HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-12, Page 9t. i4 11 h.' 1E X E T E R '1' 1 id E; $ SEPTEMBER 12th 1907, .+4 -++h++++++++++.+++++ -t•+.. +++++++++++++++•4.44+•1-:•+++++ 3TEWART'3 OUR MILLINERY MANTLE Show Rooms Are Now Open. We are Ready for Early Buyers. The New Millinery is very pretty, the change in F•tyles being very marked. The new hats are vel'y much on the large size but they are just as pretty as they are large. riiSS LIVINGSTONE Is in charge of the Millinery Show Rooms. Our new Jackets for Dressy ladies are creat- ing quite a stir. The new Continental 1inell"for which we are sole agents in Exeter" are 'side Leaders. Our new COBALT BROWN tight -fitting New Market Jacket is an exact copy of the latest New York and Paris styles The cloth is a very fine Kersey; the cut and fit is perfection; the price $15.00. We have a very special Jacket made] from good pure wool Tweed in new Brown and Grey mixtures. Long length and full sweep skirt, self strapped seams. A great bargain at $9.50. We are showing a magnificent lot,of Girls and Mis- ses Jackets, plains and fancies, $2.5o;to $6.0o. 4•++++++4• +++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++. 1.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++++++ Every Regina Watch carries with it a universal guarantee. That means, if you purchase a Regina from this store, we en- dorse the universal guarantee, which will be honored by any other Regina watch agent anywhere. Add to this, the manufacturers' absolute and permanent guaran- tee against structural defects and you will see that you cannot make a mistake in purchasing a REGINA WATCH. NEW Fall Suiflngsf AND Fashion PIate' Just flrrlvcd Call and Make a Selection be- fore the rush. 01 1 frev tee y.-. 1w!'v you should look afterour eye- sight is -that Teht.uro never offers a new pair e.f eyes. The hest of rya son. why. at the first eight of trouble you should consult an OPTICAT. FXPERT t for relief. We can add to your ap- pearance as heti iExamination:, free ne s rf o Don't delay. !h .ke it the chief busi- ness . your da) - ' Optical good in complete stock. 1 4t a manufacturefacmanufacture our own. Try it. W• W TAMAN Merchant Tailor. (W. S. HOWEY, Phm• B. EXETER, - ONTARIO. I EXETER�emiat and optician. j4�u•i`‘.": ' N ' THE ('1(1EF REASON ONTARIO Market Report. -The following u the report ot Rester markets. ear- reetcd up to Eal.tember 12th. 1907. Wheat. 82 coots per bushel. Barley 45 to 46 coots yet* Bushel. Oats. 40 aceta or bushel. Picts, 70 to •75 rents leer bushel. Shorts. $24 per ton. Four $2.50 per cwt. Bran, $20 per ton. Feed Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per Butter. 18 cents {ger pound. segs. 17 c4•.nts per dozen. lio;s, drys -.ed 1 7.50 to 87.25. floes, livcwcizht 10.00 Hay, 810 to (til per ton. Clover seed, $8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Dried Apr'^s. 6e. per pound. (:oat. $7 a teal, cwt. ••••••••...••.•.••..,•N.• • LOCALS •••••••• ••4••••♦ S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- censes. also complete line of wed- ding rings always on hand. - Exeter Fair text Monday and Tuesday. -Miss Ida Bowe is spen-din; this week in London. -Miss Cora 1'rior is spending this week in London. -air. ('red Hite kshaw left weak fo Toronto to visit. WANTED- Drug apprentice. Ap- ply at Cole's Diu; Store. - Dfrs. Easterbrook visited to Crediton Burin„ the past week. --Mr. Peter Moir, of fIurondale, left Monday for the Northwest. -Miss Ada Stainton, Oshawa, i the guest of Muss R. Essery, Eden. - Mr. and airs. Itobt. Sillcry spent last week with friends in Toronto - Mr. F. W. Gladman was in To onto aurins the past week on .bu nets. '-Som* Sweet! Prices in Cambs and Hair Ilrus1ie . llowey's iDrug- a tori . - Mr. J. 0. Morgan shipped a carload of cattle to the Old Country last v:eek. -Miss Edna Follick returned on Tuesday front a visit with friends in Toronto. - Mrs. E. Gardiner. of Essex. is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. -Miss Amy Johns �returncd Satur- evening from her trip to Muskoka and other places. - Mr. and Mrs. Will Sweet, of Detro't, visited friends in Exeter and Crediton last leeek. -Miss Kate Barr, of Gotorich was the. guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Powell over Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart ,re- turned last svoek from their trip do Muskoka and Toronto. lowey's Drugstore for apices in alk er Packages. New Supply for 'ickling sea on just arrived. - Mr. Hoy t\windsor, of DrownCity, Mich.,.1s visiting tisgrandpar- ertts, Mr. and 3fra. Thos. Howe. - Mr. James •Monteith, of the Thames Road, left Monday night on trip .1lrough the Northwest. -Mr. ancj .1r -s. John Caldwcil, of \Winnipeg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,John-McLateghlin last GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "(lobs" and 'Sta.' Chewing Tobaccoes in his laluga. Quality nlways ;the same..M - Weans. W. II. and Nelson Keddy of Detroit, have •been spending (heir vacation with their parents at llu- rondalc. Mr. Thos. ltusscll leaves this week forOttawa, where l-• will jud:te on fat cattle al the exhibition 'bein held there. -Mr. and Mrs. Enoch rollick rc- turncd Friday fro::: their extena'd :rip through the \Vestern States and Northwest Provinces. - Mrs. John J. Wh`.tc. and dauzh- ter Dorothy returnee: Friday after a month's visit with friend? in De- troit and Eric:; County. - Messrs. N. D. 11ur1�,n and Ar- thte Long left aloud y for Port 1•'r:...., where they are putting in the week fishing and huntirez. -Mr. A. 1). Duncan, former clerk n o the Sovereign bank here, has beenappointed to a position with the Un - `on Bank at Smith's Falls. -Mr. John Kerslake. of London )toad South %sent \Vest oft the Har- vesters' Excursion !Monday night. Ile t%111 visit friends out there. -;ills+ E. Cock well, of GrandRa- pids, who was t1:e ruest of her aunt, Mrs. John Gill left last Friday to visit friend] in St. Thomas and other places. Buy Your Fall Outfit NowTIIE OLD RELIABLE We are showing the most extensive line of Fall and Winter Apparel ever shown. New Autumn Dress Goods; new autumn Millinery; new autumn Coats, new autumn Furs We beg to announce that our fall goods are coming to hand daily and when completed we will have as fine a dis- play as we have ever shown. This week we are making a special sale in A Few More Days and Fall Will Be Here. DRESS GOODS We want you to visit our Dress Goods Department. shown such a fright display of Huitings, Imported Tweeds. Plaids. Dark Effects at 50c and 73c yd. A good firm all wool plain cloth in all the new French Venetian shades, Blue, Brown, Green, Red and Black. Going to he the big seller at 00c. 75e and $1.00 a yd. Correct weight for Coats and Skirts in all Broad Cloth Suiting the new colors. 54 in. wide. Price $1.25 yd. A splendid showing of all wool Tartans. Large list Scotch Tartan of Claus. Price 40c, 50c, 75c. yd. Never have we New Stripes and LADIES COATS Before buying your new Fall Coat have a look through our large range we know we have the right goods at the right prices. of tine Broad Cloth. 48 in. long. beautifully finished with Ladies Coat silk and fancy braid. Special $10.00; worth $1.2.00. Ladies Tweed Coat In Dark Efecta Invisible over checks, Brown Green and Greys, 4S in. long. We know you will like one when you see them. Only $10.00 Elegant Display of New Millinery Magnificent display of New Imported Pattern Hats and stylish Ready -to - Wears. A cordial invitation is extended to all. SWELL gz ROWS -alis Ida Jory visited friends in flair stops Seaforth over Sunday. - Misses Martha and Bertha Snell are visiting in London. Bl -Miss Mary Tona is visiting her nG r- cousin, Miss Kernick, at Myth, this f ait ill OLlt • �l- week. - The Exeter North End Tempers ante House is to to:,.=:e. Apply to L. McTaggart. -Mrs. John Duncan, of Hay Tp., returned Monday night frorn a visit with friends in Toronto. -=-For Nerve and Blood Builder -use H.owey's Iron I'ills 100 in bottle „for 50 cents. Try them. For Quality unci Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Ilobs,° "Stag," and Currency chew- ing tobaccoes. -Mrs. Geary and two children, of of Toronto, who were visiting the former's sister, Mrs. F. \W.'0Iadman fur some weeks, raturnc<l to Toronto last Friday evenin. !iowey's Cream of Itoeem is the st th;ug to 11:e for Tan, Sunburn, rer•kles and after .+having. TIA heal- ing and Soothing nothing 1?(feel is I' melte passed. •'25 and 60 ta•nt tee ea. -ltev. E. A. Tear %%i11 preach mis- s orcu'y sermons at Ailsa Craig next Sunday. ]Rev. linker, of Ail: •t Craig., wi11 occupy the pulpit of the ;Main street 'Church during Cleo day. -Word has been rece.ive•l from '.1on,phis, Tenn. that John Clyde \Vilify man t ger for Fredrick Stearns Co. at that tear-, :s confined in the hospital su(fetinz from typhoid fever. -Mrs. Collins, Miss honthron and Mies Kali• (bilins returned Satur- elfay night from a visit with friends in Toronto. They were nccompanied by Mrs. Ellis. of Duluth, who .'1111 visit for a time. -Mr. John Farmer returned last Thursday r•ven;n; from a trip .to the Northwest. Mr. Farmer pays the are s in Manitoba toba whish he saw, did not look very good, but that in Saskatchewan the grain was excel- lent :and <a outer run up to 45 bushels to the acre. DR. (WENS EYE AND EA1: SCR- geon. n it! be at tlaes Commercial Rotel. Hours 9,30 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly fitted and die - ease, of eye ear and note treated. Next visit Saturday, Sept. 7th. 1907. -The Exeter Cunning Company this week commenced work cannin_ tomato. s. The yield this year is a very fair average and a condiderable quantity tc•ill be canned. - The W. A. Gibbs Co., of Hamil- ton, are ne.gotiatin3 for the purchase of land, near the old market Site on which to erect an evaporator to replace the one destroyed by fire Sunday worninz. -Mr. Davis Gardiner, 'who Chas been manager for Atha Canrtin; Fac- tory since its 6ncorporation last week resigned his posit :n. Mr. S. M. Sanders was appoee rnana ser in bis stead by the directors and took charge last Et elay. The stock owned by Mr. G• rdiner was taken over by Mr. Sanders. -Mr. Samuel Cudmore, of Huron - deli!. last week emportcd seven Dor- set Horned sheep to use for breeding purposes on his farm. There were six ewes and one ram in the ship- ment. The ram %vas a prizewinner at the ltoyal Show. Mr. Cudmorc intends exhibiting his eho(p at the different fairs this fall. -An Indian named James Kologo who has Berl working for a farmer near Lumley, was arrested by Con- stable Whiteside', of Ilnnsail last Saturday night in the rear of Ort- weat's etorc. The aborigine was drunk and creating a disturb•Ince when put under arrest. As Ilensall is svithoat :a lktstile, and the box stall in 11urdork's livery stable was occupied by one of Mr. Murdock's registered horses, constable White - sides brought his prisoner to Exeter and aroused Constable Ilissctt, who locked the Indian up unlit 'Touday efter•noott when Ile was taken to 11er,-all for trial. Tt:e India w; :rat up for dt:n d•ry'• -alis. Martha Carlin„ who was an attendant at the Brant ford Col- eei:ate Institute and evho wrote at the recent Senior ,l.eavjne Teacher's examination, has reoeived word that she passed with (honors in every sub- ject she wrote on, receiving 76 per cent. The reason for her name not appearinj in the list of successful eat:deletes .%a. owin; to the fact that t u ier. 1n• h h was s a part of the new cui'riculutn, had not been eiyen to her us part of Iagr studies end was riot a fault of hers, con• sequently her nam` did not appear in the list of successful candidates. Miss Carlin; is ito be con;ratulaled on the• excellent whowine which she made in the Btudiea taken up by her. -Death of ;lira. N. J. Clarke. •,-- the same old John with his hwhiskers I drit•jn_ the bus to an•t fro .from the150 Enter anytime. individual The d•:ath recurred at the, home 'of shaved off. Mr. Gillespie ,has been setinstructeon. Write for hand- herdnughter, Mrs. Miller .1. \1'abit 2 mecatalogue. ' 312Shattuck Ave. Herkr•Iey. Cal., nn station since the railroad .vas built Monday August 26th, of Mrs. Annie arks always wore a heard and were it Clarke. v ife of the late N. J. Clarke not for that smile it would .ba a aged 65 years. The !deceased •was hard matter to (relieve that it elan roc rtv GEO. SPOTTON.Principal. well and favorably .known in this not Itip Van winkle rejuvenaf,d. a' 113 Vin". hs•tn„ lived at (Farquhar 1•ns;;hly the fart J1:at th:' and Ex, t -r. prior to zoinz Grand Trunk is !marline a new sa- to California with her husband tion and greatly improving the ata - and family t.on,e years ago. Death tion grounds calm -et the venerable Notice W113 caused by hemorrhage of the John to commit this reek act, al - brain. She is survived by the follow- thou,rIi we must confey4 that ,it ing children Mrs. M. .1. White .anal greatly improves his appearance and the flerkc�sses Marie and ida Clarke, of will he the means of making his pit- y: Mrs. J. E. McVay and •Mr. runs alal'reeiale his excellent jokra E \W. E. Clarke, of Afton; Herbert E. more fully. Man Francisco and Edwc,rd J. of ,To- han CIa'kebure, SouthAfrica. ,Mr. ERNEST ELLIOT ClIke died right years n zo on the 25th of August. Conveyancer Accounts Collected InRAnNll' to Ivan at lours ole.. North West i�4,1 for Sate. its Perfumes, • Office. Main Street. Exeter Soaps, Toilet VOTE) ' • LIST, TOWNSHIP OF Articles, Pic- 1 sHttltNF. and becomes beautiful and luxuriant when IMPERIAL HAIR TONIC is used. It gives new life to the hair. Keeps the scalp clean and Ready -Made Clothing In Men's, Boys' and Youths' latest styles and patterns. Ti you wish to have a Suit Made to Order we can please you with the stock as wa carry a fine line of Tweeds and Worst- eds. New Hats, New Ties, Collars, Braces, Etc. Everything in Gent's Furnishing line that you require. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOIL PRODUCE CARLING BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE: -TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: • $3,000,000. WARD OF DIRECTORS: JEMILIVa JARVIS, Esq., • - - President RANDOI,PH MACDONALD. Esq., Firs! Vice-P)esideni A. A. ALLAN, Esq.. .Second ('ice -President HON. D. MCMILLAN, HON. PETER MCLeatert, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq-, M.P. W. K. McNAUGwt, Esq., 141,P. A. E. DVMENT, Esq., M.P. ALEx. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. P. G. JEuuiETT, R. CAssees, Genera! -Manager. Ass,. General -Manager. Savings Bask Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches: -EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors HENSALL BRANCH, - H. ARNOLD, Manager. healthy and is a posit- ive cure for dandruff. Individual Instructiona Bottles 50 cen Large cents. -at- COLE'S DRUG STORE Toilet articles a specialty NEW TIRE SETTER The douse Gold Tire setter It is our motto to keep up-to-date in all lines of our business. Reasons why this tire setter does its work better than the old way: The ties stay tight longer. • There is no cbaring or burning the wood. No danger ot over dishing the wheel. The paint is not scratched or injured. Can get your job done in one quarter -the time. We will guarantee all work done by this machine. We are also prepared to cut down wheels or any other repairs that your rig may need. R. ROBINSON, Winchelsea. Wagon Maker. A regular store, period the 14th to 19th, is one of great and almost certain severity. It is at the crisis of the autumnal equinox. The equi- noxes of Jupiter and Saturn are in full force. Vulcan, Venus and Mer- cury ars, all central in destnrbine energy with Moon passin; from first quarter to full, at south declination and in perigee. This period, and this whole central part of the month, is full of p,-rturbine causes and ,hen- • Practical Work AND Strict Attention to Business HAS PLACED THE Wnstnrn Busin6ss and shorthand Go11606 110 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. In The First Rank. We give a Positive Guarantee to Place Every Graduate in a Situation. Catalogue Free, address WM. C. COO, C. S. R., President. •••••••••••••4•••••••••••• •• ICLINTON •• • 1 BUSINESS • • • • • COLLEGE Z 2 ZEducates to meet the living de - cyclonic ntund� of a progressive age. � bloat exacting, modern city off - with possihilitic�. Hurricanes anticipated and ices delighted with ons gradu- cyclonic storms should be tial. tornal a aces. Our management trains with storms Retic, he equinoctial. torn.r- ♦ young people storms over the interior. The • chances are that general st+.env ,end atmospheric unrest .will continue until after. -it was :< strange face that ap- peared on the bus Monday morels:.;, but the smile that will never wear off showed that tI,a veteran driver, John Gillespie, was ►:till on deck and = FAL(. TERM from SEPT. 2nd. in his usual position. It seas the more annually hother in Weeertt On- tario. any t tario. We have incorporated = the counsels of our TEN TEA- CHERS into one grand unexcell-I • ed whole. Both courses for price of one. Day students may attend night classes free. Are You Content with the flour you are using? If not get a bag of Str Bran Flour and be convinced that it is all we claim for it. It is the perfect blended flour. Vi c have a good stock on hand made from old wheat. HARVEY BROS. •••••••••••••••••• • • EYETI;II, ture,Comie or Notice is hereby ziv,ln thaf a Court will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voter's i.i=r art by lits lienor th. Judze of the County Court of the County of Huron, :al 'lownih'p Bale Elimyille, e.:: Tuesday the 2411 day of September 1997 at 114 o'clock a. tn. to hear and determine com- p.leires of errors and ornineionv its the Voter'. Litt of the Mur•iripality of 1'ybornc for 1907. Can. Express Block, Main Et., Exeter. Whalen, September,h1 9th..L1✓07CIerfi. Auction sale Souvenir post cards. rd Writing riling t'Apere, Envelopes, Pencil, Phonographs (disc nr cylinder) Records, or Acees'oriee. You can get theta in quality and quantity. We are Belling Agent. for Edison, Rex and Colombia Phonographs. Ask to hear them at The Purity - ONTARIO. Notice is hereby 1_ivun that a court will beheld pursuant e II 1, ld r. la nl to the I AGS cod WayOntario Vote•r's List Art by His 11on- our t he Judge of 1 t:e (wanly Court of the County of Huron at the Toe!: to be Stylish and Becomingly Hall, Wednesday the '_5th. day of Dressed and to have your Cloth- fo Sr•pteu,ire renoon,r to 1907eaat 10 o'clock in th' hr and d. ter mine comgOCOlIgY In as thhl made and as plaint, of errors and omissions in carefully cut as possible is to come the Voter's List of the Municipality of Exeter for 1907. Dated this 10th day of September 1007. here with your ideas. First•class Workmen will turn J. SENIOR, Clerk. the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty gcir assurance that you will be sorry Auction Sale Ota the prem;srs nt 2.30 o'clock, (he: for nothing and prices are always Notch batt of r.nt 21a, Con. 2 ata_ at the bottom notch. t;tllivray. Nein; 1he r•4stat.► of Georn. Windsor deceased, all reveled to col - ver, sprint rrcek, !rood barn newly shinzlt.l. Mu..t be wood to settle Es- tate. .Tames .Stanley, Auctioneer, George \Vindpr, Administrator. W.. JOHNS Merchant Tailor