HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-26, Page 5`1'H.E EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER _)6th 1907 OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS We have just opened up an immense import order of Scotch and English goods in all the Latest Shades. Our success in the past has been our knowledge that honest goods and honest prices must prevail in garments which appeal to the better class of t, ode. Call Ealy rJ. H. HOLTZMANN, CRED TON Reduction in Dry Goods • Owing to some of our goods being damaged by smoke and water in the recent fire, we have concluded to sort them ott and sell at a Red. uction. • We will also add to this the balance of our summer stock, as having jest taken stock we find it to large for the space we have in our store, we will also include in the sale our stock of Ready Made Clothing. You will also find low value in flannellette and gen- eral goods, they having been bought at old prices. Fresh Groceries on Hand Produce taken incxohange V. Kellerman n, Dashwood. Fall and Winter Overcoats More For Your Money You get up-to-date - styli, best materials, better . satisfaction, more value for yourmoney, when you buy an overcoat from Grafton & Co. The largest clothing concern in Canada owes its success to giving unbeatable values, and upright business methods. The Dressy Semi -Form Filling models, handsome New Box Back styles for '07 and 'o8, popular Sing!. Breasted coats, are here in every size. Materials are Black and Gray Vicunas, Cheviots and Cashmeres, pre- shrunk before making by our special process which makes them retain their shape until worn out. Collars and lapels are hand stoated. Lined with extra quality all wool serge, with good mohair and satin sleeve linings. On request ale will MAH. YOU SAMPLES of cloths, with instructions of how to order by mail. Perfect fit, com• plete satisfaction, guaranteed, of money refunded. Prices, $8.30 to $23 EXPRESS PREPAID. rcL l�s'•'{AS �' r.; r.`•. Clothing Crediton Zurich Fair DIt. P. J. 11oCI'r, MEMBER ON- ( Continued From Papa four TARIO COLLEGE 1'IIYBICI. CIIESTEIt \VIIiTE ins and Btu genua, Successor to Dr. B. A. Heist. Oreditou. Out. (!Liss White, of St. Marys and Mr. Gamey assisted tLe choir of t 5e Metho.I kt Church on Suuday last. Miss 8. Robinson, of Briusley. after a pleasant visit with the Hisses An- drew has returned to her home. Mee. (iter.) ,1. %V. Andrews and daughter Pearl returned on Satur- day last atter e. few wont h3 visit in the northweat. Rev. J. W. Andrews preached An- uiversary services at Aron on Suets day last for It. It. Knowles, evho preached Anniversary' service here. Miss Link is s;sin in charge of they millinery rooms of Mr. 5. Brown and will be pleased to have her c many friends anal customers call and in tweet her display o[ millinery, eto. Mrs. Chas. Felber and s1au;hter Mra. Albert Morlock aro spending a few da3-s visiting friends iu I3ri;ht. The Crediton elate Quartette have been re;uested to sin; in connection with the service next Sunday night in the Evangelical ohuroh. Mrs. Andrews and daughter Pearl returned home Saturday night from the \Vogt. They report n very pleasant trip. The Miss Stahl,, of Waterloo, spin( a few -days with their grandwobher in the village. Miss Vivian and Ella Beaver spent Tuesday risitin; friends in Central. ia. A very successful anniversary was held in connection with the Methodist church' of this place on Sunday. Rev. It. W. Knowles of Avon preached two powerfull ominous and in tho afternoon addressed the Sabbrith school. On Monday evening t he an. nual concert in connection with the above auniverscry was held on yvhi:h occasion Revs. Goin; and Fear. of Exeter, Ieva. Carrie!. Grand Bend and Rev. E. II. Bean gave nddreasere .The addresses ,were interspersed with music by the ohoir and solos readin;s, etc.'by the !lest" local talent In all it w'a3 one of the most auo- ceasful anniversaries of the church. Mr. JI. I:. Eilber has ;returned after Jpendin; several • weeks in Uncle Sam':; domain. Mr,. Garnet Baker, of London. was in the villa;, Sunday last. Miss Mary Oestreicher and Miss Maud Finkbeincr are spendin•; a few days visiting friends in Berlin. To get relief from indigestion. bil- tousuess, constipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or purging the towels, take a few doses of Carter's Little Livor Pills they will please you. CI.A.IBTOR.lA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of - • Dashwood Rev. Mr. and Mr.. fads left Wed. mornin; to attend the funeral of the latter's brother Rev. Mr. War- ner at Listerville. Mr. Ben Winkenwe(isr, of Napier• ;elle, after spending a taw days in our midat returned Saturday morn - in; accompanied by his mother, who will remain there for some time. Mr. Elmore Kruger and Mr. Joe Wambold took in the fair at Blyth. Tuesday. The reenaina of the late Mrs. Ilen• ry Pfaff, of Logan Township former- ly of Dashwood were hrou;ht here Saturday evening to her nephew. Wm. Pfaff and were laid to reit in t1 Goshen Lino cemetery. alter r. hich a service was held in the Evangelical church conducted by leer. L. K. Eidt. Mr. and Mrs. Will Heaver, of Lo- an who attended the funeral of the latter', mother are 'now !visiting friends in the vicinity. Mr. Robert Goetz is 3pcndin; a few w-eeka in Detroit at present. Mr. David Tiernan,' and Mr. Geo. Edr;hoffer are mow crknfortahly set - tied in their temporary quarters. Mr. David Tictnan is this tw•cek ;ettin; in a full stock of hardware and will be able to supply the wants of his customers. THAMES ROAD. • Operating 2 Factories and J. M. HICKEY, Manater Mts. Spares, of New Brunswick, • 7 S;ores in Canada London, Ontario ' I and Mrs, Mclnnie, of Exeter, are at present the truest, of their brother, M r. Samuel Passmore. On Recount of his illness, Rev. C. ••••••••••••• WORTH TAKING Oneonrce Fluid F.%tract Dandelion; One ounce C. miound Salatone ; Four r unces Cornp,ntnd Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mixed and taken in teaspoonful doses alter each meet and at bedtime, i• pro::,.tu„r,1 I.v a prominent physi- cian t:. t,r. the Lost 'Mature fir the core o` the 1.i,lnec Madder, and all urinary ta.al,h-s. This says the ,len ter. is the most simple though remarkable preneip- tion err ailutrn •n cic.tnre the system of i,n, rtti s an,l %este matter. It set. n. 4 posterfe' tonic to the kilt use, fee Ins it eu, to filter ,Nit Ile rite-. -m! i•e.••n,r. (trrom- ire chert. •' . ' m..• e i e. ,e ati,•n and nth.r .:!::(.tions ..r isiug front e ar, impr.te Mogul Tito in:•r,-'icnrs i• -in 1,• pi ('eur, q1 at :my good erne e ,!ewe. and being purely reiretit,:r a• d coo:rrlc harmless, can taxi!}• I.• r., .rd at hr••:o Ifs ni,neaP.aTu ir•: fti. n,1 sl ow this if. In n,, a.. he Hill a •.1. e' h'di} (., plea ,.l n h•:rn of r.. .•,.,,'e and high! : • remenenaled a remedy. oo•e+.+oe•••o rt •$43) <.o.4 •• CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. Ile kled You Hare Always Bought Mitnatore of Sears the t Ia •!� :V , --- Fletcher was unable to return from %VIIALEN flowing is the order of the day. Mr. Frank Squire h around a;ain after iii.; sickness. Mr. Herb Cook had the misfortune to be kicked with + horse one day last week. Mrs. John %Vie;11t home now. Mrs. J. V. elillson is vimitine in Clardeboye and London. If we mistake not ase a;ain lira the sound of wedding bell;. IIENSALL Harvest Thanks;ivin; services will be held at St. I':tul'e eburch, Hese mall. Sunday. Sept. 29th 1907. The Rev. W. 11. Hartley rector of Blyth, will preach a: It a. in., and 7 p. tn. Everybody welcome. ft ie quite possible that the matter ter of the death of the late James Stewart will ie allowed to drop, al- though the Coroner'.d jury brou;ht in a verdict that Stewart came to his death from natural eauzet. Tho verdict of the jury made it impoe- aible for the County authorities tc prefer charges of tmanslau;ht. r a.rainet i[odgin.i that being t let 'new Serer, char;e on w•hioh he could be held. provided Stewart had Med franc hlowe inflicted by him. However it 4'ems that an ,assault ria cotnn, t - red ani the authorities may yet in- vok• the law and teko up_tle assnft charze. The Commercial hotel cloe:'d cr. Tue•,ctay mornin; and the furniture and fixtures were sold by auction on Wednesday. Since the Queens was destroyed by fire acme time n;o, the ('omrnerrisl was the only publi: house in the village, and now that t i.. ripen! Hensall will try to jet long without a buildin; for z h public. is Visitinz et Hamilton to fill his place in the pulpit on Sunday. Mr. McVannel. of St. Marys conducted the services in his stead. Mr. and Mrs Marquis and little daughter, of Brandon. Man., were the guests of Mfr. and Mrs. Henry Pane. more last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cottle attended 13eaforth fall fair last Friday. Mr. Cottle encceeded in carrying off a number of prizes for his flowers and vegetables. Miss Mary Monteith is home this week under the doctor's cnre. Mina Annie Passmore has returned home' after n week's. stay nn the boundary. ICJ IL. ItMrr TA. Bear, A, Its hind You Harr Alan s 1300 tli`na•s» 0f hIttKTON Kirkton Fair Oct. 3, 4, 1907 will be the best yet. Liberal prizes and 1)4 attractions. 2.30 trot or pace. prize $50.00: Pony racy, trot, prize '5.00. (h• elolron's (hank, St. Marys Hurdle jumpin; for 'green bores t,riz,' $12.00; beet r•inzle turnout open to farmer, only prize $5.00. Ily Sovereign Lank Exeter, balloon n.r• tension and parachute jump by Capt. T. Callaghan. of Chioazo. For.fur- tiler information write the accretary Aimee Doupe, Kirkton. SUBSCRIBE 1'Wt THE TIMES. CA/MT OVITAL. Mean the �The K ad Yeo Hare Ahn)s Booitit !Misstate J. Ertelaiut teak alt prizes in t c1as3. Pal; LT1tY llawbur;a W. Battler ; Plymouth Rocks W. Battler. W. Love ; Wy:tn. dotter W. Battler S. Hechler: Black Spanish W. Battler ; Dorking W. Battler ; lied Caps W. Smith, W. Battler; \\'hits Le;horn3 E. Gies, W. Lore; Brown lc;horns G. Clasusus 1st -2nd ; )t. I. Reda G. Clasusus, E. Gies. Pekin China Ducks Snowden Bros. A. Melee; ,Rouen Ducks G. Clasusus, W. Battler: .ducks any breed W. Battler. Snowden Bros.; ,;eese .G. Clasusus, \V. Battler; turkeys G. Clasusus, Snowden Bros.; Toulouse Geese Snowden Bros. GiRAIN AND SEEDS White fall wheat G. Eisonbert, A. ltannie, I'. ScholsoaIm ; red fall wheat J. Brown, S. Becbler, C. Col oskey ; sprint wheat any variety C. Trueutnor, L. Footer ; fl rowed bar- ley W. Rader ; 2 rowed barley A. Rennie; white oats J. ilrowiee13. S. Phillips, A. Rennie; email peas C. Treumeer, G. Claueens, D. Taylor; rye A. Klapp ; beat :collection of ;rain in heads, 'any kind, G. Claus• ens, 11. Neeb, C. Grob; clover seed J. llaberer. J. Cochrane, L. Foster: tim- othy send B. S. Phillips, G. Eisenhart A. Klapp. •HORTICULTURAL i APPLES Coll. of any kind of apples not les than 5 eaoh 10 varieties D. Iloud • W. Battler ; cauliflower R. Johnson G. Schroeder ; pumpkin W. Battler U. !lough; rnitmeoih pumpkin G. Clausen; celery ; I. Johnson: squish his L. !fader lt. Juhnson ; blood beets 1. Hey. W. Steel,: routed beets W. Battler; waterwelou3 C. Coloskey, -D. !lough ; muskws elon3 G. Sohro- der, 1). !lou;b ; rod tomato:a A. Fos ter, J. Brown, yellow- tomatoes Snowden Bros., eV. Battler. MANUFACTURES Set borsest nes finis((:d from ham- mer L. 1'rana ; ;;et horseshoes finish- ed from file ; collectiou .ho:3 C. Fritz 1', Iknder. DAI1tY PRODUCE Butter to tub ,not less than 25 the. J. Brown; 5 pounde butter suffie- iently salted for titbit) use \V. Bat• tier, J. Decher er., J. Decher Jr.; butter in pd. prints W. Battler, .1. Ilarberer ; •Iiuutetnade cheese J. I ger. A. Klapp ; loaf homemade bread T. Berry. T. Clausen; ;extracted hon- ey J. Harborer, \V. Smith; colt. huu- ey J. Il•trberer, W. Smith; ,honey in comb J. harborer, \V. Smith: quart maple. syrup W. Smith, J. Decher. LADIES' WO1tK ORNAMENTAL Embroidered 5 -o'clock tea cloth L. Praha, Mrs. \\'ickw-ire ; embroider- ed tray cloth Mrs. Wickwire, J. Deeper ; embroidered centre piece Dr. Carnpbell, L. Prang ; eworoidered doylies 11. Well, I. Johnson; ernbroid• ered sofa cushion in silk L. Vrtui;, W. Well ; embroidery ltotuan Mr's. Wickwire: embroidery Jewel ;51r3. le Lek wire; best sample .feather 3titchin; Mrs. Wickwire, J. G. For- t rest ; fancy work ba; K. Campbell. J. Ilarberer, E. Gina: 4 varieties of fall apples P. Schroalm, D. Ifou;Jr, E. Gies; 4 varieties winter apples D. Hough, E. Gies, P. Schroalm ; Kin; Tompkins E. Rader, J. Decher ; snow aeples` L. Rader, A. :Geiger . Northern spies \V. Battler, E. Rader Baldwins G. Schroeder,' E. Rader ; 1(. I. iSreenin;a J. ILey, J. ILaberer: Spitzonborg 1). 1lou;h, W. Smith ;; Canada Reds E. kidder, J. Hey: Rib - son Pippen W. I3attler, J. Pfaff : Golden Russett E. Karcher, \V. Bat- tler ; Igen Davie 1). Olou;h, P. Schr'oalin; Swears W. Smith; Wag - ;tens C. Treumner, A. Klapp; Mann S. Bechtel*, E. Mader; Maiden's Blush J. lfaberer, W. Smith; Blenheim Pippen G. Clausens, W. Hoffman ; Pew•aukeo L. Rader, D. Hough: .C•ol- verts ou;h:Col- verts L. Bader, .D. Houghs' Gloria Mundi Geo. Schroeder ; 20 oz. Pip - pen. 11. S. Phillips, D. Hough: Tat- man Sweet n. E. Karcher ; Coll. fall pears J. Haberer, L. Ba- der ; Bartlett Pears Snowden Bros., Mrs. F. J. Wickwire; Flemish Beau- ty C. Coloskey ; Clapp's Favorite J. liaberer. B. 8. Phillipa; poaohca G. Schroeder, F. Rader ; ,prunes E. Gies G. Clausen : reel crab apples Snowden Bros. II. Neeb ; yellow crab apples 1. Johnston ; ;rapes W. Battler, J. itaberer :.toll. .;rape; J, Haborer ; special Beauty of Hebron S. Bach - let ; plums Mrs. F. J. Wickwire, J. Brown ; coll. of .plurns J. Brown. J. Sararu3 ; Coll. of Canned fruit Decker, R. Johnston ; special L. Hader ; special plume J. Brown, C. Coloskey, J. Brown, A. Gciier. GARDEN VEGETABLES White Elephant fpotatoca - Gco. Schroeder, C. Coloskey, J. Becher; Colorado red potatoes Geo. Schroe- der ; rural New York Goo. Schroe- der, F. Rader, A. Geiger ; any var- iety early Geo. Schroeder, W. Bat- tier, II. Neeb ; any variety late A. Foster, Goo. Schroxxler, W. Battler Coll. potatoes A. Foster, W. Battler Geo. Schroeder ; ,Empire potatoes Geo. Schroeder, W. Battler ; small white beans W. Battler, G. Clausen beans any variety Geo. Clausen, J. Geier, yellow oorn Snowden Bros. G. Eisenbert ; sweet corn R. Johnson A. Karct1lRr : black aw-oet corn J. Brown, J. Johnson ; lar;e red on- ions G. Eisenbert, J. Brown; large yellow onions 11. Sararus, J. Brown ; dutch setts 1'. Schroeder, A. Feist ; white field carrots D. Taylor. Geo. Schroeder : red field •arrota 3. llar- berer, 1C. Schroeder : red garden carrota J. Hey, Mrs. Wickwire; Swe- dish turnips J. Decher sr., 3. Des cher ; yellow globe arian;olds A. Klapp, Snowden Woe.: long red man;olda W. Smith, J. Deoher; long yellow man;olds G. Eisenbert, A. Klapp; Oxford cabbage J. Hey, W. Smith: Flat Dutoh cabbage J. Iley, If. Well ; black Spanish radish C. Greet), 11. 8. Phillips; white radish .es Mrs. Wickwire ; Coll. of embroidery work B. Well, 3. Decher ; lioniton lace handkerchief Mrs. Wickwire, L Johnson; Battenbur; centre ,piece Dr. Campbell, E. Karcher; Batten - burg troy cloth Dr. Campbell, E. Karcher ; I3attenbur;' tea cozy Dr. Campbell ; coll. liattenburg work Mra. \Vickwirc; Teneriffe lace centre piece 1. Johnson, J. Geiger : nettin; centre piece or eloylii I.. Tran;, 1. Johnson: Drawn thread work E. Karcher, . '11. -Well : Coll. drawn thread work Mra. .Wickwire, ,Dr. Campbell; etching .Mrs. Wickwire, %V. Battler ; pillow tshaur any kind; E. Karcher, T. Johnson; Sofa cush- ion Mrs. `Wickwire. It. McArthur ; fancy apron E. Karcher... Cochrane Mount ,\tellick embroidered centro piece. Mrs. Wickwire, J. Cochrane ; laundry ba; crochet T. Johnson, J. Geiger; Crochet lace cotton T. John- son, J. Cochrane; crochet ,toilet mats J. Brown, W. Battler ; crochet table mats set Mrs. Wickwire, Dr. Campbell:, tatting soft cushion T. Johnson ; coll. of tittin; T. John- son ; hard:tneer centre ;piece or cloth Mrs. Wickwire. C. Fritz ; pair knit- ted lace curtains in cotton II. Neeb. USEFUL Coverlet woven wool 11. Sararus, Kalbfleisclt ; log cabin quilt cotton L. foster ; patchwork quilt cotton: iT. John3ou, W. Battler ; patchwork quilt silk W. Roffman, T. Johnson ; silk crazywork quilt W. Hoffman, T. Johnson ; cotton crazywork Built A. Karcher, T. Johnson; wool crazy work quilt T. Johnaon. W. Battler : .counterpane tufted W. Battler, J. Decker ; counterpane knitted J. Gei- ser, Kate Campbell: crochet count- erpane J. Decher, J. Hey : crochet our display of caps in the East Window count - etching. work A. Karcher, T. Jo n - son ; counterpane drawn J. Decli : Another shipment of Wrapperettes this week lee to 15c per yd. SpeciaI Sale of Fall Goods Sweeping Reductions in all Lines 'Our Stock is complete and larger than evcr ll Ladies Mantles We have just opened our first ship- ment of Ladies and Chddrens Coats, the veey latest styles direct from the Scarfs. Fur Lined !'oats, Astrachan and Electric Seal ('oats. We have never shown a better to uck. See our Men's Fur !'gats. We have beet makers in Canada. See our Blk I thew in all sizes in l'»radian Coon Beaver Cloth Coats ; length trimmed I \\ allab�, Russian Calf, China Dog, with silk braid, etc nice fine quality t Ptc' n e are makinK R t1)ecial offer at $O, in Coon Coats, al>o n lane of reel dark Also our new Plaids and Checks I seen Wallaby sousi iiiectittle. c t he best value from $7 to $10 each. We can save you from $2 to $3 on your winter coat I DRESS GOODS Ready Made .Suits and We have the stack of up-to-date Dress Goods in all the leading shade* and fabrics. Special sale below regular price. Overcoats We invite your inspection to our line of Nobby Overcoats, -Suite. etc. We wade a special purchase of Men's and Boys' Suits which we offer at low prices, at least 20 per cent below the regular value. of Flannelettes niuc* - MILLINERY This department is in charge ofjMiss Colvin. On Thursday Sept. 20th and FURS following days we will have our open- ings, We have an immense stock of Furs. spcaournd i stock nvite alof Ir the ladiese ery (latest See our litre of Ladies Ruffs, Throw i styles of headwear. Highest prices paid for Produce. C. ZWICK.ER, A Call Solicited. Crediton, Eavetroughing Repairing Plumbing Carpenter Tools of All Kinds. A large assortment of Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, and Granite - ware at Rockbottom prices. • W. MOORE KIRKTON. .F.l..g..l..i.•i•.i..i..l..i..i..p..l..l•.b.i..1.�..F-Fi•4.1..i..f..1- •F9••I -f••[•'o-:••i••1•.;.9••1•-1• :• a }•.I.44 -1.•i•• +4444 4 Now that Fill is here You will need t Y a New Cap. I We have them ranging in price regular from 25c to 75c. ' as in ow at 19c each. ^ ee ladies all wool ,ca crochet 1 Wickwire J. G. Forrest ; .ladies ail Visit our store and be convinced that we are offering choice goods wool cape knitted T. Johnson; home. f In all lines at close prices. made carpet, rasa T. Johnson : home- made hearthru;, raga A. Karoher, ` A number of Tubs of good Butter wanted at once to .-. Neeb, \V. !fader : tidy crochet cot - on 1 o tnson ; tidy, knitted cotton S. Ilechler best wool yarn homespun •i. fill a contract. 11. Neeb, •.W. Itader; Afghan or • B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar t slumber rug in silk T. Johnson: pot- 4-14+++++++++++++++++++++++ 'i•i••1••i••F•i••i••I••i•-1•.1•✓•-:•-:.•I1-1•••4•444-1.1.4-rj ton stockings 11. Neeb, T. Johnson : woolen stockings, knitted fine 1i. Neeb \W B ce , Bat wooI ser to skings knitted coarse W. Battler, J. G. Forrest ; woolen mitts, knitted fine. J. G. Forrest, J. Brown; 'woolen nnitte, knitted coarae W. Battier, \V. Itader; Guilt sewed on ,around work II. Well, P. Schroalm. FINE ARTS Oil paintin; portrait C. Grub Mrs. Wickwire : oil paintin; landscape J. G. Forrest ; water color landscape 3. G. Forrest : crayon work portrait J. G. Forrest ; .oil or water color flowers Mrs. Wickwire, J. G. Forrest pencil druwin; J. G. Forrest, T. Johnson ; pen and ink ekotoh J. G. Forrest, T. Johnson ; ,penmanship 11 A Blended Flour (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the BVI-HITEST BREAD id id td d, LIGHTEST BISCUITS TASTIEST PASTRY DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheat -are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking -they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. This is the sip of a Bleeder! Flom "Made in Ontario" Leek fee i whenever 7O5 bf• 4 ••••••••NN•••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••..N••- fl: MILLS, a - WOODt,1fltN► Crown Gem. pints 75e dcz...Wine qts. &lc doz., Imperial 9Oc doz. Wine gal. $1.00 a doz., Rubber Icings 5c and 10c doz.; pure \Vette Wine Vinegar XXX 40c. gal.; also all kinds of Spices for pickling; we have also Cider Vine- gar; Granulated Sugar $4.75; Try eur new Japan Tea, Green 2.45c Ib,; Coffee, pure, cannot be better tor 40c. lb. in Dress Goods we have too lame a stock which we are going to clear oft at cost price; also air Mnsline and Ginghams. \Ve have just placed in stock a case of Grey Cottons which we will sell you at right prices; also Flannelettes and Flannelette Blankets. We have about 75 Youth's Suits, 2 piece and 3 piece we will sell at less than cost, we must reduce before our new ones arrive; also odd Pants and odd Vests to go at cost. We want your produce. Dried Apples tic. Ib. trade. Eggs 17c trade, Plc cash; Butter in crocks `')c trade, lik cash, A. MILLS, Woodham: •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••- Well ; paint in on felt J. t;. Forrest ; ••••••••••N•••••••-.. ---- paintin; on silk J. G. For FLO\\•EitS AND PLANTS • Hioh Glass Coll. of flowers any kind 1:. Fel- ler,., It. .Jboh; MapleLeaf v p��DIAMONDSit. John,on, it. Johnson : ou ant flowers K. Campbell, T. Johnson Coll. of ;eraniume W. Battler ; coll. Cacti T. John,ion ; Coll. Calla Lilies T..fnhneen R..Iohnaon ; Coll. pansies K. Campbell, Geo. Schra+rter ; Fuch- ias J. Cochrane. SPECIALS Knitted pillow eham3 T. Berry ; Coll. Stamps R. Drysdale ; appli Sue work Mrs. Wickwire ; Eyelet work Ars. %Vickwire ; crochet centre piece f. Geiger ; pyrozrapby re. \Vick(• • vire. • • HORSE iIACF.S FARMER'S TROT Esther E. (Ercieson) 1 Ma;;ie V. (Broderick) 9. 9. (Schroeder) 2.50 CLASS Frcdd:c Lir Morose nberry) Minnie E. (Eilber) Dollie May (Sararus) JUDGES Fruit. -D. Cantelon, Bendall. Fine Arts and Flower... - sJ. G. Merrier. Zurich, it. J. Drysdale Ilen• sa 11. Poultry and Implements. -J. Har aro., Bay, W. H. Wenzel Crediton. Grain and 8eede.- J. F. Moore. Ladies' Work. -Mr,. W. Fritz, Grand Bend, Mrs. 1). Link, Crediton. horses. -Jas. irvinz, Winchester. Cattle. -}I. Smith, Exeter. Sheep and Mo;3.-Tho4. Prior, Exe- ter. People who buy diamonds want sones that will bear the closest scrutiny - gems which are free from flaws and from whose surface every ray of light is reflect- ed as from n drop of water. We carry all sizes of dia- monds from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and all of the purest quality 1 1 C. H.WARD &CO. :37111tichurond st, lOIDOM mu ..••••••••••••••••••••••••