HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-26, Page 64644.4 • • 144110446.0.41 1 HFALTII CIlII-DBI:N AND Milli. In a general consideration of the rear- ot children one of the most impor- hint points is the fourfiptestion. It can- not be. contested that the physical con- dition of adult lite may be made or mar- red as this matter is properly under - eked or not. A food heredity le the first great gift (hut ',arena; eau nequcalh to their off- spring, and here it i, difficult not to re - Peal Iho oft•qu(iled remark 01 that wise l,bysician, Oliver Wendell Mimes, that a child's trneuius! ,oust be begun on his grandparents.- This is true in a physi- cal as well as moral sense, and it is for- tt,ralo for generations yet unborn that wc to-ehly Mould bo more and core if,terested in lite establishment. and care of physical well-being. At the saute time, so all important is 1141s quaker of right feeling at the outset of life, that, given Iwo children, one of iri epron,'lnIle physical ancestry, but led wrong conht►al- rom the start, and the olber of n poor iiy, but fed with scientific knowledge of ib; needs of the case, the latter Would stunt the better chance of ovei'(:ouling t'.e dangers of infancy and growing up MS) healthy adult life. The great secret kr the first year is, of course, the proper milk supply; first, last and all the tine, pure• clean, cor- rectly handled milk. Breast-fed babies Pre the luckiest, but where they must be bottle -fat, then this whole matter of will; supply, from the cots' to the baby island(' be of purauwunt Interest to the mother. Do you know where the milk conies fivt,1? Is it a properly aspected dairy? Are the sows free frorn tuberculosis? is Ow milk Laken care.uf alter it leaves the dairy? No amount of while tiling and Blit:ring nickel and fuss and feathers will help if the milk is carelessly looked atter behind the scenes by some irre-j a.ponsihle ignoramus after it reaches the city-; and the utmost care on the part of Mt concerned may be undone by your own carelessness or that of your seta vents if, when the milk reaches you. it is allowed to stand uncovered in hot kitchens, collecting dust or buzzed over b! flies. The question of the tnilk supply is of Hie greatest importance, not only to the tattle bullies, but all through infancy. It is n wise peau to heat all milk for children's use -to bring it just to the belling point, but not to tion it; it may afterward be cooled to an agreeable ttnperntu'0. With its second year a child should be gradually accustomed to t,rdilute(i milk, and although its diet may bo gradually increased, milk still rt mains the staple. A frequent nit -take is giving children HUNTING BY SUBMARINE'GURE FOR SEA SICKNESS EFFORT TO RECOVER BULLION OF LOST WARSHIP. W hen Vessel Went Dott n She Ilad 82,500,000 on Board 8300,000 Itccotered. The latest invention Is a submarine k•r salving wrecks, and it will be used in lot attempt to salve 11. \I. S. Udine, tlhi:tt was wrecked oft 'I'erschelting Is - lead, on the coast of Holland, in I799 - "The submarine is fitted with a spe- (jai internal, apparatus," says J. Gar- ner Flood, of London, Englund, who will le engaged in the work, "it tins regulators, by the aid of which the op- elator can control the pressure of the toe inside, and co make it the sante as That of the water. The bottom can then be opened with perfect safety, and the wreck examined with ease. "I Have Sot returned (real the wreck and I think that we shall be success- ful in our (ifol'ts. rr Is \\V ELL MARKED, AN Old► - til 111t l'ItI:SCltlltl:S NEW ItI: It:DY 1'011 EVIL. Pt rket 11.r,,,ki:t0 glass, Steadily Regard cd, \\ i11 Remote All Fcchle of Nausea. A new remedy has been discovered fee sea . kkness. An old sailor has proved that a ilechet kwkiug-gena is ::n infallible cult, 'Die 1 ok!ng-glass cure must be taken i,totie;fiately the sufferer steps on beard ship. The prescription directs f:al:ent, when the first indescrib- able feeling euules on, to lake out the pocket looking -glass and look himself tate and square in the eyes. 'Elie result is alleged to be that the, rolling of the ship, and even the smelt of the engines, will pass unnoticed. end and 1, guarded by the local euthorilles. "'there are, naturally, many dillicut- ties to Se overcome, one of the greatest 1 ing the continual shifting of the sand around tete vessel. At some tinges the wreck is completely covered, and then cu• work is twice as bard. "The Lunge now lies right in the (entre of a number of dangerous sand - ['auks, and Eotne of the operations, whist' have been frequent during the !rest century, have been attended with less of life. ` siceatls in (Y111Scqu Jli' often reeom "It Is stated that when the vessel mend their patients to try to fix their '‘Of LOVE CUT MAMMON PROF. JOHN GRAHAM littOo104 .t:.'' SOME SCATHING THINGS. A LI1TLE PIifRSEVERANC1 tri!' transform a bad sailor into a good one. le. "Il is a very curious fact, and one !, r which It is dillicult 10 account; said a noted l,othdon physician recent- ly. "that a casual glrulee in the look ing-glass may arrest sea sickness. is may 1.' gine the woe -begone collnlen- twee is responsil:le for inteodueing t' tt ell ef humor, and the sufferer cool', le 'eju,r "('a r- ,•:,11 1 Think there is a nista sciOutai • rues tn. It is well known among sail( r; that the rise and fall ot Int horizon is resi,nneihle for the early Singes of Ibis distressing malady. l'Itt- lenurtcialinn -- Hooks went down there was bullion on board to the value of $2,500,000, but so far only $500,000 has been recovered, and we are now going to try to recover the remainder. "Unfortunately, the weather handi- caps us considerably, and during the whole of thLs year we have not had one really favorable day, As can be easily imagined, when the sea is rough the work Is very difficult to carry out, am! on one occasion, when an attempt was being shade With the aid of a div- in1; bell, the waves almost overturned it. DANGER AT A MI' I)1UM. "With submarines the danger will be removed. but, ncvertheles, on a rough day. the shoals of continually Mc wing sand interfere with our work to a great extent, and prevent our get- ting at the wreck. "On one day, for instance, the sand is alt removed from above the wreck, tut by the next it is frequently covered to again, and the work has to be be- gun all over again. "The Lufine now belongs to Lloyd's and we have already placed the order ter the building of the necessary op - n drink of milk at odd hoes, when : parents, so that we shall begat saly- 1 thirst Is complained of. Milk is distinct- operations very shortly. I think 1y a foot], and not a beverage, should be given at regular meal -limes. Thirst bclWeen meats is better quenched with pare water. -Youth's Companion. HINTS ABOUT YOUR TEETH. they will be successful, and that with CyCS 011 some inlmatnLle ollpeCt, r as a ring en their linger or n book held firmly on the knee. The looking -glass is probably the same kind of antidote i0 the movement of the ship. "i1 would be E'teesat•y. of course. to hold the galas lIt Illy hind lis the gaze steadily f ON 'fill: RI:PLI:CI'lli) "Ths looking -glass ren:e'dy may se something in the nature of n fail!+ cue. 11 the nIteiiUon can be absolute- ly concentrated on the image in the gilts and all thought of illness banish - td there is stn excellent chance that lite +cyage will have no bad effects. "\\'ill* regard to the length of ►te required for the cure; tl is a genera! fact that if sickness can be suc'_eSsful- ty warded off for several how's the synptons ars. not likely to recur, ex- ut Present Day ltlarriaes \\ Inch Tell of Nutley' Marriages. nTers.he" licit do not wad ; they buy part - Such Is the sweeping remark made fesior John Graham lirtxil.s, the by fro „. „- a Ilartard hls;ruc:or, o wal! t;11rc�t," and w•10 has+vl*IOIVrsetck weall New Ye,k by the cars by saying various( scathing things about the connection; between marriage acct money. One of them is that "a rich woman can buy a elan next to the king -his grace; :he gartered Duke --as taw would 0 bit of blue ribbon over the counter,' and' nnothcr that she can "buy a herd, or a tt hole shout of dapper counts and seedy Lamas, and get into society.' Ile goes Oh to say things much more ;cathing about the power the moneyed lean has with women, Pbectiuse money has the singular power of purchasing nitytltiit;: a luau wank- stoney has •,due u1 to disturb tete ennoble(' passion ,•! love.' Opinion in England ns to the truth of i'rofessor Brooks' remarks scenes to be airily equally divided. CIIARACI'L•'(t FROM 111E. �C-ellul©id�` the submarine we shall recover all the bullion still remaining in the hold ct the ship." ------t:a % E.\K, SICKLY PEOPLE. if you wish to have- beautiful teeth, \\•ill Find New Slrcn(gdh Throtifgh the yon must remember that. each time yeti Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. eat yob should thoroughly clean M. 10, our A grant many young and do it at once, as to leave particles men and wo- of food about your teeth and lite gums hien are suddenly seized with veak- iF,a to invite malignant l,acteria. rass. Their appetite feels thein; they You cannot accomplish aseptic clean- lire on the least exertion, and become !Mess with an old. water -soaked tooth- pale and titin. They do not feel filly brush, nor with one used a)nstanlly. st)ecilic pain -just weakness. But that when you have used a brush two days weakness is dangerous. 11 is a sign i' should be washed in carbolic (water, that the blood is thin and watery; that it needs building up. I)r. Wil- liams' fink {'ills 4vin restore lost ollengtl because they actually make tont laid in the sun and air for a few' days 1'Itis of course, necessitates two I i usheS. Keep carbolic water at hnid. 11 is made by putting two drops ot car - tele; acid into a pint of boiled water. \\ hen your brush becomes discolored on it ) a s Ii away. A brush that fl throw Ili' locklhr frequently used is alive with brieletie, end each time the mouth is touched with it the germs are ti -U Ii vl,o theemodeuth. h. 11 the teeth are close tog'tdt Ik,'s. When you have carefully cleaned and tensest' your teeth, take n mouthful of n 1;. n(1 nntiseplic +t asln, and, halding_n part of 11, massage the gums Willi the ball of y'oirr linger from the root up- wniiIs to the crown. 'I'Ifis keeps the • genus in a healthy condition, and it they are inclined to recede prevents further treble. , In the fast lndics,whcre fine teeth are Pus rule, charcoal of the arece, or betnl- rut. which is troth smooth tool otkales- c(nt, is used for cleaning the teeth. As yore (linnet easily obtain that, the fol. 14 wing Is a very gond substitute. pre. Fred chalk, one-fourth pound. It eleitild be pure precipitated cnriOnnle o1 lisle. Add lo this one-eighth of a pound tit starch Ikea; 11; sane atnount of pc•Wdered orris -root; one-tenth of nn v*.iu•*' of sulphate of quinine, and eight grnlns of oil of wintergreen or pepper- mint. These ingredients should be t-ery thoroughly mixed, and put into a bottle *11(1 corked. new, rich blood -they will help you. Concerning there Mr. Allred Lepage, of St Jerome, Que., says: "For several years 1 have been employed in a wo- e. ry and up to the age of seventeen 1 Mid always enjoyed the iK `t of health. Itut suddenly my strength began to leave me; 1 grew pale, thin and ex- tremely weak. Our (artily doctor or- dered a cotnplete rest and advised me to remain out of doors as much as pos- sible. so 1 went to spend several weeks with an uncle who lived h1 the Lauren -1 tides. I was in Ibe hope that 11:o brac- ing mountain air would help ale, but ;t didn't, and 1 returned home in 0 de- plorable ante. 1 awns subject to dizzi- ness, indigestion and general tveak- ne's. One day I rend of n ease very similar to my own cured through the lrc of Dr. Williams' fink l'ilh, end 1 (k -idea to give Vocal a Trial. Alter tutting four Loxes of the pills I felt really improved, 50 cvlhtinucd Ihcir UM. for some time. longer and they ih,lly cured 1110. 1 urn now tilde to go afoul my work as well as ever 1 did and have nothing but the greatest melee for 1)r. Williams' I'il►k trills." The blood -good blood is the Fecret of health. if the blood !s not pure the body becomes diseased or the nerves shattered. Keep the blood pure and' dieense cannot exist. Dr. \\*i1{tams' lank I'i11e make rich. red blood --that IA wily 111') cure anaemia. IlOfinlnlicm. indigestion. headache, bnekocle, i.ldney trouble and the secret ailments of girl- luod and womanhood. Sold at fret cents n box or six tioxes for 822.50, by :,'1 medicine dealer's or by mail from The I)r. Williams' sledicine Co., Rrock- ville, Ont. REE Just send us your nante and address on II post -card and we'll wail you a I'ainting Book for the little folks and a quarter -found pack- age of Celluloid Starch. 'Flat means fou for the children and satisfactory starching for you. Celluloid Starch requites tri boiling, gives rt perfect finish to the clothes and never Lakes the irons stick, Write today for this free book and sample. Tao Bracher{ Starch 'Weals, !Jolted Brantford, Detail* "1 must say 1 agree with the Ameri- cans," said sl r. Maraca \\'yntt!ultn, whose latest novel, "liegivald Nilsson, Me Autobiography of a Scllhh slam," was reviewed the oilier day in the Lon- don Daily Mirror. "It is the appalling tack of romance in the present-day ct:m•Iships that gave Ino the ground- work for 'Reginald Auberon: In that ,look (here are three 'money' marriages; Sett of the heroine, and the two mar- riages of the hero (if one may so dignity ',it'll). who allows (ourself lo go t:: the r.►ghest b.dder. Ile is for sale thtC*lgh- ,at the enlh•e volume, and 1 may es well wipe 111 cases where n;) reified?' win 'e- lieve the unfortunate sufferer, and sea and brain sL_klI SS ji.are _interchangeable terms. 'lilE SY11ll�l: IN '1'11E CHURCH A1' \11I.I,W11.1.E. there's a cloud on 111e church at slept• vilte, There's a frown on the Deacon's face. There's a cyclone u -flitting around the pews IIICe. And fining with gloom the p For the )'arson had tract a notice Fr.,ut the \V. C. T. U. -- Thal a woman would speak in the ehurelt That night, And added, he hoped every pew Would be lilted, for a treut acthere. are Ilud seldom coupe to the people Titan up rose the Deacon at once, And said, growing red in the face, 'There oiler eo'.iiething be done to keep The wanunen into 'their place, This dreadful pervertin' of Scripter 1'!,i; shamming over the land, The, mnkln' the sisteru oneasy like 'This Iryiu' to speak like a Ivan -- I tell ye they're getting too uppish, Rein' as they're only a rib, 'Their place is al Wile `with the crib." hiklcr. A•c oktu' and jc bgi ammo JUST TiIE OI')'OsrfE. "They call the town you live In n wet. tnan'Je paradise, do they'" said the man oath the pointed nose. "Because the neaten outnumber the nen the or :ix 4t nuc?" "Not at all." nnswcred the man with t!.,' l.utging brow. " Bcca,tl-�e the men worth mbHr the women awe Or SIX to rte." 1:X(.1.1-11 WEDDING f :US f0M1. A very anci, tit Cushion (narked n re• tent wedding at \\ hithul n•I•y•1h0:sen, near �uuderluul, 1.nt:laml, i\1 the church door. as Ili,' 1•,1,181 p1trty lett. the iltnl,Mls presented t1 "lut•lol,' n 11135- tnrc of eggs and ginger. made very blot. pec-eI*t Mon is considered a great tempinu'ut. Nut:, 1'illNO. A n1cc thing nbo t l• -ingf y^llr mercy 1n nn inwc.lnit'l11 is 1130 ole+ }•our fan►- ity can't nag you to Elie i1 to them. Ilad.unl _"I want n geexl t05t4RI'r." flvaler-' t six -elite -der?" liadst nt -- "Ptttcr slake it a note-situticr, II's 1. r tat IMxt tl.ul1" LUST FOR THREE WEEKS NEEDLESS CFIW11ONY. Peter had been hastily bidden bo Bob. by Hunt's party, and his 11otiter was "rounding him up' in front of the wash- stand. "0 mother," tie said, "do 1 have to have a whole bath?" "Certainly." Peter mumbled something, end Isis mother asked hire what it tt•t1s. "1 Said were yon sure It wasn't jti t your idea," replied Peter. "l'nl certain I heard- Bobby's mother tell you over the telephone that tete party +vas very informal." CAUSED 111' KISSING. Eva -"Du you consider kissing dele- terious to the heal] t?" Jack -•"1 don't know. I kissed a girl (,1111 time and black spots calve Wort. *11y eyes." Eva -"Gracious- Was 11 heart dis- ease?" Jack No, she tvhre a veil." aj. ---- There are a minder of varieties ( I corns. 1lolloway's (),„in Cure twill re- tr,uve any of them. Cull on your drug- gist and get a bottle at once. Knicker--"\\'lint is a srlfsnnde man?" Mrs. Knacker -"One whose wife. doesn't have to went a self -trade hut." )tnse•colored spots on the it -wiles of children s The trouble laity he r.seula- a kcal disease 4,1 the SWISS 1..\DC's TI:ItlulILE , XI'ERi• ENCE IN ALPINE GORGE. She Lost flet Way While Mour(ain- clhtibing, and Slipped Into a Fissure. Mme Schopfcr, the intrepid Swiss lady who had the remarkable exp eri- e:ce of surviving twenty-one days' iu- prisonrnent in an Alpine gorge, is now rccoworing, 'thirty-seven years old, in excellent Lenith and spirits, she lett tier hotel in Ilse village of 1.oech-les-Hairs Swit- zerland. for a stroll into the mountains. For full three weeks she was lost to her friends, and narrowly escaped death. When she had recovered some what from the effects of the strain she Lad undergone, site described her ex - EA Hence as foiloys: "On the morning of August 1 I walk- -ay. in my own defence. that 1 look the ed along the bank of the River Data, from rat life." tut penetrated too far into the gorge hnracter fro, •raw ,n Iu e Its :Hiss Ithodn Broughton, than whom ,and lest my way. While b Y there was no ,linea popular story teller !steps 1 fell -1 don't know !tow many i 1 air youthful days, maintains, how - seer, feet -into a cave, nntl was horrified !o :•ver, that (here is no store buying and hind Ihnt, owing to its sleep and slip- oiling lip- ; Il ' in the marrit*e market today parry sides, Bum there was when she gate us Rat h in the church 'r nn6 o'cr was b1 13114i As an artily of ribs nnsc, \larch:ed down the aisle, out the church - door. Like women in Sundry clothes, IA awing behind in mute surprise, .lust ,.a wenteen pairs of nasculinc cyea. 1 \VAS UNABLE TO CL1s1B OUT. Sweet- wart. weet w n Race Is she and "Good-bye, - 1 shouted all that day and night for n hut, Good bye;' as typical episodes of help until my voice gave out find say the life around us. instances here throat tuns so tilnamed That 1 urns Un- able course to cat my last two pieces of cllo- and !here of a Ulan or a w•onml marry estate. I continually drank water, pub for money," she said, "bol it you 1* tt filch trickled lhroublt the rot)ks. An- Iake English people, nt any rate, l um other day cause and Went, and yet un- certain you will (tied more marriages out It 1 forgot how many, because 1 ( pure affection than for any sordid reason. WORSE IN UPPER CLASSES. "1 live in Oxford, and my own know- ledge of human nature and b e1I, f in my fellow -creatures forbids lay thinking that every bright -faced, clenn-linlbed, athletic university youth whorl one meats in the streets or on the river twt.uld so falsify himself us to sell his 11altirtif birthright -love." Again : '"There is a great deal of truth in Professor Brooks' condensa- tion," a London \\'est End clergyman .rid. "1 am at limes called upon to offi- ciate at ce'enontes which nre practically nothing tnoro than the surrender of ye,uttful loveliness for gold, or the pur- chase of money with n title. I do not think the state of things is as had h1 the tower and middle classes as mllong the upper len thousand. and then 1 think 111•: Wren are chief offenders." "1 am thankful to say that these re- marks do not apply to the East End of tendon," said a Bethnal Green mission- ary'. "\\'e may have separatkul orders, deserlklns, appeals, summonses for cruelty, but we have no buying and sell- ing in our marriages," "Ptpyrr sleeting as usual on \\'ednesd-y' night, A cordial +vel^one to all Ant! each titan thought of the crowd of Hien, 'flint re,pw,nded to such n call, "The Sabbath school rifler church, For old and young alike." And there In the house sat seventeen 11.\it. NOT DISSIPATED By Goss. For several genus past. in some of the wine -growing dietticts 01 France and 1181y, Pcl'si`tent nttclupt• have bean mode la dissipate gathering hall -storms by the syetettialic Tiring of gums nl fie. trends siany' wuc-growers tat,te lhnt men, \\'nth only quite red Wier the r 1'Iti'e sight, •\ smile q As •h: glanced at Deacon Bos(', ,‘lid announced 'Tae Indies Aid will meet M the house of—, no one knows." he Y. P. S. C. E. to -night, At SIX o'clock will meet, the speaker And 1'e led by Miss----: pausal. And the Deacon blinked at his feel. "The Woman's Udine Mission society \\-in peck its barrel'—" but no, The (women had struck, the society, gone. And the hnrrd-s cnnnot go. I1;,' nl•Ihotl is effective, ne their vine - yah have escaped threatened hall- stn•ms when the gems were firer!. A re- cent report by I)o for lllnserna of Thr re+nits of a long aeries of isNporimetils, under 3cientifie control, .11,n'.s that the supposed effects of the gun -firing are Fli,sory, and that hail cnnnol be dissi- pated by thing in the air any more Ihnn rain can be induced by a similar method. Dilator: "Do yob eat well. my little man?" Little Glatt: "1 ought to; I've been prucli-ilg since 1 was t1'o days cid r \\e'll apart 1he service' by numb r sex.' \id he glanced at the chair around. Ire a ,truants. Irtistakeu for mea- le . h ruble k'n,n,ptty cured with We.afor'e frantic• Pathos w'hn think they have the 1 *ighit•st child in th.l world should keep lllt•tllought to thculselvcs. Ate On kind of trn.lttt.eat, and only one, Lts naht, wears out slowest. and sa*s- f.es you front the day you buy *1. That kind is trade. malted (as above) in ted and guaranteed to you by stores that sell i' and the j,euple at ho n e it. M de ea many fabrics and Myles, al yawl!' pd:es, in torn-fittiay sires for w"mea, men and children, 1 «;k foi the t'GN-�t\CrLE. �7 A than is fo-,lislt to go round looking for trouble unless he is strenuous enough to take a tall out of it. A Pill for Generous Eaters. -There erre many persons of healthy appetite and poor digestion who. after n hearty Walt are subject to much suffering. The food. of which they have partaken hes like lead in (their stomachs. Ilead- nclte, depression, a smothering feeling folldtt'. One so afflicted is unlit for business or work of any kind. in this condition Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will Lring relief. '1'tiey will assist the assimilation ot the ailment, and used according to direction will restore 4s altity digestion. Matrimony makes a man awfully restless a little while before and for- ever atter. Askitl-"\Vhnt ks the quotation about 'A friend in need?'" bill --"A friend in need kceps a ]ran broke." Overworked Persons, either mentally or phyaicall , ab,etd try" Nerroclm," the world muawned rower strength bloodd healttonic and they will DO NO t' 11E uxKiNn! To till w'ho lalkclh Conlin}rot Oh do tot be unkind; Think of the burden did he not Get such things off his mind. Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Este:no:tutor is a pleasant and sure - core. 1f you love your child %thy do• you let it Futter when a remedy is so • near at hand? Ci lel'- org0 , must !gave became delirious. Ilosless--"Mr. Litew•nytc is going to "The streplo of the village church was sing a comic song." Guest -"1 knew visible from 1113' 'prison, and on Sun- something would happen. i overturn - day 1 could blear the bells pealing and 01 a su11-c.:llul' at the dinner -table." Die choir singing, prnclicully within a • stone's 11:r•)w of the spot, where all line 'i•ourlsl-"\\'hal do the people round (while, as it. seemed to Inc. 1 lay dying try inches. - "I cannot describe my hunger. 1 oiled dreamed about bread and bis- cuits, which sometimes seemed to lc dancing in the air Leloro my eyes. 1 are grass, moss, and ray leather shoes. Gtnduatly 1 became a skeleton, and my clothes fell firm uhe. I 110(1 plenty el money in my purse, which 1 would have wittingly exchanged for a piece of bread. On two nights rain soaked me, and on several days the heat was so great lhnt 1 was glad to Wel Illy head end sprinkle my clothes. My voice be- gan to return gradually, and 1 took %nisch care of il, CRYING SOFTLY AT INTERVALS during the dry when I thought people might be passing my tomb. "Slowly my strength failed, until 1 was unable to stand without resting my hands 011 the rock. Toward (he end became desperate and wanted to dash my head against the rock -my mind wuz willing, but nay flesh was 100 venk. 'then God sent darkness. i ber ► •Hess. 1 tartan • no more." In the m0nnlirrle the missing woman's t,sband and guides were searching the overk,oking mountains, inquiring In t 22 peasant 4.---- -- G'D • TO 'fill: DI. ('AURA 1. meet your problems with an effort of Ills mind- Meet your disappointmentsur cuties(lh your sorrows, y' effort of the will --which is n struggle of the brain, Devote your energies to maintaining mental alertness., Itenlen- be • t,bnt that brain inside your skull con - Wine all your hope for the future, n11 your possibilities of usefulness as well as pleasure. sire here alone scnsntion and reel activity exists, Use your brain le sueeced, and. above alt, nae your hrnin to counteract cltert(failure. ereRemember ie. e,,uragina Mot if you (lo as well ns you east you have done all that you ought In do, 134 n'1 worry about the superior nchiewe- rien a of others. rnYYou hteave no ta emoo te for filo worry unless ) you up to your highest possible degree et mental dewektpenldnt. (INC ClIII.D IN 'E'\'O DIES. Dr. Francis J. Allan, medical nffieer of health tor \\'estnlinster. England. Melee in his imnlinl report flint of 1.278 chit• filen born in gel families as yes during n i hi every cp ry e past tlu•c0 years, two -died before reaching the age of one year. - _ • LOUle Vttllie-Granddad, what makes A DANIEL. "Can any little boy in the class !en- rols why (he lions did not hurt Daniel?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "1 guess it was 'cause he belonged lo the circus;" answered a bright • ycuflgster. tete live on, Pat?'' farm- Pigs, core, to the winter, and tourists in the sum- mer:' Its Power Grows With Age. -]low many medicines • loudly blazoned as panaceas for all human ills have cone and gone since Dr. Thomas' 1':electric Ce' was first pelt upon the market. Yet it re,uains, doing more good to human- ity than aunty a {:reparation more high - 'ay vaunlcd and extending its virtues wide' and wider turd in a larger circle every year. it is the medicine of the %►lasses. 00F5 That 5ta Roofed d The a roofo twin2 that covered wither selfd,xkirg w can't rip away a "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't get through it in years (guaranteed ,n writing for that long --good for a century, really} -fire cant b.+ther such x r .o( proof against all the elements--tl,a cheapest G001) root there w. Write ,u and Well show you (thy it costs least t+, roof right. Just address Sob ThPEDLAR People,r.fa e tr:ti. Oshawa lion real °users Torot.w L. ,.,too W1e0tpe4 CHENILLE CURTAINS sad all Sleds of house nanatuaa, .to 11101 CURTAINS oval int CNEr ar) Write to as about Faun. UMW AMWsal1 OWNS tea. Os: M. Nawtlr�• BEES FASTER THAN PIGEONS. it is not •generally known that bees are swifter in flight than pigeons -that for short distnnccs. Some years nae, n pigeon fancier of Ila►nrne, West- phalia, laid a wager that a dozen bees liberated three miles from their hive's w5tutd reach home in less lime than a deism f igcons. the conipelitors were given wing at Rybcrn, a village nearly c bee. first the a league from !femme, and reached the hive n quarter of a minute 1 In advance of the ilrst pigeon. Three .,Ther lies reached the goal before the` 1 pig.s,n. The bees were also cowry village. On Augur a •� roomed Adolphe Grand heard groaning si•ghlly hand capped, itnvhag been colt - while his was walking on the bank tf in flour (''fare flatting for purposes the Dila River. Ile rescued aline. of identification. S 1 1 whom l e carried tike a baby, But for choir, and organist, louder and a man always Ore n 450111011 a 41111- 1111 nand engngcmenl ring? Only uric bu.°c singer was found. (;randlalher-The woman. - 'I'Itcn up rose the Deacon ngatu, "I tt'tcr afore seed the like. 1 l;et,•r :,tote )*cord a scrn:on thiough \\ illi nit n v:olnatt in sigh!, - \nd 11 that air woman wants ler speak. ti ,ce we blear her to -night." 'Ila ,•': a smile on the church at tilA', •1', re,• a gleam on the D, icon'-= Inc.'. I o • 't a cyclone of Woman's playet - end sings, p• ng with 'oy the place. '1111 \VISE FATHER. "Rut 1 can't live properly on an the: al- lowance of 810 a week," protested 5(n. "Of course you ear,:" replied the h- ther. 'You want an increase so you Cz.0 live improperly;' IL „1 thought I most go oa sofferiag� from piles ua:1l 1 Med; but Zsn* Buil cured me," styli Mrs. E. }teed, of Steen by ont.1% and alis --"f wee so we/Ore/WI that i could) hardly mots about and a little work canted the reef agony, '*tea 1 heard of t.ls grand beim. and 1 eat thankful to M that it lase tUred mr'•" rya Set also tele' este. turas. wort w taa, u t rM secs riot. 7554► 1e0. 5.e�awet�'rits stia• sad a 5 las. ) Aleut Gss� two is a uma-•t I1 L ]op er, tt' I 1 1 insensible, to the hospital. \1me Schop- She-"plid you ever stop I , figure out fee recovered her senses thirty hours' how many lints in n year you could later. During her ordeal -her stair turn -illy with the money you th1' •w away on c.' from black to grey. 1 eigltrs?" flc-"I limedarer1 cou Records kept show that since the qtly about any f• r n•lys011,. lett only middle of January Inst the Alps claimed about three for you." poverty-fO(IC victims, s'me of w'hml wer0 women. ('',0041 DigestionouT ild Wait on Ap- petite. -To have the Monlnclt well is to have the t*et'tous system well. Very d, licnee are the digestive organs. In some so sensitive are they Ihnt ntrnos- pltcric changes affect them. \\ iien they 14c',me di.sarranged no better regulator is p1Y,CUrable than 1'armelee's Vege- table l'ill. '111ry will asist the diges- 11011 80 (hal the hearty enter will sof- ter no inoonveniencc and will derive n!. the benefits of this food. Only n fool lakes experience for rend lmlcad of a guide. ITCIi, Mange, Prnirie Scratches and every form of contagious 11:1* in Ia,mnn or animals cured in 30 minutes by \VoI- ferd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold 1,y all druggists. DiFFI(:CI.T. A leacher in n certain Enstern school asked her class to draw a piehlre of that which they wished to be when they grew up. The pupils went diligently' to work with paper and pencil, acme drawing pictures of 'soldiers. policemen. and fine ladies. etc, They ell worked herd, but one little girl. who sat quiet- ly holding her pad and pencil in hand. The leacher observing her, nsketl: "Don't you know what you want to be when yolt grow up, Alinn?' "Yes. t know," replied the little girl. "1 know i want to be married, but 1 don't know how to draw it." lliteban,l--•"1011 ehcml,t be more eon - comical. my deer. and :;ave sonlrlhing fora rainy day." y'i Wife hrts 'hs use? 1 can't go shopping g and it on a rainy day." n Every Wom Is Intercate•1 and ental•( L3.ow about the wouderfnl MARVELWhirlingSpra' The Dew+atlas* rr nen. lte,t-M ,tt co+rttu- lent. It clean,:, iastanilr Stegner drtR,r•5t(wr 1t e it en cann•,t aucD r MARVEL accept no *trier, but semi stamp fur fh,utrat. t. ,nit -sealed. It Rhes foil particulars and directions ie• •alu1tAe t', 1.4le9. w1N0Getteral Agoutis or tunuda.at WILSON'S FLY PADS telt. themMN No dead Moo lying about When weed as dlreotsd 11101.0 e+r — •RUCCISTS, CROCUS sits CIMENAI $TORI$ etra per packet, or 3 Mckets far Ido. et111 last a esthete 111114111104 1. No per -,n should go from home 'wilh-' cul 11 1o111e of Dr. J. D. ,Fele a)' n Dy- sentery as cordial in their 1 change of water, cooking. climate. etc., 1 en t 1 frequently bring; on slimmer mlnin . and here Is nothing tike lasing ready ' w'ilh n sura remedy at h:,nd, which oftentimes sive` great s,illcring and frequently valuable bites. This (;crdilll has gained for itself It Wid(sprcnd re- putation fur affording relict from alt summer complaints. 11 men -were to write their own epi• lnl•hs marble cuttere would be com- pelled to work overtime. --- After celebrating the twenty-fifth an - norma s cchief of of n 1er 11(life 1.sh114, a tele,o% her age. ISst'l: NO. 1`I (7. FOR $2.50 We will malt Immediately a magnificent pair et mane' $5.00 GAUNTLET DRIVING CLOVES Perfect In FIT, FINISH and VAS/110N The Swetle•t (]loves Obtainable in th s Country. THE PARKDALE CLOVE WORKS TORONTO, QUEBEC STUMSNiP f OMPMti1 LIMIT) I) t Ricer and Gulf of St, laircnca Ii Bummer Cruises in Ccol Latitudes 1 Twin serest ir'n 99. "t'ampan.t," with etectri) Babas, alectrle Delia and stn In- darn comforts. shit:4 Fnott ttOV eRF �I.ovi tit) trtnipl,l 4 l 1 r.7n . *th aril tiled September, ra,lt,•I at t oel,ee. Oar* dor tor t'ietnn, V. (t.Lcp,'. Tial stay, Parra. rape tore t►rsmi Riser, bumurarsife, P.14.1., and Charlotte( ,wn, P.14.1. BERMU®IO, Sn'finer I:t.•nrslcn., its. by the now Twit Screw Art. •'11ermu,nam,•' 4,5,4,'to•.,• Stallltest tth. t4thand stir, Kmstyli 1*' �l ,cwmh•r�dltaepers• tura c•.olad by sea broeses Feld oro 0505 above at dogma.. Th: Ane.t trips of tits roster let health am coin(,rt. Altl'lll:It AHEIIN, Secretary, /jaetee ,\, F. 0U'lE11itfhDGI: k CM, 1ga;;lf T9 Droadtvey, New lost(,