1411 and
10th their storms will lake wide
1,111114 in their eastward sweep across
Farm for Sale
We have a good far of about
the country. There still be wisdom 35 acres for sale on tris, noble terms.
in keeping storm and staather eyes Situate near Mt. Car in Stephen
wide open on and about the 1;real Township. First Claa I. d and fair
lakes at the windup of tine period. riod•
buildings. Near chu h and school.
Melt barotneter fr-cin the Northtve.t Apply to GLADMAN & BTANIIUBY,
will push oerere to daneeraua •;aleo
over the lake rezi.n2. all to be fel-
lowed by marked chanze to colder.
brin:in.; frost to much of the coon- , )louse and lot for solo 1't. tot 165
try. c •ntral and Northward, from Con. 12 Osborne. 1-2 acre land good
about the 9th to 6h 13t.11, brick cottage and stable. Must be
ao:d. Apply That. Coaneron. Auction.
ear Farquhar.
Harristere, •Ezetor. Ont.
House and Lot for'Sale
-Mi'A Florence iteyn lds returne•l
on 9:tturday (ream a ten weeks' vis.
11 with frienoto nt ilrantfor 1. llamil•
ton and Toronto.
Add Farquhar _
125 steres in the Tow hip of Bib -
9 w. 1-4 18.
nod property
s easy. Alt•
SALE REGISTER bert consisting of to
On Thursday, October title 1907, concession 12. This ie
(.rix Bleat cmc, and rornmencinx nt' 1 o'clock sharp Mr.
and must be sold. 'r)
1 r. I11 -Lulu Kr rt k , Fe}na teem is Home \V bout a 7lo;her,' but � ,loteph White will [Dell by 1'uit13 Ply
Thom. Cameron, Auc1!onoer Far• west s:d :
Arne, Ila Silber, Laving Smith Emer-
never d l L' see the in'eript•ion 1 Au^tire thorouzhbrrd ;t n,1 hizh xrarlrl quhar. of one area
s°n Ito-Cli1, ('lora Wein. r ,•Whit i; dome wittwut ,t Father." I stock and ittil,.m?ntx on l.ot tl, Co -i. — - - `� now um;'d.f
1r. If -Clinton Morlock, Eddie Cor-ITho tither, the brcadsvinner, p1a' 12, Routh Bowels!s Itlan.lard, rhtlt(Real Estate For Sale The John.
Wish, ,lo^ iein, M hire, Joe Schwartz
rtz an important (Sart in the drama of :, mile earl of \\ halnn, 3 1.2 meet
Emerson \Vein, Mervin Coxw•�rth An life , ant rccihd cotes both scriptur• North \1'ept of Granton. .Toa. White N 4 c ntai
n • Auburn. ,t and of to -day where fathers earl
1'e i -Carrie Schroeder, Olive Cor • saeriticcd many thinzm for his otf-
niah, Adeline Wein. Clara alorlock ,Prins. Monday evening a t.waa
Hazel i'reszc, served in the rhurch by the ladies
Ni.((1. :- j enniKon. '1'c t.Lcr• and was 1.1raely attended. Addresses
:Ind resident ntiniatere Mr.. Rev.
S ock with
number of sheep, and i plements,
Lot S. 1-2 13 Con. 5, ebornn, on
Wednesday Sept. 25th 1 o'clook
p. m. John Proa:. 'rop., Thos.
Cameron. Auct.
Auction Sale
LOT le, CON. f,,, in STEPHEN.
TUESDAY. OCTOBER 8:h., 1907.
No reserve and r'verythin; must be
sold os the proprietor is givinx up
Ed. Boysenberry, Auct.. Abraham
Dearinz. se.i'reprie tor. 9, 1207
Store Pro erty for Sale
In Ilia t' 1, of Exeter, composed
of 11 Nor Ir t•,rt of Lot 11 on the
Main Street, ronseit in;
store arid the building
a po-ttofficae, knbwn as
1 art lot No. v •nin; ten For ternt:t :Intl 1.articulnrs Apply
acres of land sopa brick house, lar.tn to 'Thos. ('le run, Auctioneer, Fare
orchard with all kinds of fruit, and quhar. 11'19.47.
neverfailin; tte11 of
beautiful proIr rty
Went of Itailro.
contains t house
of ;ravel and .st convenient 10 Eso• ,good frsm,• horn a
ter. This properly mud be mold •re, drained and ltn+TVl
the standinz of the
Following im n correct report of Baker, of Ailsa Craig took
the--- , 1
. ' part in the Od�TOA=�.. Jahn Nor thoot t, tit t.rnpr.ctotis Chain d owl
health !las failed. Kitty Atoms et I he bough( right, at
were d live reel by Rev. Liv in x ton
8. 8. NO. 4, t'SROitNE.
Auctionr- r. Chas. F. llceoper, Prop.
On Tuesday, October 8th 1907 an
Auction Sale of farm stock and int-
plements at Lot 1R, Con. 5 Steph'n
still le held, selling by llo.se'nberrc
prom., ronuneneinz a: nn^ o'clock
Abraham Dearing, Prop.
fled water. Thiol
trim imrnerliately
1 t the Lake Rooth,
. of dollar. worth 100 acre farm in Btlr•;•l.nn Township
,1 lionise. Well
cl,•aret. Creek
of far rn. Can
en eamy terrier,
ply at twee to
r tt ...r •.. •• r 1 . r,;nt• IlartS41 -r +. Fx^trier 0•1t.
Farm for Sale
8, No. 4. ttehorne for -the menthe of prers•am Monday rventnz• R.•v. 1lantlw 1M LGM YOU Nth Aloe
Auzuet and Septentb'r. It it based Goind took charge of Rev. Livinz-
upon re;ularity of attendances ntid stones servieve at London durinz Bi6natan the CCCCGGGG
weekly examinations. The name+ are day. 1 ' +• N; i cf -�f:..
payment. A b'; snap. For Rc•rmm' for quirk ssle. At
and parte-Miro triply t•e Theeerarn•' f;T,Ah\teN rC'