HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-26, Page 8k E EXETER 'l' J. Al E S SEPTEMBER 26th 1907, ++•;-++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++•+++ ++++++++-H•++++++++++++++4++++++++++ STEWART's Yes! We are Busy That's what We Like Just a Word About tit Dlillinery We believe we have the largest and most up- to-date stock of Millinery in town. We believe we have the most careful and painstaking lot of trained Milliners in town. We believe you can get better satisfaction and better value in our show rooms than would be pos- sib;e elsewhere. 11. Let us have your orders early, and see if;1we dolt t please you. + 1 Ladies' Jackets } The Continental Line Our Specialty } + Cobalt Brown, Royal Navy and Black 1 are the correct colors. $9.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 STEW:ART The latest new York styles, tailored right down to the minute. We have a great stock. Every Coat a picture. You should see them. Our tight fitting New Market Jacket in the new "Co- balt Brown" E.nd "Royal Navy" are leaders 44•r++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++• l•++d•++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++++++ 0 •�M' til iI I� ` i.:1t1;dt li " `I�i fel, al&liuipgi, 11.1;k\ ;l ,,t' �I ' ilh i'1" 111 VA TeaSpoons, Berry Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, Cake Forks Soup Spoons, Pie Knives. Pearl -bandied Butter Knives, Knives and Forks; Fish Servers, Carving Sets, Wedding Rings Big Stock to choose from .A, MA C R HA D N NEW ••••••N••••••••-••••••••- •• New Long Would You • •Expect a Not Water Z Bottle to Last? Market Report-Tbetug u' Your r'{all i._ -L..! . Nowthe report of Ezet.r warketarkets, oor-���. reeled up to Sept. 20th., 1907. Wheat. 90 cents per bushel. Marley, io to 59 cent I'p.•r hushe;. Oats, 44 to -15 rents per bushel. Lieu, $22 to $23 per ton. fess, 70 to •75 omits per bushel. Shorts, $24 ler ton. Vieux-. *2.75 per cwt. P,ed Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per cwt. Butter, 20 cents per pound. Fees, 18 oonts per dozen. 1I03.1, livuwci;ht .$5.80. We waut you to visit our Drees (foods Department. Never have we llo;s, dressed r:7.50. shown such a bright display of Suitings, Imported Tweeds. New Stripes and Bay, $10 io $11 p..r on. Plaids, Dark Rffects at 50c and 75c yd. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 7Lc. to 110c. per hag. Dried Apples. 6c. per pound. Co:11. $7 a ton. We are showing the most extensive lino of Fall and Winter Apparel ever shown. New Autumn Dress Goo3'; new autumn Millinery; new autumn Coats, new autumn Furs DRESS GOODS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• LOCALS 1 •••••••• r••••••• S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- censes. also complete line of svcd• ding rings always on hand. -31r.. it.t 31rs.t'. I.iudenlivld F►><n: Sunday in Parkhill. - Niles Etlee Armstrot:g spent Sunday in Godelich. - Mrs. J. Miller is visits^_ her brother in Seafortt:. -Mies Clara ('udnlore spent last Friday in Seafor:h. - Mr. Joseph Dick, kf Seafort h, spent Monday in town. - Thursday, October 31st, has been set aside as 'fhankseivin; Day. -Next Sunday -is Children's Day at the Caves Presbyterian church -air. \V. W. Taman spent :t por- tion of last week with his parents 1tt illy th. -Even brides have their pasts, but they are more interested in their presents. -Mr. W. J. Knight Jcft list week to attend the medical college at London. -The St. Joseph hotel will b sold by auction .by the Sheriff on Saturday. -31r, and Mrs. 11. G. Scldon and family left Tuesday for Ingersoll to visit relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snell :•n:1 Mrs. Albert Ford left Saturday for a visit to Detroit. -Miss Norma Ilobier returned on Friday from a two week,' visit with friends in Toronto. -Mr. .Iticharcf Gidley left last week for Bey City, where he will. visit for (:orae time. -Mr. James Bonthron spent Set- 41rd:ly and Sunday with Mrs. Collins and Mss lionthron. -Mr. Cecil Hersey, of London. a former Exeter boy, ;pent Friday and Saturday in town. -Mr. 31. Y. 31cLcan, of Seaforth, Liberal candidate for the commons wad in town Tuesday. -31i's Mabel \Vatter .returns j Friday from a eeveral \eeks' vie• it with friends at the Roo. -Mr. \Vm. Prost and Mrs. Jas. Atkinson vi.<it(d ;.lies. Shocbottont in London Town:•hip t his week. -3(r. Ed. Christie has been ap- pointed a judze of light horses at the St. _Marys Fair to tee held to -day. -Mrd. Ellis, of Duluth, wl.o was: visiting relatives here and at Heu- srill. returned to her home feet week. • i'crr Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for 1lie new Leg plugs of "Bobs." •'Sia;," and Currency chew- ing Icbarcoes. l;iff. Elliot, Yorkton. who was visiting iris mother 31rs. 11. V. Elliot, for &note weeks, teturn('4 Fri- day to les home. -31 r. \\'m. Cook who was nut in itritiah Columbia durinz the past year, returned home last week ane 14111 remain durinz the winter. -The crrrttt-act for rarryine the mails from Exeter to 3litchcll been awRM....•1 to .11r. Sieu,n Campbell 11i.4 duties l•, iII commence Oct. 1st. -giro. A. 1.oadu130, 01141 children, of 1\'ienipee, who were visiting 31r'. Load n'5 parents for .some weeks. 1.e1e., teed to their Loin • on Monday. -Jud;e Doyle. of Go(krich. helot Courts of Revision at Hensel' on Moreday. EIimville on Tuesday, and Exeter 00 Wednesday of thio week. GIANT Titil'LETS "Currency" "hobs" and 'Sts,' Ch.'wine Tobacco's in big pings. Quality always • the R:1 me. -31 r. A rrlrew hackney, .if t L(. Thiele.; Road wee inner:el 'f u' -.d by afternoon at the Presbyterian r4a tl,4e' Illy th, to Mins Susie hernick, of that place. We have a line the mane- tacturers guarantee to last Z 2 THREE (3) years. !low is that? They are certainly • good the best of red rubber and cloth bound scams. Call • and see them. • i • If its cheap ones you want Iwe can supply you with those also. We have a model two • quart Hot Water Bottle for I $1.00 Ask to see our new Line of Oil • Atomizers. W.S, Howey Phmr Br ?_ b • t and O P tic est 1 EXETER, - t)\T Chemi • ARI(), • •••N•••••••••••••••••••-• Fall Suitings,'soanssoans AND Carbolic Tar, medicinal. Baby and Made from Pure Vegetable Oils Fashion Plate • Just flrrIvotl 1 (')all and Make a Selection be- e the rush. 1 W. W. TAMAN' Merchant Tailor. EXETER, - ONTARIO.' Bath Soaps, Pure White Castile. El - sen kindis, All pt ices. Hose Shampoo and 1•:njovme 'Toilets cylinder at in stock Phnr')graplis, Moth dis.) and The Purity ('an. Express Block, Main St., Exeter. The Old Way 1 ) ('nre a ('old. HIE NEW NY TAKE I IOW EV'S CURE• =COIR CAPSULES Only 25c. a box ERNEST ELLIOT I -Mr. Alf Walter this wxrk moved ,into his newly fitted up tome on Conveyancer Accounts Collected \\ illiam Street. Dl r. It. Treble hal MONEY rn lean At to+e•a fete•, t moved into the douse recently oecu• North wncl.ndl far Sale. ivied by Mr. Walter. while Thos. Col. Office, Main Street, Exeter tingw'ex*i hi. taken the house vacat. I...1 by 31r. Treble. Dlt. BUTLER \ViLL 11E AT CEN- tral Hotel. on Friday September 27 1907. Orders for :.lasses executed Ly 'fait Brown Op. Co. 237 Dundas tet. London or local dealers. -A Sunday School School Rally will be held in the Main Street church next Sundry afternoon. Rev. C. 1'. Well', of Granton, will occupy the• pullet dnrin; tine day. -Mr. Toni Carlin.( oxpccts tr, leave to -day for kin;.ston, where he e ill attend Oueenea ('niversity tak- int up elinin; eileineerItez. iris father W. .1, aeCalrlp:4nie•s )lien to Kin !cion. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR - goon, will be at the Commercial Ilotel. Hours 9.30 n. m. to 4.30 p. nt. Glasses properly fitted end dis- eaees of eye ear and inose treated. Nett visit Seturdav October (1, 1907. -Mrs. John \'» AI, 131ra. itook and son Frank end Mrs. A. Frannie and 5011 tock in the excursion td Detroit and last Saturday. and will h' the •uests of 1)r..1. W. Harr: en while there. in the list ell prize winners at the Exeter 1't11 show', we did not publish the names of Bowe & At- kinson. 44140 took prize. for tee best parlor set, bedroom qct and up- holstered furniture. -The wol k of building the new ev.ipera nr n'I S1. • ion ...trete has prozr,' 'si ,r, rapidly that lir: 1511ih ('o. ext.' •' it to M i:1 .hit-" next w-cek for business. The new station is sssumin; pretentious proportions n(141 ere +now fl:cs will be ready to: occupancy. French Venetian A good firm all wool plain cloth in all the new shades, Blue, Brown, Green, Red and Black. Going to be the big seller at 00c. 75c and $1.00 a yd. Broad Cloth Suiting Correct weight for Coats and Skirts in all the new colors. 51 in. wide. Price $1.25 yd. Scotch Tartan A splendid showing of all wool Tartans. Large list of Clans. Price 40c, 50c, 75c. yd. LADIES COATS Before buying your new Fall Coat have a look through our levee range we know we have the right goods at the right prices. Ladies Coat of fine Woad Cloth, 48 in. long, beautifully finished with silk and fancy braid. Especial $10.00; worth $12.00. Ladies Tweed Coat In Dark Effects Invisible over checks, Brown Greon and Greys, 48 in. long. We know you will like one when you see them. Only $10.00 Elegant Display. of New Millinery Magnificent display of New Imported Pattern Hate and stylish Ready -to - Wears. A cordial Invitation is extended to all. S1\T'EL1., & R.owE DON'T MONKEY WITH THAT COUGH One Week Only. use I-HOWEY'S SYRUP WRITE PINE & TAR Sold only at Howey's Drug Store. Big bottle for 25c. -Mr. George Andrew, of Gorri e, is the 400.3t of his uncle, 31r. Richard DeIbrides. -,\Ergs Bert Stevenson, of Con- stance., id visiting friends in Exeter and Eliutville. - Mr. J. W. Ifoeartll has been re- eneee di in the Eden school, S. S. No. 4, 1:dbornc. -A me1eciine of the Exeter Dist • rict Sunday 'schools was held at Centralia last Thursday. - Mrs. J. Willis, of Yorktor, Sisk. spent •I few- days ti'.ir:e; the past week with friends in town. Mrs. Willis expects to take up }lousektep• tee in Exeter if she can find n pie. Arable house. Mr. and Mrs .S. 11. Gidi'7 and Dri.s Edyth Gidley, of Myth. Mrs. DlcVittie atei two children. of Lon. desboro, .lira. Bee, of 1'::1c1il1 Mrs. Legree and _son of Londo;, visited -lir. and Airs. it. Gidley las; week. -Mr. Wile Ilarr0i• 1 .returned Sat- urday from attendee; the funeral of 11is sister-in-law Mrs. J. C. Barrows at lilytheiwood, who died onTues- day eveuin, of last week after sev- eral months' illness from ranter. -Mr. \Vm. Snell loaded between four and five load of fine fat cattle for 31r. Cronin, of Dublin, for the Swift Co. of Chica,,o. Mr. \Vo -4 - worth, (representative) says he didn't 1 think there were sung good Cal11e in this part of the country. -Angus Ford the young Stephen farm hand, who 'lead arreiened be- fore the local magistrate' on a charge of stealing cattle from u Mr. O'Leary, of Parkhill, and wad -re- tn:mted to Goderich for trial, carte up ile'fore Judge Doyle 1:Ist Satur- day and pleaded guilty. Ho wag tenex•d to the central prion for twenty mon lee -On Monday elide workmen wCr2 vie -Tee -0d on the now- eva i.ur,ltor building a piece of ecaffoldine broke throwing Ed. Coombe and Udder El- liott to the r4rourkl. Mr..1ames herr wlio w•ad also on the scaffold uran- a;ed to cling to the wall. Coombe had )ria head •cut, l'.11iott're arm was sprained, w bile 31r. (leer rete ivc 1 a few scratches on his arra. -31 r'. John Penhale, nee Mabel Itox, formerly of Stcpho.l, died in Loudon '1'hur.;day night deed r.7 years, 2 months and 13 days. The deceased is survived by her husband :Ind two daughters,, Mrs. A. Ford, of Hay and Mi53 Jennie at home, rind one sen F,deeir at Lorne. The re- nutins were brought front London to Exeter and interred in the Exeter cemetery la.yt Sat urde.Y• -A meeting of .the large girls of the Exeter Public and 11ieh School ea..; held on Friday'"Sept. 20t h at 4 1. tn.for , the .0 n �. t' I� 1 r1 3e of ur_ tr iz• ,i 1 t '' a I Basket LaIIClub.Il T e to be called t Le .hxcter Se.1t x,l Girls' Athletic Club and the folloee. inz ere the officers 4leetts1 by the rosette:: field captain 31144 Gr.ttory : Treasurer, bliss I. Handford: Cusco• Special Sales OF - flOoschoJO DNS 4 Packages for 25c. TURKISH STANDARD HOUSEHOLD REXALL These well known Dyes need no recommendation from us. They never fail to produce satis- factory results. Get thein while they Last 4 Packages for 2c. COLE'S DRUG STORE/ EXETER - ONTARIO. Harness Our harness is hand made and perfect satis- faction is assured if you purchase from us. Plush Rugs We have a fine new assortment in this line which is ,just the thing that is needed during the cool evenings. W. J. BEER GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Hunters Excursion at Single Fare. Going j ruebday Oct. Sth to 'Tuesday Nov. 5th. To pointe in Tentagarni, points Mat- tttw a In1 t o• t Arthur, to Saul[ Ste Marie kind Port Arthur via Northern Navigation, Co., to Georgian Bay and iatke Superior mints vt:+ N. N. Co. Ito points on N. N. Co. extra charge will be reads for steals and heaths return- ing) to certain points in Q.tehec•. N. 11 N. S., Nfld. GOING OCT. ..Ilh to NOV. 5th. To I'enetang, Midland, Lakefield, all points Severn to North Bay, :Argyle to Cobnconk, Lindsay to Haliburt on, and points Madawaska to Depot Hartxir, all points on Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, and blaganetewan River, 0E0. SPOTTON, Principal. (ian, Miss A. Dow : Secretary, Mks Johnston. All tickets got)returning on or be- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••-The death occurred in St, pt:.,t1 fore Dec. 7th, 11N10 7, or until close of earlier, to points reached THE OLD RELIABLE Fall is here and winter will soon be upon us. We beg to announce that we have put in a full line of Stanfielde Unshrinkable UNDERWEAR both in gentlemen and ladies. Tho Ladies Vests are the best. we have ever shown they are made to sitar* having no seams at $1.t4 each, very fine. Furs and Cloth Coats We arc carrying a choice line of Furs this season, both ladies and gents. We will sell ladies Cloth Coats by catalogue this season as usual. Give us a call before snaking your purchase as we can save you froth $2 to $3 on a garment not having to carry them in stock. - When in need of Millinery we can please you. We have a first class milliner in connection with the store in the person .of Miss Morlock, CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: 13,000,000. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: .EYII.IDa JA$VIs, Esq., - - - Presidetrrt RANDOI,PH MACDONALD, Esq., First Vice -President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., • - Smo»d Vice -President HON. D. MCDfruette, HON. PETER MCLAR1tN, ARCM. Cmktrn Lr., Esq., M.P. W. K. McNAucrrr, E.aq., M.P. A. E. DYSMENT, Esq., M.P. Ar,Ex. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. P. G. jaatu sTlc, R. CAsssl s, General-Mana:Ir. Asst. Centra!-Matutger. Savings Banc Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches: -EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors, RENSALL BRANCH, - H. ARNOLD, Manager. APPLES WANTED We wish to announce to the farmers and others that we are rebuilding our Evaporator on Station Street and expect to be ready for business about OCTOBER 1st. Highest Prices Paid for Apples. TILE GIBB CO. Evaporator on Station Street, Exeter • •• CLINTON •• A • • BUSINESS COLLEGE • •• Educates to meet the living de- • stand, of a progressive age. • Most exacting, Modern city otT- - ices delighted with onr grade • - • ates. Our management trains • • more youngpeople a I: annually than y pan other in Western O - s yn Z ♦ tario 1 VP have incorporated s 2 the counsels of our TEN TEA- • • CHEW.; into one .,rand unexcell- 1 ood Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-elass Workrnen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry ed whole. Both courses for i 1 for nothing and prices are always • price of one. Day students tnay at the bottom notch. Iattend night classier free. FALi. TERM from SEPT. 2nd. • Enter any time. individual • instructson, Write for hand- * catalogue. on 3lunday, Sept. 23rd, of Dorothy by if b t I Ano ('Duper, beloved elf,. of Daniel a earner thee. McCurdy at the age of 35 )'c,lt .1 Iloineseekers Excursions to The a e•o(`a Joilotban Cooper, of U3borne and 1 Manitoba and Canadian wa4 married to her now bereaves husband about fourtectl ye,lrs ago.. was born in Osborne and wIs Sept. 21th. Oct. Ale Oct. t2nd held in the Highest osteetn by her Tickets good for sixty days many' acquaintances. Five children , are left to mourn their loss. the For tickets and full information call on your tes(. bolo; about fiveweeks old. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent, The funeral took place from )tar lite or write J. D, McDONAI•I), Colon re3:l^,Doe, \Vedn,•sday, interment be- Depot, Toronto, Ont. tag in the Elinlville cemetery. .sed was a dau'liter of -The po.toffiec department .has sideeibly extended the .special deliv• ery list of post offices. ren that the special delivery letters can now be sent to the fnllowin; places: Hell - fax, St. John, Fredericton Quebec Sherbrooke, St. Hyacinthe. Three rtivet.. Montreal, Ottawa Kingston Teterboro, Toronto, Hamilton Guelph Pfirantford, Berl -n, Stratford Lon- don. \Vindeor, Winnipeg Calgary F:rl• nionton, Vancouver, Victoria, Th.' special delivery stamp, coslin; 10 rents In addition to ordinary ioet• pie, will inpuK• aptcial d^livery in usually 15 or 20 minutes after the letter rtarh,'s its post office of des• tination. MAitRIED HACKNEi.-Ie RNICI: - At HO ghees, Myth. on Turtday Sept. 21th., Mr. AIdrew il.lckney, Far- yuher to 31. •s Su'i; 1' t r tuck of Myth. DIED 110X -In London on September 19th Mabel Box, !Aimed wife of John i'enhale aged 57 years 2 Months and 13 days. McCI" ft )1"- i I n Stephen, n r � 1 on Mond a v, Sep!ombro. 23rd. Dorothy Ann Cooper, beloved wife•. of Daniel 31c - Curdy, axed 35 yc,t t x, 11 I,10111114 And 23 days. !That Nuttij F:Idvor We have it in our t Star Flour it contains the qualities tha tickle the palate. You must have j heard it again and again that I -AT- W. J0.11111TS Merchant Tailor flouc Decorator Plumber (not and coma Wee) Sian Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application, A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVITS Exeter, Ontario Residence, corner Jatnes and A n drew Street. Corn HarveyStam Exeter and Warehouses Centralia Will exchange for other grain if desired. Richard Scldon RVBY BROS. Exeter, Centralia - ONTARIO. � and Clandeboye makes the very best bread. Try it and you will smile too. EXETER,