HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-26, Page 1HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE
••••••••••••••••••••••••••.N•••.•••••••••••• •
PHone No. 32.
Economy News
From Our Big Store
A display of all the Latest
Styles in Fall Coats •
The magnitude and variety of our showing al-
lows everyone to have a coat just to their liking. =s
Box backs, Semi -fitting and Tight fitting in •
Beaver, Milton and Tweeds composes our stock.
We never offered a better choice.
Do not forget our Fur Dcpartment. We are leaders Z best Furs are on our counters for
in this line. All theI•
•I �
your inspection. Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Caps, Fur •
Coats and Fur Lined Coats. Our stock is so large and is
well assorted we feel sure of pleasing you. ••
Come along and see our swell range. If you want
a nice Dress or Suit you will find it here. We are sel-
ling them fast so corse early and have a good choice.
We are showing a very fine range of Men's Fall T*
Suitings in Tweeds, Cheviots, Vicunas and Sergcs. •Z
These are very natty goods and will make you a hand- Z•
some Suit. Call and see them.
The new Fall styles are here and are awaiting you r
inspection. All kinds to choose from.
Millinery! •
Our Show Rooms are open all the time.
Jones & Clark
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
•••••••••N•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
+++++++++++++++++++i•+++++•t• +++++++++++++++++++
.lust think of it! The
Toronto Weekly Globe
and Canada Farmer
To any point in Canada from
now until January '
1 1 fGC
.3 t
Two papers for the price of one for 15 months
++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
Nit.. and Mrr. Geo. (iodbolt, Of
The(lford, visited ,lir. and Mrs. Thos.
Coward last week.
Mrs, W. W. Kerr was mint by the
Sunshine Sunday School as a dela-
;ate. to the convention (told at Cc►►•
tralia last Thursday. Mrs. Chas.
We can furnish you with Galbolt acrgntpar,ird her there.
Mins Lillie Muster. of itidlcto(t-.n,
Gold Frames we guarantee
was the 1ewest of Mins Ella itobinron
to last twenty years. You :a few days :telt week.
dont run any chances in buy- Miss Vera Cre+rry is in London this
• ing these, the manufacturers M i',
Ta Almona Heywood visited her
are behind us on this guar- fr:en(ts in Exeter a few days last
antcc and will replace them ' v k.
qtr. Elmer Coward of London, vis•
if they tarnish inside twenty it'll at the home of !tie t,arnnts Jrcre
years. 2 i on Tuc.alny and \Wrdnrxday of !sort
• i wcck.
When you arc Ituyin1 j A number of our your; people at.
the • tended the 'uelertainment at Elinr•
glasses be sure you get
best at reasonable prices. a
silk on 11oIM.,y evening and report
loo(( '1i1110.
Try usNu.e Lillie Wren:, of iondon. was
Eyes testae frcc `the (asst of M am Vert ('.,ward last
Q 1v. irk,
WS•Howey, Phm•B, I Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr werein
1 Cres1iton Mondilly rs•cniu3 attendenv
Chemist & Optician, Phone 5w► f h,• concert in e Msttx,.lisl church.
RXBflat, - ONTARIO. leer. K, rr lark put in the t,ro;ram.
�! Mr. Rohr. froward r.nmmenccd Mon•
,(►•••••••••••••••••N•••••• 1 day snot Inn; to pat k nl'PICA for it.
i14. Lang.
How Loop Would You
Expect a Pair of
Spectacles to Last? •
Larry at a Threshing. not expiri(tit to sit onou ycz go to a t)reshin
th' �{/
parlor furnichure nor enjoy tie lux- Dastardly , Y Assault at
uri.•3 of ewatc scented :soaps, but in- Hensall.
Its a lou; to:nee since 1 shtarted i shtead. a tub of water, a broom, un'
a towel au anny ohs piece iv furni-
churn are handed ouf to you. an' yez
take it wid :good ;race or resign, t+o
1 handed in me regi;nation at %v,uwt
which wuz ixccple.i eidout :e shtand-
un we vacation. but 1 believe th
idleness 1Ycz done me wurrulds iv
good, an' gave me a ebanct to wear
out Some iv m° ould reps, what wuz
.gettin' too tight fer me. Part iv
$1.00 per year in advance.
The lienal! police, County Lon•
3:•ab ..
1 Gu, Gd he
I'rovir,ciarluddy.•teotivofe.sodericl, ora ►,courientn;
the county for an Indian who cosu•
me tonne I've bane spindin' in Noo in' vote, :ut' I'in home agin I( kit' milted a most (serious assault •,n
York. te'twee Andy Carna;y and fer anitbcr job. i Friday attetuuon, Alias Maggio Brown at Hensel! l i•t
Itockyfcl' .r hcz mortgag to ou all th - • - -- ,
big build(:v_s an' bcz t h' \walls iv EXETER TISII COUNCIL Mi3.3 Ilrown, .whose honk P4 ill Set•
th' banks propped up to kape 1hint forth it appears Las toren keeping
from billet' out es id their Inoncy. Council met Monday- Sept. :filed 1J7. house for the past few tveekls
Whin 1 arroivcd back 1Lomc. I in the Town Hall. All Imetubcrs fur Miss Auuie elooro and her oro•
found tie village in th' same shpot, present. Minutes of meeting held their at il,onsall, and a \vcnk s;o
ceptin' th' station what hez bane Sept. 91h were read and approved. Sunday while about her duties
pushed back forninst th' fines to Mr. 'Toa. Brock addressed tic3 around she louse, discovered nil
make room for the buildin' iv unitb_ board regards him cow been*
er wan on th' other -eoide iv tit' in the yards adjoining the Townil lIndian his hind co si der blelbooty� which
thrack. preventing the row from returning he dropped when accosted. It was
I wuaaent in town loth afore I' home or from heist,; found and fur found afterwards that $18 in money
ran up against me ould (rind Billy which he xvam convicted before it tVa, utissing.
Monteith. iv th' Thames Road, they- magistrate. No action. As bliss Brown wasbadly tri:;btcned, and been; in deli•
in' to loi3ht hez poipe wid wan iv A communication WAR read frotn cote health, who was tumble to teive
thine eight day watches, wbat he the Canadian Telephone Association I a good description of the Lhwf.
carries inshtid av th' rapid fire wins, :Liking n (grant of $5.00 -from the On Friday afternoon about =i
fer fear tit' ohildher rnotg ht ba Municipality for nlctnberahip in the o'clock, an Indian, whether tier+.tore
afther thryin' to learn tb same Association. Filed.
habit, one. who had committed the burglary
Mr. Jas. Weekes,Fire-chief,re- or not, entered the house and ussaul•
"Larry,„ sez he, "11e;orry ae it's ported reccivine emotion hose mud ted Miss Ilrown, misusing her in a
inc that's plazod to Sea ycz lookin basin; the tame replaced on hand fiendish manner. She wa.s rendered
so foine an' healthy loike, an' a fire engines also that he had tested uneoneoiou3 and has been iu a pre.
little bit iv exerciaa tvuddent oe af- the new five bell ut the North End carious condition since.
titer thrubblin' yez at all." Fire Hall and had found the ;;anis teeing to M1s3 Brown's serious
"river a bit iv tbrubble feud it unsatisfactory. state a description of leer as,aailant
ut me to, 13elly," aez I. Per motion of A. E. Enke Nee. by could not be Secured. Constable
J. J. Knight that the Reeve with \Vhiteiides, of Hensall was -notified
Councillor John interview Messrs. T. of the affair and cstarted out in
Hawkins need Ron rt' ardi,re (the search of the Indian. Chief County
same. -Carried. Constable Grundy wag alio notified
The following nccounta wore read and immediately wont to llensall to
and orders drawn on the Treasurer invemlierate the (natter. Monday he
for the sante. - w•;t3 in Exeter to ,Tae it any .•suspic;-
The Itoms-Taylor Co'y. Ltd., luny- ious Indiana had been around.
ber acct. $22.74; Gutta Perella ]tub. Several Indiana were arrested on
ber Co'y., 'Toronto, Suction 1110.411suspicion, but ,being able to (give an
$10.25: Express Co'y. C. T. Brooks account of their telserLabouts at the
argent express 90 cents; Thos. hart- time, were released.
null wood. charity $4.25: Advocate Up to ycttcrday afternoon elle
Printing Co'y. acct. $16.24; J. Senior police were .unable to locate Mies
pt. salary $00.00; Thom. Brock labor Brown's assaulter, but every endeav-
$1.50; Seine Ilandford labor $1.75 G. or is being made to effect his arrest.
Cudtnore labor 50 cents; Mrs. White Miss Brown es in a very precept..'scrubbing Town !fall $2.00: W. W. ions condition.
Neil 'street watorine $25.00; Am-,( - -�- --
ountin,n all to 5157.13. Wass on
'notice(- of J. J. Knight sec. by EXETER SCHOOL BOARDl W. _- -_
"Thin, begorry, 1 want to inthro-
dooce yez to th' intricacies iv th'
threehin' machine what some iv us
alntt y th' road ez runnitt' the) sum-
mer fer our health, an' what divi(I-
enda ev=e can mako out iv it. but be-
japers I don't want yez to under.
attend there i3 anny money in fer
yez ) nettl ivery wan iv tit' charter
mimbera ltez had 120 per cent iv t1L'
groan racates, then yez are intoitled
to th' belanoe."
Them terma wuz satisfactory to me
an' I wuz ready Ito shtart to work
at wanct, ez ll►' thayaters an' somghI
wain' iv Noo York had raduocd me
pile to such an ixtint that liven millet
wuz lift cuddent foind th' hole in
th' bottom iv me worn out pocket,
an' Oi wuz nadin' th' money.
Afther dickerin' wid Billy fer a
few minnita ter th' proicc av wan
shntoke, he directed me to go where 'er motion of W. J. lleaman tree
th' maohinc wuz to bo tit' nixt morn}'
the an' inshtructed me to be on 'ha(td
Seely, ez manny (good men wuz look -
in' fer lit' job. Ile towld me to go
cast about two voiles, thin rorhh a
couple iv coneissiona, tltrrn to me
left, theft •;o back agin tin' whin Oi
found a place where th' farmer had
a 'shtraw stack what looked ez if
it naded sheiks' to ',Mop an' euluire
fer him.
Tbinkiu' that all thresbin' men
belonged to tit' union, an' wurrked
only Burin' banking houra'twas near-
ly noise o'clock whin I landed on me
Dein' ez me Sunday •;o to tneetius
wuz worn out I wore the mit same
watts on this occasion not wishin' to
bo lookin' too toe;ed up ter th' rest.
Annyhow I wuz there afore th'
machine. It had' intended brin'
there before the lamp .was blowed
out iafhter the .mornin' breakfast,
but ez th' fencee along th' loin° wuz
all wire, there .wussent anny fire-
wood to 3hwipe, an' it wuz nioessary
ter th' chiseter mit/there iv tit' com-
pany to •set out an' punk, an' when I
noticed it oomin' 1 saw several :ren-
llemin shoving away at the thresher
wed th' iu;inc in front. 'there wuz
Jack Westlake stecrin' tie handle on
th' injine, while Billy wuz kapin'
t b' road ( xtrai ht Smith
uz pry -
in' awe
y wed a shtick iv iron on wen
iv th' droient' wheels wid bicycle
shpokrs. Hance Smile %suz .;.(tin'
hez fingers all greased up thrying to
wurrk wid th' i1' can, while Cyp
i'ym wuz blot•in' th' +i;nal iv dis-
tre.(t wid lit' whissle. Henry Weat•
lake, Frank Kernick,5Billy and Bob
Ilorney and Neil felltt•ood wuz doin'
Ile puahiu',
Afhter some thrubble, with my
i.uI,rrintendance, th' outfit wart
so:dethraekcd forninst tit' t,ind sonic
iv th' barrn, an' efhter ashovin' in It
few nliticks iv %t•oed, tit' injine wuz
put to wurrk. Th' loroneetive wua
fastened to :a rope, en' the barn
hooked to a pulley, ate !h' Alter
end iv 11' ,ropes to tl►' thresher, an'
in a few tninnits ivory thin; wuz
ready t o commence shellin. A Ione
bolt wuz fastetcr teethe itJtlir end
1hreehcr, an' th' Fhteve pipe what
is carried on lh' shelter, whin 't
iasent wurrkin' was ,pointed to tit'
ether /wide iv tie barn, art' theme
shtarled lickety nhplit.
On account iv Vallee. Brown, tit'
re;ular foirrntan Zein' away, Jack
Westlake projooccd hez papers and
vita allowed to run it injine` enter
:111 insurance sten had Ines sent for
Jo tis. -Carried.
10 put n Rhtake on our Iu:ve" in (cage
th' thin; boated up, an' our childer
would be left daddyleisa. Billy Mon-
teith waz appinte(t feeder, that is
he at ufffefd th' et raw in one Del
while Ile :Move pipe blew it out iv
t h' it her.
ilerorry that machine hez t
shtrone breath or draft or snine-
thin;, ez that straw seam blew
around ti,' barn like a silk •ky
Pieter in a cyclone. There wuz wh-
ere' wurrken' up in th' h ey enov
1hronin' down 'straw to stilly, an'
some was shtendin' alonzsnide
shovel1i'i' grain. Wallet in a ehoile
an' 1otnetoetne to ict, tle sleeve pipe
would shtop drawin'. hill eel (h'
redone cellar in th' back Ind iv th'
machine wuz elozrcd, and iv ennr«e
he ought to know. ilerorry 1 difl-
d •li
in th' :intlrmin far.: cone to
eurruk I (null tell pretty tacar who
they wuz, but a fth.- r they had bane
workSn' tin minnit.. 1!:' dives) him -
elf rn.1,1.•nt tell win from Ill' itl.rr,
)y W. Jorma that the commissO, erg
grade and t;ravel the street running
North from Wellington to the evap-
orator. -Carried. _
Motion of W. J. Ifearnan sec. by
A. E. Fuke that tho Reeve and Trees,••
urer are hereby empowered to bor-
row $1000 to the credit of the Mon.
The board held its regular month -
session on Monday eve last with
I metnbers present. The following
is the order of business duly sub!
mitted end approved. Per chair min-
utes of previous meeting. Reports
of Committees: Repairs Com., that
the eavetrou;ha and water pipes had
been plated is (good repair. Well
committee, that Live [low and ,uric •
of the. new welt appeared to be of
the most desirable quantity and
quality. Per R. N. hove and Ie.
W9od that the flooring nil received
from the Liberty, Drug Oil & Chemi-
cal, Co. be returned forthwith. Per
11. Iluston and It. N. Rowe that 11.
Iluston be appointed to secure
suitable cupboard for Miss McC,tl-
lum'm room. Per W. J. Carlin; that
the judgement of the well commit-
tee in urchasine a new pump in
place of the old One be approved.
Per S. Martin and 11. N. stove that
the details of the Janitor's oantrace
t►n subniittrvt to his aUhnntion forth-
with. Pee ii. Huston and 8. Mau -
tin that t he present flag pole be
taken 'down and the roof repaired
under the direction of the Repairs
Cont. i'sr 8. Martin rind !\V. J.
Carling that 11. Huston be deputed
to locate 1lie moat desirable spot for
a new flag pole and report on the
best suitable pole at tho Irtexf) week -
and 1V co if
(lint t ills following payments be ap-
proved with the exception noted. W.
1. lleartia,,, Hardware saner:cs $3.81;
United Typewriter Co. payment with-
held ; Mrs. W. D. Yeo brooms $3.30:
R. W. 1)inney pa int in; account $29.20
Times Printing illanks $1.00: Harvey
Woe. leamine brick $2.110. Per S.
Martin and It. N. Rowe that tiro
purchase of the list of Supplies as
submitted by the Principal be nu-
thorizrd. Per W. J. ('arlin. a,i-
Headquarters For
Stevens Little t cottt I tfles
Steveus C'ra(kshot Rifles frow $3 up.
King�ir Rifles $1,(k) up.
Revolvers trout $3,50
Double BM. Shot Guns $10; $13; & $15
Eleys Loaded Shells both
Mai and Smokeless 50c and
70c per box.
Ammunition of all kinds
kept Ill stock. '
Easy Shavers
Heatnan's Special Razor, all warrant-
ed and returnable if not satisfactory,
price $1.50.
For T
• R
hreshtnr, Time
Medium size Knives and Fork,,
curved blade, best steel, $1.25 per set
of 12 pieces. Extra good value.
SADIRONS Asbestos Sad Irons, Mrs, Potts Sett ironsend Ober 13ad
Irons from $1.00 up to $'2,00 per set,
++++++4-11.3••1••1••WFd••(••t••1••F•F-1-•1••(••i++•t : -A-f•+ r :• :•i -i•-i••t••F•3•i•3r•:-+ -t••t••F•h++
,'Irl +++++++++•t ++.1+' ++Fd •:. ,..•.:. ;.3 ;--I d•+•1•+++-t••t••l••t••1•d••1••1••i••1••f-•1•'r•l••t••t•++
If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To
✓r ,t
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Plaster Paris,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
,ctpaltty for current expenditure. - I 13 ' 'v'
Per W. J. lleaman Sec. by W.
Johns that the rate of taxation for
the Municipality for the year be 19
Milli, on the dollar divided as fol.
lows:, School rate 5 County 1 1•a2
Debentures and interests 4, Villa e
Rate R 1.2 mills and that tiles 'fork
prepare a Ily-lane ron(irmirt the
m:ill e• -
t Carried.
Adjournment by A. F. Fuke.
,10S. SENIOR, Clerk.
A regular storm porion cover:+ the
closing week of September. It is
central on the 27th and sits culmin-
ating days tall on Friday the 27th to
Sunday the. 29th. This period will
bring its change to 1)arn erg falling
barometer and return sof marked
storm conditions. The Ghettoes are.
that Sejtlember will be disturbed, if
not phenomenally stormy and out of
joint, to the last. Let•r •
everyone who
ham a telescope keep a daily watch
over the sun spots. S(s: if they do
ar:d reach fearful proportions from
Augunl. to October. ;The Earth
passes bet %seen Saturn and the Sun
on the 17th, brin;in; a period of
great electric and magnetic strain
for over ten days and after the lith.
In addition to all the causes charted
and mentioned, it must be kcpt in
abed that the great, outermost plvn
els. Uranus and Neptune, are within
a few hours of exact conjunction
with each other end the Sun, a pos-
ition no living matt has ,•ver ',cm
thorn occupy, at111 ,no doubt exerting
n force thence dynamically err ttzhstia elle 11 Auction Sale•
Sun, and thence into formate! poen Auction Sale•
omens, which no man 1119 ever com-
puted. 8cptemb^r will he the oppor-
tunity I lam, On
Mrs. i'. W. C'ol:ir,s ld hoed an
tune Auction
f 1Ie of ho t.r.
Y li ori a o[ 1ho
lifetime n •. did cftac
forto at
live people to watch and note re- Tt her residence North Street on Sat-
'ults. We have often railed atten- int Ito urday, October 5th, commencing lit
:ion to ;he flet that prcm•ttur(v (, I half past one.'
rolls of cold weather are almost
certain to come where a \'(nus dis-
turbance falls in ah autumn month.
The storm deaeratns for three w► r,a to to \\'e have a Boon farm of about
months ,'i,ov t hat a Venus cquin- 35 acres for Pale on ra enable terms,
ox is central on the 1811,, extensile.: 1 i t . n r Situate near Mt. Carmel in Stephen
from the clostnr days of Auiuet Town'ship• ear Claim land and fair
almost to the tn'vldlc of October. 14 11' Sarah r t cs him. buildin;s. Near church and school.
is greatly to i;. desired theft a Warr/1 1 rsor s Apply to (MADMAN & t3TANBURY,
late fall should eompensnlc for a I torn itarrister.•t, .Exeter. Ont. I
late cold aprin;, and such is Fomc• are living with the excef►l,�n of on LOT 18, CON, 5, in :�7F;1'111?X.
times the ease; -but there is reason
to fear that a atoll of unseasonably
cold Jaya and .nights will come. (hir-
ers; the Venus (retial named. It is
safe to sty that mome of the nvrarm•
rest d;syn of t be t�rtr1ro. v ill cornu in
September culminatin; •in :revere
tropical Alormm: but it %%i11 be wise (dale; Art'. James Bos, B'iiost Mir.
ine•eltanpaurto`dden tnuelt colr(1^faweather Emma at home; ('litrlei and itobet 125 bores in the Tow 11.1 ip of 11ib-
anst front over wide areae to weather
at home and 1)r. .1. 1W., of Mitchell. beet oonmistin; of lot la vv. 1 4 IR,
northward. Such nhan;r may not The Into Mr. Atken3on wens r d•'' concession 12. This is end In olx rly
culminate fully le4ore the closest voter auemt►o Ir of the Jtetleo(lisl arts must he rni,l. terms easy. Ape In the vill,'3e of 1'ss•, r, contp.r((!
Mazer' of the Venus period satin; rr.'rvtntliven(I A flroijtid3rs n;o I ee• ply Thos. Cameron, Au^1innrrr 1'a r• of the North pmol of 1..,' 11 on U
the first two weeks of October, but r.•nscd suffered a paralytic stroke gnhar. \Vest side of Main titre •t. contesting
the, chances! are that one or more of from tvhioh lie never fully re^ovcn • - C of over. ,gored store and the !marlin;
OW September storm periods still end rd, and Real Estate For ale now used for a postoffioe. known sa
in sudden bleb barometer from UM gradually Ice once robust Thr Jaime Klock.
\seri West. brin.;ilii S►orcal (risme became +o (Icvastatad that I':ut lot \o. 4 runtaenin; irn I'or tering ane! particular's tip/4y
aalcs. cold eithrs and severe death wits welcomed as a relief from acres of land ;oaf brick hour, !Seto to TLos• (7nrnrrOn, Auctioneer, Fare
t ire. in all Northern park of five his sut[rrpn;. The funeral will be held orchard with all kinds of fruit, and quhar• 11.111.4'1.
country. The period.* .nearest •t he Friday interment frees; in the t• rlrverLlilin; will of hard water. This - -�
Jtary'A cemetery.
new and toll Moon, or the daps iter• beautiful property lies immediately
an nayther cud I. mediately tnllow'in; the .forms tit--�' West of Railroad of the Lake !lead,
there periods,SALE itItGi$TFIi
•Bezorra, yr'd think they had bane i ori are the times whin ofcontains littusands of dollars worths 100 acre farm in a,t't it) Tnwn•hip
at Ili' Loins' Ind ev a manure apread- ehanres to older eeeth'r end fro..e of ;ravel nein 's convenk.nt to Esse j ,;oat frame Instil and /testae. Weil
er %%len 11' thoree• wuz runMn', en' 3" mo,` to t►e feared. Aueh a On Tuesday, Oc.toleer kilt 1907 ;In ter. Th A property must be weld as i drained and land ell cleared. Creek
fer:of 1:. ort out iv th' w.,y. f;, Marx,' is almost n certainty b.- On
!':efr of farm ',beck and int- .John •Northeett, the proprIelor'•a through rear corner of 1,rin. Can
fer mull 1 Inoktd th' same, on. (wren the let It end 25th. 1'1••rrlonte at Lot la, Con. 5 Sieph'n health Ilan [ailed. Et -y }farms of I he Lon;ht right, Stud of telly ierms,
well b, held, eelllrtt by lloss+nberrt ptyment. A ber snap. )'nr 'fermi; for gateck rule. Apply st carr to
(leddrnt ;n avidin twenty fate av (h' Bros.. comm^nein; 1t one, o'clock ;Ind particulate vpply to TI►os. Cam Gf.Ai)MAN & I4TANtIURl
machine. $( JISCR18E FOR THE TiME8. Abraham Darier. freee
w':'or . r s'a, • lierrister., Exeter it,
Death on Tuesday (lieut.-el one of
lanthar.l'A oldest and otos reap, ct •
ed 'content's in the person of ,lir.
,lame•+ 11. Atkinson at (lig r
the Third ht Mlle d i at the+old:
e n F:
}r trv. to deceased w tv born in
'ork.ahire En•laod :and eine!
Canada in 18.7. Ile was tit aeries in
Markham village to Mary A. %Vitile,
(laughter of the Tate Humphrey
White, for unany years flostmag: •r "it
Anderson. After his ar
Miss White, they moved to Illanshard
where ns wife died kelvin; himfour
children. Ile was Inter married to
ess ara n Whits tvho survive.;
13y this union tines were four ,
and ee1etl (taught ere, all of whom House and Lot for Sale
son. Following aro the children well.,
Survive. Mrs. J. !frown, firs. 11.
Switzer, !elan+hard \Writ. of • !louse nn(1 lot for nate 1'1. lot 155
Kirkton : M. It. It:,nly, of Ill .:.,t Con. 12 lisbo lir, 1-2 arm land tepee!
g Mut. J. Barnett, Mitchell cottage and slab,(,. Aust tee
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
;../• Dealers in Ifal'd\val'e, Cement and Wire. ;
1 ++++++-rete :•+ i.4... ee .; ...:. ;...I;ee-e•1,+•F,1i••(,-..••1,.},•'ii-1-e+•I'•F•fee4-1-b+++
,t.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ eeee e -F-1 h-e+•t++++i••!'•I••Fd••i +++r+'!'
Save Money by Dealing at the
SHOES) We still have a good supply at the old prices. Ask your neigh.
3 bots if they are not satisfied with what they have bought dire
ing the last month.
For the next thirty days we will give Special Bargains in all
Dishes. Come nodsee
u yourself.
DRYGOODS Our Fall Goods aro corning in. have to handlarA
Shirting, Fancy Flannelettes Flannelette e stock of Flannelette
Sheeting double width, Flannelette
Velours, Apron (linghnnts, 'Tartan I'Inids. These have all been bought at
right priers ('once early and get your choice.
Men's and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing! ' °" w•i"
Ruit to go to the Fall Faits. We have theta and will sell theta itt t ight prcee.
10 Stalt end's. Special bargains, blade to order.
We are agents for the Paris flow. Have several in stock :0 low !niece.
Colne and Inc theta
Fresh (groceries always on hand. Highest Prices paid tot Produce
-Farm for Sale
Auction ,�
s of i•ar •
1 Farm Stock with
number of sheep, and implements,
Lot S. 1-2 13 Con. 5, llaborne, on
Wednesday Sept. 25th at 1 o'rloek
e. m. John Prow, I'rop., 7 hos.
(':arneron, Auct.
Auction Sale
-of -
FARtM STOCK AND i111'L1:\t}•;V Fs
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th., 1907.
Columbia \ brick c tt No reserve and everything must be
Road: .Ire. ,1. Kemp Kirkton: Mee .'o.d. Apply '111(R. ('amorntt, Auction• sold li
.1. Johnston nod Mr.. W. Spades•., e'er 1'.rquhar. sold !la tho rho propretor i+ givens up
Iilanshe rel : Mrs. J.
11i1)"s••a. Thorn- I
OR SALE• Ed. ilomsenb.•rry,AAmiteAbraham
i)carin sr.. Proprietor. 9, 1207
Store Property for Sale
Farm for Sale