HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-12, Page 7THE EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER l2th 1907
'Crediton The Grey Nuns and ,li• :Irisl 1114. 11. \\r. If(awe,e,
• uk i Ma`•ter Lloyd and Visa Addie Turn -
Mr. r� Zam B
Why not be comfortable the rest
of the season when you can get a
beautiful Summer Suit, made to
order for $10.
Save Money by Dealing at the
SHOES! We still have a gsupply at tyle old prices. Ask your neigh-
�j LiJ• hors if they are notood satisfied with what they have bought dur-
IIng the last month.
For the next thirty days we will give Special Bargains in all
kinds of Dishes. Colne and see for yourself.
DRY GOODS Our Fall Goods are coming in. We have to hand a
large stock of Flannelette Blankets, Flannelette
Shirting, Fancy Flannelettes, Flannelette Sheeting double width.
Velours, Apron Ginghams, Tartan Plaids. These have all been bought at
right prices. Come early and get your choice.
u will
Men's -and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing! wYaontanewv
suit to go to the Fall Fairs. Wa have them and will sell them at right prices.
40 Suit ends. Special bargains. Made to order.
We are agents for the Paris Plow. Have several in stock at low prices.
Colne and see them.
FreshGroceries always on hand. Highest Prices paid for Produce
Reductino in Dry Goods
Owing to some of our goods being
damaged by smoke and water in
the recent fire, -we have concluded
to sort them out and sell at a Red-
We will also add to this the balance of our summer stock,
As having jest taken stock we find it to large for the space we
have in our store, we will also include in the sale our stock
of Ready Made Clothing. "`i
You will also find low value in flannellette and gen-
eral goods, they having been bought at
old prices.
Fresh Groceries on Hand Produce taken in exchange.
J. Kellermann, Dashwood.
Our Mail Order System
Will Save You Money
Von can buy a raincoat
by mail from us just as satis-
factorily as by a personal
Visit. And think of the
greater value this house gives
you in return for your money.
We buy the materials direct from
the weavers, painstakingly make the
coats in our own factory, and sell
them direct to you through our
own stores. We are in 'the posi-
tion to give you best value in
Canada—and we do
While very dressy, our rain-
coats are, first of all, water shed-
ders. We guarantee them rain-
proof. Best serge linings are used.
Coats are hand tailored.
We guarantee a perfed Jii!, complete
satisfaction, or money refunded. \\'e will
gladly mail samples of materials if you will
send us your address. 48 to 52 inch lengths.
;6.95, $8.50 $10, $12.
$15, up to $25.
in¢ a Operating 2 Factories and
• 7 Stores in Canada
J. M. HICKEY, Manager
I ondan, Ontario
A very pretty %%eddies took place
at the Rectory, kirkton on \\wines•
day, Sep:. 11tb, when .NI:SM Norma
Dickens daujhtc•r of Mr. Thos. Dick-
ens • a married to Mr. Robert Cole -
Um. 7h.' ccretnony was performed
by Ref. Itacey. M'« Dickers is one
Of our most estimable younz women,
While Mr. Coleman, who recently
same from irelan.l is held in t}:•
biztust (5te`11l by every one.
Mrs. Mary Mitchell, of Stratford
to the ;nest of Mr. and Mrs. Fra• k
The Misses I}rowtae•', of Viltfc•
palled on friends herr yesterday.
1'111.1'.• is a 1 in this parish
that fatty it. tlu' great spc(4
pacer from li>,'er \rilI zo to Buf-
falo for the Grand Circuit 1next
mon tb.
The uton y whish our &len put up
r.n Dr. Harvey and 8. 8., bout horses
being from Exeter, was Welded on
Mr. Wm. Srhraeder is busy train-
ing horses on •tl.e track at Exeter.
Will is a handy min wwith the 'horse.
Mr. Berton of this bur z, ill/ his
pacinz mare in fine trim for the ra-
ces next Tuesday.
Mr. 1). McQueen is at present vis -
Mit; his mother.
R. I'. J. MtcUE, MF.M13E1t ON-
atm and Sui Keens. successor to Dr.
Z. A. Iia/at. Crediton. Out.
Mrs. Scott aid cousin, Mrs. Mc-
Catnbrid3e, of Philadelphia avers the
guests of Mrs. .Link sand other
friends this %seek.
Mr, S. Brown was in London this
week c.otnbinin3 busin.ss ♦with visa -
ltr. aid Mrs. 1'h.lip Ward wets'
the etuests of the letter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. llodgitus and other
relatives atxt friends -this iveek.
We are plcased it() learn tlunt Mr.
Ira Drown. who .recently went seat,
is doing well. being manager of a
general store in Carman, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. 'F. W. Clark and Mr.
:rid Mrs. W. Clark visit.•d friend.
in Dashwood on Sunday.
Miss Ethel Clark Is this %reek vis-
iting friends in Ailsa Craig.
Mrs. Daniel Coughlin. Centralia, is
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.)
Owing to the continued illness
of Mrs. Michael Mantle, t be iini;hts
of the Maccabees of th_+ World of
which tic is a member, havo grant -
her Disability Benefits, %%-hioh amount
to one tenth of the amount of her
policy per year, and is paid quarter-
ly. the Order 1s to be bizhly rec-
ommended for the errcat zood it is
doing in this way throu.tiout t!,c
Miss Martha \We.nzel was a visi-
tor at the ,borne of Mr. C. Either at
Zurich last Areek.
A .great many frnri this •icinity
are taking in .the estern Exhibi-
t ion.
Mir. Chas. and \Williatu Brown from
Pittsburg are spending a few week',
under t he parental .roof.
Geo. If. Boltzmann bas the con-
tract of rcnovatin; the Ebenezer
church on the 9t11 concession.
Bliss ('alvin and Mrs. Trick re-
turned Sat. eve last from the millin-
ery openings at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz, of Grand
Bend spent a short time in the vil-
lage, the ,zuests of J G. `-cit on
Mr. Arthur Kellermann, a student
in the Northwestern Collc;c, Napier-
ville, Ills., occupied the pulpit in t
Evangelical Church of Zurich ,
week ago Sunday. Mr. Ilellermann
is an able speaker and has a bright
future before hien.
Miss Minnie Ehlers, a student of
the Northwestern Colle.re aanz a
solo in the Evangelical Church last
Sunday evening.
Mr. Arthur Kellermann 'occupied
the pulpit of the 1 4th con Evan el-
ical Church last Sunday afternoon.
All Meese holding due bilis a.;ainst
'me by calling at my residence on or
before Sept. 15th wili be settled. T
would also ask those owin; me to
call and settle on or before %the
above date, as 1 intend starting
again as soon Its t he buil(lin; is
ready.—\Wtn. Shrumnl.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eidt, of I'ark-
hill, was the quest of his parent-,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Eidt, over Sunday.
Miss Olive Quancc, of Exeter, vis-
ited friends in ,Dashwood last week.
Mr. J. llartleill last week mowed
into this residence owned by- ;Mr.
Win. 'Zimmer, on 'Main atrc,et.
A number of ;these interested in
the planing mill visited Goderich on
Saturday on business.
A number from here took in th-:
fair at London this week.
lir. J. Ila rtleib this week has men
en.7.1:g-e<1 in rebuilding :the . brick
blc• k which was destroyed by fire a
fee weeks ago. Mr. Geo. Edihoffer
in ends opening up his shoe store in
t is • tailor -;hop owned by Mrs.'1'raft,
':r. Wm. Shrumm intends starling
till as soon ns he can Beet a building.
Mr. David Ti neinn and Mr. G
1:<lighofffcr spent Monday and Tues-
day in London wwhe•re they will at-
tend the fair as weli as purchase
new stocks of lgood;.
Miss Martha Oestreicher is (trey: -
mak inz with the Misses Tiernan.
Mr. Fred Siire is home from De-
troit to attend his brother's iweddine.
A very pretty wedding took place
at de. Lutheran church \Wedn.\4,1119
eveninse Sept. 11 t h, at six o'clock,
when .hiss fhenia l}renu.'r was mar-
ried to Mr. Nicholas Stirs., both of
Dashwood. The bride's sown was of
while organdie trimmed with val.
anceinnes lace. .She was nssistect by
her sister- Miss 114 r1 ha .11re:riner,
while Mr. bred Siire supported the
Mr. Jacob Kellermann let r \" (t-
nesdiy ntornin• for •London and will
take in t he exhibition.
The, well known st rengt tr ninq
properties of iron • combined wit
other tonics and a most perfect ner-
vine, are found in Carter's iron fills
which strengthen the nerves and
body, and improve the blood and
' 11t'it0N
The Council of Seaford' is offer-
ing a reward of 8100 for the detec-
tion and conviction ref t he person or
persons who were responsible for the
recent fres in that town.
1 have found a tried and tested cure for Rheu.
mtIsm I Nota remedy that will strelghten the
distorted limb„ of chronic trip Ira, nor tom bogy
ffrowths back to flesh again. That is Impossible,
Rut I can now Purely kill the pales and Penile of
VIPs deplorable dts(rasa.
In (lcrmany—with a chemist In the City of
Darmstadt —I fotust the hoot ingredient with
which Uri hnnp's Rheumatic Remedy was made
a perfect...1, (Isl.-reliable prescription. Without
that last Ingredient. 1 successfully treated many,
many rases of Rheumatism: but now, at last. Ittail.
formly rums all curable rases of this heretofore
mace atomise disease. Thos, sand -like granular
'restos. found In itheumatic Mood oeem to dissolve
and pass sissy tinder the action of this remedy • s
freely as
, Alien enore water.
A hnwhees n.thespoisoous wastes
freely piss from the Py dem, and the canoe of
Rheumatism is sone I. reser. There le now no
real need—no actual es( use to suffer longer with-
out help. H'e real, and in confideap recommend
Dr. ShOOD's
Rheumatic Rem
Leading Institutions new use Stile
Many of the Raclin; institatior.s
throughout ('colada have now • adop-
ted Zam-lluk as s standard prepara-
tion without otual for skin diseases
and injuries, burns, blood poison, etc.
From the St. Patrick's Asyluut,in
Ottawa, comes the following appre-
ciation of its merits.
"Geutletnen,—in tie• wOha;1,3c de-
partment of the Asylum, we have
found 'Lam-lluk very good for heal•
in; cuts, cold sores. and skin injuries
generally, and shall continue to us':
it for such. Yours sincerely,
(Signed) GItEY NUNS."
\\'hen a mother rubs on to the
delicate skin of the children a baltu
or salve to heal some cut, bruise.
burn, eruption or skin disease, she
nerds to be as careful as if she were
givin; :t child an Internal remedy.
Zam-liuk is pure free from all ani-
mal fat and all mineral matter, and
may be applied with wonderful ben-
efit evoa to tha skin of young babies.
'Lam-Buk heals sores, sures 1-0-
zema, skin eruptions, ulcers, rine,-
worm, itch, barber's rash, blood
poison, bad leg, salt rheum, abrasions.
abscesses cuts. burns, scalds and all
skin injuries and diseases. Of all
stores and dru;zists at 50 cents, or
from 'Gaal-Iluk Co., Toronto fp:
price. 3 boxes for $1.25,
to oppose arrest P.S.—We have a quantity of
' --- --t---- at first tout !the
your drug;i.st some little Candy Cold he was at and Lad no furbher trout -
i bull visited a1 r. end Mrs. Kaufman
j of Wei:cote on Saturday and at Lon-
' don hair on Mon'lay.
4lri. Jas. Gardiner visited London
Exhibition t his w. t•k.
Sliss Nellie Barris is as a visit orI
at London Fair. •
Mrs. John lletvet1 who .has b:•en
ailing lately was taken to the 11.0110
of Ler -sou 31r. E. Hewitt, on Mon- W
(lay last. n
The Misses SleveJtsou, of Lis tow -
e1 are visitin; Mrs. Jos. Vallee. Winte
Messrs, F. 11. 113141 11. J. Itorla ml
returned from Toronto '.rt alssel: v
Tie, :iauIouu 'u, Alt has rb.rrt 131.1410
of the nttwig;' el S113.4Lottie Stew-
art to Mu. Arthur N. Capnple-II to Men's
lake place early in October 1007.
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia
should use" Carter's Little Nerve
l'ills, which are made expressly for
alcepless, nervous dyspeptic, suffer-
ers. Price 25c.
e are receiving large shipments of Fall and
An Indian by ,the name of Jams'a Our stock will be complete in a short time and we invite your
r Goods in the latest styles
Dress Goods
and Children's Ready -
Made Clothing
Gents Furnishings
Flannelettes, Carpets
Blankets, Etc.
Kelogo, who has been %working for inspection. Our price for your full purchases will be close.
some months near Lawley mot an
over supply of firewater last Sat- Highest prices paid for Produce, A Call Solicited.
urday and was making thin;s inter-
esting in the rear h esidesiu's ,tore, C• ZWICgER • Crediton.
when Constable \\'bitesides tuck t.im
in clew's... 'rise redskin felt inclined
To check a cold quickly, get frctn dau;hay constable showed ihiul where
Tablets called Preventjcs. Drug- le. As the iron cage recently order -
gists everywhere aro now dispensing ed by tho talwn 4010314 has not ar-
Preventics, for they are &lot only rived, it was necessary for While -
safe, :but decidedly 'certain (Ind sides to take lois prisoner to Exeter
prompt. I'revontdcs contain ?to :Ind lock him up until Monday af- V V •
Quinine, no laxative, 'nothing harsh term
con when
he went after L,un.
nor sickening. Tako,, at tthse "sneeze The Indian stated that 1,4: soured ,his
first class Timothy 5,?ed for sale
state" I'revonLirs will prevent pneu- liquor from two Indians who chitin-
'morila bronchitis, La Grippe elc. ed to have purchased it in Exeter.
I{ence tlse name.1'revent.ics. Goon l'ht' death of Mr. James Stewart
for feverish children. 48 preventiccslast Saturday was very gad indeed.
25 cents. 'Trial Boxes 5 cents. The deceased was 'about 79 years of
Sold by W. S. Howey. age :and boarded at the Commercial
hotel. On Saturday August alst he
K1ItKTON had some words with Wm. llodgius
Messrs. Wm., Janus and Henryover some money matters and during
Balfour lett for .\Vinnipe; on Tues -
argument blows •were exchanged.
day to visit -a sister who is danger—
ously ill.
Mr. Ira Marshall left on Tuesday
for Ilanliota, Man., and the surroun-
ding district takin; the Borne -seek-
ers' Excursion.
Messrs, Richard Ilirtch, Silas Shier,
and \\ m. Elliott are exhibiting
horses at the \Western, Fair London,
this week.
Miss Effie Cornish, of ,Monklon, is
visiting at home this week.
Misses Laura and Irene Marshall
will leave for Toronto on Monday
next to attend the University.
Our experts at dement layine have
put down a fine piece of walk on
the West side of Bain Street from
the store to (Mr. Jarnieson's, a new
Blain anywhere, pain in tho head.
painful periods, Neuralgia, toothache
all pains can ,he promptly stopped p.A.1B T O R T A .
ed by a Tablet
ugTtly safe little Pink
Bears the
the Kind You Hare Always Bou,Thl
(Candy Taablet known fy Druggislts
everywhere as 1)r. Shoop's Beadaehe Signature
Tablets. fain simply means onies- of
tion—undue blood pressure at She --------
point where the (pain exists. 1)r.
Shoop's Headache Tablets quickly
equalize this unnatural blood pres-
sure, ani% pain immediately departs.
Write Dr. Shoop, Jtacine, Wis., and
get a free trial t)ackaee. Larne box
25 cents. W. S. ILowey.
Messrs. Geor;e and Wes. Ileywood
and Thos. -Stacey nt-ere in Toronto C
left eye. Tho two t&en were separa-
ted and Stewart was taken to his
roots where Itis wounds were washed A large assortment of Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, and Granite -
with water and u beast :talc bandage
put on to reduce the swelling. The ware at Rockbottom prices.
next day lie felt alright, but ion ac-
count of the continued swelliu; a W
Has expert workmen with practical experience
to do your
physician was called in. Notwith-
standing the best treatment the •
swelling continued and was finally _
diagroscd as erysipelas. It awas 11n -
possible to stop the ravages of the '1'
poisoning and Mr. Stewart died or
Saturday night. I)r. Ilrowning, cur
oner for i{uron County was called
and after taking affidavits of those .I,
present, considered the evidence in-
sufficient to hold nn inquest, al- j
Shot';!t he would would do so i
the relatives cot tho deceased so de
Away Down in Price
f * See our White Dinner Plates at 25c a dozen; Glass Tumblers
2 for 5c; Pitchers, Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Etc.
:and Nia!ara Falls last week.
ome to London!
Mr. and 'Mrs. Norman Jarrott, of wh
Hay visited Mr. Geor;e Upshall last y :
Sunday. J
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Miller, of To consult the specialists of the Tait-
Croinarty wero the ;nests of Mr. and Brows Optical Company and have your
Mrs. Chas. Godbolt last Sunday. eye troubles corrected by a pair of prop:-
rop=Miss Sarah Clements, of New York ' afly fitted glasses. We are the only eye -
is visitin; at the home of her not her ; sight •=parts In Cwtake 11}1 the
responsibility of your eyesanada from prescrib-
here. I
Mr. Wm. and Miss Eliza Clements ing the correcting lenses to the making
left last Tuesday for the Northwest , of the gla`ses complete on the premises
We have a nice range of Caps for fall for men and boys.
+ A nice range of Boys' Sweaters.
New Wrapperettes and Flannelettes. A nice range of patterns
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
4'++++++++++++++++++++4 • -44+ 4.4 4 ++i'•t�t••F•F•4••l•-f••d ++++++'1"i•'iri�_�li
••••NNN•N•NNN••NN •N•••NN••••••N�+•NNS
fl. MILLS, - WOODf-ifIM
Wo have just received in stock a erato of dishes, white a blue tlat-
terns, Cups and Cups -and Saucers, also Toilet Sets, Bowls and 'Pitchers,
all /sizes, Which we aro 'selling right.
Hay Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14e lb.
All kinds' ol, harvest% oods in stock.
Maohino Oil, Peerlca�, the bast, 40o gallon.
Wo have about 6 pieces of thatcheap Dfuslin left yet whioh we are
selling cheap.
Nlao Frcah Grooeriea and Pure Spices in Stock.
Illgheat prioes, cash or t rade, for produce.
�fh �ontli y will remain fora couple • HE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Medd and Mr.' EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS
&d Mrs. W. W. Kerr and bliss Vera 237 MadSt.. -
'oward left Tuesday t o attend t he; asLoaders, Oat
London Fair.
)ir. Elmer Coward and \\'nl. Stil-
son of London, were the ,zuests of
Mr. anti 51r.s. 'Phos. Coward ,last
Thi• rain on Saturday WA/4much
npprcci:ltcd, WA/4
OD.' Arnold Taylor- is cttlendin;
the 8t. Mary's II;zh 8ohool.
Miss Lilo Taylor hos returned
home !after •two weeks visiting
friernls at Toronto.
Messrs. John Simps-n and C. Creery
and Wesley Jacques intend spendin;
n couple of days tit the London Fair,
Miss M. Taylor is wisitinz friends
at Exeter.
11 r. ,John llerdman seen; Sunday
ac henry squires.
Boars the The Kind ion Hare Always ek,aght
of . ate
McCUE. — In Crediton on Saturday,
September 7th, to Dr. and Mrs.
McCue 0 son.
FOLLiC1' —1n Grand Forks, N. D.,
Sept. tint to Mr. and Mrs. Edgerton
Follick, a son.
CALD\WELL—FOBI) — In Stephen
at thr• home of the bride's parents
Mr, and Mrs. Jaynes Ford, on Wed-
nesday, when their second young-
est dau;filer, Lorraine •was mar-
ried to Mr. John Caldwell, et
bit r k,' rent 1 h.
COi.EMAN—i)ICKENS — At Kirk! on
on Wednesday Sept. 11th. by Rr•v.
ltac, y, Mr. Thos. Coleman to Mi,;s
Norm! Dickens, both of aaint•-
STE\WAIRT—In ikensnll, Saturday,
Sept. 7th, James Stewart a;rd 78
CLARRKF:--At the residence of her
!-laughter, Mrs. M. J. White, 2312
8battusk Ave.. llcrkely, California,
Mrs. Annie Clarks, relict of tho
late N. .1. Clarke, termed)* of
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••N•••••NNN.•N..
440 .�%o�'
This brand—on a bag or barrel—is the mark
of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall
Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled
by the best millers in Ontario.
Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour—and
look for the above brand wherever you buy.
"Made in Ontario "
High Glass
People who buy diamonds
want stones that will bear
the closest scrutiny — gems
which are free from flaws
and from whose surface
every ray of light is reflect-
ed as from a drop of water.
We carry all sizes of dia-
monds from the largest to
the sutalleat, either set or
unset and all of the purest
C. H. WARD & CO.
,Tr ijRichtnond St, NMI ppb
For Infants and Children.
Th Kind You liars Alums loped
Bears the
Signature of