HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-12, Page 8lees► en we
Denim bad never seen the ocean until
by comm to visit his grandfather. Dur-
ing the long tap across the continent
t'e had tried to picture how it would
been to stand 011 the shore and look
out over the tvater and be unable to see
land. Ttie strangeness CI the great sea
alai,' him very timid at first, and ho
pre:cried to sail tile lvonderful boot that
his g. ai:dfutbcr had niado for hint in the
narrow little dismal that came up near
the beach, and over which there was a
low wharf.
His playmate Robby thought ho lack-
ed Courage, and made sport of this fear
ef the res. Bobby dared to run over
the jagged rocks, to swim far out into
Pae white-cappewaves, and to climb
Up the masts of the great vessels that
lay at the wharf. \\'lien Benny was
awkward about taking his fish from
the peek, (lobby laughed, and called
him "baby."
This troubled Benny very touch, be-
cause he was sure that what his mother
said was Ifee_ that teal bravery was
quite different from doing things that
were unnecessary.
One day something happened to
change all this. They had gone down
to the little wharf to sail Benny's boat.
They knew the tide was ebbing, but
they had no fear of the boat being car-
ried away from Them. But this was
just what did happen, and before they
hardly realized it, the "Betsy Perkins"
was sailing far out of their reach.
Tile buys wore dismayed. "1 could
rein] for d," said Ilobert, "but I could
n.1 hold it up and swim, too."
"Perhaps it will come back on the
next tide," said Benny, downheartedly,
watching the little boat as it passed
through the channel into the deeper
water. He was sorry to lose his bunt,
but more sorry to be careless with his
granule ther's gift.
"That is all you know about this
meet," said Robert, wisely, "hut I'll tell
yeti what to do. 1 will get the dory
over there, and we will row out and get
the boat."
Benny was used to allowing Robert
to have his way, and so they climbed
into the old boat and started in pursuit
of the runaway craft, that was fast
braking its way s: award. To add to
Their trouble, the fog had begun to come
fn and settle all about them, and the
little "Betsy y Perkins"
seemed bent on
p'ay'ing a game of Hide-and-seek with
"isn't the boat pretty wet?'' asked Ben-
ny. looking down at the tiny thread et
water that was creeping toward his feet.
"Well. 1 should say It was-" said
Rebore passing his cap over. "Scoop
it up as fast as you can. U is a leaky
Benny fell to work in good earnest,
bet his hands were small and he made
little headway; hat lie was too unused
(41 n pont to take alnrnn until he looked
t:p and snw that Robert had stopped
rowing. The fog was so thick That they
could not see the wharf.
"We have got to shout 'bout as loud
ss we can," declared Robby, and Iden
he rnieed his voice in a call that Benny
though! w' old be likely to bring help
a' once; but no help carne.
"I don't know what to do next," said
fl bby. setting heck on his oars.
"i do." said henry, bravely. "There
Is teething that will show in a mast but
,a fire. 1 ntn going to do as 1 read about
some sailors doing. i have a match,
and 1 am Ming to burn something. You
tiro my blouse on a pole or something."
When Robby was ready to Cry. Ben-
ny inns the one to cheer him and to
aeenk bravely.
Robby regained his courage and sue-
cesetully tied the little cotton blouse to
one of the oars. After some trouble
they manngal to set it on lire, and then
'lobby. who was the stronger, waved
the blaze in the air, shouting. "Help!"
with all his voice. They felt sure the
signal would be seen because they had
sun the herring -boats burn torches that
showed plainly through the fog.
They wee so busy with this they did
not hear the thud of oars until a voice
spoke through the fag. "What's going
on here?" said Captnin Briggs. and a
dory crime up to the side of their own;
rind soon they were telling why they
hal put to sen, and all the dangerous
"1 peas we can cruse around a spell
and pick up that 'Betsy Perkins,' too,"
said the captain: and then he lied the
cid dory. with a stern -line and pup the
toys in his own tont, and they went
In search of the lost craft.
iI was not tong before 11 was found,
anal the boys were landed safely en
shore. Aa they ran townrd the house,
Robby whispered, "1 shall never call
you n cownr,l again, b ecause if you had
oto: thought of the Ore we would have
been lost."
"Mother always said. 'Do something
t^ h.'Ip before you cry,'" snit! Benny,
"and it almost always brings it out
right." -
"1 ' 1Msi stay uncle wornld call you a
rent Iseatklg; " said Boned, happily,
placing his arra about iknny's shoul-
penny did not know what that was,
trill he felt that Is was friendly, and he
en on with a light heart.
1:\Gi.'. I' 111i) \\ &ATI
•c 'e c
fret in lel, . 71u Year \\a the coma.
ing Indignity.
A woman who arnil'rbnees that she
hos just "Inoktd oat of the window and
beheld (lakes of sleet drifting pest on
this July morning,' w'rilts to the Queen
to recall a rhy►ne which celebrnte4l dna
tiler season quite as dripping as the one
which has afflicted England this year.
11 ran -
Dirty dnys have September,
April. June and November;
All the rest have thirtyone.
Without a bl('secd gleam of sun.
1f any of 'can had two -and -thirty,
they'd be just ns wet and twice as
Just as 'CPIs !.r, there's a Case there
Will L'c n wsuc In In 11.
Sight of Splendor and Magnificence
Unsurpassed at Any Oilier Court
of Europe.
The average person probably finds it
d fflcult to understand why there should
t'e such a keen desire on the part .1
8 rciety people to be presented at Court.
'1'•, the uninitiated, the mere honor cr
pleasure -however you may like to re-
gard it -of nluk ng a curtsy to the King
cm! Queen in the ballroom of Bucking -
hum Palace scarcely compensates one
t• r the expense and trouble involved.
As a matter of fact, a presentation
at Court means a great deul to those
who move in upper circles. Without :1
a woman has no recognized social posi-
lican; she is neer invited to Royal en-
tertainments, aid when visiting a for-
eign country cannot be presented to its
Sovereign. In the old days, when s
Indy had' been once presented, she could
centime to attend Courts, uninvited and
uuchall.nged, until the end of her life.
But time has changed that privilege.
However, it Ls obvious that there are
slip great inducements to secure the
precious card of invitation from the
Id.rd Chamberlain which entitles one
to attend the Court.
Everybody who is anybody Is to to
seen at a Court presentation -princes,
lord,, and dukes, grey-haired annbassa-
dors, generals, politicians, and diploma -
eels, down to young attaches, all at-
tired in
the men's attire, In many cases, being
no less brilliant and gorgeous than the
dazzling confections worn by young
debutantes who nervously await their
turn for presentation.
'!'hose who by right of birth are en-
titled to attend at Court are members
o'. the aristocracy and of the leading
comely families, the wives and daugh-
ter_ of officers in the Artily and Navy,
of clergymen and barristers, of import-
ant financiers, and of men engaged 'n
!urge commercial enterprises. But the
line is rigidly drawn at those occupied
in retrad! trade, 1:o matter how refined or
well connected they may be. Nowa-
days several titled women, members of
obs families, keep shops of their own,
and this fuct entirely prevents their
appearance at Court. Ttiis rule is ab-
solute, and has no exceptions.
The general co►npany drive into the
ccurtyurd of Buckingham Palace under
the purine., at the State entrance. There
is also another entrance, known as lite
Pimlico k'or, through which members
of the Diplomatic Corps and what is
known as the Entree company are al-
lowed to pass. By entering with the
general company, however, one obtains
a splendid view of some of the beauties
el iluckinghnrn Palace.
After alighting at the Doric portico,
Ibe debutante enters the -large but some-
what low-ceb;inged entrance -hall, with
Iits marble floor and staircase, and its
I• deuble row of pillars in
From the hall nccess can be obtained
1 to lite :o -called Bay Window itoom,
(which is one of the finest on the gar-
den floor of Buckingham Palace. The
I Bow Library is used as a cloak -room,
I where w raps and cloaks are left and
i nuunlered tickets received in exchange.
i The staircase is a model of splendor.
Every step is a solid piece of white
i marble, and the gold and cream ceiling
shows some marvellous decoration. Sta-
tioned on the staircase and everywhere
about are Yeomen of the Guard dressed
le red and g.>id, with neck rubles,
bt'ckled shoes, and the flat hats that
have become known by their name.
Attentive gentlemen ushers pass the
guests on in batches of about thirty
through the ante-reonls which lead to
the last hailing -place, the Tapestry Cor-
ridor. The ballroom, where the Court
is held, is a superb saloon; with walls
panelled in crimson and a floor of sat-
inwood and mahogany. At one end IS
a One organ and the gallery for Ills
Majesty's musicians.
The King and Queen enter the ball-
room about ten o'clock. They are pre-
ceded by the White Staves and followed
by the most important officers of the
Stale, who, tog titer with other members
et the Royal Family, take up their posi-
tion in a semi -circle round their Ma-
jesties in cyder of precedence. Then
The basincss of the evening commences.
Trains are let down and spread upon
the floor, cards are passed front halal
le hand, and
broken M a nervous debutantes ear
only by the sound of her own trend ( n
the polished floor and by the announce-
ment of her name in n tone of official
authority. When the two deep curtsies
have been duly 'nide, the lady Inas to
retire fent the Royal presence with all
graee at her command.
Formerly a debutante was obliged to
undergo the nerve -trying ordeal of kis's-
ing the Queen's hand, and, if n peeress,
of being saluted on both checks, while,
in addition, she was obliged to walk
1 ackwartls from the (loyal presence.
But King Edward has altered all thot.
Their Majesties remain sealed, and a
curtsy is all that is required.
itetween one and two hours are thus
token up with the business of presenia•
non. after which the King and Queen
retire from the ballroom to pnrtnke o'
supper with a few favored gucets. Sup-
per is nlso provkkd for the general
company, with this difference -that
while the ikiyal party sit down to n
f.urmal meal, the others refresh them-
selves at the buffets, for the most part
standing up.
1l may interest some renders to learn,
by the way, that strict regulations goy
crq the dread' of both men and women
who attend al Court. Men who do not
!along to the Services must appear in
the ro gelation velvet tail -coats and steel
bt:ttons, knee breeches, black silk stock.
lapis, buckled shoes, and while gloves,
with cocked hat under the arm and
small sword at the side.
Ladies, too, must dress to order, in
evening toilette, with train from three
and n half to four yards long. while
glows, and with ostrich faothers. For
mourning black trimmings are permis-
sible with the black toilette, but a ape.
Oil permit must be obtained 1f a lady
wishes to attend Court it a high -necked
gown and long sleeves. A doctors cer-
tificate is generally necessary in order
to obtain this permission. -London 17t-
It Is In the Form of a Ticket Good for
a Five Gent Stamp.
A new postage stamp, or rather the
equivalent of a postage stamp, a reply
cc upon, as it is officially called, has
been designed and will be pie into cir-
culation on October 1 next by the inter-
national Bureau of the Universal Tussal
Union at Berne.
The new postal token is In the form
The underwear that fits perfectly.
wears out slowest. and neither
shrinks nor stretches„ is named
bean this trade mark
in red. Who sells it.
guarantees it, in the
maker's name. Made
in many fabrics and
styles, at various prices,
in form -fitting sizes for women, men
and children. PEN -ANGLE Guar-
anteed Underwear wears beat and
fits better
of a ticket, entitling the hostler to ex-
change it fora po�tago stamp of the
table of 25 centimes, or the equivalent
of that sura in those countries that have
adopted the arrangement concluded last
year by the delegates of most of the
civilized nations assembled at the Postai
Congress in Rome.
The urrangemcnt was to the effeict that
It coupon should be devised to enable a
p1IN011 to write. to a correspondent in a
foreign land, enclosing the venal of a
stamp for a reply. Inetdenhhlly also, the
c<"upon will enable persons to pay small
accounts in foreign lands without going
to the trouble of procuring a Money
For instance, a resident of Canada
may write to a correspondent in France
and Germany and desire to prepay the
stamp required for the answer. All lie
has to do is to spend six cents for a re-
pay coupon tit any Canadian post office
and enclose it 111 his teller. The French
of German addressee will exchange the
(.+,11p011 at his OW11 post olfico for a
French or German stamp which will pre-
pay his reply.
It was the British post. once that pro-
posed the innovation. The adoption of
the coupon sciheme was not made com-
pulsory for all the nations comprised in
the Universal Postal Union, but the fol-
lowing have signified their acceptance
of it : The United States, Great Britain
None of Them Marry OU the Island -
The Men Spend Week -Days
al Sea.
Every nation has some porton of its
ptople who kol: backward instead c f
ferward, treasuring what is lime -worn
and ancestral and creating its future,
so far as it is able, out of the shadows
of its past. holland, though practical,
commercial, energetic, is no exception
to tine rule.
At Marken. Rat and storm swept is-
land of the Zuider Zoe, old ways are
cherished for their own sake still, even
though a sense of their commercial
value as a bait for tourists is creeping
among the finer a;otis'es of the people,
es already it has done conspicuously el
and most of her colonies, including Volendam, that -quaint old city on the
Canada ; Japan, Germany mut her pro- neighboring shore.
tectoratos • France and her colonies,
Austria, Rolland, Sweden, Nervpy, Bel-
gium, Spain, Denmark and Inc passes-
slons ; Switzerland, Greece, Chile, Bul-
garia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Crete, Ilayli,
1lungary, Corea, Luxembourg, Rou-
mania and Siam.
The coupons are supplied to the postal
ndntinistralions of the above countries
al cost price and are interchangeable be-
tween them at llie price of 25 centimes
C t
IL equivalent. So far 5,000,000 have 'S I
been printed, of which 3,793,000 have al-
ready been taken up by the various pos-
tal administrations. Upon the interna-
tional bureau at Berne will fall all the
administrative work, which bids fair to
be of considerable magnitude as every
single token must ultimately find its
way back again to that central ofice.
Di. Williams' Pink Stills Bring Rack the
Glow of Health by Making New Blood.
To bud into perfect womanhood- the
growing girl must carefully guard her
health. Unless the blood is kept rich
lied pure, headaches, backaches and
fit (punt d:7zy spells will trouble her.
She will always be piling and may slip
into it deadly decline. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are a never failing remedy
in building up the blood. Just a short
time ago the reporter of L'Avenir du
Nord bind the following cases brought
to his notice. in the town of St. Je-
rome, Que., there is an orphan asylum
under the care of those zealous work-
ers -the Grey Nuns. In this tonne Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are constantly
used. For some months two of the
young girls In the home were afflicted
with antrrnia. The symptoms In both
cases were very much alike. They
were both pnle, lest all energy and
were subject to headaches and dizzi-
ness. Dr. Williams' fink fills were
taken and soon -there was nn hnprove•
merit in their condition. '!he color te-
lurned to their cheeks; their appetite
improved; headactnes censed and soon
god health leek the place of despon-
dence, What Dr. Williams' fink l'ills
have (Lone for these two orphans -
elarie Lavoie and Dosina ilrooks --
they will do for others.
Tho secret of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills in curing antem(n, lies in their
punter to make new. rich, red Hood,
That k why they strike straight at the
root of all cc -minion ailments like head-
aches, sidenches and bncknches, rheu-
matism, neuralgia, Indigesilon. anemia,
S. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and
the special ailments that afflict almost
every woman and growing girl. Dn.
Williams' ('ink Pills are sold by all
medicine dealers or may be had by mail
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for telee0
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Ilroekvilte, Ont. s
MAN \\'l1Oi`EEDS M \NY.
Joseph Lyons of London Ilas ales! Colos-
sal Ealing Conrcrn in World.
Joseph Lyons runs in London what is
by long odds the most celossal entering
concern in the world. '('here is no ag-
gregtntion of restaurants under one man-
ngernent in Americo that comes any way
near feeding such a vast multitude
daily. Ile makes it pay, too, handsome -
His company has declared a diel-
(tcnef-of 32% per cent., besides adding
F:YM),000 to Iles reserve fund. There are
few companies in the land of million -
fires which can show such profile n.s
that. from the rnnk of a small public
provider at pr'•ovtncial exhibitions, Jos.
Lyons has risen in twenty years to the
k,refront of the restaurant and catering
world, and to -day the rannit1 anions of
his buslne t.% extend throughout the
whole of Great Britain.
Mr. Sarnpleson is a very irascible
man, and is in the habit of punishing
his tons most severely. Not long sins:
he observed that one of his sons needed
A new pair of trousers. ile scolded the
bey for wearing out his clothes so fast.
"Pa, no trousers can last any time the
way you hits," replied the son, re•
The inhabitants of Marken maintain
themselves us a separate people of un-
mixed blood. No one of them ever
marries off the island. To do so would
mean disgrace even dcepxer than that
which follows the selling of heirlooms,
such ns inherited silver or fancily china.
Satisfied with their own barren, seine -
lines inund'tted land, they rarely leave
it for another.
The Marken costume is peculiar. On
women it is a garb of many colors,
marvellously put together and bright
wi:h brass and ornaments of silver and
b:cod-red coral. The men dress just as
strangely, though in more sombre huts.
When you first see the islanders up-
on their native sands It seeins as if you
had stepped into a story book. For the
scene is quite us picturesque as artists
Point il, as gay as tinted postal -cards
portray it, and it is shining clean with-
ai, from its Dutch brass knockers to the
copper pails wherein the woolen wash
their clothes or dishes just outside their
Children, hand in hand, in smiling
rows, come down to the boat to meet
you as you approach from Monniken-
dam, or from Volendam, across the bay.
They are all dressed alike, in gorgeous
variegated ekits and bodices and tip-
rons made of calico, and their heads are
alt lied up 1n patterned caps and k.•rch-
kfs, which let long loeks of golden hair
escape up on the shoulders.
"Are there no boys in Marken?" you
ash the guide when lie has finished tel-
ling your party tail there are 1.500
souls in \iarken and that --o of thein
are children. 'Then you learn that till
lac age of 7 the dress is just the carne
for both the sexes, except that the
boys have a small round patch of col-
or sewed to the crown of their caps.
There are many other slight marks
of distinction of ono kind or another
with which you soon beonle familia:
In Marken. Girls wear their hair loose,
but when they ere married pilo back of
the head is shaven and the front locks
are trained into Iwo long curls, one . 1
which hangs down on each side of the
Tho cups, too. tell their story. Maid-
ens ivear short Oat ones, while ntntions
1:ave long narrow ones made out of at
least Ove thicknesses of cloth..
if you are fortunate to see a welding
party on its way to the town hall where
the ceremony is to be perforncd, yon
rate nlways tell the bride from her d4
Ieudant bridesmakl by the greater num-
tor of brass buttons that she wears awl
by the seven stars, made out ed wool of
separate colors, which adorn her bo-
dice -two slurs more than the Ove
wlach the bridesmaid wears.
Truly picturesque to look upon Ls a
Marken wedding party. It is the men
who mak" the spectacle grotesque and
tae w4..nen who make it charming.
For when you place n tall silk hat upon
a thick -set, weather -hardened man who
les on wooden shoes. tint* home -knit
stockings, baggy woolen Trousers that
reach to the knees, and a tight black
coat gay with brass buttons, you have
made a spectacle of him, especially if
he carries n little Holland tricolor In
one hand and manages with the other a
pipe with small bowl and n long carved
stem. Imagine a group of men dressed
up in this way end ns many w•O►nen
wearing short -skirled dresses of all the
colors of the rainbow. and you may
form some notion of what a Marken
welding party looks like.
They are a sober people and a happy
people, are those fisher folk of idarken,
o,ntent with simple fare of black bread,
smoked cels and salt herring. and such
dairy produce as the Ove farms on the
island can afford. They retire early,
and by 8 o'clock, even on long; summer
evening=, the streets nee deserted, the
children ore all tucked up in the trundle
1 wits and cupboard bels, and the baby
is hung up high in its 'uspended cradle.
Every one works herd. You see the
Wcmen scrubbing sails with brushes and
Scrubbing the street before their door.
Ateps, cooking, sewing, caring for the
Children. Tiny girls are scrubbing kct-
farce t h
Flee Caasds
sample of Celluloid Starch.
end as your name and ad'
ss and we'll forward' you a
rter-pound package of Cellu-
Starch and a Painting Book
b colors for the little folks.
on't send any-money—they're
. We just want to get you
uainted with Celluloid Starch
he starc l tat requires no
king, never makes the iron
k and gives the best resu ts.
end your address to -day to
Flrantford Starch Worsts Lr-mitad
araadard, gra
elluloid Starch
lies w•iih brushes made of twigs yr knit-
ting away at solid-looking stockings.
'Elie time is coining, they say, when
!hit quaint Ishm►d of lite 'Colder Zee
will be included in the mainland. Tne
utretch of sea which at the present nro-
tnent lies between, five feet deep; and
with a two -foot tide, will be walled in
and then pumped dry to make a "pot-
tier" or marsh land, which can be culti-
French Father (raptures His F.foping
Daughter and 'Takes Iter Uome.'
The romance of a French heiress and
lie- penniless lover, their elopement, and
a few weeks of wedded blies, hat.: been
followed by the abduction of the bride
in the paternal motor -car.
Sonne mouths have passed slneo Mlle.
Piedallu mel Victor Debaulon near her
millionaire fathers chateau at Isle-
Ar;arn, France. A friendship sprang up
and ripened into love. A few W4 eks ago
the elopn►ent was planned and carried
out. \Isle. Piedallu and her governess
went shopping in Paris. The girl gave
her chaperon the slip and joined her
lover, who was waiting In a cab. So
creep was the father's anger that he
swore to leave the neighborhood. The
contents of his chateau are to be sold by
auction before the place is shut up.
The lovers drove to a railway station
and travelled to Ostend. There they
look cheap roonts, and Dehaulon ob-
tained work at a well-known hotel. His
wife curried his dinner in a bundle
tt:►ough the streets each day.
Neither knew that the millionaire who
was searching for them was one ef the
chief shareholders in the company
which owns the hotel where Dehaulon
was employed. Discovery carne owing
to this fact.
The heiress was carrying Her hus-
band's dinner through the streets cf
Ostend when three men suddenly seiz-
ed her and placed her hi a motor -car
waiting by the kerb. Instantly the
vehicle, in which the millionaire was
sitting, started oft and quickly got clear
of the town. Dchaulon, alarmed by his
wife's non-appearance, 'ran to their
rooms, found thein vacant, and learnt
what had happened a few days later.
Since then he has been searching nr
vain for his wife.
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is prepared from drugs known to the
profession as thoroughly reliable for
the cure of cholera, dysentery, diar-
rhoea, griping pains and summer com-
plaints. It has ken used successfully
by medical practitioners for a number
.'f years with gratifying results. If suf-
fering from any summer complaint It
Is just the medicine that will cure you.
'I'ry a bottle. 1t sells for 25 cents.
The Navy of Spain had in 1708 16,-
6,1(i seamen. Nearly two centuries later
it has but 1.4,000.
\\'hen all is lost save honor n man
tries to stand on his dignity.
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol•
fwd's Sanitary Lotion. It never bails.
S'.Id by all druggists.
The slow going dray horse lands
mere Goin than the average race horse.
Spinsters do net belh'e in taxing
bachelors; they believe in nailing thein.
Sure Regulators. -Mandrake and Dan-
delion are known to exert a powerful
influence on th- liver end kidneys. re-
storing them to healthful action, indite -
Ing a regular flow of the secretions
and imparting lo the organs complete
power to perform their functions. These
valuable Ingredients enter into the com-
siesil:on of I'arnlelee's Vegetable Pills,
rind serve to render them the ngree-
able and snluta►y medicine they are.
Their are few pills so effective as they
in their nctan.
Every mon would be n prohibitionist
if there wasn't anything but water to
if n man's nequaintnnces are unable
to discover that he is in love, he isn't.
Mors Urea Needed In the blood of pste, tett
down people. Fern rhn," the best rower. will
pot it there. At all pineal stance and Druggists.
It's surprising how well most shift-
less people manage to get akung.
Lots of voters would have to think
14.r themselves if it wasn't for the po-
litical bosses.
Worms cause feverishness, moaning
and restlessness during sleep. Mother
craws' Worm Exterminator as pleasant,
sure and effectual. If your druggist has
none in stock, get him to procure It for
"Don't you know, Willie." asked the
Sunday -school teacher, "that you are
always happiest when you are good?"
"Yes'm." said Willie, "I'm never so
nappy as when $'rn good, 'ceptin' when
I'm eatin.'
A Handy Shoe Factory -Homes Got 011
Their Feed -a Great
Down in the southern part of the
Slate of New Hampshire, at a railway
station where the farmers for miles
around used to come to take the train
ter Boston, a certain man had a house
and a big stable, and in the long rews
of stalls they kept their horses during
the day until they returned from their
jeuttrney to "the nub." 'Then they would
hitch up and drive Horne. Everybody
wails un himself in these democratic
ecmmunilies, so they were in the habit
0' unhitching their own horses, hang -
inti the harness on the pegs at the foot
or the stalls and giving each animal a
measure of oats Froin a big bin over In
the corner. The stable was kept very
dark, so that sometimes on a cloudy
day they had to feel their way around,
but Me. Tiylor, the proprietor, explain -
••d its advantages ---that it kept out the
(lies and other insects.
One day Mr. Taylor was employed
by a stranger to drive hire over to
Haverhill, where a shoe factory with
nil its contents and appurtenances was
le be sold at auction under foreclosure.
Everythtttg was going very cheap and
Mr. Taylor bought several barrels <1
shoo pegs for almost nothing. When
he got home he put then in the barn
without explaining what lie was going
to do with them.
It wa., something more than a coinci-
dence that about this time Taylor quit
buying oats and the horses that were
placid in his barn whilo their owners
went to Boston almost invariably got
"off their feed."
The owners unhitched and put them
in the stalls and gave thein a measure
of grain, as usual, from the bin in the
dark corner, but when they returned
at night the feed lay untouched in the
trough. Mr. Taylor, had some medicine,
ntado of burdock leaves, which he re-
commended as an appetite restorative,
and he sold a good many bottles at 25
cents each. Ile told his customers to
give their horses a dose before they
started to drive (tome and another after
their arrival before feeding, and he
thought it would cure And it
It worked like charm and there was
a great demand for the buedock rem-
Ono day an inquisitive farmer look his
me °sure of oats to the stable door and
found it full of shoe pegs. For nearly
a year, ever since 'Taylor went over to
that auction at Haverhill, his customers
had been feeding shoe pegs to their
horses and paying Taylor 25 cents per
animal for that privilege.
As one might expect, there was a
gi eel deal of comment on the discovery
and Taylor went out of business.
4 --
Time (las Tested It.-TIme tests nil
things, that which is worthy lives; that
WIIicln is Inirui('til to man's welfare per-
tshcs. Time has proved Dr. Thornas'
Ecleclric Oil. From a few thousand
bottles in the early days of its menu -
texture the demand has risen so that
now the production is running into the
hundreds of thousands of bottles. What
s so eagerly sought for must be good.
In Germany over 8.000,000 persons
are inured against sickness at an aver-
age premium of 8375 a head.
A Brazilian spider spins a web 4•f
which the total length of the strands
Las been estimated at 2% miles.
Like a bad habit a skin disease grows. Scrofu•
Inns humor eczema and all eruptions mar be
cured with (1.41,erb ('•rate, a,si.,t•d Internally
by Wearer's Syrup. All Druggists.
In 1791 it took '1 Ions of dial In make
n ten of iron. 1lo-dny the w'orlt is thee)
with one ton.
!toughly speaking, one man is killed
in British collieries for every million
tons of coal rased.
is there anything more annoying
than having your corn stepped upon?
Is there anything more delightful than
getting rid of it: Holloway's Corn Cure
will do it. Try it and Le convinced.
There are four Scottish breeds of cat•
lk namely. l'oited Angus. Galloway,
Ayrshire, and \Vest highland.
Heli Gide, the great reef in New York
Jl:urtror which was removed by a single
Vast in 1885, covered no lc.ss than nino
Also sewing machine oil of nhsolule
purity, and the best needles and parts
for all machines at Singer stores. Look
for the R•'tl S. Singer Sewing Machine
Co. Write ns at Manning Chambers,
Toronto, for set of Bird Cards tree.
Two fishermen named Smith, living
near tach other, had mel with misfor-
tune. tit., one having lost his wife end
the other his boat. A lady visitor call-
ed nn the one who had lett his boat,
thinking it was the one who had lost
his wife. "Goad morning, Mr. Smith.
1 am sorry to hear 01 your sad loss."
"Oh, it an'1 much mutter, mute. She
wurn't up to much." "Dear me, you
(knit say so." "Aye. she was a rickety
cid crock. \Vhen 1 went out with her
1 was always in danger of my life. In-
deed, 1 offered her to my mate only
lest week, but ho wouldn't have tier. 1
have had my eye on another for some
time now." But tho lady could stand
n' iumere cf the old man's denunciation
41 the weaker sex, and hurriedly took
her departure.
Prussia produces 400 Ions of silver
yearly. and has seine of the most valu-
able zine mines in the world. But her
cont Is poor, and so is her copper and
iron ore.
Roma for t e
Years to Came
Just on0*
e rooris aaaSTsso in writing
to good facia yeas' and is really good for
• buadrest. That • a rue,of
rut them on yourself -.common sense and a
hammer and snips dues it. The btaALas
they cover is proof ■Rai■at lightning. fire.
wind. rata bad snow. They cost lain because
they're mud. batter, and of betties material.
Write us sad learn about ROOFING
RIGHT. Addrtu -05
The PEDLAR People
OsIawa Y.,stnal Ottawa Towle Lersao• wtaMMS
ul C:wotiy. Tbls 1. a sp.otaltr with the
mama ps,tS.stars y pint sad we .re vera 1• sa/iota
lido tress sea Iles. Ilk:latrsai
Fur business and small stock men's
Furnishings. Reason for selling,
health. Best stand in town; five-year
hese will bear investigation.
Every %Veinal
1s interested and sbuldsow
The new Y tTeal r ese.
Beat—Dom o conven-
ient. It et.ans*
It bee cannot Ili rly for the
A It Y 6 L accept no
ether. bat woad stamp for
tiInstr.ted boot -sealed. It state
felt artleoiars and dirsetons ie-
valneble t' lady*.
General Agents for Canada.
livery packet
will kill
mars AIN than
• e*b
of sticky paper
— SOLD •Y —
tOe. per packet, or 3 packets for Sao.
will last a whet* season.
Ricer and Gulf of St. lawrenco
Bummer Cruises in Cowl Latitude.
Twin Screw Iron 55. "('ampana." with elet•trid
light", electric belts and all mnd•rn comforts.
1 p m., 9th and 2ard September; and fortnightly
thereafter fur Pictuu. N. S., calling at Quebec:,
U;spe. 61,1 Bay, Perc•. tappe• Cure, Orand
Bummerstde, P.8.1., and C1.arlott•tuwa, P.R.L
Stemmer Izeursl ns, pi, by the new Twin
flews S'S. "nermudian•" 1,3(41 tons. Sailing 4th,
14th and 26th September, 6th, 16th and '26th (lc.
tuber, 6th, htth and 2rth \,nemher. Tempera -
Sur. cooled by sea breezes seldom rises above 63
d revs.
The ;east trips of the season fur health and
eotnf •rt.
Ai[THU:R AiIERN, Secretary, Quebec.
A. F. oil ERRIliDGE & CO., Agents.
29 Broadway, New York.
Mr. Henpeck (after a king argument)
-"I can understand now why your folks
cried the night we were ulaf'hicd,"
Mrs. I Ienpccy-"\Vhy."
henpeck -'"They were sorry for ale."
The Wake the Torpid Energies. -
Machinrry not properly supervised and
ht1 to run itself, very soon shows fault
in its working. 11 is the same with the
digestive organs. Unregulated from
Irmo to time they are likely to ,become
14rpiel and throw the whole system out
of gear. Parnid e's Vegetable Pills
were made to meet such cases. They
restore to the full the (legging faculties
and bring into order all parts of the
"A good tunny people," saki Mrs.
O!dcastle, "have been inclined recently
to criticize our minister for the little
flaws that his sermons co./lain, but 1
flank we ought to lake them surnmtn
"Yes," replied her heesless. "1 think
so, loo. 1 don't like those sermons That
toe all flabby. Give me the goal stiff
ones that scent to have bones in 'em,
even if they ain't just as polished as
they might _be."
S f
O `//
1 PI LLSere
(leef'4 l KIDNEY ret,
WI g3R 1 HT M pj5r r'.
"'o IAfl CS 9A
1S'Sfl; NO. u's (7.