Exeter Times, 1907-09-26, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER 26th 1907. SPICES Pure Pickling Spices If you want good pickles, you Must have good spices. We Have Them Cloves, Cassia, Mustard Seed Celery Seed, Allspice, Mace Ginger, Red and Black Pep. per, Chilies, Garlic, Turneric and Curry Powder. at BROWNING'S Drug Store •The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. a local option ceuiptii;u, dud the +majority %ere• trot in for of au.h f actitata au the trump ti 11 is toetlwued for a ye a t. Do not despair of curing your sick headache ellen you can so easily ob- tain Carter's Little Liver }'ills. They will effect a prompt and perman- ent cure, Their action is mild and natural. Frederick Mid aced UF, and his new l)' -wed wife. formerly Mita Mc• Dowell. aged 25, Loth of Goderich were killed at the level crossing three miles north of lfealeler at noun Friday. The tragedy is one of the most pathetic character. Mr. and Mrs. Iteid wero married on Wed- nesday in tbo Victoria Street Metho- dist church, at Goderioh, and left on the evening train for their honye- tuoon,r muraday They spent in Guelph and Friday awere sirivin; from there to Ileapeler %%het they met their death. They wero Struck by the 11.15 train, Lavine apparently not heard its approach, owing to the exceptionally high wind +Lich was blowynz. The buggy was struck and 'dmasbed to .p!eccs. The 'horse was killed and both occupants of the y. bug,hurled to the ground with terrific force. There were n0 eye witnesses to tho accident, but the victims were found shortly atter the train passed and taken to Galt hospital. Mr,.. Reid died wiule being ;alloyed to the allospital and 'her husband only lived a few tninutes Terms of Subscription $1.00 per longer. The parents of the young year in advance. $1.50 ;slay be t►eople, who reside in Goderiob, were charged if not so paid. To knifed immediately notified and arrived to fates subscribers, $1.50 strictly in take chargo of the bodi'3 which ;were stance. No. !paper discontinued taken to Goderich for burial. Mrs. ntil all arrears are ;:aid, unless at Reid was the only daughter of Mr. e option of the publisher. The and Mrs. E. McDowell, of Goderich to to which every Subscription is'hile Mr Red avaa the .son of David id ie denoted on the label.' Reid. of Elgin Avenue, Goderich. dvertising rates on application. No one knows better than those HE EXETER TIMES P'T'G CO. who have used Carter's Littlo Liver Limited. rills what relief they have given when taken for dyspepsia. dizziness, pain in the side, constipation, and eform Convention of South Huron Convention of the Reformers of Electoral District of South lIu- aa constituted for I'rovincial os -•a, wall be held in McDonell!; pera House, Hensall -on- ursday, Oct. loth, 1907. 11 o'clock A. M., Lor tlin purpose selectins a candidate to contest }titling in the, Reform interests n. A. G. MacKay, K. C. The Provincial header, and Non. Geo. P. Graham intster of Railways and Canals eepe•ctect to be present and .dcliv- reaaes in the afternoon. - Lange ndance of delegates and friends Liberal principles is roeuested. t- tinge will be held in each A1iun- ity on uesday, October 8th p. ne for the election of delet- s. (See Bills). 'ltY 8MIT11, .1. G. STANBURY, resident. Secretary. Exeter, Ontario. ON. A. G. MACKAY LEADI:1t. on. A. G. MacKay, M. 1'. P., of en Sound was 11-st Friday chosen the leader of the Ontario Liber- at a caucus held in Toronto. -r- CENTRALIA 3. !frown, of Toronto. is visit- . daughter, Mrs. (Itev.) Butt. s, Jas. lltandford, w•Lo has been t; friends .in Toronto and Lou• returned home last week. ra. R. 11. Beautish and daughter" es Olive and Myrtle of London, the guests of Mrs. Jams Iland- As Sarah Neil returned home last k, after a pleasant visit evith 041; in London. re. W. It. Elliott. who has been tiog friends in the Northwest, ro- to !tome last stock. (58 Elsie llandford, of London, a :guest at the 'home of Yter uncle, . Jas. Handford. fr. James ilanxlford and datfeh• )firs Annie visited with Mr. G. Holman, of Seaforth last ;week. Al :.s May Boyle and Miss l8adit) ;an, of London. were the it att I M rs. Royle brit week . :(r.. D. L. O'Brien is spending a tw weeks with friends in Chatham 'tau:t and Ann Arbor. HURON' II O. -A meeting of those interested in Oc,.1 Option was hold in Win;ham t h • Baptist Churoh on Friday rot. r,! There was a fair ntttn- ►nt • ;and considerable discussion Lok place. The feeling of the meet- s; tt is taken as to whether it was Iv: -•able to enter immediately upon Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be in i very bad condition. You :ertainly know what to take, 'hen take it - Ayer's Sarsa- Narilla. If you doubt, then :onsult your doctor. We know what he will say about this /rand old family medicine. `rt11. U till drat t,atistton year dontnr wna'd It. "Ars your bowAs regular?" Il• k, ... lilt dally action of the bows:. Is abwtut. 1. Ethanal to reeovery. Rees y,•ur liver acme N year bowels regular by taking 'exatlts lees of Ay.r'a rill.. 1rsMJ.O. Ly}r (•y., Lew.11, Masa Osw aasaassar•rs .r sill PAIR 1'IOOR liePs CCH M, PECTORAL. we have se seeress! W. pDsb;!s% Me Ilettlealgil et e11 tar aadt.ia... • To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called I'reventics. Drug- gists everywhere are now dispensing l'reventicd. for they are tnot only safe, but decidedly 'certain and prontpt. I'revont.ics -contain to Quinine, no laxative, ntothing harah nor (sickening. Taken at (the "sneeze stage" 1.'revontica will 'prevent pneu- monia bronchitis, La •Grippe etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish children. 48 preventiccs 25 cents. •!Trial Boxes 5 cents. Sold by W. S. !Lowey. LASY TO MIX THiS What will appear very interest- ing to many :people here i3 the arti- cle taken from a New York Daily paper, !giving a .implo !prescription as formulated by a noted authority, who claims that the has found a positive remedy to euro almost any case of backache or kidney or blad- der derangement, in the following simple prescription, if taken before the ata;e of Britght'3 discafFc• Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce ; Compound Kar:3on vete ounce ; Compound Syrup Saraaparilla, tbree ounces. Sake well in a bottle and take 'in teaspoonful doses atter each weal and again nt bedtime. A welleknown druggiat here at home, when asked .regarding this prescription. stated that the tagred- tents are all harmless, and can be obtained at a small oost from any goad prescription pharmacy, or the mixture would be put up if naked ,to do 30. Ho further 'stated that while thio -prescription is often pnescleihe cd in the rheumatic afflictions with splendid results, ho could tree no rea- son why it (should not be a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troub- les and bachache, a3 it has a ,treculiar action upon the .kidney structure cleansin; t hone most important or - ;arta and helping -them to sift and filter from the blood the foul acids and waste mttter which cause Nick- neas and suffcrin;. Those of our readers who suffer can make no mis- take in ';ivin; it a Inial. -Harvt•at !Lome Services will be held in the James Street Methodist church on Sunday, Sept. 24th, when Rev. James Livingstone, of London. will conduct the „_Yvieea and Mrs. R. Smith Baker. of Atli'► Craig will assist the ',heir. On Monday even- ing n tea moetin i will be held. Ad- dresses will be 'given by Rev. Livia/ - tone and resident suiniaters. Music will be furnished .by Mrs. Baker, the choir and other local talent. Adutit- sion. adults 25c. and children 15c. Stomach 'troubles. Heart and Kid- ney ailments can be quickly correct- ed with a prcacription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Re atoll, t c. ativ The prompt aa<i sur- prising relief which thin remedy itn- medintely brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the con- trolling nerves of !the stomach, etc. A weak Stomach causing dyspepsia 'a weak !!cart with palpitation or intermittent pulse. always rntana Stomach nervea or week Ilcart nerves. Strengthen tiies- inside or controlling nerves with I)r. Sloop's Re:dot/ative and Ice .how quickly these nilm^nts disapt/0ar. Dr. Shoop of Racine. Wis., till mail free ratrl- ples to nnyone nn application brine made to him. Write for therm. A test will tell. Your health isC"r . thinly worth 1' Is simple trial. Sold by W. 8. Hoe -y. iIAUNTS ' F1SIi AND GAME. are eituatt on the direct line of Alin .,.:t. GrandTi aft :...,.,,.ay. On Tucaday FAILQtlllAlt Mr3. Henry Ward, of Owv a Soun visited friends in eullartou and Far quh;tr last week. Mr. Garnet Jacobi collided wit _.nother whecluaan on Sunday nigh and wrecked his wheel pretty badly Dir, Jacobi i3 Win. Ward's "chie ush." Mr. Bert !toss of Ituss lldalo, bought a youn; hoses last hpring for $135.00 and after carefully f.t- ::L` it in Ilia spar,', time, told, it at Lo►xlon Fair for $350. Mr. W. A. Turnbull received wort Friiday teat (hay ,his Ron Reg. re ea .;ick ei St. Marys with appcndicitie and Le and Mrs. Turnbull left ni;ht for St. Mary+ ;where Mr;. Turnbull is at p,'paeot in at Lendtnce on her son. \Vord has been receive Later that he is doing nicely. Minis Addict Gillespie. of 'lector, i the guest o[ Miss Vine 11(•ll. Mrd. Chea. Giillard, of Stratford v'isiti!; her mother, Mrs. ,Wm Totvcra- Silo (illin; has be.3un her.;. Mr. and Mrs. S. I(owc, of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Beavers 11= Friday. Mr. Win. Stewait atartx'd his met packin; apples on Monday last. Mrs. John McCully;h is Visitin her sister Mrs. Dan McCurdy at Ex.• ter this week. Itev. Colen Fletcher is ill at the home of his brother's in Hamilton Mr. J. E. McNicol, the. villa; blacksmith, 11113 had to give up busi neaa on account of ill health. Mrs. and Mr3. T. Prior, of Exeter, visited their daughter Mrs. W. II. Kay one day last nock. A largo number from here attend- ed Exeter Fair last week. The followi 3 itis 3 ;tie report of the September examination held in S. S. No. 2. d13borne. Sr. IV -Total 270. Ethel Itunkin 226, May Darch 216, Garnet Paa3moro 208. Jr. IV -Total 330, Teresa Coward 241, Kenneth Mc• Nicol 172. Sr. III -Total 330, Cour- icy Brown .203, Annie Turnbull 276 Milton llotlgert 274, Charlie Alliaon 269, Viola llunkin 260. Chri3aic Riley 255, Willie Jeffrey 211. Mid. III - Total 270, Joanna Monteith 240, Jein Allton 217, •Lennie Pollen 141. Nel. lie Stone 86. Jr. III -Total 200„ Jet. sift 1lodgert 172, Llew•elland Stewart 158. Sr. 11 -Total 150, John IIode- ert 125, Charlie Coward 91, Garfield Ilrown 75. -'The one whose name is marked with an asterisk was absent during part of the examination. h t • f 3 • b • 0 Dain anywhere, pain its the head, painful periods, Neuralgia. toothache alt pains oan bit promptly stopped ed by a thgoroughiy safe little fink Gandy Tablet known fy Druggists everywhere ns Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets. fain simply means conges- tion -undue blood pressure at ;the point where the (pain exists. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly equalize this unnatural blood pres- sure. ana pain immediately departs. Write Di. Shoop, ,Racine, Wis., and get a free trial package. Lar;e box 25 cents. W. 8. ILowo.v. Zurich Fair. The. Zurich Fall Show wad (held Oft the apaoious grounds sof the doeiety on Thursday of last week. and like all ,ilrevious fairs held by this society, was a pronounced suc- cess. The crowd was largo and at- tractions numerous, and all classes filled. Following is the fist of prize winners. IIEAVY DRAUGHT Foal John Campbell. This 'colt was sired by Willis & Gucn• ther's Albion; 1 -year old fil- ly or gelding, J. Dearing, W. Drower, J. Dearing ; '2 -year old geld - in; or filly Elliott Bros., 1). Taylor, L. Fo,ater ; span manes or geldings J. Denholm. AGRICULTURAL Brood mare with foal G. Colemete L. Reitcineyer, 11. Volland ar.; foal L. Restemeytr, Elliott Bros., 11. Vol - land ar., 1 -year old geldim; or filly P. Dei:hert, 1). SctutclI: 2 -year old i;eldin; or filly 0. Coleman, It. Love R. Johnston ; 3 -year old tee•Iding or filly W. 1Vttntzel, It. McArthur ; span mares or ;elditii;a .1ohn })::cher, .1. Block, R. McArthur. 11ORSES GENERAL, l'UILI'O1SE Brood mare accompanied by foal C. \1'alper, P. ,I)eichcrt, J. Foster ; foal. E. Bender. A. Hooper 8. Sar- arue ; 1 yr. old filly or ,;cidin; F. Willert, %V. Smith. i,. Foster: 2 -yr. old eledin; or filly E. Roeder. El- liott Bros., W. Wetzel: 3 -yr. old zeldin; nr filly .1. Deeper sr., .1. Block, It. McArthur. CARRIAGE Brood marc accompanied by foal D. Schnell ; 1 -yr. old zeldine or fil- ly I). Schnell ; 2 -yr. old gelding or filly 1). Schnell, John !ley jr, W. emit h ; 3 -yr. old gelding or filly E. .1. \Valp:•r, W. ilahkirk, W. Smith; mean stares or eaeldi,t;s in barneus or bit33y C. Walker, .1. Farmer ; buicty horse in harness, and bits zy 1'. Mer Isaac, II. Smili W. S. Ituby. iROA DSTEltS }brood snare accompaneel by full John Dealer jr., C. Greg, .1. Pr:•et• er ; foal D. Schnell, Jolt') Deel -rjr., J. }'ranter : 1 -yr. old ;elite -ix or fil- ly R. C,impb; ll, E. L:a'+ler, .1. Fo.- Pter ; 2 -yr. old ,;eldin; or filly W. l'hfile, E. :Verner, A. Fo.ater : 3.yr. The Kidneys October th., to Tuesday, November When they are weak, tor. 5th., tickets will be sold at sin;le, fare for round trip to all pointe in pia, or stagnant, the Whole Tema;ami where fiehinz i3 good and system suffers. Don't neg- biz tam^ abounds. Full information and tickets may bre obtained from leap them at, this tine, but lir. 1. J. 1:night reptrxntative of the arnlnz of the the Grand Trunk Railway in i?xe- a W LW ter. achingback, e bloated i e tit OVER SIXTY Y E. A 119 :ace, Use sallow OOnf A • I fait tt't►1.►..,t•.rP I,.y.t.t.- MI t 4 wk..,'.'.!trot*leg Qt tit he.• ' ,t mess .,, i , an over slaty years by millions of mothers for their % treatment at oncewith children while reeth!, ae with perfect Intel•. It seat hes the child. softens! t•. „ems, allays al , pale. cures wind colic. so, 1s the heal remedy Hoods, seine or Diarrhoea. It o rieawnt in rhe tna•e. `Apia cent.; aby druggist/.ofle. It every part of 'hit wn-Id. 75 to � � ntaabo t ,. width contains the ro bottle. R aloe 1. Inca1t01ahM Fte sere and twee m re w'In+tow's t)no!hlo Si yroDand aMod.rk for no other Mod. safest motive sal:stances. I; marmeted under the rood and 1) r 0 g • Art . .1 n ne 10th. 1:100. Ser },t I NW -ttlll{dM et rem MIS v u rn he r 1011f1 Stlb4 Ise Seek se Eliseyss Ns. a, • St-itSCItifI: FOR T111 TIMES. C. SAWN Ca. Lewd,. NM. (t)un Hilo 1)-k-,) u: ..r.a pi, . ,nate,..,..:... ` 1 i ____ _ wa.trs.1WIMPI mvtrrovern AM,g tabIYreparatibliforAs- sinlita• 11 tt Fo&d the andRegula- hag stemadi s antlDowe7s c JJ i\l:\\IS ( ►IIL1)l(t i Plrou otesbigestion,C1 erfut-• nessan►dRest.Contalns neither OprumMorphine nor }fiEQt'a1. OT NAIItCOTIC. a/0d11-S fZZZPJ)[SB Jlrrq,lw Sad �• 11- MJ l- a Rain } Apczfcct Remedy forConstipa- tion. Sours Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms Convutsions,Feverish- (less and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSinile Signature of lite ,sJ. NEW YdUK. It b rttonlit,. old })roti►~ -,3.;(1.1, LXACT COPY171' WRAPPER. CASTOR1A For Infante and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years TMs CASTORIA rt. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bstablisbed 1835, HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. • The Molsons Bank 1 CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• S3=000.000.00 RESERVE FUND • • • - • • • • • S3.000.000.00 Assets Over $3300o,000.00 Qeneral Banking Business Transacted. •• Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. - • Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••N Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, uoule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. -- DENTAL TVI. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. s., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Staubury'a Main street -Ex Mill. DR. G. F. IOULSTON, L. D. S. D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: -Over Dickson & Carling'a Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MBDIOAL W. BROWNING, M. D., M. C 1J• W e P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un malty. office and resldenene°. Dominion Laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. M. ea6k8011 & S011 LEWES THOMAS • Civil En>Clneer&Architect (late Department of Public works, Canada.) Consulting Engineer for Municipal and Count Work, Electric railroads, s`ew'erage and wateraorky St stent wharves, Bridges and lte•enforccd Concrete, shone 21!0 London Ontrsrio near the old market Main St. Exeter MONEY TO LOAN _ • We Teach TelegraphyWe have unlimited private funds for install - ant upon farm or village moony ab lower► item of interest.. DICKSON k CARLING Exeter old gelding or filly 1'. Fassell, C. �.. r =? -i Greb, J. 'Hagan; 3 Span mares or : aeldirga in buggy or harness J. e(iitaiiCENTRAL �t/ Decher sr., Hagan Bros., W. Turner ; i STRA�TFO_ROo *CINT._- bug33' horse in 'harness and buggy A. { arriatare�8olloltore Notaries, Conve7 aaoere Buchanan, J. Ireland, J. Brenner " t" ' •) + We have three departments; + Comm tenser, Solicitors for the Monona i ' -' r Bank, Etc. lady driver not lees than 3 matrices ' �-=-'" " ' -4• Commercial, Shorthand and Te- ��� LoLoen at lowest raise of lnteresb. !ties Irabkirk, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. legr:appy• We employ the hest E. Stcick. SynUpIS 01 the CBOUtlIo� No�ln West '1' teachers that ,teensy can hire. OJ'JICEI-MEIN t3TREF.T, EXETER. CATTLE 4 Our courses are thorough and + a• e�attxo s a, DURHAM IlOMEBTRAI) REGULATIONS.,'1y, practical and we assist worthy .p r„ B. DIOtr!lpi, Cow a in milk or in calf E. Rader, N1lcven numbered section ott,o Dominion Lands its + students to positions. Those •1• P, Deichert ; 2 -yr. old heifer E. Ra. A xanitot'a, .askatehct,an and Alberta, etcepti' ( •'- who wish to get a MONEY •i• heifer E. Klapp, IV. MCAlliater 2nd- der, E. Clttpp, E. Rader ' 'yenrlin 8 and 26, not resorted, stay to homesteadr.l LS 3v ' 3 .3rti; bull calf 1907 E. Klapp, J. ter section of 160 acres, more or less. person .•r :..t-- t t..,aer. family, or an> .1. MAKING EDUCATION should .1. male over 18yet re of age, to the extent of one-mtar- •t• get the best. SVrite for our new t * catalogue and get particulars. ,I• This is the hest time of the 3v year to enter our classes. f i ELLIOTT & MCLACHLAN, •: Principals. e. ••f••t••W4-•f••1'4.4 d••t•t•t••!••i•++++.1.4•F•1 +•0• DICKSON & CARLING, Chambers 2nd -3rd • heifer calf in Entrymustt,e made personally at the local land 1907 H. Rader, W. McAllister, E. office for the district in wltoh the land Is situate. Rader. Entre b"o prosy nay, in which be made on !liters. conditions by the tattier• mother, son, daughter, OTHER TIIAN TI101(0UGi1 BRED brother or lister of an intending homesteader, DUIrIIAIi The homesteader is required to r son, the daughter, in milk or in Calf, H. Ilader, ditiousconnected therewith under one of the follow - E. }{Lapp. L, Rader . 2-y r. old heifer in (1g ) At least six months residence upon and culti- E. Klapp, E. Rader, II. Rader ' year - . ea r- ratIon of the land in each tear for three Jeers. lin; Leifer D. lfou;b, W. 1lCAHis. (2) 1f the father (or mother, if the father is ;Leer ter hotter calf II, I{ader, D. lieu h, rea"e.1)ofthrehomesteaderresidieuponafanninths tictnity of the land entertd for, the re.lhtrenten s as II. Rader ; fat cow or heifer E. I(a- to residence may he satisfied by such person residing der 1st -2nd, II. .}fader ; 2 -yr. old (with the father or mother. steer II. Volland sr. let -2nd, E. Ra- sal It the settler has his permanent msideuce upon fanuing land owned hJ hint in the rkiiiity of his der ; yearling steer E. Klapp,D. homestead, the re. uiremeots as to residence may !lough, E. Klapp: atter calf D. �aatisaedbJ renidenceulanthesatdland, Hough, \V. McAllister, L. Rader fat 81, months' notice in writing should ler given to steer H. Vol land 1st -2nd -3rd : Jer• the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of mention to apply for patent. w. NY. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. It. -Unauthorized publication of this advertise• ntet,t will not be paid for sea' cow W. Hoffman, F. Rummel. SHEEP LONG WOOL Aged rani G. Ponhale, J. Itaber- ittlttler yearling ram G. Penhale, NV. 61'l3SCR11iF. FOIL THF. Ti:f ES. yearlin; ewo G, Penhale 1st -21141 ; ewe !sung G. Penhale 1st - 2nd. 0. Penhale got the reat of the CI prizes in this class. Baring Auction Sale FINE WOOL A. Duncan got all prizes in Oh; -CF- clans except Fat sheep G. Penhale Thoroughbred and High Grade IM.. ala0 a special prize. PIGS BERKSHIRE. Snowden Brea. tout all prizes in this class. TAMWORTH Snowden Brea. tock all prizes in thin class. Continuer) on I'a,rt 1•'ive. Our Lens Factory Stock' and Implements I Mr. Joseph White, Auctioneer, will ' sell hy public auction for Mr. Chas. F. Hooper on Lot 4, Con, 12, l•3. Bound - 'try, Blanshard, half mile east of Whalen, 311 miles North Welt of Granton on TUESDAY, OCTOBER eth, 1(8)7. 1 Cnntmencing at 1 o'clock sharp the following. Cattle - 1 thoroughbred Durham cow in calf to Star Cheif, No. 41006 Vel 19. pedigree produced on day of salt'; bull calf 4 months old, sired by Star Chief; 2 new milch cows with calves at foot; 1 grade cow due to calve Oct. 2011*: 1 grade cow due to calve in Aa, grade t C) 9 dueto calve Jan, 2601; Grade COR( are all in calf to thoroughbred bull; 1 two year old heifer; 1 two year old steer; 1 one year old steer; 3 heifer calves; 1 steer calf. Horses -Ray miee R cars old smi- le complete with the finest made machin- posed to be in foal to Wheel of For- ery for the manufacture of perfect lenses. tune; black mare 8 nears old supposed and is in charge of expert workmen. to be in (nal to Wheel of Fortune, We invite you to call at any time and carriage snare 7 years old, see a lens ground from the rough. figs Saw with Titter at. (into of Our methods combine those of oculist sale:sow with litter Ht to wean at and optician. time of sale; sow due to farrow Nov. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO• thoroughbre11farrow f h thoroughbred Brown Leghorn Ilene lniplententt-- Maxwe'I binder; Max- well mower; Max well bay rake; Maa- scy •red drill; Massey disc harrow, really nets: Massey cultivator; land roller; twin gang plow, nearly- new: Perrin gang plow. nearly nen; Perrin sulky plow nearly new; Fleury plow No. 21 nearly nPw; set lion harrows: pair bobsleighs; Main wagon, nearly t7Pw-: wagon box; gravel Fox; bay rack nearly new; pig rack; National Crean* separator nearly new; Clintnn fanning mill; net Retial, capacity 310) Ihs , with pintlnrtn for weighing stock; extention ladder :111 fret long: tap buggy; it n 1 et' le; 2 oak barrels; 3/ goal. creast can; set double harness; set single harness; cost heater stove with oven. nearly new. Mc('lary; nerkynkee whif1lelrep, forks, .hovels and other nr•tic'es ton nnlnerrnl, to mention. EYESIGHT 1 SPE 1 CAL S73 237 Deadas Street, Loudon, Oaf. LEARN DRESSMAKING BY MAIL in your r'aro ti; ;e at home, or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to (earn we teach on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons tea':hes bots to cat, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist shit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can (earn from one course. We have taught over seven thouslan i dress -making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You Cannot learn dress -making as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops foryeers. Beware of irrita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. \Vrite at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address :- U1DU$ NM -CUTTING $CHOOI, 11 Erie Rt., Stratford, Ont., Caaada. Terms -IP and tinder, cash; Over that mount 12 months' credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint n,)tett, or discount 115 twr cent. off for rash in lieu of notes. The Good Old summer Time Is still with us but its days are grow- ing shorter and soon the long evenings will be aims to enjoy and the question will he what shall we door what shall we get to make tite horns pleasant and profitable?. Thi. ;s our suggestion A Piano is a thing of beauty and a joy forever, Try it. We also have it good second hand Square Piano for sale or rent. Sewing Machines always in (tock. Se MARTIN & SON eak Women To weak and ailing women, them hat least ooe way to help. But with that way. two treatments, must Lei combined. (Fre is local, one Is constltu. Clonal, but both aro imt•ortant, both easonttaL Dr. Shoop's Night CUR, Is the i.ex•at. lir. Shoop's Restorative, tho Constitutional. The former -Dr. Shoop's Night ('fro-lsa topical mucous membrane supts'altory remedy, while Dr. shone's Restorative Is wholly an Internal treat- ment. The Restorative reaches throushout the entire system, soakingthe it n repair of all nery0. all Mem. and all Flexr! ailment!. The "Night (.lire", as its name !melte& does tta work whiie you sleep. It soothes sore and Inftam. rt mucous surfaces. heals local weaknesses and discharges. while the Restorative, eases nervous excitement. renewed vigor ran i am f t on builds upwastedtissues. bringing about renwed strength, visor. and energy. Tako Dr. Shoop's kestorstive-Tablets or Liquid -ass general tent* So the system. For D',,itt', a local help. use as well Dr. Shoop's Night Cure W. S. HOWEY. The only fair, The •Kirkton Ari; Fair, will be held on Oct. 3r(1 and 4th and many new nttractions have been edited this year. There will be a balloon asce.ns:on hy Prof. Calla- zh•ut. in tnakinz arrangements tcith f lie professor, tltt SY'.c'y. spoke of the failure of the aeronaut to :zo t►p last year on .account of the wind. I'rof. Cnll't;ban wrote back sirs.! sail he would -;o up unless there he n hurricane at the time. The tzenllit man who was here last ycnr winter! No reserve as the prnptietor has sold to corns again to show the people .he his farm. is nota fakir, but the Agricultural Society wants to put on evetrythin; JOS. WHITE, CIiAS. F. HOOf'SR, advertised and defined to select Cat•' Anet. Prep. 110an. iliONEY TO LOAN. We have a large &mono of private fends bo oan on farm and village properties atlowrato interest. (MADMAN & BTANBURY Barristers SOHlcItors.IMsin St: Exeter AUCTIONEER , S. Phillips. Licensed Auctioneer for the County uron, Charges moderate, All communication eased to IL S. Phillips, Hensel], or cadets left n Office wilt receive prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNB Licensed auotioneer for Counties of Huron and Pertb. Special attention given to farm stook sales. Town and village pros perty sold by auction on moderate comm i salons. Orders may, be lett at the TIzrsras office or at residence, Elimville. Charges moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, PitoF, DIP Lola A OF ROYAL INCORPOIRATED SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENOLANI). Organist of Truitt Memorial Church, Exeter, Piano, Organ, Hannon) and Throw of Music. Tern's on Applicata-n Exeter, Ontario. The Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanj Head Office. Farquhar,:Ont, Pres. W. II. I'ASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice -Pres.: -J. L. Rt•ysErL, Itefil 1 LLOAI.E. 1'. 0. DIRECTORS. WM, ROY, IIORNHOLM P. 0 War. BRO(•K WIN( DEI.SF:A P, 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0 ItOBEItT NORRIS, Staffs. AGENTS, JOHN MISERY, Exeter. agent for Ushorno and Iliddulph. for) Hil bbert,FullartER oS nand Lo$an. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar, ':LADMAN & $TANBI;RY, Solisitera'e The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to i8811P a new Telephone Directory For the I!iltridt r f West(re Ontario including the Village of f:xeter (Miers for new connections, Changes of firm names, (hang. s of street ad- dresses or for duphi-tile entries ahoultt he handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager Trial Cntirrh treatments nre be- ing snail's} out free, on req 'tete, by Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wis. Those tette are proving to the. pcnple-without A penny's cost -the .treat vsluo of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere an Dr. Shoop's, Catarrm Iterrr•dy. Sold by W. 8. 'Lowey.